Paid survey with instant withdrawal of money. Earning money from online surveys without investment: Examples and real reviews

Online surveys that pay you money

How much can you earn from online surveys?

Participating in online surveys, as well as completing tasks, will not bring you much income. At the same time, this activity is suitable as additional income, especially considering its accessibility and, moreover, it does not require any investment. In this article, we will look at what a survey business is, who pays for what, and how much you can earn from it.

What are the mechanics of a survey business and what do they pay for?

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

The main goal of population surveys is research, when public opinion is analyzed and summarized in order to obtain a real picture of consumer preferences. For example, several hundred respondents are simultaneously surveyed about how a new car model will be received by buyers, how they would like to see its design, equipment, what promotions to launch to support sales, etc. Why do you pay for surveys when you can just ask people to answer questions? The obstacle is that no one will fill out voluminous sheets with several dozen questions for free. Therefore, in the West, and then in Russia, a business emerged on this basis in which large specialized online platforms compete. They sell their intermediary services to marketing agencies, and they, in turn, sell to global brands with large marketing budgets. The final customer can also be sociological services, which also experience an acute shortage of voluntary respondents. The fact that you fill out a consumer questionnaire does not mean that you personally use the advertised product. This does not even mean that you held it in your hands and have an idea about it. This is the art of the performer: quickly finding the necessary information and presenting it competently.

Earning money from surveys, although it falls into the category of earning income without investments, is noticeably different from the previously discussed earnings from clicks and tasks. The latter are impersonal and accessible to almost anyone. Surveys require an individual approach to the performer and contain certain requirements for your professional qualifications, level of education and breadth of outlook. Therefore, you will only receive profiles that match your profile. For example, if you are a man, you are unlikely to receive questions about women's cosmetics. Working with the site begins with standard registration, but then the process, compared to surfing and tasks, becomes more complicated. You will be asked to fill out a fairly lengthy questionnaire about yourself in order to verify your profile and understand what surveys and how many you will receive. By the way, many sites, in order to attract more users, pay for the very fact of filling out personal data. Next, you complete a trial survey, based on which your skill level and abilities will be determined. All that remains is to wait for the tasks from the service to arrive by email. At first, there are usually few surveys, because you don’t yet have an established reputation and corresponding rating on the site, then the number of orders will increase.

Which survey services are worth considering?

Sites specializing in consumer surveys are colloquially called questionnaires. On some sites, points are awarded as payment, followed by an exchange for money as the threshold amount accumulates (usually 10:1). On others, payments are immediately denominated in rubles or foreign currency. I will focus on five services that support the Russian language and have a reputation for paying. You can choose other options; there are more than enough of them on the Internet. - positions itself as the largest Russian-language project in its niche, with more than a million participants. The average price of a survey is low - 30 rubles. There are bonus and referral programs, prize draws. Feature: pays 5 rubles. for a survey that you did not qualify for. The minimum withdrawal requirement is high - 1000 rubles, and only to a mobile phone account or to charity. There is an Expert+ application that increases the chances of receiving questionnaires and more quickly searching for information.

Pays on average 30-50 rubles. for the survey. Clients include Ford, Sberbank, Kitekat, Danone, etc. Withdrawal of funds to WebMoney or to your phone after accumulating 500 points. Verification and withdrawal take about two weeks. For each referral they pay an additional 15.5 rubles. on account.

  • Paid survey (

Designed for Russian-speaking audiences in the countries of the former USSR. The main counterparty is the Swedish analytical center CINT. The number of members stated on the site is more than 2.7 million, but I believe not all of them are active users. Withdrawing money from 300 rubles to WebMoney. It is possible to quickly receive questionnaires via RSS feed. - the service is proud of its clients: Google, Coca-Cola, Nestle, IKEA, Yandex, Martini, which speaks of its reliable reputation. The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles. Respondents are selected using a random sampling method that takes into account the participant's profile.

  • Withdrawal only to phone or to charity;
  • There is no referral program.

Ask GFK Russia

Partner of the global marketing agency GFK. Profiles on this service are considered one of the most expensive, on average 80-120 rubles. Withdrawal upon accumulation of 3000 points (equivalent to 300 rubles). Payment is due no earlier than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. To expand your capabilities, you can try to enter the expanses of the bourgeoisie. English-language surveys pay more in dollars. Questionnaires can be searched on foreign websites operating in the CIS: Feebbo Russia (Spain), (USA), (India), (England), MYIYO (global service, operates in 15 countries) . A plus is the presence of Russian sites with a clear interface. The downside is a more complex withdrawal system, for example, through a prize - a prepaid MasterCard card.

Common to all questionnaires:

  • You must be in the reference (target) group to receive an order;
  • The reward is not paid immediately, but after verification, up to 2 weeks or even once a month;
  • You must be at least 16 years old (or have the consent of a guardian) as you provide detailed personal information in your profile;
  • You need to get yourself a walletWebmoney;
  • The use of bots to generate answers to questions is prohibited;
  • You cannot create more than one account on one site, the punishment is eternal ban;
  • All large projects have the option of donating to charity, as this is part of the corporate culture of the customer corporations.

Important: Beware of scam sites, of which there are plenty in this niche. Before registering, try on the site the universal signs of a reliable site:

  • Age – from 3 years;
  • Impressive user statistics;
  • Cooperation with global brands;
  • A clear payment policy without freezing funds;

73% of Russians use the Internet, of which 47% of respondents do it daily. A third of the population (33%) periodically purchases goods from online stores. About 2.5 million employees already work remotely, and by 2020, 20% of jobs will be virtual.

All this data could not be obtained without surveys and sociological research. With the help of the obtained figures, you can have a clearer idea of ​​what is happening in the world, a specific industry, life, business. This data helps you predict events and make smarter decisions based on this.

Did you know that you can earn money remotely by taking surveys like these? Business firms and political organizations are willing to pay for surveys in order to better understand the needs of their clients, voters, etc.

If you are looking for an easy and proven way to make money on the Internet, make yourself comfortable. In the article I will tell you about all the intricacies of “work”, about the sites I have tested, and also give some practical tips on how to speed up your earnings. And at the end of the article you will find details of how you can earn an additional 5,000 rubles from surveys. already this month!

How to make money from surveys?

Paid surveys – This is a part-time job at home, the essence of which is to answer questions posed by customers on special sites (which you will learn about below). You will not need to invest funds or attract active referrals (this is not necessary, but is always welcome).

Paid surveys (also called Questionnaires) were created to connect producers of goods/services and consumers. The former seek to improve the quality of service or production to increase the number of customers, and, accordingly, . To understand what the problem is with their company, they need to get feedback from customers, which is often not possible to do locally. That's why they order paid surveys.

Based on the test results, company employees begin to improve the quality of products or increase.

How much can you earn?

Each survey service offers its own prices. For example, on the site the average cost of a survey is 50 rubles, and on Paid Survey the minimum price is set at 30 rubles. Sounds tempting? I thought so too when I registered on the sites. Let’s figure out what makes money from surveys depends on:

1 Duration (complexity) of the survey. Obviously, you won’t be paid 50 rubles (maximum 10) for a minute of testing. But if you spend 10-15 minutes, the reward will be several times higher. The duration does not depend on the participants, however, many sites offer a short and full version of the survey. It is recommended to go through the full options to earn more. For example, on the Questionnaire website I completed a “quick” survey and received 5 rubles for it:

Although for the full version I would get 40 rubles

2 Survey completion frequency. Everything is obvious here: the more surveys you completed, the more you earned.

Earnings from one site are small. If we take the average value, you will earn from 100 to 500 rubles per month from one site. If you are registered, say, on 5 sites, the maximum income will be 2,500 rubles monthly. And if you combine it with other types of online earnings, such as writing and writing, you’ll get even more.

But is it difficult to make money from surveys? And how often do new tests appear on sites? This will be discussed further.

The first difficulty I encountered was the lack of assignments. There are no surveys available after registration. A beginner who wants to earn money here and now will think that this income is of little demand, which is why there are no tasks. I checked several sites and was convinced that this was the case everywhere. And now I will explain why.

After registration, you create a personal questionnaire, which describes your main preferences, field of activity and other information (I will tell you more about this below). Accordingly, the creators need time to select a survey for you. Agree, a survey about investments will be of little use if it is answered by a schoolchild or a mother on maternity leave.

I have highlighted a few tips that will help beginners quickly get used to the field of making money on surveys:

1 Don’t expect to receive dozens of surveys after registering. This all happens gradually. Register on several resources at the same time and wait.

2 Fill out the personal questionnaire (more about this step below) in as much detail as possible. Write about yourself honestly, since the completeness of the information and its truthfulness determine what surveys they will send you and in what quantity.

3 Check reviews of resources. Below I review sites that have been tested by time and thousands of users, but I do not exclude the fact that there are other projects on the RuNet that have just begun to gain momentum. But can they be trusted? It is better to spend time studying reviews than to be left with nothing.

How long does it take to complete the survey? From 10 minutes to 1-2 hours. Depends on the number of new surveys per day. By registering on 3-5 resources, you will increase the amount of work, but it will also take more time.

To summarize, I can say with confidence that it is not difficult to make money from surveys. As a comparison, you can take . Participating in online surveys is both more profitable and less labor-intensive.

The most important step is filling out the form

Questionnaire – This is an important detail that directly affects the user’s earnings. Some surveys, for example, are created exclusively for a female audience, others for car enthusiasts, and others for people involved in investments.

Filling out a questionnaire is the most important step for a person who wants to make money from surveys. You need to disclose complete information about yourself and your field of activity.

They suggest doing this immediately after registration (let’s take the Questionnaire questionnaire as an example):

Here are some examples of filling out the profile form:

Take time for this stage. Yes, it may be long and tedious, but the result will exceed expectations. Remember what purchases you made over the last year, what services you used. Even if it was a 5-minute procedure, it will still affect the receipt of surveys.

Why fill out the profile form?? Agree that it is difficult to create any survey for a person based on an “empty” and uninformative questionnaire. But users who have provided maximum information about themselves have a high chance of receiving new tests more often.

Popular sites that pay for surveys

Below you will learn about proven domestic questionnaires. There are also foreign sites where earnings can be many times higher. Personally, I haven’t tested them because my English is poor. But if you are okay with this, then Google it. I would be grateful if you share your experience in the comments.

LifePoints (formerly GlobalTestMarket)

Conclusion: is it worth making money from surveys?

Paid surveys are a simple way to make money on the Internet. You will not need any special skills or knowledge - just an hour or two of free time and patience, since new tests do not appear as often as we would like.

I recommend paid surveys to those who want to make money on the Internet. It's at least worth a try. The work is simple, and payment is made in money or material prizes. For example, I will finally be able to order new headphones once I accumulate a certain number of points.

What do you think about paid surveys? And have you encountered them before? Share your experience and opinion in the comments!

For the most active and attentive readers, we have prepared SPECIAL OFFER! Write an article about your experience of taking paid surveys and we will pay you 3,000 – 5,000 rubles. (depends on the volume and quality of your review). Read the entire article carefully, register on the suggested sites, you can find any others and start completing surveys. We need interesting stories and cases. If you earn from this 1,000 rubles. per month, if you know any interesting tricks or secrets for increasing your earnings, if you use other, more profitable survey sites, and you are ready to write a detailed article about it, then contact us

Important: Please read this guide thoroughly before you start using paid surveys. Analyze the information. And then, without haste, start registering. First, start registering for Russian-language paid surveys - it’s easier, faster, and you’ll gain experience, which is important before working with Western survey services. After registering on domestic sites, go to foreign ones.

Note: If you plan to make good money from surveys, you need to register for all survey services. Yes, it's hard and takes time. But this only needs to be done once. Only this way is it possible to receive a large number of surveys (and therefore earn a decent income). And this is how you can turn taking paid surveys into a stable and decent income. Most people who start working with surveys, without experience or instructions, register on a couple of survey services, and then complain that they receive few surveys and that it is impossible to make money on it.

The number of survey companies is growing from year to year. And if you master this type of income now, then in the future you will have a chance to have an additional type of income from surveys. For example, about 5 years ago there were only about 5-7 high-quality survey services in RuNet. At the moment there are already dozens of them in Russia. And in a few years there will be more than 50 of them. And you also need to take into account competition, which will grow rapidly, which will lead to increased payment for completing surveys. From all of the above, we can conclude that this area of ​​​​earnings is very promising.

Rules for registering for paid survey services.

Rules for filling out survey forms.

The number of tasks that will be sent to you depends not only on HOW you registered on the site, but also on how well you answer the questions of these tasks. The basic principle is that the answers to the questions must fully correspond to the image you have created of a representative of the middle class. Very often, even people knowledgeable about this type of earnings simply forget about it (or are inattentive to it). As a result, it is impossible to earn decent money from surveys. It is imperative to remember that you cannot complete survey tasks “just how.” When filling out questionnaires, always keep the created image in your head.

However, do not forget that registration data on Russian-language survey sites is slightly different from the personal data of Western survey companies. This may seem like clear and easy things to you, but, as practice shows, many people often forget about this while working.

When answering questions, be imaginative and get into character a little. This may sound crazy, but it's a really important point and helps a lot. There is nothing complicated about this, and to some extent it is even interesting.

But don’t let your guard down—from time to time, surveys may contain identical test questions, but formulated differently. The same question, expressed in different words, can appear in different places in the survey task. Such questions should be answered in the same way, otherwise the administration of the survey service may suspect you of mindlessly completing the survey, “automatically.” Therefore, when you answer, remember your previous answers if possible.

Among other things, surveys sometimes contain the same questions that were asked during registration. For example, during registration you wrote that you have children aged 3 and 14 years. In future surveys, the same question may well arise. Just be careful. It may not be amiss if, before taking the surveys, you print out or simply write down by hand your personal information specified during registration. This will make it easier and you won’t get confused. In fact, completing survey tasks is not at all difficult. You just need to get used to this approach a little. Actually, this approach to filling out survey forms gives you a chance to make good money. Once you get the hang of it, all the work will happen automatically.

In this type of work, as in any other type of income, at the beginning the work process will require a little more effort and time than after you already have the necessary experience and skills. And then everything will move much faster. Now, I think it’s clear to you why those who are trying to make money on surveys without knowing all these subtleties (registration rules and rules for completing tasks) cannot get even $10 in this type of income.


  1. Create a working mailbox with, select an English-Russian translator.
  2. Create electronic wallets - WebMoney or Yandex.Money, as well as PayPal, which is necessary for working with foreign paid surveys.
  3. Once again, re-read the recommendations on how to correctly register on the websites of survey companies.
  4. Imagine, create an image of a person belonging to the middle class: where he lives, where he works, what his business is like, what his kids are like, his income level. Separately for English and Russian speakers.
  5. Following the rules and mentally imagining the image you have come up with, first register on all Russian-language survey sites. Gain experience and skills in completing survey tasks, following all tips and recommendations.
  6. Using an electronic translator, register on foreign survey sites.
  7. Receive and cash out money for completing survey tasks.

Earning money from paid surveys - receiving a monetary reward for answering questions on various questionnaires and market research. The purpose of these surveys and questionnaires is to study user opinions, as well as consumer demand for various products or services. The main advantage of this type of earnings is its accessibility: absolutely any user can take surveys. In addition, it is interesting - you will always be aware of new popular and current trends in the world of marketing.

How much can you earn from surveys?

Unfortunately, this type of profit making has several significant disadvantages. The first is that surveys are not always available to complete. Second, for most studies you will not fit certain characteristics. For example, if a company wants to know the opinion of men ( from 18 to 24 years old) about a new fashionable eau de toilette, and you have recently turned 25 - you will no longer receive an invitation to take a survey.

How much can you earn from online surveys?

A limited number of questionnaires are available to complete every day, so the income from this method of earning is small. For one questionnaire they pay approximately from 25 to 150 rubles ( depends on the specific site). The time it takes to fill out the questionnaire can last from 10 to 30 minutes. Accordingly, the more time you spent on completing it, the greater the reward you will receive for it.

If you spend several hours a day working, the profit from one site will be about 300-700 rubles. Is it possible to get more? By working on three or four sites at the same time, you will earn even more. If you fill out surveys for 100 rubles on average and complete 20 surveys a day, then in a working month you can earn more than 50,000 rubles.

Sites where you can make money from surveys

To get started, follow the link and register on the exchanges you are interested in. The following sites are verified - they definitely pay for questionnaires and surveys, which is confirmed by reviews from numerous users of these resources. So, with the help of the following sites you can make money from online surveys without investment:

  1. Questionnaire. Released in 2007, it is the largest Russian resource dedicated to marketing research. Currently, the site has more than a million users. Gives a small incentive after registration (10 rubles), and often sends invitations to surveys. You can withdraw funds when you have accumulated 1000 rubles.
  2. PaidSurvey. Another popular survey site. The site is owned by a large company, GlobalDataService, which has offices in several countries. The fee for a completed survey is from 30 to 150 rubles. The minimum withdrawal amount is 300 rubles.
  3. Do you want to earn money without investment right now by filling out questionnaires on topics that interest you? AutoPoll– a survey service that is dedicated to cars and everything related to them. They pay about 50 rubles per survey. Invitations to online surveys come regularly. It is possible to receive payment by postal order.
  4. Questionnaire. On the site you will not only earn money from surveys, but also try your hand at competitions for visitors to the resource. The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 100 rubles. It is possible to withdraw funds to your mobile phone account.
  5. My opinion. The project does not pay for completing surveys, but adds points to your account that can be used to purchase various products from the catalog. The selection of goods is huge: there is everything from women's handbags to phones or tablets. There is also the opportunity to exchange points for discounts and store coupons.
  6. Toluna. Another popular survey community. A large number of profiles (up to 10 invitations can be received per day). In addition to monetary rewards, the site provides payments with discounts, gift certificates and gifts.
  7. Is it possible to work on foreign sites? Can. Myiyo is a relatively new foreign project that supports the Russian language. Pays in euros (for one profile - from 1 to 10), withdrawal of earnings to social networks. Requests for funds are carried out via the PayPal payment system. The minimum withdrawal amount is 20 euros.

Many sites pay a small compensation if you were invited to take a survey and did not meet the qualifications (the approximate amount of compensation is 5 rubles).

Almost all users who want to make money from surveys face some problems. Some people receive few letters from the survey site, others are not allowed to access the main part of the questionnaire. Before you start registering and working on sites where you can make money on surveys, you need to know a few simple rules. Do you want to increase your earnings? Use the following tips:

  • Before you start, be sure to register in any payment system; usually survey sites work with WebMoney, Yandex.Wallet, QIWI wallets.
  • create an account on several resources at the same time (the more surveys, the more income);
  • check your email as often as possible - some surveys close as soon as the required number of people is reached (as they say, “the early bird comes to the table”);
  • do not try to cheat, complete paid surveys carefully, the questionnaire may contain special questions that confirm the authenticity of the data you entered;
  • be sure to participate in the affiliate program by inviting friends and acquaintances - this will bring you additional income;
  • do not register using your own referral link - if you are caught, your profile will most likely be blocked;
  • After registration, each site offers to complete an initial survey, based on which you will receive an invitation - fill out this form based on your real data.

Now you know how to make money from online surveys. This method cannot be called particularly profitable, but it is perfect for people who want to earn a little extra money. You can work without having certain skills or special education.

Earning money from questionnaires and surveys is an ideal option for those who are taking their first steps towards making money on the Internet without investment.

Quote of the day: If you take a survey, you get money!

Greetings, dear Internet entrepreneurs. Today we will look at this type of earning money on the Internet as earning money from paid surveys. It may not become your main type of work on the Internet, but it can significantly weigh down your wallet or cover the current costs of mobile communications and the Internet.

The essence is clear from the topic itself. We will earn money by completing surveys on sites where Internet marketers pay for completing certain surveys to find out market trends.

We register on the site, fill out a form with your basic data to determine which target audience you are suitable for, take surveys, receive money and withdraw it to your e-wallet or mobile phone, depending on the selected survey site.

Who pays?

They are paid mainly by marketers conducting market research and target audiences commissioned by product manufacturers or organizations providing certain services. Opinion polls are less common, but they also occur.

Surveys can be completely different - from food or shampoo manufacturers, to car and household appliance manufacturers. It is natural for them to enter the market only with those goods or services that people need and will buy. Entering the markets without preliminary market analysis is like death.

Therefore, filling out surveys will not only be profitable, but often interesting if you fall into an interesting target audience.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage is the fact that you will be paid, sometimes up to 500 rubles, for spending 15-20 minutes of your personal time on taking a paid survey. Besides, this might be interesting to you. There is also no need for special knowledge and no need to go to an office somewhere, as is necessary when taking a survey on site in big cities like Moscow.

Everything would be fine, of course, but there is also a main disadvantage - there is little activity in Russia of such studies, so you won’t be able to take 10 surveys a day for 500 rubles. It is the low activity of Russian marketers that limits potential earnings on the Internet.

In the West, such research is much better, and it was from there that it came to us. So if you speak English or, at worst, know how to use an online translator, then I recommend that you register for English-language surveys, which will significantly increase your monthly income from paid surveys.

The second disadvantage is the extremely low payment for filling out a marketing questionnaire. On average, you can get one dollar or 30 rubles for one survey. There are also expensive surveys, but this is rare.

The third disadvantage is that in addition to the low activity of the researchers themselves, you may simply not fit the parameters. It would be stupid to ask a man about his opinion on feminine pads. This limits the number of surveys available to you. Although no one has yet prohibited having multiple accounts, our goal is still to earn money.

How much can you earn

Alas, no matter how simple everything may seem, you won’t be able to make much money from surveys, at least for now. I would set the bar at 500 rubles per month, if you do not do this as your main job. Of course, you can increase your income by using the referral system and creating several accounts, but is the game worth the candle?

Therefore, I do not consider this type of income as the main one that one should rely on. You can go through them in parallel with other types of earning money on the Internet for beginners:, or.

List of paid survey sites

Expert opinion

One of the most popular Russian services for taking paid surveys. Very simple registration, you can immediately earn 80 rubles by filling out profile questionnaires and then start taking online surveys, if there are any suitable ones. New surveys appear fairly regularly. The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles. There is a referral system.

Internet Opros

Another representative of Russian questionnaires. We register, fill out profile questionnaires (for which they really don’t pay as in Expert Opinion) and wait for marketing surveys. Surveys are conducted here quite often, but it is not a fact that you will fall into the target audience of everyone. The minimum price for completing is 30 rubles, the maximum, according to the site itself, can reach a thousand rubles for filling out. Unfortunately, you can’t increase your income through referrals here. But they have their own applications for mobile devices so that you can take paid surveys on them.

The name of this site speaks for itself. This site is the brainchild of the marketing agency Global Data Serviss, so you can count on frequent surveys. When registering, you are immediately given 10 rubles into your account. It's a small thing, but nice. You can invite friends using a referral link and receive additional income from them. The minimum withdrawal amount is 300 rubles, which can be withdrawn to a WebMoney e-wallet. The site has its own extension for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome browsers so that you can quickly receive notifications about new online surveys.


A questionnaire that is somewhat different from all sites in that you will earn points here, not money. Unfortunately, points cannot be converted into real money, but can be spent on purchasing goods from toys for your cat to a brand new iPhone.

Also, if you buy goods on partner sites of this system, but points are returned to your balance in the system.

On average, you can get 50 points for one questionnaire, mini-surveys - 15 points. You can increase your points by attracting friends to the site, thereby receiving 15 points. You can become a VIP member. To do this, you need to install a program on your computer that will track which sites you visit on the Internet. With VIP status you can get up to 300 points per month, but it is only available to users from Russia.

A questionnaire is more than just a site with paid surveys, it is an entire portal or even a social network with its own forum. Here you can not only participate in online surveys, but also conduct them yourself and get paid for it. The administration often holds competitions, for example, the best answer on a topic on the forum and receive a reward for this. You can invite both by invite and by referral link. Payment here ranges from 5 to 500 rubles for filling out one form. Regular appearance of tasks. One of the rare paid survey sites with withdrawal of money to the card .

Another site with paid surveys. When you register and fill out the form, you immediately receive fifty rubles into your account. In addition to regular surveys, there are express surveys. They don’t pay you money, but with them you increase your activity on the site and provide more information about yourself, which will allow you to participate in more surveys. They pay here on average 40-100 rubles for a full questionnaire or 5 rubles for a short one. Instead of money, you can accumulate gold here, which can be exchanged for a specific product, as in my opinion. You can invite friends and receive 10 rubles for each. By default, you can invite up to 40 friends; if you want more, you will need to write to the technical department.


RubleClub is more of a cashback service where you can earn extra money from paid surveys.

Cashback is a return of part of the money spent on a purchase or service on the Internet, as an additional bonus and a way to attract new customers

Those. if you buy something on the Internet and the store is a partner of RubleClub, then part of the amount that you can withdraw or spend on the Internet will be returned to your balance. After registering and filling out your profile, you will immediately earn 150 rubles. You can invite partners and earn money from their activity, up to 20% of their income. The only depressing fact is that since July 2016 the service only works with the PayPal payment system, which makes it difficult to withdraw in real money.

International large community for the formation of public opinion. Here you can fill out paid questionnaires, take thematic surveys, rate the best products and participate in so-called duels. For all your actions and your time spent, the system awards you points that you can spend in online stores that cooperate with Toluna.

It is especially worth noting that you can not only take a paid survey, but also evaluate the product in practice - it can be sent to you by mail to your residential address, after which you will write an honest assessment of the product.

There is an internal “game” in which you can win expensive goods by spending a few system points. There is no referral system.

A very large Western website for marketing and sociological research with Russian language support. For registering and filling out primary data, we immediately receive 150 points, which equals 1.5 euros. Money received from paid surveys from MarketAgent can be withdrawn to PayPal and Skrill, the minimum withdrawal amount is 2 euros. You can refer friends and receive 1 euro for each, after a friend completes at least one survey. There is no referral system on the site.

Profi Online Research

Another international marketing research site where you can earn money by filling out paid online questionnaires. New surveys appear 2-3 times a month and pay an average of 1 USD. for completing the survey, but there are also expensive ones for $20. The site apparently remained in 2014 and the conventional unit here is equal to 30 Russian rubles. The minimum withdrawal amount is 15 USD, but withdrawals take quite a long time - about two weeks.

These ten sites are enough for you to start earning your first money by taking paid surveys. But this is not the entire list. It will be replenished in the future. In the comments you can write those sites on which you earn money yourself and I will add them to the list.

When working on foreign questionnaires, immediately worry about ways to withdraw money through exchangers.

Blacklist of scam sites

In this section, you will get acquainted with paid survey sites that have been found to deceive users and not pay out the money they earned. If you encounter fraud, then write to me and I will add to this list.

  1. - the site does not pay when you reach the minimum amount for withdrawal. Just recently, the administration sent out a mailing claiming that they were supposedly resuming payments. Although it is not clear how you can resume something that never happened. Don't be fooled, scammer.
  2. Point of View ( is an expensive project with an application for mobile devices. However, he is suspected of collecting information and nothing more. The administration awards certain points for which it is not even responsible. I don't recommend getting involved.
  1. The first and main tip is to register on as many sites that conduct paid surveys as possible. Sitting on one site, you can sit for a whole month waiting for new research and still not get it.
  2. Register for only one mailbox. You can create a separate one for these purposes, so that only notifications about sites come there and do not get lost among other letters and spam.
  3. Fill out the questionnaires to the maximum, even those for which you do not pay money. This way you will provide more information about yourself and increase your chance of participating in research.
  4. Answer negatively to the questions: did you take this survey on another questionnaire and whether you or your relatives belong to the field of marketing, advertising and media.
  5. Try not to contradict yourself and the information you filled out in the initial questionnaire. The customer, suspecting a forgery, may reject your application and you will simply waste time.
  6. Bring your friends to sites if they have a referral system.
  7. Explore the possibility of creating several accounts with different data - this will increase the opportunity to complete the maximum number of surveys. If such an opportunity exists, then register using the referral link of your main account.


To summarize today's post, we can say that earning money from paid surveys is a fairly simple and easy additional income. It’s difficult to make it the main source of money, but if you want, you can make the most of it.

I would advise you to register on most sites and simply take surveys as new notifications arrive, but still choose another way of making money on the Internet as your main source.

You can take surveys in combination with surveys in real life if you live in a big city. Then income from surveys can increase significantly. You can find invitations to paid surveys in your city at conferences on the website and similar ones. Basically, of course, this is suitable for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. If you are interested, I will also write about making money from paid surveys in real life.

That’s all for today, good luck and more money in your wallet and account!