Questions to the certificate 1s professional unitary enterprise. New testing format "1C:Professional"

  • Certification costs 800 rubles; for a course student in our CSO - free of charge.
  • One retake is free.
  • Testing is carried out on weekdays from 09:00 to 19:00 by appointment.
  • The test result is known immediately after the test.
  • You can ask all questions by phone: (495) 725-86-58.

Here you can pass tests for all 1C: Professional certificates. Certification is carried out according to the schedule posted on the 1C website - the link to the entry is given below (you need to apply for the exam by filling in all the fields and selecting the appropriate exam from the list).

Sign up with us for 1C:Professional certification:

The 1C:Professional certificate is an official confirmation that its owner can effectively use in his work the full range of capabilities of the most common automation programs for accounting, operational trade and warehouse accounting and payroll.

For successful delivery exam and certification, you can purchase training manuals and methodological materials on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform from us, which will help you master the principles of development based on the new 1C:Enterprise 8 technological platform and become the necessary basis for preparing for the 1C:Enterprise certification. Professional".

  • According to the 1C:Enterprise 8 system:
    • "1C: Accounting 8";
    • "1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8";
    • "1c accounting public institution 8";
    • on knowledge of the main mechanisms and capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform;
    • "1C: Salary and personnel of a state institution 8";
    • "1C: Trade Management 8";
    • "1C: Management manufacturing plant 8";
    • "1C: Salary and personnel management 8";
    • knowledge of the features and application of budgeting in applied solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system;
    • knowledge of the features of the implementation and application of IFRS in applied solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system;
    • knowledge of the main features of the applied solutions of the 1C:Medicine line;
    • "1C: Enterprise 8. Management construction organization»;
    • "1C: Consolidation 8";
    • "1C: Management small firm 8";
    • "1C: Document management 8";
    • "1C: Retail 8";
    • "1C: Budget reporting 8";
    • "1C: General Educational Institution";
    • 1C:Enterprise 8. WMS Logistics. Warehouse management;
    • "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0";
    • For technological issues;
    • "1C: PROF University".

The certificate is issued by 1C according to the results of computer testing. The examination test consists of 14 questions. For each question, several answers are offered, from which it is necessary to choose the most complete and correct one. The time limit for answering all questions is 30 minutes. At the same time, the response time for each individual question is not limited. You must answer 12 out of 14 questions correctly in order to receive a positive grade (“Passed”). The order of answering questions, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made in the course of answering questions, repeated appeal to the same questions do not affect the result. Early response to all assignment questions is also not taken into account when evaluating results.

Dear colleagues!

Firm "1C" informs that from April 15, 2016 testing "1C: Professional" under the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" will be conducted on an updated set of exam questions.

Retake of tests passed before April 15, 2016 is not required, issued certificates remain valid.

The 1C firm strongly recommends that the heads of partner companies plan the dates for the certification of employees in order to avoid a situation where an employee is preparing for certification according to the previous version, and receives a test according to the new version of the set of questions.

Certification allows a specialist who is able to competently and effectively apply an applied solution in solving problems to receive official confirmation of his qualifications. The certificate gives the specialist advantages in job search and promotion, and the head of the enterprise - a criterion for assessing the knowledge of employees.

1C:Professional certification exams are accepted by 1C Certification Centers. The list of Certification Authorities is posted on the 1C website:

To the attention of the heads of partner companies : a change in the procedure for passing the test "1C: Professional" for employees of partner firms was published in the information letter No. 20305 dated 08/13/2015.

We draw the attention of partners participating in the project "1C: Competence Centers for ERP Solutions" that from May 25, 2015, in accordance with the terms of the application for participation in the project, the requirement for the presence of one certificate "1C: Professional" for "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" came into force to ensure the status of "1C: ERP Center". We recommend that you do not postpone taking the test and obtaining a certificate for a long time, as this may lead to a reduction in status to "Candidate for 1C: ERP Center".

The 1C:Professional exam is taken on a computer. The individual task consists of 14 questions on different topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answers are offered, from which it is necessary to choose the most complete and correct one. The total time limit for answering all questions is 30 minutes. At the same time, the response time for each individual question is not limited. The result of the exam is evaluated on a two-point scale "Passed" - "Failed". You must answer at least 12 questions out of 14 correctly to receive a positive mark ("Passed").

To prepare for testing, a new edition of the book "A set of questions for the certification exam on knowledge of the possibilities and features of using the typical configuration "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" of the program system "1C: Enterprise 8" with examples of solutions (March 2016)" was released.

This manual contains a set of questions used in the automated certification exam "1C: Professional". In the future, it is possible to change the wording of questions and answers.

The main purpose of the publication is to help the reader prepare for the certification exam "1C: Professional" under the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2". In addition, independent study of the questions given in the manual will allow the reader to systematize and deepen his knowledge, get a comprehensive understanding of functionality and program settings, which, ultimately, will allow you to use it most effectively in everyday activities.

Certification 1C:Professional

Since November 2008, the distributor LLC "1C-Forus" has been granted the status of a Certified Examination Center, which gives the right to "1C-Forus" to organize and conduct certification for those who wish to take the "1C: Professional" exam in Irkutsk, since 2010 - in the cities of Chita and Tomsk, since 2013 - in Ulan-Ude.

The "1C: Professional" certificate is an official confirmation that its owner can effectively use in his work the full range of capabilities of the most common automation programs for accounting, operational trade and warehouse, management accounting and payroll.

What does certification give?



    official confirmation highly qualified, experience and skills in working with the most massive management and accounting automation programs

    Benefits for promotions or hiring

    Respect and trust of management and employees

    Confidence in your knowledge and abilities

  • Objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring, promoting or rewarding employees
  • Reduction of time and money spent on education and training of accounting and sales staff
  • Improving the quality of the enterprise, minimizing risks and problems

The certificate confirms that its owner has the knowledge and skills to:

  • Install and prepare for work software 1C:Enterprise software systems.
  • To increase the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole, its accounting, personnel service and trade departments, efficiency and quality of accounting through the use of the full range of possibilities of automation programs.
  • Avoid mistakes in working with accounting, financial, trade and warehouse information, reduce the time for preparing internal and external reports.
  • Independently adjust the program in case of changes in legislation or accounting methods.
  • Minimize system downtime and reduce overall system support costs.
  • Administer the system, ensure the safety of data, prevent unauthorized access to data.
  • Organize information interaction with other departments using the components of the 1C:Enterprise program system, ensure the prompt passage of important information.

Certification schedule for 1C: Professional by city:

  • Irkutsk
  • Tomsk
  • Ulan-Ude
  • Vladivostok
  • Blagoveshchensk

How to get certified:

    On the 1C website, fill out an application by setting a filter by city and exam date - After the successful submission of the application, a message is automatically sent to the email address you specified about the date and place of the exam, as well as an indication of the status of the application: approved or rejected.

    Pass the test in "1C-Forus" (in the cities of Irkutsk, Tomsk, Chita, Ulan-Ude, Blagoveshchensk, Vladivostok). There are 14 questions in the test, 12 correctly answered questions - the test is passed, 30 minutes are given to pass the test.

    The test result is visible immediately after passing, it can be downloaded in mxl format. If you fail the test, you can use the second FREE attempt by submitting an application on the website of the company "1C".

    Get an invoice and pay for the exam. The cost of the exam is 750 rubles. This price includes 2 attempts.

    Get the act from the 1C-Forus manager (in Irkutsk, Tomsk, Chita, Ulan-Ude, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk) and return the signed copy to 1C-Forus.

    Get a 1C: Professional certificate.

The certificate is issued by 1C according to the results of computer testing. Developed by specialists of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kiev State University and methodologists of the 1C company, tests allow you to quickly and objectively check the knowledge of the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise program system and the features of working with them.

Currently, 1C:Professional certification is being carried out according to the "1C:Enterprise 8" system:

  • "1C: Accounting 8"
  • "1C: Accounting department of an autonomous institution 8"
  • "1C: Accounting department of a state institution 8"
  • For knowledge of the main mechanisms and capabilities of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform
  • "1C: Salary and personnel budget institution 8"
  • "1C: Trade management 8"
  • "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"
  • "1C: Salary and personnel management 8"
  • On knowledge of the features and application of budgeting in applied solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
  • Knowledge of the implementation and application of IFRS in applied solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
  • For knowledge of the main features of applied solutions of the 1C: Medicine line
  • "1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization"
  • "1C: Consolidation 8"
  • "1C: Small business management 8"
  • "1C: Document management 8"
  • "1C: Retail 8"
  • "1C: Budget reporting 8"
  • "1C: Educational institution"
  • "1C:Enterprise 8. WMS Logistics. Warehouse management"
  • "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2.0"
  • "1C: Professional" on technological issues
  • "1C: ITS Administrator"
  • "1C:ITS Client Manager"
  • "1C:ITS Maintenance Specialist"
  • "Sale of programs "1C: Enterprise 8" for self-supporting organizations"
  • "1C: University PROF"

To prepare for the exam, you can use the documentation included in the package and study guides:

    A set of questions for the certification exam for knowledge of the basic mechanisms of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform with examples of solutions

    A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0) with examples of solutions

    A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8" with examples of solutions"

    A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution 8" (version 2.0) with examples of solutions

    A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Trade Management 8" (rev. 11.1) with examples of solutions
    A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Enterprise 8. Payroll and Human Resources Management" (rev. 2.5) with examples of solutions"

    A set of questions for a certification exam for knowledge of the possibilities and features of using the typical configuration "Manufacturing Enterprise Management" (rev. 1.3) of the 1C:Enterprise 8 software system with examples of solutions

    A set of questions for the certification exam on the subsystem "Budgeting" in "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" with examples"

    A set of questions for the certification exam on the subsystem "IFRS" in "1C: Enterprise 8. Managing a manufacturing enterprise" (rev. 1.2) with examples of solutions (IFRS-2007)

    A set of questions for the certification exam for the program "1C: Enterprise 8. Management of a construction organization" with examples of solutions