Self-sufficient farming in the village. What can a personal subsidiary plot (LPH) do?

I was prompted to write this topic by the topics of some blogs and comments on recent blogs.

From the comments: “They don’t live in the village, but survive. Honestly, I haven’t seen a single indigenous person who is touched by the crowing of a rooster in the morning; rather, he wants to throw something at him, like a brick))”

“Most of the indigenous villagers consider their forced stay in the village as nothing other than God’s punishment. No matter what year they have a bad harvest... The cattle are dead... They won’t study.”

“Question: maybe take the bird from a poultry farm? Their breeds must be egg-laying, but they won’t contain nonsense?”

“They often sell rejected chickens at poultry farms.”

First, a little about chickens and roosters. At the end of April last year, we bought 10 laying hens, one-year-olds (150 rubles each) and a three-month-old cockerel (300 rubles) Loman Brown from a poultry farm near us. Egg-laying breed. Chickens are sold not only often, but generally as discarded ones. They have served their time and are being sold. There was a cockerel somewhere, but it was scary to look at the chickens: plucked, tattered. After two weeks they were unrecognizable - they had fledged and gone pubescent. The chickens began to lay eggs immediately, producing 7-8 eggs a day. (At the market, eggs last summer cost 50 rubles per dozen).

But there was a problem with them: they did not know how to fly up onto perches, and even if they took off, they fell from the perches. Instead of perches, I had to make a shelf for them and a ladder (ladder) from the floor to it so that they could climb onto the shelf and into the nests. But they understood the nests right away. The rooster was beaten for two weeks by the hens, but then he took power into “his claws” and performed his duty regularly.

Four chickens over the summer, disappeared in the fall. We think from old age. A weasel was trying to drag one hen away in the winter. They recaptured. At first they thought it was a ferret, but thanks to Sibroy, they understood. that this is a red-haired weasel. But after that the chicken fell into a stupor, stopped eating and also disappeared. There are five left of the purchased ones. I put eggs in the incubator in July and August. About forty chicks hatched. The chickens produced 15 laying hens (they lay regularly, together with the old hens producing 10-12 eggs per day), the rest of the roosters and several hens were discarded. We are now using them for meat.

We no longer need to buy laying hens this year. Now we have our own. Right now I’m thinking of getting a Brahm rooster and seeing what happens.

From the comments:

“Broiler is delicious, of course, but it’s a lot of hassle”

“And a broiler is not only genetics (mating of various crosses), but also the appropriate feed. This is where the trouble lies.”

Along with the laying hens, forty-day-old broilers (150 rubles each) were purchased from the same poultry farm. The only ones with whom there are no problems are broilers. They don't need any nests, no perches. Only deep litter. It is recommended to keep broilers until they reach a weight of 1.8 -2.0 kg, that is, a month from the date of purchase. We kept them all summer, slaughtering them on weekends for barbecues and barbecues, when our entire large family gathered. By September they weighed 3.5 – 4.0 kg. Some broilers were sold at a price of 140 rubles / kg. One broiler (Brollya) still lives. She walks among the young animals like a steamship, her weight already too heavy to lift. Lays huge (like a goose) double-yolk eggs. All care for the chickens is to clean the shelves and nests, feed them twice, collect the eggs and that’s it.

Both laying hens and broilers walked in enclosures all summer and autumn. Both of them were fed the same food, which we prepare ourselves. We steam the large fraction of grain waste, add grain waste, bran, premixes, chalk, and shell rock. In summer, grass, in winter, hay dust, vegetables, ground barley. For those who believe that when buying compound feed, they are paying for some special quality, I can say that this is a payment for convenience, nothing more. Since compound feed also consists of grain waste of categories 1 and 2, bran, chalk and some other additives. But everything is already mixed, no need to knead it yourself. And the composition of chicken feed can be easily found in any reference book, not to mention the Internet. And you will spend much less money on it if you cook it yourself.

This is what chicken farming is all about. At one time, we also kept cows, and more than one. The milk was successfully sold. But it is good to keep cows where there are abundant pastures and hayfields. Previously, we had three herds in our village, now we have one. In order to herd the cow, we need to go through the entire village. It's an hour there and an hour back. So now we are choosing goats. It’s easier for us to maintain them.

I garden (this is mainly my responsibility) with pleasure, using gentle agricultural techniques both for the soil and for myself. So that there is no “excruciating pain” either in the back or in the joints.

From the comments:

“The illusion is that it’s good for a city person to live here and not come for the weekend. What's good: absolute lack of culture, swearing, exhausting work from early morning until late at night, dirt and other delights. Although you can tolerate it as something exotic, and on Monday you can go to cultural work in the city.”

“The locals don’t like summer residents. Migrants from the city are more successful than those from the village in all respects. Envy, maybe? Or they don’t understand... A comfortable apartment in the city is the subject of dreams and a reason for envy for them.”

And so, I still can’t understand, what are such super-complexities and super-difficulties in personal farming, what kind of super-exhausting work do people do from dawn to dusk? What kind of work is this that brings them neither satisfaction nor profit, but continuous losses and dissatisfaction with everyone and everything?! I probably live in an atypical village if I don’t see anything like this. And I don’t notice the “terrible” village mentality, the “absolute lack of culture,” the constant drunkenness and poverty of the village, about which they write so much.

The grannies from our village successfully sell their garden produce at the nearest city market, earning a good increase in their pension and managing to help both their children and grandchildren. For all the twenty-odd years that we have lived here, we have not experienced the villagers’ dislike, envy, or misunderstanding. We have been here for a long time and are friends with all our neighbors. And not only are we friends, but we also help each other. Maybe, really, everything is different here in Siberia? And for me, a real village is associated with the crowing of a rooster.

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How Muscovites moved to the Tula village to feed themselves. Numbers, facts and a little emotion.

Olga Novotortseva and Kirill Skripko have been living outside the city for only one year. During this year, the couple managed to develop a plot of 58 acres, build and equip a permanent house with all communications, lay the foundation of a farm yard: a barn, a hay barn, a poultry house, a goat barn; get your own chickens and rooster, 2 goats with kids, start getting eggs, milk, making cheese.

The couple bought a plot of land in the vicinity of Polenov. Olga is an interior designer, has built dozens of houses for clients, and now works remotely. Kirill, a former equestrian trainer, completely devoted himself to developing the household in the village - there is something to develop here.

The task: to set up a household that does not take a lot of effort, but at the same time feeds 2 people and pays for itself.

For Olga and Kirill, leaving the city was not at all an escape from a failed life into a quiet old age, nor was the new Russians playing at being local nobles.

The estate is located on a picturesque hill in the village of Koshkino, 100 km from Moscow in the vicinity of Polenov, where Olga went to sketch with her art school as a child.

Firstly, old age is still far away. The couple decided: they need to start growing a household in time: while you still have the strength to “raise it all.”

Secondly, to raise all this, a decent start-up capital is required, and the “exodus” began with the sale of a Moscow apartment, the money from which the couple quickly spent by building a house. On top were a mountain of enthusiasm, kilograms of faith and a wagonload of work. Having bought a plot for the New Year, we already celebrated a housewarming party in early autumn.

The family left the capital completely without any expectation of failure - what if it didn’t work out. Everything will work out: God kisses the intention, Olga is sure of it.


Why did you decide to leave? Life in Moscow was a pursuit of money, which was spent on things, and after a couple of seasons they were thrown away. “Some kind of vicious circle, an artel of “vain labor.” And one more thing: “I couldn’t let go of the feeling that Moscow was always dirty.”

The maximum task was immediately set: to fully provide ourselves with products from our own farm. None of the couple can be called villagers. Kirill visited the village in the summer as a child, and Olga was actually from the academic town.

Russian field of experiments

During a personal food experiment, Olga and Kirill found out that there should be about a dozen chickens: there will be enough eggs all year round. Olga decided to get three goats for milk. One goat is not enough: while one is resting before lambing or feeding a kid, the other two goats must replace it. Three goats should just feed a family of 2 people. There will be a surplus, but in the village there is always someone to trade with: eggs in exchange for vegetables, cheese and milk for hay. By selling surplus milk, the couple intends to recoup their farming costs within a year. They don't count the cost of the house.


Goats born on the farm remain in the herd; the goats are used for meat. The couple does not allow themselves to become excessively emotional - a village is a village. Although the spouses love animals: the wild thrush Tikhon lives in a cage in the house, The stray ginger cat Tolya, found on the road as a chick with broken wings, regularly spends the night, two different caliber dogs: terrier Nyura and the dachshund Gena, they all live peacefully in a perfectly clean house, and the rest of the pets live in a perfectly clean goat and chicken coop. As a result, a couple never leaves the village at the same time - someone always remains on the farm.

This is how animals protect the estate from uninvited guests.

The chicken coop is designed according to the “smart home” system: the chickens run in and run out into the protected pen.

Living creatures.5 Chickens and a rooster are placed in one fourth of the former shed, divided into a chicken coop and a goat coop. In the change house there is a door for a person to enter and clean, and there is a door for chickens on the opposite side, through which the birds run out into a pen protected by a mesh. The majority of the cabins are allocated to the goats - approximately 3/4. This part is divided into stalls - the babies are separated from the mothers, so that they do not milk them. Both parts, the goat house and the poultry house, are heated with ceiling-mounted infrared heaters. The temperature in the cold season should be maintained at least + 10. Olga’s husband did everything inside, but for complex work they had to hire carpenters. As a result, the shed turned out to be such that even a person could not be ashamed to live in it.

Grass.There are plans to release the chickens into the free meadows of their plot in the summer - so that their diet is varied and natural. I want to make things as practical as possible: why mow the grass if someone can eat it? Before winter, the goats walk on the territory of the site, from time to time they are tied to different trees or to a fence.

Illustration: Andrey Skvortsov

Goats do not eat up all the grass (they generally eat very selectively), so you don’t get the same lawn as after a cow or horse. The issue of mowing the site remains open. The first year it took a lot of effort to clear the weed-covered slope on which the entire estate is located. Here the chickens peck and trample the grass to zero. Next year the couple will definitely spend money on an electric shepherd. The cost of this pleasure is from 30 thousand. But you can constantly change the location of chickens or goats on the site - fertilize the land less and mow much less.

Inventories.The second part of the outbuildings is a utility block, part of which is allocated for a hay barn that can hold half a ton of hay, and for a workshop.

Waste.There is also a winter yard for the animals: so that they can walk in the fresh air next to the shed and not wander into the snowdrifts. Behind the barns is a fenced compost heap where the straw from under the animals is raked out. Next season she will go to her own garden beds.

Future plans- expand the farm: lambs, bees. And, of course, ducks and fish. After all, the site is located next to a neglected and swampy village pond - hands have not yet gotten around to developing it. And a large vegetable garden for potatoes, beds with strawberries. Olga will definitely start making blue cheeses; a separate two-chamber refrigerator has already been purchased for this. While they cook cheeses for themselves in a simple saucepan, the old fashioned way. We learned cheese craft at a workshop with our neighbors, on

Moving to the village, how and where to start your own farm?

You have decided correctly, when you move everything will go away on its own in the process of living, of course, if you already have sheds, you can get chickens, you can pull a dozen, as long as you don’t need anything complicated from the farm, when you settle in, then you will see. Well, you need to plant a fence: potatoes (be sure to plant early potatoes so that you can enjoy fresh ones in June), cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions, a little bit of everything. Regarding raspberries and currants, that’s also correct. From fruit trees, plant an apple tree, a cherry tree, and a cherry tree. Well, flowers, of course, are a must, this is both a decoration and your joy, you are late with early flowers (tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, etc. are planted in the fall), but petunias, pansies, verbenas and other annuals are ok. I wish you success!

I have absolutely no experience of moving to a village, but we built a dacha and that year I lived there for the first year from May to November. My husband came to us every 5 days on weekends (my mother and I lived permanently), but once a month I went to Moscow with my husband for 5 days to work (I’m a manicurist, I have my own client base - and 5 Moscow days I work from dawn to dusk))). Of course, you were correctly written in other answers that it is necessary to solve the problem of heating and water to make life more comfortable. I would also write that in the village it is also necessary to solve the issue with the fence - this necessary! (if you live, you will understand) Where did we start? Of course from trees and bushes. We planted apple trees - an excellent variety - Lobo - it is better to plant it next to the Orlik variety, plums - (they are self-sterile, so they always need a pollinator). We planted Hungarian Moscow and Rencold Tambovsky, cherries - we also need to match each other so that they pollinate each other, Duke - (this is a crossed cherry with a sweet cherry). Then black currants and gooseberries. Mom and I made a vegetable garden - just a little bit of everything. And they planted tomatoes (I liked the orange banana the most out of the 5 trial varieties), and cucumbers (I recommend oligator for salad), pumpkins and zucchini - they grow on their own. There was a crazy amount of zucchini, but I made caviar and salted the zucchini (like cucumbers, it turns out very tasty) .I made candied pumpkin with orange peels and cinnamon, rolled up the puree. Of course, if you have a cellar, I consider it obligatory to plant potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, beets. I haven’t tried it myself, but the Nikulinsky potato variety is little eaten by the Colorado potato beetle or not eaten at all (from - because of its thick leaves, the beetle likes thinner, softer ones)) We also planted raspberries, but we have a large plot, I heard that to prevent them from growing with roots, they dig iron plates not far from them. Excellent varieties are Pride of Russia and Beauty of Russia. You definitely need to plant vitamin sorrel)), it grows for several years in one place, you can freeze or pickle it for the winter. As for livestock, I still advised you to start with chickens..(my dad lives in the village, he says this is the easiest thing. A cow and keeping pigs is the most troublesome thing, dad kept rabbits, but they can all die at once. Goats are easier to keep than cows, but you yourself understand, you either have to prepare feed or buy it. Therefore, you need to sit down and calculate - the savings should be economical)) This year I’m planning to plant strawberries, I’m thinking about cherries... And I want to plant Sharov’s Riddle grapes. And it’s really cool to go to the village! Good luck to you)

If you are going to plant new trees, then you need to do this before the sap begins to flow in their branches, i.e. until the buds swell and the leaves bloom. The end of March is still suitable for this, but April is already doubtful. Therefore, if necessary, you can postpone planting trees until autumn.

It is better to plant early cherries in your yard: early cherries (the Priusadebnaya variety, for example), since early ripening varieties of cherries are almost never wormy. We planted a tree, trimmed it a little once a year - and no more hassle. And late varieties need to be sprayed so that the cherries are not wormy. And the Priusadabnaya variety of cherries is very juicy, sweet and tasty, unlike more modern tasteless varieties.

It is also better to plant cherries early (Chernokorka variety) - the reason is the same.

White apples are delicious. But they produce a good harvest only every other year, not every year.

From garden crops you can plant melons, watermelons, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, etc. Just don’t plant a lot of zucchini - then there’s nowhere to put them.

A dozen chickens is quite normal, but more is expensive both in terms of feed and care costs.

This is approximately the size of my farm that I kept when I lived in the village. But I didn’t know how to milk a goat right away - first my mother did this work, and then my daughter, who had just turned 5 years old. Then, however, I somehow learned on my own. But you can also keep a goat - it is such a kind animal (unlike an unpleasant-smelling goat). It’s so nice to stroke her on the cheek and let her eat a cookie (goats really love sweets). Only then is it a pity to slaughter animals - my goat lived even in retirement, when it stopped giving milk.

I would also get a couple of exotic birds - colorful pheasants or even more exotic peacocks. Yesterday I was at a bird show in the city and didn’t buy a beautiful bird only because there was no place to keep them in the apartment.

We also moved from the city.

The plans were grandiose. But.. We started everything with living conditions.

Water. E wasn't there. Conducted. We laid the plastic pipe ourselves, at our own expense, installed taps and a water pump in the yard. Then further - into the house. Toilet. We built an outdoor toilet and an outdoor shower in the far corner of the yard (since there is a vegetable garden, then you need to wash more often). The house has sewerage, toilet, bath.

We moved in the fall. Therefore, animals were already introduced in the spring of next year. They got everything - geese, ducks, chickens... (the city fought for freedom). Only then did it dawn on us that we needed premises (sheds) and fences for ducks and geese, otherwise the entire garden would be lost. They fenced and built at a run, as the bird grew.

Garden Garden. It depends on the size of the plot, on your wishes - what you would like to plant first is a must. But you definitely need a plan. Just imagine where it would be better to break things up, how it would be more convenient to walk, process, and water. Where will there be (if there is none, but necessary) a garage, a workshop, a gazebo, etc. And you don’t have to do it as everyone around you does. Just as you like.

If the plot is large, then you can lay out a lawn with flower beds and plant all the trees and shrubs you like, from cherries to pines and birches. And if it’s small, then you have to think about what you can’t do without.

In general, each person has his own understanding. So you arrive, live for several months and every day ideas for arrangement, planting, etc. will come to mind.

Good luck in your new place!

Business in a village from scratch: a true story

In our time, a wedding was once celebrated in one of the villages. The newlyweds were from poor families. Although the parents of the bride and groom worked hard all their lives, this is how it turned out... Everyone around them thought that the new family would have the same order. However, the young husband decided not to go to work, but to create his own business in the village from scratch, and not to go to the city, but to organize everything on the spot.

Where to start a business in the village

To begin with, we bought an old house with a plot facing the river, repaired outbuildings and got geese. When they came to their relatives to ask for money to buy chicks, they were very surprised: young people are usually not interested in this, and they’ll give it away anyway, just in case something happens. But the man promised that he would give all the money. “You can use meat,” the borrowers said, and laughed at such an idea.

The husband and wife went to the market, bought chicks, and decided on a place. Well, what a hassle it was with the chicks! But this is at first. The goslings were put in boxes, lamps were installed for heating, they were given water and fed millet and corn grits. When it got warmer outside, the goslings were released into the sun, into a fence; a young man fenced off part of the river from the bank with a net; green and lush grass grew there.

Three months passed, and the goslings gradually turned from yellow chicks into beautiful gray and white birds. And now the owners spent almost no time on them, what a worry: in the morning they had to give them some food - corn, mixed feed. And since geese especially loved to graze, after lunch the wife of the entrepreneur-farmer let the entire herd out into the clearing and until the evening, sitting in the shade with a book in her hands, watched her charges. In the evening the farm was driven into the poultry house. And in the morning everything starts all over again.

And so, in the village they began to gossip: what, they say, what good will these geese be, where to put so much meat? Even the parents doubted whether anything worthwhile would come out of the idea.

The time came to autumn, the geese were fully grown, and then everyone saw the result. To begin with, my husband killed a dozen geese and took the carcasses to the market. And since it was a troublesome business, standing and trading all day, the wife came up with a profitable way to sell meat. She went to the city, visited cafes and restaurants, and agreed with the owners about wholesale distribution of her products. The husband and wife consulted, thought it would be profitable and prepared to slaughter the bird. As soon as they went out into the yard, the dog barked and looked, and one after another the neighbors began to approach their house. “Sell us the goose,” they ask. So they sold a few pieces.

By winter, only eight geese and two ganders were left in the house. In addition to the meat, the husband also sold down and feathers, put part of the money in the bank as a deposit, and with the rest they bought an incubator so that in the spring they would no longer have to buy chicks. We also purchased feed for the herd - grain is cheaper in the fall. In winter, the head of the family began to read all sorts of special literature on poultry breeding, and the housewife became interested in growing millet and corn. They cleaned the poultry house, loaded goose droppings into barrels and began to prepare good fertilizer for the garden.

“Listen, we chose a convenient bird for breeding,” says the wife, “the goose mainly grazes, and only before cutting it, you need to feed it a little with grain. And there is a lot of herbs in the village, and it’s free - what are the costs!”

“So we will still try to make sure that we have our own grain,” says the husband.”

So, little by little, the young family developed their simple business in the village. In the spring, the geese laid eggs, the eggs were placed in an incubator, and chicks hatched from them. Before cultivation, the garden was thoroughly fertilized, sown with corn, millet, zucchini and cabbage were planted as food for the geese.

During the season, the herd was well fattened and sold profitably. When the man bought the car, no one dared to point out to him that raising geese was a troublesome and unprofitable business. There were even people in the village who adopted the farmer’s experience and also began raising geese. But they had trouble selling them, because they had to not only raise the bird, but also sell it successfully. A neighbor came to our farmer and asked: “Tell me, how do you do everything so cleverly? That’s what I want too.” The man became thoughtful, and his wife came to his aid. “You know what,” she says to her neighbor, “you raise geese, and then sell them to us, I’ll tell you the price.” The neighbor agreed, since there was no more hassle with selling the meat. And by that time, our young entrepreneurs had not only created the best goose farm in the area, but also established profitable connections with metropolitan restaurants, where they prepared and served dishes exclusively from natural products.

This is how a young family, who did not want to put up with poverty, created their own farm and built a business in the village!

But the most amazing thing was that not only “our” husband and wife were now engaged in a profitable business and began to live in abundance, but the entire village got involved in raising geese! Over time, the enterprise expanded and workers were needed. Some families raised poultry on their own, and now more than one restaurant in the capital prepared exceptionally healthy dishes from goose meat, and feathers and down were bought for making pillows and warm clothes!

A little about hard village life.

A little about hard village life.

In the city, we were quite well settled. We had a permanent and well-paid job. Therefore, I saw no point in going to the village and getting a job there. What's the point of working for less money? Therefore, I placed the main emphasis on housekeeping, considering temporary hired work acceptable.

First of all, I tried to answer the question of what size a household should be. After reflection, I decided that only one requirement was mandatory - the farm must feed me. It would be desirable that I could make money on this farm. For safety reasons, I decided to set the size of the farm so that one person could handle it. In case my wife or I get sick. It is not possible to specifically calculate the size of the farm. You can keep different animals that require different amounts of labor. Different people can do different amounts of work. Various devices can be used on the farm to make life easier, which allows you to painlessly expand the farm. It is important to have utility and utility rooms. For these reasons, it is impossible to accurately calculate the size of a farm. What happened to me? A wife was chosen as a test subject, who copes with such a household without any equipment and stress (I give the maximum numbers) Horse 1 pc. Donkeys 2 pcs. Goats with goats 11 pcs. Roosters and hens 180 pcs. Broilers 20 pcs. Turkeys 9 pcs. Geese 30 pcs. Cats with cats and kittens 9 pcs. Dogs 2 pcs. Child 2 pcs. Husband 1 pc.

And also, due to the fact that a friend has an unsuitable barn for keeping, it requires repairs, and the frosts were severe, the wife was involved in keeping 2 pigs, which we placed in our barn.

Conditions of detention: of all the means of mechanization, only a wheelbarrow, which was used for transporting feed and removing manure. The rest is just by hand. the housing is stall-based, that is, food must be prepared, stored and brought to the stall. I tried to persuade my wife to tie the goats in the summer, but she is afraid that they will be stolen. Therefore, if I tied them, it was near the yard and fed them with cut grass.

In addition to the animals, a garden of 90 acres was cultivated.

Not only can I handle this volume, but so can my wife. Moreover, without falling exhausted in the evening and not being able to get up in the morning. Yes, farming takes a lot of time. Wake up, milked, fed, milked fed, milked fed, lights out. In between, food, gardening, supplies, etc.

Let me emphasize once again that this takes more time than effort. And to be honest, not that much time. There will always be time to visit, read a book, watch a movie, etc.

Even in my presence, only my wife handles the entire household. Of course, I always try to help her do all the hard work - bring water, hay, etc. to the animals. However, we have a division of labor and everything written above is often done by her alone. My efforts are aimed at repairs, landscaping, making devices to make work easier and similar work.

The villagers consider such a farm to be large and extremely difficult to maintain, which surprises us immensely. Let me emphasize once again that none of us are plowing our heads. Of course there were exceptions. For example, they brought us 100 bales of hay. It started to rain and my wife, in my absence, dragged them to the barn. 100 bales of hay are about 2 tons. So in emergency situations, you have to work hard. But emergencies are not something that happens every day.

I am slowly continuing the improvement and we are planning to expand the farm. Now we can rely on our experience and choose animals that are more suitable for keeping. For example, we will significantly increase the number of turkeys. Both my wife and I really like these animals because there are no problems in keeping them. Let’s increase the goat herd; I want to process milk into cheese, which requires more milk. We want to have more laying hens, etc. I believe that despite the larger household volume, the work will increase slightly.

For now, I pay little attention to the garden. I don’t see the need to plant and care for potatoes if, by selling a goat for meat, I can buy as many potatoes as I need. Moreover, keeping a goat is much easier than digging potatoes. But nevertheless, the garden was planted. I didn’t hill up, I didn’t water, I rather planted and forgot, but garlic, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, corn, pumpkin, watermelons, melons, peppers and more grew. I didn’t pay much attention to the garden, not only because of the poor ratio of labor expended/result obtained, but also because the soil on my plot is very poor. It will take a lot of time to improve it. I plan to do this next season. And I’ll start with arranging the beds. The beds promise good returns with a minimum of work.

It is considered difficult to provide a house with water. I don't understand this statement. Yes, every day you need to carry water into the house and take slops out of the house. But by God I don’t understand what the difficulty is. But we not only drink water, we are used to swimming every day. To save time, I plan to install plumbing in the house. But neither my wife nor I consider this work a priority.

Someone starts a personal household just to have organic food at home for the table, and often just a few hundred square meters and very little time is enough for this. And someone organizes their own business - here the volumes of private household plots are different, and there are more worries. What portal users breed in the first and second cases, what they feed and how they are treated - we learn how to manage the farm from the experience of the most successful FORUMHOUSE livestock breeders in this week’s topic.


Living “at home on earth” is full of advantages. One of them is a great opportunity to build a poultry house, have chickens and forever give up tasteless eggs from the poultry farm. We will tell you what a good poultry house should be like from the point of view of FORUMHOUSE participants, how to build it and equip it correctly.

Record thick, warm gates for outbuildings, ergonomic tools for gardening, illuminated construction tools – products that will make farm life easy and enjoyable.

Many people start raising farm animals to get normal food: butter without palm oil, cheese, not a cheese product, eggs that do not contain any traces of antibiotics, normal fresh meat. But animal husbandry “for oneself” should not be an unprofitable activity. How to calculate costs and profits - based on the experience of portal participants.

Sheep are one of the most “anti-crisis” animals. Despite this, they once disappeared from the agricultural scene, giving way to poultry, rabbits and even pigs. But now people are again starting to buy several lambs and a ram for company: it’s easier to get through difficult times with them.

In winter, when it is not possible to let poultry go for a walk, nibble grass and hunt for worms, the question of balanced and inexpensive food arises. How to structure a bird's diet so that it is varied, contains all the nutrients and does not ruin the poultry farmer? Let's turn to the experience of portal users.

It is believed that turkeys are “a good bird, but they are too delicate and picky.” Let's see how FORUMHOUSE users cope with breeding these delicate birds.

An apiary is a rare form of mini-farm. Much more often people take up rabbits, poultry, and cattle. And bees require not so much financial investment as knowledge and time. We suggest looking at the apiary as an activity that will allow you to obtain beekeeping products “for yourself” and become a stable source of income for the family.


Farming. Personal experience . Using the example of one personal subsidiary plot, we will talk about the structure of the farm, about its inhabitants: sheep, Vietnamese and Hungarian pigs, and a goat with a calf, as well as how economically feasible it is now to engage in livestock breeding for profit.

Country farm. Tips for caring for animals. When moving out of town, our heroes Alexander and Alena Seet first bought livestock. Now their farmstead numbers about a hundred animals! Let's see what their farm looks like and listen to tips on caring for animals.

Vietnamese herbivorous pigs. Breeding experience. In many farms and around the world, the usual pigs are increasingly being replaced by their Asian relatives. Such as Vietnamese herbivorous pot-bellied pigs. Portal participant Larisa Maslova talks about her own experience in breeding this breed.

Breeding rabbits: conditions of detention. Rabbits attract beginning farmers due to their ease of breeding and maintenance. However, if the conditions of detention are violated, mortality is often observed among animals. Our user Pavel Tverikin shares his experience of breeding rabbits.

Chicken coop in a pine forest. With my own hands. According to the hero of this story, Roman, for him, chickens are not only delicious homemade eggs, but also a maximum of positive mood. He approached the construction of the chicken coop no less seriously than the construction of his house. Therefore, the chicken coop turned out to be not only warm and comfortable for the chickens, but also with designer features. Roman also shares his experience of choosing a breed and proper nutrition of chickens for better egg production.

Alpaca farm in Russia. These unusual animals are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Just a couple of years ago they could only be seen in America and Europe, but recently these furry fellow camels were brought to Russia. One of the first owners of the alpaca farm will tell you about the peculiarities of keeping them, as well as many other interesting facts.

Keeping goats. Almost a city dweller's experience. A couple of years ago we were visiting our forum member Pavel, who organized a home mini-farm almost within the city limits. This time he invited us to visit to show the new goat herd and its inhabitants - the goats provide his family with meat and milk.

Forum thread:

Many people keep quails not for sale, but for themselves - for the sake of fresh and healthy eggs and dietary meat. And some manage to raise these birds even in an apartment. How to keep them, which breed is better to choose, is it really possible to keep them right in the house, how troublesome is it - users are discussing in this thread.

How to prevent diseases in cows and bulls, why a wet nurse can go bald, how dangerous animal diseases are for humans - on our portal there are experienced livestock breeders and veterinarians who share their experience.

Earthworms can be used in different ways: to fertilize the garden with vermicompost, to feed poultry, to process manure, or simply for fishing. Users of the portal reveal all the secrets of vermicultivation in the topic.

What kind of incubators are produced, what are their advantages and disadvantages, how to assemble it yourself without experience - everyone who is going to raise poultry on their own will find this topic useful.

The taste of goat's milk as a child Markoshka I tried it at my grandmother’s and it will forever remain in her memory. Perhaps it was then that the dream of owning her own farm was born, which the portal participant had many years later. How the owners switched from caring for the garden and chickens to goats - read in the topic.

. KendyEva I dreamed of living in a village since I was 20, and one day this dream came true. When, while looking for a house, she saw a lake with swans, she realized: this is what she had been looking for for so long. Now the family has already settled into a house and acquired a household, and our readers fell in love with this touching story.

Once upon a time, this family moved into their own house, taking with them a considerable household: three dogs (and in the process getting two new ones), two cats, a bird and a 240-liter aquarium. And already in the new place there are significantly more pets - a variety of birds have appeared, and all of this lives and enjoys on 4 acres. How a mother of four children manages everything is on topic.

The common expression “money is everywhere, even under your feet, just learn to pick it up” is more relevant in today’s society than ever. An enterprising individual today knows what to apply his skills to in order to ensure a stable income. It’s even easier for those who are ready to work and make money in the countryside / in the countryside. The field of household breeding today, as many years ago, is the most win-win type of activity.

Some people raise ducks, others focus on quail eggs, others like raising ostriches. We will look at the benefits of raising traditional domestic animals - pigs, piglets, wild boars.

There are several guidelines that the owner of his own pig farm follows. If you decide to try this business, then first prepare the premises and acquire a sow or boar.

You can fatten pigs for meat, you can raise piglets for sale. It is clear that fattening an animal goes through a certain stage and only after the allotted time (it varies depending on the type of fattening: bacon, meat or fattening), you can make a profit by selling the resulting meat. Investments are required in the premises for keeping the livestock, the cost of feed and, in fact, the cost of purchasing the livestock itself.

There is an opinion that with piglets the process is more fluid. At the age of 6-8 weeks, a castrated and vaccinated piglet is sold for an amount equal to $50. A meat breed sow expects offspring 2 times a year. As usual, she brings 10-12 piglets. If you are a decent breeder, and in the future you aspire to be a good seller of healthy pig offspring, you will certainly take care of high-quality vaccination of the offspring. Injections of iron-containing preparations are administered to young animals on the third day from birth, then a week later and again immediately before marketing. Also needed are anti-worm medications and vitamins (they are needed immediately before weaning the cubs from the sow).

The appearance of your pets (well-groomed, cheerful with a hooked tail) will tell you that your piglets are a quality product. The weight of a piglet at 8 weeks is at least 8-10 kg. To fertilize a sow today, it is not necessary to acquire a boar. Artificial insemination will help you in this process. If there are more than 10 sows, then the herd cannot do without a boar. It takes about 4 kg per day to feed one sow. grain flour per day. Provided that the grain is purchased on a collective farm, and you have the opportunity to thresh it yourself, in a grain crusher, the benefits from such an enterprise are obvious.