How to make money in a provincial city. How to create a successful business in a provincial town

There are regions in our country where even local residents say that business of any type and type is thriving. And it immediately begins to develop and generate income, even in the presence of high competition. This is exactly what my colleagues from Petrozavodsk told me.

But there are other areas where it is completely impossible to sell something that sells well in large cities. And the name of such regions is province. Opening your own business in an area where cash flow is very low is quite difficult. But there are also opportunities here, which we will talk about in this article.

Peculiarities of the province affecting business

The cost of living, according to statistics, in the province is quite low, ranging from 5-6 thousand rubles per person per month. And the average salary today in the regions is 12-13 thousand, despite the fact that the government claims 22-23 thousand. If you approach the issue of organizing a business in the province wisely, you will definitely encounter this issue. The solvency of the population is determined by the level of income. And official statements are often very far from the real state of affairs.

Let me give you an example. In the Saratov region in January, at his speech before the Duma Assembly, the governor said that the rate of growth of the average salary pleases residents, and we are entering the new year with an indicator exceeding 20 thousand rubles. In fact, in the cities of this huge region it is considered a great joy to find a job with such a salary, and its real average level is 12 thousand rubles.

If you have to pay 3 thousand for utilities, 500 rubles on average for the Internet, 5 thousand for food, then 3.5 thousand remains for clothes, shoes, child support and other expenses. So think about what kind of business you can do in the province and what to encourage buyers to do - to spend these same 3.5 thousand rubles.

The good news is that in this situation, many residents of the province are looking for additional income and succeeding in this. If you take this into account, you can organize sales. The only condition for such a business is that the goods and services provided in the province must be inexpensive, but of fairly high quality.

But the province also has advantages. Here, as a rule, the development of production of essential goods is quite low, large retail chains are poorly included here, and the service market is also relatively free. Therefore, choosing a field of work will be quite easy. The main thing is to find a supplier or type of goods and services for your own production, to obtain a low-cost product, so that even with a production and trade markup it will be available to residents of the outback.

And now about the most important factor that makes the province attractive for business entry. Regions, as a rule, always have their own “special” product, which is produced or mined here, and it costs just a penny.

For example, in river areas it is fish that residents catch; in forest areas it is berries and mushrooms, which locals collect and gladly sell to wholesalers. If you stop by the Orenburg region, the cost of down scarves will simply stun you! If here you can buy it from local craftswomen for 400-500 rubles, then in the capital you can sell such a product for 2-3 thousand rubles.

In the Tambov region, potatoes are cheap in the fall, in the middle zone strawberries cost 500 rubles a bucket, in Moscow it costs 1 kilogram. And in Mordovia there are amazing berries that local residents dry and sell. They are so aromatic and tasty that it will not be difficult for you to find regular buyers for such goods.

And so in every place in the Russian outback - everywhere there is its own “branded” product and its voluntary collectors and producers. Therefore, if you study the local assortment, you can start a decent business. If you want to deal with plant raw materials, berries and mushrooms, then opening a small canning shop costs almost nothing. And thanks to cheap raw materials, it will pay for itself in the shortest possible time. If you buy fish in small towns along the Volga region, then open a smokehouse and transport balyk to a variety of regions, preferably to large cities.

So, the conclusion from all that has been said: you need to organize the sale of something in the province very carefully, having first studied the solvency and needs of the population. It is most profitable to organize the purchase of local resources at a low cost and sell them in large populated areas.

In addition, do not forget that in the provinces the people are not so highly educated and the civilization inherent in the center is not there. If you are taking there to sell new equipment or introducing new technologies, then be prepared to overcome this barrier. You will first need to engage in educational activities and explanatory work so that people understand what benefits you have delivered to them on a silver platter. To do this, use advertising, organizing interest clubs, and educational projects. All this together will give good results, but it will take time and money.

The good news about this is that advertising prices in provincial media are much lower than in the capital. If you need workers to organize the process, we highlighted their salary level at the beginning of the article, therefore, you can save on salaries and taxes. Transport costs in the province are also lower, but not due to the cost of gasoline. You can save on car rental and driver's salary.

And several more factors need to be taken into account when you plan to open a business in a certain locality. Be sure to study the population size and its composition by age and social status. It may well turn out that the majority of residents, for example, are pensioners. This will leave a certain imprint on the theme of the future business - they need to trade goods or services that are suitable for them in terms of range or price.

Or maybe vice versa, you will find that a larger percentage of the population are families with children. Then the orientation of the business will be radically different, it will be aimed at children, and the pricing policy depends on the income of the parents.

Be sure to study local competitors, find out how long they have been operating, how the majority of residents feel about them - respect, distrust, prefer certain types of goods, etc. Analyze the mistakes of your predecessors, adjust your actions, and based on these conclusions, start creating a business plan .

Types of business for the province

  1. Manufacturing of cabinet and upholstered furniture to order. As you know, in the provinces, construction is not always carried out in accordance with capital standards; very often the size of housing differs to a smaller extent, to put it correctly. To be precise, the concept of a “small family” in small towns may mean a room of 10 sq.m. and a kitchen of 5.2 sq.m. And how can the owners of such apartments fit a standard sofa in them, for example?

    A furniture workshop is in great demand in the province, which in its catalog has models of small folding furniture, similar to a transformer. We also need kitchen sets to be both modern and very compact. Here, an excellent solution would be to create, with a furniture designer, multi-tiered furniture, cabinets with high mezzanines to the ceiling, etc.

  2. Organizing a service station and opening a store selling spare parts for cars that are especially popular in your locality is a great way to have a regular income. Most likely, in the provinces, not all the streets are filled with Mercedes and Jaguars, but sevens, sixes and other representatives of the VAZ family ride there. And they tend to break down and require all kinds of repairs. This is an excellent reason to engage in automotive service, which is diverse and in demand.
  3. Cars break down, but hair and nails, fortunately, constantly grow. It’s a joke, but it’s so bright and telling for someone who decides what kind of business to choose. Opening a network of hairdressing salons and manicure and pedicure shops will always be in demand. In a small town, three beauty salons are already a network; it is important to cover all areas of the town with them.

    You also won’t have to come up with competitive advantages for your business for a long time. Find out what makes salons stand out in big cities, transform these benefits for the local population, and your “chips” are ready. Do they use shellac in manicures in the capital? Make shellac. Nail design, hair lamination, depilation - all this is developing at breakneck speed in the center, you just need to choose what local fashionistas will like.

  4. A small workshop that will operate on the principle of a “bureau of good offices” will be in demand. Include services there: making keys, repairing zippers on jackets, repairing shoes, sharpening knives and scissors. The people's path to such an establishment will be laid out quite quickly, and there will always be a lot of customers.

    And the expansion in this case is very simple - start repairing more complex mechanisms, household appliances, small ones will be brought to you, and large ones will be brought to the customer’s home.

  5. Construction and renovation in the province is also a very promising line of business. Building houses became profitable when government programs began to support young families, large families, and programs for relocating from dilapidated housing. In addition, houses using Canadian technology and the method of assembling panel panels and beam frames are quite cheap. And there are a lot of such offers on the market, and with the advent of competition among house manufacturers, this product began to seriously fall in price.

    At the moment, building a two-story beautiful house in the province costs the same as what you can get from selling a 3-room apartment. The same can be said about renovations. Both new houses and old and dilapidated ones require repairs. And the more interesting the design solutions you propose, the deeper your knowledge of modern finishing materials, the more successful your work will be.

  6. Passenger taxis and cargo transportation will be in demand by the younger generation, who have the means and lead an active lifestyle. After analyzing the area and determining the composition of the population, this type of service can be well developed.
  7. Another idea for the province is a nursery with a store for growing and selling seedlings, shrub seedlings, fruit and ornamental trees. Many residents of large cities prefer to buy planting material grown in places with clean ecology, on fertile land. And the province is the most suitable place for this.

    But for advertising in this type of business it will be necessary to use media that are distributed over fairly large territories; local radio and television companies are poorly suited here. It is best to have your own website, where you can post the most detailed information about varieties and types of plants.

    And if you organize the work of a mobile store and transport the most popular plants to the place, for example, to dacha areas, to cottage villages, then sales will give excellent results.

In fact, there are many more types of businesses in the province; we have focused only on the most striking ones. But let me emphasize that every region, every city and even village has its own priorities, preferences, and individual characteristics. Therefore, you need to know local differences and build a business in strict accordance with them. The rest will all depend on your talents! Good luck!

E. Shchugoreva

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Business in the province

Each region is distinguished by its own small or, on the contrary, large features; at the same time, there are similar characteristics not in terms of geography, but in terms of demographic indicators. So, for example, when considering business ideas, you can always find a lot in common between opening your own business in megalopolises, big cities, and so on, and just like that, there are a number of distinctive features of doing business in small towns, that is, we are talking about provincial towns with a small population and similar problems.

And so, considering business ideas in a small town - roughly speaking, business in the province, We can immediately identify several distinctive features of provincial business:

  • First and most notable is the presence of limited demand due to the small incomes of the local population. That is, small salaries greatly limit the use of new business ideas in the trade and even service sectors. Agree, who with the minimum wage will still pay money for the same credit brokers or buy expensive goods. Yes, of course, trade in such cities exists, but for the most part the market is very tightly “crowded” with competitors and for real entry it will be necessary to spend quite a lot of money and at the same time get quite a small result, the same applies to most ideas from the service sector. Of course, there are exceptions, we are primarily talking about those business ideas that can reduce the cost - that is, they offer a cheaper option, as an example, a new business idea in the form of horizontal drilling or the same idea of ​​​​trading using the Internet. Also, in contrast to the opinion of most residents of megacities, farming in such small provincial towns is also not possible. Due to the banal lack of land and free space, again the exception is the cultivation of poultry, in some cases pigs in small quantities, well, it is possible to talk about the mushroom business and, of course, it is more or less realistic to master your business from scratch in the form of a greenhouse farm. As we see, most rural business ideas are also not suitable for business in the province. The reasons for low demand also reduce real ideas in construction to virtually nothing. As you can see, most aspiring businessmen should take into account that it is realistic to start a business in the provinces, more on that later, but it is also worth taking into account real problems with demand.
  • Secondly, the presence of a large number of labor resources capable of working for little money, of course by the standards of megacities, and just large cities. The presence of a large number of cheap rental spaces, a fairly low level of “press” from regulatory authorities, although, as a rule, such regions have their own “owner” with whom it is better to negotiate immediately.

That is, on the one hand, there is little demand, so to speak, in the domestic market of a provincial town, on the other hand, cheap labor and other resources. All this suggests that the most optimal option for business development in a provincial city is the production sector. Of course, we are not talking about serious factories, but rather about small workshops for the production of goods with subsequent sale in large cities or throughout the country, that is, in this case, in foreign markets.

Conclusion, if you are a resident of a small town and are looking for business ideas in your home provincial town, that is, you want to start business in the province, then first of all pay attention to business ideas in the production of certain goods. Alternatively, this is the same production of bronze products - a business at home, or here are business ideas in a small town for the production of clothing, and so on. The main condition for the success of such a business is the ability to organize distribution channels for its products outside of its hometown

Many businessmen are skeptical about starting their own business in small towns. They say that not many people live there, and there are no opportunities for business expansion. However, if you have certain knowledge, willpower and, of course, a great desire to become a successful entrepreneur, you can bring even the craziest small business ideas to life. After all, in a small town there is no main obstacle to wealth and fame - competition. So provincial business has every chance of success. In this article we will look at several ideas that you can use, or you can come up with something of your own.

Business idea in a small town No. 1. Establishment on wheels

Whatever one may say, often in our villages and small towns there is not even a place to build an office or something like that. In addition, almost everywhere the road situation is not at all rosy. And potential clients are not at all happy with the prospect of putting on rubber boots and stomping somewhere to buy something or get some services. Therefore, you yourself must come to them. A mobile establishment is the best option for those who are going to open their own business in a small city or village.

What kind of business it will be depends only on your desires and capabilities. You can open a mobile gym, with a personal trainer and the opportunity to conduct it with maximum comfort for the client. You can simply buy a van, hire a competent specialist and offer repair services, something like a “husband for an hour.” Another great idea is a mobile bathhouse that will arrive at the first call and provide a couple of hours of wonderful pastime. In the end, you can open a cafe, bar, store - anything, just on wheels!

Business idea in a small town No. 2. Without leaving home

If you feel more comfortable staying at home than constantly traveling, open a business from home. Think about what you could do better and better than others? Why should people come to you and buy something from you or use your services? Many homebodies have already successfully turned into small businesses in a small town. One started baking delicious buns at home and selling them to everyone, the other opened a nail salon in her own apartment and immediately became overgrown with clients. The third began to babysit neighboring children and organized something like a private kindergarten. In general, there are a lot of options. Which one to choose is up to you.

Business idea in a small town No. 3. Payment terminals

This option is for the most ambitious businessmen. If you live in the provinces, it is likely that modern technology has not yet reached there. is a relatively new, but 100% self-paying business. After all, everyone uses mobile communications, the Internet, and communication services today. All you need to do is figure out the most profitable places in which to install the terminals. Of course, this small town business idea, like others, will require start-up capital.

In fact, you can come up with a lot of ideas. The main thing is not to sit on the couch, waiting for wealth and success. determination, stubbornness and a little bit of luck - that’s all you need on the way to your dream!

Hello! Today we’ll talk about business in a small town and give you 28 profitable business ideas.

The article will be useful to those who are tired of working “for someone else”, and to those who are thinking about starting their own business due to the loss of another job. Also in the article I will give 28 business ideas for a small city that are the most profitable.

Business in the provinces has a lot of its own characteristics compared to business in large cities. If you take this specificity into account at the business planning stage, you can carve out quite a financial niche for yourself.

What to consider to open a business in a small town

The peculiarities of entrepreneurship in small towns are related to the specifics of their economic development.

Low purchasing power. Please note that your future clients and customers are residents of the province, where wages are low, the labor market is small, and there is simply nowhere to earn a lot. Agree that selling some exclusive expensive items is simply stupid. Examples of such a business include: a fashion boutique, a car dealership, a VIP-class beauty salon, and a purely vegetarian restaurant.

Such business ideas in a small town will not find their consumers - instead of profit, you risk receiving a loss.

Shortage of basic goods. Yes, this happens too. Analyze the availability of shops and pharmacies in your area. Is there a supermarket in your part of the city, or do you need to go to the other end of the city? Or maybe in your city there are no clothing stores representing popular chain brands, and all residents of the city either go to the local market to get dressed, or go to the shopping center of a neighboring city? Or maybe in your locality there is one pharmacy for everyone? Analyze the situation: what doesn’t exist in your city, but would really like to see in the future?

Plan to expand in the future. In a small town, business development may be limited. Why? Everything is simple here. At first, your business may attract a large number of customers, but then the increase in demand for your goods or services will begin to slow down and stop altogether - the city will run out of people willing to buy something from you. If you want to develop further, you should think about this in advance. Perhaps over time you will be able to expand, and the number of your clients will be replenished by residents of nearby locations.

Low barriers to entry into business. This can be considered one of the advantages of doing business in a small town. Indeed, the costs of renting premises, advertising, and paying employees in the provinces are significantly lower than similar costs in a large city.

Favorable competitive environment. In the provinces, it is easier for a novice businessman to obtain government support to start his own business. Small businesses are often encouraged, there are many support programs - this issue also needs to be studied. If you can take advantage of some privilege, you should do it! Some entrepreneurial niches may be completely empty in your year.

Advertising in the form of “word of mouth”. On the one hand, this is great. Since the news about your newly opened store will quickly spread throughout most of the city. But this phenomenon also has a minus: if you make a mistake even once, the whole city will also know about it.

What business to open in a small town

What exactly can a budding entrepreneur do in the province? What exactly to sell or what services to provide? How to make this difficult choice? Let's list a few points.

Take on what you are good at. This is an ideal option for your first experience in business. You have worked for several years in a company and feel like an expert in your field - you can work independently. The most typical example: an accountant. An experienced accountant can easily open his own business providing accounting and tax accounting services, preparation and submission of tax returns.

There will always be a demand for such services: it is easier for small organizations and individual entrepreneurs (and there are many of them in the province!) to turn to such an accountant than to hire a permanent employee. Accounting support in this case will cost less than the salary of a full-time accountant. In addition to such a business, you can also consider the option of organizing courses: if you are an expert in your field, you can pass on your knowledge to others. Other examples include notaries and lawyers, cosmetologists, photographers, and massage therapists.

Pay attention to those areas where there will always be demand. There are certain business niches where sales do not depend on economic crises or other factors. Food, personal care, health, inexpensive entertainment - all this is always in demand.

Organize a business that provides scarce services. For example, in provincial cities there are very few affordable inexpensive entertainment options - city residents, both adults and children, have nowhere to go in their free time. I see that now they are actively installing trampolines in well-travelled places, for example! Analyze possible “scarce” options. What if the city lacks just your implemented business ideas: don’t forget about the affordability of your services.

Explore the Internet. This advice can be taken in different ways. You can launch an online store, but in a small town this idea will not find its customers - the target audience is very small, although in some cities such stores can operate successfully. But creating an Internet cafe or organizing Internet courses (using the Internet, creating websites, the basics of copywriting) may well turn out to be successful ideas. A good option would be to work on a citywide website on which all city news, announcements and other interesting information will be posted.

Savings and more savings. Residents of the province will be attracted to those services that will allow them to save money. This includes all repair services for clothes and shoes, apartments and cars, hairdressers with affordable prices that offer the full range of basic services at affordable prices. And the complex “House of Life” may generally become the best option: low prices will be compensated by constant demand from local residents.

Business based on local products. What's the point? Buy in your locality, and sell in a large city. Local products in the form of berries, mushrooms, fresh vegetables, fish and farm products can be purchased at low prices. In a large metropolis, “eco-products” are now in fashion, which means that the resale margin can be quite significant. It’s even better if the products are not simply resold, but first processed: options include small canneries, smokehouses, bakeries and other similar enterprises.

Small-scale production has not been canceled. You can produce goods to sell to other cities or make do with your own small town. It could be anything: a bakery, furniture production, welding work, etc. The main thing is to think! Production costs will be cheaper in a small town.

We take someone else's idea as a basis. Business based on someone else's idea is called franchising, that is, you no longer have to create a business from scratch - from the very beginning you will represent a well-known brand. Franchises are now offered by many well-known brands. Which one to choose: clothes, cosmetics, fast food? Here you need to focus on the needs of city residents.

Let us briefly summarize our reasoning. Business in a small town can be very different; it can be organized in one of three areas:

  • Providing services to the population: tire service and car washes, hairdressers and beauty salons, minor repairs, services of specialist workers - plumbers, electricians, welders, tilers and others.
  • Trade in goods: grocery stores, pharmacies, stores of household chemicals, building materials, spare parts for cars - if there is an obvious shortage of them; selling handmade goods – it is better to combine sales through a retail store and an online store.
  • Own production: processing of local products for subsequent sale in a large city, mini-bakery if there is none in the city.

Don't forget about the children! Children's clothing, shoes, private kindergartens, development and additional education centers, and various entertainment for children will be in demand in any city.

Consulting has not been canceled. You may be in a small town, but advise people all over Russia and even all over the world. The main thing is to be a specialist in the area in which there is a demand for consultations. Legal, accounting, psychological, medical, financial, etc.

TOP 28 business ideas for a small town

Below we present a selection of 28 business ideas for a small city. This is just a small part that we can give you. Therefore, in addition to these ideas, read other articles with collections of business ideas on our website:

  • Section about;

We are also waiting for your ideas in the comments.

Business idea No. 1. Opening a private kindergarten

The amount of initial investment is 320,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the opening of a kindergarten that provides services for the development and education of a certain number of preschool children. The service is in demand due to the constant increase in the birth rate and the desire of successful parents to place their child in a good institution.

The implementation of the project begins with the preparation of all necessary documents, registration with funds and various authorities, and licensing. Most of the financial costs fall on the following items:

  • rent of a large comfortable premises;
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • arrangement of a room for cooking;
  • staff salaries.

The average cost of one month for a child to visit such a private kindergarten is approximately 10,000 rubles. A group of 8 people brings in 80,000 rubles a month, and 30,000 rubles are needed for food and maintenance. Therefore, the minimum profit from working with one group can be 50,000 rubles. This is a dirty calculation, because there will also be expenses for utility bills.

Many kindergartens of this type practice new teaching methods and interesting programs, which significantly increase the cost of keeping a child in the institution. If you do not expect a quick return on the funds invested in the project, you can get a stable financial income over the next years.

Business idea No. 2. Tool sharpening services

Initial investment - 130,000 rubles.

A good business option that requires small financial investments does not depend on the season. The services of a master are constantly required by hairdressers, manicurists, restaurant staff, cafes and ordinary housewives. A specialist who constantly improves his skills and performs high-quality services will always be in demand among clients.

Organizing a tool sharpening workshop is considered an economically affordable activity, but getting started requires certain costs:

  • rent and arrangement of work premises;
  • payment for initial training courses and advanced training;
  • acquisition of equipment for organizing the process.

The average cost of sharpening nail scissors or clippers is 200 rubles. The cost of such work, taking into account depreciation of equipment, direct and overhead costs, is no more than 100 rubles per order. With a minimum number of 10 calls per shift, you can calculate the amount of income as 100 rubles. For more complex types of hairdressing or cooking tools, prices are set correspondingly higher.

To increase profits, you can provide advertising, personally pick up and deliver tools to customers.

Business idea No. 3. Organization of well drilling

The cost of the project is 180,000 rubles.

The essence of this project is to organize the complete process of drilling and equipping a well on private plots to provide water for irrigation and household use. The service is in constant demand from owners of country houses and households who need to provide themselves with water. This is relevant in villages and small towns where there are problems with central water supply.

Most of these projects do not provide for the purchase of building materials, suggesting that the customer do this. Therefore, the main expense item is the purchase of a drilling rig with a full set of additional hoses, drills, and pumps. The average cost, depending on the manufacturer, is from 150,000 rubles, which will quickly pay off with painstaking work.

The average cost of a well laid meter is 1,800 rubles, and the minimum length of any well is 21 meters. Therefore, for the client, the cost of the company’s services will be 37,800 rubles. The cost of laying includes wages, physical wear and tear of the drill, overhead and transportation costs for an approximate amount of 14,500 rubles. A simple mathematical calculation of the results shows an income of 22,500 rubles. By constructing just two wells per week, you can fully recoup the installation costs in the first month.

Business idea No. 4. Making shawarma (shawarma)

Initial investment - 170,000 rubles.

The idea of ​​this project is to open a retail outlet for the production and sale of a popular type of snack - shawarma. Cooking a Turkish national dish requires minimal knowledge of cooking and small investments. A tasty and satisfying way to satisfy your hunger on the go is very popular among many students and visitors to public recreation areas.

Such a point can be installed permanently in a special tent or you can purchase an inexpensive trailer like the domestic version “Kupava”. This will become the main part of expenses along with the following items:

  • purchase of equipment necessary for cooking;
  • salesperson's salary;
  • public utilities;
  • purchasing products and packaging materials.

Calculating the cost of one prepared shawarma with overhead and direct costs shows the amount of 40 rubles, depending on the number of components. If you offer a product for sale at a price of 70 rubles, you can make a profit of 30 rubles per client. Having sold 100 such portions during a shift, the entrepreneur will receive a stable income of 3,000 rubles daily. After deducting all expenses for taxes and wages, the owner has 40,000 rubles at his disposal.

Business idea No. 5. Opening a tailoring studio

Initial costs - 200,000 rubles.

The essence of this idea is to open a small sewing studio offering services for repairing, manufacturing and decorating clothes. Such necessary work is in demand and popular, does not depend on the season at all, and covers a large number of clients of different ages. There are more and more people who want to look stylish, have original things, and breathe new notes into old coats and dresses.

You can open an atelier at home, but the best option would be rented space in a well-known shopping center, hypermarket or busy part of a residential area. Most of the expenses in a business plan come from the following items:

  • purchase of sewing equipment;
  • purchase of special furniture, mannequins;
  • purchase of sewing accessories;
  • rent of space or utility costs.

A small sewing studio is a business that does not guarantee a quick return on investment. At first, the average order bill is 300 rubles, and the main amount is hemming of things, fitting to the figure. By completing 15 such orders per day, you can achieve a profit of 2,000 rubles minus the cost. Advertising and cooperation with ready-made clothing stores can be of great help.

Business idea No. 6. Opening a clothing store

Estimated costs - 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is to purchase high-quality knitwear and some types of economy-class clothing from a manufacturer, and sell them to the consumer in a small store. This popular and widespread type of business activity can bring stable profits even in a competitive environment, if you choose a place of trade and select an assortment wisely.

To open a store you do not need a large premises. You can rent for a department or several square meters in a shopping center. A modern option would be to place the goods in an online store, with delivery to the buyer in his area of ​​residence.

Specializing in inexpensive practical items will bring returns faster than selling famous branded items and will require less investment. Additional costs include:

  • delivery of goods from the supplier;
  • payment to the hired seller;
  • acquisition of display cases, mannequins, racks.

Selling knitted clothing in a stationary store with a real markup of up to 40-50% will help you achieve a stable turnover of funds and receive a net profit after the first year of operation. Working with manufacturers directly will significantly reduce the purchase price and increase the income from the project.

Business idea No. 7. Opening a jewelry and accessories store

Preliminary costs - 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project- search for suppliers of original accessories, jewelry, their sale in the store. The popularity of this business is due to the growing interest in handmade items, exclusive gifts and souvenirs. Such products are aimed at a female audience who are happy to purchase new jewelry.

You can purchase goods in this category:

  • in specialized warehouses for souvenir products;
  • from home-based craftsmen offering piece goods.

The latter willingly offer products for sale at a certain percentage of sales. They can be exhibited in a rented department of a large center, organized via the Internet, or participate in sales exhibitions. High traffic can be ensured by the proximity to women's clothing and cosmetics stores and a beauty salon. As additional income, such stores offer master classes on making accessories and jewelry.

The cost of the products offered depends on the trade margin. Small trade turnover is offset by high profitability and unlimited shelf life. Therefore, you should not expect a quick payback, focusing on the average period of 10 months.

Business idea No. 8. Opening a coffee shop

The initial investment amount is 180,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project is the opening of a small coffee shop with a certain assortment. It is an island or department in a free zone of the shopping center, where everyone can drink or take a cup of aromatic drink with them. Such a miniature establishment is aimed at high traffic, and the best location would be the presence of shops and higher educational institutions.

It is good to start a new business format using the franchising method, which consists of full support of each stage by the parent company. Certain dividends give you the right to work under a well-known brand and use their supplier base. Additional expense items:

  • payment for placement;
  • long-term rental of special coffee machines and other equipment;
  • arrangement of an island with places to accommodate clients;
  • purchase of high-quality coffee raw materials.

Every day the coffee shop sells from 50 to 150 cups of hot coffee at an average price of 70-100 rubles and a cost of 30 rubles. The calculation assumes receiving a daily profit of at least 2,000-10,000 rubles. Involving confectionery products and original coffee recipes can significantly increase income, fully recouping all investments in a few months. Business in such a small city will be profitable if the population is over 50,000 people.

Business idea No. 9. Flower business

The approximate investment is from 150,000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed business idea is to organize the process of purchasing fresh flowers from distributors, packaging them, arranging them in designer bouquets and selling them through retail outlets or flower boutiques. The relevance is due to the stable high demand for flowers and the quick payback of this business.

To implement the project, it is necessary to find a wholesale supplier of the assortment of flowers, determine the method of implementation (a retail outlet in the transition, a boutique or an online store). To open you will need:

  • rent a room for selling and storing flowers;
  • install equipment to create temperature conditions;
  • hire distributors, train florists in courses if necessary.

An additional expense item will be staff maintenance, delivery of flowers to clients, and packaging materials.

The minimum payback period for a fresh flower store is 1 year. The markup that can be set on such a product is seasonal. During the pre-holiday period, an increase in cost of 150-200% is allowed. An increase in the price of fresh flowers in the range of 80-100% contributes to the emergence of regular customers.

The disadvantages of this project include a high percentage of competitors, a short shelf life and the creation of special conditions for live goods.

Business idea No. 10. Fruit stall

Initial financial investments - from 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is wholesale purchases of fresh fruits, their retail sale to the buyer in a special stationary stall. This type of small business is characterized by small initial investments, high competition, but constant profits with a reasonable approach to trade margins and compliance with trade standards. Fresh fruits are in demand in any season, but depend on changes in the assortment.

To open a stall, you should carefully study the competition and select places with good traffic: departments in markets, shopping malls, pavilions near transport stops, metro stations. To implement the project you will need:

  • stationary stall, open or closed tent;
  • concluding an agreement for the wholesale purchase of fruits;
  • purchase of weighing and refrigeration equipment.

The small size of the stall helps reduce costs for renting land, utilities, and taxes. Special attention should be paid to sanitary standards and quality of customer service.

The percentage of trade margin can range from 50 to 100% depending on the name of the product and its exotic nature. Therefore, the payback directly depends on the volume of trade turnover, and can range from three months.

Business idea No. 11. Opening a veterinary clinic

Approximate investment - from 150,000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed business idea is to open a veterinary clinic offering a full range of therapeutic and preventive services for animals in a hospital setting or at the client’s home. The relevance is due to the high demand of the population for such services. Even in a highly competitive environment, a modern clinic with experienced staff and quality service can achieve recognition and stable profits.

To implement the project, it is necessary to obtain a license and special permission from the state veterinary authority to carry out work, as well as:

  • purchase medical equipment;
  • assemble a qualified team.

The main expenses are related to the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and remuneration of personnel.

The clinic's estimated profit is 150,000 rubles monthly. The minimum cost of admission is 250 rubles. There is a great demand for high-quality veterinary services; foster care and a hotel for animals are becoming popular. When receiving more than 25 people daily and carrying out specific operations, income can significantly exceed average figures.

The disadvantage of the business project is the high percentage of the cost of veterinarian services. It reaches 75% of the specified cost. Because of this, the investment pays off within 8 to 10 years of the clinic’s operation.

Business idea No. 12. Opening a car wash

The initial investment is 200,000 rubles.

For small entrepreneurs, the optimal business project could be opening a mobile car wash and dry cleaning service. A small compact complex fits in the back of a medium-duty truck and consists of a wide tent, a set of necessary equipment, and cleaning supplies. Particular demand for such mobile washing installations is noted among owners of large vehicle fleets and enterprises that hire them for comprehensive washing of cars and buses.

The total cost of a simple set starts from 200,000 rubles, and additional costs depending on the tasks assigned are:

  • registration of work permits and documentation;
  • payment of rent or sublease of the site;
  • payment of wages.

The correct choice of location for a car wash is directly proportional to the number of customers. Therefore, the best option may be a residential area, a well-known hypermarket, or a busy highway entering the city. With an average cost of one car wash of 600 rubles and an estimated cost of 300 rubles, the average profit for servicing 10 cars will be 3,000 rubles.

Providing additional services for body polishing and interior dry cleaning will help to significantly increase profitability. During the seasonal downturn, a good profit is guaranteed by a carpet washing service.

Business idea No. 13. Opening a cosmetics and perfumery store

Initial investments - up to 300,000 rubles.

The idea is to open a store, offering cosmetics and hygiene products, cleaning and laundry compositions, and perfumes. Such a product is in great demand at any time of the year, used in everyday life. Analysis of this segment of the consumer market indicates the possibility of achieving success even in high competition with the right choice of trading strategy, reasonable prices and savings.

It is better to open such a point in a residential area with high traffic through the store. A non-residential apartment in a multi-storey building, an area in a shopping center or hypermarket would be suitable. The main costs for such a project:

  • rental of a trading place;
  • purchase of racks, display cases;
  • purchase of wholesale quantities of goods;
  • purchase and registration of the necessary cash register.

After opening, with an average markup of 40%, payback occurs no earlier than a year later, which is often typical for this type of trade. Most of the expenses go towards wages and maintaining the outlet, so the owner can take on some responsibilities. To attract regular customers, you can recommend promotions and advertising.

Business idea No. 14. Opening a butcher shop

The approximate investment amount is 300,000 rubles.

General essence of the project- opening and maintaining a store offering high-quality and fresh meat products. Food products are always in demand, and this type of business will bring good income. Therefore, opening a store that offers farm products with minimal markups can be a profitable investment.

You can open such a business using franchising or purchasing directly from farms, monitoring quality and freshness at every stage. There are some costs required to start the workflow:

  • rental of retail space in the busy tiger center, on the market;
  • purchase of refrigerated display cases and equipment;
  • purchase of the first supplies of meat of various categories;
  • equipping with special clothing and hygiene products for appropriate conditions.

Selling meat products requires creating ideal sanitary conditions and separating the cutting and selling areas. The average markup on some types of products can reach 50%, so the question of the payback of such a business depends on turnover and breadth of assortment. You should carefully choose the location on which the store’s traffic depends.

Business idea No. 15. Opening a baby food store

Preliminary expenses - 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the implementation of such a project- purchase from trusted wholesale suppliers of all types of baby food, formula and complementary foods, for the purpose of sale in a specialized store. Opening such a business is relevant for a big city, where the demand for such a product is high among young parents. The work should be based on a serious attitude to quality and cooperation only with direct manufacturers.

Large costs for opening such a store are associated with renting premises in a high-traffic area. The best option: proximity to children's clinics, grocery supermarkets, good transport links acceptable to clients. To organize the trading process you will need:

  • special refrigerators for products;
  • retail store equipment;
  • furniture for displaying goods.

At the initial stage, it is worth looking for distributors of well-known brands in the region who, on a contractual basis, can provide refrigerated cabinets, free delivery and advertising. As an addition, you can offer the sale of goods through an online store website. Considering the high costs of setting up and starting work, you should expect the store to become self-sustaining no earlier than in 10-12 months.

Business idea No. 16. Opening a kebab shop

The minimum investment is 270,000 rubles.

General essence of the business project- organization of a stationary cafe with a small assortment of dishes. The main idea is to prepare shish kebab and serve it to customers to take away or in an establishment. The relevance is due to the high demand for such places of recreation, especially in the summer season, good trafficability near highways and park areas.

To organize such a project and implement the idea you need:

  • select and rent a plot of land;
  • purchase a tent or tent for comfortable conditions for staff and clients;
  • provide the establishment with the necessary equipment and furniture.

The emphasis should be on quality meat, products, cleanliness and a cozy environment. The main amount of expenses quickly pays off with a large flow of visitors, so creating a reputation works no less than paid advertising. The owner should pay special attention to compliance with sanitary standards by employees.

During a shift, you can sell 150-170 servings of shish kebab, each of which is accompanied by additional snacks and drinks. Taking into account the trade margin of 100%, the monthly turnover of such kebab shops reaches 900,000 rubles, and the profit for a year of continuous operation exceeds 2 million rubles.

Business idea No. 17. Opening a lingerie store

Estimated costs - from 200,000 rubles.

General essence of the idea- opening a department or store offering underwear for women and men, swimwear and home sets of different price categories. Such a product has no seasonal demand, remaining relevant and in demand among beautiful ladies. Market analysis shows a steady increase in interest in good quality sets and lingerie over recent years.

To implement the planned project, it is necessary to think through and select an assortment that is focused on different shapes, sizes and ages of clients. It is better to open such a point in reputable shopping centers with high traffic of the target audience. After choosing a room you need to:

  • purchase retail equipment, racks and mannequins;
  • find a competent seller;
  • develop an original design to create comfortable conditions.

The most popular are classic and unusual sets of good quality underwear, which are best purchased directly from a foreign supplier. The trade margin on individual products and sets ranges from 50% to 100%. Offering discount and gift cards and replenishing your product range can help quickly attract a certain number of regular customers.

Business idea No. 18. Opening a store selling draft beer

Minimum investment - 250,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea- organizing and equipping a small store, searching for suppliers of fresh and live beer of several varieties, selling it to visitors in convenient containers. Such stationary points are always in demand among lovers of intoxicating drinks who prefer a high-quality and unpasteurized product. The relevance of the project is possible by combining a location with good traffic, quality customer service and the availability of a fresh product.

An excellent option would be to open a point in a residential area near metro stations, bus stops, grocery supermarkets or markets. To save costs and time, a good way would be to conclude an agreement with certain suppliers who will provide the equipment necessary for work for rent or lease (and sometimes free of charge), and ensure an uninterrupted supply of products.

The trade margin for the most popular varieties varies from 30 to 100%. Monthly income from one point in the warm months can reach 100,000 rubles. Considering the seasonality of the project, you can add soft drinks, kvass, packaged snacks for beer, and hot tea to go to the assortment.

Business idea No. 19. Renting electric cars for children

Initial costs - 100,000 rubles.

The basis of the project is the organization of leisure activities for children of different ages, based on the rental of modern models of electric vehicles and electric cars. This idea does not require special staff training, special working conditions and brings pleasure from working with small clients. Such sites with miniature cars are often located in parks, busy squares or near children's playgrounds.

Such a business project is suitable for implementation in small towns that do not have their own amusement park for children. The amount of expenses is distributed as follows:

  • purchase of several electric vehicles;
  • payment to the employee per shift;
  • territory rental;
  • transportation costs for transporting mini-cars.

The minimum cost of 10 minutes of rental on such a car is 100 rubles. On average it will work 30 minutes per hour or 300 minutes per day. This means that one machine can bring in 3,000 rubles per shift. The average cost of a new toy is 15,000 rubles, so we can talk about its payback in 5 days. Great savings come from working without the involvement of additional personnel and having your own truck for transporting such electric machines.

Business idea No. 20. Opening training courses

Initial investments - from 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– development of training programs, organization of the training process for clients of different ages. Short-term classes in aesthetic professions (hairdresser, makeup artist, nail service), the study of computer technology and driving lessons (driving school) are of great relevance. Language courses with different levels of preparation are no less in demand.

Implementation of the idea begins with developing a plan for training hours, obtaining a license and certification of training. The best option when looking for premises would be to rent classrooms by the hour at an institute or technical school. Main expenses:

  • educational materials;
  • necessary equipment, accessories;
  • remuneration for qualified teachers;
  • public utilities.

The profitability of such a business depends on the occupancy and number of students attending such courses. Providing monthly training for several groups with a total number of up to 100 people, the project can generate a turnover of 50 to 100 thousand rubles. Of particular importance is the advertising component, the constant introduction of new courses and in-demand professions.

Business idea No. 21. Opening a children's playroom

Initial investment - up to 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea consists of organizing a stationary room for leisure of children of different ages, which does not require licensing. Such rooms first appeared in shopping centers and quickly gained popularity due to the lack of alternatives. Modern options offer a small range of entertainment, slot machines and sets of toys that can keep an active child occupied for several hours.

Such a business requires major financial costs when organizing, but quickly pays off with the right pricing policy and selection of responsible personnel. The main costs will be:

  • payment of rent for premises;
  • purchase of equipment, special furniture, labyrinths or trampolines;
  • employee salaries.

Income depends entirely on the choice of the optimal location: cinemas, shopping centers, residential areas in big cities. The average cost of an hour of stay in a child center depends on the time, day of the week, and ranges from 100 to 200 rubles. With average monthly expenses and turnover of 50,000 and 100,000 rubles, respectively, you can achieve a profitability of 50%. You should attract customers with themed holidays, discounts and unusual toys of good quality.

Business idea No. 22. Opening a solarium

Preliminary investments - 390,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea in the purchase of equipment for solariums, provision of artificial tanning services to consumers. Such projects are widely in demand in cities with a temperate climate and a small number of sunny days per year. The relevance of this service is due to the desire of young people to look healthy and beautiful at any time of the year.

You can ensure a flow of clients by renting a small space in a well-known beauty salon, health or sports center. At the first stage, it is better to limit yourself to purchasing 2 devices: vertical and horizontal. To open a project:

  • re-equip the premises in accordance with safety standards;
  • provide comfortable conditions for clients;
  • arrange the administrator's workplace;
  • purchase the required minimum of cosmetics.

Analysis of such business ideas shows the optimal profit margin at 25-30%. For the idea to be profitable, it is necessary to ensure the number of clients is 10-15 people per shift. This will allow us to reach a monthly turnover of 130-135 thousand rubles, which will help recoup the business in six months. Do not neglect self-promotion of the solarium, providing cumulative discounts and interesting promotions to expand the circle of clients.

Business idea No. 23. Opening an optical store

Preliminary costs - 350,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea- opening a stationary store with a large assortment of glasses and accessories, providing optics selection and repair services to everyone. Good glasses in the middle price segment are in stable demand, so such a project will generate income even in a competitive environment.

To implement the idea of ​​an optical store, you need to choose a place with good traffic and convenient transportation. Non-residential premises on the ground floor of a high-rise building, renting a department in a supermarket, next to a clinic or metro station are ideal. To get started you will need:

  • purchase of equipment for optics repair and vision diagnostics;
  • installation of special showcases;
  • equipping a doctor's office and a glasses repairman's workplace.

Making a profit depends entirely on creating a good reputation, advertising, a wide range of optics at affordable middle and economy class prices. You can increase your profit by selling models of sunglasses, lenses, and related products. Monthly income can be 200-300 thousand rubles, so the store will be able to fully recoup all costs within 7 months.

Business idea No. 24. Opening a gym

The minimum investment amount is 900,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– equipment of the hall with the necessary set of exercise equipment and accessories for sports. This service is consistently in demand among people who lead an inactive lifestyle and want to improve their health. Small gyms in the mid-price range are popular even if there are sports clubs in the same city.

Choosing premises for a future gym or fitness club is necessary after carefully studying the market and demand in a particular residential area. Non-residential space on the first floors of houses or small halls in palaces of culture are suitable for placement. For comfortable leisure and training, clients will need:

  • arrangement of locker rooms, showers and rest areas;
  • purchasing a variety of training equipment;
  • appropriate decoration of the hall;
  • attracting personnel with appropriate knowledge and education.

You can make a gym or a new fitness club popular and profitable by offering special family or children's programs, or inexpensive classes for older people. With an average subscription cost of 1500-3000 rubles per month and a minimum number of clients of 100 people, we can talk about full payback only after 1-1.5 years.

Business idea No. 25. Opening a beer bar

Minimum investment - from 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea- equipment and opening of a small budget beer bar. A stylishly decorated establishment with an assortment of “live” beer can provide a stable income. Such cozy bars are highly valued among lovers of this drink. Stylish pubs that broadcast sports or offer simple snacks at affordable prices are very popular. The relevance of the project is due to the stable market growth of 17-18% annually.

To open such a beer bar, you should choose a work format (pub or restaurant), on which further work depends. A small establishment with 30 seats is considered optimal. It can fully pay for itself in a couple of years of stable work.

The main expense items when opening a beer bar are:

  • renting premises that are optimal for traffic;
  • original renovation and decoration;
  • purchase of necessary equipment and furniture;
  • purchase of the first batches of the product.

The trade markup in a beer bar can reach 1000% for certain types of products offered, and the average bill reaches 1500 rubles. This is a profitable project that requires the owner to constantly monitor all processes.

Business idea No. 26. Opening a car service and service station

Minimum investment – ​​over 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– opening a specialized car service center offering a wide range of repair services and car maintenance. The number of cars is growing steadily. Each of them needs specialized modifications, minor or major re-equipment. Therefore, a car service that offers high-quality and inexpensive work will always have a flow of orders from regular and new customers.

The main thing when opening a new service station is a good location and convenient transportation for customers. Before entering into a lease, it is best to conduct an analysis of the competition in the immediate area. For full work you will need:

  • specialized room with communications;
  • acquisition and installation of technical equipment;
  • qualified personnel.

For convenience and quick consolidation in the market, you can choose a separate niche for your service station: servicing only certain brands of cars or tuning without repair work. A car service with affordable prices and excellent quality of services will provide owners with a stable income and can pay for itself within the first year.

Business idea No. 27. Open a private bathhouse (sauna)

Minimum investment – ​​1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– opening an equipped private bath or sauna in a small town to provide services to private clients. This offer is aimed at people of different ages who love an informal type of relaxation. In addition to traditional services, we can offer an infrared sauna, classic massage and a refreshing pool. An inexpensive and cozy bathhouse will be popular in large and medium-sized cities.

Organizing a business project will require significant financial costs at the first stage:

  • comprehensive redevelopment and renovation of the premises in accordance with technical standards;
  • purchase and installation of equipment necessary for operation;
  • equipping a relaxation area for clients and staff;
  • advertising services in different ways.

You can place a bathhouse in a private house after a complete refurbishment. The average cost of an hour of stay can range from 800 to 1500 rubles, depending on the time of day and additional services. With an average load of 55%, monthly income can be up to 250,000 rubles. At this pace of work, a business project with a private bath or sauna can be repaid in 12-14 months.

Business idea No. 28. Opening a beauty salon

Minimum investment – ​​500,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea– design and opening of a salon providing hairdressing and cosmetology services to the population. Modern people are happy to take care of their appearance by turning to professionals. Therefore, the market for such services is popular and is developing rapidly. This leads to high competition and requires thorough study of any.

To open a profitable and successful beauty salon, you need premises located in an area with good traffic and transport links. You can consider renting in shopping complexes or busy areas with an abundance of shops for women. The owner will require financial investments:

  • acquisition of necessary equipment;
  • arrangement of work and rest areas;
  • decoration of premises;
  • advertising services.

Analysis of similar projects suggests the optimal markup size is 200 - 250%. It includes not only the costs of maintaining the salon, but also the constant training of staff and the development of new cosmetic services. The payback period can depend on many factors, usually ranging from four months to a year.

Where to start a business in a small town

Directly depends on the type of business. For a small business, one of the special modes is suitable: you need to choose the most optimal one, where the amount of tax payable is less.

Opening a business even in the smallest city without any investments is almost impossible: some investments still need to be made. Therefore, be puzzled by the question, or.

You can use your own or contact the bank for. If you manage to find a free niche and organize a profitable business, then all the invested funds will pay off fairly quickly.

What ideas do you have for starting a business in a small town? I'm waiting for answers in the comments!

Welcome to the magazine about business and finance “Rabota-Tam”.

Despite the fact that business ideas for provincial cities are not as diverse as in the case of large settlements, even here you can organize a profitable business.

If you think that starting a business in the provinces is futile, then you are deeply mistaken. If you approach issues of organization and management correctly, the enterprise has great prospects in the future. It is important to choose a niche whose products are interesting and in demand by customers. And this is not so easy to do.

Features of business in a provincial town

They say that buyers in big cities are spoiled, and entrepreneurs literally have to work hard to attract their attention. But believe me, rural business is also characterized by some peculiarities.

What do aspiring entrepreneurs have to face?

  1. Small towns have fairly low purchasing power. This is explained by the fact that a limited number of residents live here. Therefore, to start making money, you need to offer customers a product or service they really need. Of course, in the future you will be able to supply products to neighboring, larger cities. But at first it is better to somehow adapt to the local residents.
  2. Unfortunately, you may also face a shortage of qualified personnel. Nothing surprising - good specialists do not stay in the provinces. Therefore, for the stable operation of the enterprise, you will have to invest money in the employee, teaching him all the basics. Staff turnover is also common in small towns.
  3. As you know, in the provinces everyone knows each other, every fifth person is a relative or friend. Local residents are sometimes suspicious of strangers. In addition, all innovations “reach” the villages later. So don't expect to be welcomed here with open arms. To achieve success you will have to work hard.

If you take into account all the nuances of entrepreneurship in a small town, you will quickly bring any business to the break-even point.

What kind of business can you start in a provincial town?

When choosing an idea for a future business, take your time. First, analyze the market and the needs of the population, study the competition, and only then start implementing the project.

Here are some business ideas for provincial cities that, with the right approach, can bring you a decent profit:

  • construction and repair services,
  • drilling water wells,
  • repair shops for household and computer equipment,
  • farming,
  • production of custom-made furniture.

We have not considered stores, since everything here is not so clear. It is unlikely that you will succeed if you open the hundred and first bread stall. But original products (for example, expensive exclusive clothing) will not be in demand in a small locality. If you still want to engage in sales, then it would be better to buy a store that has been operating on the market for a long time. It is much more profitable to launch your own production. If funds are available, finished products can be delivered to neighboring cities. Then you will not experience any problems with implementation. There are more advantages than disadvantages - low wages, small payments for utility bills, the requirements of supervisory services are not so stringent.

Wherever you decide to open a business, in a large city or province, you need to approach the business with all responsibility. Achieving success in the second case is somewhat more difficult, but still quite feasible.