Documents of the organization on electronic document management. Electronic document management as a way to optimize business processes

With the spread of computers, 100% of documents are created in in electronic format. Nevertheless, more than half of them are still printed out for review and approval.

As for the exchange of documents and the signing of contracts between business entities, here paper carriers are almost always used.

There are three submission methods:

  • Through the Guaranteed Message Delivery System in personal account taxpayer;
  • On magnetic media with EDS
  • Through the "Taxpayer Terminal" program in the offices of the tax inspectorate.

Increasing efficiency and reducing costs is the goal of any business that plans to stay in business for years to come. And it can be achieved with the introduction of electronic document management, especially since this is provided for in Russian legislation.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to those documents that must be printed in paper form according to the law and to ensure that paper and electronic document the turnover did not duplicate each other, because in this case nothing could be saved.

If everything is organized correctly, then electronic document management This is the key to the efficiency of a modern enterprise.

Employees of the enterprise spend a lot of time searching for the necessary data (according to statistics, this takes up to 40% of their working time) or recreating documents that already exist (this happens in about 70% of cases). A typical situation is when the original texts of contracts are stored by lawyers in electronic form (often without a history of changes); accounting entries for documents accompanying the execution of contracts are made in the accounting system; records of contracts and related documents are kept in a spreadsheet; invoices and acts are stored in paper form in the financial department, and current correspondence regarding contractual work is stored in employees' electronic mailboxes. With such "scattered" data and documents, it is difficult to ensure their integrity, consistency and security.

Information resource management is of particular importance for the activities of any organization. Regardless legal status or organizational forms activities of the institution are called upon to actively interact with the executive and legislative authorities, structures involved in the regulation of the economy. All this in turn generates a specific workflow.

Thus, Met-Info LLC acutely feel the need to organize effective management information resources and undertake active steps on the use of computer technologies in the field of document flow management (and information in the broadest sense).

Unfortunately, the use of computer programs in LLC "Met-Info" with documentation in some cases is not accompanied by a restructuring of work with documentation, i.e. documents are compiled by some of the information users manually.

Therefore, it is recommended to provide access to the common accounting database of Met-Info LLC for all users of accounting documentation, i.e. to provide direct input of information at the places of receipt of external documents, such as the receipt of materials, the transfer of products to the warehouse - in the enterprise's workshop, the personnel department organizes entering data on admission and dismissal from work directly into the accounting system.

All this will provide the following benefits: increased reliability of information; reduction in manual labor.

An electronic document management system (EDMS) or EDMS (Electronic Document Management Systems) is a system for automating work with documents throughout their life cycle(creation, modification, storage, search, classification, etc.), as well as the processes of interaction between employees. In this case, documents primarily mean unstructured documents (Word, Excel files, etc.). As a rule, EDMS includes an electronic archive of documents and a system for automating business processes.

Effective records management based on the EDMS is based on three components of the system:

  • - technology (based on modern computer systems).
  • - corporate rules creation and use of information resources (and their consolidation in administrative documents).
  • - psychology of users and their training (if necessary, individual).

Registration is carried out in document management systems normative documents, administrative documents (orders, instructions), correspondence with authorities, institutions, credit organizations, other institutions and enterprises, as well as citizens. In addition, the EDMS is working with internal official correspondence and draft organizational and administrative documents created by structural institutions.

The EDMS provides control over the movement and execution of documents, contains complete information about the instructions given by the management and the actions of the performers. An important element of the EDMS is a system of formal and semantic references to related documents and instructions. The search in the EDMS, in addition to the traditional office details, is based on a system of classifiers (including thematic ones), which allow contextual selection of documents.

The procedure for maintaining classifiers is strictly regulated. Part of the directories is formed by specialists who register (for example, a classifier of correspondent organizations). Making changes to the rest is the administrator's prerogative, in addition, the administrator constantly monitors new positions of the classifiers and, if necessary, corrects them. Thus, possible duplication of positions of directories is eliminated, and errors are eliminated when registering documents. The efficiency of the system can be ensured only if users are regularly trained and “soft” control over their actions in the system (correction of errors, compliance with the requirements for filling in mandatory information details, etc.).

The creation of an EDMS is also associated with a change in the role of the service documentation support: uniform technological requirements to the organization of workflow using EDMS, establishes a system of "administrative framework" in working with documents, which is actually a methodological basis for organizing work with information.

In general, the establishment of a clear procedure for using the system and rules for working with information is one of the main factors that ensured the successful implementation of the EDMS and its full use.

The goals of introducing an electronic document management system are: automation of office work, automation of document flows, automation of control over the execution of documents and instructions, improvement of executive discipline, putting things in order in working with documents, reducing time for operations with documents, transition to paperless technologies.

Thus, it is possible to determine the efficiency of using the electronic document management system (EDMS) in the narrow sense for individual industries and users.

Let us consider in more detail the savings in labor costs for users of the EDMS.

Calculation of the notional annual savings in labor costs of employees j-th qualification With j when changing the complexity of the processes of preparation and processing of information as a result of the introduction of the EDMS is determined by the formula:

C j \u003d C zpj (Q 1 - Q 2) A 2 / F j,

where С зпj - annual fund wages employee j qualifications involved in the preparation and processing of data, rub.; Q 1 , Q 2 - the complexity of preparing and processing a data unit in the basic and new versions software product, person/h; A 2 - the annual amount of work on the preparation and processing of data in a new version of the software product, natural units; Ф j - the annual fund of working time of one employee of the j-th qualification, engaged in the preparation and processing of data, h.

Calculate labor cost savings personnel worker having a salary of 5787 rubles. Consequently, the manager's annual payroll is 69,444 rubles. Considering that with a five-day working week, the number of working days is 249, the annual working time fund will be 1992 hours.

The labor intensity of preparing and processing documents with the previous method of work and in the EDMS system is 25 [person/hour] and 20 [person/hour] respectively. The annual volume of work on the preparation and processing of data in the EDMS (in natural units) is? 80 documents.

Thus, we get the savings in the cost of remuneration of the manager:

C \u003d 69,444 (25 - 20) 80 / 1992 \u003d 13,944.58 rubles,

which is 20% of the annual payroll of a personnel worker involved in the preparation and processing of documents in an automated document management system.

Effective modern process, allowing to optimize the work of companies, is the organization of electronic document management. Any structure can save its own work time and will begin to make strategic and operational decisions several times faster, ahead of its competitors.

At first glance, it seems that automation can completely change the way an enterprise works, but this is far from being the case. The introduction of an electronic document management system will allow changing the work of only a few sections of the enterprise, while the very organization of such functionality can raise serious questions.

Important Points

The translation of all available documents in a single company into electronic format is now simply necessary. A similar situation occurred in the 90s with the system accounting. Information must be processed qualitatively and very quickly, since knowledge today surpasses material flows in importance.

In addition, the data must not fall into the hands of third parties, otherwise the company will become vulnerable, and it can be easily destroyed. There are a number of problems that paper-based organizations have to face:

  • materials may be lost;
  • files appear in which it is difficult to determine the authors and purpose;
  • documents may fall into the hands of third parties;
  • searching for the right materials can take a huge amount of working time;
  • each file is copied, due to this there are additional expenses for stationery and paper;
  • the coordination of documentation and its preparation requires a lot of time.

When transferring an organization to electronic document management, you can get rid of all these difficulties, as well as:

  • increase the overall efficiency of the enterprise, simplifying the work with materials;
  • to form a well-coordinated system of work within the company;
  • increase the efficiency of obtaining the necessary data;
  • increase the overall labor productivity of the company's employees, which is possible by reducing the time spent working with documents;
  • create different rights for all employees of the enterprise, according to which they will have access to information.

How to choose the right EDMS?

Next, you should decide which particular system of electronic documentation you can choose. There are several classes of systems that are responsible for automating workflow, managing all work information flows and archival documents, as well as for direct control.

Each system was created in order to solve a range of problems. In particular, the automation system will not allow correct routing of all workflows. That is why you need to choose a system that fully meets your needs within the enterprise.

Features of the organization of electronic document management are the ability to choose the right system data. Very often you can find references to ERP systems. Many believe that they are able to solve absolutely all problems within a single enterprise, but this is far from the case. The best option is a combination of an ERP system and automatic system DOW.

To choose the most optimal system just follow a few simple tips.

  1. It is important to first determine the tasks that this system will perform. If necessary, consult with experts.
  2. Next, you should fully study all the offers on the market that have this functionality.
  3. Choose a system that you can easily set up at any time, and then test it with a demo. Some EDMS companies provide free support during the testing period.
  4. There is no need to immediately purchase an expensive system with high power.
  5. The implementation process can be carried out in several stages, spending the required amount in installments.

Subtleties of implementing EDMS

Implementation period electronic system workflow can vary significantly: some experts claim that they are able to complete the process in as soon as possible. The only disadvantage of this scheme is that specialists try to get the maximum possible amount of money for their work from the customer.

The implementation process can depend on a large number of factors.

System class

The ARM system can be implemented in a week, and the implementation of the ERP structure may require a lot of time from the customer and specialists (a month, half a year, a year).


The larger the system, the more time and effort it takes to implement it. Among other things, it is necessary to train all users of the system to work with it and install the necessary software on all computers of the organization.

Ease of controls

Some manufacturers adapt the system according to existing customer requirements by changing the program code. This adaptation takes a large number of time, if the system can be adapted by changing the settings, it happens much faster.

Stages of organization

The organization of the workflow itself should consist of six stages, but their number may vary:

These steps can be carried out in parallel.

If you don't know , how to organize electronic document management in an organization, the main attention will need to be paid to training employees of the enterprise. All employees must be trained to the highest quality, otherwise even perfect systems will fail.

The transition from paper to electronic document management can be carried out within a period of 2 weeks to 6 months; implementation of new systems can take 12 to 24 months. Separately, you should consider the cost of this system. General pattern: all systems of a single class have a similar cost, which depends on a number of factors.

The economic efficiency of electronic circulation of documents has long been discussed among specialists and in the press. It is difficult to evaluate this effectiveness, since it is necessary to take into account the importance of the EDMS for each enterprise.

We will tell you how to implement an electronic document management system in a company in 10 steps on your own.

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Why you need an electronic document management system

Probably, there is not a single company left where computers and local networks. Therefore, the terms EDI, electronic document management, will sooner or later be mentioned in conversations about the immediate plans of even small organizations.

In short, electronic document management is the transfer of document flows of an organization into digital electronic form, automation of all document processing processes.

What are the benefits of implementing and maintaining electronic document management with the help of specialized software - an electronic document management system (EDMS) for a company?

  1. The efficiency of labor and, as a result, its productivity is growing. Automated search for any request can significantly reduce the processing time of documents, ensure control over the timeliness of their execution.
  2. Employees get instant access to any document created and registered in the system. It becomes possible to quickly make corrections, access to documents can be distinguished by performers.
  3. The influence of the "human factor" is minimized, errors associated with it are excluded.
  4. Costs are reduced by increasing labor efficiency, costs for office equipment and consumables are reduced.
  5. Interactions are improving both between individual performers and between departments of the company. The exchange of information and the passage of control signals are accelerating.
  6. The time for creating, coordinating and approving documentation is reduced by providing collective access and monitoring the timing of each stage.
  7. The costs of organizing archival storage of documents are reduced.
  8. Increases the degree of protection of documentation from loss and damage, from unauthorized access.

Since everyone who is somehow connected with office work is familiar with the concepts of “electronic document, electronic document management”, no one needs to be convinced of the need to introduce an EDMS. But many companies still believe that it is complicated and expensive. But, meanwhile, it is quite possible to implement it by the forces of the organization itself, which will significantly reduce costs.

Electronic document management system (EDM): implementation stages

The algorithm for implementing an electronic document management system consists of 10 steps.

Step 1. Decide on the goals and objectives of automation. Analyze the problems of document management in the enterprise, consider whether they will be solved through electronic document management.

Step 2 Spend pre-project survey. Study the specifics of record keeping in your company, for this:

  • conduct an audit of document flows between performers and structural divisions;
  • analyze the current regulations in order to optimize document flows, trace the routes of movement of internal and external documents;
  • learn the process of creating, coordinating and approving all types of internal documents formed in the company;
  • inspect the procedure for registering and processing incoming and outgoing correspondence;
  • assess how the company's record keeping complies with the norms and requirements of industry standards, the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • study the procedure for the formation of files, the requirements for their current storage and transfer for storage to the archive of the organization;
  • consider which business processes should be automated;
  • analyze the obtained data and formulate technical requirements, which must meet the EDMS electronic document management.

Scheme. Operations on internal documents

Step 3 Conduct an audit of the existing business processes in the company before switching to electronic document management. It is necessary to systematize and streamline work with document flows, to optimize the entire system of office work in the company. Develop regulations for processing documents, draw up instructions in which you establish areas of responsibility between performers, write down the procedure for interaction between them. Make corrections and additions to local regulations, job descriptions. Together with the IT service, consider security issues, access control. Be guided by the requirements of the standardization system in the management of documents set out in GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007.

Step 4 Make a diagram of the document management process, write down the routes of document flows, the order and sequence of execution, coordination and approval of documentation. Consider the possibility of simultaneous access and joint work with a document for all performers. Compose technical task taking into account specific wishes and requirements.

Step 5 Study modern EDMS, consider what changes and additions can be made to the standard configuration, taking into account the features that characterize the electronic document management of the EDI of your organization. Many software development companies take into account the individual requirements of customers and make the necessary adjustments.

Step 6 Start implementing an EDMS in your organization by choosing one of two options:

  1. Implement EDI by types of documents, when the processing of one type of documents is first automated: orders and instructions, contracts and agreements.
  2. Introduce EDMS step by step by departments, when first jobs are automated in the clerical service, then in personnel service, accounting and so on throughout the company.

Since the processing of documents is already starting with any option, get certificates for responsible executors authorized to sign documents.

The table shows which types of electronic digital signatures exist and when signing which documents they can be used.

Step 7 Create an electronic archive by converting previously created paper documents into electronic formats. In the electronic archive, documents can be stored both in the form of scans and in formats text editors. You can start creating an electronic archive as soon as the management decides on the need to introduce electronic document management.

Electronic files in the nomenclature of company files

Step 8 Integrate EDMS with other automated accounting systems used in the company. Working in electronic document management systems, as a rule, implies the possibility of exchanging data with those accounting systems that have already been implemented and now provide automated personnel, financial, and production accounting in the company.

Step 9 Provide training to employees, develop user manuals, taking into account the specific features of specific workplaces.

Step 10 Ensure control over compliance with regulated procedures during the period of adaptation of performers to new working conditions. Appoint responsible employees in the units who will provide operational assistance to the rest and ensure that the established procedure for using the EDS is followed.

It should be understood that the introduction of the EDMS, the workflow in electronic formats- not an end in itself. This is an effective tool for external interaction and not only with authorities executive power and supervisory. EDMS will provide a single workflow with separate divisions and prompt exchange of documents with contractors. Take the initiative and your partners, suppliers and customers. This will help not only improve the quality and speed of information flow exchange, but also reduce the payback time of the electronic document management system implemented at the enterprise.

Workflow automation is a measure that almost all modern enterprises resort to. Even small companies work with a ton of different documents, including letters, budgets, invoices, contracts, and all sorts of requirements. It is for this reason that almost every modern organization tries to use such a measure as workflow automation, which ensures the completeness and safety of data, ease of search and storage various information, as well as the ultimate optimization of the time required for its coordination.

Why is this needed?

In almost any company, employees spend a lot of time trying to find the information they need, and statistics speak volumes about the fact that this takes about half of their working time. It also happens that you have to recreate anew instead of re-applying some documents that exist "somewhere". It is quite standard that the source text of a contract is kept by a lawyer on a computer, and the accounting entries for the papers accompanying the execution of contracts are carried out in the accounting system, invoices and acts are kept in the financial department in paper form, and correspondence regarding the conduct of contractual works is in the mailboxes of employees. Such "dispersion" of information is extremely harmful to security, integrity and consistency, it is in such situations that automation of workflow becomes relevant.

Through the introduction of specialized information systems solves most of the problems. For example, some budgeting systems provide the ability to create a system of interrelated budgets with the subsequent formation and storage of different versions of such documents, as well as indicating their statuses. Thus, the problem of budget document circulation is partially solved through the use of such systems.

However, one should not forget that modern budget bases, as well as accounting and ERP systems, in the vast majority of cases work with structured information, that is, data that can be created and stored in the form of a table. According to most experts, in the total amount of data of any modern business only 20% is given, while the rest includes electronic correspondence, texts of documents, all kinds of minutes of negotiations and meetings, images, etc. Quite often, without studying unstructured information, it is simply not possible to make a normal assessment of the context in which structured information is already present. The storage, collection and subsequent processing of such data is ensured precisely by the use of such measures as workflow automation, or by the company's information content management systems.

What it is?

Documents from all systems logically related to this information are commonly called context. It may include the contents of paper or electronic correspondence, faxes, payment documents, minutes of events, video or audio recordings, and a lot of other information. Context can be added to the document manually or this process can be fully automated, depending on the preferences and needs of the management.

For example, modern system automation of workflow in the process of formation and subsequent changes in budgets allows you to use a number of other contextual information:

  • all kinds marketing research market, including not only our own, but also those obtained from external sources;
  • various contracts with contractors (buyers or suppliers);
  • special regulatory and reference documentation;
  • additional documentation that reflects any restrictions or assumptions (for example, inflation rate, exchange rates and other data);
  • held to discuss any version of the budget being compiled, as well as including all kinds of working comments and comments from the participants in the process (often such documentation is sent between all employees using e-mail and is stored separately from files with budget information).

The user who works with the budget, at any time, if necessary, can view any of the above documents, as modern workflow automation technologies allow him to do this without any lengthy searches.

What systems do we use?

One of the most common software solutions, which can be found in Russian companies, you can call a combination of Microsoft Outlook utilities along with Microsoft Exchange Server. The first application, in principle, is installed on almost every computer, while Exchange Server is quite often used as a full-fledged e-mail server. Despite the fact that in companies where the introduction of electronic document management has been carried out relatively long ago, such programs are used only as a platform for working with email, after some centralized settings even this software can be used as a fairly functional workflow automation tool for almost any organization.

Presently Russian market is filled with dozens of different systems that provide automation of document management, and such software is offered not only by Western, but also by domestic developers. Even Microsoft, in addition to the above programs, also offers utilities such as Content Management Server or SharePoint Portal Server.

The most powerful of all existing systems considered to be Documentum, but mostly only large companies use such an automation process. The workflow of some companies is automated due to the Lotus Notes software package, but many call it a kind of “designer for programmers”, since it is quite difficult to create a full-fledged system on its basis.

What are the differences between Russian and Western systems?

If we talk about the main differences between domestic and foreign utilities, then they lie in the available scaling options. For example, if systems from Western developers can function in almost any operating system, then domestic ones are mainly developed for only one of them, and naturally, this is often Windows. Western systems are configured to use any DBMS. Such restrictions Russian systems can greatly hinder the ability to build cross-platform integrated solutions.

Regarding functionality, the main difference is that in the West, automation of document management and workflow is carried out by several programs that can be produced under a single brand, but at the same time intended for different purposes. For example, Documentum offers several separate products that are used for full automation, as well as integration with ERP systems, support for design workflow, and so on. The predominant majority of software developed in Russia is aimed at solving a specific problem.

It is also worth noting that the fundamental difference lies in the approach of both parties to what constitutes a workflow automation system. Western systems are aimed at providing full automation and subsequent support for various end-to-end business processes occurring within the organization, while the vast majority of domestic programs automate only certain functions.

Price Western systems approximately ranges from $400 to $1000 for each workplace, not taking into account the implementation costs, programs and equipment that are required in order to ensure a normal electronic document flow. The implementation itself often costs about half the usual cost of licenses, since most often workflow automation programs are sold with various promotions, but in some situations the price is an order of magnitude higher. One of the most difficult projects is always the automation of financial documentation, since for such projects the cost of implementation is approximately 2-3 times higher compared to the cost of licenses.

Domestic programs are sold at a price of $ 200-600 for each workplace, and in addition to this, the cost of additional programs and various equipment. Ultimately, the calculation of comparative cost is carried out in much the same way as in Western systems.


In the vast majority of cases, as priority direction automation are processes related to the coordination of documents, for example, the process of initial preparation and further implementation of budgets. However, many teams now use automation of office work and workflow, that is, from the procedures for registering outgoing and incoming documentation.

The introduction of an electronic system has no fundamental differences from the introduction of any other automated systems, so it is worth stopping only at distinctive features this project.

Creation of corporate vaults

In any case, the introduction of a workflow automation system provides for the creation of a kind of corporate repository in which all documentation will be stored. The logical structure of such a repository, the development and further implementation of a security policy, as well as the hierarchy of document storage require maximum care and must be carried out already at an early stage of the project.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the storage function can be deployed at the beginning of the design, so already at the initial stage it is possible to move all documents from the current storage locations to a single corporate storage. Due to this, users can familiarize themselves with some of the main functions of the system, and at the same time get comfortable with its use. It is possible to speed up the adaptation of employees to the systems being implemented by using service functions such as notification of changes in documentation, the appearance of new documents, etc.

Thus, workflow automation is required for anyone modern enterprise which strives to develop and improve its work.