Rostelecom personal account Buryatia. Personal account Rostelecom

As you know, the largest all-Russian telecommunications provider Rostelecom, today introduced such a service as a single personal account. And we will talk about how registration is performed, as well as the main actions in it.

About the service

To begin with, it is worth dropping a few words about the service itself. This is a great system, of which there are many today. Most self-respecting large corporations, which provide all kinds of services to customers, have long begun to take care of the implementation of those on their official websites.

To the main extent, personal pages are implemented there precisely for the convenience of users and to reduce the processing time of any requests, even to facilitate the work of support staff. Indeed, in this system, users have the opportunity to personally manage their services, connect and disconnect additional options, without disturbing the company's employees directly about this. The performance of all these procedures in the service is reduced to the simplest buttons and sections, which any modern user is ready to handle, since the Internet and computers have long come to any home and region.

Brief video instruction on registering a personal account Rostelecom

To go through the procedure for creating your own profile on the official website of Rostelecom, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the official web resource of Rostelecom, located at
  2. Once on the main page, you can familiarize yourself with the information you are interested in, after which you can click on the link " Personal Area” located on the top right of the navigation menu.
  3. Please note that you have moved to a page located at In the future, it will be possible to enter the personal account service from it. And now - click on the "Register" button, located under the "Login" and "Remember password" fields.
  4. Create a username that will be used to log into the service. It is recommended to use a short and memorable word of a sonorous type. Enter your nickname in the first field of the form to fill out and make sure that no one else has a similar name.
  5. Come up with a strong password that includes numbers and upper and lower case letters.
  6. Repeat the password in the last (third) field.
  7. Click on the blue "Next" button to proceed to the second step of the registration procedure.
  8. Enter your last name in the first field, fill in the second and third fields with your first and middle name, respectively.
  9. From the "Date", "Month" and "Year" drop-down lists, select the appropriate options to enter the correct date of your birth.
  10. After switching to the last field, a list with regions will be displayed in front of you. Select from it the region of your residence or location.
  11. Click the blue "Next" button again to proceed to the third step.
  12. Enter a contact email address.
  13. Please provide a contact phone number.
  14. Choose your preferred method to confirm the registration procedure:
  • Via SMS;
  • Through a letter to
  1. Agree to the terms of Rostelecom to use the service.
  2. Click the "Register" button, which becomes relevant (begins to glow blue), after checking the checkbox of the user agreement.
  3. Confirm the registration procedure.

Login to your personal account Rostelecom

Now that the registration in the service is completed and confirmed, you can enter the account and enjoy all its benefits. To enter the service, you must specify a username and password on one of the following pages.

Today, Rostelecom is a leading provider in Russia, providing its customers with Internet access, digital and interactive TV connections, as well as home and mobile phone.

Such a rich list of available services implies the need to monitor each of them. And in order to optimize the time spent, and the forces of users, the company's specialists decided to create a single personal account. And now the service is available for visiting on the official website of the company

How to get to the service page

There are several ways to get to the login page of the service. The first one looks like this:

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Write in the address bar
  3. Press "Enter".
  4. You will be automatically transferred to the main login page and to your Rostelecom personal account.

Another method involves a gradual transition to the desired page:

  1. Open the official website of the company, which is located, as we have already said, at
  2. Select the actual region that matches your location.
  3. Find the link with the name "Personal Account", located in the upper right part of the resource, and click on it.
  4. You have reached the main login page of the service.
  5. If you already have access to the service, you only need to enter the correct login/password pair and click on the "Login" button to log in. If you have not used the system before, you need to register in it.

So we got to the list of necessary actions for registering in the system of a single personal account. And it looks like this:

  1. On the login page, click "Create a single personal account."
  2. On the page that opens, you will see a form for filling in the data. You need to enter in it:
  • A unique login that has not yet been registered in the system. If the entered login matches the existing one, the system will display an appropriate error message for you;
  • A strong password that includes at least nine characters;
  • Password repetition to confirm the correctness of the entered data.
  1. After filling in all the windows, you must click on the "Next" button, highlighted in blue.
  2. On the next page, you will again see a form for filling in the data. This time, enter:
  • Surname;
  • Middle name;
  • Date of birth in three drop-down lists (day, month and year);
  • Region (select the current location from the drop-down menu).
  1. After filling out the form, click on "Next" again.
  2. The next window also includes several fields to fill out, as well as other items:
  • Enter your email address;
  • Enter a contact phone number;
  • Choose the best method for confirming the registration procedure in the service;
  • Agree to the terms of the company.
  1. After filling in all the points, click on the "Register" button.
  2. Wait for the information to confirm the registration to your phone or mailbox (depending on the choice you made earlier).
  3. Confirm registration.
  4. Congratulations! You have successfully registered.

After completing the registration, you will be able to authenticate in your personal account on the page

Many users use a convenient system for servicing the “Single User Account”. But not every one of them knows how to log in to this service. And this can be done different ways including mobile phone number. In addition, there is also alternative ways logging in, which are also discussed in this material

In order not to be divisive, you should immediately consider the advantages in self-service customer service that this service allows you to perform, and among them the following can be noted:

  1. Changing the tariff plan
  2. Ability to check the balance of service packages and balance
  3. Enable or disable different options
  4. Get settings on your phone or smartphone
  5. Pay bill or set up auto payment

These are just a few of the things you can do yourself after logging into your account. If you are already registered in the user's personal account, you can log in using the following methods.

How to enter your personal account Rostelecom by phone number

There are three options for standard access to the system: by phone number, by e-mail address and by login (you specified it during registration). The easiest of these ways is to enter by number:

  1. Go to the address of the new office
  2. Enter your number in international format
  3. Enter password
  4. Click Next

If you have forgotten your password or it has been lost, you can always retrieve or recover it. To do this, go to and enter your number.

A confirmation code will be sent to your number in the form of an SMS message. It must be entered in a new window. The field of which it will be possible to change your password to a new one.

The same procedure can be performed using e-mail, in which case you must carefully read the recovery instructions that come to your e-mail address. It will indicate all further actions.

How to enter a single account through social networks

This can be done quite simply. After that, authorization will occur using the login and password of your social network account. You can connect it to one of the following social networks:

  1. In contact with
  2. classmates
  3. Facebook
  4. Google+
  5. Yandex

After binding, authorization is very fast; this is perhaps one of the most convenient ways to enter. To complete the binding, it is enough to log in to a single account and click on the link " Binding to social networks ».

Rostelecom personal account mobile application

All users of the company can also use special mobile applications to access the system. To do this, just install on your smartphone or tablet an application from official app stores for various operating systems:

  1. Android - Google Play. Go to the store and download the application to your phone. Then it will be installed
  2. ios- App Store. Download app from official store and install on your device

After installing the application, you can start using it intensively. There is no need to create a new account for this.

Since you can also log in using the old account with the same username and password. In the mobile version, you can perform all the same functions that were available in the regular version of the unified user account.

How to register in the user's personal account

To register, just go to the main page and enter your phone number, then enter the desired username and password. There are conditions for entering a password:

  1. Under the terms of the system, it must contain uppercase and lowercase letters (uppercase and lowercase letters), special characters "№,%,@,#,$," and numbers
  2. You should also take into account the length of the password itself - the minimum length of which is from 9 characters

As soon as you come up with a password that suits the system conditions, your continue button will be active and you can continue the registration process. After that, it will be possible to log into your personal account Rostelecom.

The next step is to confirm the entered data, which is done either by phone number or by e-mail.

Login to your personal account Rostelecom by phone number - 4.1 out of 5 based on 18 votes

Rostelecom is a Russian telecommunications company with predominantly state participation, the full name of which sounds like Public Joint-Stock Company long-distance and international telecommunications "Rostelecom".

This telecommunications company offers its customers a variety of services, including local and long-distance telephony, broadband access Internet, interactive television, cellular And so on. Learn more about each of the services, as well as get a different useful information regarding Rostelecom, you can visit the official website of the company.

Among other things, a personal account is presented on the official Internet resource of Rostelecom - a service available to both individuals and legal entities.

To go to your personal account, you must use the tab of the same name located in the upper right part of the site, after which you will find yourself on the page, where you should select an account for individuals or an account for business, then you should specify the data required for entry: username and password, or register.

In general, a personal account for private clients allows you to manage your services at any time convenient for you (by the way, in addition to your own services, you can also manage the services of your loved ones if necessary). So, you can enable and disable services, packages and options, change tariff plans, receive monthly invoices for services by e-mail, pay bills without commission, and also activate the auto payment service.

The account is also an opportunity to pay bills of third-party organizations, view payment history and make accruals Money, accumulating and spending points in bonus program, viewing information about personal offers and promotions from Rostelecom and much more.

Features of the Unified Personal Account

At the same time, a personal account for legal entities provides an opportunity to control expenses, view call details and service consumption statistics, contact detailed information on personal accounts. The office also allows you to receive accounting documents in in electronic format, information about services (service management is also available), answers to questions.

If you are individual and you do not yet have a personal account, you should register on the Rostelecom website, for which you should go to the appropriate tab available on the account login page.

During registration, you will need to provide an email address or mobile phone number (which will be used to confirm registration, enter your personal account, and also to recover your password) and password. In this case, the password must consist of at least nine characters and include Latin letters of any of the registers and numbers. You will also need to select a place of residence from the list provided here. After you have provided all the required information, click on the "Continue" button. However, before that, you must also read the User Agreement, the terms of which you automatically agree to by registering on the Rostelecom website.

After that, you will need to confirm registration on the Rostelecom website. To do this, you need to follow the link that contains sent to you electronic message(if an email address is specified), or enter a code from an SMS message (if a mobile phone number is specified).

Next, you will be asked to link your personal accounts to the Unified Personal Account. It can be both your personal accounts and the accounts of your relatives. In addition, you can complete registration without linking a personal account, for which you need to follow the appropriate link. After completing the registration procedure, you will find yourself on the main page of your personal account.

In the future, to enter your personal account Rostelecom, you will need to enter the login specified during registration (e-mail address, mobile phone number or login account) and a password. If necessary, you can check the "Remember me" box. You can also log into the office using the account of one of the social networks, the list of which is presented here.

If you do not remember your password, which was created during registration, use the "Forgot your password?" link, then enter your login, email address or mobile phone number, with which you can recover lost data.

After entering your personal account, you will find yourself on its main page, where information is available on all connected personal accounts and services on them, as well as key services. So, in the central part of the main page, the main blocks are presented, including “My personal accounts”, “Payment”, “Auto-replenishment rules” and “Bonus program”. At the top of the page there are links to the Rostelecom website and Help. In addition, a block with notifications can be placed here, where information about planned work, news reports, and so on is published.

A quick menu is also available in the personal account, including a tab such as "Services", where you can order new service, as well as refer to the history of applications. “Personal accounts” are also available here - a tab in which you can view previously connected personal accounts, as well as link new ones. Contains the Rostelecom account and the "Payment" tab, where the history of accruals and payments, the history of promised payments, auto-replenishment rules, cards and invoices for payment are available.

Personal account

Also in the quick menu of the Rostelecom cabinet are "Bonuses" and "Profile" (personal information, linking to social networks, notifications, applications, archive of actions, etc.), "Equipment" and "Help".

If registering on the Rostelecom website or working with a service such as a personal account caused you difficulties, refer to the "Help" section available at the top of the login page, as well as in the account itself. It is here that answers to frequently asked questions are collected, video instructions are presented, a form is available feedback. Here you can also learn more about the Unified Personal Account, as well as refer to the User Guide.

If you are also a client of another Russian telecommunications company - Yota, it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the possibilities of such a service, as available on the official website of the corresponding company.

Personal account Rostelecom -