Day of the employee of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. HR Day in Russia

The professional day of Russian cadre workers resembles a gopher from a famous movie. Officially, the holiday is not approved, but it exists. And, twice a year! How did it happen? When, who and how celebrates it? Let's understand this complicated, but very interesting story together.

HR Day in Russia - historical background

There are HR professionals in every company. Even if the company is quite small, it has a person who performs the functions of the personnel department, even if it is part-time. Agree, it's a shame that the necessary and important specialists do not have their own official holiday.

The participants of the All-Russian Personnel Congress, which took place at the end of May 2005, proposed to correct the situation. They considered that the best contender for the "Day of personnel officer" is the date of publication of the decree of the Government of the Russian Empire, which regulated the relationship of the owners industrial enterprises and their employees. It was May 24, 1835 . As you can see, the personnel business in Russia originated almost two centuries ago. It can be said that supporters of personnel classics and admirers of professional history prefer to celebrate May 24, the day of the personnel officer.

One more an important event happened October 12, 1918 - The People's Commissariat of Justice approved the instruction on the organization of the Soviet police. And what about the staff, you ask? The thing is that it was under the police that the first personnel departments appeared in the young Soviet state. So on October 12, the day of the personnel officer is celebrated mainly by personnel employees of the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Whom to congratulate

It would seem a great solution: one profession has two holidays at once. But the story of the "multi-part" holiday does not end there.

It is widely believed that the day of the personnel officer and the day of the personnel worker are one and the same. However, in practice it is even more interesting!

Technological progress does not stop, it changes the economy, industry and other aspects of our lives. Including technologies for working with personnel. New demands and new specialties appear in this area. Such as HR - recruiters or "bounty hunters". They also have a professional day - the third Saturday of September. As you can see, the workers are professional, and the holiday is separate.

And at some enterprises, personnel officers are even honored on the day of the founding of a company or institution of a local personnel service. In a word, there are many reasons to congratulate valuable employees. Here is just an approximate list of specialists worth remembering when the day of the personnel officer is celebrated:

  • Specialists in the selection, training and adaptation of personnel.
  • HR Managers and Inspectors.
  • Benefits and Compensation Specialists.

How to celebrate

With the question of when the day of the personnel officer is celebrated, we figured it out a little. You can move on to the most interesting - how to celebrate. There are also many options here.

Corporate traditions

Among the tasks of the personnel service: the formation staffing, registration of employment, control of compliance labor law and much more. The formation of the PWTR and management strategy is not complete without personnel officers. And you also need to constantly be aware of legislative changes in order to protect the enterprise from dissatisfaction with the GIT and fines. In a word, a good personnel worker is worth its weight in gold, and wise leaders understand this.

At enterprises, by the date when they celebrate the day of the personnel officer, they traditionally time incentives for valuable employees.

In the TOP list:

  1. personal records,
  2. commendations or commendations
  3. valuable gifts,
  4. awards,
  5. raises.

Helpful Solutions

Since there is no unequivocal answer to the question of what date is the day of the personnel officer in Russia, large-scale events dedicated to personnel issues are held in May and October. This is a great opportunity to meet colleagues working at other enterprises, exchange experiences, get useful information and practical recommendations.

For example, you can go to one of the seminars in 2020. Pre-order is already open.

Congratulate colleagues

Personnel officers are congratulated by both employees of other services and colleagues. Often seriously, sometimes jokingly. If you are preparing a congratulation for someone, below are some funny poems.

On our common HR day
October, September or May
Colleague, I sincerely wish
So that all things go according to TC!

HR Master!
I wish you boldly:
For achievements in work
The team should be held in high esteem.
To always be clear
in documents and reports.
And so that the bosses of the award
It gave in a timely manner.

So do not wonder when it is better to celebrate the day of the personnel officer - May 24 or October 12. Use both occasions to congratulate colleagues and yourself. In the end, you deserve it, because you often work for two - for yourself and a little for that guy: an accountant, an HR manager, an archivist, a lawyer, and even a psychologist.

Celebrate Human Resources Day with us! We will tell you how to congratulate a colleague on their professional holiday and what gifts would be appropriate. As a gift - a selection of useful tools for work and advantageous offers from the Higher School of Personnel Officer.

★ Online conference "Day of personnel worker"

In the article:

HR Day October 12

HR Day in Russia is a unique holiday. It is celebrated twice a year - October 12 and May 24. None of these dates has an official status, but this does not prevent personnel officers from celebrating and accepting congratulations.

Celebrated on May 24, it is timed to coincide with an event that happened more than a hundred years ago - the release in the Russian Empire of a government decree “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people entering them for hire”, which was released on May 24, 1835. It is this document that is considered the first all-Russian regulation that began to regulate the relationship between the employer and employees.

The history of the second date is rooted in the years of the revolution and civil war, when October 12, 1918 The People's Commissariat of Justice of the newly formed RSFSR approved the "Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia". What relation did she have to personnel work? The most immediate: it was under the worker-peasant militia that the Bolshevik authorities created the first professional apparatuses endowed with the same functions as modern personnel departments. Employees of such an apparatus conducted personnel records management, monitored compliance with labor laws, employed and fired.

A lot of time has passed since then, working conditions and legislative requirements have changed, but the position has not disappeared, but has become even more in demand and relevant.

Why HR is so important

The personnel officer is the face of the company: it is with him that newcomers first get acquainted when applying for a job. When they leave, they return to the personnel department to turn in a bypass sheet and receive work book. The ability to resolve conflicts, responsiveness, experience in working with people, communication skills are valuable qualities for such a specialist.

The employee has a lot of responsibilities:

  • ;
  • drawing up job descriptions;
  • and personal cards;
  • development and implementation personnel policy companies;
  • formation personnel reserve and organization of training, retraining, advanced training of personnel;
  • compilation and;
  • , sick leave, decrees;
  • monitoring compliance with labor laws and much more.

★ A check will show how well the company is working with personnel. For a personnel officer, the visit of an inspection inspector from the GIT, Roskomnadzor and other regulatory authorities is a difficult moment, because you need to prepare in advance, audit personnel documentation, and fill out all the missing certificates and instructions. Experts electronic journal"Personnel business" will tell, and for what they can actually fine an employee.

In practice, a simple rule applies: the smaller the organization, the more duties are assigned to the personnel officer. It is he who has to protect the interests of the company if the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office comes on a visit, and keep track of working hours if the company does not have a separate position of timekeeper in the staff.

In many respects, the economic situation of the enterprise and the labor efficiency of its employees depend on the quality of the work of the personnel department. To successfully cope with any professional challenges, you need not only motivation and organization, but also high qualifications.

How to be successful in your profession

Currently personnel work, as a rule, assign employees with special higher education towards " Organization personnel management», « labor economics», « Control by human resourses », « Personnel security».

Personnel officers are needed both in large factories and in small companies. Therefore, you can get an education in almost any region of the country. For example, in Moscow, these are the Moscow Polytechnic University, the Moscow Economic Institute, the Moscow Finance and Law University, the Moscow State University ways of communication. But in other subjects of the federation, many large universities are also involved in training future specialists in personnel records management and work with personnel.

TOP 10 universities in Russia that train personnel officers

  1. St. Petersburg State University (SSPU).
  2. Belgorod State Agrarian University. V.Ya Gorina.
  3. Tuva State University.
  4. Institute public service and management Russian Academy national economy under the President of the Russian Federation.
  5. Kemerovo State University.
  6. Russian New University.
  7. Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies.
  8. Stavropol State Agrarian University.
  9. South Ural State University.
  10. Tyumen State University.

True, with the receipt of a specialized education, the path to career heights is just beginning. Employees of the personnel department who are interested in career growth and who want to always stay up to date with the latest innovations in the field of work with personnel, « graduate School personnel manager" offers in the areas:

  • Corresponds to the professional standard "Specialist in personnel management", 250 hours, for passing - a diploma of professional retraining

  • We issue a certificate for 2020, the document will confirm the relevance of knowledge, 72 hours, for passing - a certificate of advanced training

Upon successful completion of the chosen course of study, you will receive an official diploma of professional retraining, a certificate of professional development or a certificate (taking into account the characteristics of the program completed). Get

Best Ways to Congratulate Human Resources Employees

It doesn't matter when exactly you celebrate HR Day. The main thing is to spend this day fun and usefully.

The scale and scenario of the celebration depends on the financial capabilities of the employer. If the budget allows, you can organize a bright holiday for the entire department: buy a tourist voucher for each employee on the day of the personnel officer, interesting gadget or other memorable gift. To celebrate his services to the enterprise, gather the team at the festive table, invite animators or come up with another entertainment program. Don't forget about the informational support of the event: post congratulations on the corporate website, make a thematic wall newspaper or stand, in general, get creative!

When choosing gifts, do not limit yourself to banal and impersonal options, for example, stationery. It is much more pleasant to accept gifts that have not only financial, but also emotional value. And for this you need to ask what the employee is interested in, how he spends time outside of work, what are his life values and landmarks. Pay attention to age, habits, marital status.

With a modest budget, you can limit yourself to congratulations, cards and bouquets. To create a festive and friendly atmosphere, it is not necessary to indulge in large expenses. Even a verbal congratulation, coupled with a nice souvenir and a treat, will make the HR Day enjoyable and will be appreciated.

Choose not "on duty", but really good gift, which will surely come to court, is not so easy. A universal option is a cash bonus dedicated to a professional holiday, or training at the expense of the company. A bonus is always a nice bonus that an employee can dispose of at his own discretion.

Find out how accrue bonuses and document incentives so that the GIT and the tax office have no claims. And the second option will especially appeal to specialists who are set up to improve their skills and move up the career ladder.

Gifts from the editors: combine business with pleasure

While you are only planning an upcoming event, the editorial staff of Sistema Kadra has already prepared useful gifts for all personnel officers. Working with frames, one way or another, requires accuracy, since it involves performing a lot of painstaking calculations.

Use 7 convenient online calculators to save your efforts and precious time:

  1. Calculator of working years and vacation balances will help determine exactly how many rest days each employee is entitled to.
At the very beginning of spring, March 8, 2020, the inhabitants of planet Earth celebrate a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

March 8 is a non-working holiday in Russia. In 2020, it falls on Sunday, which is already a "traditional" day off for Russians. Well, what about Monday? We tell you what it is - a weekend or a working day.

According to the law, if a non-working day in the Russian Federation falls on an official holiday, then the day off is transferred to the next working day.

Accordingly, Sunday, March 8, 2020 becomes a public holiday, and the day off is postponed to Monday, March 9, 2020.

That is, March 9, 2020 in Russia is a day off or a working day:
* March 9, 2020 - day off.

Also on this day, another full moon occurs, coinciding with one of the Supermoons of 2020. If we are lucky with the weather (there will be a clear sky), after sunset we will be able to observe a huge beautiful Moon.

In the future, the revision of pensions for length of service awaits working pensioners ( from August 1, 2020), and military pensioners from October 1, 2020.

Every person at least once in their life turned to employees recruitment agencies or communicated with personnel officers at enterprises, in various organizations. Officially in Russian Federation does not exist Personnel Day like a holiday. But this fact does not at all prevent people from this necessary and important profession celebrate your professional holiday. Often in Russia HR day holiday in different cities celebrated on different days.

History of HR Day

Officially, two main dates are distinguished, which are timed to coincide with large-scale state events, it is worth highlighting in the issue of the holiday - HR day.

The first date is May 24th. It is connected with the fact that it was on this day in 1835 in the Russian Empire that a government decree “On the relationship between the owners of factory establishments and working people entering these for hire” was issued. It was the first document in the history of Russia that strictly regulated the various relations between employees and the employer. As a result, it has every right to claim official state significance and may well become exactly the date that can be considered Happy personnel officer.

The second, no less significant date for the day of the personnel officer - October 12. In 1918, in the USSR, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the "Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia." It would seem, what is the connection between the police and personnel workers. And she exists. It was at this time that the very first personnel apparatuses were created under the worker-peasant militia of the RSFSR, or otherwise they were called “personnel departments”. It was in these departments of personnel under the internal affairs bodies that they began to note Personnel Day as a professional holiday. Over time, this trend was instilled in other enterprises, which took former employees personnel departments at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

HR Day in Russia

Not one of the dates: neither May 24 and October 12 did not become official HR Day in Russia. Workers in this area are completely undeservedly forgotten professional activity. Often, it is the personnel officer who recruits the staff. And it depends only on his professionalism how good specialists will become your employees. Even in the smallest company, firm, small enterprise there is a person who deals with recruitment issues. AT large companies there are entire departments, which consist of several dozen specialists in their field. Modern managers pay tribute to the work of personnel workers. If in Soviet Russia personnel officers carefully chose politically literate workers with a “clean” biography, then in modern Russia already perfect other qualities are of interest potential employers. It should be noted that the notorious human factor plays a major role in the formation and development of the economy, culture, education, and many other areas. human activity. Often, the formation of a qualified team in any institution, organization, firm depends on the employees of the personnel departments. How well the personnel officer will do his job, so the team will be efficient. Personnel services are also involved in staff training, motivation and development of professional skills. Do not underestimate the importance of all personnel workers. It's time to establish an annual HR Day celebration in Russia, to pay tribute to the people who help us find a job or acquire professional personnel in the service, people who work daily and painstakingly for the benefit of all of us.

Congratulations on the personnel officer's day

And although today HR day holiday in Russia is not officially celebrated, yet for your acquaintances and friends, relatives and friends working in the field of recruitment, do not be too lazy to prepare original congratulations on the personnel day. On our website website you will find everything you need to prepare unforgettable congratulations on the day of the personnel officer and give your family and friends pleasant moments.

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. October 12, 1918 in Soviet Russia, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved a document with the title: "Instructions on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia". It was under the workers' and peasants' militia of the RSFSR that the Bolsheviks created the first personnel apparatus (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This document has become the starting normative legal act in the creation and establishment of the activities of the personnel apparatus of the internal affairs bodies of Russia. The instruction formulated the basic principles of recruitment, training and service in the police, contributed to the formation of an integral system of staffing for the police.

As an independent structural subdivision of the central apparatus of the GU K, it has existed since the creation (May 11, 1930) of the Personnel Directorate of the NKVD of the RSFSR. In different periods, its structure, departmental affiliation and name changed; modern name - Department of Human Resources - since 2004.

In order to maintain continuity in the activities of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, to promote historical traditions and existing best practices, October 12, 1918 was declared the day the personnel service was created.

The personnel service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for ZAO Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow consists of a number of personnel support units - this is the personnel department, the department vocational training, Inspection for Personnel, Department of Moral and Psychological Support. The personnel service is entrusted with a variety of tasks: the selection of candidates for work, the staffing of units, training, education of personnel, their social protection. The work of the personnel service on the selection and placement of worthy, professionally trained employees and managers for key positions in the Internal Affairs Directorate and its divisions has become a priority, since the success of all reforms is directly related to their staffing.

Today, the personnel apparatus of the Internal Affairs Directorate is a close-knit, hard-working team capable of successfully solving the tasks facing it.

On the Day of the formation of the personnel service, we say special words of gratitude to veterans and pensioners who have worked for many years in the personnel departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate. For many years they organized a system of professional training and advanced training of personnel, improved the management of personnel processes, interacted with all structural divisions management, while possessing the necessary professional and human qualities, such as: possession of the basics of psychology and sociology, adherence to principles, endurance, responsiveness, the ability to maintain a healthy moral and psychological team climate.

In our work, we try to keep in touch with our veterans, they are always welcome guests at our celebrations. It is difficult to overestimate their help in educational work with young management staff.

celebrated in recent times The rejuvenation of the staff of our Internal Affairs Directorate also makes special demands on personnel officers who must be able to identify among the candidates for the service of future investigators or detectives of the criminal investigation department, capable of their personal and business qualities, physical fitness and state of health to perform the duties assigned to police officers.

All measures taken by the personnel apparatus of the Internal Affairs Directorate are aimed at forming a system where worthy, honest and professionally trained people should work.

At present, the personnel departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate are successfully solving the tasks of maintaining and strengthening the personnel potential of the Internal Affairs Directorate, introducing new forms of work, creating a healthy moral and psychological climate in service teams, professional and moral development of employees, and their social protection.

The success of ATC activities largely depends on your well-coordinated work, knowledge and experience.

We express confidence that the tasks assigned to the personnel service of the Internal Affairs Directorate and the personnel department will be successfully completed with your inherent competence and professionalism.

On behalf of the leadership of the Internal Affairs Directorate, we congratulate all employees and veterans of the personnel departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate on their professional holiday!

We sincerely wish you good health, prosperity and success in the noble cause of serving Russia!

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!

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October 12 - Day of formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1918)


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October 12 - Day of formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (1918)- Moscow

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the personnel service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On October 12, 1918, in Soviet Russia, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved a document with the title:
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