On the appointment of a responsible for office work in the school. Who is responsible for office work in the unit and the organization as a whole? Download helpful documents

Who decides the issue of conducting personnel records management in separate subdivision? Here you can download a sample form of an order on the purpose of a responsible personnel office work. Responsible for the conduct of personnel records management, LLC way.

Standards of the order on the purpose of the person responsible for maintaining personnel. Minsk, as well as the institute of freelance inspectors of archives and record keeping.

Order on the appointment of a person responsible for maintaining - superjob

If the document is signed by a person who does not have the right to sign, you need to consult with a lawyer to check the legitimacy of the employee's signature on the document. But it is worth remembering that a careless attitude to documents, their execution, publication, storage, registration can lead to adverse consequences. Regulations on record keeping in the company up to 20.

North Caucasian Federal University

A free-form order must be issued prior to filing. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for record keeping. Since the seal certifies the signature of the official on the document, it is also necessary to indicate whose signatures are certified by separate seals.

Ministry of Justice and Department - research and implementation of Russian and foreign experience in organizing and implementing control activities in practice. But if the expert commission has already been created earlier, take a look at its composition. Practice indicates that the interaction of a lawyer and an assistant manager who performs the duties of a clerk is not always effective.

Centralized management of personnel records management personnel. The person responsible for maintaining personnel records (see. In this regard, pay attention to the date of publication of such an order.

The first thing that the inspectors will require from you is an order on the appointment of persons responsible for record keeping and safety. In addition, often departments of a subdivision have their own seals or stamps (human resources department, accounting department, production area 7). Reference 2) an order must be issued to approve the forms.

On the appointment of persons responsible for accounting, storage and use of chipboard documents in the divisions of the St. Petersburg Customs

State Customs Committee Russian Federation

Northwestern Customs Administration of the Russian Federation


On the appointment of persons responsible for accounting, storage and use

chipboard documents in the divisions of the St. Petersburg customs

In accordance with the instructions of the NWTU of Russia dated April 27, 1999 N 22-16 / 173 and in order to further improve documentation support and control over the execution of chipboard documents in the divisions of the St. Petersburg Customs

I order:

1. Appoint in customs posts and departments officials responsible for the accounting, storage and use of documents of the chipboard (Appendix 1).

2. Heads of customs posts and departments to ensure:

2.1. In its subdivisions, the organization of work with documents for chipboard in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated September 23, 1996 N 582 chipboard On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for accounting, circulation and storage of documents, files and publications containing unclassified information of limited distribution in the customs authorities.

2.2. By May 24, 1999 on the basis of a model (see Appendix 2), in accordance with the Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 1998 N 80 On Approval of the Regulations on the Procedure for the Development and Approval of an Employee's Job Description customs authority Russian Federation to develop, coordinate in the prescribed manner and approve with the head of customs job descriptions for employees responsible for working with chipboard documents in the unit.

2.3. Any changes in the composition of the officials responsible for working with the DSP documents should be immediately reported to the Department of Special Information.

3. Control over the fulfillment of the established requirements for working with documents containing information of limited distribution is carried out by the department of special information (Vasilkova M.V.).

4. I reserve control over the implementation of this order.

Clerk (responsible for incoming correspondence)

Type sample


___________________________________ (Surname, initials)

(name of organization, pre- ________________________

acceptance, etc. its organizational- (director or other

legal form) official person, authorized

must approve

Job description


(responsible for incoming mail)


(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

20__ N__________

real job description developed and approved for

basis employment contract from __________________________________________

(name of the position of the person for whom

And in accordance with

this job description has been drawn up)

provisions Labor Code Russian Federation and other regulatory

acts regulating labor relations In Russian federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Clerk responsible for incoming mail

1.2. As a clerk responsible for incoming

correspondence, a person is appointed who has an initial professional

The procedure for monitoring the passage of official documents and


Fundamentals of labor organization;

Rules for the operation of computer technology;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.5. Clerk responsible for incoming mail

its activities are guided by:

Regulations on ____________________________________________________;

(office, documentation department, other

structural unit)

Instructions for office work and the work of the archive at the enterprise;

this job description;

- _________________________________________________________________.

1.6. Clerk responsible for incoming mail

directly reports to _____________________________.

(head of the office, head of department

documentation support)

1.7. During the absence of the clerk responsible for

incoming correspondence, (vacation, illness, etc.) his duties

performed by a person appointed by the management of the enterprise. This person

acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper

performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.8. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Job responsibilities

Clerk responsible for incoming correspondence:

2.1. Performs accounting and registration of correspondence,

received by the enterprise from the authorities state power, bodies

local government, banks and other organizations.

2.2. Provides control over the transfer of specified documents

leadership and performers.

2.3. Hands over to the head of the office (head of department

documentation support) correspondence requiring


guides, draws up registration cards or creates a data bank.

2.5. Maintains a file of documents, supervises

for their execution, issues the necessary certificates on registered

documentary materials.

2.6. Carries out control (with putting down the necessary marks on

cards) for the passage and timely return by performers

documents to be returned to the office (department of documentation

security), with all materials for their execution.

2.7. Forms documents and cases for the assigned area of ​​work and in

accordance with the approved nomenclature.

2.8. Prepares documents for storage and

use (examination of value, registration of cases, compilation of inventories),

3.1. Submit for consideration by the head of the enterprise and the manager

office (head of the documentation department) proposals

to improve the activities of the unit, forms and methods of working with


final execution of documents.

3.3. Within its competence, report _________________________

(Chief of the office,

The clerk responsible for incoming correspondence is responsible


4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official

responsibilities under this job description

within the limits set labor law Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their

activities, - within the limits determined by administrative, criminal and

civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined

labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

How to transfer personnel documentation from the head office to the branch?


Good afternoon. Our company has 2 branches. All personnel documentation is kept at the head office, but from the New Year it is understood that each branch will begin independent activity(there will be a personnel officer, etc.). Tell me how to avoid mistakes when transferring personnel documentation?


Considering your question, we can say that all personnel documents for employees that were maintained by the parent organization should be transferred to the branch for their further maintenance. To do this, it is necessary to draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of personnel documents from the organization that transfers these documents (i.e. the parent organization) to the organization that receives them (i.e. the branch). This act fixes the list of personnel documents that are transferred to the person responsible for maintaining personnel records management. A sample act of acceptance and transfer of personnel files is given below in the text.

At the same time, we note that the legislation does not contain requirements for the transportation of documents from one city to another. Therefore, you can independently decide how to transport personnel documents (for example, transfer them with a responsible employee of the organization, or use the postal service).

Sample act of acceptance and transfer of personnel files

Organization of HR administration from scratch

The need to set up personnel records management is not such an exotic task, not an easy one for novice personnel officers, private entrepreneurs and accountants, whose duties included personnel management. However, the whole process can be described as a simple step-by-step guide to action.

Step 1. Organize yourself a “desktop” of a personnel officer

To do this, you need a personnel program, texts of regulations in latest edition and samples of forms of documents, samples of their filling. Regulations and forms can usually be found by subscribing to the portals of large publishing houses that publish methodological literature, trade journals, and conduct thematic seminars.

As for personnel programs, there are several varieties:

fully functional automated system personnel management (APCS). Such a system is most useful in the presence of a developed personnel management function, since it is specially “sharpened” for the specifics personnel management and allows you to fully automate the entire HR functionality. If the company is small, it makes sense to implement it in modules, for example, start with the personnel module, and then, if necessary, implement the payroll and management modules.

Block of personnel records in the ERP-system. Usually it is not so detailed and complete, but it immediately allows for easy integration with accounting and other enterprise IT systems. High implementation costs make this solution an infrequent choice for small organizations.

A narrowly functional system that allows you to automate one HR function. For various HR tasks, be it recruitment, compensation package management or personnel records, there are separate systems. They are not very popular, as it can be difficult to integrate with other software, but if we are talking about a company that does not plan to expand staff and growth (for example, luxury or exclusive products), the best solution in its class will give an ideal result.

HR in the cloud. This is a SaaS solution when software offered as a service, not a program on a server. In this case, the company does not need to install software, purchase licenses and maintain it. This model is often used in conjunction with HR outsourcing and payroll outsourcing. Especially suitable for small companies, because among its advantages is the absence of tangible one-time investments.

Step 2. Explore the internal "personnel kitchen" and everything that you have to work with. If you are an employee, take everything from the head of the company founding documents and compose accounting documents so that they do not contradict them (or we check the accounting documents and eliminate all contradictions). If your business is yours, we harmonize the constituent and accounting documents with each other accordingly.

Carefully study the Charter of the company, it may contain, for example, the procedure for hiring a general director (you have to draw it up): setting his salary, the period for which an employment contract is concluded with him, and so on. Sometimes the Charter specifies the procedure for hiring key leaders and the establishment of a remuneration system by him, for example, after agreement with the founders. The Charter may also prescribe the procedure for approving the staffing table.

Step 3. Apply for a job CEO

From the documents it should be clear from what date the director has been working. The issue of registration labor relations a lot of professional literature is devoted to a hired director.

Step 4. Make a list of documents required for HR administration in your company.

Mandatory documents that you will draw up in any case:

Internal labor regulations (Articles 189, 190 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Staffing (Art. 15, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Vacation schedule (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Documents on the processing and protection of personal data of employees (a document establishing the procedure for processing personal data of employees, their rights and obligations in this area (if this is not established in the internal labor regulations), written consent of employees to the processing and transfer of personal data to third parties, Art. Article 86-88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data")

Employment contracts (Art. 16, 56-59, 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Employment books (Articles 65, 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.04.2003 No. 225 “On work books”, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 10.10.2003 No. 69 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books»)

The book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them (paragraphs 40-41 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, manufacturing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 N 225, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2003 N 69 "On the approval of the Instructions for filling out work books")

The income and expense book for accounting for work book forms and an insert in it (clause 40-41 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, manufacturing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.16.2003 N 225, Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10.10.2003 N 69)

Time sheet (Art. 91, 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Personal cards (clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/16/2003 N 225)

Orders: orders on hiring, on granting holidays to employees, on dismissal of employees, on transfers, business trips, on the appointment of a person responsible for maintaining, accounting and storing work books, etc. (Art. 62, 68, 84.1, 193, etc. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 45 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, manufacturing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/16/2003 N 225)

Grounds for issued orders: memos, statements, acts, agreements, etc.

Sheets, notes-calculations and other documents relating to the calculation and payment of wages, vacation pay, compensation for unused vacations, retirement benefits

Approved pay slip form

Register of inspections of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur, carried out by authorities state control(supervision), municipal control bodies (clause 8, article 16 of the Federal Law of December 26, 2008 N 294-ФЗ “On the Protection of the Rights legal entities And individual entrepreneurs when exercising state control (supervision) and municipal control. The form of the journal is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2009 N 141)

There are also personnel documents that become mandatory under certain circumstances. It is necessary to clarify with the management which of the optional documents need to be drawn up for the company. At the same time, find out from the general director what special conditions he wants to see in the Internal Labor Regulations, other local regulations, and forms of employment contracts.

Step 5. Compile the entire pool of personnel documents for your company.

We draw up all the above documents, coordinate them with the CEO. If the manager has wishes to include certain provisions in the documents, we check whether they contradict the law. We approve the final options with the director.

Step 6. Determine the person responsible for maintaining work books.

If you are in your newborn company and the general director and the personnel officer in one person, you need to fix the responsibility for maintaining work books for yourself until you hire a person who will be responsible for maintaining personnel records. It is necessary to issue an order for the director to take responsibility for the maintenance, storage, accounting and issuance of work books.

Step 7. Hire employees

At this stage, you have to draw up a lot of documents: employment contracts, employment orders, fill out personal cards, work books, a book of accounting for the movement of work books, and many others. Again, to help - methodological literature and practical guides, which are also publicly available on personnel portals. Personnel support for mass recruitment of personnel is the “baptism of fire” of a novice personnel officer. feel yourself. After you master this procedure, everyday work awaits you: maintaining a time sheet and vacation schedule, processing vacations, business trips and sick days, incentives, penalties, transfers and dismissals, and so on.

If you have just started your business, and you are more interested in promoting the company on the market and the rate of return on investment, you can try to outsource non-core functions to a reliable provider. At the same time, save on renting office space and maintaining a personnel officer and an accountant (or a personnel officer-accountant). For example, accounting outsourcing costs companies with up to 20 employees about 12-15 thousand rubles a month. Comparable to an accountant's salary. Outsourcing of accounting and personnel functions is a common practice in the West, you should not be afraid of it. This will help to avoid mistakes at the stage of formation of personnel documentation: the more documentation accumulates, the harder it is to “catch” shortcomings later. In any case, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of conducting personnel records management. To obtain general idea about the process and speak the same language as the provider or HR manager.

The legislation establishes that while the employee is employed on labor contract, his labor must be kept at the enterprise that is his employer. Since this form is counting the BSO, it is necessary to properly organize the accounting for the receipt of books, their storage, and issuance. To this end, the management of the subject must issue an order appointing a person responsible for maintaining work books.

All labor entering the enterprise and working people must be stored in a place specially equipped for this. For damage or loss of this form, the company, as well as its head, bear the appropriate responsibility. After all, these documents reflect all the necessary information to establish a pension for the employee in the future.

Therefore, the director of the organization to create all conditions for correct operation with labor at enterprises. And since, in addition to this, he has many other responsible affairs, the head chooses an official who, on the basis of the issued order, is charged with keeping records of labor forms.

At the same time, the responsibility remains with the head, and the selected person is responsible for accounting for labor only within a particular business entity. It is he who will accept labor from employees, keep their records correctly, make records corresponding to the supporting documents, and issue them upon dismissal to company employees.

Attention! If he fails to fulfill his duties or does not fulfill them in full, he will be responsible to the management of the company on the basis of an issued order to appoint this employee responsible.

Is it possible to do without a responsible

The head, in accordance with the norms of the law, must appoint a person responsible for maintaining labor or take this responsibility upon himself. Such requirements are specified in the Rules for maintaining work books.

Thus, the need to establish a responsible person is enshrined in law.

If it still has not been appointed, then in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine will be imposed, the amount of which will reach 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, this punishment is not imposed on the official, but directly on the organization.

Municipal districts" href="/text/category/munitcipalmznie_rajoni/" rel="bookmark">municipal district

In order to ensure control over the condition and safety of documents, organization and improvement of documentation support for management in the administration of the Amur Municipal District:

1. Assign to the specialist of the 1st category of the general department Pochechueva Nina Ivanovna:

1.1. Responsibilities for maintaining the work of the archive of the administration, the formation, acquisition, transfer for permanent storage of documents of the administration to the archive department, the destruction of files after the expiration of their storage period.

1.3. To exercise control over the correctness of the formation of cases of current office work in the structural divisions of the district administration in strict accordance with the nomenclature of cases, taking into account the terms of their storage.

1.4. Submit to the archive department of the administration for consideration and sending for approval an inventory of cases for permanent storage, for approval of an inventory of cases for personnel for ordered documents, according to the schedule.

2. Approve the attached Regulations on the archive of the administration of the Amur municipal district.

3. Recognize as invalid:

3.1. Order of the head of the city of Amursk with the Amur district "On the appointment of a person responsible for office work and archives of the administration and the composition of the expert commission."

3.2. Order of the head of the Amur municipal district "On amending the order "On the appointment of a person responsible for office work and the archive of the administration and the composition of the expert commission", on the approval of the Regulations on the archive, the expert commission."

4. To impose control over the implementation of this order on the manager of the district administration

District head


by order of the head

Amur municipal


about the archive of the administration of the Amur municipal district

I. General provisions

1.1. Documents generated in the course of the activities of the administration of the Amursky municipal district (hereinafter referred to as the administration) and having scientific, economic, social and historical meaning constitute the state part of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, are municipal property and are subject to storage in the archive of the administration of the Amur Municipal District (hereinafter referred to as the archive) within the limits, established by law on Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation.

The archive was formed in accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 "On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation" and is part of the general administration department.

The archive was created for the purpose of acquisition, preservation, selection, accounting, ordering and use of archival documents, including documents on personnel, during deadlines their storage, and in the future, the timely transfer of these documents for permanent storage to the archival department of the district administration.

1.2. The archive, in accordance with Article 15 of the Federal Law "On Archives in the Russian Federation", is provided with the necessary premises, equipment and personnel, and the necessary financial, logistical and other conditions are created for its functioning.

1.3. The work of the archive is organized in accordance with the regulations approved by the order of the head of the Amur municipal district.

1.4. The archive draws up an annual work plan indicating specific types of work and schedules for receiving files in the archive and providing inventories, which are approved by the head of the Amur municipal district.

Based on the results of the work, the archive draws up a report on the implementation of the annual plan, schedules, as well as information on the implementation of activities not included in the annual plan.

1.5. The archive in its work is guided by the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and Khabarovsk Territory, the Regulations on the General Department of the Administration of the Amursky Municipal District, the Instruction on Office Work of the Administration of the Amursky Municipal District, the nomenclature of cases and these Regulations.

1.6. Responsibilities for maintaining the work of the archive are assigned to a specialist in the general department of administration, or another specialist appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the Amur municipal district.

A person who has a higher education, who knows how to work with documents, who knows office work and the work of the archive, is appointed to the position of a specialist responsible for maintaining the work of the archive.

1.7. The person responsible for the work of the archive, together with the head of the Amur municipal district, is personally liable for violations of the rules for storing, compiling, recording and using archival documents in accordance with applicable law.

1.8. When changing the specialist responsible for the archive, the acceptance and transmission of documents and the reference apparatus for them, as well as the premises of the archive, inventory and equipment, is carried out according to an act that is approved by the head of the Amur municipal district.

For the acceptance and transfer of cases, a commission consisting of at least three people is appointed by order of the head of the district.

1.9. The head of the general department of administration exercises control over the activities of the archive.

1.10. Organizational and methodological management of the activities of the archive is carried out by the archive department of the administration of the Amursky municipal district.

II. The composition of the archive documents

The archive of the administration accepts for storage:

2.1. Documents of permanent storage completed by office work, formed as a result of the activities of the administration and having historical, cultural, scientific, social, economic and political significance.

2.2. Temporary storage documents, including those over 10 years,
necessary in practical activities administration.

2.3. Personnel documents.

2.4. Scientific reference apparatus for archive documents.

Issuance of documents for temporary use and for work in the reading room.

5.4.2. Information of a socio-legal nature, at the request of citizens and organizations, is issued in the form of an archival certificate, an archival copy and an archival extract.

5.4.3. The issuance of cases from the archive for temporary use is carried out both for work in the archive and outside the archive, and is recorded in the books for issuing documents.

Cases are issued for temporary use to employees of structural divisions of the administration for a period of not more than one month.

Third-party organizations are issued cases for temporary use on the basis of their written requests with the permission of the head of the Amursky municipal district or his deputy, according to acts for a period of not more than three months.

5.5. The procedure for transferring archive documents for permanent storage

5.5.1. Documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, temporarily stored in the archive, are transferred for permanent storage to the archive department of the district administration after the expiration of the temporary storage period established by federal law"On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation" in an orderly state with the appropriate scientific reference apparatus and insurance copies for especially valuable and unique documents.

5.5.2. In necessary cases, the terms of temporary storage of documents can be changed in agreement with the Department of Archives of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Early transfer of documents for permanent storage can be carried out in case of the threat of loss (destruction) of documents.

Extension of the period of temporary storage of documents is allowed as an exception in case of need for the practical use of documents with the written permission of the archive department of the district administration.

5.5.3. The transfer of documents for permanent storage to the archive department is carried out annually in accordance with the schedule approved by the order of the head of the Amur municipal district.

Acceptance of documents for permanent storage is formalized by an act of acceptance and transfer of cases. Together with the documents, three copies of the inventory and one copy of the act of acceptance and transfer of cases are transmitted.

Administrative affairs manager

Amur municipal district

If the volume of documentation to be filled out is impressive or they have increased and the existing staff cannot cope with it, then an order is needed to appoint a person responsible for office work. A sample and form of this paper is attached.


In most cases, in small organizations, the secretary is in charge of office work. But sometimes the organization does not have a secretary at all, but a person is needed who would draw up documents that are fundamentally important for the company, or there is a secretary, but he cannot cope with the volume of documentation that needs to be filled out, executed, sent, etc.

Any employee of the organization can be appointed responsible, at the discretion of the head.

Combination and surcharge

If such an order is a way to increase wages employee for an increased number of duties, then it would be a violation to indicate a specific amount in the order.

In order to legally correctly issue such an allowance and for an increase in the work performed, you need to sign two documents: an appointment order plus an order to establish personal allowance(belongs to the category of documents on personnel).

The order should not indicate the amount of the allowance, since this will be a disclosure of personal data (and in most cases the employee does not write consent to this when applying for a job). That's why a second document is required. After all, the order to appoint a person responsible for office work is passed as an order for the main activity, and its data is available to everyone.

Change of worker

There are situations when an order requires changes to be made to it. For example, an existing specialist leaves, goes for a promotion, etc. And another person takes his place. The newcomer should be brought up to date on his duties, issue a document on the adjustment of the order, enlist the signature of the “fresh” employee. So the order will have legal force.

Timely adjustment of this kind of document is a decrease in the likelihood for the manager to receive a warning or be held administratively liable in the form of a fine.

Components of an order

The document does not have unified form, but in it without fail should be mentioned:

  • Name of the organization, details.
  • Date of signing.
  • City.
  • What is the purpose of the order. Free wording is implied. In the sample, it sounds like “office workflow optimization”. This phrase is the most common and logical in this situation.
  • From what date does the employee begin to perform these duties. It is understood that these are additional responsibilities and the burden on the assigned worker increases.
  • What exactly are the responsibilities.
  • Who will perform these duties in the temporary absence of the appointed. If there is no such employee, then they simply write that the manager will sign the corresponding instruction.
  • If an additional payment is due for duties, the manager refers to the internal work schedule organizations. It is undesirable to indicate the amount in the text.
  • Who controls the implementation of the points of the document.

Complete the signature paper of the appointed head of the organization. And also we need "autographs" of all the persons mentioned in the order on the appointment of persons responsible for office work.

Listing of responsibilities

The best option is when the organization has a job description for this position. In the order, it is enough to give a link to this paper, and in the instruction itself, to prescribe all the duties that the appointed employee assumes. But if there is none, then you can list these duties directly in the order (fortunately, it implies a free form of presentation).

For your information! Another option to list the duties of an employee is to accept an instruction on office work, which describes the functionality of the employee.

Use cases

IN large organizations there is also a separate order on the appointment of a person responsible for personnel records management. This is due to the fact that there is more staff, and therefore, the volume of documentation on personnel to be filled out. Each organization has the right to independently determine the name and number of posts. It should also be borne in mind that the appointment of a person responsible for office work will be relevant in organizations with several branches. It is a mistake to assume that if there is a secretariat in the parent organization structural divisions there is no need to worry about maintaining various kinds of papers.

In order to fix at the legal level in the duties of the head of a particular unit the responsibility for maintaining various kinds of documents, there is an order to appoint a person responsible for office work, a sample of which is available for download at the top of the page.

Legal aspects

The manager is initially responsible for the document flow and office work. And the appointed employee is responsible only for the process of its conduct. That is, aspects such as staff, payment, the number of office work services are determined entirely by the head. The subordinate only leads, maintains the workflow of the document management system.

In 2016, Article 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was amended. It says that the punishment for incorrect storage of documents (and this is part of the office work) will befall the responsible in the form of a fine, and in case of repeated violations - disqualification. There is the wording "official". It can be either a leader or an employee of his organization.

If the head has signed an order appointing a person responsible for office work and the document is legally binding, then the appointed person is responsible for all violations that may be identified during inspections.

We will tell you how, without violating the law on personal data, to draw up and issue an order to appoint an employee responsible for office work in the company. Download the sample and the form of such an order.

Download helpful documents:

To whom can an order be made to appoint a person responsible for office work

In small organizations, the volume of document flow is usually small. Therefore, the functions of a clerk can be entrusted as a combination to one of the employees. But only the desire of the leader is not enough for this. Article 60.2 of the Labor Code states that additional labor obligations as a combination instruct the employee only if he expresses his consent to this in writing.

In addition, the combination assumes that the employee will perform additional functions during the time established for the main job. That is, the intensity of his work, the load on the employee will increase. Therefore, the employer will have to pay extra to the employee who performs additional labor duties in addition to the main ones.

Changing the terms of the initial employment contract with an employee is made out by two orders. One of them is an order to appoint a person responsible for office work. With this order, it is advisable to appoint not only the one who will constantly carry out the functions of a clerk, but also an employee who can replace him in case of illness, vacation, business trip.

Since record keeping requires special knowledge, it is advisable to appoint those who work with documents as responsible for this area of ​​the company's activities.

As a rule, responsible for office work are appointed personnel officer or secretary. These specialists are already involved in the processing, registration and storage of documents, it will be easier for them to perform additional functions of a clerk. If necessary, if the document flow increases, employees of departments can be involved in working with documents. In this case, it will also be necessary to draw up an order on the appointment of responsible persons for office work for departments and services of the company.

How to formulate order to appoint several responsible persons

Tips for beginner secretaries. 6 schemes of business processes

What order needs to be drawn up yet, in addition to the order on the appointment of a person responsible for office work

Since the new functions assigned to the employee must be paid additionally, the allowance must also be established by order. But this must be done in a separate order.

The fact is that the order to appoint a person responsible for office work refers to internal documents for the main activity. Other employees, employees of other departments also have access to such orders. At the same time, the remuneration of a particular employee is personal data and is not subject to disclosure.

Therefore, simultaneously with the order on the appointment of a person responsible for office work, a second order is drawn up for personnel, by which an employee is given an allowance for combining.

Order on additional payment for combining professions / positions

Personal information is indicated in both orders, but the order on the appointment of a person responsible for office work contains only a well-known fact. Despite the fact that the order on the establishment of the allowance contains information that is classified as personal data by law, this is classified information, it should not be in the public domain. Violation of this rule is fraught with large fines for the employer.

How to draw up an order for the appointment of a person responsible for office work

Since the unified form of such an order is federal regulations not established, you can draw up a document in any form. The order form must be approved as an annex to the document that regulates office work in the company -.

Requirements for the execution of orders are established by GOST R 7.0.97-2016. The details that must be filled out without fail include:

  • name of the organization in accordance with the statutory documents;
  • name and subject of the order;
  • place and date of drawing up the document;
  • the text, which includes the ascertaining and administrative parts;
  • signatures and positions of the head and all employees who were mentioned in the order.

The ascertaining part of the text of the order on the appointment of a person responsible for office work begins with the words " To optimize business...". In addition, it must contain the name of the organization.

The administrative part of the text begins with the phrase " I order:". It is followed by items that must be completed in order to achieve the goals specified in the preamble. The first item is the employee who is assigned the responsibilities for record keeping and the date from which he will perform additional duties in the order of combination.

In the administrative part, you can specify the functions that the employee will perform additionally if a new job description has not yet been developed for him, supplemented by a list of new duties.

In addition, it is advisable to appoint the same employee who will replace the clerk in case of absence by the same order on the appointment of a person responsible for office work. The standard phrase included in the text of the order is a clause about who will exercise control over the implementation of this order.

Under the order on the appointment of persons responsible for office work, the head and appointed employees must sign with their own hands. After that, the employees mentioned in the order acquire the status of "officials responsible for office work in the organization." This means that from now on, not only the head, but also them, is subject to Article 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for administrative punishment for violating the rules for storing documents established by federal law.

How to make changes to orders when changing the responsible person the expert of the journal "Secretary's Handbook" in the field of office work and archiving will tell.