The coolest business coaches. Top business coaches in Russia: who to learn from

The Village continues to talk about how people different professions plan your budget. In the new issue - a business coach who conducts public speaking classes. Now various trainers and coaches offer to learn how to properly manage your time, effectively sell goods and services, run a company or speak in front of any audience. In addition to the skills needed for running a business, trainings can teach, for example, how to get married successfully or make wishes correctly. There is no certification in this area, so almost anyone can declare themselves a coach. We learned from a young man who teaches politicians and entrepreneurs how to speak in public how to spot a charlatan, not be afraid to go on stage and save money on travel.


Public speaking and public speaking coach


300,000 rubles on average


50 000 rubles

Rental of property

40,000–50,000 rubles

1 000 rubles

1,000–7,000 rubles

10,000–50,000 rubles

2,000–3,000 rubles


50 000 rubles

Help for parents

10,000–30,000 rubles

1,000–2,000 rubles

Personal care

20,000–30,000 rubles


How to become a business coach

I have been performing on stage since childhood. In my school and student years, I played in KVN, after studying for some time I worked on the radio, and then I was involved in organizing and holding events. When I had a need for personal development, I began to study psychology and sometimes give free trainings. It was my social work, I taught classes for volunteers, shared knowledge on student forums. Once I was asked to conduct a training on public speaking, already for money. I collected theoretical information and realized that I know it all - how to grab the attention of the audience, how to speak correctly, how to make people hear you. But no one taught me this, I mastered it all in practice.

For the first training I was paid nine thousand rubles. It was nothing compared to how much I was earning doing events. I could receive several times more, but I did not experience strong job satisfaction. Then I began to study the market, I saw that there is a demand for the services of business coaches. I once worked with a man who produces artists and he became my business partner. I needed his investment and opportunities to reach out to people who are potentially interested in my services, including those from show business. I don't do documentation myself. All paperwork - the conclusion of contracts, the payment of taxes - was taken over by the partner.

Proper Marketing

When I started working, I watched trainings and realized that my competencies were higher than those of recognized and practicing business coaches. At the same time, the range of prices for their services was very large. For one coach, the service costs two thousand, and for another - a hundred. At first I thought that it depends on the level of knowledge, skills, efficiency. But the money you earn depends more on the marketing you build: how often you appear in the media, whether you work with media personalities, how many subscribers you have.

It is already known that customers do not go for content, no matter how unique and working it may be, but for a person. Information can be found on the Internet and books, often for free. But few people go to read and understand on their own, it is better to turn to a business coach. You can give a simple analogy: everyone knows how to properly pump up the body, what exercises to do, but in the gym they turn to professionals in the same way.

I'm lucky that my partner works in show business. He has employees who are engaged in the promotion of artists, maintaining their social networks. If I myself knocked on television or radio, then there would be much less confidence in me.

Submission of information

I have several formats of classes: personal consultation, corporate training and online course. I also post a lot of information in social networks and on the site. A common mistake novice coaches make is not to post anything for free. There is such a rule: if two people went to a restaurant, and one treats the other, then the second subconsciously feels that he owes the first. On the total account of the relationship, one put a little more than the other. It works the same way in coaching. A person has already received something from you for free, he begins to trust you more.

Now I blog on YouTube, where I talk about my technique. On Instagram, you can just write posts, but video content comes in better, so we decided to make humorous vines on our subject. I still played so much in KVN and I know how to joke. Even now we will try the formats of training-performance and training-stand-up, because it is easier to convey something through humor.

At one time, clients often asked why I shouldn't write a book. I outlined the main theses, my partner and I hired an agent who communicated with the publisher. If I was known throughout the country, then they would offer me a fee, and so we paid half, and the publishing house paid half. We spent about 250 thousand rubles on the book - editing, cover design, illustrations, agent fees, proofreading, layout, printing and distribution to bookstores.

Trusted Clients

I don't like the word "client", that's why I usually call the people with whom I work wards. Mostly entrepreneurs, top managers of companies, politicians and people who are just going to go into politics come to me. There are also quite famous personalities - governors, businessmen, athletes, people from show business. They usually take private lessons, and very different people enroll in an online course, not always rich and famous. After classes, my students and I remain on friendly terms, you can always call me and ask a question.

I thought I was lucky that I deal with cool entrepreneurs with the right values. Then at some point a girl turned to me, she herself conducts trainings, but on a completely different topic - the relationship between a man and a woman. I began to communicate with her and realized that she herself was divorced, that is, she was teaching others what she herself had not succeeded in. We are generally at different poles. I just didn't know what to do with her. I considered it wrong to refuse, because it is still my job. In the end, the girl herself left.

I have not yet been in situations where my ethical standards they would be offended, for example, if a politician whose program I do not support applied to me. But I am not such a moralist as to assure that honor is dearer than life. I would not want to work with a large state structure, but there are very worthy individuals there, and I am ready to train them. They write reports well, can collect data and prepare material, but they do not know how to speak.

Professionals and charlatans

The profession of a business coach is heavily criticized, and rightly so. A person comes and sees that you can take a lot of money for trainings, while you just need to chat. It seems to people: “I’ll read a couple of books on the topic, but I know how to talk like that. So I'm now a business coach." I wrote in social networks that you are holding seminars and classes - and let's hit the road! In this profession, there is no entry threshold at all. Some courses of trainers have already appeared, but they are created only on the basis of the ideas of some individuals. So the market turned out a large number of incompetent people. They know how to talk, but do not put the skills into practice. Sales coaching is done by mid-level salespeople with a good tongue, but they can't build and manage a 100-person sales force. I am ready to prove my skills at any moment. If I need to go on stage in front of hundreds of people, in front of adults and children, no problem.

When choosing a coach, you need to look at what he posts on social networks in the public domain. You can find real reviews, contact people who attended his classes, what he writes, with whom he worked, are there any results. So far, I have only one guarantee that I am not cheating people for money: if someone bought my online course or paid for individual lessons, and he just didn’t like it, I will return the money to him and we will say goodbye.

How to beat stage fright

I have been exclusively coaching for about three years, but before any performance I still get worried. Fear of the stage and the public is normal. Actor Oleg Menshikov said that he played the same performance thousands of times and every time he was nervous before going on stage. People tend to be afraid of the unknown. You can’t be ready for absolutely everything, a lot of factors can affect the performance - in what mood people came, how many of them, how they will react to your words. But when you are not nervous, most likely you do not care, and this is very bad.

If an athlete begins to lift a barbell weighing 100 kilograms without preparation, then most likely he will damage the muscles. Because before exercise definitely need a workout. Same thing with public speaking, you need to prepare, tune in to relieve excitement. This is important, first of all, because any fears give rise to bodily blocks - sudden movements, tight postures, trembling in the voice. This is immediately noticeable on stage and the audience does not like it. I advise you to create your own preparatory ritual. It can be physical, breathing or mental exercises, for example, visualization of a performance.


My personal consultation costs 15,000 rubles, Skype consultation - 10,000, one-day training - 100,000, two-day - 150,000, speaking at an event - 50,000, online course from 9,900 to 30,000.

The work of a business coach is seasonal. For example, January falls in full, and in summer period fewer orders. My partner and I share the profit: I get 60%, and he gets 40%. Costs are deducted from the earned, and the net profit is already divided. My partner has managers, they also take care of me, but I don’t pay them anything out of my own pocket - I don’t even know how much they get. My monthly income ceiling was about half a million rubles, in not very productive months I get 150 thousand. The average is about 300 thousand.


For renting an apartment in the center of Moscow, I pay about 50 thousand. This is not an elite, but an ordinary house, and I managed to find a good deal. I move around the city either by taxi or take a car sharing, and in the summer I generally ride a bike. Another thousand rubles a month I put on the phone. I have breakfast at home, lunch at the office, and dinner usually in a cafe or restaurant. In the store, I buy products for a couple of days: fruits, yogurts, water, something for tea - I spend a thousand and a half. Recently we went to the cinema with a company, then we all had dinner together, and I paid most of the bill, especially since there were girls with us. I do not eat meat, and I often go to the vegetarian cafes "Juice", "Moscow-Delhi" on the Patriarchs. I can spend 40-50 thousand on food.

When you train specific audience, you need to come in a suit, but I don't dress like that in Everyday life. I already have suits and shirts, and I don’t spend money on them now. Recently I spent 30 thousand on clothes, bought sneakers, t-shirts, polo shirts, shorts. These are not the most expensive brands - Massimo Dutti, US Polo Assn, Henderson, Converse. I can spend about a thousand to two thousand on a haircut, sometimes I do a manicure, although many do not understand this. I have expenses for filming and social media promotion. You can spend 50 thousand on a video for YouTube. For Instagram, we shoot a video for 3 thousand, we release one a week. But spending on video and social networks depends on the needs, it can be 10 or 50 thousand.

I do triathlon, for this I now need few things: running shoes, T-shirt, shorts, swimwear. So I spend a little on sports - from a thousand to seven. In August, we are going to Lake Baikal with friends, air tickets cost me around 30 thousand. I will also spend 25 thousand on everything else. Back in September, my friends are flying to Spain, I am going to come to them for a few days. I regularly travel to my native St. Petersburg. And if I go to conduct a training or an event in another city, then they pay for my travel and accommodation. We can say that I want to stay for a couple more days and relax in a new place. I'm saving money, but now I'm not investing anywhere. A month usually comes out about 20-30 thousand. I invest almost all free money in the development of my brand: it is more promising. I also help my parents: I spend about 50 thousand rubles a month to help my family.

best sales coach

What is the best business sales coach? On the one hand, if we are talking about sales trainings conducted in Russian, in recent years a number of ratings of the best business sales coaches and sales experts have appeared that you can focus on. For example, here are some of them:

  • Rating Company Serreputation
  • salesportal

But, in fact, the answer to this question is more complicated.

First. Who needs training? One question is when you need to prepare or train several sales people at once. For example, a few new employees that you just hired after the next competition than the entire sales team. Another thing is when you need to train experienced negotiators, especially those who are already long time are successful and professional leaders sales, directors and owners of companies.

For entry-level training, using highly qualified trainers will be quite expensive and not very optimal, especially if you send novice employees to trainings with the best sales and negotiation specialists who do not yet understand even elementary things about how these negotiations are conducted. It is even more foolish to pay for each such young employee for his participation in an open training of a leading business expert. You will pay a significant amount for his education, and he will not be able to really make sales.

Conduct an express audit of the sales department on your own according to 23 criteria and identify sales growth points!

Go to audit

Conduct an audit

In the end, either he leaves, or you get rid of him. Therefore, for mass training of newcomers, as well as team training in general, the best sales trainers are your own sales managers, directors or business owners, those who have the most extensive experience in negotiating with your company's customers. It is they who need to go to the trainings of the best and most serious experts in order to learn from them the experience, those sales and negotiation technologies that these business sales coaches have developed due to their vast practical experience. We understand that only a practitioner can be a good sales coach, and a person who does not conduct a large number of negotiations with clients himself should stay away from training such a person.

On the other hand, if your executives, directors and business owners took part in some kind of open training of a good, cool business sales coach, and they see that it would be good to use it to train your entire team - why not? Especially if your team has several dozen employees who are involved in sales and negotiations with customers. It can be not only employees of the sales department, but also employees of the client department, and someone from the accounting department, especially if this someone helps with shaking out overdue receivables. And the security service, if it also takes part in shaking out suspended payments.

In a company that sells sophisticated equipment or complex turnkey projects, or some complex non-standard services, most often leading technical specialists. These lead technicians should also be trained in sales and negotiation. But if you organize training for the entire team for a single cost, then the costs for each individual participant in the training can be quite acceptable. At the same time, the likelihood that many of the participants in this training will apply the acquired knowledge, experience and technologies in practice, and this will help your company increase revenues and develop sales, is quite high.

So to recap, for mass training of your employees, and especially for training newbies, the best sales trainers are someone from your company's more experienced and strong sales executives, and sometimes a director and owner.

On the other hand, it makes sense for such key negotiators to periodically take part in trainings good practitioners, leading experts in the field of sales, negotiations, sales management and building sales teams. Of those trainings that are organized by our company, we first of all could recommend to your attention "" and "".

Finally, after having worked on such trainings, how these trainings are organized and conducted and how negotiation logging is carried out, and having gained new experience, knowledge and technologies, your sales managers, directors and company owners can conduct internal corporate trainings for their team in order to transfer this experience to the team.

If they see that it would be more efficient to invite an open training host to conduct a corporate training in your company in order to transfer valuable experience, knowledge and technologies to everyone in the first person, your company’s notes are involved in negotiations with clients, then it makes sense to agree on such corporate training.

It is important that it is more reliable to first send a scout who understands the level and approach of the trainer, and whose opinion can be trusted, in order to then carry out corporate training with confidence. It can be risky to immediately agree on corporate training, also because not all of the business sales coaches are actually those strong professionals and practitioners that experience and qualifications will really help your team to sell better.

© Konstantin Baksht, CEO Baksht Consulting Group.

The best way to quickly master and implement the technology of building a sales department is to attend K. Baksht's sales management training "Sales System".

We will get to know the best business coaches Russia and find out how they became successful in the field of entrepreneurship. We present to your attention the TOP 20 best business coaches in Russia for 2018.

Modern people try to learn every day more and more new and useful information. For the most part, this applies to those who are closely associated with entrepreneurial activity, since it is businessmen who must be aware of new trends and quickly respond to changes in the field of entrepreneurship in order to stay “in business”. Many of these businessmen try to gain new knowledge by trial and error, but nowadays you can attend various trainings to improve leadership and entrepreneurial qualities.

Conservative entrepreneurs prefer to avoid attending this kind of training, but at such seminars you can learn a lot of new knowledge and get acquainted with successful people. For the first time, business training began to appear in the United States, but today the best business coaches in Russia can compete with the most successful entrepreneur-teachers in other countries.

People worth learning from: the best business coaches in Russia for 2018

Despite the fact that the popularity of trainings in Russia remains at a low level, there are a huge number of successful masters in the country oratory in the field of entrepreneurship, so it will be quite difficult to rank Russian business coaches, limited to only 20 coaches. Let's list some of the most famous coaches.

Maxim Potashev

Let's start with the most famous (in terms of media) coach - Maxim Potashev. To the ordinary man in the street this person familiar from the television intellectual game “What? Where? When? ”, In which he has been a participant for a long time. In addition, Potashev is a managing partner consulting company"R&P Consulting", which speaks of his remarkable abilities in the field. Considerable experience in the managerial and entrepreneurial sphere allows him to remain one of the leading and most experienced business coaches in Russia. Most of Potashev's trainings are devoted to stories about the importance of goal setting. Of course, Potashev is included in the list of "leading business coaches in Russia."

Itzhak Pintosevich

No less famous trainer in the field of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is Itzhak Pintosevich. At a fairly young age, Yitzhak had his own personal business with large financial turnover, so there is no need to talk about the skills and abilities of Pintosevich. In addition, Yitzhak became famous for writing books. For example, "Act!" became a real bestseller. Now Pintosevich is actively engaged in training activities, successfully conducting various seminars. Visitors to such trainings note Yitzhak's good oratorical skills and the effectiveness of Yitzhak's program.

Sergei Azimov

Sergei Azimov can be called one of the pioneers of training activities in Russia, although Sergei himself currently lives in Germany. During his long career as a business coach, Azimov has conducted more than 600 trainings on various topics. Most of Asimov's lectures are devoted to the ability to create your own business, without having a big start-up capital. Unlike many other "colleagues" passed special education from leading business coaches in France and the USA.

Nikolay Ivanovich Kozlov

It has great experience in the field of teaching, as he is the rector of the University of Psychology. For the most part, he is engaged in motivational trainings and programs to create a business from scratch. Kozlov's most famous program is Distance. Thanks to this course, more than 15,000 people have acquired the skills to create a business from scratch. Status, authority and influence, efficiency professional activity, leadership and charisma - this is an incomplete list of the main elements of the course "Distance".

Svetlana Ivanova

The first female representative on our list, but not the most obscure. Mostly known for her ability to create her own brand from scratch. In addition, he is engaged in consulting activities. Has considerable experience in management activities, which he talks about in his programs and trainings.

Mikhail Degtyarev

One of the few business coaches who has extensive experience in government work behind him. For a long time, Mikhail has been training KGB officers. The main program, according to which Degtyarev conducts his trainings, is called "Economic Security". Degtyarev notes that the main reason for his success is economic efficiency his clients.

Gleb Arkhangelsky

He became famous for his innovation program on time management. Most of the training is devoted to planning your own labor activity. He is the owner of the company "organization of time". Also, distinctive feature Gleb's activities can be considered his "LiveJournal", in which he publishes the main aspects of his program and simply shares his experience.

Radislav Gandapas

Perhaps the most popular and successful business coach in Russia, so the rating of business coaches in Russia in 2018 definitely cannot do without him. During his career, he has written more than a dozen books and films, after reading which, you can learn a lot of knowledge in the field of politics. He has many awards, including several titles of the "Best Business Coach in Russia". Most of his speeches are original and highly informative. Business psychology and oratory are the main specializations of Radislav. Many similar lists of the best business coaches in Russia in 2018 cannot do without the presence of Gandapas, which indicates his success and effectiveness as a coach.

Batyrev Maxim

A young and promising business coach, who is already the winner of many economic awards, including "Best Manager" and "Best Commercial Director" of the year. He is the author of books, one of which won the Best Business Book of the Year nomination. Has a huge practical experience in the field of management, so its programs and courses are effective. For all the time of his activity, Maxim gathered more than 12 thousand people at his seminars, including from foreign countries.

Konstantin Bordunos

The founder of the company "Business Master", which indicates the high level of management skills of Konstantin. It has own enterprises on the territory of Russia and Ukraine, so all Bordunos programs are closely related to entrepreneurial activities. The main focus of the courses is the psychology of leadership and entrepreneurial psychology. For about four years, Konstantin studied in Italy, so his foreign experience can be noted.

Konstantin Baksht

The main focus of Konstantin's courses is building a sales system. He has good oratory skills and has over twenty years of sales experience behind him. Over the entire period of his activity, he has implemented more than 320 projects and. He is engaged in writing, and quite successfully (recently a book was published with a circulation of 200 thousand copies). Often participates in television programs as a sales expert.

Tarasov Vladimir

Quite popular and experienced social technologist, writer and business coach. Throughout his career, he has written several bestsellers. For a long time he lived in Estonia, and now he is the head of the Tallinn School of Managers. Recently, he has been publishing his lessons in electronic form, which he actively uses at seminars with his students.

Vladimir Yakuba

Top business coaches in Russia cannot do without, who is considered the most famous specialist in the field of sales. A rather “modern” specialist who actively uses the “real time” format in his speeches and trainings. That is, Vladimir, right on the phone, surrounded by his customers, demonstrates his sales skills. During his activity he has conducted more than 200 seminars in more than ten countries. He has written dozens of books and articles on headhunting. Actively participates in television programs.

Tatyana Sorokina

The second representative of the fair sex on our list is Tatyana Sorokina. He has vast experience in sales and sales promotion. Actively engaged in distribution activities. Has experience in management activities (for a long time she held a senior position in a consulting company). He also has several bestselling books on marketing.

Alexander Fridman

For the most part, the general public is known for his speeches on business development and its strategy. The top business coaches of Russia in 2018 cannot do without Alexander, since Fridman has published and conducted more than 40 seminar courses throughout his training activities, the main topics of which are strategic development business.

TOP promising business coaches in Russia for 2018

Most of the listed figures have been engaged in training activities for most of their lives and have a lot of merits and authority in this area, but one cannot fail to note the less well-known, but quite promising teachers in building business and managerial abilities. As a bonus to the article about the best business coaches in Russia, we will add 5 more promising and young masters of their craft.

Yana Maley

A young but very sought-after business coach from Siberia. Has two higher education and significant experience in banking and insurance. She is perfectly familiar with the specifics of the work of banking institutions throughout the Russian Federation, which is her undeniable advantage in comparison with other business coaches.

Utenin Vladislav

An experienced expert in negotiation, which is quite rare in Russia. Specializes in sales and Conducts management development training leadership qualities. In addition to Russia, he spoke at seminars in Europe and the CIS. Considered one of the most promising business coaches in Russia. Not so long ago, he published his new book "The Business of Slow Action", which received a good review.

Igor Chekotin

Chekotin can be called an already established and well-known business coach, but he was not included in our list. It should be noted that Igor has extensive experience in management and business areas, which allows him to conduct seminars on sales training and leadership and management skills.

Popova Evgenia

For a long time, Evgenia was engaged in banking. Now he has his own program for building a project for remote communication with employees. In addition, he often participates in various competitions (for example, the “school of young billionaires”) and television programs as an expert.

Mink Dmitry

Another promising sales coach. At the moment, more than a thousand clients have used Dmitry's services, which indicates his considerable experience and talent. Author of the book Expert Selling.

Interesting Facts:

  • Most of the well-known business coaches in Russia currently live abroad;
  • Maxim Potashev has 4 “Crystal Owl” cups in his treasury of awards for victories in the game “What? Where? When?";
  • Surprisingly, Yitzhak Pintosevich has an incomplete namesake who is also involved.

The best business coaches in Russia, the rating with which is provided above, will meet you more than once in various TV programs and news feeds, because only at first glance it seems that there is nothing difficult in the story of successful sales and improving leadership qualities. Many trainers have been studying abroad for years and have extensive experience in entrepreneurial activity. It is worth listening to only those business coaches, the result of whose activities is obvious. Leading business coaches in Russia are becoming more and more in demand in foreign countries every year, which indicates their success.

The most famous business coaches in Russia, as a rule, live in other countries, but it will not be difficult to get to the seminars of one of them. Most of the trainers listed in the top constantly “tour” with their trainings and seminars in many countries of the CIS and Europe. (hereinafter referred to as “SEReputation”, “we”, “us” or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of customers who can be identified in any way and who visit the website ( hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) and use its services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”). Amendments to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site and/or Services and will be effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the Services following the posting of any changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

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If we consider entrepreneurship as a profession, then in the number of necessary skills it prevails over most others. Whereas a narrow-profile specialist studies one subject, but deeply, a businessman works, so to speak, "in breadth", trying to learn as much as possible about everything. In this sense, a novice entrepreneur must combine in one person a marketer, a techie, a manager, and, if necessary, an electrician with a plumber. Becoming a "free bird", working for yourself, you are not freed from the routine of a hired worker - you have even more of it. But the truth is, now you are accountable to yourself and the income in your pocket comes directly and, as expected, in a much larger amount.

Since this very income, or rather, its increase, is for the entrepreneur main task, an end in itself, for the sake of which he, in fact, set off "in all serious" independent business, then the main one stands in front of him and complex issue: "But how to do it?". A beginner in this case will inevitably encounter some difficulties. Yes, even experienced entrepreneurs sometimes pat the back of their heads in confusion, unable to understand why all of a sudden "I began to lose money." In this case, it is better to turn to people who have turned helping entrepreneurs into their profession. Business trainers whose theoretical knowledge is consistently backed up by management experience own business, able to give helpful advice, think over an algorithm of actions or evaluate the prospects of a particular solution. They are not just vociferous experts with motivating slogans. By looking at the situation from the outside and passing it through the prism of their experience, the coach can provide an objective assessment of your performance, which is especially important in the absence of a business partner or mentor. And if you lack certain knowledge to realize your entrepreneurial ideas, then a business coach from the relevant field will help fill this gap and master the necessary skills. To do this, you just need to choose yours. Therefore, we decided to compile a list of some of the most sought-after business coaches in Russia so that you get acquainted with their activities, and maybe take advantage of their help.

1. Radislav Gandapas

Those who are interested in business training in Russia are probably familiar with the name of this person. This is not surprising, because he is one of the most famous and sought-after business coaches in the country with extensive professional experience and a wide geography of performances. Therefore, even if you are not in business, but live in a large city, you may have met this person more than once on local posters or advertising banners. But to follow their call to go to his training or not depends on your goals. Radislav Gandapas is a specialist in leadership and oratory, and therefore his seminars will be especially useful for those who want to hone their management skills, master the power of persuasion and make their own. business communication most productive.

2. Maxim Batyrev

Having passed a rich career path from an ordinary employee to a top manager in a large domestic company, he has accumulated rich practical experience, which he laid the foundation for his consulting activities. The knowledge that Batyrev shares at his own master classes is backed up real examples from personal practice. Therefore, they will be useful primarily for business leaders, business owners and recruiters, as they cover such expert areas as management, sales promotion and employee motivation.

3. Mikhail Bakunin

Marketing expert helps freelancers, professionals in various areas and service providers to build as much as possible effective system sales. His main area of ​​expertise is marketing. professional services, which are now experiencing a kind of renaissance, responding on the Internet in the form of numerous ads. Standing out as a programmer, designer, tutor, specialist in advertising or psychology is not so easy now. It's even harder to sell yourself. This is what the trainings and courses of Mikhail Bakunin are focused on, who, relying on his practical experience (he is the founder of several companies), trains independent professionals in competent marketing and marketing. effective promotion their services.

4. Evgeny Kolotilov

Sales technique, despite its apparent shapelessness, is very important in the implementation of almost any business process. It is especially important in the B2B sector. The volume of one-time sales here, as a rule, is quite large, and customers, as direct participants in the industry, place high demands on the purchased product. Therefore, it is not always possible to exploit emotional pressure on the buyer. Major customer- this is a professional, so it is much more difficult to convince him than an ordinary consumer. Difficult, but not impossible. It teaches such sales techniques. His trainings are dedicated to B2B sales, where an entrepreneur can learn how to competently negotiate with large customers, create a convincing presentation, and more. important aspects conducting B2B trading.

5. Igor Mann

The famous marketing expert, whose work experience is measured not only by the number of years (and their figure, by the way, is approaching 30), but also by the list of published books, has long secured the status of an authoritative expert. At the same time, Mann himself puts an inequality sign between the concepts of "marketer" and "marketer", making it clear that there is a difference between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. But this does not mean that one excludes the other. It's just that truly competent management is possible when they are used together. Therefore, Igor Mann positions himself as a universal marketer working at the intersection of theory and practice, which allowed him to develop a balanced business development methodology, which he willingly shares at numerous trainings and corporate programs. In his master classes, books and video courses, Igor Mann laid an extensive marketing management base for a variety of business tasks: increasing sales, working with feedback, negotiating, working with B2B, work schedule optimization and others. Therefore, his work will be useful not only for novice entrepreneurs, but also for experienced players.