You are an entrepreneur class hours lessons. Class hour on the topic: "Entrepreneurs are not born"

Classroom hour

"How to Become a Sole Proprietor"

"All! I don't want to obey anyone! I want to work for myself!” - the person who made this decision took the first step towards individual entrepreneurship.

Individual entrepreneur is a citizen registered in accordance with the law and engaged in business without forming a legal entity. At the moment, many young people, not wanting to work for someone, create their own firms and small businesses, open retail outlets.

Previously, the owners of their own small business there were several "labels". There was a cumbersome PBOYUL(entrepreneur without formation of a legal entity) or state of emergency(the abbreviation did not bode well and served as a subject of ridicule, but meant only “ self employed"). "Their own masters" are called individual entrepreneurs today. It is generally accepted that the lot of IP is exclusively trade. However, this is not at all the case. People do business different professions: not only owners outlets in the markets, streets and subway passages, but also the owners of small hairdressers and cafes, accountants, photographers, tutors, auditors, artists. As an individual entrepreneur, they can work alone or hire employees, but anyone who, working not for “uncle”, but for themselves, sells, buys, provides services, even uses property to generate income, is an entrepreneur and is required by law to register.

Not registered? This means that you actually work illegally: neither to pay taxes, nor to pay honestly and openly with partners, nor to you pensions, nor seniority ... The same applies to hired workers - no social guarantees! The registration procedure itself, the form of doing business and reporting is simpler than that of a legal entity, and taxes are lower. The main disadvantage, perhaps, is one - to answer to creditors in which case you will have to use your own property.

Let's try to imagine the life of an IP in the form of several simplified moves:

Become an IP

Can: Any capable person of full age can become an individual entrepreneur. Teenagers who are 16 years old and declared fully capable by the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authorities or the court, and even teenagers from 14 years old, can also register as an individual entrepreneur, subject to parental consent.

It is forbidden: State and municipal employees, employees of the security and prosecutor's offices, military personnel cannot combine business and their activities.

Collect documents


    Application (the signature on the application must be notarized).

    A copy of an identity document: for a citizen of the Russian Federation, this is a copy of a passport; for foreigners and stateless persons, a copy of a document recognized in the Russian Federation as an identity document.

    Payment receipt state duty 1300 rub.

    For minors: notarized consent of legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents or guardian) to exercise entrepreneurial activity, or a copy of the marriage certificate for a minor, or a copy of the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority, or a copy of the court decision on emancipation.

    Copies of all documents must be notarized (if the applicant does not bring them personally and / or does not have the originals on hand).

Not necessary (unlike legal entities):

    Collect constituent documents.

    Have authorized capital.

Submit documents

    On one's own: You need to contact tax office at the place of residence. Registration will be ready in no more than three working days from the date of submission of documents. If a citizen submits documents in person, he is issued a receipt for their receipt indicating the list and date.

    By mail: You can send documents by mail with a declared value and a description of the investment. If the documents are sent by mail, the receipt is sent to the citizen within the working day following the day the documents were received.

    Through an intermediary: You can contact law firm specializing in the registration of entrepreneurs (for a fee).

    You can submit documents on the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Consent or refusal

Positive decision: To register individual entrepreneurs a record is made of state registration IP. The applicant receives a certificate of state registration and a certificate of entry in the register. The deadline for issuing documents is no later than one business day from the date of registration. Any changes to the IP information contained in state register(for example, a change of place of residence), must be entered in the register upon an additional application.

Refusal decision must be sent to the person indicated in the application for registration, with notification of the delivery of such a decision. Such a decision must indicate the reason for the refusal. The decision to refuse state registration can be appealed in court

Reasons for refusal

    Proper documents are not submitted or submitted to the wrong organization.

    Its state registration in the same capacity has not yet expired.

    They were deprived of the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities by a court verdict, and the term of this ban has not yet expired.

    A person has already been engaged in entrepreneurship, and in connection with this activity he was declared bankrupt, and a year has not expired from the date of bankruptcy.

    The decision of the court to terminate the activities of the IP forcibly, if a year has not expired since the adoption of such a decision.

For work you will need

Seal to conclude contracts with employees and partners.

Bank account for settlement with employees and partners.

Cash register for cash payments. Please note that it also needs to be registered with the tax office.

Payments and deductions

Pension contributions: Immediately after registration (regardless of whether the activity has already begun or not), the law obliges to start deducting pension contributions.

At the request of the entrepreneur, the contribution can be more.

You can pay contributions in the way that is convenient for the individual entrepreneur (for example, every month or once a year), but pay off all payments in Pension Fund required by December 31st of the current year.

Employment books: The entrepreneur must work books for their employees and issue new ones for those who come to work for the first time.

Labor contracts: Undertaking must conclude with employees employment contracts in writing.

Retirement Certificates: They must be issued for first-time applicants.


Traditional system requires the entrepreneur to pay income tax, value added tax, unified social tax and other taxes depending on the type of activity.

Simplified system(IP has the right to switch to it by own will and then stick to this scheme for three years)

exempt from:

income tax individuals(in relation to income received from entrepreneurial activity);

Tax on the property of individuals (in relation to property used for business activities);

Unified social tax (in relation to income received from entrepreneurial activity);

Value added tax (except for the import of goods into the Russian Federation).

Instead of all these taxes - single tax. He exists in one of two forms:

Income tax - rate 6%;

Tax on income reduced by the amount of expenses - the rate is 15%.

Since 2015 all start-up entrepreneurs are exempt from taxes for the first 2 years of activity.

imputed tax

Many types of entrepreneurship suggest that a single tax is levied not on real income, but on the so-called imputed one. This is about household services, retail, transportation, auto repair and more depending on local regulations. In this case, 15% tax is taken from the potential amount that the individual entrepreneur could receive. That is, it is already known what profit the IP will have. This estimated income is calculated by the tax office according to a complex scheme and depends on the characteristics of the activity, city legislation, additional factors: the space occupied by the entrepreneur, the number of employees, technical equipment, etc.

Pension contributions that the individual entrepreneur paid for employees and for himself, as well as paid temporary disability benefits are deducted from the amount of tax received. However, the tax amount cannot be reduced by more than 50%. That is, if all payments are to be reduced, for example by 55%, only 50% is deducted.

If the unfortunate entrepreneur did not earn such income, there is a loss. This means that the activity is not effective enough - maybe it is worth reorienting or closing completely?

Termination of activity

Registration is terminated if:

IP decided to stop this troublesome business himself, wrote an application to the local tax office and paid the fee.

Entrepreneur died, data on death were received by the inspection.

The court declared the individual entrepreneur bankrupt, or forcibly suspended activities, or sentenced in the form of deprivation of the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity for a certain period.


Lenders have the right demand personal property of an individual entrepreneur to pay off a debt: for example, he may have to part with a summer house or a car.

Lenders are not entitled encroach on the most necessary, such as housing (with the exception of housing that is the subject of a mortgage), ordinary household items and household items.

Normative base

Civil Code, part 1:

Article 23. Entrepreneurial activity of a citizen

Article 24. Property liability of a citizen

Article 25. Insolvency (bankruptcy) of an individual entrepreneur

the federal law dated August 8, 2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”;

Tax code, part 2:

Chapter 21. Value Added Tax

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 26.2. Simplified taxation system

Chapter 26.3. The system of taxation in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types activities

Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the Application cash register equipment when making cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards.

Successful decisions and their implementation!


The sage settled on the top of the mountain, everyone came to him, and he helped with all advice. But one person was envious. He began to say that he was no sage, and that he would prove it: “I will catch a butterfly, hide it in my palm and ask the sage what I have there. If he says: “Butterfly,” I will ask: “Is she alive or dead?” If he says: “Alive,” I will squeeze her and kill her, and if she is dead, I will open my hands and she will fly away.

Come to the sage. “What is in my palms?” asked the envious. "Butterfly," replied the sage. "And what is she, alive or dead?". "All in your hands!"

James Watson:

"Business is a game, the greatest game in the world - if you know how to play it"

  • An entrepreneur is an economic entity whose activity gives market economy dynamism;
  • a person who tries at his own peril and risk, striving for his own benefit, to satisfy new solvent social needs.

Important personality traits of an entrepreneur

  • Independence
  • ambition
  • persistence
  • industriousness
  • Fortitude

Test "To determine the ability to entrepreneurial activity"

1. Are you able to complete the work you have begun, despite the difficulties that arise?

2. Are you able to insist on the decision made, or can you be easily persuaded?

3. Do you like to take responsibility, lead?

4. Do you enjoy the respect and trust of your comrades?

5. Are you in good health?

6. Are you willing to work from dawn to dusk with no immediate payoff?

7. Do you like to communicate and work with people?

8. Are you able to convince others of the correctness of the chosen path?

9. Do you have any slightest experience in the area in which you want to start your own business?

10. Are you at least a little familiar with the current rules of taxation, calculation wages, reference accounting?

11. Can you talk to a stranger on the street?

12. Do you consider cunning to be a useful quality?

13. Are you jealous of the success of your friends?

14. Do you have in mind a room that can be rented?

15. Do you address your older relatives as "you"?

16. Do you worry if you were cheated in the store?

17. Do you have the opportunity to attract relatives and friends to finance the enterprise you are creating?

18. Are you able, for example, at the station to entrust a suitcase to a complete stranger for a while?

19. Do you have in mind smart specialists with experience and knowledge that you lack?

20. Are you sure that owning your own business is your main dream?

Reflection "Everything is in your hands."

  • Formula for success .


  • You need to make a lot of efforts to achieve your goal, and for this you need to have well-formed volitional qualities.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1

(with in-depth study of individual subjects)"

Class hour on the topic:

"Entrepreneurs are not born"

Prepared and conducted

primary school teacher

Fedotova Tatyana Alexandrovna

Goals : to acquaint students with the outstanding dynasties of Russian entrepreneurs and activities modern entrepreneurs; to form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as perseverance, purposefulness, diligence; develop the ability for introspection, self-education; encouraging children to work on themselves, to improve their educational level; to cultivate respect for people who have achieved wealth through their work.

The course of the classroom.

  1. interactive conversation

Classroom teacher.

Guys, which one of you would like to become rich?

And who would like to open their own business, become an entrepreneur?

Do you think anyone can become an entrepreneur?

Why do you think not every entrepreneur becomes a millionaire?

Some scientists believe that the ability to entrepreneurship is the same talent as the ability to dance, sing, music, and paint. Do you agree with this?

  1. Information block "Old Russians"

Classroom teacher.

Rich people are now called "new Russians". But if there are "new Russians", then there were once "old Russians". What were they like? How did you get your wealth? What did you spend on? Can we learn something from them?

"Honest Merchant"

Student 1. We will talk about who the merchants are. Before the 1917 revolution, entrepreneurs in Russia were called merchants. These were people who were engaged in trade and production. Depending on the amount of capital, merchants were divided into guilds:

1st guild - from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

2nd guild - from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.

3rd guild - up to 8000 rubles.

Some merchants received the rank of commerce adviser or manufactory adviser for their activities. These ranks were given for a great contribution to the development of the economy of the Russian Empire and serious charity. The most honored merchants were awarded honorary citizenship. To defeat their competitors, Russian merchants tried to produce goods themselves. High Quality. For this, the goods were allowed to put the state emblem of Russia.

Student 2. Russian merchants valued their word of honor very much. Thousands of transactions were often made without any documents, on the merchant's word of honor. For violation of the word, fraud was supposed to be exiled from the guild and lifelong disgrace.

All members of the family participated in the merchant business. The heirs continued the family business. Thus, outstanding merchant dynasties formed in Russia, which made a huge contribution to the economy of the state and received titles of nobility.

"The Morozov Dynasty"

Student 3. We will talk about the dynasty of merchants Morozov. This is a famous surname in history in the history of Russian business. From their peasant ancestors, they received perseverance in achieving the goal and incredible performance.

The founder of the dynasty, Savva Morozov, created a weaving workshop in his village of Zuevo near Vladimir. He himself worked at a single machine, and he himself walked 100 miles to Moscow to sell goods. I went out at dawn and by evening I was in Moscow. His goods - lace, fringe, ribbons - were of such high quality that buyers met him on the road to be the first to take everything.

Perseverance and work allowed the serf Savva Morozov to escape from poverty. He managed to buy himself a "free" and became a merchant of the first guild.

The Morozovs created their own textile production - "Nikolskaya Manufactory" in the Vladimir region. Nikolskaya Manufactory was one of the three most profitable enterprises in Russia. For their merits in the development of domestic industry, the Morozovs received hereditary honorary nobility.

Student 4. The Morozovs were Old Believers, observed all religious rites and traditions, brought up children in strictness and obedience, taught them to work. The grandson of the founder of the dynasty at the age of 25 began to rule family business. He bought new cars, took care of the workers.

His annual income was 10 times that of the then finance minister. There were legends about his untold wealth among the people. He did not spend any extra money on himself. But he did not spare money for charity. He generously donated to hospitals, helped artists, artists, musicians.

He was a patriot. He founded a bank so that Russian merchants could take loans in their homeland, and not in foreign banks. He was proud to be Russian.

"Millionaires Ryabushinsky".

Student 5. We want to talk about the Ryabushinsky merchant dynasty. Their ancestors were also serfs.

The founder of the dynasty, Mikhail Yakovlev, started in trade, was a merchant of the 3rd guild. But after the war of 1812 he went bankrupt and became a merchant's clerk. He becomes very religious, accepts the Old Believers. A change of faith leads to a change of surname. Yakovlev becomes Rebushinsky - that was the name of his native settlement. Later, his children will slightly change their surname to Ryabushinsky. Thus began one of the richest and most glorious merchant dynasties in Russia.

Mikhail Rebushinsky again becomes a merchant, selling cotton fabrics. First, he buys goods from single handicraftsmen, then he himself begins to issue orders to handicraftsmen. His business is booming fast. He brings up his children in strictness, does not make them any concessions. When the eldest son was 16 years old, his father forced him to open his own business. To do this, he rented one of his shops to his son and sent him goods from his warehouse, like other merchants.

Two younger sons help him in business: they keep records of the economy.

Student 6. Gradually, Rebushinsky's business is expanding, he opens his own factory for the production of woolen and semi-silk fabrics, is engaged in wholesale trade, creates a bank. After his death, 3 sons, 2 daughters and 15 grandchildren remained. He bequeathed them 2 million rubles. His heirs not only did not spend this money, but also multiplied and put the Ryabushinsky family in first place in the state.

They owned factories, banks, newspapers, opened rooming houses, free canteens. Before the revolution of 1917, one of the brothers collected the largest collection of ancient Russian icons, the other gave funds for the study of Kamchatka, the third organized the Aerodynamic Institute near Moscow. All members of this wonderful family never hoped for happiness and good luck. They achieved everything only thanks to their energy and perseverance.

Classroom teacher.Thanks for the interesting stories. Now it is fashionable to talk about people who have made themselves. Can we say that the founders of these dynasties made themselves?

There is a proverb: "Money spoils a person." Why do you think money did not spoil the representatives of these dynasties? (they worked hard, believed in God, worked not for the sake of money, but for the cause, they saw that they were helping others).

  1. "Information block "New Russians"

Private entrepreneurship was, for the first time after a long break, allowed in the USSR at the height of Perestroika, in the form of ITD and cooperatives, by a decree of November 19, 1986.

With this resolution, the first stage in the development of new Russian entrepreneurship began, when only a few opened their own businesses, because initially it caused the condemnation of others in the mass.

Entrepreneurs of the first wave opened mainly small catering or trade enterprises and were called "cooperators".

The second wave is already the period of the end of Perestroika, 1989-1991. Representatives of the second wave sought to prove themselves in business.

During these years, large officials also took up entrepreneurship. Numerous banks, stock exchanges, joint ventures (JVs) have become common forms of business.

The third stage began after 1991, it is called mass entrepreneurship. The collapse of the socialist system led to the fact that the number of entrepreneurs increased many times, and now they were not only enthusiasts, but also those who went into business out of a desire to survive and, possibly, get rich.

The main qualities of an entrepreneur:

energy, the ability to make work;

the ability to think;

the ability to build relationships with people;


knowledge of engineering and technology.

Principles of Russian entrepreneurship in the XXI century.

  1. Respect authority.
  2. Be honest and truthful.
  3. Respect property rights.
  4. Love and respect the person.
  5. Be true to your word.
  6. Live within your means.
  7. Be purposeful.
  1. Final conversation.

Classroom teacher.

What character traits necessary for entrepreneurial activity can you develop right now during the school period?

  1. Results.

How will you now answer the question with which we began our class hour today?


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Slides captions:

Entrepreneurs are not born

Answer the questions Which of you would like to become rich? And who would like to open their own business, become an entrepreneur? Do you think anyone can become an entrepreneur? Why do you think not every entrepreneur becomes a millionaire? Some scientists believe that the ability to entrepreneurship is the same talent as the ability to dance, sing, music, and paint. Do you agree with this?

"Old Russians" What were they like? How did you get your wealth? What was it spent on? Can we learn something from them?

Honest Merchants Before the revolution of 1917, entrepreneurs in Russia were called merchants. Depending on the amount of capital, merchants were divided into guilds: 1st guild - from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles. 2nd guild - from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles. 3rd guild - up to 8000 rubles.

All members of the family participated in the merchant business. The heirs continued the family business. Thus, outstanding merchant dynasties formed in Russia, which made a huge contribution to the economy of the state and received titles of nobility.

The Morozov dynasty The founder of the dynasty, Savva Morozov, created a weaving workshop in his village of Zuevo near Vladimir. He himself worked at a single machine, and he himself walked 100 miles to Moscow to sell goods. I went out at dawn and by evening I was in Moscow. His goods - lace, fringe, ribbons - were of such high quality that buyers met him on the road to be the first to take everything.

The Morozovs created their own textile production - "Nikolskaya Manufactory" in the Vladimir region. Nikolskaya Manufactory was one of the three most profitable enterprises in Russia. For their merits in the development of domestic industry, the Morozovs received hereditary honorary nobility. The grandson of the founder of the dynasty at the age of 25 began to manage the family business. He bought new cars, took care of the workers. His annual income was 10 times that of the then finance minister. He did not spend any extra money on himself. But he did not spare money for charity. He generously donated to hospitals, helped artists, artists, musicians. He was a patriot. He founded a bank so that Russian merchants could take loans in their homeland, and not in foreign banks. He was proud to be Russian.

Millionaires Ryabushinsky Ancestors were also serfs. The founder of the dynasty, Mikhail Yakovlev (Ryabushinsky), started out in trade, was a merchant of the 3rd guild. But after the war of 1812 he went bankrupt and became a merchant's clerk. He traded in cotton fabrics. At first he bought goods from single handicraftsmen, then he himself began to issue orders to handicraftsmen. When the eldest son was 16 years old, his father forced him to open his own business. Ryabushinsky Mansion

After his death, 3 sons, 2 daughters and 15 grandchildren remained. He bequeathed them 2 million rubles. His heirs increased their wealth and put the Ryabushinsky family in first place in the state. They owned factories, banks, newspapers, opened rooming houses, free canteens. Before the revolution of 1917, one of the brothers collected the largest collection of ancient Russian icons, the other gave funds for the study of Kamchatka, the third organized the Aerodynamic Institute near Moscow. Vasily Mikhailovich and Pavel Mikhailovich Ryabushinsky

"New Russians" Private entrepreneurship was, for the first time after a long break, allowed in the USSR at the height of Perestroika, in the form of ITD and cooperatives, by a decree of November 19, 1986. With this resolution, the first stage in the development of new Russian entrepreneurship began, when only a few opened their own businesses, because initially it caused the condemnation of others in the mass. Entrepreneurs of the first wave opened mainly small catering or trade enterprises and were called "cooperators".

"new Russians" The second wave is already the period of the end of Perestroika, 1989-1991. Representatives of the second wave sought to prove themselves in business. During these years, large officials also took up entrepreneurship. Numerous banks, stock exchanges, joint ventures (JVs) have become common forms of business. The third stage began after 1991, it is called mass entrepreneurship. The collapse of the socialist system led to the fact that the number of entrepreneurs increased many times, and now they were not only enthusiasts, but also those who went into business out of a desire to survive and, possibly, get rich.

The main qualities of an entrepreneur are energy, the ability to make work; the ability to think; the ability to build relationships with people; sociability; knowledge of engineering and technology.

Principles of Russian entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Respect authority. Be honest and truthful. Respect property rights. Love and respect the person. Be true to your word. Live within your means. Be purposeful.

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  • , 58.45kb.
  • Class hour on the topic: "Entrepreneurs are not born."

    Compiled and conducted by: Bordacheva N. N.

    Goals: to acquaint students with the outstanding dynasties of Russian entrepreneurs and the activities of modern entrepreneurs; to form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as perseverance, purposefulness, diligence; develop the ability for introspection, self-education; encouraging children to work on themselves, to improve their educational level; to cultivate respect for people who have achieved wealth through their work.

    The course of the classroom.

    1. Interactive conversation.
    Classroom teacher.

    Guys, which one of you would like to become rich?

    And who would like to open their own business, become an entrepreneur?

    Do you think anyone can become an entrepreneur?

    Why do you think not every entrepreneur becomes a millionaire?

    Some scientists believe that the ability to entrepreneurship is the same talent as the ability to dance, sing, music, and paint. Do you agree with this?

    1. Information block "Old Russians".
    Classroom teacher.

    Rich people are now called "new Russians". But if there are "new Russians", then there were once "old Russians". What were they like? How did you get your wealth? What did you spend on? Can we learn something from them? We give the floor to our creative team, which prepared the information block of our class hour.

    "Honest Merchants".

    Student 1. We have prepared short story about who the merchants are. Before the 1917 revolution, entrepreneurs in Russia were called merchants. These were people who were engaged in trade and production. Depending on the amount of capital, merchants were divided into guilds:

    1st guild - from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

    2nd guild - from 8,000 to 20,000 rubles.

    guild - up to 8000 rubles.

    Pupil 2. Some merchants for their activities received the rank of commerce adviser or manufactory adviser. These ranks were given for a great contribution to the development of the economy of the Russian Empire and serious charity. The most honored merchants were awarded honorary citizenship. To defeat their competitors, Russian merchants tried to produce goods of the highest quality. For this, the goods were allowed to put the state emblem of Russia.

    At Chenik 1. Russian merchants valued their word of honor very much. Thousands of transactions were often made without any documents, on the merchant's word of honor. For violation of the word, fraud was supposed to be exiled from the guild and lifelong disgrace.

    Pupil2. All members of the family participated in the merchant business. The heirs continued the family business. Thus, outstanding merchant dynasties formed in Russia, which made a huge contribution to the economy of the state and received titles of nobility.

    Morozov Dynasty.

    Student 3.

    We will talk about the dynasty of merchants Morozov. This is a famous surname in history in the history of Russian business. From their peasant ancestors, they received perseverance in achieving the goal and

    Incredible performance.

    The founder of the dynasty, Savva Morozov, created a weaving workshop in his village of Zuevo near Vladimir. He worked himself at a single machine, and he himself walked 100 miles to Moscow to sell goods. I went out at dawn and by evening I was in Moscow. His goods - lace, fringe, ribbons - were of such high quality that buyers met him on the road to be the first to take everything.

    Perseverance and work allowed the serf Savva Morozov to escape from poverty. He managed to buy himself a "free" and became a merchant of the first guild.

    The Morozovs created their own textile production - "Nikolskaya Manufactory" in the Vladimir region. Nikolskaya Manufactory was one of the three most profitable enterprises in Russia. For their merits in the development of domestic industry, the Morozovs received hereditary honorary nobility.

    Student 4.

    The Morozovs were Old Believers, observed all religious rites and traditions, brought up children in strictness and obedience, taught them to work. The grandson of the founder of the dynasty at the age of 25 began to manage the family business. He bought new cars, took care of the workers.

    His annual income was 10 times that of the then finance minister. There were legends about his untold wealth among the people. He did not spend any extra money on himself. But he did not spare money for charity. He generously donated to hospitals, helped artists, artists, musicians.

    He was a patriot. He founded a bank so that Russian merchants could take loans in their homeland, and not in foreign banks. He was proud to be Russian.

    "Millionaires Ryabushinsky".

    Chenik 5. We want to talk about the dynasty of the Ryabushinsky merchants. Their ancestors were also serfs.

    The founder of the dynasty, Mikhail Yakovlev, started in trade, was a merchant of the 3rd guild. But after the war of 1812 he went bankrupt and became a merchant's clerk. He becomes very religious, accepts the Old Believers. A change of faith leads to a change of surname. Yakovlev becomes Rebushinsky - that was the name of his native settlement. Later, his children will slightly change their surname to Ryabushinsky. Thus began one of the richest and most glorious merchant dynasties in Russia.

    Mikhail Rebushinsky again becomes a merchant, selling cotton fabrics. First, he buys goods from single handicraftsmen, then he himself begins to issue orders to handicraftsmen. His business is booming fast. He brings up his children in strictness, does not make them any concessions. When the eldest son was 16 years old, his father forced him to open his own business. To do this, he rented one of his shops to his son and sent him goods from his warehouse, like other merchants.

    Two younger sons help him in business: they keep records of the economy.

    Pupil6. Gradually, Rebushinsky's business expands, he opens his own factory for the production of woolen and semi-silk fabrics, engages in wholesale trade, and creates a bank. After his death, 3 sons, 2 daughters and 15 grandchildren remained. He bequeathed them 2 million rubles. His heirs not only did not spend this money, but also multiplied and put the Ryabushinsky family in first place in the state.

    They own factories, banks, newspapers, open flophouses, free canteens. Before the revolution of 1917, one of the brothers collected the largest collection of ancient Russian icons, the other gave funds for the study of Kamchatka, the third organized the Aerodynamic Institute near Moscow. All members of this wonderful family never hoped for happiness and good luck. They achieved everything only thanks to their energy and perseverance.

    Classroom teacher. Thanks for the interesting stories. Now it is fashionable to talk about people who have made themselves. Can we say that the founders of these dynasties made themselves?

    There is a proverb: "Money spoils a person." Why do you think money did not spoil the representatives of these dynasties? (they worked hard, believed in God, worked not for the sake of money, but for the cause, they saw that they were helping others).

    1. Final conversation.
    Classroom teacher.

    Thank you for interesting presentations. Guys, you heard stories about the famous merchant dynasties of the pre-revolutionary period and stories about the activities of modern entrepreneurs. What kind common features Have you noticed the representatives of all entrepreneurs? What character traits necessary for entrepreneurial activity can you develop right now during the school period?