Leading Human Resources Specialist Job Description. Job description of a HR specialist: sample filling



1. General provisions.

1.1. The leading specialist in personnel and award matters (hereinafter referred to as the specialist) is appointed to the position by the Head of the municipality of the Khovrino intracity municipality in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the municipality).

1.2. Appointment to the position of a specialist is made from among persons with higher professional education.

1.3. The specialist is accountable for the performance of his functional duties the head of the municipality.

1.4. The head of the municipality provides a specialist necessary conditions labor.

1.5. In his work, the specialist is guided by:

legislative and regulatory documents regulating issues,

relating to its competence;

· methodological materials on the issues of work performed ;

Regulations on the municipality of the intracity municipality Khovrino in the city of Moscow;

internal rules work schedule;

orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the municipality;

This job description;

Decisions of the Municipal Assembly.

1.6. The job specialist must know:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, legislation of the city of Moscow; legislation on municipal service;

Decrees, orders, orders, other guidance, methodological and regulatory materials of higher and other bodies related to legal activity municipality;

· Labor legislation.

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials for personnel management.

· Structure of the municipality, strategy and prospects for its development.

· Personnel policy.

· The procedure for making forecasts, determining the prospective and current needs for personnel.

· Methods of analysis of the professional and qualification structure of personnel.

· The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement.

· Organizing payroll.

· Methods of recording the movement of personnel, the procedure for compiling established reporting.

· Fundamentals of sociology, psychology, pedagogy and labor organization.

· Fundamentals of economics.

· Funds computer science, communications and connections.

· Work culture and work ethics.

1.7. The specialist must be able to use personal computer and office equipment, reference and legal system.

2. Functions and official duties leading specialist

for personnel and awards

2.1 Functions

· Organization and maintenance of records of the personnel of the municipality and personnel records management.

· Preparation and submission of personnel reports established by regulatory documents.

· Preparation and registration of award sheets for awarding municipal employees in accordance with the legislation on awards and honorary titles of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

· 2.2 Job responsibilities

2.2.1. Formation of personnel for filling positions in the municipal service;

2.2.2. Preparation of proposals on the implementation of the provisions of the legislation on municipal service and making these proposals to the Employer;

2.2.3. Organization of the preparation of draft municipal legal acts related to entering the municipal service, its passage, the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract), appointment to the position of the municipal service, dismissal from the substituted position of the municipal service, dismissal of a municipal employee from the municipal service and his retirement, and execution of relevant documents;

2.2.4. Doing work books municipal employees;

2.2.5. Conducting personal files of municipal employees;

2.2.6. Maintaining a register of municipal employees in the municipality;

2.2.7. Registration and issuance of service certificates of municipal employees;

2.2.8. Holding a competition for replacement vacancies municipal service and the inclusion of municipal employees in the personnel reserve;

2.2.9. Carrying out attestation and qualification examination of municipal employees;

2.2.10. Organization of work with the personnel reserve and its effective use;

2.2.11. Organization of verification of the authenticity of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen upon admission to the municipal service, as well as registration of an admission of the established form to information constituting a state secret;

3.2.4. To be an attorney or representative for third parties in a local government, municipal body in which he replaces the position of the municipal service or which is directly subordinate or controlled by him, unless otherwise provided federal laws.

3.2.5. Receive in connection with the official position or in connection with the performance of official duties remuneration from individuals and legal entities (gifts, cash remuneration, loans, services, payment for entertainment, recreation, transportation costs and other remuneration). Gifts received by a municipal employee in connection with protocol events, business trips and other official events are recognized as municipal property and are transferred by a municipal employee under an act to a local self-government body, a municipal body in which he replaces the position of a municipal service, with the exception of cases established by Civil Code Russian Federation.

3.2.6. Go on business trips at the expense of individuals and legal entities, with the exception of business trips carried out on a mutual basis by agreement of a local government body, a municipal body with local government bodies, municipal bodies of other municipalities, as well as with bodies state power and local self-government bodies of foreign states, international and foreign non-profit organizations.

3.2.7. Use for purposes not related to the performance of official duties, means of material, technical, financial and other support, other municipal property.

3.2.8. Disclose or use for purposes not related to the municipal service, information classified in accordance with federal laws as confidential information, or proprietary information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties.

3.2.9. Allow public statements, judgments and assessments, including in the media, regarding the activities of local governments, municipal authorities and their leaders, if this is not part of his official duties.

3.2.10. To accept, without the written permission of the Head of the municipality, awards, honorary and special titles (with the exception of scientific ones) of foreign states, international organizations.

3.2.11. Use the advantages of official position for election campaigning, as well as for campaigning on referendum issues.

3.2.12. Use his official position in the interests of political parties, religious and other public associations, as well as publicly express his attitude towards these associations as a municipal employee.

3.2.13. Create in local governments, municipal authorities structures of political parties, religious and other public associations(with the exception of trade unions, as well as veterans and other bodies of public amateur performance) or contribute to the creation of these structures.

3.2.14. Terminate the performance of official duties in order to resolve a labor dispute.

3.2.15. To be a member of management bodies, boards of trustees or supervisory boards, other bodies of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations and their operating on the territory of the Russian Federation structural divisions, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2.16. Engage in paid activities financed exclusively at the expense of funds of foreign states, international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons without the written permission of the representative of the employer (employer), unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or federal legislation.

3.2.17. A citizen after dismissal from the municipal service is not entitled to disclose or use in the interests of organizations or individuals information of a confidential nature or official information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility.

The specialist bears disciplinary and financial responsibility for the offense committed through his fault (in accordance with the legislation on municipal service and the labor legislation of the Russian Federation):

4.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties, violating the rights and legitimate interests of citizens provided for by this job description, within the limits specified labor law Russian Federation and legislation on municipal service:

The validity and reliability of the materials personally developed by him (certificates, conclusions);

Compliance with the current legislation of the documents being endorsed by him;

The employee is personally liable for poor quality and untimely performance of his duties.

4.2. For those committed in the course of carrying out their activities

offenses - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by a specialist of the duties assigned to him (official misconduct), violation labor discipline disciplinary sanctions may be imposed on a specialist by the head of a local self-government body:



Dismissal on the grounds provided for by federal law.

4.5. The specialist is responsible for violations deadlines consideration of cases, preparation of documents and responses to letters, statements, complaints.

1.1. This instruction has been drawn up in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 21.08.1998. No. 37 "General industry qualification characteristics positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations.

1.2. The Human Resources Specialist belongs to the professional category.

1.3. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and duties of a human resources specialist.

1.4. A person with a higher or secondary vocational education is accepted for the position of a human resources specialist, without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.5. The personnel specialist is appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the technical school on the proposal of the head of the personnel department.

1.6. The personnel specialist reports directly to the head of the personnel department, and can additionally receive orders from the director of the technical school.

1.7. The Human Resources Specialist is guided by:

Regulations on the personnel department;

This job description.

1.8. The HR specialist must know:

labor law;

Legislation and normative legal acts;

Methodological materials on maintaining documentation on accounting and movement of personnel;

The structure and staff of the technical school;

The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of work books and personal files of the technical school;

The procedure for establishing the names of professions of workers and positions of employees, general, insurance and continuous work experience, benefits, compensations;

Registration of employee pensions;

The procedure for accounting for the movement of personnel and the preparation of established reporting;

The procedure for maintaining a data bank on the staff of the technical school; basics of office work;

Means of computer technology, communication and communications;

Forms and methods of control over the execution of documents;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.9. During the absence of a personnel specialist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the technical school, who is responsible for their improper performance.

2. Functions

2.1. Registration of reception, transfer and dismissal of employees.

2.2. Maintenance and accounting of work books.

2.3. Preparation of necessary materials for qualification, attestation commissions.

2.4. Registration and accounting of holidays.

2.5. Preparation of documents for the appointment of pensions.

2.6. Organization of control over the state of labor discipline and compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations.

2.7. Preparation, execution and submission of reports on quota issues.

2.8. Analysis of staff turnover.

2.9. Ensuring the fulfillment of the functions assigned to the technical school in the daily activities of primary military registration, military registration and booking, citizens in the reserve, from among the working and studying technical school.

2.10. Implementation of the primary military registration citizens who are in reserve, and citizens subject to conscription for military service, living or staying (for a period of more than three months).

2.11. Explanation to officials of the technical school and citizens of their duties for military registration, mobilization training and mobilization, established by law of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on military registration and control over their implementation.

2.12. Preparation of documents on personnel and financial activities.

3. Job Responsibilities

The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for:

3.1. To exercise control over the timely execution of orders, orders of the director of the technical school and instructions of the head of the personnel department.

3.2. Keep records of the staff of the college , its divisions in accordance with unified forms primary accounting records.

3.3. Draw up the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees in accordance with labor legislation, regulations and orders of the director of the technical school, as well as other established personnel documentation.

3.4. When applying for a job, issue a checklist for passing the introductory, initial briefing, to acquaint with the local acts of the technical school.

3.5. Form and maintain personal files of employees, make changes in them related to labor activity.

3.6. Issue orders for the personnel and financial activities of the employees of the technical school.

3.7. Ready necessary materials for qualification, attestation, competitive commissions and presentation of employees for incentives and awards

3.8. Fill in, take into account and store work books, calculate the length of service, issue certificates of present and past labor activity workers.

3.9. Make an entry in work books about the promotion and rewards of employees.

3.10. Prepare documents for submission of the quota report.

3.11. Enter information into the data bank on the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees, their movement, monitor its timely updating and replenishment.

3.12. Keep records of the provision of vacations to employees, exercise control over the preparation and observance of schedules for regular vacations.

3.13. Keep time records of the actual time spent by employees in the technical school, monitor their timely arrival at work and leaving work, being at work.

3.14. Make appropriate notes in the report card and draw up daily reports (summaries) on attendance at work, as well as on delays and absences, indicating the reasons that caused them, keep records of the payroll of employees.

3.15. Systematically make changes related to the registration of the reception of employees, transfers, dismissals, vacations, etc.

3.16. Control the timeliness of the submission by employees of certificates of temporary disability, certificates of patient care and other documents confirming their right to be absent from work.

3.17. In the prescribed manner, submit a time sheet containing information about the hours actually worked, overtime hours, violations of labor discipline, etc.

3.18. Issue pension insurance cards and other documents necessary for assigning pensions to employees of the technical school and their families, establishing benefits and compensations.

3.19. To study the causes of staff turnover, participates in the development of measures to reduce it.

3.20. Prepare documents after the expiration of the established terms of the current storage for depositing in the archive.

3.21. Keep a primary record of citizens who are in the reserve according to the primary record cards, and citizens who are subject to conscription for military service, according to the lists.

3.22. Assist in military registration (de-registration) of citizens who arrive (move to another district, city) for permanent or temporary (for a period of more than 3 months) place of residence.

3.23. To identify, together with the internal affairs bodies, citizens who are subject to military registration.

3.24. Annually check primary registration cards and lists of citizens subject to conscription for military service with military registration documents of the district military commissariat.

3.25. Send, at the request of the military commissariat, the information necessary for entering into military registration documents about citizens who are registered with the military and citizens who are registered with the military.

3.26. Annually submit to the military commissariat of the district in September lists of young men of 15 and 16 years of age, and in December - lists of young men subject to initial military registration.

3.27. Exercise control over visits by citizens subject to conscription for military service to medical institutions to which they are sent for medical examination or examination.

3.28. To make changes in the primary registration cards and in the lists of citizens subject to conscription for military service regarding education, place of work, position, marital status and places of residence, registered with the military, and within 14 days notify the military commissariat of the changes made.

3.29. Explain to citizens their military registration obligations established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Military Duty and Military Service", and exercise control over their implementation.

3.30. When registering citizens for military registration:

Check the authenticity of military tickets (temporary certificates in exchange for military tickets) and certificates of citizens subject to conscription for military service, the presence of marks on the removal of citizens from military registration at their former place of residence and the placement of reserve officers and citizens subject to conscription for military service on military registration in the military district commissariat for the new place of residence.

If unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and fakes, an incomplete number of sheets are found in the military ticket (temporary certificates) of citizens subject to military service, immediately report this to the military commissariat for appropriate action.

Issue receipts upon acceptance from citizens of military tickets (temporary certificates instead of military tickets) of certificates of citizens subject to conscription for military service.

Fill out primary registration cards for citizens who are in reserve. In accordance with the entries in military tickets, fill out index cards for warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, senior soldiers and reserve sailors.

3.31. Within 14 days, report to the military commissariat about the employment (dismissal) of citizens who are in the reserve and are registered with the military.

3.32. Comply with the requirements of the federal law "On Personal Data" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the internal regulations of the technical school regulating the protection of the interests of personal data subjects, the procedure for processing and protecting personal data.

3.33. To exercise control over the state of labor discipline in the departments of the technical school and the observance by employees of the rules of internal labor regulations.

3.34. Compile prescribed reports.

3.35. Pass mandatory, preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (annual) medical examinations and certification.

3.36. Comply with the requirements in accordance with the instructions for labor protection.

3.37. Fulfill other instructions of the management of the technical school that are not included in this job description, but have arisen in connection with the production need.

4. Rights

Human Resources Specialist has the right :

4.1. On issues within its competence, to submit proposals for the management to improve the activities of the technical school; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the activities of the technical school;

4.2. Request personally or on behalf of the head of the personnel department from the heads of structural divisions of the technical school and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of official duties;

4.3. Require the management of the college to assist in the performance of their duties.

5. A responsibility

The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for:

5.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. For violation of the requirements of the federal law "On Personal Data" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the internal regulations of the technical school regulating the protection of the interests of personal data subjects, the procedure for processing and protecting personal data - within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. For failure to perform or improper performance of their functions and duties provided for by this job description, orders, orders, instructions of the management of the technical school, not included in this job description, but arising in connection with production needs and other offenses - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: remark, reprimand, dismissal.

6. Interactions

HR Specialist:

6.1. Works according to a schedule based on a 40-hour working week and approved by the director of the college.

6.2. Independently plans his work for each academic year and semester. The work plan is agreed with the head of the personnel department, approved by the director of the technical school no later than five days from the beginning of the planning period.

6.3. Receives information of a regulatory, legal, organizational and methodological nature from the head of the personnel department of the technical school, gets acquainted with the relevant documents against receipt.

6.4. Systematically transfers personnel and financial documentation to accounting staff.

6.5. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with the deputy directors and employees of the technical school.

6.6. Maintains confidentiality.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a HR specialist, a sample of 2019/2020. This position may be filled by a person with the highest vocational education no requirement for work experience. Do not forget that each instruction of a personnel specialist is issued on hand against receipt.

It provides typical information about the knowledge that an HR specialist should have. On duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The HR specialist belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional education is accepted for the position of a human resources specialist without presenting requirements for work experience.

3. The HR specialist is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The HR specialist must know:

— legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management;

— labor legislation;

- the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;

- the procedure for determining the prospective and current needs for personnel;

- sources of providing the enterprise with personnel;

— methods for analyzing the professional and qualification structure of personnel;

- provisions on certification and qualification tests;

- the procedure for election (appointment) to a position;

- the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement;

- the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise;

- the procedure for compiling reports on personnel;

— bases of psychology and work;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management;

— labor legislation;

- means of computer technology, communications and communications;

- internal labor regulations;

— rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the HR specialist is guided by:

- the legislation of the Russian Federation,

- the charter of the organization,

- orders and orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction,

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The personnel specialist reports directly to the head of the personnel department.

7. During the absence of a personnel specialist (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Responsibilities of the HR Specialist

HR Specialist:

1. Performs work on staffing the enterprise with the required professions, specialties and qualifications.

2. Takes part in the work on the selection, selection, placement of personnel.

3. Carries out the study and analysis of the job and professional qualification structure of the personnel of the enterprise and its divisions, the established documentation for personnel records related to the admission, transfer, labor activity and dismissal of employees, the results of certification of employees and their assessment business qualities in order to determine the current and future needs for personnel, prepare proposals for filling vacant positions and create a reserve for promotion.

4. Participates in the study of the labor market to determine the sources of meeting the need for personnel, establishing and maintaining direct links with educational institutions, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile.

5. Informs employees of the enterprise about available vacancies.

6. Takes part in the development of long-term and current labor plans.

7. Carries out control over the placement and placement of young professionals and young workers in accordance with the information received in educational institution profession and specialty, conducting their internships, takes part in the adaptation of newly hired employees to production activities.

8. Participates in the preparation of proposals for staff development, planning business career, training and professional development of personnel, as well as in evaluating the effectiveness of training.

9. Takes part in the organization of work, methodological and information support qualification, attestation, competitive commissions, registration of their decisions.

10. Analyzes the state of labor discipline and compliance with the internal labor regulations by the employees of the enterprise, the movement of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce turnover and improve labor discipline.

11. Controls the timely registration of the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees, the issuance of certificates of their current and past labor activity, compliance with the rules for storing and filling out work books, preparing documents for establishing benefits and compensation, issuing pensions to employees and other established personnel documentation, as well as entering relevant information into the data bank on the personnel of the enterprise.

12. Compiles the established reporting.

13. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

14. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

15. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace,

16. Performs within employment contract orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Rights of the HR specialist

The HR specialist has the right to:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

– to improve the work related to the provisions of this responsibilities,

- on the promotion of distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the HR specialist

The Human Resources Specialist is responsible for the following:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of a HR specialist - sample 2019/2020. The duties of a human resources specialist, the rights of a human resources specialist, the responsibility of a human resources specialist.

A responsibility. The specialist bears disciplinary and liability for an offense committed through his fault (in accordance with the legislation on municipal service and labor legislation of the Russian Federation): 4.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties that violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens provided for by this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation on municipal service: - the validity and reliability of materials personally developed by him (certificates, conclusions); - compliance with the current legislation of the documents being endorsed by him; - the employee is personally responsible for poor-quality and untimely performance of his duties. 4.2.

Job Descriptions

The HR manager is required to systematically analyze feedback Based on the results of the successful implementation of ongoing activities, develop changes to certain ongoing activities. Per manager personnel service the duty of timely responses to the received requests from other employees in the direction of their professional activity providing the required information in full.

An objective attitude towards other working employees, assessing their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals based on the results of their work, assisting in solving problems aimed at improving performance - this is all within the competence of the leading personnel officer.

Job description of a HR specialist, in accordance with the professional standard

Develop methods for conducting attestation and qualification exams (for working specialties of Kolpino LLC). 3. Make proposals to the management on the composition of the Attestation and Qualification Commissions of Kolpino LLC. 4. Compile and coordinate the lists of employees of Kolpino LLC, subject to attestation procedures and qualification exams. 5. Compile and coordinate schedules for certification and qualification exams in the Company's divisions. 6. Track the timing of certification and qualifying exams. 7. Conduct informational and advisory seminars on the issues of attestation and qualification exams for heads of departments and other employees involved in the process of attestation and examinations.


We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a HR specialist, a sample of 2018. A person with a higher professional education can be appointed to this position without presenting requirements for work experience.

Do not forget that each instruction of a personnel specialist is issued on hand against receipt. The hr-portal website provides typical information about the knowledge that an HR specialist should have.

On duties, rights and responsibilities. This material is included in the huge library of job descriptions on our website, which is updated daily. 1. General provisions 1. The HR specialist belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher professional education is accepted for the position of a human resources specialist without presenting requirements for work experience. 3.

Job description of a leading HR specialist

Functions Leading specialist of the personnel department performs the following functions: 2.1. Development, organization and conduct of audit (assessment) of personnel. 2.2. Development, organization and performance of personnel certification. 2.3. Organization of the work of the qualification commission and holding qualification exams (for working specialties of Kolpino LLC). 2.4. Career planning for employees of LLC Kolpino and work with the personnel reserve of the Firm. 3.Responsibilities The Leading Specialist of the Human Resources Department is obliged to: 3.1.Cooperate with the heads of all divisions of the Firm on the issues of attestation, personnel assessment, and work with the personnel reserve. 3.2. Track the timing of certification and qualifying exams. 3.3. Inform the management of the Firm about changes in the composition personnel reserve and personnel transfers carried out (based on the results of attestation and qualification exams).

Job description of a HR specialist

Rights of the Human Resources Specialist The Human Resources Specialist has the right to: 1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization: - to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this instruction, - to encourage the distinguished employees subordinate to him, - to bring to material and disciplinary responsibility the employees subordinate to him, violating industrial and labor discipline.


Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties. 3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities. 5.

Job description of a HR specialist in 2018

You can download the job description of a leading HR specialist for free. Job responsibilities of the leading specialist of the personnel department I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g.
m.p. JOB INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LEADING SPECIALIST OF THE HR DEPARTMENT (name of institution) 00.00.201_g. No. 00 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and duties of the leading specialist of the personnel department (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise").

Name of the institution 1.2. The leading specialist of the personnel department is hired and dismissed by order of the General Director.

Leading Specialist of the Human Resources Department: Job Description

Organization of work with the personnel reserve and its effective use; 2.2.11. Organization of verification of the authenticity of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen upon admission to the municipal service, as well as registration of an admission of the established form to information constituting a state secret; 2.2.12.

Organization of verification of information on income, property and property obligations of municipal employees, as well as compliance with the restrictions associated with municipal service established by the Federal Law "On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation", other federal laws and this Law; Get full text 2.2.13. Advising municipal employees on legal and other issues of municipal service; 2.2.14.

Solving other issues personnel work determined by labor legislation and the laws of the city of Moscow. 2.2.15.

Job description of a leading HR specialist

General provisions 1.Department:HR 2.Subdivision:Development Center 3.Full title of position:leading specialist 4.Appointment and dismissal is carried out by the General Director. 5. The executor of this position is directly subordinate to the head of the department. 6. The executor of this position for the period of absence is replaced by a specialist (by selection). 7. In his activities, the employee is guided by the following legal acts and regulatory documents: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, GOST 6 / 30-97, the Charter of Kolpino LLC, the Internal Labor Regulations, Orders (instructions) of direct management, Regulations on the Human Resources Department, Personnel policy and strategy, The concept of the personnel development system, Regulations on certification, Other regulatory documents of the personnel service.

Job description of the chief specialist in personnel work

Objectively treat other employees, evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the Company's goals based on the results of their work, regardless of their personal relationship. 3.17. Observe the established deadlines for the execution of tasks and instructions. 3.18. Provide assistance to colleagues at work in solving the problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in the results of activities. 3.19. Continuously improve your professional level. 4. Rights Leading specialist of the personnel department has the right to: 4.1. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the personnel department.

4.2. Submit proposals for the consideration of the HR Director and the Head of the Human Resources Department on improving the activities of the department and the Firm and improving working methods; options for eliminating the shortcomings in the company's activities.

sample paperwork

V.V. Umnikov

Leading HR Specialist, Human Resources Bureau

1. General Provisions

1.1 This instruction establishes the rights, duties and responsibilities of the leading HR specialist of the personnel accounting bureau of the HR department (hereinafter referred to as the leading HR specialist) of JSC "Company" (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise).

1.2 A person with a higher professional education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of a leading HR specialist.

1.3 The Leading Human Resources Specialist reports directly to the Head of the Personnel Records Bureau.

1.4 Appointment, transfer and dismissal of the leading HR specialist is carried out by order CEO enterprises on the recommendation of the head of the personnel department.

1.5 The leading HR specialist in his work is guided by:

- current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

- Decrees of state bodies of the Russian Federation;

– current regulatory and technological documents of the enterprise;

— The policy of the enterprise in the field of quality;

- Regulations on the personnel department;

- "Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books";

— documentation of the quality management system of the enterprise;

- orders, directives, instructions from the management of the enterprise;

- instructions, orders of the head of the personnel department;

- this job description.

1.7 In case of temporary absence, on the basis of the order of the head of the personnel department, the duties of the leading human resources specialist are performed by another specialist of the personnel department with the obligatory familiarization with this job description.

1.8 In addition to the orders of the head of the personnel accounting bureau, the leading HR specialist carries out written and oral orders of the head of the personnel department, deputy head of the personnel department.

2 Job responsibilities

2.1 The leading HR specialist is obliged to:

2.1.1 Keep records of personnel in the context of the company's divisions in accordance with the established unified forms of primary accounting documentation.

2.1.2 To issue the transfer of employees in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, unified forms of primary accounting documentation for personnel records and on the basis of local regulatory documents approved at the enterprise and orders of the general director.

2.1.3 Keep personal records of employees, make changes in them related to work activities.

2.1.4 Fill in, take into account and ensure the safety of work books.

2.1.6 Prepare information on the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees, their daily movement and enter this information into the personnel database.

2.1.7 Prepare and submit documents for storage to the archive after the expiration of the established periods for their storage in the personnel department.

2.1.8 Keep records of vacations granted to employees of the enterprise, monitor the timely preparation of vacation schedules by the heads of structural divisions and their proper execution.

2.1.9 Keep records of vacations granted to employees by the administration of the enterprise without saving wages and maternity leave.

2.1.10 Prepare documents for remuneration of employees of the plant management.

2.1.10 Ensure the safety of official documents, seals, stamps.

2.1.11 Prepare prescribed personnel reports.

2.1.12 Control the timely submission in the prescribed manner of the time sheet of the employees of the plant management.

2.1.13 Participate in the preparation of the necessary materials for the personnel assessment procedure, competition commissions and the presentation of employees for incentives and awards.

2.1.14 Know the documentation of the quality management system necessary for the work, comply with its requirements.

2.1.15 Comply with the internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.

2.1.16 Do not disclose personal data of employees of the enterprise.

2.1.17 Continuously improve your professional performance

3 Professional Requirements

— labor and pension legislation of the Russian Federation;

- legislative and regulatory acts, methodological materials on maintaining documentation on accounting and movement of personnel, personalized accounting in the state pension insurance system;

- the structure and staff of the enterprise;

— profile, specialization of the enterprise;

- the name of the professions of workers and positions of employees;

- the procedure for calculating the total and continuous work experience;

- the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel, its movement;

- the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a data bank on the personnel of the enterprise;

- Organization of timesheets;

- methods of accounting for the movement of personnel;

- the procedure for compiling the established reporting;

- work programs, instructions, layouts, guidance materials for information processing, forms of primary and outgoing documents, the procedure for their entry and reflection in the personnel database;

— operating at the enterprise forms and systems of remuneration;

— rules and regulations of labor protection and safety;

— enterprise standards and other regulatory documents within the framework of the quality management system;

— The policy of the enterprise in the field of quality.

4.1 The HR specialist has the right to:

- make suggestions for improving work with personnel;

- to take part in the development of planned activities for work with personnel and the use of employees in the enterprise;

- receive information necessary to fulfill the duties established by this job description;

- to make proposals for the improvement of existing accounting forms and primary documents;

- use the benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and provided for employees in the collective agreement of the enterprise.

5 Service relationships

The Head of Human Resources interacts with:

5.1. With all departments of the enterprise on:

- obtaining documents for registration of vacations, vacation schedules; documents for registration of translations, timesheets;

- submission of documents for registration of vacations.

5.2. With the accounting office on the following issues:

- submission of documents for the remuneration of employees of the plant management; documents for vacation pay; documents for translation.

5.3 With the administrative department on:

- obtaining copies of orders, instructions;

6.1 The Leading Human Resources Specialist, in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Russian Federation, is responsible for:

- improper performance or non-performance of the duties stipulated by this job description;

- violation of the rules governing the receipt, processing and protection of personal data of employees of the enterprise;

- untimely provision of information to higher managers and other employees of the enterprise functionally related to him;

- violation of the internal labor regulations, safety regulations, labor protection and fire safety.

Head of Personnel Department I.I. Ivanov

Boss legal department S.S. Sergeev

Lead QMS engineer V.V. Vasiliev

Copying of materials is allowed only with an active link to the source

Job description of the leading specialist in personnel and award matters



This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the current labor legislation, legislation on municipal service and other regulations regulating labor relations in RF.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. The leading specialist in personnel and award matters (hereinafter referred to as the specialist) is appointed to the position by the Head of the municipality of the Khovrino intracity municipality in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Head of the municipality).

1.2. Appointment to the position of a specialist is made from among persons with higher professional education.

1.3. The specialist is accountable in the performance of his functional duties to the head of the municipality.

1.4. The head of the municipality provides the specialist with the necessary working conditions.

1.5. In his work, the specialist is guided by:

Legislative and regulatory documents regulating issues,

relating to its competence;

methodological materials on the issues of the work performed;

· Regulations on the municipality of the Khovrino intracity municipality in the city of Moscow;

rules of internal labor regulations;

orders, instructions and instructions of the Head of the municipality;

This job description;

Decisions of the Municipal Assembly.

1.6. The job specialist must know:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, legislation of the city of Moscow; legislation on municipal service;

resolutions, orders, orders, other guidance, methodological and regulatory materials of higher and other bodies related to the legal activities of the municipality;

· Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management.

· Structure of the municipality, strategy and prospects for its development.

· The procedure for making forecasts, determining the prospective and current needs for personnel.

· Methods of analysis of the professional and qualification structure of personnel.

· The procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement.

· Organizing payroll.

· Methods of recording the movement of personnel, the procedure for compiling established reporting.

· Fundamentals of sociology, psychology, pedagogy and labor organization.

· Means of computer technology, communications and communications.

· Work culture and work ethics.

1.7. The specialist must be able to use a personal computer and office equipment, reference and legal system.

2. Functions and duties of a leading specialist

for personnel and awards

· Organization and maintenance of records of the personnel of the municipality and personnel records management.

· Preparation and submission of personnel reports established by regulatory documents.

· Preparation and registration of award sheets for awarding municipal employees in accordance with the legislation on awards and honorary titles of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

2.2.1. Formation of personnel for filling positions in the municipal service;

2.2.2. Preparation of proposals on the implementation of the provisions of the legislation on municipal service and making these proposals to the Employer;

2.2.3. Organization of the preparation of draft municipal legal acts related to entering the municipal service, its passage, the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract), appointment to the position of the municipal service, dismissal from the substituted position of the municipal service, dismissal of a municipal employee from the municipal service and his retirement, and execution of relevant documents;

2.2.4. Maintenance of work books of municipal employees;

2.2.4. Organize the preparation of the established reporting on the accounting of personnel and work with personnel.

2.2.5. Provide methodological assistance in the conduct of personnel records management in the municipality.

2.2.6. Timely respond to requests from other employees in the area of ​​professional activity, provide the required information in full.

2.2.7. Observe the established deadlines for the execution of tasks and instructions.

2.2.8. Continuously improve your professional level.

2.2.9. Observe the rules of confidentiality when working with personal information of municipal employees.

2.2.10. Compile and coordinate lists of municipal employees subject to attestation procedures and qualification exams.

2.2.11. Draw up and coordinate the schedules for attestation and qualification exams in the municipality subdivisions.

2.2.12. Track the timing of certification and qualifying exams.

2.2.13. Conduct information and advisory seminars on the issues of attestation and qualification exams for heads of services and sectors and other employees involved in the process of attestation and examinations.

2.2.14. Prepare proposals for the management on possible personnel transfers of employees (based on the results of certification and qualification exams).

3. Rights of the leading specialist in personnel and award matters

3.1. The specialist has the right:

3.1.1. The specialist has the right to periodic (at least once every five years) advanced training.

3.1.2. The specialist has the right not to endorse the draft resolutions of the Head of the Municipality, prepared by him on behalf of the Head of the Municipality, if he does not agree with the decision being made, with the rationale for his opinion.

3.1.3. Has rights to social guarantees and compensations established by the legislation of the city of Moscow on municipal service.

3.1.4. Timely and in full payment of the monetary content, consisting of the official salary, bonuses to the official salary for length of service, for class rank, for special conditions of municipal service, as well as bonuses based on performance, the amount and procedure of which are established in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow (wages and remuneration to the employee are paid simultaneously with the payment of wages to all employees of the Municipality).

3.1.5. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the HR specialist and award issues.

3.2. The specialist is not entitled to:

3.2.1. Be a member of the governing body commercial organization, unless otherwise provided by federal laws or if, in accordance with the procedure established by a municipal legal act in accordance with federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow, he is not instructed to participate in the management of this organization.

3.2.2. Substitute for a municipal service position in the event of:

Elections or appointments public office Russian Federation or to a public position of the city of Moscow or another subject of the Russian Federation, as well as appointment to a position public service;

· Election or appointment to a municipal position in the city of Moscow or another subject of the Russian Federation;

Elections to a paid elective position in the body of the trade union, including in the elected body of the primary trade union organization created in the local government, municipal body.

3.2.4. To be an attorney or a representative for third parties in a local self-government body, a municipal body in which he holds the position of a municipal service or which is directly subordinate or controlled by him, unless otherwise provided by federal laws.

3.2.5. Receive in connection with the official position or in connection with the performance of official duties remuneration from individuals and legal entities (gifts, cash rewards, loans, services, payment for entertainment, recreation, transportation costs and other remuneration). Gifts received by a municipal employee in connection with protocol events, business trips and other official events are recognized as municipal property and transferred by a municipal employee under an act to a local self-government body, a municipal body in which he replaces the position of a municipal service, with the exception of cases established by Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3.2.6. Go on business trips at the expense of individuals and legal entities, with the exception of business trips carried out on a reciprocal basis by agreement of a local government body, a municipal body with local government bodies, municipal bodies of other municipalities, as well as with state authorities and local government bodies of foreign states , international and foreign non-profit organizations.

3.2.7. Use for purposes not related to the performance of official duties, means of material, technical, financial and other support, other municipal property.

3.2.8. Disclose or use for purposes not related to the municipal service, information classified in accordance with federal laws as confidential information, or proprietary information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties.

3.2.9. Allow public statements, judgments and assessments, including in the media mass media, in relation to the activities of local self-government bodies, municipal bodies and their leaders, if this is not part of his official duties.

3.2.10. To accept, without the written permission of the Head of the municipality, awards, honorary and special titles (with the exception of scientific ones) of foreign states, international organizations.

3.2.11. Use the advantages of official position for election campaigning, as well as for campaigning on referendum issues.

3.2.12. Use his official position in the interests of political parties, religious and other public associations, as well as publicly express his attitude towards these associations as a municipal employee.

3.2.13. Create structures of political parties, religious and other public associations (with the exception of trade unions, as well as veterans and other bodies of public amateur performance) in local governments, municipal bodies, or facilitate the creation of these structures.

3.2.14. Terminate the performance of official duties in order to resolve a labor dispute.

3.2.15. Be a member of management bodies, boards of trustees or supervisory boards, other bodies of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations and their structural divisions operating in the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2.16. Engage in paid activities financed exclusively at the expense of funds of foreign states, international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons without the written permission of the representative of the employer (employer), unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or federal legislation.

3.2.17. A citizen after dismissal from the municipal service is not entitled to disclose or use in the interests of organizations or individuals information of a confidential nature or proprietary information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties.

The specialist bears disciplinary and financial responsibility for the offense committed through his fault (in accordance with the legislation on municipal service and the labor legislation of the Russian Federation):

4.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of their official duties that violate the rights and legitimate interests of citizens provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation on municipal service:

- the validity and reliability of the materials personally developed by him (certificates, conclusions);

- compliance with the current legislation of the documents being endorsed by him;

- the employee is personally responsible for poor-quality and untimely performance of his duties.

4.2. For those committed in the course of carrying out their activities

offenses - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. For non-performance or improper performance by a specialist of the duties assigned to him (official misconduct), violation of labor discipline on a specialist by the head of a local self-government body may be imposed disciplinary action:

- dismissal on the grounds provided for by federal law.

4.5. The specialist is responsible for violations of the established deadlines for the consideration of cases, preparation of documents and responses to letters, statements, complaints.

Functional duties and job responsibilities are, in fact, synonyms, different definitions of the scope of the employee's labor activity. A variety of job descriptions will help you navigate qualification guides across different industries.

A leading specialist and a novice specialist can be adjusted to the same brush in the scope of work, but it makes sense to use professional qualification the first, entrusting it with more complex functions.

Job description of a leading specialist in housing and communal services: sample

Consider, for example, an instruction template for a leading specialist working in the housing and communal services sector.

Below is the job description of a leading specialist in debt collection for housing and communal services.

1. General Provisions

  • The leading specialist in debt collection for housing and communal services (hereinafter referred to as the leading specialist) belongs to the “Specialist” category.
  • A person with an incomplete higher education(bachelor), with minimal or no work experience requirements.
  • The leading specialist is hired and dismissed by the order of the director (name of the organization).
  • In his work, the leading specialist is guided by laws, regulations, orders (specify in detail).

2. Job responsibilities of the leading specialist

  • Ensure constant monitoring of accruals and payments to consumers for housing and communal services.
  • Timely take measures to collect the resulting debt for payment of housing and communal services.
  • Prepare monthly reports on the results of the work done, etc.

The lead specialist has the right:

  • submit proposals for improvement of activities for consideration by the management;
  • take part in the discussion of issues concerning him, etc.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official duties stipulated by the instruction, the leading specialist is liable in accordance with the law.

5. Qualification requirements

Incomplete higher education (bachelor), work experience as a specialist of the 1st category - at least 1 year.

  • Legislation in the field of housing and communal services.
  • company charter, collective agreement, orders for the enterprise, etc.

The lead specialist interacts with the accounting department, the sales department, the legal sector, the logistics department and other departments of the enterprise.

Head's signature (full name)

What to Look for When Designing Instructions

The development of job descriptions is a rather responsible process. In order not to correct it later, it is necessary to pay attention to several important points:

  • position names must correspond to the classifier of professions;
  • functional responsibilities are specified in detail, with maximum compliance with the actual work;
  • typical sections of the instructions must be observed;
  • it is desirable to leave the list of interactions with departments open, especially in large corporations.

Job descriptions of a leading specialist contain an extended list of functions and additional requirements for an employee.

A carefully thought out and properly executed job description can greatly help the employer in difficult moments, and for the employee - to clarify and limit the scope of his responsibility.

Job Descriptions

Category Instructions:

Alphabetical Instructions:

Leading HR Specialist

  • Job description of the leading specialist of the personnel department (doc, 63 Kb., Rating: 4191)

You can download job description is free. Job Responsibilities Leading HR Specialist

_____________________________ (Surname, initials)

(name of organization, its ________________________________

organizational and legal form) (director; other person authorized

approve job description)


1.1. This job description establishes the rights, responsibilities and duties Leading HR Specialist _____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "enterprise"). Institution name

1.2. The leading specialist of the personnel department is accepted for the position and dismissed from it by order of the General Director.

1.3. A person with a higher professional education (direction “Personnel Management”, “Psychology”, “Sociology”) and at least 2 years of work experience in the field of personnel management is accepted for the position of a leading specialist in the personnel department.

1.4. The leading specialist of the personnel department is subordinate to the head of the department.

1.5. In case of temporary absence of the leading specialist of the personnel department, he is replaced by another executive assigned in due course.

1.6. In his activities, the leading specialist of the personnel department is guided by the following legal acts and regulations:

Internal labor regulations;

Orders (instructions) of direct management;

Regulations on the personnel department;

HR policy and strategy;

The concept of personnel development system;

Regulations on certification;

Other normative documents of the personnel service.

1.7. The leading specialist of the personnel department must know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management;

The structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects;

Personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise;

Principles of building a personnel management system;

Systems and methods of personnel assessment;

Methods of analysis of the professional qualification structure of personnel;

Possibilities of using modern information technologies in the work of personnel services;

Advanced domestic and overseas experience work with personnel;

Fundamentals of sociology, psychology, pedagogy and labor organization;

Fundamentals of career guidance;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production and management;

Means of computer technology, communications and communications;

Rules and norms of labor protection;

Work culture and work ethics.

The HR manager performs the following functions:

2.1. Development, organization and conduct of an audit (assessment) of personnel.

2.2. Development, organization and performance of personnel certification.

2.3. Organization of the work of the qualification commission and holding qualification exams (for working specialties of Kolpino LLC).

2.4. Career planning for employees of LLC Kolpino and work with the personnel reserve of the Firm.

The Human Resources Lead is responsible for:

3.1. Interact with the heads of all divisions of the Firm on the issues of certification, personnel assessment, work with the personnel reserve.

3.2. Track the timing of certification and qualifying exams.

3.3. Inform the Firm's management about changes in the composition of the personnel reserve and personnel transfers (based on the results of certification and qualification exams).

3.4. To form target methods for assessing personnel at the request of the heads of departments. Conduct an assessment.

3.5. Conduct informational and advisory seminars on the issues of attestation and qualification exams for heads of departments and other employees involved in the process of attestation and examinations.