How to make a sample card. Enterprise registration card

As for any counterparty, an individual entrepreneur needs the so-called "enterprise card". It contains his details, address, information about.

What is an IP enterprise card

As already mentioned, an enterprise card for an individual entrepreneur is the full name, OGRNIP, TIN, OKPO, bank details, address, contact details set out on his "company" letterhead. If changes occur with the specified data, you must also change the card, and then immediately send it to counterparties.

What is used by an individual entrepreneur

This document is used by SPs, as well as by companies, to exchange the necessary information as part of due diligence when checking a counterparty. It is also a kind of “good tone” in business relationships - to make it easier for the other party to check the data, they are immediately sent to them in a concise and convenient form.

Mandatory information

Mandatory information, as we have already indicated, should include:

  • Full name of the individual entrepreneur.
  • His OGRNIP, TIN, OKPO (the latter, however, is optional).
  • Bank details - account number, in which bank it is opened, corr. account, BIC.
  • IP address (location and postal address), his contacts (telephone, preferably several, e-mail address, possibly additional contacts).

Making an IP card is very simple. If there is a form, then it is done on a “company” letterhead. If there is no form, just on A4 sheet. All of the above data is indicated in a convenient and concise format. Do not overload it with information, no matter who needs to find it and check it. But do not indicate too little, this is a manifestation of disrespect for the counterparty.

What it looks like, a sample card and a form for IP

Company personal card - a term that is often used in the workflow of companies and individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, it is not always clear what the essence of such paper is, how it is filled out correctly, and what are the features of a personal card for an individual entrepreneur or LLC. It is these points that we will focus on in the article.

Enterprise personal card: definition and content

When doing business, many different codes and designations are used that require accounting and unification. An enterprise personal card is an official document used within a company or individual entrepreneur, and containing basic information.

The composition of the personal card of an individual entrepreneur or LLC includes:

The personal card of the enterprise is issued, as a rule, without reference to a specific form, but if desired, the use of the generally accepted (company) form is allowed.

Where is it used?

The next point is the scope of the enterprise card. Representatives of an individual entrepreneur or LLC do not always understand in what cases such a document may come in handy. The personal card of an individual entrepreneur or organization is used when interacting with business partners. For example, when ordering a product (service) from a counterparty with whom no activity has yet been conducted, you will need to present such a paper.

The document gives the new partner information for subsequent entry into the database or accounting program. On the basis of the parameters given in the personal card, invoices are subsequently issued. In the future, on the basis of the information provided (in the opposite direction), waybills and invoices are sent. A personal card of the enterprise will also be required in cooperation with a transport company (in case of providing goods to it for transportation to any point).

From the foregoing, it is easy to conclude that the personal card of an individual entrepreneur or LLC is a mandatory attribute of a new cooperation (for each party). If future plans include cooperation with new partners, a request must be made to receive the document in question. Further, it is used to prepare invoices and other papers (waybills or invoices).

The same nuances of cooperation apply to the provision (receipt) of services. The difference is that a different package of documents is being prepared - agreements with partners, acts of work performed, and others.

In the work of an individual entrepreneur, in addition to the obvious and well-known aspects, there are also some nuances that can make doing business more comfortable for its owner. Among such small tools that make life easier for a businessman are cards of partners and clients. Unfortunately, far from all entrepreneurs know what it is, how and why to use them correctly.

Why an individual entrepreneur needs a partner card

The partner card is used to organize effective cooperation and interaction between several entrepreneurs, in other words, the partner card is useful in organizing partnerships. The partner card allows the members of the partnership to quickly and efficiently exchange useful information about each other, which can be used in the process of work or to check the integrity of the counterparty.

The legislation does not allow the registration of a partnership between individual entrepreneurs directly, as would be possible, for example, in the case of an LLC. To get out of this situation, entrepreneurs enter into a simple partnership agreement and draw up a partner card.

This card, if necessary, can be used in any other cases:

  • An enterprise may also have a database of customer cards, in which the details of potential and existing customers will be stored in a convenient format.
  • When establishing interaction with another enterprise as a contractor or client, you can exchange partner cards or receive from the customer the same card with details, which in this case is already called a client card.

Many enterprises prefer to develop their own client card format, and use modern technologies to obtain the necessary information about a future buyer. So, for example, on the websites of many companies today you can find forms for automatically creating client cards, by filling out which the buyer immediately provides the businessman with all the information about himself necessary for further cooperation.

The customer card can be completed online

Registration of an IP partner card

Traditionally, a partner's card is issued in paper form in the form of a table of two columns and several lines. The left column contains the names of the points, and the right column contains the actual information about the IP. The said table traditionally contains the following information:

  • official name of the IP;
  • TIN code;
  • OGRNIP number;
  • OKVED code;
  • legal address;
  • mailing address;
  • registration certificate number;
  • current account number;
  • Name of the bank;
  • correspondent bank account;
  • OKPO code (all-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations);
  • contact details (telephone, fax, e-mail).

It is worth taking care of your partners and deciphering the OKVED code and writing down the type of activity of the enterprise also in text, since not every partner reading the card will have the opportunity to look into the classifier in search of its decoding. The illustration below shows a template for designing an IP partner card.

The IP partner card is filled in with the details of the entrepreneur

If any of the details of the company have changed, it is necessary to promptly notify the partner organizations about this by sending them a new version of the partner card.

Benefits of using partner cards

The partner card allows businessmen to quickly exchange information about each other in a standardized form, and if used correctly, it can also act as a kind of additional advertising material that will allow the company to stand out among other similar messages about details. The use of partner cards also helps to systematize information about counterparties and store it in a convenient form for use.

The author of this material on the path of life was lucky to work together with many professionals in their field. One of these professionals worked as a chief accountant in one of the companies at the same time as the author. Thanks to the efforts of this person, the company has its own database of counterparties, created on the basis of previously received customer and partner cards. In addition to basic information about each client, contractor or business partner, the database also contained useful information about other features of these companies. For example, from this database it was possible to learn about the birthdays of the heads of organizations, about the features of orders placed, about the specifics of the work of client departments, and so on.

Video: creating an enterprise card in the 1C accounting program

In the practice of individual entrepreneurs, there are often situations for the successful resolution of which it is necessary to cooperate with other businessmen. Such situations may include, for example, marketing wars or the struggle for markets with competitors. Such cooperation can also be useful for individual entrepreneurs when organizing advertising activities by barter and in other circumstances. Whatever the task faced by businessmen, partner cards will help ensure comfortable and effective interaction between partners.

Sometimes individual entrepreneurs join forces to achieve a goal quickly. In this case, the partner card (sample) for individual entrepreneurs will help to correctly draw up a document for cooperation. Good relationships of several partners need to be properly organized in order for them to be effective. The Sole Proprietor Partner Card allows you to exchange all the necessary data quickly enough.

A partnership in individual entrepreneurship is an association of several entrepreneurs to conduct any activity in order to obtain a common income. In such relations, democracy and personal responsibility for each task entrusted to the entrepreneur come to the fore. In this case, it is very important to correctly allocate all responsibilities. Partnership individual entrepreneurship with the right organization can bring big profits.

Proper business organization

Before filling out the IP partner card, it is necessary to properly organize cooperation. It is necessary to understand in what situations partnership is possible for an individual entrepreneur and in what cases it is necessary. Russian law indicates that an individual entrepreneur cannot formalize cooperation, such as, for example, a limited liability company. Many people wonder about the need for a map. The legislation allows for some compromise options that allow 2 individual entrepreneurs to act together to achieve a common goal.

For example, a simple partnership agreement is the main way for cooperation in small business. An agreement can be concluded without fear for cooperation even with not the closest friends and relatives.

The bottom line is that two citizens need to register themselves as entrepreneurs, and then conclude an individual agreement on joint activities. In such an agreement, citizens need to prescribe all their rights and obligations, the amount of profit received and the necessary actions of each party. There can be more than two parties to a contract.

Under such an agreement, the registration of a legal entity is not allowed. Such agreements can be concluded only by entrepreneurs and commercial organizations. Thus, one firm is created without opening a legal entity as such. Partnership business can be carried out both with equal and unequal contributions from both sides. In general, such cooperation has a lot of positive aspects.

Some of them can be distinguished:

  • minimal dependence of co-owners on each other;
  • division of profits in accordance with the contributions of entrepreneurs;
  • openness in discussing problems, their joint solution as they become available;
  • you can quickly make changes in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork;
  • supportive partner relationships are formed;
  • a clear delineation of the obligations of the parties under the contract;
  • in the event of a conflict, you can easily break the contract without claims to each other.

However, there are also a number of negative points. One of them is bilateral reporting. Under such an agreement, each party undertakes to keep records of the status of deposits and their own actions that are carried out in cooperation.

An entrepreneur who has only recently started running his own business may find such actions quite difficult. It must be remembered that when concluding a simple partnership agreement, both parties undertake to pay taxes. The amount of tax will be much higher than when doing business with one individual entrepreneur.

The role of a contribution can be not only a sum of money, but also any property (or resource) that can positively affect the increase in partners' income. Such resources can be any skills, reputation, connections, and even real estate.

All resources invested by the partnership participants are recognized as common under the agreement. Accordingly, the profit must also be total. Accounting can be handled by one of the individual entrepreneurs. After the partners have signed the contract, they must answer with all their contributed property for the obligations assumed.

Document execution

All issues can be resolved much faster in partnerships. For their correct execution, it is necessary to draw up a map of a partner of an individual entrepreneur. Basically, many companies work with a common template, in which you just need to insert the necessary details. Partnership business does not provide grounds for registration of a legal entity. The partner card must contain the following information:

  • full name of the individual entrepreneur;
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • general state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  • IP legal address;
  • postal addresses;
  • IP registration certificate;
  • IP account number;
  • the name of the bank in which the current account was opened;
  • IP correspondent account;
  • registration code;
  • All-Russian classifier of enterprises and organizations (OKPO);
  • contact details (faxes, telephones, e-mail).

Such data must be present in the partner's card without fail. This document should provide the partner with all the information that may be useful in further cooperation or during audits.

The card has the form of a form in which you need to fill in all the necessary details. Only one person can act as an entrepreneur. To formalize cooperation, it is necessary to draw up a simple partnership agreement. In the event that entrepreneurs want to start a common business with start-up capital, then it is better for them to open a limited liability company.

Partnership Benefits

When formalizing partnerships, it will be much easier to manage a small business, open and close it. It doesn't take a lot of money to build a relationship like this. Registration has a minimum number of requirements, and there are no general business rules. All parties can exercise direct control over the cases. It is quick and easy to make changes to the business, and when it is closed, the parties will not have claims against each other.