Why is the internet slow during the day? Why is the internet slowing down

When the work is connected to the Internet, a decrease in speed incurs financial losses. Failure to submit a work file on time can be a major problem. When it turns out that no speed limits have been fixed by the provider, it's time to pay attention to the operation of your computer. There are several main reasons why the network can not only lose speed, but disappear completely.

It is not necessary to be a programmer in order to quickly check and find the cause by elimination. A few tips will help you quickly return the full speed of your network.


If the Internet slows down, the first thing to do is clean up operating system from malware and viruses. We are talking about Trojans. They are called “worms” for a reason: when they get into a computer, such a worm destroys and damages files.

The seriousness of the Trojan infection is that not all of them are visible. If there are brakes, we recommend running a Kaspersky scan, namely Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS) . This is a fairly optimized antivirus program that operates on the principle of reinsurance: it is better to delete a suspicious file.

This is often annoying for users because KIS can flag both suspicious and legitimate programs. Users get around this this way: disable the antivirus program at the time of installation and download. But we advise you not to.

Experienced programmers recommend additional verification. Download and install an antivirus program on any site Dr. Web. It is not necessary to remove Kaspersky, there will be no conflict. The main thing: do not run them at the same time for verification. So you will find large quantity worms and you can restore your usual connection speed. After cleaning, a reboot is required.


Most users use antivirus programs. Each of them has a firewall, with the help of which the antivirus program instantly recognizes incoming information.

If the Internet is slow, turn off this screen or the entire antivirus program. Take a speed test before shutting down. And the same froze after shutdown. If there is a difference, it's time to look for a replacement antivirus.

Multiple windows and downloads

If the Internet loads poorly or opens addresses slowly, check the ping (ping). Ping is a special computer command that allows you to set the data transfer rate. The speed of opening pages and downloading files depends on its value. The larger it is, the slower your Internet. You can ping online on specialized sites or do it yourself.

For independent pinging, you need to go to work with the command line. When the line is activated, a small black screen will appear. In the top line you need to enter: ping, put a space and type the ip of your computer (you can see your Internet address in the “Internet Access” section of the computer).

Look at your desktop:

  • does it have gadgets;
  • is the torrent working?
  • whether additional programs are running.

It seems that all these little things do not affect the speed. In fact, they all take a little bit of both speed and memory. Finally we have brakes. Downloading a torrent and giving it as a seed may well be the cause of freezes. All sorts of quotes, cards, and so on - is this exactly what you need?

Take a look at your taskbar. Maybe you have too many windows open, and your computer is not powerful enough for this.

Operating system

This item is especially relevant for those who have an unofficial distribution on their computer, but manual assembly. Not everyone, but most have problems with the network.

Here you need a master of a good class so that the elimination method finds the problem. And we advise you to do without such assemblies, and spend time or money, but get official versions of the operating system.

Sometimes, when the Internet hangs heavily, reinstalling the OS fixes the situation. This is how some solve problems with Trojans that do not want to be removed.

Routers and Misconfiguration

If the Internet slows down periodically, check the security of access to both your computer and the network itself. It often happens that if there is permission to access the connection, your neighbors use it.

If wifi slows down, then be sure to use not only the network password, but also encryption. But this is not a very big protection, so we advise you to do the following: connect all your devices and drive them into the list of allowed MAC addresses. This is how you create good filter and someone else's address will not be able to connect.

Each router has its own technical features speed limits. For example, your router may only have up to 20 Mbps, but your ISP provides 50 Mbps. Thus, you will have a speed of no more than 20 Mbps. You can fix this with firmware or by replacing the router itself.

Network Card

Externally, the network card behaves as expected: it recognizes the network, connects, determines the link. But suddenly the speed drops or the network disappears completely. Changes in the adapter do not help, restrictions on local network no. Only a complete reboot of the computer helps. You can determine the breakdown of the network card by excluding other possible malfunctions.

A primitive measure is to demolish the old drivers and install new ones . If this does not help and you are sure that this is definitely a network card, you can replace it or connect an additional one.

Network cable

It seems that if the cable is intact, it must work. In fact, the reason for the weak Internet may be precisely in the cable. It costs a little to pass it or turn it wrong and the signal becomes weaker. Therefore, it is important that the cable from the entrance to the apartment runs smoothly, does not go around anything, and is not transferred. The condition of the plugs and contacts inside the wire is a common cause of problems.


Now there are many browsers and everyone chooses for themselves. However, each of them works differently. In many ways, the speed depends on the severity of the pages and the presence of advertising. Not all of us have a base speed so high that it is indifferent to media splash screens and megabits of advertisements. Often the speed suffers because the cache and cookies are clogged to the limit. Who does not know what it is: every visit to a page leaves garbage in the computer memory.

And the more you wander through different pages, the more such residues. Over time, they begin to affect the speed. It is required to go into the browser settings and delete all cookies, clean the browser memory. Then restart the program.

The same garbage accumulates in the computer itself. It does not matter how detailed to remove programs and files. A trace of them still remains. Therefore, it is useful to download the Cleaner utility and remove all programs only with it. . Plus, the program has the ability to clean up errors. To do this, run the utility, click on the “Analysis” menu. When the program is finished, you simply click "Delete found".

ISP problem

If the Internet signal weakens and you have no problems: the cable is normal, the router works as it should, you need to check the signal from the provider itself. Perhaps his equipment has stopped feeding desired speed. You can just call support: they will definitely know about the breakdown if there are difficulties in the equipment. If the Internet is very slow, it makes sense to check the patency of the signal yourself.

To do this, you need to go to work with the command line. Enter on the command line: 11. 8. 0. 2-t-l 1 500, where the first value is the address of your gateway. The second value of the numbers is the size of a one-time exchange package, it can be reduced or increased as desired. If everything is fine with the connection, then a packet transmission trace of the form will be displayed:

  • data - data - data - response

There will be several such transmissions in the window. If there are signal violations, an inscription will appear that there is no answer or the connection is interrupted due to the duration of the incoming signal. Here you will have to contact support and invite a specialist. Perhaps somewhere in the outer wire the contact is broken or just a poor-quality wire.

Tired of waiting for some website to load and the internet is very slow? So it's time to figure out why this is happening.

On forums about computers, topics with the headings “Internet slows down, what to do?” Very often appear, but it is impossible to solve the problem in one action, since there are many reasons for such phenomena.

We will look at the common causes of slow internet speeds, and you will have to determine what exactly is preventing you from using a high-speed connection. I would like to say right away that first of all, contact your Internet provider, as the problem may be related to technical work or failures.

7 reasons why the Internet slows down

  1. Viruses. Be sure to update your antivirus and run a full system scan. It is quite possible that some trojans and worms are sending various requests, thereby slowing down your connection speed.
  2. Security software. Some anti-virus and security programs can cause slow internet if traffic is scanned on the fly before traffic arrives. To be sure that this is not the case, disable the security software and test the speed. Disable the firewall if necessary.
  3. Downloading various updates. Many users do not even pay attention to how many programs they have constantly running. For example, you may be running an update of antivirus databases, Windows, various instant messengers, clients, and so on. All this reduces the speed of the Internet.
  4. Operating system. But what if you just installed the operating system, and no viruses and additional programs No? In this case, the problem may be related to the OS itself. This is especially true for those who install non-standard versions of Windows (Zver). For example, because of this, the original drivers for the network card may not be installed.
  5. Setting network equipment. Internet connection can be made through various devices (modems, routers, routers, etc.). All hardware must be configured separately and ensure that it is accompanied by up-to-date drivers, clients, software, and so on.
  6. Network card failure. Not so often, but still there are speed problems due to a broken network card. It is easy to determine this, just insert the Internet cable into any other computer and measure the speed.
  7. Cable problem. Many people are sure that an Internet cable can either work or not work, but there are also situations when it reduces the speed of the Internet. Twisted-pair isn't expensive, so just buy a new cable and see if that's the problem.

Today, almost no apartment or a private house can't do without home internet, which provides unlimited access to the Internet from all connected devices. Unfortunately, not every user can boast of high-speed and stable Internet. Below we will talk about a few simple tips that will slightly improve the quality of the Internet.

Most likely, the tips given in the article will seem quite banal for many users. But in the event that it is not possible to increase the quality of the Internet by switching to a more expensive tariff or to another provider, then such recommendations may become the only way way out of the situation.

Users complaining about low Internet speed often do not take into account the number of running network programs on different computers (devices).

For example, if computers connected to the network use torrent clients that are on this moment“download” files, then one should not be surprised that, sometimes, even a web page cannot load normally in a browser. If possible, to check whether software reason for low internet speed, close all network programs on devices connected to your home network.

To monitor programs that consume Internet traffic, there is a large selection of programs, such as NetLimiter. If necessary, in this program you can create a limit on the amount of traffic consumed by programs, although, as a rule, when it comes to programs with an increased appetite for traffic, they have built-in tools to limit the speed.

If a problem with brakes during web surfing is observed, for example, on a computer, but everything works quite correctly on other devices, you should suspect virus activity, which in most cases affects the network.

To get started, check your computer for threats using the scan function of your antivirus or, for example, using the free Dr.Web CureIt utility.

Additionally, you should check the hosts file - and if changes are found in it, you will need to return it to its previous form. More details about this are described on the official Microsoft website.

Again, this problem should only be observed in relation to the computer on which the antivirus is installed, and not to all devices connected to the network in general.

Every antivirus has various tools, which allow you to check and protect various aspects of the operating system. In particular, the antivirus can perform network scanning aimed at ensuring security while surfing the web, but as many users note, it is the antivirus that can lead to slowdowns on the Internet.

To check if your antivirus is the culprit in this situation, try temporarily disabling it, and then check the Internet. If it really has improved, you should open the antivirus settings, in particular, the network scanning functions are of interest, and disable these tools.

Many users, for example, who have independently connected their home Internet, are faced with the problem of low Internet speed, which may occur due to cable damage.

If you know that the Internet cable has fractures, twists, pinches or other damage, you should definitely call the master from the provider who can test throughput your cable and, if necessary, replace it.

Often, users have been using old equipment for years, but at the same time they continue to be surprised that they are the owners of one of the low Internet speeds in the city.

First, check your current tariff and connection speed. For example, if in your case an ADSL connection is used, then you should not count on speeds above 11 Mbps.

If the Internet speed is the same (or close) to that declared by the provider in your tariff, then you should pay attention to the latest tariffs: often the provider provides at a much lower cost high speed internet and completely free of charge encloses the necessary equipment.

If in your case the Internet connection is performed exclusively by wire, then this is not your case.

At the same time, if you suspect that intruders are connecting to your wireless network, especially when you have an obvious password for your wireless network or you don’t have one at all, you should try to change your Wi-Fi password. If you do not know how this task is carried out for your router, try running a search query indicating the model of your router - for sure, instructions for correctly changing the Wi-Fi password are already available on the Internet.

Faced with a problem in the performance of the Internet, you should not take all the headaches on yourself - this problem also applies to your provider. Finding it difficult to understand what caused the decrease in Internet speed and the appearance of brakes, you should not postpone the call to the provider.

“It freezes and does not load!”, “It slows down again!”, “How long can you wait!” ... How many nerves sometimes go into inconsolable exclamations in front of a monitor or smartphone screen. And how not to worry here - without the Internet, neither to sit in social networks, nor to play "Tanks", or to work, in the end. But what to tell, this situation is familiar to tears to every modern inhabitant of Buryatia and not only.

Despite the fact that creaky modems are a thing of the past, and providers promise us unlimited tariffs with breakneck speeds, the problem of slow internet is still relevant. From time to time, and at the most inopportune moment, he mercilessly “slows down”. What is the reason? Let's sort it out in order.

So, you have connected the Internet

You have entered into an agreement with a provider. Cheerful installers came to your home, laid the cable and set up the connection. We measured the speed - excellent numbers! In the end, everyone is happy.

But after some period, the Internet starts to slow down, then work again, especially in the evening or does not show signs of life at all for several days. This is where the release of adrenaline into the blood and the test of nerves for strength begins.

First you need to pull yourself together, then you can check the speed yourself. There are many sites that are created specifically for this. For example, speedtest.net. To start testing, you must click on the "BEGIN TEST" button. Let's say the indicators are really disappointing.

And now attention is an alternative. There can be many reasons for the slowdown. And after studying them, in many cases you will be able to solve the problem yourself.

1. Rush hours

Slowing down is a natural process during peak hours. At a certain time, a huge number of users connect to the provider's network. As a rule, this happens by 6-7 pm on weekdays.

The situation is the same with the Wi-Fi zone in public places. And if you go to a cafe specifically for web surfing, it is better to look for a sparsely populated place.

2. Equipment provider

Perhaps the matter is in the depleted resource of the provider's network equipment. In this case, changing will not help you. tariff plan to the more expensive one.

There is a possibility that a failure has occurred on any part of the path from the Internet provider to the network card in the user's computer. The failure may be in the apartment, in the corridor on the stairs, in the basement of the house or in the attic, where the provider's equipment is located.

And in the first, and in the second case, little depends on you. True, you can contact the provider with constant complaints. But if there are enough other companies in the city, why not get acquainted with the possibilities of other providers? You can return to the first one at any time.

3. Number of WiFi users

No matter how powerful the equipment that provides a Wi-Fi hotspot. It has a limit of connected devices. And the closer the number of users to the limit, the lower the Internet speed each of them can count on.

In addition, routers do not always distribute the speed evenly. It also happens that when one user downloads a large file, the second one has to wait a long time even for an elementary opening of a web page.

So if you have a large family and you don’t want someone from your home to be deprived of speed, you can purchase a router with a traffic distribution function.

An alternative option is to set the file download speed limit in software file downloaders (download managers, torrent clients). And, of course, no matter how indignant your neighbors are, you need password-protected access to Wi-Fi.

4. Wi-Fi range

Each router is designed for a certain radius of providing a Wi-Fi zone. If there is a need for a greater range, you can use it with a wireless amplifier. This device is placed between the router and the computer device.

Metal barriers and water containers between the router and a mobile or computer device can reduce the speed of the Internet. There may be interference from the router of neighbors, from overheating your own.

It is desirable to place the router on an uncluttered surface and higher.

5. The site or server is overloaded

The speed of the Internet can drop sharply if you try to go to a site in the browser that its owner has imposed a speed limit on.

Although the site may take a long time to load due to other problems on the site or on its hosting. If you and many, many more users simultaneously start downloading files from some server or from some site, then it may well happen that the server or site " fall, become unavailable.

6. Programs

The decrease in Internet speed may be due to the activity of applications on the computer that work with the network.

These are programs running in the background: GoogleDrive, Skype, WebMoney, ICQ and other instant messengers, software torrent clients, programs for saving Internet traffic, for analyzing it, etc., any applications that support data synchronization (Yandex.Disk , Mileru Cloud), browser extensions, antivirus updates, Windows updates. Yes, and much more.

Unused applications should be closed, and best of all, removed from startup along with the start of the operating system.

7. Malware

Well, you can not exclude the impact of viruses and spyware. Malicious software (software) runs in the background and uses the Internet connection without the user's knowledge to send spam. And also for downloading junk files to the user's computer. Sometimes it can even block access to the Internet.

It is good if the virus is only inside the computer and will not interfere with the launch of anti-virus tools. If the pest gets inside the firmware of the router, you will have to do a factory reset and reconfigure it.

8. Dust in the computer

Well, this often happens. Sometimes even an almost “new” computer manages to collect a huge layer of dust from animal hair, from using a laptop “on a pillow”, etc.

It is clear that such an amount of dust must be eliminated. Vacuum the inside of your computer or contact computer help to clean your computer and laptop. Create a flow of air for the laptop to the slots in its case. Do not arrange a greenhouse in the house if you want stable computer performance.

9. Computer processor

When a computer works "to the eyeballs", then not only the Internet can slow down. To check the load, just call the task manager by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and Del keys at the same time. In the task manager window, you will see, in addition to what your processor loads, also the percentage of processor load. If the processor load jumps to 90% and above, or even froze closer to a hundred - do not blame the provider. This is solely a problem of the operating system and programs on your computer. Try closing any programs you don't need at the moment. Apart from antivirus, of course.

10. Router

Regardless of the specific model and manufacturer, the router itself is the weak link in the chain. And budget devices, you need to understand, are weak specifications. They are most often able to reduce the data transfer rate due to constant freezes.

In addition, routers may have different sensitivity to your gadget. If the sensitivity is good, then the signal can travel a greater distance. If the router is not so “sensitive”, then the equipment will receive a weak signal, or the signal will be noisy.

As you know, when complaining about slow speed, in the support service, the first thing they ask is to restart the router: turn it off for 5 minutes and turn it on again. This is how the buffer is cleared of cached data that accumulates in the process of checking and assembling network packets. Another common recommendation is to connect to the Internet without a router.

It is not always necessary to reach the replacement of the router. The low speed is due not only to the low speed of the iron installed in it. But and a different firmware . Perhaps updating the firmware is one of the best options for solving the problem. Each a new version proprietary software, more often - more "fast". It is better to update the firmware with specialists. Setting is a delicate matter.

And before buying a router, you should consult with the provider. Experts will tell you which models are best proven in operation. And when connected, they will help you set it up correctly.

In general, as we can see, there are many reasons for the "brake" Internet. And it's not always fair to blame a "bad" provider. However, in any case, it is important that there are specialists within a phone call who are ready to provide professional advice free of charge. technical support: install equipment, give advice. Then fast and convenient Internet will always be with you!

There can be several reasons why the Internet is slow. Moreover, there are factors beyond your control, as well as problems that you can fix yourself.

Reasons beyond your control

Often, problems with the Internet connection can occur due to some kind of difficulties with the provider. For example, it can be scheduled or unscheduled technical work, server problems.

The quality of communication can also be affected external factors, for example, if the wire is pulled from the roof, then, quite possibly, a strong gust of wind has broken the connection. If the wire is pulled from the basement, then the cables can undergo oxidation, which also prevents sites from opening quickly.

Sometimes the Internet slows down due to the fact that the provider simply does not give the speed promised to customers, which, of course, is extremely dishonorable. And therefore, if even after eliminating all the problems that depend on you, the Internet connection is still very slow, then it makes sense to change the provider.

Reasons up to you

Viruses and antiviruses

This is one of the most common and serious difficulties that prevent users from using the full possibilities of the Internet. Trojans, worms and other cybernetic pests, when infiltrating the browser, usually take the lion's share of the communication channel allocated to the user, using it to solve their problems, for example, to monitor the user's browsing activity and send relevant reports to their developer.

Often the source of the problem lies, on the contrary, in a program designed to fight viruses. Configured to automatically scan all viewed and downloaded content, such a program significantly slows down the network speed.

To avoid such problems, regularly scan your PC for viruses. If suspicion falls on the antivirus, then check the quality of the connection with the program turned off. If it is higher, then look for another remedy to protect against computer "sores".


If you do not put a password on your network, then all your closest housemates can freely use your Internet resources. Of course, the page loading speed will be critically small.

In addition, if your Internet slows down, in particular, video downloaded on the network, and you don’t know what to do, then try connecting your PC to the network without a router, that is, directly to the cable. Perhaps your device, due to its technical capabilities, is not capable of transmitting a signal quickly.

Additional programs

We want to use the resources of our PC to the fullest. However, numerous small programs (currency converters, weather forecasts, chats, screensavers, etc.) can also affect the speed of the Internet.

If, after disabling some utilities, the network is faster, then think about the appropriateness of the installed programs.

The same applies to completely unnecessary for the average user. system programs Windows. And because of them, not only the Internet, but also the computer itself can hang.

Network card, network cable

Even if your network card shows working activity, in fact it may be faulty. The easiest way to determine if the problem of low speed lies in network card by connecting the Internet to another device - to another PC, laptop or tablet, for example. If the connection on it turns out to be of better quality, then the problem, quite possibly, lies precisely in the network card.

For starters, you can try simply updating the drivers for the card. If there is no result, you can simply replace the card with a new one. This part is not too expensive. To temporarily improve the situation, adjust some map settings. In the section called Speed&Duplex (or Connection Type), you will need to select the Full Duplex and 10 Mbps options. The connection, although it will remain slow, will become a little more stable.

In addition, problems can also arise due to the cable, for example, if it has oxidized over time or has been improperly extended. It will also not be expensive to replace a cable or a damaged segment.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it is possible to perform any complex manipulations with a computer, equipment for the Internet only if you have the appropriate knowledge and skills. If they are not there, then it is better to call a specialist at home who will correctly identify the problem and suggest ways to fix it. And it is better that he does not work for the provider. In this case, it will be possible to hope for the objectivity of the assessments.