How to translate feedback. How to write feedback? What is feedback in computer games

Feedback can accelerate your personal and professional growth and make you a more valuable employee. But for this it must be used correctly!

Feedback is a powerful development tool, both personal and professional. But if used incorrectly, you can seriously harm yourself and others.

It can be quite painful to suddenly learn something about yourself that is not even close to being a compliment. We are pleased when they praise us, talk about achievements. And talking about shortcomings is very much like criticism. Who likes to be criticized?

And still get competent feedback healthy. This allows you to do your job better and move up the career ladder faster.

More trust!

An interesting fact is that well-organized feedback sessions increase trust and cohesion in the team. Relations among colleagues after such “criticism” do not worsen, but, on the contrary, become warmer. Employees often help each other, find a common language more easily, resolve controversial issues.

It's all about sincerity and trust. The more we talk to each other about important, significant, even painful topics, the more we trust. Provided that these conversations take place in a benevolent manner and do not lead to confrontation and resentment.

But the main thing that feedback is valued for is that it can accelerate your personal and professional growth and make you a more valuable employee.

What is a Johari window?

To understand why this is happening, the Johari window will help. This tool was named after its creators, American psychologists Joseph Lift and Harrington Inham.

open area
- what people know about you. For your colleagues, relatives and a casual fellow traveler, this field will be completely different in size. You can consciously increase this zone.

Hidden area- what you know about yourself, but what you do not share with others. You can consciously expand this field as you see fit. For example, only you decide when to inform at work about the upcoming replenishment in the family. Or you may decide to be more active in order to demonstrate leadership skills who were previously embarrassed to show.

Black box is your subconscious. Something that neither you nor other people know (yet) about yourself. In the context of a career, we will not touch this zone.

Blind area What you don't know about yourself, but others do. It is this zone that gives you great opportunities for development. But you can’t do it yourself - you need the help of others, that is, feedback.

Only by learning something new about yourself, you get the opportunity to work on yourself.

Until you learn, for example, that you interrupt others too often in a meeting, you won't be able to learn to listen more carefully. It is not for nothing that many successful companies have feedback sessions on a regular basis.

Receive and give!

Subordinates, colleagues, managers, friends, family members - each of us can both receive feedback and give it to someone. Many top managers know this and use it in their work.

The most important thing is to understand that feedback and heart-to-heart talk are not the same thing.

Feedback is important to be able to give and receive correctly. Otherwise, no one will be able to benefit from its results.

14 Rules for Successful Feedback

1. You can request feedback not only at work but also in any interaction with people. The main thing is not to overdo it. You need to leave yourself the right to be sometimes spontaneous, emotional, aimless, a little strange ...

Look for a balance between the need for feedback and the usual, important emotional support for everyone .

2. Feedback comes from the desire to help the person. Do not assert yourself at his expense, do not express "everything that I think about him." If, for example, you see that a colleague's presentation needs improvement, tell him about it. But if you are annoyed by the tasteless piercing of a roommate, and you dream of telling him about the real aesthetics of the body, then you better not. This story is not about feedback.

3. Feedback is focused on the action, not the person. Not “Petya is bad”, but the result of his work suggests that Petya needs to be more attentive to details.

4. More specifics. Speak not in general, but about a specific task or project. “Petya, what you did is nonsense” is not feedback. Better like this: “Petya, you should clarify your task. This will allow you to perform it correctly and get the result with the required level of quality.” In the first version, Petya is unlikely to take up his mind. In the second case, there is a chance that in the future he will do his job better.

5. You need to prepare. Don't shoot from the shoulder. Give yourself time, gather facts and arguments for quality feedback. Refuse emotional evaluative remarks in favor of concrete examples.

6. Look for wording. Truth can be spoken with pleasant words. Remember that the person you are talking to is important to you. Be sure to formulate a goal - what you want to achieve as a result of the conversation. (And you probably already understand that the answer: “Express everything that has accumulated” is not about feedback.)

There is a so-called sandwich principle. When you start and end with praise, and in between it you have not very pleasant information.

7. Don't use the word "but". It cancels the compliment said earlier. “You wrote an excellent article, but you didn’t do it on time and didn’t approve it with the customer.” Agree, this can hardly be called praise. Talk about positive and negative separately. After all, these are different things! For example, like this: “Your text turned out great. You found good facts and it is easy to read. There was a glitch with deadlines and approval. It is very important to coordinate the texts with the customer in time, please take this into account for the future.”

8. Your goal is to help the person develop. Don't forget about it. And most importantly - do not think that a person is obliged to take your information to action. You a common person with his subjective view of what is happening. Your opinion is yours alone. A person has the right to decide what to do with what he has learned from you. It's like with a gift - you can accept it, or you can throw it away.

9. Be calm and tolerant, monitor emotions. You should not have condemnation in your soul. Any person immediately feels even unspoken condemnation. This immediately crosses out all the benefits of feedback.

Talk about your thoughts and feelings about a particular situation, looking at it "from the balcony."

10. Don't forget the well-deserved praise. Often, in an effort to more precisely point out to a person about shortcomings, we forget to say what was good. Praise inspires and energizes. Including working with your shortcomings!

11. Learn to get feedback. Treat it like a precious gift. You have the opportunity to learn more about yourself and engage in your development.

12. Do not interrupt, do not argue, do not indulge in explanations, getting feedback. Even if you strongly disagree or want to clarify what it really was. Your task is not to argue, but to collect as much information as possible about your blind spot.

13. Be sure to work on the feedback, even if the soul left an unpleasant aftertaste. Discard emotions and isolate information that is useful to you. Work with her, but remember that only you decide what to accept from what you hear and what not.

14. Be sure to thank the person who gave you feedback. It wasn't easy for him. By the way, do not judge him strictly, even if he violated some of these rules. We are all learning!

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- [English] feed back Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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feedback- Feedback …

feedback- Feedback … Dictionary of foreign words edited by I. Mostitsky

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  • , Igor Mann, Elena Zolina. What this book is about The first comprehensive classification of channels and feedback tools in the business literature in a visual form, with a high degree of detail, many stories and examples.…
  • Feedback. Get feedback! , Igor Mann. This book is about feedback from customers and business partners. It contains almost fifty ways to get feedback and ratings through all possible “points of contact” with the consumer, as well as ...

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 connection (97) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

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feedback- Feedback …

feedback- Feedback … Dictionary of foreign words edited by I. Mostitsky

Live Peace in Toronto 1969 ... Wikipedia

This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

Protopunk Direction: rock Origins: rhythm and blues 1950s, art rock, beat, avant-garde music, British invasion, freakbeat, frat rock, hard rock, glam rock, power pop, garage rock, outsider music, psychedelic rock ... Wikipedia

Keith Moon Keith Moon ... Wikipedia

Proto-punk is a term that refers to a number of artists from the 50s to the 70s who in one way or another anticipated punk rock that appeared in 1976 in their works. In fact, proto-punk is not a genre of rock music in the full sense ... ... Wikipedia

"Rock" redirects here. See also other meanings. "Rocker" redirects here. For motorcyclists, see Bikers. Rock music (eng. Rock music) is a generic name for many areas of music. The word "rock" to download in this case ... ... Wikipedia


  • , Igor Mann, Elena Zolina. What this book is about The first comprehensive classification of channels and feedback tools in the business literature in a visual form, with a high degree of detail, many stories and examples.…
  • Feedback. Get feedback! , Igor Mann. This book is about feedback from customers and business partners. It contains almost fifty ways to get feedback and ratings through all possible “points of contact” with the consumer, as well as ...

When you spend your free time playing a computer game, various flaws, bugs and other troubles may catch your eye. However, in most cases, there is nothing you can do about it, as there is no feedback from the developer. You have to put up with what's happening on your screen and enjoy what's there. But how much better is the game perceived when you have the opportunity to report what is wrong with it to the developer. And cherish the hope that your words will be heeded and something will be corrected. That is why feedback is very important in computer games.

What is feedback? Unfortunately, not everyone knows this. And it's too bad that many gamers are not always aware of what feedback is and how it can positively affect their future experience. Therefore, the concept of "feedback" will be considered in more detail below: what it is, how to write it and what to pay special attention to.

What does this concept mean in general?

Naturally, one should not immediately turn to extremes and analyze a particular case - it is better to first consider the concept in general. What is feedback? As in most cases, this word is borrowed from in English, and it is translated as "feedback". Now, as a matter of fact, everything becomes pretty clear - when you write feedback, you are contacting the developer, creator, designer, or any other person or group of people who were involved in the project that you are reviewing. In principle, feedback is somewhat similar to a school essay, since you will need to describe in detail your impressions of the product and give your own assessment, as well as recommendations - what exactly didn’t suit you, what pleased you the most, what would you like to change. Now you have an idea of ​​what feedback is. What is feedback in games? You will find the answer to this question below.

Feedback in games

As you already understood, feedback in most cases is a kind of feedback that is sent straight to the developer or creator of the product you used - this is how feedback works. in computer games? Here things are a little different, but, by and large, the situation is practically no different. The fact is that in the case of computer games, the subject of feedback can be a variety of aspects of the game or the game itself as a whole. What's more, there's an accepted feedback form for those developers that provide gamers with this option, so you don't have to think about how to submit your feedback. So you can write and send feedback to the game developer at any time. And then, perhaps, you will be able to see the result of your efforts in the next patch or in the continuation of the project.

Types of game feedback

So, now you know what feedback is, or feedback in games, but you should understand that such a word can have other meanings. Moreover, in computer games there is even a special concept called Force Feedback. And it does not mean feedback from the developer. If we are talking about such feedback, then a certain physical impact during the game is implied. This is most often implemented if you have a gamepad or joystick - during certain actions in the game, vibrations are transmitted to your controller, for example, when a collision or a shot occurs. Therefore, you should always remember that when talking about feedback in games, two different concepts can be implied. It is clear that in some games, for example, in Burger King, there can be only one feedback, since vibrations cannot be sent to the gamepad there, but in some projects there may be two options.

How to write feedback: type selection

Now you have finally figured out what feedback is, and you will also be able to distinguish when it comes to product feedback, and when it's about vibrations that are part of the gameplay. You must understand that in every field of activity there may be questions about what feedback is. On PromoDJ, for example, feedback about the work of the radio station is used as feedback. But now we are talking about games, and here the most important thing is to choose the right topic. Before writing the text of your review, you need to clearly indicate what the speech will be about. Indicate for which particular game the review is written, which aspects of this game it will affect. Only then can you move on to the content part - this is done so that the developer can sort out the issues in a more orderly manner or even distribute them to different departments.

Main part

As in school essay, in the feedback there is a main part in which you express all your thoughts about the game. Just do not write extensive letters in which you will talk about abstract things - save not only your time, but also the time of the employees who will read it. Clearly state your point of view and highlight the points that you want to convey to the developer in the first place.


The most important part of your review is the conclusions. It is on them that the developer will look first of all. In the main part, you can describe the essence of the problem, general impressions, pluses and minuses, but it is in the conclusions that you should indicate what you would like to see in a patch, addition, or the next part of the game. This is how you can most effectively influence the development of your favorite project and make the work of developers easier.