Steve jobs biography in Russian. Steve Jobs - The Hyazg Foundation Encyclopedia

For a generation born in the 2000s, Steve Jobs- the inventor of the iPhone, a phone that, within six months of its appearance on the smartphone market, has become the most desirable in the world. Although in reality this person was neither an inventor nor an outstanding programmer. Moreover, he did not even have a special or higher education. However, Jobs always had a vision of what humanity needs and the ability to motivate people. In other words, the success story of Steve Jobs is a chain of numerous attempts to change the world of computing and digital technologies. And although most of his projects failed, those that succeeded forever changed the life of the planet.

Steve Jobs parents

In February 1955, Joan, a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin, had a son. The boy's father was a Syrian immigrant, and the lovers could not get married. At the insistence of the parents, the young mother was forced to give her son to other people. They were Clara and Paul Jobs. After the adoption, the Jobs named the boy Steve.

biography of early years

Jobs managed to become the perfect parents for Steve. Over time, the family moved to live in (Mountain View). Here, in his spare time, the boy's father repaired cars and soon attracted his son to this occupation. It was in this garage that Steve Jobs received his first knowledge of electronics in his youth.

At school, the guy at first studied poorly. Fortunately, the teacher noticed the boy's extraordinary mind and found a way to interest him in his studies. It worked financial incentive for good grades - toys, sweets, small money. Steve so brilliantly passed the exams that after the fourth grade he was transferred immediately to the sixth.

While still at school, young Jobs met Larry Lang, who got the guy interested in computers. Thanks to this acquaintance, a talented student got the opportunity to visit the Hewlett-Packard club, where many specialists worked on their personal inventions, helping each other. The time spent here had a huge impact on shaping the worldview of the future head of Apple.

However, what really changed Steve's life was his acquaintance with Steven Wozniak.

The first project of Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak

Jobs was introduced to Wozniak (Woz) by his classmate. The young people became friends almost immediately.

At first, the guys just played pranks at school, arranging practical jokes and discos. However, a little later they decided to organize their own small business project.

During the early years of Steve Jobs (1955-75), everyone used a landline. The monthly fee for local calls was not very high, but to call another city or country, you had to fork out. Wozniak, for fun, designed a device that allows you to "hack" a telephone line and make any calls for free. Jobs, on the other hand, set up the sale of these devices, calling them "blue boxes", for $ 150 apiece. In total, friends managed to sell more than a hundred of these devices, until the police became interested in them.

Steve Jobs before Apple Computer

Steve Jobs in his youth, however, as throughout his life, was a purposeful person. Unfortunately, in order to achieve the goal, he often showed not his best qualities and did not take into account the problems of others.

After leaving school, he wanted to study at one of the most expensive universities in the United States, and for this, his parents had to get into debt. But the guy didn't really care. Moreover, six months later he dropped out of school and, carried away by Hinduism, began to desperately seek enlightenment in the company of unreliable friends. Later he got a job at the video game company Atari. After collecting some money, Jobs went to India for several months.

After returning from a trip, the young man became interested in the Homebrew computer club. This club has engineers and other fans computer technology(which has just begun to develop) shared ideas and developments with each other. Over time, the membership of the club grew, and its “headquarters” moved from a dusty garage to one of the auditoriums of the Center for Linear Accelerators in Stanford. It was here that Woz introduced his revolutionary development that allows you to display characters on the monitor from the keyboard. As a monitor, a regular, slightly modified TV was used.

Apple Corporation

Like most business projects that Steve Jobs organized in his youth, the emergence of Apple was associated with his friend Stephen Wozniak. It was Jobs who suggested to Woz that he start producing ready-made computer boards.

Soon Wozniak and Jobs registered their own company called Apple Computer. The first Apple computer, based on Woz's new board, was successfully presented at a Homebrew computer club meeting, where the owner of a local computer store became interested in it. He ordered the guys fifty of these computers. Despite many difficulties, Apple fulfilled the order. With the money earned, friends collected another 150 computers and sold them profitably.

In 1977, Apple introduced the world to its new brainchild - the Apple II computer. At the time, it was a revolutionary invention, thanks to which the company turned into a corporation, and its founders became rich.

Since Apple became a corporation, the creative paths of Jobs and Wozniak gradually began to diverge, although they were able to maintain a normal relationship to the end.

Until his departure from the company in 1985, Steve Jobs oversaw the development of computers such as the Apple III, Apple Lisa, and Macintosh. True, not one of them was able to repeat the tremendous success of the Apple II. Moreover, by that time, huge competition had arisen in the computer equipment market, and Jobs' products eventually began to yield to other firms. As a result of this, as well as many years of complaints from employees at all levels against Steve, he was removed from the position of the head. Feeling betrayed, Jobs himself quit and began new project NeXT.

NeXT and Pixar

The new brainchild of Jobs initially specialized in the production of computers (graphic workstations) adapted to the needs of research laboratories and training centers.

True, after a while, NeXT retrained into software products by creating OpenStep. Eleven years after its founding, this company was bought by Apple.

In parallel with his work at NeXT, Steve became interested in graphics. So he bought the Pixar animation studio from the creator of Star Wars.

At that time, Jobs began to understand the whole grand prospect of creating cartoons and films using computer programs. In 1995, Pixar made the first feature-length CGI cartoon for Disney. It was called Toy story and not only appealed to children and adults all over the world, but also earned a record amount of money at the box office.

After this success, Pixar released several more successful cartoons, six of which received an Oscar. Ten years later, Jobs ceded his company to Walt Disney Pictures.

iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad

In the mid-nineties, Jobs was invited to return to work at Apple. First of all, the "old-new" leader refused to produce a wide variety of products. Instead, he focused on developing four kinds of computers. So there were professional computers Power Macintosh G3 and PowerBook G3, as well as iMac and iBook, designed for home use.

Introduced to users in 1998, the iMac series of personal all-in-one computers quickly conquered the market and still maintains its position.

In the second half of the nineties, Steve Jobs realized that with the active development of digital technologies, it was necessary to expand the range of product types. Created under his leadership free program to listen to music on computer devices, iTunes gave him the idea to develop a digital player capable of storing and playing hundreds of songs. In 2001, Jobs introduced the iconic iPod to consumers.

Despite the fantastic popularity of the iPod, which brought the company huge profits, its head feared competition from mobile phones. After all, many of them already then could play music. So Steve Jobs organized active work on the creation of their own Apple phone - the iPhone.

New device, introduced in 2007, not only had a unique design and a heavy-duty glass screen, but was also incredibly functional. Soon he was appreciated all over the world.

Next successful project Jobs became iPad (tablet for using the Internet). The product turned out to be very successful and soon conquered the world market, confidently displacing netbooks.

Last years

Back in 2003, Steven Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. However, he did the necessary operation only a year later. She was successful, but time was lost, and the disease managed to spread to the liver. Jobs received a liver transplant six years later, but his condition continued to deteriorate. In the summer of 2011, Steve officially quit, and in early October he was gone.

Personal life of Steve Jobs

As with all of his professional activity, and with regards to an eventful personal life, with with great difficulty can be written short biography. Nobody knew everything about Steve Jobs, since he was always immersed in himself. No one could understand what was really going on in his head: neither the loving foster family, nor the biological mother with whom Steve began to communicate as an adult, nor his sister Mona (he also found her when he grew up), neither his spouse, nor children.

Shortly before entering the university, Steve had a relationship with a hippie girl Chris Ann Brennan. After some time, she gave birth to his daughter Lisa, with whom Jobs did not want to communicate for many years, but took care of her.

Prior to his marriage in 1991, Stephen had several serious affairs. However, he married whom he met during one of his lectures. For twenty years family life Lauren bore Jobs three children: son Reed and daughters Eve and Erin.

The biological mother of Jobs, giving him up for adoption, forced the adoptive parents to sign an agreement according to which they pledged to give the boy higher education. So all childhood and early youth of Steve Jobs were forced to save money for his son's education. Moreover, he wished to study at one of the most prestigious and expensive universities in the country.

Steve Jobs in his youth while studying at the university became interested in calligraphy. It is thanks to this hobby that modern computer programs have the ability to change fonts, letter size and

The Apple Lisa computer was named by Jobs after his illegitimate daughter Lisa, although he publicly denied this.

Steve's favorite music is songs by Bob Dylan and The Beatles. Interestingly, the legendary Liverpool Four founded Apple Corps, a company specializing in music, back in the sixties. The logo was a green apple. And although Jobs claimed that the idea of ​​naming the company Apple was prompted by a visit to a friend's apple farm, it seems that he was a little cunning.

For most of his life, Jobs adhered to the principles of Zen Buddhism, which quite strongly influenced the strict and concise appearance of Apple products.

Movies, cartoons and even theatrical performances. Many books have been written about him. An example of a successful business by Jobs is described in almost all textbooks or manuals for entrepreneurs. So, in 2015, the book “The Secret of Steve Jobs’ Business Youth, or Russian Roulette for Money” was published in Russian. In just a few weeks, it began to actively spread on the Internet. It is interesting that the book gained such popularity thanks to two phrases in the title that attracted readers: “the secret of business youth” and “Steve Jobs”. It is still difficult to find a review of this work, because at the request of the author, the book was blocked on most free resources.

Steve Jobs achieved what many can only dream of. Along with Bill Gates, he became a symbol of the computer industry. At the time of Jobs's death, he owned just over ten billion dollars, which he had earned through his labor.

The birth date of Steve Jobs, an American entrepreneur who has received worldwide recognition as a pioneer in the field of IT, is February 24, 1955. Steve is one of the founders, as well as one of those people who created the most famous Pixar studio from scratch.

Electronics was interesting to Jobs from early childhood. As a child, together with his adoptive father, he assembled receivers in an ordinary garage. At school, Steve met Steve Wozniak, who from that moment became Jobs' best friend for many years.

The first invention of the young companions was the Blue Box. The product allowed to call anywhere in the world absolutely free of charge. For this reason, Blue Box sold excellently, but such a business was not entirely legal. Then Steve realized that electronics is not only his hobby, but also a way to make a good profit.

The emergence of Apple and the first major successes

Five years have passed. Jobs, Wozniak, and a few other young kids involved in the adventure found a company, calling it Apple. The occupation of the newly minted team was the assembly of computers in a regular auto garage with their subsequent sale. Thus, a revolution was made in the world of technology, and in the late 70s there was the first serious success - a commercially successful PC.

In part, the company's products were popular due to Steve's passion for computer design. Although Jobs himself was not particularly neat, he sought to bring every detail in his inventions to the ideal. Under his leadership, design work was often a priority for the company, but not engineering. Steve was convinced that if a computer is not attractive due to its beauty, the degree of its power matters a little.

One of the richest people in the world

In the 2000s, Jobs co-founded Pixar, an animation studio. Under his leadership, the most famous films were produced today. Just a few of them:

  • "Monsters, Inc";
  • "Pirates of the Caribbean 2";
  • "The history of toys".

Steve's activities made him richest man. Forbs estimated Jobs' assets in 2009 to be $5.1 billion.

Fighting disease

October 2003. Doctors give Jobs a disappointing diagnosis - pancreatic cancer. In mid-2004, Steve informed Apple employees about this trouble. The case was rare, treatable, but for 9 months Steve stubbornly protested against the autopsy of his body by doctors. He regretted this later. The businessman tried to fight the disease with unconventional methods in the form of herbal treatment, acupuncture, a special diet, even made visits to the medium.

Steve Jobs- American businessman, talented leader, co-founder, its ideological inspirer, director and chairman of the board of directors. Until 2006, he was the director (CEO) of the animation studio Pixar(Pixar), it was Steve Jobs who gave it that name.

short biography

Steve Jobs (full name - Stephen Paul Jobs) was born February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, USA, California. His biological mother Joan Shible. Biological father - Abdulfattah Jandali.

Stephen was born to unmarried students. Joan's father was against their relationship and threatened to disinherit his daughter if she didn't break it off. That is why Steve's future mother went to give birth in San Francisco and gave her son up for adoption.

Adoptive parents

Joan set conditions for adoption: Stephen's adoptive parents had to be wealthy and have a college education. However, the Jobs family, who could not have children of their own, did not have the second criterion. Therefore, the future adoptive parents made a written commitment pay for a boy's college education.

The boy was adopted Paul Jobs And Clara Jobs, nee Agopian (American of Armenian origin). They were the ones who gave him his name. Stephen Paul.

Jobs always considered Paul and Clara to be father and mother, he was very annoyed if someone called them foster parents:

"They are my real parents 100%"

According to the rules of official adoption, the biological parents did not know anything about the whereabouts of their son, and Stephen Paul met with his own mother and younger sister only after 31 years.

School education

Schoolwork disappointed Steve with its formalism. Primary school teachers Mona Loma characterized him as a prankster, and only one teacher, mrs hill, was able to see extraordinary abilities in her student and find an approach to him.

When Steve was in the fourth grade, Mrs. Hill gave him "bribes" for good studies, in the form of sweets, money and DIY kits, thereby stimulating his studies.

This quickly bore fruit: soon Steve Paul began to study diligently without any reinforcement, and at the end of the school year he passed his exams so brilliantly that the director suggested transfer him from the fourth grade directly to the seventh. As a result, by decision of his parents, Jobs was enrolled in the sixth grade, that is, in high school.

Further education

When graduating from high school, Steve Jobs decided to apply to college reed in Portland, Oregon. Studying at such a prestigious liberal arts college was insanely expensive. But once Stephen's parents promised a young woman who gave birth to their son that the child would receive a good education.

Parents agreed to pay for their studies, but Stephen's desire to join the student's major life was enough for exactly one semester. The guy left college and delved into the search for his destiny. This stage of Jobs' life was influenced by the free ideas of the hippies and the mystical teachings of the East.

Birth of Apple

Stephen Paul became friends with his classmate Bill Fernandez, who was also interested in electronics. Fernandez introduced Jobs to an alumnus who was fond of computers, Stephen Wozniak ("Woz"), his senior by five years.

Two Stevens - two friends

In 1969 Woz and Fernandez began building a small computer they called "cream soda" and showed it to Jobs. So Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak became best friends.

“We sat with him for a long time on the sidewalk in front of Bill's house and shared stories - we told each other about our practical jokes and about the devices we developed. I felt we had a lot in common. It's usually hard for me to explain to people all the intricacies of the electrical devices that I collected, but Steve grabbed everything on the fly. I liked him right away.

Memoirs of Steve Jobs

Apple Computer

Steve and Woz began work on computer boards. Wozniak at that time was a member of a circle of amateur computer scientists "Homebrew Computer Club". It was there that he was visited by the idea of ​​​​creating his own computer. To implement the idea, he needed only one payment.

Jobs quickly realized that the development of a friend is a tasty morsel for buyers. The company was born Apple Computer. Apple began its ascent in Jobs' garage.

Apple II

A computer Apple II became the first mass-produced Apple product, created at the initiative of Steve Jobs. This happened in the late 1970s. Jobs later saw the commercial potential of the mouse-driven GUI, which led to the advent of computers. Apple Lisa and, a year later, Macintosh (Mac).

Departure from Apple - a new round of success

Lost a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT- a company that developed a computer platform for universities and businesses. In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm, turning it into .

He remained Pixar's CEO and major shareholder until the studio was acquired in 2006, making Steven Paul largest private shareholder and a member of the board of directors of Disney.

"Resuscitation" Apple

In 1996 the companyApple boughtNeXT. This was done to use the OS NeXTSTEP as the basis for Mac OS X. As part of the deal, Steve Jobs received an advisory position to Apple. By 1997 Jobs regained control of Apple leading a corporation.

Rapid development

Under the leadership of Steve Paul Jobs, the company was saved from bankruptcy and began to make a profit within a year. For the next decade, Jobs led the development iMac, iTunes, iPod, iPhone And iPad, as well as the development Apple Store, iTunes Store, App Store And iBookstore.

The success of these products and services, providing several years of stable financial profit, allowed Apple to become in 2011 the most valuable public company in the world.

Many call Apple's renaissance one of the greatest accomplishments in business history. At the same time, Jobs was criticized for his tough management style, aggressive actions towards competitors, the desire for total control over products even after they were sold to the buyer.

Merits of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs got public acceptance and a number of awards for impact on the technology and music industries. He is often referred to as a "visionary" and even "father of the digital revolution". Jobs was a brilliant speaker and took innovative product presentations to the next level, turning them into exciting shows. His instantly recognizable figure in a black turtleneck, faded jeans and sneakers is surrounded by a cult following.

October 5, 2011, after eight years of fighting pancreatic cancer, Steve Jobs died in Pal Alto at the age of 56 years old.

What is Steve Jobs famous for? What is his biography? What is told in the biopic "Steve Jobs" and in the book of the same name?

Hello, dear readers online magazine "HeaterBober"! Eduard and Dmitry are with you.

Our article is dedicated to a man whose name has already become a legend. This is Steve Jobs - an American entrepreneur, a pioneer of IT technologies, the founder of the world's largest corporation Apple.

So, let's begin!

1. Who is Steve Jobs - biography, official Wikipedia data, success story

Steven Paul Jobs is a gifted businessman, inventor, workaholic and a man who set the direction for the development of modern digital technologies for many years to come.

He looked at the world in his own way and was always guided by invincible ideals that helped him achieve fantastic success.

As a talented engineer and pioneer of the era of IT technologies, he made several revolutions at once in different areas of our lives. Thanks to Steve Jobs, the world has become more perfect, more harmonious and more convenient.

His achievements are varied and numerous:

  • he founded Apple, which later became a mega-corporation and the most valuable company in the world;
  • created personal computers in the form in which we use them today;
  • improved the graphical interface and control of computer devices;
  • was directly involved in the creation of "ipads", "ipods" (digital music players of the new generation) and "iPhones";
  • founded the next generation animation studio Pixar, which currently produces cartoons for Disney.

We will definitely tell about all these projects in the relevant sections of this article, but let's start in order - with the biography of this amazing person.

Biography of Steve Jobs

The year of birth of our hero is 1955. Location - San Francisco, California. Jobs's biological parents (Syrian and German by origin) abandoned their son a week after his birth. The child was adopted by a Mountain View couple who gave him their last name.

Steve's adoptive father was an auto mechanic by profession: he repaired old cars and tried to instill in his son a love of mechanics. Jobs in the garage were not inspiring to Steve, but it was through car repair that he got acquainted with the basics of electronics.

Stephen did not particularly like classes at school either, which affected his behavior. Only one teacher by the name of Hill noticed extraordinary abilities in the boy; the rest of the teaching staff considered him a mischievous and idler.

Miss Hill managed to stimulate Steve's thirst for knowledge with bribes in the form of sweets and money. Jobs soon became so attracted to the learning process that he began to seek education on his own, without additional encouragement.

The result: brilliantly passed exams, which allowed the boy to move from the 4th grade immediately to the seventh.

Steve Jobs saw the first personal computer (programmable calculator, primitive for today) in the research club of Hewlett-Packard, where he was invited by a neighbor - an engineer.

The thirteen-year-old teenager became a member of the circle of inventors: his first project was a digital frequency counter, which interested the very founder of HP, Bill Hewlett.

The hobbies of that time were not alien to the young inventor - he talked with hippies, listened to Bob Dylan and the Beatles, and even used LSD, because of which he had conflicts with his father.

Soon he had an older friend - Steve Wozniak, who became a friend for life and largely determined the fate of the young genius.

The pair's first joint project was a device called the Blue Box ("Blue Box"), which allows you to crack phone codes and make free phone calls around the world.

Jobs proposed to organize mass production and sale of these devices, and Wozniak improved and simplified the scheme of the invention.

This story laid down the principles of long-term cooperation between two geniuses: Wozniak invents some kind of revolutionary thing, and Jobs determines its market potential and implements it.

The next stages of a long journey: college, work at Atari, a development company computer games, a trip to India in search of enlightenment (a fashionable youth hobby of those years).

And finally, the revolutionary event that took place in 1976 - the creation by Steve Wozniak at the initiative of Jobs personal computer.

The model turned out to be so successful that the friends decided to start mass production. This is how the Apple company was born, which managed to maintain a leading position in the computer technology market for 10 years.

In 1985, the "founding fathers" left the parent corporation and took up other projects. The hero of our article created the NeXT hardware company, and even later became one of the founders of the Pixar animation studio (another revolutionary project).

In 1996, Jobs returned to Apple, sold the Pixar studio to Disney, but remained on the board of directors. In 2001, Jobs introduced the public to the first model of the iPod player - the device was a fantastic success in the market and greatly increased the income of the corporation.

In 2004, Jobs made a public statement about health problems - he was diagnosed with a pancreatic tumor. For 7 years he managed to fight the disease with varying success, but in October 2011 the life of a brilliant entrepreneur and IT revolutionary was cut short.

2. The main projects of Steve Jobs - TOP-5 of the most famous inventions

The author of many of the developments attributed to Jobs was Steven Wozniak. However, it is believed that it was Jobs who was the inspirer of the brilliant engineer and the person who brought his raw and unfinished inventions “to mind”.

It was according to this scheme that the partners worked, creating in 1976 new market personal computers. Wozniak embodied technical ideas into reality, Jobs adapted them to sales, working as a marketer and head of the company.

Project 1. Apple

The debut model of a new generation personal computer was named Apple I: 200 devices were sold in a year at a price of $666.66. For '76, the number is quite decent, but the sales of "Apple-II" exceeded this result by dozens of times.

The emergence of serious investors made new firm the sole leader in the computer market. This situation lasted until the mid-80s: both Stevens (Wozniak and Jobs) by this time had become millionaires.

Interesting fact: software for Apple computers was developed by another company that later became the leader of the digital universe - Microsoft. The brainchild of Bill Gates was created six months later than Apple.

Project 2 Macintosh

The Macintosh is a line of personal computers developed by Apple. Their release was made possible thanks to a contract between Apple and Xerox.

Almost all of the modern interface we know (windows, virtual buttons controlled by pressing keys on the mouse) arose thanks to this commercial agreement.

We can say that the Macintosh (Mac) was the first personal computer device in the modern sense. The first device of this line was released in 1984.

The computer mouse has become the main working tool. Prior to this, all machine processes were controlled using commands typed on the keyboard.

Working on a computer required knowledge of programming languages ​​and other special skills: now anyone could control the device, regardless of education.

Steve Jobs created each of his devices as convenient as possible for people and the Mac was no exception.

At that time, even the closest analogues of the Macintosh computers did not exist on the planet, comparable to them in terms of technological possibilities. Almost immediately after the release of the first machine in the series, Apple production was discontinued.

Project 3. NeXT Computer

Jobs began building the latest generation of computers after leaving Apple in the mid-1980s. The first batch of new devices went on sale in 1989.

The cost of computers was quite high ($ 6,500), so the machines were supplied only to the leading US universities in a limited edition.

Soon the demand for Next computers became ubiquitous, and modified versions went on sale.

Interesting fact

The operating system, which was called NeXTSTEP, included: an Oxford dictionary, a thesaurus, a set of works by Shakespeare. These digital additions were kind of forerunners of modern e-books.

In 1990, the second generation of computers was released, supplemented by a multimedia communications system. The innovation opened up endless possibilities for communication between device owners and allowed the exchange of graphic, textual audio information.

Project 4. iPod iPad and iPhone

In the late 90s, at Apple, where Stav Jobs returned, there was some stagnation. The impetus for development came from an unexpected side: the company's applied novelty - the iPod player for playing digital music - has become very popular.

The advantages of the new device were really impressive:

  • aesthetic and stylish design;
  • convenient control and interface;
  • synchronization with iTunes - a media player for playing music and movies online.

The first players came out in 2001 and immediately became a bestseller. Commercial success greatly improved financial position companies, which allowed them to do further developments.

In 2007, Jobs introduced another novelty to the public - a smartphone based on the IOS operating system. The new device was called the iPhone and was a modified communication device - a combination of a telephone, a media player and a personal computer.

Time magazine named the iPhone the Invention of the Year. Over the next 5 years, more than 250 million original copies of the iPhone were sold around the world, which brought the corporation a profit of $ 150 billion.

In 2010, Apple released the iPad, a digital tablet designed to replace laptops and personal computers.

The new device was primarily intended for convenient Internet use, and due to its larger size than a phone or iPhone, the iPad became very popular, especially among connoisseurs of other Apple products and its founding father, Steve Jobs.

This invention also became successful and the new fashion for Internet tablets was picked up by other digital device companies.

Project 5.

One division of Apple was engaged in the development of software for working with graphics and the production of short animated films. Jobs intended to seize the opportunities workstation called Pixar Image to create programs that will allow anyone to create realistic three-dimensional images.

However, the consumer was not interested in 3D modeling, and the department's facilities were directed in a different direction. The studio took up the creation of cartoons. One of them ("Tin Toy") was unexpectedly nominated for an Oscar. The new kind computer animation interested the studio "Disney".

The famous film company entered into an agreement with Pixar on cooperation and production of the film "Toy Story": the conditions were unfavorable for the animators, but the studio was at that time on the verge of bankruptcy. The film brought the studio recognition, fame and multimillion-dollar profits.

In its 15 years of existence, Pixar has released dozens of movie hits, Oscar nominees and winners that have become classics of feature-length animation - Finding Nemo, Flick's Adventure, Monsters, Inc., Cars, WALL-E.

3. The film "Steve Jobs" and the book "The Rules of Steve Jobs" - where to download, read, watch

About the life of our hero, directed by Danny Boyle of the hero, the film "Steve Jobs" was made, nominated for an Oscar in 2 categories.

When we watched it, we were delighted with both the acting and the director's work itself.

Steven Jobs was born in the mid-1950s in San Francisco, California. His Syrian father, Abdulfatta Jandali, was a teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin, and his mother, Joan Schible, is a young student at the same institution. On his mother, Steve has German roots. Joan and Abdulfatta were not married, the girl's family was categorically against the relationship of young people. Therefore, Stephen's mother was forced to leave to give birth in a private California clinic, and then give her son to be raised by foster parents.

Paul Jobs and his wife Clara could not have their own children and gladly adopted the baby. The biological mother put forward the only requirement: the boy must receive a higher education.

After 2 years, Steve had a half-sister, Patty, whom Paul and Clara also adopted. Soon the family leaves San Francisco and moves to the small town of Mountain View. Here Paul Jones, who was an auto mechanic, was easier to find Good work and earn funds raised to pay for college for children. Paul tried to instill an interest in mechanics and his son, but Steve was much more attracted to electronics. Coupled with the fact that Mountain View is the center high tech, you can say that the future of Steve was sealed in early childhood.

IN primary school Steve Jobs had big problems with teachers. The education system itself seemed to the child boring, formal and soulless. Only after one of the teachers was able to find the right approach to the student, the boy began to study diligently and even jumped through 2 classes. Studying in high school, Steve attended a radio electronics circle, independently assembled an electronic frequency meter and even worked part-time on an assembly line at the famous Hewlett-Packard company.

When the guy was 16 years old, he began to have conflicts with his parents, especially with his father, because of his passion for hippie culture, music and The Beatles, smoking marijuana and using LSD. Then Stephen meets his namesake - who was 5 years older than him. The guys become best friends, as both are fond of computers and electronics.

The first joint invention of Jobs and Wozniak was born when Steven was still a high school student. They made a device they called the blue box, designed to hack into the telephone network by picking up tone-mode signals. At first, the guys just had fun, and then they began to sell their product and made good money.

In 1972, Steve Jobs entered the private liberal arts college Reed College, which had a rich curriculum. After studying for only six months, Jobs quits training, because he sees no point in wasting time on meaningless classes. During this period, he was much more attracted to Eastern spiritual practices, vegetarianism, veganism and Zen Buddhism.

Apple company

Steven starts working as a technician for Atapi, a start-up company that produces computer games. At the same time, Wozniak is working on the creation and improvement of boards for his own personal computer. As the idea began to take shape, Jobs suggested to a friend that they start a joint computer firm. Thus was born the legendary company Apple. When working on the first Apple computer I Jobs showed himself as an authoritarian, somewhat tyrannical and aggressive, but at the same time able to organize a leader.

Founders of Apple

The first computer was primitive and more like an electronic typewriter. But the new board, which Wozniak developed in 1976, already knew how to work with color, sound, and could connect external media. And Steve Jobs put his leadership skills in the field of device promotion and was able to reorient production to create computers for an inexperienced user.

It is his idea new Apple II owes a beautiful plastic case and neat appearance. Jobs also hired professional specialist advertising Regis Macken, and everyone started talking about the new computer.

Apple III, Apple Lisa and Macintosh followed. From a commercial point of view, the firm prospered, but discord and scandal reigned among the leaders, largely due to the difficult nature of Steven Jobs.

NeXT and Pixar

As a result, he was suspended from work, and in 1984 Jobs leaves his own offspring, but immediately organizes new company NeXT Computer. The computers of this company offered the market exclusively advanced innovations, slightly ahead of their time. But, like the latest inventions at Apple, it turns out to be too expensive for the mass consumer.

In parallel with this project, Steve Jobs, who just became interested in computer graphics, buys the Pixar studio from George Lucas for $ 5 million. Initially, his idea was to use animated films as an advertisement for the capabilities of NeXT's computers. But after the 1987 animated film The Tin Toy won an Oscar, Jobs changed his mind. Later, this studio released such famous full-length animated films as Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille and others.

In 2006, Steve sells Pixar to Disney for $7.5 billion. However, he remained a shareholder.

Return to Apple

In 1996, Steve Jobs sells NeXT to his first company for almost half a billion dollars and returns to Apple as an advisor to the chairman.

The first achievement of Jobs in a new capacity was the serial production of the new iMac monoblock computer, which attracted with its unusual futuristic design. This device became the best-selling computer in the history of Apple, with about a third of the copies bought by users who did not previously own computer equipment. Consequently, Steve Jobs was able to find a new consumer market for the company.

Second successful step was the creation of the Apple Store - a specialized store selling Apple equipment.

The uniqueness of Steve Jobs was that he did not just keep his finger on the pulse of the times. He himself created a new time and dictated the laws of fashion in the IT industry. Realizing that new century becomes impetuous, he launched the production of miniature, but perfect in their capabilities devices: iTunes media player, iPod music player, touch mobile phone iPhone, iPad internet tablet. Each of these devices appeared earlier than analogues and imposed a standard and parameters on competing companies.

Many books have been written and filmed about Jobs. a large number of documentaries and feature films. Most interesting printed edition is an authorized biography of Steve Jobs, published in 2011. The author of the book is American journalist Walter Isaacson.

Of the films, it is worth highlighting the documentary "iGenius: How Steve Jobs Changed the World", which was filmed by the Discovery Channel and the feature film "Jobs: Empire of Temptation", where the actor played the role of the legendary Jobs.

Personal life

In his youth, Steve was loving, as was expected in hippie culture. The first notable woman in his life was Chris Ann Brennan. Their relationship was complicated, the couple often quarreled and diverged. In 1978, Chris gave birth to a daughter, Lisa Brennan, whom Jobs did not initially acknowledge. But after a DNA test, he agreed to paternity.

He later had relationships with Barbara Jasinski, who worked in advertising, with folk singer Joan Baez, with computer consultant Tina Redse, whom he broke up with after the girl refused to marry him.

The only wife of the businessman was Lauren Powell, who at the time of their acquaintance was an employee of the bank. It is curious that, having made an offer in 1990, Jobs forgot about the bride for several months, as he plunged into another business project.

Nevertheless, in March 1991, Steve and Lauren became spouses, and in September their first child, Reed, was born. After 4 years, daughter Erin appeared, and in 1998 - little Eve. Interestingly, Steve forbade his children to use computers for a long time, limited the time of "communication" with iPhones and iPads.

In the mid-80s, Steve Jobs tracked down his biological mother and met sister Mona, with whom he began to maintain friendly relations.

Illness and death

Last thing public speaking Steve Jobs spent June 6, 2011 in his life. A few years earlier, the businessman had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He fought him different ways, including alternative ones, but the disease won. Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011 surrounded by his family.