When you do good to people, they are indifferent. How to do good to people and not get evil for it

Always say what you think and do what seems right to you - this is your life and no one will live it better than you. - Jean Reno

Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say what is not in accordance with the truth. Keep this most important thing, and you will complete the whole task of your life.
- Marcus Aurelius

You can blame others for everything and despair, or you can get up early every day and persevere to achieve success. - Luke Daly

A person who rejoices in the happiness of other people will always be happy himself.
- Geshe Jampa Tinley

Keep your spiritual light. Against all odds, no matter what. This is the light by which the same bright souls will find you.

A person has two lives, and the second begins when he realizes that there is only one life.
- Tom Hiddleston

Make as many mistakes as you can, just remember one thing: don't make the same mistake twice. And you will grow.
- Osho

When changes appear in your life, you can be sure that they are only for the better. Of course, it may not look like this at the time of the change itself, but if you wait a while and keep trust in this process, you will see that this is true.
- Neil Donald Walsh

If you are doing something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices - do not be upset: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time.
- John Lennon

Pride and arrogance are the servants of the devil. If you can't control them, they will control you.
- Al Pacino

Never explain anything to anyone - everyone will still understand how it is beneficial for him.
- Al Pacino

The word of a loved one heals better than all the doctors in the world. And kills faster than all the executioners.
- Al Pacino

It is easy to deceive the eye, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.
- Al Pacino

I don't have time to hate those who hate me.
- Al Pacino

The key to success is desire. And it burns in me all the time.
- Al Pacino

All human opinions are relative: everyone looks at things the way he likes.
- Wilhelm Windelband

Good must be done carefully. Sometimes helping your neighbor, you deprive him of the experience that will later help him survive.

And then you come to the age when you finally understand that small actions are much more serious than big words.
- Alisa Romanova

Millions of people have chosen to avoid sensitivity. They became thick-skinned, and only to protect themselves so that no one could hurt them. But the price is very high. No one can hurt them, but no one can make them happy.
- Osho

It is disgusting when in the words of a person there are high convictions, and in actions - low deeds.

"Judge not, lest you be judged." (Mat. 7:1), (1 Cor. 14:24)

You are trying so hard to judge the sins of others, start with your own and do not get to strangers.
- William Shakespeare

Why judge other people? Think about yourself more. Each sheep will be hung by its own tail. What do you care about other ponytails?
- Matrona of Moscow

Weird! A person is indignant at the evil that comes from outside, from others - that which he cannot eliminate, and does not fight his own evil, although this is in his power.
- Aurelius Marc Anthony

A perfect person seeks everything in himself, an insignificant person - in others.
- Confucius

A smart person will find a way out of any negative situation, and a wise person will not allow it.
- Boreev Georgy "Alien civilizations of Atlantis"

Pleasure is perishable - honor is immortal.
- Periander

Life is a station... life is a place where you can't live.
- Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

I would rather hire a person with enthusiasm than a person who knows everything.
- John Davison Rockefeller

I always try to see only the good in people, they themselves will show the bad.

I do not care what you think of me. I do not think about you at all.
- Coco Chanel

It is better to acquit ten guilty than to accuse one innocent.
- Catherine the Great

Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.
- Amy Winehouse

Only an immature person worries about what they will say about him or what he will be called. No matter how you call the sakura, whatever you call it, it still blooms divinely.
- Sakuma Shozan

Depression is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign that you've been trying to be strong for too long.
- Sigmund Freud

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not matured.
- Omar Khayyam

We have learned to fly in the sky like birds. We have learned to swim in the ocean like fish. Now it remains to learn how to live on earth like people.
- George Bernard Shaw

Nothing happens in vain. If you have done something, it means that at that particular moment of your life, at that particular stage of your development, there was a sense in this act. And if it seems to you that you could have acted differently, know that you could not.
- Hank Moody

Everyone goes their own way. But all roads still go nowhere. So, the whole point is in the road itself, how to go along it ... If you go with pleasure, then this is your road. If you feel bad, you can leave it at any moment, no matter how far you go. And it will be right.
- Carlos Castaneda

If you want to praise someone - do it immediately, and if you scold - postpone until tomorrow: you may think that this is not worth doing.
- Maksim Gorky

A smart man loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach.
- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Usually those who throw mud at others draw this mud from their own souls. But here is the paradox: their soul does not become purer from this and the dirt in it does not decrease.

There is nothing more monstrous than what we can inspire ourselves.
- Bernard Show

Most people get angry because of grievances that they themselves have made up, giving deep meaning to trifles.
- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

You are controlled by the one who makes you angry.
- Lao Tzu

When you do good to people, kind people appreciate it, indifferent people forget it, and impudent people become even more impudent.

The more a person has within himself, the less he expects from others.
- Irvin Yalom

Do not try to help anyone out by doing their inner work for someone. If you offer a crutch again and again to a man, he will certainly learn to limp.
— Chuck Hillig, "Seeds for the Soul"

“If I could go back and start over, I would start eating healthy and exercising non-stop. Then I found excuses for myself, but did not imagine the consequences.

Everyone thinks differently. If you think it's true, then it's true. Man creates his own truth.
- Igor Khobotov

The act is always more important than words. A person is able to yell for two hours - and help. Or lisp for two years - and betray.
- Al Pacino

When driving a nail into the soul, remember that even if you pull it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there that will overgrow for a long time and torment your owner. Don't hurt those who love you with all their heart.

Always be yourself and say what you feel. Those who judge don't matter, and those who matter don't judge.
- Dr. Seuss

Stations have seen more sincere kisses than registry offices, and the walls of hospitals may have heard more sincere prayers than churches.

A person does not have the opportunity to do good to everyone, but he has the opportunity not to harm anyone.

Give me funds mass media and I will make a herd of pigs out of any people.
- Joseph Goebbels

Stay simple and you will be great. Move slowly and you will arrive soon. Throw away the vanity and the great good will come true. Follow the deep path and it will be quickly traversed.
- Milarepa

Don't live tomorrow. Live today so that you don't regret anything. There will be no tomorrow for many people. Such is the mortal nature of man.

The weak never forgive. The ability to forgive is a property of the strong.
- Mahatma Gandhi

Distance doesn't hurt anything. The age difference does not spoil anything. The opinion of the parents does not spoil anything. People ruin everything. Sami.
- Bernard Show

If some sheep has shat in your soul, forgive her - she is from fear!

When the game ends, the king and pawn fall into the same box.
- Italian proverb

There is a class of people who will spit in your soul and will still behave as if it was you who offended them and should ask for forgiveness.

Do not litter your memory with insults, otherwise there may simply not be room for wonderful moments.
- Fedor Dostoevsky

"There is no medicine that can cure that which can cure happiness."
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

A person who makes no mistakes usually does nothing at all.
- Edward Phelps

Try to be the master of your appetite, otherwise you will be very surprised when you first find yourself a slave of this sin, and then the turn of his black assistant, death, will come.
- Milton

It is better to undereat occasionally than to overeat all the time.
- Abu-l-Faraj

Never regret anything: sometimes troubles happen for good, and dreams do not come true for the better.
- Oleg Roy

Sometimes you need to simulate a ship crash so that the rats escape from it.

We need to eat and drink so much that our strength is restored by this, and not suppressed.
- Cicero

No one should transgress the measure either in food or drink.
- Pythagoras

We cripple life with our follies and vices, and then complain about the misfortunes that followed them, and say that misfortune is inherent in the very nature of things.
— Bowie K.

A can of beer, a cigarette in your hand, love for money - the world is going downhill. With all my heart I want it to be fashionable to have a child, to be natural and to lead healthy lifestyle life.
- Mike Tyson

By helping lazy people, you help them sit on your neck.
- Han Xiangzi

There are three things that most people are afraid of: trust, tell the truth, and be yourself.

May you have a heart that will never harden, and a character that will never rot, and a touch that will never hurt.

The biggest mistake is that we give up quickly. Sometimes you just have to try one more time to get what you want.

Remember that what you want is not always what you really need.
- Dalai Lama

Kunti said, “You can forgive your enemies, but not your family members. Plants come alive because of water. Therefore, trees do not sink in water. The day when trees sink into water will be the end of the world. And when a family cheats, this dynasty is going to destruction.. ."
- Mahabharata 2013

Our great shortcoming is that we give up too quickly. The surest way to success is to keep trying one more time.
- Thomas Edison

Do not be sad! Life loves to escalate darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side!
- Paulo Coelho.

Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: "What should I do?" In the evening, before falling asleep: "What have I done?".
- Pythagoras

The poor, unfortunate, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word "tomorrow".
- Robert Kiyosaki

I want it. So it will be.
- Henry Ford

I have not been defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.
- Thomas Edison

Hard work is the accumulation of easy things that you didn't do when you should have.
— John Maxwell

The lesson I learned and followed all my life was to try and try and try again - but never give up!
— Richard Branson

A cat cannot be hypocritical. If a cat loves you, you know it. If you don't like it, you know it too.
- Stephen King

When a person begins to feel sorry for himself or come up with an excuse for his failures, he begins to gradually die.
- Napoleon Hill

The mockery of other people's suffering should not be forgiven.
- A.P. Chekhov

- Adriano Celentano

Pay for evil with sincerity, and pay for good with good.
- Confucius

If my absence does not change anything in your life, then my presence in it no longer matters.

Good people will bring you happiness, bad people will reward you with experience, the worst people will give you a lesson, and the best people will give you memories. Appreciate everyone.
- Will Smith

Decency and honesty are too expensive gifts. And don't expect them from cheap people.
- Woody Allen

We often repeat that a person is judged by his deeds, but sometimes we forget that a word is also an act. A person's speech is a mirror of himself. Everything false and deceitful, vulgar and vulgar, no matter how hard we try to hide it from others, all emptiness, callousness or rudeness breaks through in speech with the same force and obviousness with which sincerity and nobility, depth and subtlety of thoughts and feelings are manifested.
- Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

“When you do something for others from the bottom of your heart, without expecting gratitude, someone there writes it down in the book of fate and sends happiness that you never even dreamed of.”
- Angelina Jolie

It is much nobler to admit one's mistake than to bring the matter to the point of irreparable.
- Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Truth is forgotten in disputes. The one who is smarter stops the argument.
- Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Just know and believe that everything that happens to you leads you to your true, spiritual good, and you will meet illness, poverty, shame - all that is considered by people as disasters - not as disasters, but as something what is needed for your good, as a farmer takes the rain that is necessary for his field, soaking him, as a sick person takes a bitter medicine.
- Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

"- She was such a woman that her eyes penetrated my heart, lips, my mind. I would not exchange even one single glance for anything in this world. Every time she said Suleiman, I found myself in Paradise. She was not only a woman - she was poetry, a flower, my love, my sultana, she was everything! Kindness is disarmament; but both peoples and people only talk about it and never put it into practice.
- Etienne Rey

"If you are dissatisfied with the place that you occupy - change it! You are not a tree!"
— Jim Rohn

"The Lord is more willing to tolerate those who deny him altogether than those who compromise him"
- Victor Cherbulier

You can get everything you need, as long as you really need it.
- Ray Bradbury

“The only way to get to the top of the ladder is to climb rung by rung, one at a time. And in the process of this rise, you will suddenly discover in yourself all the necessary qualities, skills and abilities necessary for achieving success, which you, it seems, never possessed.
- Margaret Thatcher

"Have the courage to use YOUR mind."
- Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German philosopher

“Unfortunately, the world is not what it used to be. Children no longer obey their parents, everyone wants to write a book. The end of the world is near."
- Papyrus Prissa, circa 3350 B.C.

“When you do something for others from the bottom of your heart, without expecting gratitude, someone writes it in the book of fate and sends happiness that you never even dreamed of.”
- Angelina Jolie (b.1975), American actress, fashion model, public figure

If you have a dream, keep it! People who cannot do something will assure you that nothing will work out for you either. Set a goal, achieve it! And point.
— Mark Nielson

The cure for all my suffering is within me from the very beginning.
- Bruce Lee

Even if you are right, it does not mean that they will believe you. Truth must be fought for.
- Sergei Bodrov

We are not people having a spiritual experience. We are souls having a human experience.
- P. Chardin

Strive for happiness, and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls before.
- Joseph Gampbell

Unscrupulous speakers tend to present the bad as good.
- Plato

You can be anyone, but either be what you look like, or look like what you are.
- Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

Where a man is resisting, there is his prison.
- Epictetus

Always say what you think and do what seems right to you - this is your life and no one will live it better than you.
- Jean Reno

"If once you forgive an act to a person, never remember him again and do not reproach. This is low and illogical."

Remember, not getting what you want is sometimes luck.
- Dalai Lama

What appears to us as severe trials is sometimes actually a blessing in disguise.
- Oscar Wilde

As soon as you stop taking everything to heart, you will immediately feel an extraordinary surge of freedom.
- Miguel Ruiz

There is only one important thing for everyone in life - to improve your soul. Only in this one deed is there no obstacle for a person, and only from this deed does a person always feel joyful.
- Lev Tolstoy

A truly noble person is not born with a great soul, but he makes himself so great by his magnificent deeds.
- Francesco Petrarch

Let every mistake teach you a great lesson.
- Sri Chinmoy

To be fair, you must first be kind. And to be kind means to understand that all people make mistakes.
- Adriano Celentano

The most important component of the formula for success is the ability to get along with people.
-Theodore Roosevelt

Don't explain too much. Every explanation hides an apology.
- Carlos Castaneda

We know a person not by what he knows, but by what he enjoys.
- Tagore

True fasting is the removal of evil, the abstinence of the tongue, the suppression of anger in oneself, the excommunication of lusts, slander, lies and perjury.
- Saint Basil the Great

Many of us hide from ourselves and don't even know who they are. We do not understand our feelings and desires. And life is a journey in which we discover ourselves.
- Louise Hay

If you want to be successful, avoid the six vices: sleepiness, laziness, fear, anger, idleness, and indecision.
- Confucius

A person is valuable when his words match his actions.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
When it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your plan of action.
- Confucius

The longer I live, the more I understand that the main thing in life is to know exactly what you want, and not allow yourself to be confused by those who think they know better.
- Palem Granville Woodhouse

There are such tears that you must cry out, at any time of the day or night, to cry out so that everything inside burns out.
- Stephen King

The limit of stupidity is to draw an apple as it is. Draw at least a worm tormented by love, and a dancing lobster with castanets, and let the elephants flutter over the apple, and you yourself will see that the apple is superfluous here.
- Salvador Dali

AT recent times I began to live hard. I see, I began to understand too much.
- L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"

Stop looking for meaningless, weak excuses and accept the truth: you are either stupid, or lazy, or you don't give a damn.
- Larry Winget

You can break almost anyone, there would be a desire. But to put a broken person in order is hard work, not everyone will undertake this.
- Max Fry

What does the marble think, from which the sculptor carves a masterpiece? He thinks: "They beat me, spoil me, insult me, break me, I'm dead." Marble idiot.
- Jean Cocteau

Everything is possible. The impossible just takes more time.
- Dan Brown

Think about how difficult it is to change yourself, and you will understand how insignificant your ability to change others is.
- Voltaire

Don't cross oceans for people who wouldn't cross puddles for you.
- F. M. Dostoevsky

Do not look for people who do not lie - they do not exist. Look for those who deceive, but do not betray - you can deal with such people.
- Terry Gibson

It's not so much what you believe, but how you believe and how you put your faith into action.
- Lin Yutang

There is no delusion greater than hatred, and there is nothing greater than patience.
- Chinese wisdom

Ask yourself every minute if this is what you really want to do, and only do it when you hear the answer "yes". It will turn away from you those with whom you do not know anything about yourself, and will attract others from whom you should learn.
- Richard Bach

To win, you must first play.
- Albert Einstein

Canal builders release water, archers subdue an arrow, carpenters subdue wood, wise men humble themselves.
- Buddha Gautama


Touching something good and kind, you are drawn to touch it again and again... this is the magnetism of our life...

Our most great power lies in the kindness and tenderness of our heart...

If one or two friendly words can make a person happy, one must be a scoundrel to refuse him this. People, feel free to say kind words - it's so nice.

Nothing else is needed, just a little kindness.

Colum McCann. "And let the beautiful world spin"

If everyone does good within the limits of their ability, the possibilities for good will become limitless.

Fazil Iskander

A person does not have the opportunity to do good to everyone, but he has the opportunity not to harm anyone.

Kind words are easy to say, but their echo lives on in human hearts for a long time.

Kindness is the sun that warms the human soul. All good things in nature come from the sun, and all the best things in life come from man and his kindness.

Mikhail Prishvin


So today the Hedgehog said to the Bear cub:

It's good that we have each other!

The little bear nodded.

Just imagine: I'm not there, you're sitting alone and there's no one to talk to.

And where are you?

I am not here, I am out.

It doesn't happen like that, - said the Bear cub.

I think so too, - said the Hedgehog. “But all of a sudden, I don’t exist at all. You are alone. Well, what are you going to do?

I'll turn everything upside down and you'll be found!

There is no me, nowhere!

Then, then ... Then I will run out into the field, - said the Bear cub. - And I will shout: "Yo-yo-yo-zhi-i-i-k!", and you will hear and shout: "Bear-oh-oh-ok! .." Here.

No, said the Hedgehog. - I don't have one bit. Understand?

What are you doing to me? - Bear cub got angry. If you are not, then I am not. Understood?..

What you give is what you get - although sometimes not at all from where you expect it.

What difference does it make whether it's warm outside or cold when a little rainbow lives in your heart all day long...

Not everyone manages to see what the stars are doing in anticipation of the summer. So sit by the window, breathe as quietly as possible... and you will see... And let this be your big and amazing secret...

Open your heart!

Fill it with goodness and love!

And if you look at things correctly, then the whole world is a garden.

What you fill your heart with, then it comes out of it ...

Eduard Asadov

Mum! How long are we going to wait?

What to expect?

When the parachutes in dandelions ripen, will we fly?!

Let's fly!!!)))

When I'm sad, I try to please someone, to do some good deed. Watching another person rejoice, you rejoice yourself. The best thing is when you can help someone.

Erich Maria Remarque. Shelter Grez.

If the day is cloudy, shine yourself with the good that you have - and it will become brighter around you!

The good that you do from the heart, you always do to yourself.

Lev Tolstoy

Be pure in heart and kind in heart. The beauty of the soul is like a beacon of light attracting the happiness you deserve into your life.

Accustom yourself at the first glance at a person to always sincerely wish him well. Metropolitan Anthony of Surozh

The face is an amazing thing. It is immediately clear from the face whether a person has lost his soul or not. If not lost, if the soul is in place, then the face emits a soft light. Light of love.

I let goodness surround me. I accept good. I give good. I understand that this is one of the best qualities and allow him to firmly settle in my life.

And so as not to reproach after yourself

For hurting someone

Better to be kind in the world

Evil in the world and so enough.

E. Asadov

Gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns, grow in your soul, in its brightest corner, such beautiful flowers as virtue, modesty, honesty, justice and love. Then each of us will be able here in this world to decorate our window with a small pot of flowers. Victor Hugo

Whoever eats pancakes with jam cannot be so terribly dangerous. You can talk to this.

Tove Jansson. wizard hat

Carefully guard within yourself this treasure - kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, lose without regret, acquire without stinginess.

In anticipation of a miracle, do good deeds.

Then a miracle will come to you not empty-handed.

Kindness is a quality, the excess of which has never harmed anyone.

If the day is cloudy, shine yourself with the good that you have - and it will become brighter around you.

Simeon Athos

All living beings seek happiness; so let your compassion extend to all.


Everyone needs

to him from time to time

told a good story.

Tove Jansson.

All about the Moomins.

And how long will you fly in the clouds?!

Until the sky ends...

... If someone uses your kindness - do not be sorry!

It means that it was given to you more than to the one who uses it ...

“I just like to see people smile.

Do it with a smile and kindness. And everything will work out!

The place for good deeds is everywhere, the time for good deeds is always.

We will never know what is going on in someone's soul, but we can try to keep it warm.

The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness.

Do good - let them not understand ...

Give good - let it not come back !!!

Sow goodness here and there...

May it touch everyone!

There is no better feeling in the world than the feeling that you have done at least a drop of good for people. Lev Tolstoy

One slightest gesture - a smile, a gentle look, a pat on the shoulder, a kind word - can change a person's life.

Until this day is over, you have a chance to live with this opportunity.

See. Watch. See what this day brings you. And get ready.

If you think I'm exaggerating, please know I'm not. After all, someone right now is waiting for your smile, your look, your gesture.

You don't think you're just reading these lines, do you? Is this a coincidence?

A. Lindgren.

Kid and Carlson.

Whatever we send into other people's lives comes back into our own. I want to wish each of you a drop of warmth that would warm you every minute, no matter what.

The main thing is to breathe correctly)

Breathe Happiness...

Breathe good...

Try to do good to everyone, what and when you can, do not think about whether he appreciates or does not appreciate him, whether he will or will not be grateful to you. And rejoice not when you do good to someone, but when you endure insults from another without rancor, especially from someone who has been blessed by you.

Alexy Mechev

Each person has his own kind angel. These angels live on the White Clouds, walk in white socks and eat white marshmallows.

Live a life that makes you kind and friendly to other people, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how happy your life becomes.

Sow good deeds and you will reap their fruits.

Remember: from your bright smiles

Not only your mood depends,

But a thousand times the mood of others.

Eduard Asadov

If you can help a person - help, if you can't help - pray, if you don't know how to pray - think well of a person! And this will already be help, because bright thoughts are also weapons.

Be kind and they will reach out to you!

If there should be a little good, then at least let it be often.

Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

- Anger compresses the soul, and a person goes blind. Tell me, is it possible for an evil person to understand heaven?

Well, everyone sees him, both good and evil.

He sees with his eyes, but not with his heart. He sees and passes by. And he will die without understanding anything.

Everyone will be given a choice -

Who is ripe for what?

But the life of Man must be

From small good deeds!

Do good as if you are alone in the world and people will never know about your deed.

Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.

Above all, be kind; kindness disarms most people.

Any creature living on Earth is initially endowed with the gift of love, kindness and compassion. It is these qualities inherent in man as a rational being that are the true measure of the value of human life in all its manifestations.

The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.

The soul of every person rejoices when he does good to another.

Lead your life in such a way that every evening you can say to yourself: one day of my life has decreased, one good deed has been added ...

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; there is no need for a complex philosophy. Our own brain and our own heart are our temple; and philosophy is kindness.

Dalai Lama

Strive to do good, and you will understandthat happiness will run after you.


A person offended you, and you take it and do him good, give him the warmth and caress of your soul, and the knot will untie, the anchor will fall from your heart. After that, you will begin to live and breathe easier. Through such victories with love in the places of your defeat, the heart, step by step, victory after victory, will become pure.

This world is mountains, and our actions are screams: the echo from our cry in the mountains always returns to us.

Each gives to the other what he has in his heart.

Are you cold?

No, but if you want to warm me, then I'm cold.

If you are waiting for the good of gratitude -

you don't give goodness, you sell it...

If you want to win hearts -

Plant the seeds of love.

If you want heavenly life -

Don't throw spikes in the way.

True kindness is silent.She has many actions in store, but not a single word.

In order for the whole world to be in our hands, we just need to stop clenching our fists and open our palms ...

Once you get used to the good life, it gets even better!

The day will not be in vain if you give someone your smile.

A truly great religion: a good heart.

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. L.N. Tolstoy

My religion is very simple. I don't need temples. I don't need any special, complex philosophy. My heart, my head is my temple. My philosophy is kindness. Dalai Lama

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad things, I feel bad. Here is my religion.

Try your best to purify yourself of evil towards people. For by accumulating evil towards people in yourself, you accumulate poison, which sooner or later will kill the person in you.

Excuse me, but you won’t bring me to good by any chance?

And the ice melts when we shine, and hearts open when we love, and people change when we are open, and miracles happen when we believe.

Bring each other!

Bring to goodness, happiness and love.

The ability to love is a talent from God.

The ability to regret - from kindness.

The ability to forgive without knowing the deadline -

from the wisdom and tenderness of the soul!

“… be patient, do not get annoyed, most importantly, do not get angry. You will never destroy evil with evil, you will never drive it out. It fears only love, it fears the good…”

From the letters of St. Athanasius

Sometimes they say - the struggle between good and evil. I think that good cannot fight evil, otherwise it will be some kind of strange good. Goodness is like light, and light cannot fight darkness when it is there - darkness simply disappears.

Learn to understand others with your heart, and your heart will learn to love.

When we do evil, we harm ourselves and others. When we do good, we benefit ourselves and others. And, like all forces in man, these forces of good and evil draw their vitality from the surrounding world.

At the end of your life, it won't matter how many cars you have in your garage or what clubs you've been to. It is important how many lives you have changed, how many people you have influenced and whom you have helped. Do good! It's nice!

When we surround ourselves good people and good thoughts - life begins to change for the better.

Do not complain about the coldness of the world around you if you yourself have not put a drop of warmth into it.

Live without harm.

Take care of the person in you.

Note: Tea without sweets, brewing - down the drain!

We drink and say: diet-diet, wait until summer!

Goodwill in a person makes him attractive. If you want to conquer the world, don't try to pressure it, conquer it with kindness.

Alexander McLaren.

It is somewhat discouraging, of course: to struggle all your life over the problem of humanity, in order to finally understand that the fruit of all your research fits into one single piece of advice: "Let's be at least a little kinder to each other."

Aldous Huxley

Hug people, animals, trees :)

Take the RAINBOW and decorate your world.
Take a ray of LIGHT and direct it to where darkness reigns.
Take a SMILE and give it to someone who needs it so much.
Take a TEAR and put it on the cheek of someone who does not know the tears of sympathy.
Take KINDNESS and show it to someone who himself has not learned to give.
Take the FAITH and share it with everyone who doesn't have it.
Take HOPE and support with it the one who has already begun to lose it.
Take LOVE and bring it to the whole world.

I had a real miracle today!

Solar Rain poured from heaven to earth.

He gave every person on earth a drop of the Sun-Happiness.

Everyone treated their drop differently.

For some, she became the light of the only hope in the night, someone did not even notice her because she herself glows, almost like the sun.

In someone's soul, this drop of light froze, as if turned into a diamond, but did not go out.

The time will come and she will melt.

For someone, it was from this solar gift that the dawn began, somewhere a single light droplet brought a small sprout back to life in a dry time ...

But this rain brought good to everyone.

And after it, a rainbow shone for a long time and not only in the sky, but also in every heart ...

Such a childish dream, after which I want to believe that the world will be kind and bright ...


One little girl, when she was in a bad mood, entered the room with the words: - Hello to no one!

It would seem that a simple rule of courtesy, but how many people in a hurry forget about this simple little thing. And the person following you will certainly appreciate the fact that you stopped for a second and held the door for him.

2. Do a little charity

Finally, sort out your closets and donate unnecessary things to orphanages or to another place, for example, where a natural disaster has recently occurred (such collections are carried out regularly). You don’t need these things at all, but they will bring joy to someone, they will warm someone, and perhaps even.

3. Leave a positive review for your favorite cafe

We don't skimp on negative reviews. It is worth offending us, and friends from all will know about it social networks. When everything is fine, we are somehow in no hurry to shout about it at every corner. If you liked a cafe or some other institution, leave a positive review about it. It will not take you much time, and the cafe will acquire several new visitors. And your friends will surely thank you for your advice about a good place where they spent a wonderful evening.

4. Donate blood

If you were not too lazy to go to the blood donation point once, you have already saved someone's life.

5. Try volunteering at a nursing home for a while

Oh, it's not easy. It takes a certain amount of character to spend at least a few hours in a nursing home, where there are mostly elderly people who are probably too burdensome for their loved ones or who have no loved ones at all. A few hours spent with them for a conversation or some kind of game will be remembered by him, because it will be a whole event for the old people in a series of rather boring days.

6. Help new neighbors settle in

Are new neighbors moving into your building? It would be nice to start by saying hello to them. Offer help in moving, perhaps suggest something, answer questions. A few simple steps that will help you strengthen good neighborly relations, and maybe make new friends.

7. Skip someone forward in line at the supermarket

If you have a basket full of groceries, and a customer is languishing behind you in line with a single bottle of water, why not let him go ahead, especially if you are not in too much of a hurry. I'm sure he will not only be very surprised, but also very grateful to you.

8. Send a surprise gift to a friend

You don't have to wait for the holidays. Just in honor Have a good mood send a friend who lives in another city a book or some kind of trinket, or even just a postcard. It is always such a joy to receive parcels!

9. Bring something delicious to the office

Why not treat your colleagues or donuts in the morning? Why not bring a watermelon to the office, for example, and eat it all together? Everyone's mood will definitely improve.

10. Offer your parking space to an oncoming car

Park somewhere at shopping center is a real problem, especially in holidays. If you are about to leave and, approaching your car, pay attention to the driver who is looking for a parking spot for himself, indicate to him that you will leave now so that he can slow down and get into your place.

11. Help the motorist on the road

If you are an experienced driver and you see a car stopped on the side of the road with hazard lights on, stop and offer help.

12. Lend change to someone in line.

If you are standing behind someone in line at the checkout and the person suddenly lacks 50 kopecks to pay for the purchase, or there is no change to give without change, lend them to him. It is clear that he will not return the money to you, but this is not such a great value, and you will save a person from having to refuse one of their purchases. And the queue behind you will be grateful that you did not make you wait for the cashier to issue the cancellation of the goods.

13. Give up your seat on the subway, minibus or tram

This is not only about the elderly, who, of course, should give way. Give in if you see that the person next to you is having a hard time standing, is too tired, is unwell, or has heavy bags.

14. Leave leftover food in the trash

My mother never just throws away the leftover food, which, in principle, can still be eaten, or dried bread. She carefully folds it into a bag and hangs it near the street trash cans. Some homeless person will not need to dig through the garbage for a long time to find food, he can just take a bag.

15. Pick up something that someone has dropped

If someone drops a glove or something, be sure to call out to the person and point out the loss. And if you are standing nearby, then pick up the thing and give it to him.

16. Teach someone what you're good at.

I recently explained to a female photographer how to use the Dropbox service. It took a few minutes, but she was happy to be able to use such a handy tool now. If you are a pro at something, teach others what you know.

17. Ask tourists to take pictures of them.

If you suddenly see tourists on the street who are trying at arm's length, offer them help. Surely no one wants all their photos to be the same: huge faces and tiny sights somewhere in the background near the ear.

18. Bring a treat for your friends pet

You have leftover meat bones from dinner, and in the evening you go to visit friends who have ? Take the bones with you. Your friends and their pet will thank you.

19. Share greens and vegetables from your garden with a neighbor

If you or your parents have your own garden and you have a lot more greens and vegetables than you can eat yourself, share them with friends or neighbors.

20. Share discounts

If you have extra discount coupons that you are unlikely to use, give them to those who need them. Do not keep until the last, then throw it away.

These are far from all the ideas of small good deeds that can be done regularly, without spending a lot of effort and money. Tell us in the comments about your options for small good deeds.

Our whole life is thoroughly saturated with communication, and this is wonderful. Friendly support, respect, love coming from other people not only support in difficult life circumstances, but are also an indispensable attribute of success and happiness.

However, in order to maintain good relations with others, it is necessary to follow certain rules of communication. Consider the 8 golden rules of communication.

1. Do not accumulate resentment - it is worth a lot.

You need to learn to forgive. This is not necessary for others, but, first of all, for you. It is not necessary to continue to communicate with the offender.

2. Do not be offended by the children that they do not understand you.

To understand, one must go through the same life path. There is a long distance between you. So it was and so it will be. The problem of fathers and children is an eternal problem.

3. When doing good, do not expect good.

Don't expect others to love you, respect you. Learn to enjoy the fact that you are a giver and do good when there is a call from the soul, and not when you are forced.

“Blessed is he who does not expect anything, because he will never be disappointed” (A. Pop).

4. Don't criticize!

“Criticism is useless because it makes a person defensive and, as a rule, a person seeks to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous because it offends a sense of self-importance and causes offense ”(D. Carnegie).

5. Don't argue.

You can't prove anything to anyone anyway. Everyone stays on their own. All the same, the other will not be able to understand you, because. he has a different life experience.

“There is only one way in the world to win an argument - this is to evade it” (D. Carnegie).

6. Don't impose your past on others unless you're asked to.

Any imposed action, even love, is aggression.

7. When evaluating the behavior of another person, try to take into account the situation and circumstances.

Our positive image of "I" is largely due to the fact that we can forgive ourselves for inappropriate behavior, referring to an unfavorable situation and circumstances, but we do not forgive another, building his holistic portrait based on a specific situation and circumstances.

8. Don't demand or expect others to be like you.

There are different "kinds" of people with different levels of consciousness and self-awareness. These species differences between people are the same as between different types animals (ant, elephant, monkey, etc.). But even among people of the same species, there are individual differences. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the difference in thoughts, actions, motives and values. Try to accept people for who they are.

From childhood we hear that good conquers evil, and kindness is the most valuable quality. But experience shows that things are somewhat different. We all want to be responsive to us, At the same time, not everyone is ready to meet people halfway. Those who do good often suffer from it. Why? And how to be sympathetic, a good person not to the detriment of oneself?

You to me - I to you

Perhaps one of the main problems of a well-mannered person is the belief that he is indebted to others for life. It is necessary to give way to pensioners, pregnant women, children (even if these children already have mustaches!), citizens tired after work and drunk passengers (they will fall more). You can't refuse bosses to work overtime, colleagues - to help, and, especially, friends - in requests for money. It is impossible not to answer the phone call of a distant relative, even if you know that the conversation with her will take an hour and a half, and you have a lot to do. All these obligations multiply every day, like yeast in sweet water. And there is only one way to stop this process. simple question: “Why do I always owe something to someone?”

In psychology, there is such a tricky term as "the tyranny of duty." It implies the constant fulfillment of the obligations assumed, due to the burden of which a person does not feel the taste of life, does not notice the passage of time and does not have time to realize own desires. If you are ready to take a time out and stop doing good to your own detriment, you need to become more demanding towards people.

Before rushing to help someone, evaluate how much the person really needs it and whether there are people around who could do the same, but with greater efficiency. For example, there is no need to waste time trying to figure out a city map on a smartphone to help a visitor find their way if you yourself are passing through here. Honestly admit that you are also "not local". Someone from the passers-by will be able to help him better and faster than you.

✔︎ Do good with someone else's hands

Or, as they say today, delegate authority. For example, if you entered the passenger compartment of the bus elderly woman, and a young man is sitting next to you, then it is not necessary to jump up yourself - politely ask him to give way to your grandmother.

✔︎ Learn to identify situations in which other people are not so much in need of help as they are trying to shift the burden of their problems onto your shoulders and get rid of responsibility

So, many colleagues, asking them to "help out", usually want you to just work for them. The question is, for what reason? Offer a fair deal: you prepare a report, and a colleague prepares a presentation for you or gives away part of the award. You'll see: the queue of petitioners will become much thinner!

The other side of the coin

Like any other abstract concept, good has many meanings, and each person means something different by it. Therefore, before doing any kind deed, it is better to make sure that other people need it.
How many marriages have broken up thanks to the care of the parents of the spouses! How many children have suffered because of compassionate relatives and neighbors who decided to tell the child the truth about the adoption! How many women have been spoiled by caring friends who decide to express their “competent opinion” about a new haircut or dress! If you do not want to multiply such “goodness” in the world, it is worth recognizing that in many situations it is better - this is inaction and silence.

✔︎ Try not to interfere in other people's affairs without a personal request

You may notice that you often rush to the aid of those people who do not expect anyone's advice. You need to be most careful in areas such as raising children, spouse relationships, maintaining health and housekeeping. Here everyone considers himself a professional and does not want to listen to other people's recommendations.

✔︎ Try to be honest with yourself and analyze your motives more often when doing good deeds

Do you want to hear someone praise or gain a reputation as a competent person? If this is the case, then it is better to save the next "feat on schedule" for a more appropriate occasion.

✔︎ Quite often we have to do good under the pressure of others

For example, you might be expected to, in the name of justice, name the person responsible for the failure of a project that the entire company was working on. In such situations, it is worth asking yourself the question: will your truth make someone happy, or can you do without it? It is not for nothing that small children believe that sneaks need to be beaten.

✔︎ Do not forget that in most cases, when we observe other people's problems, most of the information is not available to us

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, the help that we try to offer may not be adequate to the situation. For example, when you see a girl next door wearing a huge brother's jacket, you may want to give her the things that your daughter has grown out of. But when you offer your neighbors a package, you will hear offended: “Yes, Varka has a lot of his own things! And she put on this jacket because of a funny picture. Barely persuaded her to take off!”

Do no good - you will not get evil

There are people for whom no matter how good you do, everything is not enough for them! If you lent a thousand, then in a week they will ask twice as much, although they have not yet returned a penny. If you agreed to help a colleague, he may reproach you for not doing his job very well. Before you grab onto good deeds, make sure that a person is able to feel gratitude and will not sit on your neck. Charitable foundations first learn all the details about the person and his problem, and then provide assistance. Take an example!

■ Remember if you had misunderstandings, conflicts with this person

If there is something to remember, you do not need to step on the same rake again. You can refer to these incidents when refusing to help. Perhaps the person will be offended. But both for you and for him it will be obvious that the problem is not in your callousness, but in his irresponsibility or greed.

■ Give a fishing rod, not a fish

Prompt the direction in which to act, and do not offer a ready-made solution to the problem. Your help should be an incentive for a person to continue to act on his own. Instead of persuading management to take a friend to work, just tell her about the vacancy - let her compete for the place herself.

■ Sometimes the best thing to do is to leave the person without help.

Thus, you will force him to act independently. For example, if an unemployed person is deprived of a permanent source of income, this will force him to look for work. And the absence of a clue will help the child take up the textbook and look for the answer himself.

■ Keep in mind that by helping one, you may harm another

Suppose, by regularly informing your mother-in-law about the affairs of her son, you thereby prevent your husband from leaving her custody.