Sale of chopped firewood as a business. Business in the production and sale of firewood

Can firewood bring stable income? It's no secret that the cost of various fuels is constantly growing today, so many people have begun to actively use stoves. In addition, most private sector houses are heated with wood. Inhabitants settlements they often install fireplaces in their homes, which serve not only as a fashionable piece of furniture, but also as an additional source of heat. In addition, the use of firewood allows you to significantly save on gas bills. They are also widely used for kindling baths and heating greenhouses in the winter.

All this suggests that the wood burning business is a promising area of ​​activity. Organize your own business literally from scratch, without having much start-up capital, almost every person can, besides, the competition in this niche is minimal.

Sale of firewood as a business

How to start organizing own business selling firewood? First of all, you need to understand the intricacies of its conduct. Wood is in great demand among the population, as it is needed for burning in fireplaces, stoves and solid fuel boilers. Firewood is used to generate thermal energy. Compared to other types of fuel, they are much cheaper and can be stored for a very long time without losing their physical characteristics. This enables entrepreneurs to harvest firewood in the summer so that they can be sold.

This trend has not lost its relevance to this day. As practice shows, maximum income can be obtained if you engage in a full cycle of firewood harvesting. It includes:

  • purchase of timber;
  • sawing logs;
  • cutting and splitting blanks;
  • storage and sale of finished firewood.

New entrepreneurs are encouraged to think ahead about how to run a business. It should be noted right away that in order to achieve success in this niche, one should be engaged in the promotion of the company, the search for buyers and organizational matters. It is also recommended to hire workers who will be engaged in sawing and harvesting firewood. If you perform these duties on your own, you can not even think about high profits, since one person cannot cope with such a difficult task.

Despite the fact that the wood-fired business is seasonal, such activities literally allow you to do this without having your own harvesting workshop. This is primarily due to the fact that in the warm season, many people stock up on natural fuel for the winter, and with the onset of cold weather, the demand for it increases many times over.

Business registration

If the size of the initial investment is minimal and it is not planned to open a large organization, the best option would be to register an individual entrepreneurship. It is better to register a large company as an LLC. Businessmen who apply for IP will not have to experience difficulties with submitting a large number of tax returns. Open a society with limited liability much more difficult, since the co-founders will be required to submit to the tax authorities the Articles of Association of the enterprise, information about the leaders and evidence of the availability of capital.

During the registration of a business, beginners may be faced with the choice of OKVED classes. In this case, it is recommended to select 16.10 - "Planing and sawing wood" or 02.20 - "Logging". But please note that not every enterprise will cooperate with individual entrepreneurs, and transactions are more readily concluded with organizations.

Important: many people have already appreciated the prospects for a full cycle of firewood harvesting and sale. If a newcomer wants to introduce it into his activities, he must obtain a permit from the forestry to cut down the forest.

Search for premises

To get started, you need to find a suitable room to store a supply of firewood. Its size will largely depend on the scale of the enterprise. Suitable for these purposes warehouse space or hangars, which can be rented at an affordable price if located on the outskirts of a city or in an industrial area.

In addition, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to organize a dacha by adapting a spacious barn or outbuilding for storage. General requirement to all warehouses is the lack of moisture in them, since the firewood must be dry, otherwise there will be difficulties with their implementation.

It is desirable to have a spacious area near the structure where the stock of wood will be stored. This is necessary so that long workpieces fit easily on the street. It is recommended to make a canopy to prevent precipitation from falling on the firewood. In addition, they are easier to load from open space for shipment to the customer. The cost of renting warehouses with an area of ​​100 m² or more varies within 30 thousand rubles per month.

Purchase of equipment

If an entrepreneur is thinking about organizing, harvesting and selling firewood will be one of the best options. For the company to work, it will be necessary to purchase special equipment for sawing and splitting wood. An example equipment list might look like this:

  • goggles;
  • mittens;
  • axes;
  • saws (hand and petrol);
  • crowbars;
  • ropes;
  • safety belts;
  • helmets.

Harvesting firewood is closely related to their splitting, so you need to purchase special wedges and a mechanical wood splitter. The total cost of purchasing equipment varies within 25 thousand rubles.

Advice: The main tool for harvesting firewood is a chainsaw. It allows you to perform a large amount of work and decently saves time. It is not worth saving on the purchase of such equipment, since low-quality equipment fails quite quickly and leads to a downtime in the workflow. It is better to purchase a professional tool of foreign and domestic manufacturers of well-known brands.

If funds allow, the entrepreneur may also consider the option of opening. Today, such products are in good consumer demand, moreover, they can bring good additional income.

Personnel attraction

Most often, firewood harvesting enterprises located far from the city are staffed by people living nearby or visitors. How many people will be required for the organization production process? In a small enterprise, 4-6 employees can do all the work. Two must be assigned to sawing blanks. 2 more workers are needed for chopping firewood. It is also worth taking two people who will pack, stack and load the finished material.

Usually, firewood is packed in mesh bags or stacked on pallets for further transportation. As far as their pay is concerned, total amount monthly costs will amount to 120 thousand rubles for 6 staff members. To maintain the financial accounting of the company and pay salaries to employees, an accountant will be required (if necessary, such a specialist may also have debts of the enterprise). Its services can be outsourced, which will reduce costs. They will cost about 7 thousand monthly.

Conducting an advertising campaign

It is extremely important for a firewood company to properly organize marketing and determine the distribution channels for products, since the stability of work and the amount of profit depend on this. First you need to submit ads on television and radio channels. It is also worth taking care of advertising in the print press. A large number of potential buyers browse the Internet every day. For this reason, one should take advantage of selling firewood and post offers on bulletin boards.

Problems with the implementation of firewood should not arise in the process of work. They are purchased in large quantities by resellers. In addition, ordinary consumers buy firewood at a high price. People stock up on firewood for the winter in large quantities and take them in bulk. Feel free to offer your products production organizations who use firewood to heat industrial furnaces. To do this, you need to set a good wholesale price and take responsibility for the delivery of goods. Cost advertising campaign will vary within 20 thousand rubles per month.

Wood burning business - financial plan

Let's look at an example of compiling financial plan for an enterprise for the preparation and sale of firewood. It is a calculation that allows you to determine the amount of capital investment to open a company, monthly costs and potential profits.

To open a business, the following costs will be required:

  • registration of a business (as an LLC) - 15 thousand rubles;
  • warehouse rental (for 1 year) - 360 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 25 thousand rubles;
  • transportation costs - 15 thousand rubles;
  • consumables (bags, pallets) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of blanks - 50 thousand rubles.

Total - starting investments will amount to 505 thousand rubles. This amount can be reduced by renting warehouses for a shorter period and in the future, as profits come in, extend it. Now let's calculate the monthly expenses of the company:

  • advertising campaign - 20 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary - 127 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 15 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 10 thousand rubles;
  • additional costs - 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, mandatory expenses will amount to 192 thousand rubles. We have not included in the calculations the monthly cost of purchasing wood, since its quantity should be determined based on the turnover of the enterprise. Such expenses can start from 50 thousand rubles.

As for the possible income of the enterprise, it is easy to calculate them using some data. So, average cost one cubic meter of firewood varies within 1.2 thousand rubles. For 1 work shift, they can produce 24 m³, which in monetary terms is equal to 28.8 thousand rubles. For a month (including 2 days off) you can sell finished products by 720 thousand. From this amount we subtract the purchase cost of wood and mandatory monthly payments, as a result we get a net profit.


Consider frequently asked questions on the topic.

Where to get wood for firewood?

To organize the sale of firewood, businessmen need to find suppliers of raw materials. The main sources of its production are sawmills, furniture factories and sawmills.

Important: Entrepreneurs would do well to know what categories of firewood exist so that they can offer a product to customers on request. Unchopped logs are popular with residents of towns and villages. They are inexpensive and designed for independent splitting. As a rule, after delivery to the warehouse, such products are immediately sold without pre-treatment. Chopped firewood is the most valuable commodity, as it is in great consumer demand and brings the maximum income to the business owner. Usually splitting of material and packaging are carried out near the warehouse of the enterprise. In addition, there are branded firewood. Such logs are an extra-class product, which is in great demand among the owners of country cottages and mansions. In fact, they are ordinary firewood, but with the logo of the manufacturer. Wood chocks are packaged in mesh bags and go on sale in this form.

In addition to buying timber from specialized enterprises, a businessman can organize tree filing. In this case, the income will come from the provision utilities, besides, you do not have to pay for wood.

Is it possible to sell cuttings and chips?

Trimmings and chips are hot commodities because their cost is low. Sawmill waste burns quickly and provides a large amount of thermal energy. Usually they are bought for kindling stoves and fireplaces. In addition, wood chips are an environmentally friendly material that is harmless to humans when burned.

The main supplier of this product is sawmills. If there is not enough money to develop a firewood business, you can start your business by reselling wood trimmings and chips, since such products are always in demand. Calculate the approximate income from the sale of wood chips. If you buy a whole truckload of wood waste at a price of 6 thousand rubles, its volume can be distributed into bags. Their number will be within 190 pieces. The cost of one bag of wood chips and scraps is an average of 290 rubles. Thus, the proceeds from the sale of this volume will be equal to 55.1 thousand rubles. From the amount you need to subtract transportation costs and the cost of buying bags, as a result, you get about 45 thousand rubles of net profit. The benefits of selling wood waste are obvious.

Let's reveal some secrets of this business. Hardwoods are expensive because they generate a lot of heat and burn much longer. The cost of dry blanks on the market is much higher than freshly sawn products. Small enterprises that are engaged in the retail sale of firewood are regular buyers of loggers. Small discounts should be assigned to them, which will allow cooperation. long time and get a stable income. It is also recommended to make large packages of firewood. This will make it possible to receive maximum earnings, since they are more expensive. IN without fail it is necessary to check each batch of logging in order to avoid possible troubles with further implementation.

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Summing up, we note that the business of harvesting and selling firewood has a good prospect, is not afraid of competition, moreover, such products will always be in great consumer demand. But do not forget that the sale of wood is still a seasonal activity, so when the company reaches a stable income, you can think about scaling it up (for example, opening your own sawmill, which will multiply profits).

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Selling firewood may not make you rich, but if you know how to do it, it can give you a small to moderate extra income that is stable during the cold weather season. Prepare the wood and brush up on government regulations regarding the sale of firewood. When you have mastered all the details, you can start selling your product.


Part 1

Firewood preparation

    Use the right tools. You need tools that will allow you to cut and transport firewood.

    • Chainsaws are the best tool for cutting firewood, but you may also need a bow saw, a Swedish saw, and a razor-sharp axe. If you need to drive a wedge, use a sledgehammer and a mallet.
    • It is very convenient to have a mechanized log splitter as it can save a lot of time and energy.
    • For a small business, a firewood truck can be used, but if you want to expand your business, you will need a low loader.
  1. Find a good source of firewood. You cannot cut down any tree you see. You must harvest firewood for sale in a legally permitted location.

    • Firewood can generally be harvested on one's own land unless there are laws against harvesting it in that zone.
    • It is usually possible to collect marked trees in national forests.
    • Thin, dead and dying trees in private forests, uncultivated areas near fences, and building lots can usually be used as well.
    • Purchase excess wood, which is usually thrown away at sawmills.
    • Offer to cut down and remove unwanted trees that have fallen since the storm.
  2. Remove the bark. Although not required, processing your firewood will generally make it legally easier to supply firewood to a larger contingent of customers or buyers. One of the most simple ways wood processing - just remove the outer layer.

    • If you choose this option, you will have to remove the bark and the one-and-a-half-centimeter layer of wood underneath, called the cambium.
  3. Alternatively, use a kiln treatment. Another easy way to treat firewood for shipping out of the county or out of state is kiln treatment, which dries the wood and kills various worms or grubs.

    • The maximum allowable wood thickness is usually around 8 centimeters.
    • Use steam, hot water, or stoves to heat the wood to at least 70 degrees Celsius. Hold this temperature for at least 75 minutes.
  4. Store wood in dry conditions. Store prepared firewood in neatly stacked bundles and keep them in a dry place.

    • Ideally, firewood should be raised off the ground so that moisture does not soak into it through the soil.
    • If it is necessary to store firewood outdoors, cover it with a tarpaulin or similar covering on piles to limit the amount of moisture coming into contact with the wood.

    Part 2

    Care about legal matters
    1. Get state approval. In accordance with the procedure of each state, you will be required to complete an application for permission to sell firewood.

      • Get the form, complete it, sign it, and return it to the state forestry office for approval.
      • Once approved, you will be issued with stamps or tickets that can be used to mark bundles. Your name will also be added to the list of government-approved providers.
      • You will need a separate permit for each county where you harvest wood and for each separate species firewood.
    2. Renew your permit every year. Since firewood sources and other details may change annually, you will need to re-apply as a supplier each year.

      • Make sure you renew your permit on time. As a rule, the renewal period is in early - mid-autumn.
    3. Sell ​​firewood only in the state. Some states will allow you to ship firewood across state lines under strict conditions, most states don't approve of this, so it's easier and safer to only sell firewood locally.

      Pack firewood in units based on cords. Most states only allow firewood to be sold in full or partial cords. Cord - a stack of firewood of 39 cubic meters. Therefore, half the cord is 19.5 cubic meters and a quarter of the cord - 9.8 cubic meters.

      • Pack sizes do not need to be exact as long as the total volume equals the correct quantity. For example, a package can be 1.2m wide, 1.2m high and 2.4m long, but it can also be 0.61m wide, 1.2m high and 4.9m long .
      • You are not allowed to sell firewood using terms such as "cord end", "block", "pile", or "truck".
    4. Pay taxes. No matter how much firewood you sell, once you decide to become a firewood supplier and apply for a permit, you become a small business. Thus, you will have to pay taxes for small businesses.

    Part 3

    Sale of wood
    1. Concentrate your efforts on right time of the year. People are obviously more interested in buying firewood in late autumn, winter and early spring. You can sell timber at other times of the year, but you will make the most profit when the weather is cold and demand is high.

      • You may also notice that temperature fluctuations during an already cold season will increase your sales further, especially if temperatures are expected to remain low for several days.

The ever-increasing price of fuel and the need for heat in the winter have led to a "sales boom" for wood-burning stoves. The situation was also influenced by the desire of the middle class and wealthy families to build fireplaces as an additional source of heat and a luxury item that creates an atmosphere of comfort. The resurgence in popularity of wood burning, and the rapidly growing sales of related equipment, have created a demand for firewood that is almost impossible to meet.

This demand almost doubled the cost of firewood in a few years. Whatever the cost of shipping in your area, you can expect that over the next ten years, the cost of woodfuel will increase by 20-30% annually.

The potential market is highly dependent on the weather. You will find buyers, both among residents of apartments and among homeowners. The rich buy more. Those who care about cleanliness environment and strive for "simplicity" are also part of your market.

Do not think that selling firewood is possible only in the cold northern regions. People living in the south buy firewood for the same reasons as those in the north.

One of the secrets to success in this is understanding why people in your area use firewood. Then it is necessary to study when and how often they need them, and to satisfy their needs.

To successfully sell firewood, no special education is required. Keep in mind that your potential buyers range from villagers to doctors, lawyers, real estate sellers, and even university professors.

Necessary equipment depends on the type of product you will be shipping.

Before you start working, you must decide which kind of activity suits you best - wholesale in retail, or direct retail sale.

Then you need to decide on the type of firewood you will be selling. There are three categories of wood:

1) trimmings, wood chips for kindling;
2) non-chopped logs, the size at the request of the buyer;
3) chopped firewood of standard size.

The next step is to find a source of supply. It is better to have even several sources. Later, as your business develops and grows, you may want to sell a few various types firewood. Consider the types of fuel so that you can explore the possibilities of suppliers and their prices.


The best source of this type of firewood is sawmills. If you live in a metropolitan area, take several trips to small towns in the wooded areas of your area. A little initiative on your part - and you will certainly find a few small working sawmills. What needs to be done is to buy a truck loaded with scraps, take them home and put them in bags.

A truckload of scraps that you may have bought for $50 will be broken down into, say, 200 full bags, which you will sell for $5 per bag. Multiply those 200 bags of firewood by $5 each, and you get the income for a truckload of firewood that only cost you $50. With such a source of supply, you can meet local demand.

The advantages of scraps are that it is a clean fuel, burns easily and quickly, and releases a lot of heat. Packaged in bags, it is an ideal fuel for those who live in apartments and for people who live in warm areas and need firewood only at short intervals each winter. Until you can supply different types goods, you should stop selling firewood in the form of scraps, constantly increasing the amount received from stable suppliers.

We advise you to stay within the limits of supply and demand, and then concentrate on sales and market development. If the volume of work increases, the supply of offcuts and chips is definitely worth considering.

Other sources of offcuts may be local timber yards; firms processing wood or producing furniture; people working on the construction and refurbishment of houses. In many cases, you will be able to offer to visit them once a week and clean up the work areas by hauling off the wood cuttings. Maybe they'll give it away for free. You can even pay. The only drawback is that you yourself have to sort the wood and cut it to a size acceptable for bags. Using an electric or chainsaw, you will spend no more than two hours on a scrap truck.

When the wood is ready for bagging, you can save time and increase profits by hiring a couple of helpers. Contact a nearby high school; explain that you need a couple of guys for temporary work for packing firewood. Set the pay rate for 100 full bags. One of the two students is holding the bag open while the other is using a shovel to fill the bag. After that, two bags can be tied with a rope. Full bags are put up for sale. Estimate the time it will take for two strong guys working at a fast pace to fill 100 bags. Knowing the hourly tariff rate, you will determine the payment for 100 loaded bags.

For the supply of woven bags suitable for packing firewood, please contact wholesalers. Buying at in large numbers you will get them at a very low price. There you will also buy twine for tying bags.


Many people have chainsaws, but there is no time to go into the forest and collect firewood.

By giving them a place close to home where they can cut and chop their own wood, you will ensure a steady flow of customers. You need a large plot - about half a hectare per hectare - preferably on the outskirts of the city. The first thing to do is put up a fence around the property and put up a small building that will serve as your office.

Contact a sawmill located near where you want to locate. Arrange for the delivery of logs culled for the quality of the wood to your site. Costs should not be more than $3 per log, but will depend on the size of the shipment and the number of logs in each shipment.

if you have vehicle and a source of electricity, you can contact the forestry for permission to cut wood in forest areas under their protection. You go into the woods, cut the fallen trees into two-meter logs, load them into your car and tow them to the woodyard.

Another source of supply is possible - villagers. Talk to them and offer to "clear" areas of the forest where there are growing and fallen trees. You can often get timber for free by offering the landowner a share of the timber removed. Clearing and transport can be exchanged for a logging permit.

Don't forget the road construction and commercial residential construction firms. Once you start this business, you will find virtually unlimited sources of supply, or limited only by your own initiative to contact suppliers. Once you've got logs in stock, here's what you can do to win over customers. Place an advertisement in the local newspaper inviting self-employed people to come and cut their own wood. You will charge twice as much for each log as it cost you. The buyer himself will cut, puncture and load the fuel into a car or truck, and take it to him. You will only have to follow and accept payment.

You can also rent chain saws, axes, and a power source. Let the customer choose the size of the logs himself, hire labor force- schoolchildren or teenagers - for sawing, splitting and loading wood into the buyer's car. You can also take over the delivery and storage of timber at the buyer.

The client chooses the product, pays you $5 for sawing each log to size, $10 for splitting, $10 for loading onto his truck. In general, you will charge approximately $100 for a cord of firewood (a cord is about 3.6 cubic meters). Assistants should be divided into teams - this will increase work efficiency and increase your income.


When working on the sale of this type of firewood, you use all the recommendations that were discussed earlier, and will be engaged in the wholesale or retail sale of firewood, or the supply of commercial outlets.

The simplest and most profitable procedure is to organize a warehouse or site where whole logs will be delivered. Temporary workers cut them to size from 40 to 60 cm long. A couple of people with chainsaws have to cut two cords of firewood per hour. Two people working with a powerful cleaver must keep up with the people on the chainsaws. And two more people stack this wood on pallets or in a warehouse until the goods are sold.

If you organize your business according to these guidelines, you will get the most profit and you will not have to do manual labor personally. The main thing to remember is that since you are the owner of the business, your time must be devoted to selling the final product.

If you decide to become a wholesale supplier and sell to retail, place an ad and hire people for commission sales retail customers. For all sales options, you will need assistants.

You will sell firewood in bags and pallets. Remember: the more bags or pallets that you can divide one supply of firewood into, the more profit you will receive from each supply.

Many people will buy a whole line or truckload of firewood before the cold weather; many will buy enough to survive cold snaps. If you are selling without retail sale- make sure that your prices, at least on average, correspond to retail prices. Don't cut prices, retailers are your backbone.

If you decide to make all the sales yourself - in other words, be a retailer - you need advertising.

Start with advertisement in the local newspaper. If you have no experience in advertising - talk to students of a university or school where there is a specialization in advertising - they will help you write an ad. If you live near a big city - contact advertising agencies and get private help from one of the staff.

Plan for the ad to appear in the Saturday morning newspaper. Imagine starting a business as a big event - with free coffee, donuts and balloons for children. The ideal opening date for this type of business could be a weekend in late September or early October.

Write down the last name, address, and phone number of each visitor. This can be done very simply by asking visitors to complete a survey.

The purpose of this event is to make people aware of your existence, to let them know where you are and to remember your coordinates.

Once you've announced your opening, a 5 x 10 cm ad in the yellow pages of the telephone directory plus mailing out flyers and is all the advertising you need. However, whenever the weather forecast predicts a cold snap or an increase in frost, it is worth spending money on advertising on the radio or in the newspaper.

Statistics show that about 20 percent of your potential buyers start buying firewood in advance. The other 30 percent wait for the first cold weather, then buy from the first supplier they see. The rest buy on promotional offers.

This is where a list of names, addresses and phone numbers of people who came to your opening comes in handy. Start calling these people and pitching your product.

Here's what to remember. Hardwood burns the longest and generates the most heat. Firewood sawn in spring and dried in summer is in great demand and pays more for it. With this in mind, you should take care of the long-term success of your company.

Once the business is stable and profitable, you'll find that with your equipment and expertise, you can create an additional line of product - selling accessories, stoves, built-in fireplaces, thermal insulation, or even home improvement services, for example.

Despite the fact that gasification occupies the main position among heating structures, wood heating of country houses or cottages is no less popular. It is especially popular to build baths and saunas in suburban areas, and what is a bathhouse without firewood? Therefore, the wood-fired business does not lose its relevance, despite modern trends in heating systems.

Where to begin?

First you need to think about the whole ongoing process. Where to find customers for this material, what firewood is more profitable to sell and where to get raw materials, as well as many more nuances that need to be clearly thought out.


With the search for customers, the situation is quite simple, it is necessary to determine the direction in which this material is used.

Firewood for firebox

The main directions are:

  • Use of wood for heating in fireplaces.
  • Application for heating boilers.
  • Enterprises or CHP.
  • Baths, saunas.

For fireplaces, the owners of private houses mainly take firewood with even splits. This category has a fairly high price.

wood-fired sauna

Firewood is also needed to heat the room with a boiler. Their price is much less than the first category. But they must fit certain dimensions. There is usually no nitpicking about the quality of the material.

In industrial use, such raw materials are needed in large volumes. That's why large companies enter into contracts for large deliveries of material. They have low demands on the quality of the material, so for cutting you can use a special machine that turns wood into chips. Typically, such products are used for furnaces, so the material is quite popular.

As for saunas and baths, these can be both private and commercial properties. For commercial purposes, of course, more firewood is needed.

Raw material

Where to get raw materials is an equally exciting question.


You can buy wood in the forestry, but this will require a special permit. In addition, it is necessary to stock up on special equipment for logging.

By cooperating with small sawmills, it is possible to sell rejected logs that do not meet certain criteria. As a rule, the price for such material is set low, so it is sold out quickly enough.

The remaining bars are sawn into firewood of a certain size, which can be sold.

Types of wood

To get more heat, you need to use hardwood logs. Aspen is in less demand, but birch and oak will significantly increase your profits.

The most popular oak firewood, they have the highest combustion temperature

Birch logs emit 15% more heat than pine logs and 20% more than aspen logs.

The leading positions are occupied by oak logs, as well as firewood, which was harvested and sawn in the summer.


A business needs a building or a warehouse. You can use the ready-made premises and rent it, or you can take a piece of land, fence it off and put up a small change house that will serve as an office.

In addition, it is necessary to be equipped with special equipment. The minimum that should be present is a chainsaw, a hacksaw, an ax and a rope. If you are planning an enterprise with a large amount of work, then you can’t do without specialized equipment for cutting and splitting.

Firewood category

The length of the logs is usually indicated by the buyers themselves, based on the size of their stoves or fireplaces. Usually the standard log length is from 15 to 35 cm.

Firewood is split into several parts, the diameter of each part is from 4 to 12 cm.

wood splitting machine

Unchopped firewood

This type allows you to earn money without putting any work into them. the main task, this is the delivery of firewood to your warehouse. In addition to the main sale, you can rent out your equipment so that the buyer, who bought firewood from you, saws and splits himself. When selling unchopped firewood, the price for them doubles from the purchase price.

chopped firewood

The chipped type can be sold by delivering it to customers. Then it is necessary to organize sawing and splitting, as well as their packaging, on their territory. This requires additional people, it will be very difficult to do it on your own.

If the development process goes up, then a manager who will be directly involved in sales can be taken into the staff of workers. Advertising can be used to increase sales. Especially during the cold season, when people massively buy firewood for heating.

Branded firewood

Branded firewood

In addition to chopped and non-chopped options, you can produce premium firewood. In other words, this is branded firewood, which is mainly bought by owners of large houses for heating fireplaces, saunas and baths.

By appearance these are ordinary chopped firewood, washed and dried, on the end of which the manufacturer's logo is applied. Packaging for this option is selected from beautiful and durable boxes.

In terms of value, they have the highest indicator. Along with the big profit, it is also a big cost. First of all, for the registration of the brand and the creation of an exclusive logo.

Business registration

In order to be able to sell firewood, you must register your company with the relevant authorities. Large firms give preference not to private individuals, but to LLC enterprises, but this is not fundamentally important, it is quite possible to get by with an individual entrepreneur.

Preparation of the necessary documents

Purchase a warehouse space and equip it with all necessary tools and equipment.

It will be useful to purchase a car. A cargo class car with a large capacity is quite suitable.

Be sure to provide your company with good advertising. It can be varied, and as newspaper ads, or ads on various Internet resources. You can use your car and place advertising text right on it.


To understand what results to expect after a certain time, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Firewood can be stored for a long time and not deteriorate, besides, they will not lose their properties. Average static customers order a machine with full material capacity. For example, ZIL - 130 includes 5 cubes of material. It is easy to calculate what profit will be the result.

Based marketing research, the demand for wood products is very high, and, therefore, the profitability will be high. Usually, a firewood business pays off in a year and a half.

Video: Wood splitting machine