Organization of mechanization and automation of production. Mechanization and automation of pig production processes

Kuznetsov Dmitry 41-T group

This report provides information on mechanization production processes to free a person from hazardous conditions labor as a result of improved safety.



Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region

GOUSPO MO "Chekhov Mechanical and Technological College of the Dairy Industry"


subject: Automation and mechanization of production processes as a means of improving labor safety

discipline: Automation of technological processes

speciality : Technology of milk and dairy products

prepared : student of 41-T group Dmitry Kuznetsov


teacher of general professional disciplines M.S. Trubchaninova

New Life


For the created machine, the main evaluation criterion is the increase in labor productivity, the level of safety and the degree of lightening. It is possible to facilitate and secure labor by introducing mechanization and automation manual labor.

The mechanization of production labor is the replacement of muscular human energy through the use of mechanical machines and mechanisms that are set in motion by various engines. With the help of mechanization, hard physical labor can be eliminated.

Complex mechanization is the highest level of mechanization. With such mechanization, systems of machines and mechanisms are used, which are interconnected in terms of productivity, ensure the performance of technical and production control operations. Complex mechanization allows you to move on to automation, both conventional and complex.

In the automation of production, instruments, machines and devices are used that perform production actions without the use of physical strength person, but the work is carried out under his control. The system does not require sufficient periodic monitoring of the progress of work by the constant presence of an employee.

Integrated automation is automatic systems, providing control and management of processes without human intervention using the specified work parameters. A person is assigned only the function of a controller of the progress of processes, the operation of equipment and automation.

Automation is most commonly used in large industries with the mass nature of the work. Widespread in both the meat and dairy industries. In such industries, there a large number of lines that perform one technological function. Workshops and factories are being comprehensively automated.

As a result of reducing the humanity of labor to a minimum, the number of industrial injuries is practically zero. Most of the accidents are related to the repair and adjustment of equipment, as well as to the irrational placement of equipment and the organization of workplaces. Thus, a large number of automated and mechanized labor can reduce injuries at work. Also, automation and mechanization can eliminate the work of a person in harmful and difficult working conditions.

Mechanization and automation are required not only in large productions of the same type. It is also necessary for enterprises with single and small-scale production. Currently, there are a huge number of automated lines that make it easier and safer for the worker. The ability to quickly re-equip such lines allows them to be used in a wide variety of production processes.

In small-scale production, efficiency and productivity can be increased through the widespread use of machine tools with special program management. In small-scale production, most of the worker's time is spent reading and choosing the best version of the drawing. automated software system allows you to free the worker from these operations, the system will make the choice of an acceptable mode of operation before the start of the production process. All information about the shape, size of the part and other information is transmitted to the worker using a magnetic tape or card directly to the machine.

Software control is increasingly being used by modular reconfigurable machines, universal, wide profile for their automation. When working c program management the worker starts the machine and removes the finished product. Thus, the presence of a worker in the danger zone of the machine is excluded. All of the above actions are performed with the working units turned off.

Machine complexes are several connected centers into a single machine system using a variety of devices, each of which runs on a corresponding program. Manual labor is kept to a minimum.

When automating technological processes, much attention is paid to loading. Even the use of machine complexes cannot free the worker from heavy loading and unloading work. Mechanized loading reduces the amount of manual labor by almost half due to the transformation of conventional equipment into automated ones. Such machines are used both independently and are built into automatic lines. Loading and unloading is most often combined with machine clamping devices, so manual work takes place away from the hazardous work area.

In manual measurement, the worker puts his or her hands at risk by bringing them into a potentially hazardous area. Manual control operations are the most common cause of work-related injuries. Work safety is carried out by automated operational control using various devices. For continuous measurement, automatic and semi-automatic machines are used.

Semi-automatic devices track changes and, upon reaching the required indicators, give light signals. In this case, the worker only needs to make a stop. Automatic devices themselves include working movements of the device to achieve the required indicators.

Thus, technological process frees the worker not only from hard physical labor, but also from constant nervous tension associated with the potential danger of his work. This can be easily achieved by switching to automatic and mechanical manual labor. The use of modern developments and the release of a person from manual operations will help to avoid injuries in the process of work, which is an improvement in labor safety.


1.N.N.Karnaukh Occupational safety-M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2011-380s.

2.V.V.Mitin, V.I.Uskov, N.N.Smirnov Automation and automation of production processes in the meat and dairy industry, M.: VO "Agropromizdat", 1990-240s.

It is a procedure in which the control and management functions performed by a person are transferred to instruments and devices. Due to this, labor productivity and product quality are significantly increased. In addition, a reduction in the share of workers involved in various industrial sectors is ensured. Let us further consider what automation and automation of production processes are.

History reference

Independently functioning devices - the prototypes of modern automatic systems - began to appear in antiquity. However, until the 18th century, handicraft and semi-handicraft activities were widespread. In this regard, such "self-acting" devices have not received practical application. At the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. there was a sharp jump in volumes and levels of production. The industrial revolution created the prerequisites for improving the methods and tools of labor, adapting equipment to replace a person.

Mechanization and automation of production processes

The changes that caused affected primarily wood and metalworking, spinning, weaving mills and factories. Mechanization and automation were actively studied by K. Marx. He saw in them fundamentally new directions of progress. He pointed to the transition from the use of individual machines to the automation of their complex. Marx said that the conscious functions of control and management should be assigned to a person. The worker stands next to the production process and regulates it. The main achievements of that time were the inventions of the Russian scientist Polzunov and the English innovator Watt. The first created an automatic regulator for feeding a steam boiler, and the second created a centrifugal speed controller for a steam engine. Remained manual for quite a long time. Before the introduction of automation, the replacement of physical labor was carried out through the mechanization of auxiliary and main processes.

Situation today

On the present stage development of mankind, automation systems for production processes are based on the use of computers and various software. They contribute to reducing the degree of participation of people in activities or completely exclude it. The tasks of automating production processes include improving the quality of operations, reducing the time they require, reducing costs, increasing the accuracy and stability of actions.

Basic principles

Today, automation of production processes has been introduced into many industries. Regardless of the scope and volume of activities of companies, almost every company uses software devices. There are various levels of automation of production processes. However, the same principles apply to any of them. They provide conditions for the efficient execution of operations and formulate general rules managing them. The principles in accordance with which the automation of production processes is carried out include:

  1. Consistency. All actions within the operation must be combined with each other, go in a certain sequence. In the event of a mismatch, a violation of the process is likely.
  2. Integration. The automated operation must fit into the overall environment of the enterprise. At one stage or another, integration is carried out in different ways, but the essence of this principle is unchanged. Automation of production processes in enterprises should ensure the interaction of the operation with the external environment.
  3. Performance independence. An automated operation must be carried out independently. Human participation in it is not provided, or it should be minimal (only control). The employee must not interfere with the operation if it is carried out in accordance with the established requirements.

These principles are specified in accordance with the level of automation of a particular process. Additional proportions, specializations, and so on are established for operations.

Automation levels

They are usually classified according to the nature of the management of the company. It, in turn, can be:

  1. strategic.
  2. Tactical.
  3. operational.

Accordingly, there is:

  1. The lower level of automation (executive). Here management refers to regularly performed operations. Automation of production processes is focused on the performance of operational functions, maintaining the set parameters, maintaining the specified operating modes.
  2. tactical level. This provides a distribution of functions between operations. Examples include production or service planning, document or resource management, and so on.
  3. strategic level. It manages the entire company. Automation of production processes for strategic purposes provides a solution to predictive and analytical issues. It is necessary to maintain the activities of the highest administrative level. This level of automation provides strategic and financial management.


Automation is provided through the use of various systems (OLAP, CRM, ERP, etc.). All of them are divided into three main types:

  1. Immutable. In these systems, the sequence of actions is set in accordance with the configuration of the equipment or process conditions. It cannot be changed during the operation.
  2. Programmable. They can change the sequence depending on the configuration of the process and the given program. The choice of this or that chain of actions is carried out by means of a special set of tools. They are read and interpreted by the system.
  3. Self-tuning (flexible). Such systems can select the desired actions in the course of work. Changes to the configuration of the operation occur in accordance with the information about the course of the operation.

All these types can be used at all levels separately or in combination.

Operation types

In every economic sector there are organizations that produce products or provide services. They can be divided into three categories according to "remoteness" in the resource processing chain:

  1. Mining or manufacturing - agricultural, oil and gas companies, for example.
  2. Organizations processing natural raw materials. In the manufacture of products, they use materials mined or created by companies from the first category. These include, for example, enterprises in the electronics, automotive industry, power plants, and so on.
  3. service companies. Among them are banks, medical, educational institutions, catering establishments, etc.

For each group, operations related to the provision of services or the release of products can be distinguished. These include processes:

  1. Management. These processes provide interaction within the enterprise and contribute to the formation of the company's relations with interested participants in the turnover. The latter, in particular, include supervisory authorities, suppliers, consumers. The group of business processes includes, for example, marketing and sales, interaction with customers, financial, personnel, material planning, and so on.
  2. Analysis and control. This category is associated with the collection and generalization of information about the execution of operations. In particular, these processes include operational management, quality control, stock assessment, etc.
  3. Design and development. These operations are associated with the collection and preparation of initial information, project implementation, control and analysis of the results.
  4. production. This group includes operations related to the direct release of products. These include, among other things, demand and capacity planning, logistics, and maintenance.

Most of these processes are now automated.


It should be noted that the automation of production processes is complex and labor intensive. To achieve your goals, you need to be guided by a certain strategy. It contributes to improving the quality of operations performed and obtaining the desired results from the activity. Competent automation of production processes in mechanical engineering is of particular importance today. strategic plan can be summarized as follows:


Mechanization and automation of various processes can significantly improve the quality of goods and production management. Other benefits include:

  1. Increasing the speed of repetitive operations. By reducing the degree of human involvement, the same actions can be carried out faster. Automated systems provide greater accuracy and maintain performance regardless of the length of the shift.
  2. Improving the quality of work. With a decrease in the degree of participation of people, the influence of the human factor is reduced or eliminated. This significantly limits the variations in the execution of operations, which, in turn, prevents many errors and improves the quality and stability of work.
  3. Increased control accuracy. Usage information technologies allows you to save and take into account in the future a larger amount of information about the operation than with manual control.
  4. Accelerated decision making in typical situations. This improves the performance of the operation and prevents inconsistencies in the next steps.
  5. Parallel execution of actions. make it possible to carry out several operations at the same time without compromising the accuracy and quality of work. This speeds up the activity and improves the quality of the results.


Despite the obvious advantages, automation may not always be appropriate. That is why a comprehensive analysis and optimization is necessary before its implementation. After that, it may turn out that automation is not required or will not be beneficial in economic sense. Manual control and execution of processes may become more preferable in the following cases:


Mechanization and automation are undoubtedly of great importance for production area. AT modern world fewer operations are performed manually. However, even today in a number of industries one cannot do without such work. Automation is especially effective on large enterprises where products for the mass consumer are produced. So, for example, in automobile factories, a minimum number of people participate in operations. At the same time, they, as a rule, exercise control over the course of the process, without participating in it directly. Modernization of the industry is currently very active. Automation of production processes and production is considered today the most effective way to improve product quality and increase its output.

Mechanization sharply increases labor productivity, frees a person from performing difficult, labor-intensive, tedious operations, allows more economical use of raw materials, materials, energy, helps to reduce the cost of production, improve its quality, and increase the profitability of production.

The mechanization of production has not only economic, but also great social significance - it changes the conditions and nature of labor, creates the prerequisites for eliminating the differences between mental and physical labor. Since machines and mechanisms are periodically replaced by more and more advanced ones, the technology and organization of production are improving, and the requirements for the qualifications of workers are also increasing.

AT modern society the boundaries of mechanization of production are expanding: it is carried out not only in those cases when it gives a material effect, but also when it improves working conditions, increasing its safety, and ensures environmental protection.

The mechanization of production is one of the important directions of scientific and technological progress. Depending on the degree of equipment of production with technical means, mechanization can be partial and complex. With partial mechanization, individual production operations are mechanized, but a more or less significant proportion of manual labor is still retained. At integrated mechanization manual labor is replaced by machine labor in all related operations and can only be retained in individual operations.

The next step forward is the automation of production, which can also be partial and complex. With automation, the functions of managing and monitoring the production process, which were previously performed by worker operators, are transferred (partially or completely) to instruments and automatic devices. The labor of people is used only for setting up, monitoring and controlling the progress of the production process.

Automatic line. One person (operator) manages its work, he or another worker adjusts the machines when they break or switch to another mode of operation.

Of great importance is the creation of combined machines-combines, which consist of several separate mechanisms-assemblies. These units are located in a certain sequence and automatically act on the workpieces or products in turn. In the course of complex mechanization and automation, automatic lines of machines, automatic workshops, and automatic plants are created.

Automation today is the most important component of scientific and technological progress. Further development of automation is in the direction of introducing into production industrial robots and manipulators, machine tools with numerical control, tools computer science for process control and design automation.

Rotary machines are among the latest machines used in the process of modern production automation. In rotary machines, tools and executive bodies of machines are located on the drum-rotor, informing the tools during the rotation of the rotor the necessary working movements.

The difference between rotary and rotary-conveyor machines from conventional, traditional machines is that their transport functions (moving the object of labor for its processing) and technological (impact on the object of labor, its processing) do not depend on each other and do not interrupt each other. Ordinary machines perform these functions sequentially: the processing of an item cannot begin until its transportation is completed, and vice versa. These machines have less productivity than rotary ones. On rotary and rotary-conveyor machines, processing is carried out with non-stop transportation of objects of labor together with tools. The connection of such machines in a line, i.e., the transfer of processed items from. from one rotor to the next, interoperational transport rotors are performed, which receive rotation synchronously with the working rotors from the common drive of the line.

At present, the automation of production has reached such a level that for various types organization of production (see Mass and serial production) apply their own areas of automation. Thus, mass production is characterized by the use of automatic production lines. For small-scale and serial production, the main direction is the use of flexible automated systems, which can be quickly reconfigured for the production of a certain type of product in connection with production needs. At the same time, they ensure the release of products at lowest cost time and resources, contribute to the growth of production efficiency.


The mechanization of production makes it possible to increase labor productivity, freeing a person from performing difficult, labor-intensive and tedious operations. Particularly relevant is the problem of mechanization of labor in industries that are harmful and dangerous to human health.

The mechanization of production contributes to the rational and economical use of raw materials, materials and energy, the reduction of costs and the improvement of product quality. In addition to improving and updating technical means and technologies, the mechanization of production is inextricably linked with an increase in the level of qualification and organization of production, a change in the qualifications of workers.

This paper considers a technical and economic assessment of the level of mechanization of work (on the example of road construction).

The successful construction of each highway largely depends on the quality of the organization of work, on how rationally the workers, machines, and transport will be used.

At present, there are no methods for objective integrated assessment the quality of organizational work and there is no single indicator that could be used to give an exhaustive assessment of the level of work organization. The structure of specialized units, the choice of mechanization for their equipment, the procedure for interaction, the system of supply of materials, the provision of transport and other organizational factors have a complex effect on the timing, quality and cost of construction.

General Basics mechanization of production processes

The mechanization of production labor is the replacement of muscular human energy through the use of mechanical machines and mechanisms that are set in motion by various engines. With the help of mechanization, hard physical labor can be eliminated.

Complex mechanization is the highest level of mechanization. With such mechanization, systems of machines and mechanisms are used, which are interconnected in terms of productivity, ensure the performance of technical and production control operations. Complex mechanization allows you to move on to automation, both conventional and complex.

In the automation of production, instruments, machines and devices are used that carry out production activities without the use of human physical strength, but the work is carried out under his control. The system does not require sufficient periodic monitoring of the progress of work by the constant presence of an employee.

Integrated automation is an automatic system that provides control and management of processes without human intervention using the specified work parameters. A person is assigned only the function of a controller of the progress of processes, the operation of equipment and automation.

Automation is most often used in large-scale production with a mass character of work. Widespread in both the meat and dairy industries. In such industries, there are a large number of lines that perform one technological function. Workshops and factories are being comprehensively automated.

As a result of reducing the humanity of labor to a minimum, the number of industrial injuries is practically zero. Most of the accidents are related to the repair and adjustment of equipment, as well as to the irrational arrangement of equipment and the organization of workplaces. Thus, a large number of automated and mechanized labor can reduce injuries at work. Also, automation and mechanization can eliminate the work of a person in harmful and difficult working conditions.

Mechanization and automation are required not only in large productions of the same type. It is also necessary for enterprises with single and small-scale production. Currently, there are a huge number of automated lines that make it easier and safer for the worker. The ability to quickly re-equip such lines allows them to be used in a wide variety of production processes.

In small-scale production, efficiency and productivity can be increased through the widespread use of machine tools with special program management. In small-scale production, most of the worker's time is spent reading and choosing the best version of the drawing. An automated software system allows you to free the worker from these operations, the system will make the choice of an acceptable mode of operation before the start of the production process. All information about the shape, size of the part and other information is transmitted to the worker using a magnetic tape or card directly to the machine.

Software control is increasingly being used by modular reconfigurable machines, universal, wide profile for their automation. When working with program control, the worker starts the machine and removes the finished product. Thus, the presence of a worker in the danger zone of the machine is excluded. All of the above actions are performed with the working units turned off.

Machine complexes are several connected centers into a single machine system using a variety of devices, each of which runs on a corresponding program. Manual labor is kept to a minimum.

When automating technological processes, much attention is paid to loading. Even the use of machine complexes cannot free the worker from heavy loading and unloading work. Mechanized loading reduces the amount of manual labor by almost half due to the transformation of conventional equipment into automated ones. Such machines are used both independently and are built into automatic lines. Loading and unloading is most often combined with machine clamping devices, so manual work takes place away from the hazardous work area.

In manual measurement, the worker puts his or her hands at risk by bringing them into a potentially hazardous area. Manual control operations are the most common cause of work-related injuries. Work safety is carried out by automated operational control using various devices. For continuous measurement, automatic and semi-automatic machines are used.

Semi-automatic devices track changes and, upon reaching the required indicators, give light signals. In this case, the worker only needs to make a stop. Automatic devices themselves include working movements of the device to achieve the required indicators.

Thus, the technological process frees the worker not only from hard physical labor, but also from constant nervous tension associated with the potential danger of his work. This can be easily achieved by switching to automatic and mechanical manual labor. The use of modern developments and the release of a person from manual operations will help to avoid injuries in the process of work, which is an improvement in labor safety.