How to get a subsidy to open a business in the employment center. Who is granted a subsidy for opening an IP

Who is eligible for a subsidy to open a sole proprietorship? Beginning entrepreneurs will be interested in this information. Many unemployed citizens of our country have no idea that the government of the Russian Federation has agreed on real types of assistance to small businesses, namely to everyone who wants to start their own business. If the time has come and there is a desire to do something useful for yourself and the state, you should dare.

Who is given a subsidy to open an IP

A good startup needs initial capital. Today the program is state support"Helping New Entrepreneurs" It guarantees initial assistance of 60,000 rubles. There are several "buts". To receive this money, you must not have a job and be registered at the labor exchange. And this help is just a one-time unemployment benefit (which the unemployed person receives on the stock exchange every month during the year).

This amount will not need to be returned back, and even part of it will not need to be compensated.

Instead, the state requires a full account of every penny spent. There is no trick. Well, except that the government, supporting the unemployed with such a program, hopes that the future businessman will regularly pay taxes and provide new jobs.

The state is ready to support the receipt of a subsidy for opening an IP in the form of:

  1. Compensation for the costs of registering a business (for a private entrepreneur about 4,000 rubles),
  2. Subsidies from the federal fund for starting your own business (exactly 58,800 rubles after taxes). If the plans include hiring workers who are also on the stock exchange, then the same amount will be paid for each.
  3. Subsidies allocated by the municipality. It is 300,000 rubles, but there are some difficulties and limitations in its design.

The easiest of the proposed - option number 2.

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Labor exchange: obtaining a subsidy for opening an IP

You can count on government assistance for:

  • young active people over 18;
  • persons with the official status of "unemployed";
  • persons registered for more than a month who have not found a job.

There is a list of people whose application will not even be considered:

  • women on parental leave;
  • minors;
  • pensioners;
  • full-time students;
  • persons who closed their business activities at least a year ago;
  • persons working under an employment contract;
  • convicted or subject to imprisonment;
  • dismissed from the main workplace for serious violations;
  • registered unemployed who have refused two or more job offers;
  • persons violating the rules for using the labor exchange.

In order to receive a subsidy for opening an IP, several schemes have been developed.

Bearing in mind the position of the ministries of labor municipality or district, then everything is very easy:

  1. The unemployed man draws up a real business plan.
  2. With a commission on the labor exchange proves its reality.
  3. Registers an individual entrepreneur with the tax authority (expenses are reimbursed from the budget).
  4. Receives money (they must go to the card to which benefits were transferred from the labor exchange).
  5. It is necessary to draw up and protect a report on the funds spent.

The plan is really simple if you are prepared. The future entrepreneur should start by collecting the required amount of documents. In different regions of Russia, the package of documents may vary slightly, but in in general terms it looks like this:

  • the passport;
  • diplomas of education;
  • work book and its photocopy;
  • original TIN and its copy;
  • card or other account in any bank of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS and its copy;
  • military ID (for men).

Cash assistance is issued throughout Russia. The amount of the subsidy for opening an IP is also the same in all regions. It is only important to understand the features of issuing money in a particular region. Depending on the place of residence, measures of state support may differ. It is possible that in addition to assistance through the labor exchange, special grants may be issued for the development and conduct of business. Most likely, this information is available on the official website of the city administration or by phone hotline local labor market.

You need to start by registering the status of an unemployed person. To do this, the exchange sends to three potential employers who give an official refusal to hire. After that, the exchange registers, and you can apply for benefits when opening an IP.

The labor exchange offers free legal advice. He, knowing the situation in the city or district, gives recommendations on the proposed areas of business, vacancies and talks about the process of issuing state aid.

After all these stages on the stock exchange, you need to be tested by a psychologist. It gives an opinion on the presence or absence of readiness to conduct business. When defending a project, the main thing is to prove that it is more than real. You have to be relevant and confident.

It must be remembered that at each stage you will need remarkable patience and a lot of personal time, a huge amount of which is occupied by queues. Most of them are at the labor exchange and in the tax office.

Think ahead. It won't be easy. The decision must be made on the shore. What kind of business should be opened in this area, will it be promoted, will it be profitable?

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The beginning of a long journey: a business plan and its protection

  • small business development fund under the municipality;
  • urban centers for the development and support of entrepreneurship;
  • firms that specialize in business planning.

The decision is made by a commission of several people: representatives of the labor exchange, administration, the mayor and local businesses. The decision will be announced later.

After all the stages of submitting an application, collecting a package of documents and defending a business plan, there comes a waiting time. If all the documents have been passed and consent has been issued on all points, you can go to conclude an agreement for the transfer of a subsidy and wait for the money to be transferred.

If a subsidy for opening an IP is received, you can start the registration process individual activities. about 800 rubles (remember: the costs are compensated).

Now that all the documents at the tax office are ready, they must be submitted to the labor exchange, all receipts of expenses must be attached to them: fees, expenses and duties, etc. And only now will “live” money be put on the card and you can start a business. Here is an approximate scheme of how to get a subsidy for opening an IP.

A year later, you need to submit a report on expenses to both the tax authority and the labor exchange. This must be a written report, in which, in monetary terms, the purposes for which the funds were spent will be indicated. If they were not spent in full, the rest must be returned to the state.

Question: In 2009, an individual was left without a job and registered with the employment center, where he received an offer to start his own business. Later, the individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, and also received a one-time subsidy (financial assistance) for the organization entrepreneurial activity. The entrepreneur is currently own business which is his only income. Employees of the employment center informed the entrepreneur that the amounts of the subsidy (assistance) would not be taken into account in taxation. When writing a business plan, as well as when organizing his own business, the entrepreneur did not take into account the fact of taxation of these payments. The entrepreneur directed the entire amount of the subsidy received from the state to organize his own business, reporting for expenses to the employment center. But, according to the tax authorities, the entrepreneur is obliged to pay personal income tax before April 30, 2010 in connection with the receipt of state subsidies (assistance) for organizing his own business. When carrying out activities to provide services to the population, the entrepreneur decided to apply the simplified tax system (the object of taxation is "income"). In accordance with federal law dated 05.04.2010 n 41-FZ "On amendments to part two of the Tax Code Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation" amendments were made to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in terms of exempting citizens from paying personal income tax on the amount of state support received to open their own business. These amounts will be accounted for within three tax periods as income and actually incurred expenses of each tax period. Thus, the indicated funds do not form a taxable base, except for those persons who have chosen the object "income" under the simplified tax system. Is an individual entrepreneur applying the simplified tax system with the object of taxation "income" obliged to take into account the amount of a one-time state subsidy when forming the tax base ( financial assistance) to start your own business?


The Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy has considered the application and on issues within the competence of the Department, reports the following.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code), the amounts of payments received to promote the self-employment of unemployed citizens and stimulate the creation by unemployed citizens who have opened their own business of additional jobs for the employment of unemployed citizens at the expense of the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the programs approved relevant authorities state power, are taken into account in the composition of income during three tax periods with simultaneous reflection of the corresponding amounts in the composition of expenses within the limits of the actually incurred expenses of each tax period, provided for by the conditions for receiving the said amounts of payments.

In case of violation of the conditions for receiving these payments, their amounts are fully reflected in the income of the tax period in which the violation was committed. If at the end of the third tax period the amount of payments received exceeds the amount of expenses accounted for in accordance with the specified paragraph, the remaining unaccounted amounts are fully reflected as income of this tax period.

Thus, if a taxpayer receives payments in 2009 and uses a part of these payments in 2009, the amount of payments spent by the taxpayer in a given tax period in accordance with the conditions for receiving these payments should be taken into account as part of income and expenses when applying the simplified taxation system. The remaining unrecorded amount of payments in 2010 and 2011 is taken into account in a similar manner.

If the expenses stipulated by the conditions for receiving these payments are made in full during the first (first two) tax period(s) (2009, 2010), then the payments received and the expenses incurred at the expense of these payments are reflected in tax accounting in the relevant tax periods.

In case of violation of the conditions for receiving payments provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Code, the amounts of payments received are fully reflected in the income of the tax period in which the violation was committed.

The indicated norms of paragraph 1 of Art. 346.17 of the Code, both taxpayers applying the simplified system of taxation with the object of taxation in the form of income and taxpayers applying the said system of taxation with the object of taxation in the form of income reduced by the amount of expenses incurred should be guided.

The named taxpayers account for the payments received and the amounts of expenses incurred in the Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses of Organizations and Individual Entrepreneurs Applying the Simplified Taxation System, the form and procedure for filling which are approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 31, 2008 N 154n "On Approval of the Forms of the Book of Accounting for Income and Expenses organizations and individual entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system (hereinafter referred to as the Book on the simplified tax system), the Book of accounting for the income of individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system based on a patent, and the Procedures for filling them out.

Taking into account the special procedure for accounting for these payments, established by Federal Law No. 41-FZ of 05.04.2010, taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system, in column 4 of Sec. I Books on the simplified tax system reflect the amounts of payments received in the amount of actually incurred expenses, provided for by the conditions for receiving the indicated amounts of payments, and in column 5 of section. I Books on the simplified tax system - the corresponding amounts of expenses incurred from those stipulated by the terms of the contracts.

At the same time, taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system with the object of taxation in the form of income, when determining the amount of income subject to taxation for the corresponding reporting (tax) period (column 4, section I of the Book on the simplified tax system), do not take into account the specified amounts of payments.

Deputy Director

Department of Tax

and customs tariff policy

How to open an individual entrepreneur through the Employment Center? As statistics show, a significant percentage of Russian citizens of different professional backgrounds and ages are seriously thinking about starting their own business. But any undertaking is not without difficulties. And the first thing a person encounters is financial question, because any business, and even more entrepreneurial, requires not only moral preparation, but also monetary. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind for future entrepreneurs is a bank loan or a loan from relatives and friends. And not everyone knows about programs of state support for entrepreneurship.

How the Employment Center can help

Most people associate the Employment Center only with the possibility of receiving unemployment benefits and help in finding a job. It turns out that the possibilities government agency not so small. The labor exchange, familiar to the people, helps those who wish to open an individual entrepreneur quite noticeably, since this body participates in a program to support and develop entrepreneurship. Of course, registration of individual entrepreneurs in the Employment Center does not occur, but it is possible to receive advisory, training assistance from specialists. So, how to open an individual entrepreneur through the Employment Center?

Like any state organization, The Employment Center of each region of Russia has an official website where you can get acquainted with the information of the area of ​​interest, but it is better to visit this institution in person, since there are employees who oversee questions about starting a business. But acting entrepreneurs should not rely on the financial assistance of the Center, since this is prohibited by law. Only a person who does not have an official place of work and, accordingly, income can join the labor exchange.

It is important to note that the amount of the subsidy for opening an IP from the Employment Center is currently set by the regional authorities, and therefore varies in amount. But the legislation outlines certain areas for business development and cash payments that you can count on. It:

  • business support activities - 25 thousand rubles;
  • opening a business subject to the creation of a workplace - 60 thousand rubles;
  • assistance to entrepreneurs who are disabled or the sole guardians of a minor - 300 thousand rubles.

Who can receive a subsidy?

Assistance to start-up entrepreneurs in the Employment Centers is available to all Russians who have reached the age of majority, while, as mentioned above, they do not have official employment. Meeting these conditions, the future businessman must personally visit the stock exchange and register, receiving the official status of unemployed. And only now you can think about the financial side of the issue.

However, the following categories of citizens, in addition to the above, do not have the right to receive subsidies for opening an IP from an employment center:

  • women on official parental leave;
  • full-time university students;
  • pensioners by age;
  • prisoners;
  • persistent violators of the rules of the Employment Centers.

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To obtain the official status of unemployed, it is necessary to go through the registration procedure on the stock exchange, which consists in collecting and submitting the following documents:

  • passports;
  • diploma (school certificate);
  • work book;
  • certificates from the last place of work on the amount of income for the last 3 months.

If a university graduate or a person who has not had official employment during the year is registered, then they are provided with:

  • the passport;
  • diploma.

Along with the above documents, aspiring entrepreneurs need to develop and submit a business plan for consideration. What is this document? First of all, it should reveal the essence: how the individual case will be organized, what is its relevance and significance.

Experts advise reflecting the following sections in the business plan:

  1. Summary. Here you can briefly talk about the direction of the future business, indicating its purpose and objectives.
  2. Description. This part is more detailed description type of activity, indicating the types of services provided in the future. For example, if it is planned to open a Development Center for preschoolers, then the services may be as follows:

  • classes with a speech therapist (individual and group);
  • cognitive and speech development: mathematics, familiarization with the outside world, speech development and literacy (individual and group);
  • English language;
  • classes with a teacher-psychologist (individual and group);
  • theatrical activities;
  • health-improving physical culture;
  • children's fitness;
  • choreography;
  • productive activity (sculpting, drawing, art work).
  1. Production part. Here you need to indicate which premises are planned to be allocated, how employees will be recruited, analyze their level of payment, and, if possible, indicate the range of cases.
  2. Economic justification. This is the most important part of the document, on which the success of the entire enterprise will depend. It must clearly state the financial costs and expected income, indicate the time frame when the costs can pay off and bring a stable income.

Consider an example of calculating the costs of a development center:

  1. Premises: rent - 30-50 thousand rubles. per month for 100-120 m².
  2. Expenses:
  • repair work (up to 80 thousand rubles);
  • purchase of furniture, equipment and materials (up to 60 thousand rubles);
  • advertising (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • legal services and contingencies (from 20 thousand rubles);
  • payment for the official website (up to 10 thousand rubles);
  • salary of teachers, administrator (up to 80 thousand rubles);
  • payment of taxes.

Total excluding rent: 200-250 thousand rubles.

When the business plan is ready, it should be taken along with other documents to the Employment Center and be ready to defend it before the expert commission. As a rule, the business plan is considered by several organizations and the final decision on the issue of subsidies is made within 3 days. In the case of a positive assessment, it is necessary to proceed with the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur with the Federal Tax Service.

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How to open an IP

So, the organizational and legal form is chosen - "Individual Entrepreneur". The process of its registration involves the following steps on the part of a novice entrepreneur:

  • select OKVED code (it is better to choose several);
  • determine what the tax system will be;
  • fill out an application in the prescribed form (issued on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation).

Submit the required package of documents to the tax authorities and expect a decision in about 3 working days. It is important to know that all of these actions must be completed within 10 days from the date the decision was made to allocate a subsidy.

When the tax documents are ready, it is necessary to make copies of them, notarize them, and submit them to the Employment Center. Only after that, the previously approved amount will be transferred to the specified current account. Having received financial assistance from the state, a businessman needs to visit the exchange again and conclude an agreement with this organization to receive a subsidy - a non-repayable loan.

Within 3 months after receiving the subsidy, the entrepreneur must come to the Employment Center and provide accounting documents on spending Money.

The crisis in the economy has also affected the change in the situation on the labor market. Many enterprises were forced to reduce the staff, and as a result, a large number of people are left without a permanent job and a stable income.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not immediately despair. After all, the loss of a job for hire is a great chance to open your own business and start earning already as an individual entrepreneur. Fortunately, today there are many special government programs to help small businesses, so you can get money to start your own business for free.

How much is the state ready to give and in which regions

The state programs for subsidizing small businesses in 2016 provide for several options for payments for organization and development

  1. About 4 thousand rubles for individual entrepreneurs or up to 20 thousand rubles for LLC as compensation for the costs of registration documents.
  2. Federal in the amount of 60 thousand rubles from the regional employment center.
  3. Municipal assistance in the amount of 300 thousand rubles for the regions and 600 thousand rubles for Moscow.
  4. . It can be obtained both from government agencies and from individuals and organizations. The amount will depend on the chosen funding source.

These state programs are successfully operating throughout the Russian Federation, and citizens who have received the official status of unemployed can apply for payments. To receive gratuitous financial assistance from government agencies, you will need to collect a package of documents, allocate some time to create a business plan and agree on it, be patient and wait for the verdict of the evaluation commission. The measures and conditions for receiving funds in different regions may vary slightly, but in general, the decision organizational issues corresponds to a single algorithm.

How to get money for business in the Job Center

First of all, you will have to register with the Employment Center (CZN) at the place of registration and receive the official status of unemployed there. This is necessary so that the state understands that you really want to receive assistance to organize your own business and you do not have other options for self-employment.

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Diploma, certificate.
  • Certificate of assignment to you TIN.
  • Employment history.
  • Passbook, r / s or Sberbank card.
  • Certificate of pension insurance.
  • Men will need a military ID.

With these documents, you go to the inspector assigned to you, who assigns you the status of unemployed. Russian Labor Code as of 2016, it limits the circle of persons who cannot obtain the status of an unemployed person and, accordingly, qualify for 60 thousand rubles. subsidies for the organization of IP in the Employment Center.

  • Persons under the age of 16.
  • Full-time students.
  • Pensioners.
  • The current founders of LLC or IP.
  • Women on maternity leave or parental leave.
  • Disabled people of disabled groups.
  • Prisoners and convicted citizens with a measure of restraint in the form of corrective labor.


In the CZN, you may be offered to receive an official refusal of employment from three potential employers to confirm your unsuitability for hired work in the specialty. And give you the right to apply for a self-employment organization. Ask the inspector to select suitable options for you with a high probability of rejection. If refusals are not received within 21 working days, you will not be able to take referrals again until after 4 weeks.

Choosing the type of activity and drawing up a business plan

So, the status of the unemployed is received. It's time to write your own business plan, but you don't know where to start? Start by identifying the area of ​​business activity that you would be interested in developing. Regional ETCs provide an opportunity to take entrepreneurship training courses or get advice from an experienced specialist on these issues. It will be easier for you to decide if you take advantage of all the opportunities that the inspector will offer you.

You will be more likely to receive a subsidy if you choose priority areas for your region or provide additional jobs for other unemployed.

Business plans related to the purchase / sale, the production of alcohol and tobacco, stock brokerage and MLM will not pass. It would not be superfluous to get acquainted with the list of areas where there is an acute shortage of small enterprises. Applicants for a subsidy from the Employment Center are more likely to be approved if their IP contributes to filling an empty business niche.

Describe in detail the type of activity, the estimated overhead costs for the purchase of equipment, rental of premises, indicate the number of employees and how many people you plan to employ from the EPC, the calculation of profitability and the estimated payback period.

The business plan is analyzed by the evaluation committee, based on the conclusions of which a decision is made on the appointment or refusal to allocate funds to you. Independent experts evaluate the financial prospects and profitability of your IP for the region. Before receiving this decision and concluding an agreement with the CZN, it is impossible to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

On a note

You can receive additional subsidies for your own business under the same state program if you provide jobs for citizens registered with the CZN. An amount of 60 thousand rubles is allocated for each of them. The only condition is that the unemployed, for whom an additional subsidy was received, must work at your enterprise for at least a year.

When all the stages of obtaining financial assistance from the Employment Center have been completed, the contract has been concluded, you can proceed to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC and begin work. Do not forget to report on the targeted spending of funds allocated by the state, otherwise you will have to return the entire amount, including taxes and commissions.

Until relatively recently, some twenty years ago, there were very few private entrepreneurs - rarely anyone dared to go on an open voyage, most citizens preferred to "work for their uncle." Much has changed since then - private entrepreneurs began to be called individual entrepreneurs and there are enough of them to be able to say with confidence that small business in Russia has been formed and is mainly based on small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

Such an increase in the number of individual entrepreneurs is quite natural: own business allows you to independently, without pointers from above, manage personal resources and time, while not reporting to anyone.

That is why people who would like to start their own business do not become smaller. However, many are stopped by the lack of initial capital and self-development strategies. In this article, we will talk about what kind of support is provided by the state to start-up businessmen and how to get a subsidy to start your own business.

Who is eligible for a subsidy from the employment center

Help from the state for beginners individual entrepreneurs goes through the territorial employment centers. The state has a direct interest in the growth in the number of individual entrepreneurs for several reasons:

  • The number of unemployed is decreasing;
  • The treasury receives new taxes and deductions;
  • Small business is the backbone of the country. The stronger and more numerous it is, the stronger the state.

However, despite the active promotion of the development of individual entrepreneurs, the number of citizens applying for support to the state is not so large: only 2%. This is due to the low awareness of the population about such a program and the fear of people in case of unforeseen situations to be alone with their problems.

But let's start in order. Who is eligible for government subsidies?

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation upon reaching the age of 18;
  • citizens who are registered at the employment center as unemployed for more than one month.


  • minors;
  • women on maternity leave;
  • full-time students;
  • pensioners;
  • some categories of the military;
  • convicts;
  • employees under labor contracts;
  • persons already registered earlier as individual entrepreneurs, if less than six months have passed since the deregistration;
  • those who were dismissed from work due to violations of labor discipline.

In addition to all of the above, employees of the Employment Center will issue a denial of a subsidy to those who registered as unemployed, but within 10 days from the date of registration, refused the proposed job options twice.

The unemployed, who repeatedly violated the rules of the employment service, will also not receive a subsidy.

The amount of the subsidy for individual entrepreneurs

The law clearly states that the amount of the subsidy must be equal to the amount of unemployment benefits for twelve months.

The essence of helping beginner entrepreneurs from the employment center

As mentioned above, the first and main part of supporting start-up entrepreneurs is to providing them with an appropriate subsidy. Sum financial assistance in each case is individual and depends on the amount of unemployment benefits granted on the basis of wages and length of service at the last place of work. As a rule, according to statistics, the average subsidy amount is about 60 thousand rubles.

Second help option: reimbursement of registration costs. In particular, the state returns the state duty for registration, reimburses the money spent on legal advice and notary services, compensates for the costs of purchasing forms, making seals, etc.

The third way to support start-up businessmen is to provide them with free consultations by lawyers, organization of business trainings, as well as the possibility of renting premises at a price significantly lower than the market price.

And finally, the fourth point - assistance in developing a business plan, without which it is basically impossible to get a subsidy.

Documents and procedure for obtaining a subsidy for IP

In order for financial assistance to open your own business to be paid, a certain algorithm of actions has been developed, which must be strictly followed:

  1. You need to register with the territorial department of the Employment Center. To do this, you must have a passport, TIN, work book, a certificate or diploma, a certificate from the last place of work about the salary for the last three months in a row, as well as an application for unemployment benefits.

    Attention! If the applicant for a subsidy has not officially worked anywhere for five years, the specialists of the Employment Center legal grounds may refuse to receive financial assistance to open an IP. The logic is simple: if a person in the previous five-year period had money to live on from somewhere, then in the future he will be able to provide himself with them.

  2. It is necessary to consult with an employee of the Employment Center. The procedure for obtaining subsidies may vary slightly depending on the region of the Russian Federation;
  3. It is necessary to write a statement that will become written evidence of the desire to open your own business;
  4. Psychological testing: a formal but necessary procedure for obtaining a subsidy;
  5. Development of an enterprise development strategy or, in other words, writing a business plan. Let's take a closer look at this point. The fact is that a business plan is not the easiest document. In order to write it correctly, you need some experience and knowledge. Therefore, if you feel that your skills are not enough to develop a business development concept, it is better to turn to specialists. What should be indicated and what to pay attention to in a business plan:
    • Profit amount. This is the most important point in every business plan, since any commercial activity implies some kind of income;
    • Availability of funds, which can be invested in the business as initial capital. The money that is allocated as a subsidy will clearly not be enough to start a business from scratch, so a novice entrepreneur must also have some kind of financial reserves of his own. In addition, they will be an additional confirmation of the seriousness of the intentions of the future IP. The ratio of personal funds to the amount of material assistance should be at least 1:2;
    • Innovation. The more unusual and more original idea, the higher the chances that the project will be approved;
    • Number of staff in the future company. The main goal of the Employment Center is to employ as many people as possible. That is why the specialists of the Employment Center give the greatest preference to business plans with a high number of employees;
    • Justification of expenses. In the business plan for without fail need to write down which goals will go subsidy received. And the more detailed this item is, the better. It is good if the purchase of equipment, raw materials or materials is declared as such goals. The worst option: spending the subsidy on renting space and advertising services.
  6. After writing a business plan, it, along with an application for a subsidy, must be submitted to the Employment Center. These documents will be considered by a specially formed commission, which will evaluate the results of psychological testing and the business plan, after which a verdict will be issued on the ability of the applicant for a subsidy for entrepreneurial activity. Then, within 10 days, the commission will make a decision, with a corresponding order signed by the director of the Employment Center;
  7. If approval is received, you will need to conclude an agreement for the transfer of the amount of the subsidy and then go to tax office register as an individual entrepreneur at the place of residence;
  8. After completing all these points, it will be necessary to provide the specialists of the Employment Center with all reporting documents, including the registration of the individual entrepreneur with the tax office and checks justifying expenses from subsidy funds (invoices, checks, etc.).

As can be seen from what is written above, getting a subsidy from the state to open your own business is not so problematic. To do this, you need to draw up a good business plan and go all the way from an idea to its implementation in the manner prescribed by law. If done right, a government subsidy can be a great support at the start of a self-employed entrepreneurial journey.