Desired salary level. The wording of the expected salary in the resume of the applicant

During a job interview, you will have to answer a lot of questions. Numerous recommendations on the Internet, including some of my articles, will help you answer many of them.

However, some questions create difficulties for most applicants and can even lead you into a trap. One of those tricky questions is: “What are your salary requirements?” What is the trick here and how to correctly answer such a question, I will tell you now.

So, if you ask for a high salary right away, it can significantly increase the likelihood of rejection. Declare too low a salary - devalue yourself. Where is the golden mean?

The best thing you can do is delay the salary discussion as much as possible and force the employer to offer you the compensation level first. By giving a direct answer, you immediately give the employer the initiative and control over the situation.

Many HR -specialists and employees of recruiting agencies rightly believe that by requiring applicants to evaluate themselves, they help themselves find the best candidates at the best price. Therefore, they put pressure on you during the interview process, trying to squeeze exact numbers out of you.

You have another task - to sell yourself more expensive. So don't give in to pressure.

Here are some tips on how to get away from a direct salary answer to your advantage.

1. You should understand your true value in the labor market.

Before you go to an interview, research offers in your industry and your profession. Browse the Internet for both job offers and resumes of colleagues at your level. You must understand how much your experience and skills are worth on the labor market now. This will be one of your advantages - knowing your real market value as a specialist.

2. If asked, delay answering.

As soon as the recruiter finds out your desired salary level, the initiative is already on his side. Postpone salary discussions until the employer shows a clear and strong interest in your candidacy.

Say things like, “It depends on a few factors that we haven't discussed yet. For example, social package and other benefits, as well as from intangible factors. Please tell me what is the range of salaries and social package Can your company offer a successful specialist for this position?”

3. If you absolutely must answer, report a wide range.

When it comes to direct clarification, ambiguity is your best friend.

This is a sure way not to be cheap.

If the representative of the employer insists on an answer, and you have already found out all the nuances of the position, prepared (see paragraph 1), then declare the plug from ... to ... Moreover, your lower bar should be approximately equal to the upper number of the employer's plug, should cling to it, like a hook. More or less like this:

“Based on the level of my competence and experience, I am open to discussing salary from...”

I hope you have already scouted out the possible offer of this company in advance, or at least analyzed the level of salaries in this industry, position and region?

4. Most importantly, do not give an unambiguous answer!

Only vague numbers and a wide range.

Here are more questions and answers.

What salary are you looking for?

Answer. Let's first talk about your requirements for the candidate, the tasks and expectations of the company, so that I can understand who you need and whether I really fit.

How much did you earn at your last job?

Answer. The functionality of this position does not quite coincide with what I did at my last job. Let's first discuss my level of responsibility here and then evaluate the fair level of compensation appropriate for these particular tasks.

Answer 2. I have a flexible attitude to the issue of salary and am ready to discuss the compensation package, but my salary in last place was from 10 to 18 thousand UAH. and I wouldn't like to have less.

What salary level do you expect?

Answer. I am interested in finding a job that is as worthy of my experience as possible. And I am sure that your company can offer a decent salary that meets market conditions.

(In other words, I respect myself and expect respect from the company as well.)

Answer 2. I don't have specific salary requirements, I just want to say that my average living expenses in recent times range from 10-15 thousand UAH. per month.

I need to know your desired salary level in order to prepare job offer . Please name...

Answer. I would be grateful if you could make me an offer based on the figures you have budgeted for this post. From these figures we will build on ...

Why don't you want to voice your salary wishes?

Answer. I am sure that you have your own data, how much work is estimated at this position in your company, I would first like to know your numbers.

How do you usually react to an HR question about what salary you expect? Do you start to feel shy and speak insecurely?

To ensure that your salary negotiations are as successful as possible for you, you know what to say and are on top, we asked our expert - recruiter of the Lviv Consulting Group Oksana Abramenko formulate the ten most important rules.

1. The employer should be the first to talk about money.

Never start talking about salary first. You risk creating the erroneous impression that all you care about is money. Be sure: the employer is well aware that this issue of remuneration is very important, so he will never forget to ask it, and will not deliberately delay this moment. In general, the question will sound on time.

For example, a telephone conversation after sending a resume or an interview with a recruiter (the case when the agency is recruiting, and not the employing company). Some employers want to immediately weed out those candidates who will not fit into the allocated budget - so they ask the question of salary expectations at the first opportunity.

2. You must voice the amount

Never in response to a question about the desired salary, do not ask: “How much can you offer?”. What will the employer think in this case? First, you yourself do not know how much you cost in the labor market, which will already be a huge minus for you. Secondly, you are simply bargaining, afraid to sell too cheap and name a smaller amount. Both are repulsive.

3. Google it for the correct number

In order to adequately answer the question about the salary and give an adequate figure, you must prepare. Therefore, before the interview, conduct a mini-research. His the main objective– understand how much specialists of your level now cost on average and how much an employer is theoretically willing to pay you.

Where can you get this data?

Excellent sources of such information are:

1. Analytical data of employment sites;

2. Vacancies of companies of the same level as the one where you want to go (those of them in which the salary is indicated);

3. Resumes of applicants who apply for the same position as you.

4. Survey of friends/colleagues/acquaintances who work in companies of similar type and in the same industry.

4. You can call it a "fork"

If you do not know anything about your position, except for what is written in the vacancy, in some cases it will be more correct to name not the specific amount you are counting on, but the “fork”, that is, the amount from and to. Moreover, the gap between the minimum and maximum figures should be no more than 20-35%. Also, naming the amount from and to, for example, from 10,000 to 12,000 hryvnias, be prepared that you may be asked a direct question: “So you are ready to work for 10,000?”. Therefore, think in advance which numbers you put in your fork.

Even in the case of a “fork”, it is important to clarify that you will be able to name the exact figure when you know in more detail about the scope of work, responsibility, goals and payment system. For example, what is the variable and constant part, how is the system of bonuses and bonuses, and whether they exist at all. When talking about money, be sure to ask about it.

It is also quite normal at the interview if you name a specific amount that you want to earn.

5. Clarify if this is a “clean” or “dirty” salary

When talking about money, always clarify what you mean by “net” salary, as some companies sometimes talk about “dirty”, that is, salary before all taxes are deducted. Many applicants fall into this trap.

6. Don't say "I'm open to discussion" right away.

“I am open to discussion” is a good tactic, especially if the candidate has not mentioned the lowest level of his salary. But this phrase does not need to be said immediately after you have voiced a specific amount - then it seems that you yourself are not sure that you deserve to receive so much. It is best to say that you are ready to discuss a salary if the employer tells you that this amount is beyond the budget, or if it can be seen from his facial expression.

Also, you should remember about the allowable limits for lowering salaries. So on the eve of the interview, you must decide for yourself the minimum that you agree to. But also remember that the lower limit should differ from the upper limit by 20-35%. Since otherwise, if you are ready to significantly reduce the amount, the employer will have a question about how much you get at your current job and whether you initially overestimated your salary expectations.

7. Optimal salary increase - 30%

In an effort to earn more - do not go too far. Often, experienced HRs, when inviting you for an interview, already know how much you earned at your last job. Therefore, if you name the amount 2 times more, this will cause, to put it mildly, misunderstanding and trick questions to bring you to clean water.

8. You need to know why you want to receive such a salary.

Very often, employers ask why the applicant calls this or that amount. Your main reference points in the answer that you can refer to are the market situation, your experience, achievements and qualifications (additional educational programs, certification, for example, 1C for accountants, 6 Sigma system for engineering positions), as well as the amount of work that you need will perform. Never use difficult life circumstances, marriage, having children, etc. as an argument.

9. Don't try to persuade an employer to choose you by lowering your salary.

It is a huge misconception that the employer will choose the candidate who will cost him less than everyone else. If you deliberately lower your salary expectations (for example, those applicants who cannot find a job for a very long time do this very often), this will cause a lot of doubts and negative conjectures. For example, that you do not value yourself, you are not confident in your abilities and that your professional qualification insufficient, since you are asking for such a sum. By the way, some employers fundamentally do not consider candidates for "cheap" applicants.

10. Be sure to speak out all the details

This advice is more relevant for young professionals without work experience, who often become “victims” dishonest employers working for pennies. Be sure to clarify all the details of your financial reward: for example, how long will you work for the minimum wage, what goals do you need to achieve in order to get a promotion (“what should I learn?”, “what should I achieve?”).

Should you include your desired salary on your resume? This is a matter of strategic importance. What does the employer / HR manager look at first of all when opening a resume?

  • Title (profession)
  • Section "About me"
  • key skills
  • Desired Salary
  • Experience (positions, dates, company names)

The desired salary for the employer is a red flag; this is its benefit, and this is the risks associated with it.

Too little

When you set the desired threshold too low wages you show your insecurities. "A good specialist should be expensive." Let this be a stereotype that can be refuted - the labor market is such a dynamic thing that no stereotypes can reflect the real state of affairs - but it works.

If you rate yourself too low, you: a) don’t know how, b) don’t know something, c) you have flaws that are not visible in the resume, d) you are afraid that you will not be hired.

There is a possibility that the applicant, who indicated a low salary level, will still be invited for an interview and hired. But a salary higher than the level indicated by the applicant is unlikely to be given (“Why pay more?”). How attractive is the prospect - to work for a salary 1.5 times lower than you could afford - decide for yourself.

Too much

This is the other extreme, which is also unlikely to bring success.

Employers are always happy to see competent, highly qualified specialists in the staff - and, accordingly, expensive ones. But this applies only to rare specializations and top management. Most specialists have competitors who are ready to offer their qualifications and experience at an average market price, not higher. Such is the reality.

What does "a lot" or "little" mean?

The starting point for answering the question "What salary should I include in a resume?" - this is the market average level of salaries for your profession / specialty. What is this level, you can find out from the section "Salary statistics" on the portal.

The starting point does not mean that this is the number you should write on your resume.

Make adjustments for the following points:

  • The figure can be increased if you have a unique, rare experience; if you have great experience work (experience more than 10 years in one specialty); if at the moment it is difficult to find a specialist of your profile in the labor market; if you have outstanding achievements that testify to your high qualifications).
  • It makes sense to lower the figure if you do not have work experience; if you have long breaks in your seniority during which you did not support professional uniform(lived apart from the profession); if in the labor market in your industry the supply of specialists greatly exceeds the demand (“playing” with the salary level, remember that the bar cannot be lowered too low - then the employment opportunity can be lost).

Pay attention to an important point.

If you're listing your desired salary on your resume as well above average, make sure your resume has arguments in favor of that figure. Reasons for a high assessment of one's qualifications must be included in the resume (description of achievements, unique skills, etc.). Otherwise, the employer will think that you do not know how to evaluate yourself objectively.

Where should you list your desired salary on your resume?

The most important information is always located in the first part of the resume, and the desired salary level is completely subject to this rule.

The salary level is usually indicated immediately after contact information and search goals.

If in doubt where exactly to place information about the desired salary (and do not know what structure a resume should have), use a ready-made structure. Post your resume on the portal: the document that you will receive as a result fully meets the expectations of employers, contains all the information that employers are interested in; resume has a standard structure and at the same time allows you to highlight strengths applicant.

This is how the desired salary level looks like in a resume created on our portal.

When determining the desired salary level, you should not proceed from your material needs. "I have to pay the rent of the apartment, pay for the education of the child, plus pocket money." This "method" of determining the level of wages is fundamentally wrong. The cost of a specialist is determined by the market; personal needs have nothing to do with this figure.

If you have any doubts about the figure you are going to put on your resume, gather even more information by looking at your colleagues' resumes. Find resumes of professionals with work experience equivalent to yours; look at the numbers they indicate. Pay attention to the skill level of competitors - how it affects the amount of the desired salary. Analyze the information and adjust your salary level in accordance with it.

How to indicate the desired salary in the resume?

It is better to indicate it in national currency.

Is it possible to not specify the desired salary?

Perhaps you already had this question when you read the first part of the article - about what is harmful for employment to indicate a salary significantly higher or lower than the average market level.

Yes, the desired salary can be omitted, it will not be a violation of any principles and rules. But it is worth considering that the absence of the required figure raises the question from the employer: “Why did the applicant not indicate the salary? Perhaps he cannot evaluate himself (which is a clear disadvantage); or too lazy to find out how much the specialists of his profile are paid (which is also a minus).”

Even if the employer does not think anything of the kind, he will not have a guideline: “Is this my candidate or not?” Not knowing your claims, the employer may abandon the idea of ​​inviting you for an interview - in favor of applicants who gave more information and did not raise doubts.

Do others provide salaries?

82% of job seekers who posted resumes on indicated their desired salary level. Salary in rubles indicated 80% of applicants.

Do you want to know what salary applicants in Russia indicate as desired?

We have compiled the TOP 10 specializations with the highest salaries. We compared the figures indicated by applicants with the average salary in the same specialty and, for greater objectivity, with the average salary of the highly paid profession in this category (for example, within the specialization " Agriculture"The highest paid profession is" agronomist-consultant "). You can see the comparison results in the table.

Tab. Comparison of the average desired level of salaries (from the resumes of applicants) with the average level of salaries in Russia, rub.

As can be seen from the table, applicants are more likely to step over the bar of the average salary than to underestimate their cost: in most areas, the desired salary tends to be closer to the level of the highest paid profession than to the average figure (this is especially pronounced in the first 4 lines of the rating).

Let this conclusion set you up to aim for a higher salary. If you have to keep your aspirations low right now—because of market conditions, lack of work experience, or other reasons—at any rate, take a competitive salary as your benchmark, set appropriate career goals, and strive to achieve them.

The question is ambiguous. The answer to it depends on the position for which you are applying, on whether you post your resume in the public domain for employers or respond to a specific vacancy. If indicated, what salary should be indicated in the resume? If not, how to discuss salary during an interview? We'll figure out.

Reasons for including salary on resume:

  • Make it easy for the recruiter thus increasing the chances of a response. If the salary is not specified, the recruiter has to evaluate you by indirect signs - by experience, the level of companies in which you worked, by the complexity of the tasks you solved, etc. This is extra work, plus such work requires a certain qualification.
  • Save your time- some employers, comparing their offer with your expectations, immediately understand that they will not be able to interest you. This argument is only important if there are really a lot of responses to your resume and it takes a lot of time to answer each one.
  • More views and responses to your resume. Employers are more willing to view resumes with a designated salary level.

Arguments AGAINST showing salary on resume:

  • Immediately set the maximum salary level which may be offered to you. In the process of further communication with the employer, this bar can also be lowered. As a rule, no one offers a salary higher than you expect. Why pay more? Therefore, there is a risk of "cheapening".
  • Cut off potentially interesting options for yourself, but whose salary offer is lower than the level you declared. The employer is not disposed to initiate negotiations for a pay cut, and you lose a potential opportunity.

What salary to include in resume

Even before contacting a potential employer, you must determine for yourself minimum wage below which you will not fall under any circumstances. You do not voice this figure to the employer, but simply keep it in your head.

To understand what salary to indicate in a resume, you need to have an idea of ​​how much a specialist with your qualifications is currently worth on the market in your city. To do this, you need to analyze both the current vacancies in your profile and the available resumes of candidates in your specialty. Walk around and gather information.

Calculate your average monthly income for the last year. This will be the level, how much you are actually worth at the current moment. Compare your real value with the average market offer. They should be approximately equal. If the situation allows, then it is permissible to add to the resulting figure 10-20% . This is how you determine what salary to include in your resume. At the same time, you will have some delta in which you can move without harming yourself.

What not to do

If you have several versions of resumes for various positions and at the same time all options are available to employers on job sites, then it is undesirable that the salary level in different options resume varied greatly. In this case, the resume with the lowest salary levels out all the others.

For example, you are applying for the following positions:

  • Sales Manager
  • Head of Sales Department
  • Manager of logistick

At the same time, you have solid experience as a sales manager. You highly appreciate yourself as a salesperson, you think that you will immediately show results in this position. Therefore, evaluate the desired salary level for this position in 100000 rubles. At the same time, you are a little fed up with the sales themselves, you are deeply in the subject and would be ready to share your knowledge with others. You would like to take on leadership roles in the sales department of a small company in your field. You are ready for this work, but for you it will be a new experience. You can not confidently guarantee your success in the role of head of sales, but full of enthusiasm, this is something new for you. And here tactics can be different:

  1. You think that a managerial job is a greater responsibility, and, accordingly, the salary level should be higher (you saw that this was the case in your last company), and you indicate the desired salary level in 120000 rubles.
  2. You think that due to your lack of managerial experience in sales, you may apply for a position as head of sales in a smaller company than the one you worked for. It will take you some time to get used to your new role and start showing results, so you indicate your desired salary level in 80000 rubles. You see advantages for yourself (moving to a new level, changing activities, the possibility of professional growth), so you are ready to move up for the first time in terms of wages.

In the third case, you show interest in changing your job profile. Having worked as a sales manager, you have mastered all the nuances of logistics processes well, you know everything from the inside, and it would be interesting for you to move to work in this direction. You have no actual work experience in this area, but this job attracts with its stability, it seems more relaxed, so you are ready to move to a lower salary level - 70000 rubles.

As a result, you have 3 resumes posted on your work site at the same time:

  1. Sales manager - 100,000 rubles.
  2. Head of the sales department - 80,000/120,000 rubles.
  3. Logistics manager - 70,000 rubles.

Everything seems to be logical. But this is from the point of view of the applicant. The employer, seeing all 3 resume options, notes for himself that your psychological salary level is 70000 rubles, accordingly, he will bring down the proposed salary to this level, regardless of the position being discussed. Or, seeing a spread of 50,000 rubles, he will consider that you thoughtlessly indicated a higher salary in the hope that “what if someone bites”. And this for the recruiter will only mean that you yourself do not know how much you cost.

Therefore, in the case of several resume options, you need to be careful. Perhaps you don’t need to post 3 resumes at once on one resource. Post 1 version of your resume on 1 site, the 2nd on another, and the 3rd on a third. Or post the most preferred option for yourself, and send others purposefully to a specific company.

There is no need to avoid discussing the issue of wages altogether. If you make it clear to the employer that you are not very interested in a particular level, then he gets the impression that you do not really value yourself as a specialist, or you are not serious about work, or you are ready for anything out of hopelessness.

How to justify the salary level indicated in the resume

When you call the employer the amount, he may ask you a question: “And how did you determine this level of wages?”

Candidates usually have the following answers:

  • I looked on a job site and this is the average salary for a person with my qualifications. A completely acceptable option.
  • This is 10% higher than what I had at my last job. Quite a possible option.
  • This is my current living wage. A completely acceptable option.
  • I have a mortgage and a car loan, so I need at least this level. Not a very good option, because. You kind of hang your problems on the employer. Why should an employer suffer from the fact that you have a mortgage, or a loan, or you have to travel far? It's your problems. In this case, the employer will give preference to a candidate who does not have such encumbrances. On the other hand, sometimes for the employer this is a kind of marker of your motivation, especially if the salary in your position consists of a salary and a variable part. You will not be able to “sit” on a salary, but will actively earn money. True, on the other hand, the employer understands that since your material motivation prevails, you can easily change your job, moving to where you will be paid more.
  • I saw the salary offered in your vacancy, it suits me. An undesirable option with “passive wording” (“it suits me”). The employer always wants to see an active candidate, and not one “who suits”. It is better to want actively than to be content.

Another question that might be asked next: “How much are you getting now?” It's the same with recommendations. The potential employer believes that the previous employer knew you well and soberly assessed your level, and, accordingly, you can rely on him. And for him it will be valuable information. Knowing the reasons for your departure from the last place, a potential employer will be able to assess whether the salary in the last place suited you or not, and what is your psychological level of wages. If you received 50,000 rubles in your last place, and now you are applying for 100,000 rubles, a logical question arises: how adequately do you evaluate yourself, and why is there such a big spread?

When to discuss salary

At some point, in the process of telephone communication or at an interview, you will definitely be asked: “What level of salary do you expect?” We recommend discussing the salary after discussing the main requirements, responsibilities, tasks that you have to solve, the criteria by which the effectiveness of your work will be evaluated, i.e. You have learned all the key nuances of the work. Having a complete picture in your head, you will be better able to assess the complexity of future work and the level of responsibility, and voice the level of wages that you will be interested in, taking into account the tasks that will need to be solved. Therefore, try to move on to discussing the salary towards the end of the interview.

Likewise, you don't need to ask about the proposed salary level in the first place. without a full understanding of all the requirements and conditions, you will not be able to assess how attractive or not the proposed amount. So that it does not work out like in a joke:

- What salary do you offer?

- 150,000 rubles.

- I agree!

“You just have to go to work naked.

In addition, you need to discuss salary when you are already interested potential employer , i.e. favorably presented all the “pluses” that he will receive by inviting you to work.

How to answer the salary question

If a recruiter, communicating with you on the phone, asks about the desired salary level, then the answer may be as follows: “I would like to know more about your vacancy, about the requirements for this vacancy, about what is important to you and how I can be useful to your company, and then discuss the salary level” . You can gently ask the recruiter about the “plug” in salary for this position, and if your expectations fit into the voiced range, then just say that you are ready for further discussion.

Talk about perspective: what level of salary will suit you for the period probationary period, upon expiration of the probationary period and at what level you would like to reach in 6-12 months from the moment you start working. Thus, you show the employer that you understand that you will not immediately be able to be 100% effective in a new position for yourself, but you clearly see the future and have serious intentions to develop in this company.

Publication date 23.05.2016 St. Petersburg

This question often confuses the applicant. On the one hand, it’s scary to miscalculate and I want the employer to be the first to voice their proposals. Therefore, it is tempting to indicate in the resume: “Salary: by agreement” and thus demonstrate my loyalty, they say, I am a modest employee and I am ready to negotiate, I don’t dictate anything to anyone. On the other hand, the applicant wants a decent salary and does not want to waste time on those employers who are not ready to meet his salary expectations. And the employer does not want to waste time on a presumptuous applicant who wants to get too much. So should you include salary on your resume? And if so, which one? Here is how an experienced recruiter, head of the recruitment and staffing department of the Arsenal machine-building plant Matvey SLOBODYAN answered these questions.

It is highly desirable to indicate the salary in the resume, unless, of course, the applicant wants to increase the number of responses from employers. According to statistics from a popular job search site, the more comprehensive information a candidate provides about himself in a resume, the higher his competitive advantage. This is due to the fact that the employer saves his time and, first of all, selects resumes of more understandable and suitable applicants.

According to the salary “fork” of the candidate, the recruiter will understand how objectively he evaluates himself in terms of experience and knowledge, how much he knows the market and the cost of specialists in it. When both parties roughly represent each other's expectations, then it is easier to negotiate a salary level.

If the salary is not indicated in the resume, the recruiter himself will assess what the applicant can expect based on the labor market and is unlikely to offer more in the future, even if the candidate asks for it. Actually, your salary is your price tag. Anyone who brings his product to the market is obliged to indicate its price.

And most importantly, if the candidate did not indicate the salary in the resume, there is a chance that he will not be included in the selection of resumes on the job site at all. After all, when setting search criteria, the employer almost always indicates the salary “plug” into which the applicants he needs will fall. But this is the case if there are many specialists in this area on the market and the recruiter has a large choice.

If you are a unique specialist and you know that people like you are rare - do not hesitate, the employer will find you regardless of whether you indicated your salary level or not.

And what level of salary to specify? After all, reasoning can be very different. For example, if you indicate a low salary, then the candidate may be considered insufficiently qualified, if too high - too “expensive”, and if you indicate the one that was at the previous job, then this can be interpreted as follows: the candidate has nothing more to count on.

I can offer to indicate the level of salary, similar to what was at the previous place of work, plus 10-15% if the position is similar, and plus 30-40% if the candidate expects career growth. In the first case, the desired increase in wages can be explained by inflation, and in the second case, in addition to inflation, an increased level of responsibility.

Of course, if a specialist migrates (moving to another region, moving to a larger structure), it is necessary to conduct at least basic monitoring of the level of salaries for the desired position in order to be “in the market” when specifying the salary.

Of course, there are cases when the employer forms salary proposals based on the qualifications of the candidate, i.e., does not have a ready-made offer, but discusses it during the interview process. Such cases do occur if professional sphere narrow. In such a situation, the candidate is invited only based on his qualifications, and then the employer's task is to attract the candidate with a personal offer.

If we talk about the positions of top managers, then the salary discussion does not take place at the first interview, but, as a rule, at the final stage. When inviting a candidate for such positions, the employer preliminarily evaluates his capabilities, correlating the “scale” of the candidate, his merits, and approximate income from previous jobs. In extreme cases, the employer before the meeting can clarify the procedure for remuneration, which is potentially interesting to the candidate.

It is possible to indicate in the salary level “by agreement” only if the applicant is a specialist in narrow sphere and apply for the position of top manager. In other cases, the employer will ask you at the first call: “What level of wages are you targeting?” - so that there are no cardinal discrepancies and do not waste the time of both the applicant and the employer. I advise you to answer directly, while immediately clarifying what kind of earnings you are talking about. It is important that your terminology and the terminology of the employer match. Explain, for example, that the desired 50 thousand rubles for you is the total income (salary + bonus) after taxes.

Good luck in finding a job and a decent salary for you!

Prepared by Lydia BEREZNYAKOVA

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