An example of life values ​​in literature.

In the section on the question for essay 15.3 on the topic "Life Values", what examples from literature can be given? given by the author European the best answer is 1) As you know, A. S. Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet "a slave of honor." The quarrel, the cause of which was the offended honor of A. Pushkin, led to the death of the greatest writer. However, Alexander Sergeevich retained his honor and good name in the memory of people.
2) The hero with high moral character is Petrusha Grinev, a character in A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter". Peter did not tarnish his honor even in those cases when it was possible to pay for it with his head. He was a man of high morals worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave Shvabrin's slander on Masha unpunished, so he challenged him to a duel.
Shvabrin is the complete opposite of Grinev: he is a person for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, stepping over himself for the sake of his momentary desires. Popular rumor says: "take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." Once having tarnished honor, you are unlikely to ever be able to restore your good name.
3) The heroine of A. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" turned out to be a victim of false values. Sofya Pavlovna, reading sentimental novels, sees the modest and devoted to her father Molchalin as her ideal romantic hero. Unfortunately, the real, sincere feelings of Chatsky, who loves her with early years she does not accept. The collapse of the heroine's hopes occurs in the finale: Sophia discovers that the person whom she considered her ideal does not love her at all. Thus, the denouement of the plot becomes a tragedy for Sophia.
4) I. A. Bunin in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" demonstrated the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and that god he worshipped. During his life, everyone treated him with respect, but after his death, even his family did not remember him. If the hero began his journey to the Old World in a luxurious cabin, then after death he was carried in a tarred coffin, hidden from living eyes deep below, in the black hold of the ship. Thus, living on mortal false values, the American millionaire died without knowing what real life with its earthly non-material joys.

Did you know that 99 of the 100 richest Russians according to Forbes magazine have children?? I will tell you more about this below.

Are you satisfied with your job, family relationships, health, internal state? There are various problems that happen in every person's life, but many difficulties can be avoided if you act in accordance with the right values ​​in life.

Now I will talk about 8 life values ​​​​and how their satisfaction affects the level of happiness.

8 Life Values

1. Spiritual development. This is your moral state and actions, understanding of life values.

2. Family, loved ones. Your relationship with your soulmate, relatives, friends.

3. Health, sports. Your well-being. Regularity in general examinations can also be attributed to this section, since many diseases can be asymptomatic until the very last stage.

4. Financial situation. Satisfaction with financial position.

5. Career. Career and finances are separated because for many, self-realization in a career is more important than income, for some it is the other way around.

6. Rest, emotions.

7. Self-development.

8. Environment. People you interact with frequently, at work and in other public places.

If you want, you can supplement with your other life values.

Priorities in life values

The maximum efficiency and level of experienced happiness is achieved under 2 conditions:

Your values ​​in life are correct;

You are as close as possible to the uniform satisfaction of all life values.

Now let's analyze these 2 conditions a little and start with the first: Correct life values. Each life value has its own priority.

The main life value is spiritual development, i.e. your moral state. The importance is that negative actions have a bad effect on everyone spheres of life: health, leisure, finance, etc. The reason is that bad deeds create conflict with yourself, or rather, with your conscience. Think back to how you felt after the fight. Irritability, headache, stress, etc. are the result of any negative emotions.

All bad deeds are in conflict with your conscience, as a result, stress hormones are produced., which lower immunity, worsen your mood, etc. If, from a moral point of view, you do good deeds, then happiness hormones are produced that strengthen the body's strength and improve mood, which, in turn, affects all other areas of life.

Let's designate the main vital value from above.

The second most important value is family. Problems in the family, as well as in the value of "spiritual development" strongly affect all areas of life, the principle is about the same.

3rd most important value: health, which also affects everything else. Priorities for other values ​​may vary depending on your personality type.

Supporting facts from forbes about success

Many may have doubts about the above priorities, so I will give the facts. Everyone knows Forbes magazine, which annually publishes lists of the richest people in the world. In one of the logs I found the following interesting fact: In the list of the 100 richest Russians according to forbes, I counted only 9 divorced men, 1 unmarried, the rest are all married. But the most interesting thing is that 99 out of 100 have children, even those who are divorced, adopted or their own. At the same time, the average data for all married men in Russia is much lower, you yourself understand this.

It turns out that the most successful men- Married and who have children. This is a fact of statistics.

How do you like this arrangement? It seems to be the opposite, according to the logic of a modern person, the more you work to achieve success, the less time for everything else. Why is it so difficult for single men and women to succeed? Why do they have to work harder and achieve less?

So, according to the statistics in marriage, you are more likely to realize your desires. But let's try to understand why this happens, because a family and children require time, care, and effort!

We are so arranged that when good deeds are released into the blood hormones of joy (dopamine, serotonin, etc.). Remember how you felt when you provided invaluable help to another person. You can look at the faces of people who work in charitable foundations, even from photographs it immediately becomes clear that they feel much happier than others.

Taking care of others, in particular, family, children, greatly reduces susceptibility to stress, because our brain cannot think about several situations at once, it works sequentially. What does this mean? And then, when we want to help someone, positive thoughts of help do not allow negative emotions to develop. If there were no thoughts about how to help your neighbor, then experiences and negative emotions would fill the void.

This is why after a divorce, so often people start drinking and fall into other harmful ailments, they just become more susceptible to negativity. And family people, on the contrary, are less proud, offended, sick, this happens because when a person takes care of someone, his morale improves.

That's why the family can help not only get the release of happy hormones: endorphins, but also reduce the production of stress hormones, replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Success and morale

The foundation of success is your morale. Everyone understands that people avoid cooperation with proud, arrogant, evil people and, on the contrary, are drawn to interaction with calm, polite, kind people. Therefore, the most important value is spiritual development, which improves your morale and reduces negative actions. As a result, there is less conflict with conscience and less negative thoughts that negatively affect through the release of stress hormones.

I will share my experience, I go to an Orthodox church, regularly go to confession and receive communion. It helps to improve morale, remove negative thoughts and feel happier.

The family gives a person the opportunity for faster spiritual development, because caring for one's neighbor makes a person better, his moral condition improves, and his actions become correct. Therefore, family and relationships with loved ones are the 2nd most important life value.

Priorities allow you to make a more accurate analysis and help you better understand what needs to be done to change your life for the better. For example, satisfaction financial position should not be higher than satisfaction with spiritual development. Or satisfaction with a career should not be higher than satisfaction with family relationships. That is, on the wheel of life, you need not only to tighten up your sagging needs, but also to ensure that lower priority life values ​​do not rise above higher priority ones.

Often people work where they do not like. And every day unloved work brings more and more disappointments and spoiled mood. Often the reason is not a bad job or even a bad employee, but that they do not fit together. If you approach the choice of work and lifestyle in accordance with your life values, then you will be more successful in any area.

How to evaluate life values

The criterion for success in life is the level of happiness experienced. Perhaps everyone wants to be happy. The more you satisfy your life values, the happier you will feel.. But in order to understand where to start, you need to know at what stage of satisfaction your current life values ​​are.

Now is the time to evaluate your life values. First, take a piece of paper and draw a circle, then divide it into 8 parts by drawing 4 lines through the center. Put zero in the center of the circle - this is your starting point. Divide each of the 8 axes into 10 parts, grading with risks. There will be zero in the center of the circle, and 10 along the edges at the intersection of the lines with the circle.

Label each intersection of the line with the circle described above with 8 life values.

Ask yourself: Are you satisfied with the work you have done to improve your health, relationships with your family, etc. For each item, rate your level of satisfaction on a scale of 1 to 10 and tick on each axis.

It is important to add that the question should not be asked related to satisfaction in general, but to how you have worked on each area. What matters is not the end goal, but your desire and movement towards it.

I'll explain why: Life constantly limits us in some way and there are situations when the desired cannot be achieved, but you can achieve satisfaction from the work invested. For example, a person does not have a leg, of course, everyone would like to have full-fledged limbs, but so far this is impossible, so if such a person always indicates a low result on the health axis, this will demotivate him, because he wants, but cannot .

And if you put your movement towards a goal on the wheel of life, for example, a person without a leg trains every day to feel as natural as possible on an artificial leg and indicates high numbers on the health axis, then this will motivate him to further training. Therefore, 10 points on each axis is the value of the maximum result that you can achieve, and not someone else in this life situation.

As a result, you should get a figure similar to a circle. If this did not work out, then look at all the sagging areas of life. First of all, it is necessary to satisfy the most lagging vital values, because. satiate a basic level of always simpler than the one above, i.e. to get a uniform circle. In addition, balance in life is extremely important for a person. Only a balanced life will bring happiness.

Now you know how much your life values ​​coincide with the real state of affairs and what needs to be changed in the first place.

You need to determine life values ​​regularly, draw a circle of life at least once a month, better time in Week.

The figure to strive for is a circle. When you determine your life values ​​and the degree to which they are realized, it will be much easier to prioritize things, your life will become more balanced, you will feel happier.

P.S. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as on the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc., ask me, I will try to help. Skype consultation is also possible.

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Life values ​​essay


1. What are life values?

2. Variety of life values.

3. Sources of life values.

4. Life values ​​and people.

A person is determined not only by his social position in society, his environment or material wealth. Each of us in life has our own guidelines and principles with which we go through life. In other words, each person has their own life values. What does life value mean?

Life values ​​are what a person has in the first place in life, these are his ideals and aspirations, on which he can rely under any circumstances and situations. All people are different, respectively, and life values ​​are different for everyone. For some, family is the most important thing in life. Such a person cherishes his relatives, relationships with them, a warm and cozy family hearth. And someone in a priority holds a career and money. And there are those for whom self-development is important, who do not like to stop there. And in life there are wonderful people who have found a balance between family, career and self-development, and manage to devote time and attention to everything. These are the people you need to look up to! One cannot be promoted to the detriment of the other.

In life, for any person, family, and favorite work, and self-development should be the main thing - these are the things that organize a happy person. When there is order in all these spheres of life, and the life of the person himself is interesting and complete. From such people you will never hear complaints about life, they are perfectly disciplined, they live with pleasure. How are human values ​​determined?

The primary source of values ​​in life is the family where a person was born and raised. It is there that the concepts of good and evil, honor and honesty, decency, love and respect are laid. Walking through life, a person encounters other people who become an object of admiration for him, who perfectly motivate us to move forward and not give up in the face of difficulties. We ourselves are also a source of life values. With age, we gain life experience, draw certain conclusions, change, which, in turn, can complement our life values ​​or even change them.

Good films and books, communication with relatives and friends, travel, new acquaintances also play a role in the formation of life values. Why do we need all these values ​​in life? Without life values, a person is completely empty, his life turns into a dull and gray activity, he is not interested in anything and nothing inspires him. Thanks to the values ​​in life, we set ourselves certain goals and achieve them. Since they give us confidence in ourselves, we believe in our life values. Life values ​​help a person to make one or another choice, to understand the essence of life itself, and values ​​also motivate people to live a full and vibrant life. Whatever our values ​​in life, let them be based on kindness, love, respect, understanding and decency.

Darina Kataeva

Every person has values ​​in life. They are formed in childhood, and in adulthood they influence the actions of people, their decisions, personal choices. Values ​​are a reflection of the essence, a driving force that affects the worldview and the formation of personality. What exactly are the values ​​of life and how to choose them for yourself?

Where do life values ​​come from?

Although human values ​​are a stable structure, they change under the influence of external circumstances and internal experiences. Of fundamental importance are those values ​​that are laid down in childhood. However, they do not appear instantly, they are formed over the course of life. The older a person becomes, the more stable values ​​distinguish him. For some, money, fame, power, and luxury items are essential in life. Others consider spiritual self-improvement, creative development, health, family and children important.

The formation of life values ​​is influenced by:

upbringing and family;
team at work;
experienced traumas and losses;
economic situation in the country.

Basic values ​​of human life

Although each person is individual, there are values ​​that unite all people:

It has nothing to do with selfishness. Such love helps to achieve happiness in life and self-improvement.
Near. The manifestation of this value lies in the respect of each person, his opinion and position in life.
Family. - the highest value for most people.
Husband or spouse. Emotional, spiritual and physical intimacy with a loved one comes first for some.
Love for children.
motherland. The place where a person was born affects the mentality and attitude to life.
Work. There are people who seek to dissolve in activities, they are ready to take on any assignment at work to achieve the common good.
Friends. and self-expression in it are of no small importance for any person.
Rest. This sphere of life allows a person to concentrate on his feelings, relax and unwind from the endless bustle.
public mission- activity. Altruists primarily seek to do something for the good of society. Satisfying your needs and desires is already in second place.

It cannot be said that each person singles out for himself one universal human value and lives by it. The listed areas are harmoniously intertwined, we just mark a few for ourselves and put them in first place in life.

Life values ​​are a complex structure that is reflected in the formulation and method of achievement. As a result, a person foresees unpleasant situations and possible failures.

List of possible human life values

In addition to basic life values, each person can have individual, sometimes extraordinary values. Below is only a partial list of possible human values, because it can be continued indefinitely.

Optimism. “The pessimist sees difficulties at every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty. Such a character trait can undoubtedly be considered a value and rejoice at the presence of optimism in your life: with it, life becomes brighter and fuller.
Patience. "Patience and a little effort". The presence of patience, especially among the modern generation, is definitely worth considering as its value. Only with patience can you. This is about your personal benefits. But your friends and partners will surely appreciate this quality.
Honesty. "Honesty is the most precious thing." It is important to be honest not only with others, but also with yourself. If for you this value is on a par with the basic ones, you are probably happy man: paradoxical as it may seem, but honest people have an easier life than those who like to lie.
Discipline. "Business before pleasure". Most people are extremely skeptical about this value, because discipline is, in their opinion, equal to restrictions, lack of freedom. And only over the years, many people come to the conclusion that if you are a disciplined person, this does not mean that you somehow limit yourself, you rather find the path to freedom and happiness with the help of this character trait.

Life Value Examples

Asking the question: “What is valuable to me?”, Many find themselves in a dead end. However, it is very important to give yourself an unambiguous answer so that when a new situation arises for yourself, be true to your values.

Life values ​​are not related to the opinions of others and the recognition of you as a person, thanks to the heights you have achieved.

The following sequence of actions helps in determining your values:

Stay on your own. To understand what is important to you in life and what is of secondary importance, it is recommended to clear the space of extraneous influence. Engage in the study of your personality in complete solitude, without the influence of external factors.
Recall important events in your life. It does not have to be only positive situations, reflect on the negative ones as well. Write down the main experiences on a piece of paper, think about what impressed you and what upset you, and without which you cannot imagine your life.
Explore Human Values because personal needs and views follow from them. Keep track of the relationship between the resulting list and everyday life. Some of the items listed are only a desire, not an established value in life.
Watch yourself. Set aside at least one day in which you would explore yourself, behavior, choices and motives for actions. The decisions we make on a daily basis are an indicator of a person's personal choice and values.
If the list of values ​​is too long, it will have to be shortened.. There should be 3 maximum 4 values. The rest is just additions and resulting decisions in life.


Some values ​​that are simultaneously important to a person may conflict. After looking at the compiled list, decide what does not fit together. This is what causes creativity, which is in disharmony with itself. It is important to remember about balance and the impact of our values ​​on the lives of others.

Each person is different, so values ​​differ depending on the nature and established guidelines in a person’s life. Although not every person has a tendency to reflect and explore oneself, it is still worth stopping for a moment and thinking about what is valuable to me. Otherwise, you will be a driven person, without your own core. Under new circumstances, you will immediately lose yourself and your personality!

February 26, 2014

(According to the story of Y. Bondarev)


In my opinion, the author, saying “how much and how little a person needs for happiness”, meant that a person is a contradictory creature, he often changes his mind, today he wants one thing, tomorrow another. The concept of happiness is different for different people: for some it is money, fame, power, personal ambitions and realization, and for some it is family, health and well-being of loved ones, helping other people, peace on the planet. Until a person understands what true happiness consists in, he rushes from one to another and often feels unhappy.
As evidence, we give examples from the text. So, the heroine Nadezhda reflects on the meaning of life, while feeling deeply unhappy, although she has no obvious reasons for this (suggestions 3-5).
Unlike Nadezhda, her father found his own meaning of life, he clearly knows what happiness is for him. This is a family, well-being in the house, the absence of war. For the sake of the happiness of his loved ones, he works day and night, sparing no effort (proposition 16-18). The heroine, realizing this simple truth and seeing how her parents love her, felt happier herself.
Thus, we understand that for happiness a person sometimes needs a lot, but for real happiness, just love and care of loved ones is enough.

In my opinion, life values ​​are the things that are the most significant in a person's life.
Each person has their own view of life values. For some, this is material wealth, and everything else is secondary. And someone in the first place is love, friendship, children, family, helping others. Based on priorities, a person builds his whole life, his relationships with the outside world.
An example from the text of Y. Bondarev can be cited as proof of what has been said. The father of the girl Nadia has long decided what the values ​​of life are for him: the health and happiness of his relatives, peace and tranquility on the planet. For this, he is ready to work tirelessly.
As another argument, you can take an example from life. There are rich people main task who have been earning money for a long time, but now they have trouble. For example, a serious illness, death of loved ones, betrayal of friends. After the problems are solved, many of these people rethink life, begin to see it in a different light. Very often they donate money to charitable foundations saying that their lives finally had meaning.
Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that life values ​​are priorities that each person determines for himself and builds his life in accordance with them.