TV program for March 8. Entertaining and educational program "March 8"

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Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • Identification and development of talents in school-age children
  • Education of aesthetic taste
  • Engaging school-aged children to participate in cultural events educational institution
  • Identification of bright, creative, intellectual abilities among students

Leading: Spring! And the first spring holiday is the holiday of lovely ladies, sorceresses, enchantresses, to whom at all times men sang and dedicated serenades.


Yes, hello girls
With pigtails and without
Let the sun smile
From blue skies to you!


Yes, hello skinny!
Yes, hello fatties!
Everyone with earrings
And freckles on the nose!


And in the class you - five!
And at home to you - praise!
So that all film actors
Falling in love!

Well, actually, congratulations!
And please don't get angry.
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys!

(A neighbor standing nearby pushes the boy and interrupts his reading.)

Leading: On the day of March 8, dear girls, dear mothers, you were told so many kind and pleasant words, compliments, and today we are ready to continue to say and say them. After all, you are the most beautiful thing on earth.

Meet first congratulations for you, dear ladies, from us boys .

(After reading his verse, each boy approaches the girl and takes her to the stage.)

  1. I confess, I won't lie
    I tell you the truth:
    Just see Lera
    I feel grief in my heart!
  2. And I want to say about Sasha,
    leaning towards her,
    You can chat with her enough ...
    About the weather, about football
    Yes, and little about anything.
  3. There is Sophia - the soul will rise,
    There is no Sony - the soul hurts
    So I'm drawn to Sonya
    Feeling sensitive magnet!
  4. Everything with Ksyusha is very handy,
    I don't need others Ksyusha
    in fact and in fact
    It is better not to find Xenia.
  5. I look at everything as if at an icon,
    I don't take my eyes off the lovers.
    Julia, Julia, Juliana
    I hurry to you.
  6. You are a gift from God, beautiful Sofia
    My soul and heart mistress!
    kneeling before you
    I go to you, shy and trembling.
  7. Julia is smart, generous and beautiful!
    I will always admire you!
    No need to waste words today!
    It's better to say how good you are!
  8. Yana is like a flower!
    She is so beautiful today!
    You, as always, Yana, are incomparable!
    I'm always ready to sing songs for you!
  9. I confess - I will not lie,
    I tell you the whole truth:
    Just see Katya,
    I feel in my heart: I'm burning!
  10. You are like fluff, a feather, a grain of sand!
    You are like a lovely star!
    Come here, hurry Polinka!
    Beautiful eyes of my soul!

Let's say hello to the contestants of our Miss Thumbelina contest. The most cheerful, beautiful, smart, creative, most resourceful girls will take part in our program.

Jury presentation _________________________________________________

Competition "Let's get to know each other"

Now it's time for the presentation. Each of the participants is ready to talk about herself, to praise herself.

Competition "Eight"

Our meeting is dedicated to March 8, and the next competition is related to this date. It is called "Eight" (2).

Each participant must answer the question that contains the number 8.

One point is awarded for each correct answer.

  1. When do elephants have eight legs? (When there are two.)
  2. Name the eighth month of the year. (August.)
  3. Eight brothers have one sister each. How many children? (Nine)
  4. Which month of the year gets its name from the Latin numeral eight? (October.)
  5. Who has eight legs but is not called an octopus? (Spider.)
  6. Eight years after Yuri Gagarin's flight into space, a man first set foot on ... What planet? (To the moon.)
  7. How many months are there in eight years? (96 months)
  8. What will a quadrilateral become if all four corners are cut off? (Octagon.)
  9. What number on the dial of a mechanical watch is located opposite the eight? (Number two.)

I know that all the girls are very fond of music and pop, and rock, and jazz, and ...

Now I propose to our girls.

Competition 3. "The most musical"

You will hear musical works from fairy tales, cartoons, films. Your task, as soon as you guessed what the piece sounds like, raise your hand and say the answer. Shouting is strictly prohibited, you need to raise your hand and then give an answer. Spectators please do not tell.

  • If there was no winter in cities and villages ...
    (Cartoon: "Vacations in Prostokvashino")
  • Don't worry in vain, never and never
    If something suddenly happened, well, think trouble.
    (Cartoon "Lost and Found")
  • I hear a voice from a beautiful distance,
    He will take me to wonderful lands.
    I hear a voice, the voice asks strictly.
    And today, what have I done for tomorrow.
    (Children's feature film "Guest from the Future")
  • Stretch the accordion fur,
    Hey, play trick.
    Sing ditties grandmother hedgehog,
    Sing don't talk.
    (Cartoon "Flying Dutchman")
  • I was once strange
    Nameless toy,
    To which in the store
    No one fits....
    (Song from the cartoon "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena")

Well done girls! And our boys sing no worse than real pop stars. We have both Philippa Kirkorovs and Stas Mikhailovs. Don't believe? Meet!__________________________________________________

Competition 4. "Culinary"

The participating girls must present their culinary skills, but they have already prepared the dish, and now they will only talk about it.

Contest 5

And our competition continues. And men will participate in it. Participating girls, select a boy. I beg you to the barrier!

Your task is to show the girls how to iron the ribbon without an iron. Speed ​​and accuracy matter. (Guys should take a bow, untie it and roll it up, who is faster). Attention, start!

While the boys are resting and coming to their senses, we offer you musical number 4 __________________________________ or a game

Goal - past

You all know that not so long ago the Winter Olympics were held in our country. In what city of our country did it take place? That's right, in the city of Sochi. We supported and worried about our athletes at the TV screens. You are given the opportunity to cheer "live". Imagine that we are watching hockey. Suddenly our hockey team scores a goal against the opponent. What are we screaming? Correctly "Goal!" When I raise my right hand, you shout "Goal". When I raise my left hand, the audience shouts "Pass!" When I raise both hands up, shout: “Barbell!” Get ready, let's get started!

Competition 6 "Fashion sentence"

Yes, almost like a TV show. But instead of Alexander Vasilyev, I will ...

Girls receive cards with letters.

Each participant must name a piece of clothing or footwear with a given letter.

That's it, our Miss Thumbelina program is coming to an end. For you there were all lovely ladies and jokes, and songs, and smiles, and spring mood.

Presenter 4: The jury will have to decide the difficult question of who to give preference to in this competition, and sum up the results of the entire program.

The word of the jury ________________________________

Presenter 1: charming,

Host 2: attractive,

Lead 3: charming,

Lead 4: infinitely tender,

Lead 5: with the spring that has come to you!

Presenter 6:

I wish all girls, mothers,
To always be healthy.
To laugh and joke.

Leading 1:

Spring to you joyful and tender.
Happy days and pink dreams.
Let March give you, even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.

Host 2:

Congratulations to you today
And gifts from the heart.
And we admit that very
You are good today.

(Presenting gifts from the boys)

Scenario of the competitive program by March 8"Miss Impromptu Show" was written by real professionals, such a program can be held in any, even purely female team. No special preparation is required: you just need one good host and a desire to have fun. This is a wonderful example - programs about women and for women: with contests, table entertainment and compliments. (Thanks to the author of the idea from the site

Forewordie to the competition program "Miss impromptu show"

Leading: When the whole world talks about one of the women, then, most likely, this is a show business star. If the lady is known without exaggeration to the whole country, then we conclude that she is the wife of the president. If a woman is popular in wide circles in one city, then most likely she owns a beauty salon. But when a woman reigns supreme in the soul and mind of one man, it means that she is his beloved, the one and only!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Glad to see you at this gala evening. Moreover, it will be dedicated to Her Majesty the Woman! I think that the men gathered here today will not at all be against such a wonderful object for discussion. In the old days, the sages said that "there is always something new to say about women, as long as at least one of them remains on the globe." I am sure that this is the true truth, otherwise there would not be so many poems and songs on earth dedicated to the Beautiful Lady! (we turn on the soundtrack, under which the presenter recites).

Musical congratulations on March 8 "The most-most ..."

Lovely, nice, kind, cute,

And practical, besides very.
Your whims, smiles, your greatness
They drive us insanely crazy.
We can't do without you
It's not a trifle
I say it to you
We are nothing without you
Everyone knows that
Can't live without women
Smart, strict, domineering, very different,
But you are all beautiful as one.
You just learned to subordinate us,
So you reign over us always!

Thanks for the applause! They are for you ladies! After all, you are simply magical! As one witty and observant Italian said: a woman can make a salad, a tragedy and ... a hat out of nothing! A very subtle observation, isn't it?! Based on that, I suggest playing around a bit!

Game moment "Hat from nothing"

Leading: That's right, a hat in a woman's life is a separate chapter. Karl Lagerfeld used to say: add a little hat to a woman, a little bit of feathers, and any of them will turn into a beautiful and mysterious stranger! Apparently, the fashion designer of the "House of Coco Chanel" is right, especially if you recall the anecdote about two friends who met by chance. “Oh, what a hat you have,” one says to the other. "It must have cost you dearly?" “No, quite at a reasonable price: one scandal, two broken cups and a week of silence!” - answered her friend. So, ladies, let me offer you a "hat auction." Its conditions are as follows: it is necessary to recall literary, musical works and films, in the titles of which the cherished word “hat” is mentioned.

(the host needs to keep track of the most active participants, whom he will then invite to participate in the competition. There should be three to four people. The answer options are: "Straw hat", "Live hat", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sombrero", "Wizard's hat", etc.).

Competition "Reliable roof"

Leading: Let's speculate: what is actually a hat? Why is she needed? The first thing that comes to mind is the thought of the protective function of the hat. Correctly? A hat is like a roof. This means that the hat should not only be beautiful and elegant, but also reliable. Move on. A hat is almost a roof, a roof is a good protection, and who for real woman could be the best defense? Of course, a real man! Please do not confuse: we are not interested in those men who are "hats", but those who are "roofs"! Reliable, strong and not leaking! Therefore, ladies, choose one such male defender from the audience!

(men go up on stage and are given funny clown paper caps; sewing needles are attached to the end of the caps - we immediately warn the players about this!).

Leading: We will decorate our "roofs" a little, because they should also be beautiful! No matter how you symbolize a roof-hat. Now each of you quite fits the definition of "elegant"! Spin around you please! Good! However, we are forced to check your reliability, because, unfortunately, even a very beautiful roof-hat can leak or have some other flaws! Ladies! Get one balloon! When I wave my hand, you will toss the balloons up, and the men you have chosen should pierce the balloon with a needle embedded in the cap. This is necessary so that the ball, God forbid, does not fall on the wonderful head of your lady! (the host addresses the men) You need to pierce the ball without the help of hands and feet, only by touching it with the tip of the cap! Whoever copes with the threat first - he won! In this case, you can butt the ball, press it with your head to the floor or walls, in general, use your head to the fullest! Do not be shy! And you, ladies, are not at all forbidden to toss the ball several times, but no more than three times!

Game episode "Salad"

Leading: Well, our ladies really made a hat out of “nothing” easily, especially since real men helped them, who can serve not only as a hat, but also as a whole roof! And now it would be interesting to see, and, perhaps, try a salad made also from “nothing”! No, no, we will not chop men. Especially since modern women prefer low-calorie foods, which can not be said about Russian fellows! However, the author of the statement familiar to us, most likely, had in mind the lack of suitable products. But this, I promise you, does not threaten us. But first, a little warm-up for you ladies!

Game decoy "In the garden, in the garden"

The host invites women to remember songs in which, one way or another, the names of berries and fruits are mentioned. It is imperative to keep an eye on the most active participants, three of which will become the next players. Possible answers: “The aroma of love beckons with a paradise apple”, “ Apples and pears bloomed ..”, “Raspberry beckoned us to itself ...”, “Apples in the snow ...”, “Horses in apples, white horses ...”, “Oh, an apple, yes on a plate. .." etc.

Leading: excellent results, girls! Please introduce yourself! ( Members of this musical call their names). And we will get acquainted with the recipes for your fruit and berry salads later!

Competition "Chop cabbage"

Leading: As the dictionaries say, "salad" is, first of all, a mixture of different components. So we "mix" various cabbages. Why not a vitamin salad? But do not think that we are talking about broccoli and ordinary white cabbage. Now we will chop a cabbage of a different kind. Can you tell me what kind of cabbage people chop with special pleasure? (The word “money” is necessarily shouted from the audience). Of course! Everyone will like this cabbage. However, it is very difficult to process. And now I will offer our heroines to pull one piece of paper out of my cabbage bag without looking. The catch is that, along with real banknotes of various denominations, ordinary pieces of paper will lie in a bag of cabbage. Each participant will have three opportunities to visit the coveted bag. How more money on total amount the participant scores, the more likely her winnings! Be careful: simple pieces of paper have the same size and texture as real money!

If, after three attempts, everyone has the same amount, then you can allow the ladies to “cut cabbages” one more time. The winner is given a cosmetic set, and all other participants - a tube of a good hand cream. Then everyone returns to their seats.

Game episode "Tragedy"

Leading: It's just wonderful that so far everything is working out exactly as the witty Italian noticed! It remains only to “prepare” the tragedy and, as usual, from absolute “nothing”! Moreover, let's try to play. I'm just sure that Russian women - the most talented women on earth - do not cost anything! So, listen to the third competitive task.

Game decoy "Tragic plot"

Leading: My enchantresses, do you know that every real tragedy, to achieve its full effect, must be distinguished by three unities? It is the unity of time, place and action. That is, everything should happen quickly, preferably in a confined space (in the bedroom or in the kitchen) and face to face with your lover who has been at fault. However, let me tell you! You know all this yourself! Only one question remains unanswered: on what occasion to throw a scandal, that is, to arrange a tragedy ?! I invite the whole room to answer the question posed. The authors of the best options will take the stage and continue the competition program.

Of course, different reasons may sound: coming home drunk, going fishing instead of a planned trip to the theater, but you should choose three ladies who answered more original, for example, while on a business trip, did not send daily wishes good morning and good night.

Competition "Find a handkerchief"

Leading: Let there be a "tragedy" ahead of us, nevertheless I will ask you, ladies, to name your names! Remember Shakespeare said. That the world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. And he also wrote the world-famous sad story about the love of the Moor Othello for the beautiful Desdemona. Yes, it all ended sadly! But I will not be afraid to offer you, ladies, to choose Othello from the hall, however, do not be alarmed, we will not allow murder! Who remembers why all the fuss flared up in this tragedy? Exactly! Because of a simple handkerchief! Isn't it a very insignificant thing, especially considering the consequences. But we will change the roles a little, and in our tragedy, women will strangle men ... a joke! We will not strangle anyone this time! Also a joke! It's just that our "Othellas" will receive handkerchiefs from us. You, dear men, need to carefully hide them in your clothes. At this time, women will turn their backs in my direction, and finally, they will notice what an attractive person is entertaining them all evening!

Leading: So, the scarves are hidden! Ladies, look closely into the eyes of these insidious traitors - what do they hide in their depths?! I give you half a minute, after which you give me your answer.

It is unlikely that women will immediately guess where their gentlemen hid their handkerchiefs. So the competition continues.

Leading : Well, well, it's really difficult! Therefore, I officially allow you to engage in assault, that is, simply touch this insidious subject. But rummaging through pockets and behind the scruff of the neck is prohibited! You can only lightly touch the clothes.

Here you can give two attempts to correctly locate the scarf. Someone will definitely find it. The one who did it first, won.

Final contest "Weak?"

Leading: I like the expression that a woman's strength is in her weakness. This is very true. Therefore, our final has such a name. For the “weak” competition, I invite three of our winners. The task is simple: each of you informs an honest company that she can do something special right now and thereby takes her rivals weakly. If the opponents are able to repeat the declared feint, then the game continues. If someone still does not dare to repeat, then, unfortunately, he drops out of the competition. This continues until there is no lady left whose trick no one but her can do. We'll give her the grand prize!

As competitive moments, the tasks to sit on the splits, take off the dress, kiss someone else's husband, and so on are not very suitable.


Leading: The famous author " little prince” attribute the expression that a woman is “the most obvious living flesh that radiates the most tender light.” I join the words of Exupery one hundred percent! After all, there is so much in a woman! She has been given such inner treasures by God that they are enough for many people around. She can be gentle and weak, but fearless and the strongest, she is kindness itself, but if necessary, she will be the most principled and tough. She knows how to love unconditionally! She does not measure her need for money and just expects reciprocal love and understanding from others. Men! Be attentive to the woman! Make sure that your woman never loses the feeling of her own pricelessness!

May your day be sunny, beautiful,
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear.
O woman, always be happy!
When playing with primordial power,
This world was created by mother nature,
She is in you, O woman,
All your beauty and grace.
You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,
The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,
A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,
Through you the world and man are eternal.

Oksana Semina

Targets and goals:

Instill love for mother, grandmother, sisters.

Teach children how to congratulate mom, grandmother, sister with holiday.

To develop in children artistic data, speech.

Create festive mood, congratulate all the women in the school with holiday.

Children come out 2 ml. gr sit on chairs, then 3 gr.

presenter: Spring, spring walks through the yards

In rays of heat and light.

Today holiday of our mothers,

And we enjoy it.

Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate

To all mothers on the planet.

"Thanks!"- mothers are told

Both adults and children.

Today we have gathered to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, sisters and kindergarten girls on spring festival, Happy International Women's Day - 8 Martha.

And they want to congratulate you first, the smallest pupils of our kindergarten, let's greet them.

(Children enter to the music and dance)

Dance with flowers (group No. 1 Nursery)

Leading: And now for you, loved ones

Let's sing the best song

We wish you happy days

Congratulations on Women's Day!

Song "Kids congratulate mom"(group №1 Nursery)

Leading: Let's see our babies and continue our holiday concert.

(Children read poetry)

1. The house smells like pie - Mom holiday comes into the house,

Congratulations to mom, we give her a song!

2. Our dear mothers! We ourselves admit

Which, of course, we don't always behave well.

3. We often upset you, but we don’t notice at all.

Please, please forgive us for our pranks.

4. We love you very, very much, we will grow kind,

And we will always try to be good.

Leading: Everything is ready for holiday

So what are we waiting for?

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

Song "This is my mother's holiday» (gr. No. 2 Drops)

1. I will kiss my mother hard,

I will hug her.

I love her very much

Mom is my sunshine!

2. I'll tell you a secret

What will I give my mom.

Just don't tell her

Very, very please.

I am for my beloved mother,

Prepared a surprise.

I wash all the dishes

Even a brand new service!

I'll put things in order in the house,

Wipe the dust, water the flowers.

Mom gladly me say:

"Well done, what are you!"

3. I mold from plasticine,

Mom of a red cat.

And then mom will exclaim:

"Oh, what a beauty!"

4. Mom, I love you so much,

I'm saying it right!

I am a big ship

Give the name - "Mom!

5. The sun plays

The beams are sparkling.

FROM spring holiday,

Congratulations mom!

Song "Gift for Mom"(gr. No. 3 Fidget)

Leading: Boys without girls,

Like a clock without arrows

Like a car without a steering wheel

Like a sailor without a ship

Like winter without snow

Like earth without sky!

6. Girls are beautiful,

We congratulate you!

And a wonderful dance

We dedicate to you!

Dance "Factory Girls"(gr. No. 2 Drops)

6. We congratulate mothers, sisters,

Beloved grandmothers,

And, of course, girls, -

Our dear friends

Song "Boys"(gr. No. 3 Fidget)

7. I congratulate my granny

With a female spring festival!

I love grandma

People need grandmothers!

8. He will tell a good tale,

sing a lullaby,

Warm winter scarf will tie

And go for a walk with me!

9. Will not punish the naughty

And he will give you candy.

Both girl and boy

Any grandmother loves!

10. Closer to the wonderful grandmother

I don't have a girlfriend!

I'm interested in grandma

We can't live a single day apart!

Leading: And now the guys of the Kapelki group will sing us a song "About Grandma" .

Song "About Grandma" (gr. No. 2 Drops)

11. We are funny guys,

We guys are just class!

Let the music play

Let's dance now!

Leading: I ask our mothers to go to their children and dance with them!

Dance with moms (gr. No. 3 Fidget)

Leading: With milk, lemon, honey,

With cake or sandwich

We soon meet friends

Pour delicious food for everyone. TEA.

And now our mothers, we will ask you to go up to the group with your children!

After concert We had a joint tea party for all groups. We also announced a competition 2 weeks before holiday"My mom is the best confectioner" so that moms can think about what they will bake. There was a very friendly and warm atmosphere!

Related publications:

Concert program with the participation of children of the preparatory group "Girls, grandmothers and mothers, it's not too lazy to congratulate us" Concert program with participation of children preparatory group, to the Day of March 8. Purpose: to involve parents in active participation in the life of the child.

"Family together - the soul is in place." Concert competition program for children of senior preschool age and their parents Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 57 "Thumbelina" "Family together - the soul is in place" Concert.

Concert program, "Flower tunes" Scenario of the concert program "Flower tunes" Purpose: 1. Creation of a joyful festive atmosphere. 2. Formation of the desire to manifest.

At the end of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries. It has become a good tradition in schools and classes to celebrate holidays, to make congratulations.

Concert program dedicated to Mother's Day "Oh, what a mother!""Oh, what a mother!" Scenario dedicated to Mother's Day To the music, the host of the Vedas comes out: Playing with the primordial force Nature created the world - Mother.

Repertoire: 1. play "Steam locomotive" 2. play "We sang a song" music. Rustamova (solo - button accordion) 3. play "Chizhik - fawn" 4. play "Chickens" mus.

What to watch on TV on International Women's Day.

Already on the eve of International Women's Day, March 7, the broadcast becomes festive. Channel One makes a generous gift to female viewers: immediately after the rental, it shows a romantic comedy " Status: free with Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky in the lead roles. The channel for women "Home", of course, could not but please on International Women's Day: the degree of melodrama of the ether rolls over. Will show " How to Marry a Millionaire», « How to find a husband in a big city», « How to marry a general», « Bride from the gas station"and the project" Want to get married!". Not without a fairy tale. Channel STS in honor of the holiday will show a new adaptation of " Cinderella". But that's not all. About the most delicious of the festive TV menu - in our review.

Producer: Elena Nikolaeva. Cast People: Anna Mikhailovskaya, Rinal Mukhametov, Anastasia Makeeva and others.

1978 Sasha Linkova, a pupil from an orphanage, comes to Moscow from a small provincial town. An unfortunate accident disrupts her admission to the university, but the girl decides to stay in Moscow and gets a job as a cleaner in the capital's House of Models. One of the fashion designers, looking for new faces to demonstrate the collection in Paris, draws attention to Sasha and invites her to try herself as a fashion model.

Shot from the TV series "Model Model"

Producer: Pavel Ruminov. Cast: Danila Kozlovsky, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and others.

The director does not hide the fact that the film is autobiographical: the script is based on a story that once happened to him. Main character paintings by Nikita ( Danila Kozlovsky) is engaged in applying prints on mugs and T-shirts, but at the same time dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian. When a girl leaves him Elizaveta Boyarskaya), he creates the blog "Club of Lonely Hearts of Nikita Kolesnikov" and decides to speak on the popular television show "Laughing Battle". On the show, the guy splashes out all his emotions and immediately becomes popular ...

The film "Status: Single"

Producer: Ekaterina Shagalova. Cast People: Alisa Khazanova, Yaroslav Boyko, Lyubov Tolkalina and others.

The young translator Louise is always surrounded by admirers, but among them there is not the only one who could win her heart. Her lively friend Masha is called to help a desperate girl arrange her personal life. She sets only one condition for Lisa - not to fall in love with the promising architect Malyshev. But the heart cannot be given orders.

Shot from the movie "Find a Husband in the Big City"

The plot of the fairy tale about Cinderella, who was oppressed by the evil stepmother, and who met the handsome prince at the ball, of course, is known to everyone since childhood, therefore it does not need to be retelled. It is only worth noting that the new film directed by Kenneth Branagh is a remake of the Disney cartoon released 65 years ago.

Shot from the movie "Cinderella"

Watch the movie "Cinderella" at 13:50 on the STS channel.

Producer: Natalia Khlopetskaya. Cast People: Alexandra Tyuftey, Roman Kurtsyn, Lyubov Tolkalina and others.

Sharp-tongued Zhenya writes a provocative article on how to marry a rich man - a guide for beauties who dream of driving Ferraris and flying private jets to the Maldives. The scandalous material offends one local oligarch, who is sure that the main thing in life is love, not money. And he offers the girl a bet: in one month she must prove in practice the correctness of her statements and find a rich husband. Otherwise, Zhenya will have to forget about the career of a journalist.

Shot from the movie "How to Marry a Millionaire"

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Frame from the film "Spring on Zarechnaya Street"

On March 8, the club of famous shopaholics will open new season in the project “Eagle and tails. Shopping. Masha Ivakova will sweep through the shops, boutiques and shops of Yerevan, Tallinn, Washington, Boston in the company of a new co-host. Now Masha will squander money along with Yegor Kaleynikov, the most persistent presenter who has been to all the castings of Eagle and Tails. Masha and Yegor will buy everything they can in Belgium, Britain, Alaska, Iceland and Scotland. They will haggle, spare no effort, and spend shamelessly to find things that surprise, delight and remember forever.

“Eagle and tails. Shopping»

Producer: Alexander Kananovich. Cast People: Yulia Kadushkevich, Pavel Delong, Yuri Tsurilo and others.

After a difficult divorce from her husband, Nadezhda decides to take her son and start everything from scratch. She moves to her brother in a closed military town, where she gets a job as a nanny in the house of a local general. Life in it does not flow at all according to the charter: the wife of General Larisa is cheating on him with a colleague - Colonel Alexander Kartashev. One day, he almost catches them, and the girl asks Nadezhda to cheat and play an affair with Kartashev, but this game eventually develops into a real feeling. And soon the general himself confesses his love to Nadezhda ...

Frame from the film "Marry the General"

Producer: Leonid Mazor. Cast People: Evgenia Dmitrieva, Olga Pavlovets, Anna Nevskaya and others.

Warm relations always reigned in the family of Lena and Pavel Belotserkovsky, until one day the only son Danya gave his parents a surprise in the form of his passion Nyusia. The bride, as luck would have it, embodied everything unacceptable for the Belotserkovskys: vulgarity, windiness and rudeness. For the sake of the happiness of their son, Lena and Pavel decided to close their eyes to the tricks of their daughter-in-law, but this kindness very soon turned into a real nightmare for them ...

"A tale from the heart and soul about how good moms are."

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen. School board with children's drawings, gifts for mothers, invitation cards.
Family photos for the presentation and design of the stand "May there always be a mother!"; balloons, posters with the words "Congratulations on March 8", "We will forever glorify the woman whose name is Mother" M. Jalil. "Most happy man- a man who has experienced the love of his mother ”W. Churchill.
Event progress.

Classroom teacher:
Dear mothers and grandmothers! Dear Guys! Today's event is dedicated to the International women's day. A woman is a beautiful creation of nature. She personifies the beginning of life, love, happiness on earth. Adults should educate the younger generation respect for girls, girls, mothers, grandmothers. Dear women, we have invited you to the holiday to express our deep respect and great gratitude to you. We want you to just take a break from everyday worries and problems today, get a good spring mood and look at what your children have prepared for you.
There is nothing more holy than the word "MAMA". It is born with us. Children are the most precious thing for a mother, and for children, a dear and close person is a mother. The happiness of a mother is in the happiness of her children. There is nothing holier and more disinterested than her love. The mother is the first teacher and friend of the child, and the closest. She is strict, exacting, because she understands her great responsibility for her son or daughter. She will always understand him, console him, help him in difficult times, protect him, protect him from trouble. We repay her with mutual love.
Children sing a song: "The best mother"
Student 1:
On Women's Day - March 8
spring begins
Women's Day celebrates
The whole great country.
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers,
We are for everything, for everything relatives,
We say: "Thank you!"(pronounced in chorus)
Student 2 readspoem "Do not forget, boys!"
The month of March, like a schoolboy skipping
Such a mischievous one rushed to us.
Get the bouquets, boys!

Where, flowers, frosts will recede,
To make the streams ring near the schools
Do not forget to put mimosa
In the morning on the teacher's table.
Bared the tops of the trees,
Forgetting your winter dreams.
Freckles sparkled fervently,
On the face of a laugher - spring.
A sunny bunny jumps on the desks,
Bird twitter floats from a height
From smiles of cheerful March
Flowers appear everywhere.
Telegrams, postcards, greetings
March draws its eighth day
Do not forget the boys bouquets,
Congratulate your classmates on spring!

Leading: Tests for children "How do you know your mothers, grandmothers?"

    name your date of birth.

    eye color.

    patronymic of mother, grandmother.

    shoe size.

    favorite flower.

    where your mother was born, grandmother.

    favorite subject at school.

    The maiden name of your mother, grandmother.

    How old is your mother, grandmother

    Mom's favorite dish

Leading: And now let's go the game "Flowers". I suggest that in 1 minute the guys name the flowers of the feminine gender, and the mothers and grandmothers - the flowers of the masculine gender. Raise your hands if you already remember.
Flowers feminine : aster, chamomile, porridge, carnation, rose, mallow, daisy, violet, lilac, lily, orchid, petunia, begonia, calendula, primrose, viola and so on.
masculine flowers : cactus, poppy, cornflower, peony, dahlia, antarium, lily of the valley, gladiolus, jasmine, tulip, snowdrop, buttercup, dandelion, iris, phlox, narcissus, crocus.
Leading: Thanks everyone! With your help, we got a huge, beautiful bouquet.
Now listen to the poem "Grandma - care"

Student 3:
If the grandchildren are cheerful,
Grandmother - even more so:
- Look, sang like goldfinches, -
How glorious! If the grandchildren want to eat.
Grandmother - joy:
- Let them sit, let them eat -
They need to grow up.
If the grandchildren went out into the garden,
Grandma is worried
Well, like rain or hail -
After all, your feet will get wet! If the grandchildren went to bed,
Grandma is not breathing
- Lyuli, lyuli, lyuli,
Quiet. Hush hush! -
purity, silence,
warmth, drowsiness,
Here's what she is
Grandmother care.
The people live a lot of good affectionate words about the mother. They are passed down from generation to generation. And how many proverbs about mom! Come on, guys, name the proverbs about mom.
1. Mother's anger that spring snow, a lot of it falls, but will soon melt.
2. There is no better friend than your own mother.
3. Without a father, half an orphan, and without a mother, the whole orphan.
4. There are many fathers, but one mother.
5. The bird rejoices in spring, and the baby of the mother.
6. Mother's beatings don't hurt.
7. A wife for advice, a mother-in-law for greetings, but there is no dearer mother.
8. You can buy everything, but you can’t buy a father-mother.
9. Do not leave your father and mother in old age, and God will not leave you.
10. Maternal prayer will reach from the bottom of the sea.
11. When the sun is light, when the mother is good.
12. The child's finger will hurt, and the mother's heart will hurt.
13. The mother of everything is the head.

14. The mother feeds the children, like the land of the people.

15. If you make scrambled eggs for your mother even on your own palm, and then you will be in her debt.
Leading: Well done boys! Now listen to your mother.
Mother: Orlova I.S., poem by Lyudmila Tatyanicheva:
They tell me it's too much
I give love to children
What maternal anxiety
Makes my life older.
Well, what can I answer them -
Hearts impassive as armor?
The love I gave to children
Makes me stronger.
It's all about joy and patience.
And those crazy nightingales….
For this pure burning
Thank you my sons!
Leading: And now I bring to your attention the scene “Everything for you, dear!”
Girl: Baby buy me a hat
With a hat I will be madam.
If you don't buy me a hat,
I will give my friendship to another.
Boy: All for you dear
I will buy everything for you.
Only, of course, not a hat,
I myself go without a hat.
Girl: Baby buy me a dress
I will perform in it.
If you don't buy me a dress
I will not walk with you.
Boy: All for you dear
I will buy everything for you.
Only, of course, not a dress,
I myself wear a shirt.
Girl: Baby buy me a car
I will ride in it.
If you don't buy a car
I don't want to know you anymore.
Boy: All for you dear
I will buy everything for you.
But, alas, not a car,
I walk myself!

Presenter 1: Mom's hands rocked the children in the cradle when they were small. It was their mother who warmed them with her breath and lulled them with her song. Rocking the cradle, you sang a song to me, dear. Sing now, so that I listen, with gratitude to you. (Moms sing a lullaby "Tired toys are sleeping")
Host 2: Mom, mommy, mommy ... How much warmth this magic word conceals, which is called the closest, dearest, only one.

Sounds like altered Serdyuchka's song "May you be a little over 30"

We can't look at you
We celebrate the holiday, but in our hearts we wonder:
How could it have survived like this?
Age for you

only a line in the passport,
Yagodka is always with us, period!
That's it!

Let you already a little over thirty,
We are ready to vouch for you:
In beauty and talent, you will give odds to the girls

Both students and completely students!
Age for you

only a line in the passport,
Like Miss Universe you are sweet.
Be young always, period!
That's it!
Student 4: Beautiful mothers - there are a lot of you in the world,
In the eyes you look openly and directly ....
No matter how far the road calls us,
We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.
We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone so often upsets her ....
And a good mother forgives all this.
A beautiful mother forgives all this.
Under the weight of worries without bending stubbornly,
She does her duty patiently….
Each mother is beautiful in her own way,
She is beautiful with her mother's love.
Leading: Dear parents, when your children were small, you read fairy tales to them. And now we will check if you remember them. Competition for moms "Tales".
1. He is kinder than everyone in the world
He heals big animals
And one day he pulled a hippopotamus out of the swamp.
He is famous, famous. This is a doctor ... (Aibolit)
2. He loves everyone invariably,
Who would come to him.
Guessed? This is Gena. This is Gena ... (crocodile)
3. He is both cheerful and gentle
This cute weirdo
With him is the owner - the boy Rodin
And a friend - Piglet.
For him, walking is a holiday.
And honey has a special scent
This is a teddy bear - a teddy bear ... (Winnie the Pooh)
4. He is a friend to animals and children,
He is a living entity.
But such in the whole world
There isn't one more.
Because he is not a bird
Not a tiger cub, not a fox,
Not a kitten, not a puppy
Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog.
But filmed for film.
And everyone has known for a long time.
This is a cute face
And it's called ... (Cheburashka).
5. What fairy tale tells about the deceit of a beautiful woman, about the elimination of an even more beautiful rival, about the grave consequences of these actions, about a means of resuscitation that, unfortunately, is not used in medicine? (A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess").
6. In which fairy tale is a person, in all respects gray, carrying out a plan to kill two persons, one of whom was in a red headdress, but thanks to the timely intervention of the public, everything ended well? (Sh. Feather "Little Red Riding Hood").
Leading: Well done! Well, everyone knows the tales!
Leading: Competition for children "Do you know the qualities inherent in mom?"
Competition questions:
1. Every mother who loves a child possesses this quality. (Kindness).
2. Such an amazing word denotes this quality! It is always in my mother's soul. (Care)
3. This property of the soul can be seen in the look of the mother, heard in her voice. (Tenderness).
4. The ability to intelligently solve different difficult questions, give wise advice. (Wisdom).
5. And this quality is manifested when mom jokes, makes everyone happy. (Humor)
Host 2: Well done! And now I invite mothers, grandmothers to solve "Kitchen Riddles"

    Never eats, only drinks

And when it makes noise, it accepts everyone. (Samovar.)

    Walking from end to end

Cuts a loaf. (knife)

    All full of holes and evil,

And such a bite.

Only her grandmother gets along with her,

She rubs her sides and rubs and strokes. (grater.)

    There are a lot of holes, but there is nowhere to jump out. (colander.)

    Duck in the sea, tail on the fence. (bucket)

    Two are swimming

The third is lying

Two went out

On the third they hung. (buckets with a yoke.)

    Water flows from a hot well through the nose. (Teapot.)

    Little horse, and drank the whole lake. (Spoon.)

Presenter 1: Now watch the scene Dragonfly and Ant on new way»

Jumper Dragonfly

Watched the whole movie all night

Didn't have time to look back.

Eyes are closed.

On a comfortable bed

Dragonfly has a sweet dream,

Like all her notebooks

In perfect order.

Gotta wake up in the morning

Go back to school.

Evil melancholy dejected,

She crawls to the Ant.

Don't leave me, dear friend

I have no strength to learn.

In general, I want to say:

Let me write off the homework.

Gossip, this is strange to me.

Well tell me a secret

What were you doing yesterday?

Rested until the morning!

I was walking on the street

At home she sang and danced,

Still managed to play

I lay down and ate

I looked at Yeralash ...

Will you write off when you give me?

Do you feel sorry for notebooks?

Well, you, Dragonfly, impudent!

I know, grandfather Krylov

Loves ants.

Us, poor dragonflies,

Doesn't count for people.

(Dragonfly or dragonflies-

How do they say it right?)

Yes, I'm very lucky

That I did not become a dragonfly.

Get an education

Impossible without effort.

The moral of this fable you learn:

Learn, don't be a dragonfly!

Leading: Next contest "Through the mouth of a baby" Your children will explain some subject to you, and you have to guess it!

1st reasoner.

1) This is such a thing that is in every home. The rich have beautiful ones and more of them than the poor. For the poor, she is not very beautiful.

2) some nations do not use it at all. If we got there, we would feel bad without this thing - we would be tired.

3) This thing is definitely needed when guests come, but not only. We use it ourselves every day and more than once. If she, this thing breaks, then dad will fix it. They are mostly made of wood. (Chair)

2nd reasoner.

1) You rarely meet her in the city, but there are many of her in the village, but not only in the village, but in the forest, in the field, in the garden ...

2) You can meet her all year round, except for a few months, and in the southern countries - all year round. But it is not in the desert and in Antarctica.

3) With us, sometimes there is a lot of it, sometimes not at all. And no one loves her, although there is a healing one, and they say about one animal that she always, OH, will find . (Dirt)

3rd reasoner.

1) It happens on new and old things. Sometimes it interferes, and sometimes it's very bad without it. It can appear unexpectedly, or it can be done on purpose. And getting rid of it can be very difficult.

2) It can be on the roof, and on a dress, and in a pocket, in felt boots, in a closet, and anywhere. Sometimes we hide it from others, sometimes we ourselves do not know about it.

3) There is a riddle and a saying about her:

a) When is there something in an empty pocket?

b) The dress is new, and OH- old. (Hole)

4th reasoner:

1. Although she is very smart, they don’t go to visit her and don’t dress her for work either.

2. Doing household chores also interferes.

3. They are simple and very elegant.

4. All the same, girls, mothers put it on before going to bed ( Nightdress )

Leading: Listen to the children's merry song "You pissed me off"

You said on Monday: "I'll give you a copy, you slacker!"

You promised me on Tuesday, kiss forty times

I came - you are dumb - pidmanula, let me down!

Well you piddled him, you piddled him,

Well, you, young, have driven him crazy!

You promised me to arrange fireworks on Thursday,

I came - you did not come, pied me, let me down

Well, you pidmanul her, you pidmanul her,

Well you pidmanul her, pidmanul her, failed!

She promised on Friday that we would go to the registry office to get married,

I came - you are dumb - pidmanula, let me down!

Well you piddled him, you piddled him,

Well, you, young, have driven him crazy!

You promised to do all my work on Saturday,

I came - you did not come, pidmanul me, let me down!

Well, you pidmanul her, you pidmanul her,

Well you pidmanul her, pidmanul her, failed!

Together with you on Sunday

gathered for a birthday party.

You came!

- And you came!

Didn't disappoint!

- Didn't disappoint!

Leading:The next contest is "Explainers". Moms, grandmothers will explain, and you guys have to answer what is at stake!


    Every person has it. Especially if the person is kind, educated and smart. This is good and bad. It is different for every person. Some people are clean, some are not.

    This is manifested when a person wants to do something bad, but he does not do it. It will hurt the person. You offended someone and immediately remember it, or when you deceived someone and you think about it every day.

    This is when a person does something bad, then immediately he becomes ashamed. Or when a student sits in class and talks, and the teacher says to him: “Fedya, do you have this?”


    This is what one always loves. The man who has everything. Here you met luck, and you have it.

    This is when a person feels good, when he is joyful. For example, a student ran home and said: “I got an A at school today!” Or you dream about it, and they bought it for you. And you were so happy.

    This is when a person rejoices, laughs and it arises in him. Or, for example, when a person received 800 million and runs, and even gives children 200 thousand each ... Well, in general, this is such a feeling when a person is completely satisfied.


    You woke up in the morning and you have it! A person needs to get up for work, school or college, but he does not succeed. It also happens when you say: “I’ll do it now, but in a minute,” and so you delay it and everyone forgets about it.

    This is what is tormented by a student or teacher during the teaching of lessons. This is when you need to do it, but you don't want to. For example, when a person is told: “Clean your room!”, And he lies and thinks whether to do it or not.

    When a person does not want to do anything, it comes to him. For example, when you are asked to do something, but you don’t want to and you don’t go, but lie in the same place.


    It appears in a person when they say affectionate words or give something.

    She decorates a person.

    When a person is joyful, it appears up to the ears.

- Hello, harem! (Hi girls!)

-Shaher-churek junkie! (I think Pashka fell in love with me!)

Talmud mess! (And I didn't learn the rule!)

Wah! (Very bad)

Turban-kirdyk! (Don't blow your head off)

Cookie, dude! (Untranslatable pun)

Aida apricot! (Let's go to the cafeteria, let's buy a pizza)

Uryuk kirdyk! (Canteen not open)

Satan! (What a pity!)

Shh, khanuma top top! (Quiet, the teacher is coming)

- Harem, equalize! (Hello dear guys)

-Kranty Bazaar! (Listen to me carefully)

-Caravanserai? (Who will be on duty today?)

Urus-jackal... (I don't feel well)

-What, fat tail syndrome? (What, runny nose?)

No, head of the broads! (No, slight malaise)

- Yulish, donkey? (Aren't you lying?)

In those cross! (By Allah!)

-Shaher-churek, go donkey! (Shaker-churek, you will be on duty)

Donkey again? (Why me?)

-And who is grandpa babai? (Well, not Pushkin)

Leading: What would a woman want today?

To be happy like a mother

To be loved as a wife

So that as a worker - valuable,

So that the house is always full of light,

So that not Indian summer bloomed in the soul,

A bright and gentle spring!

Leading: Now I will ask the guys to go out the door, and all the mothers and grandmothers to stand in a circle. The task of the children with their eyes closed is to find their mother's hands.

Leading: Next contest "Understand me"- I'll call summary songs, and you need to guess this song.

    a song about a city where trains do not go and planes do not fly. (The boy wants to go to Tambov).

    a song about using a smile as electricity. (Smile).

    a song about an animal that every mongrel knows. (Cheburashka's song).

    a song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years. (What is taught at school).

    a song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (If it's a long, long time).

    a song about the most joyful holiday of the year. (Birthday).

    song in syllables about a wooden boy. (Pinocchio).

    a song about the future, which should not be cruel to our contemporaries. (Beautiful is far away).

    a song about a piece of land where ugly but kind people live. (A song about hares).

    a song about four friends who love a lot: both women, and a goblet of wine, and a happy outcome in a fight. (Song of the Musketeers).

    a song about animals, thanks to which our planet moves around its axis. (Somewhere in the world).

Leading: Listen to the song "Hello Hello!"

Hello, hello, hello, kids, I'm calling you from work now.

Well, how are things going for you, how was your school day?

Hello, hello, beloved mommy, everything is fine with us so far.

And we had a great school day, except for a trifle.

I taught poetry badly yesterday, today I got a "troika".

- Hello, hello, aren't you ashamed, how can you get "triples"?

At your age, in the 9th grade, I taught poetry to "five"!

Hello, hello, beloved mother, I will not upset you.

I brought 2/3 today according to the dictation, and 2 plus 3 will be five!

Yes, we almost forgot to say, today we broke the window,

As for the rest, dear mother, everything is fine, everything is fine.

- Hello, hello, the window was broken again, tell me where this time?

In the cafeteria, in the classroom, or in the gym? Well, I guessed three times?

Hello, hello, beloved mommy, you won’t guess anyway -

We played football at the police, hit them with a ball in the window!

Well, nothing, we ran away, the portfolios, however, lost.

And the rest, my beloved mother, everything is fine, everything is fine.

Hello, hello, stay at home, don't go anywhere!

I'll come home from work at five o'clock, and we'll talk then!

Hello, hello, beloved mommy, we're not going anywhere -

After all, friends have come to visit us here, we are behaving well!

The carpet was accidentally lit, but immediately extinguished -

We collected three buckets of water and quickly poured everything.

All the water went somewhere, the neighbors came,

They shouted something about repairs, but we did not open them.

Yes, the house ran out of food - we treated our friends.

And the rest, my beloved mother, everything is fine, Everything is fine.

Leading: Competition "Changes".

Let me now check how witty, wise and quick-witted you are. The conditions are very simple: the name of the fairy tale is given, in which each word is turned to its opposite in meaning. You have to guess the story. For example, "Kikimora under a watermelon." What is this fairy tale? This is The Princess and the Pea. Here we go!!!

    "The Fox and the Six Chickens" - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

    "Dog in Mittens" - "Puss in Boots".

    "Dog wreck" - "Cat's house".

    "Clothed Beggar" - "Naked King".

    "Magnificent Swan" - "Ugly Duckling".

    "Seven thin people" - "Three fat men".

    "Seven Elks" - "Three Bears".

    "Horse - Beauty" - "Konek - Humpbacked Horse".

    "Peasant Woman - Monkey" - "Princess - Frog".

    "Ivan the Ugly" - "Vasilisa the Beautiful".

    "Munich Dancers" - "Bremen Town Musicians".

    “Village from the box” - “Town in a snuffbox”.

    "A poem about a hunter and a game" - "The Tale of a Fisherman and a Fish."

    "Red mustache" - "Blue beard".

    "Rusty lock" - "Golden key".

    "Rubik's Cube" - "Gingerbread Man".

    "Ruined" - "Teremok".

    "Blue Boot" - "Little Red Riding Hood".

Host: And now "Theatre-impromptuWhat do you have? » Our mothers will take part in it.

Who rested in the country

Who made the purchases...

Mom Ira sewed a dress,

Mom Olya cooked soup,

Mom Tanya sang a song

Mom Nata watched the movie.

It was evening, there was nothing…

The jackdaw sat on the fence, the cat climbed into the attic,

Suddenly, Olya's mother said just like that:

O- And we have “five” in our notebook, and you?

T- And we have a “troyak” again, and you?

And - And yesterday our son wrote an essay,

T - Well, ours is playing chips and shouting "U-e-fa" all the time!

Those horrible screams gave me a headache!

Oh, my son had a fight yesterday and rolled on the floor,

I washed my pants for two hours and sewed up my shirt!

N-And our daughter does not like to get up to school in the morning,

And now we dream with dad to buy a crane!

Oh - Ours does not like vermicelli - this time,

Making your bed is two

And, fourthly, I asked the child to wash the floor,

Answers: - I won’t have time, I need to urgently learn the role!

N - Well, I really dream of becoming like my daughter again,

To throw off twenty-five years and become a child again!

I. -I would jump on a jump rope!

Oh - I would play hopscotch!

N-Eh, and I would put bumps on all the boys!

T. - Well, I could eat for a ruble - twenty all day!

I. -Yes, when we were children, this time was not appreciated!

O. -Our school years gone forever!

N. - I have to go, because my daughter needs to draw something there.

T. - Well, my son told me to write 2 rhymes!

I. - I have to solve two problems and sew a suit by tomorrow!

- Different mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!

It was in the evening, there was nothing to argue!

Leading: Thank you all very much!

Leading: Competition for children : "Say kind words to moms."

Leading: Competition "I'm an actress".

This competition will provide an opportunity to show and demonstrate their acting skills. Participants, your task is to show yourself in the proposed situation with the help of facial expressions, gestures, movements. You need to go like this:

    ballerina on stage;

    a girl whose shoes are tight;

    an infant who has just learned to walk;

    sparrow jumping on the roof;

    heron in the swamp;

    monkey in a cage;

    a woman with heavy bags;

Pupil: Forgive me, mom, for tears, gray hairs ...

And that is not always careful in words ....

Ah, if I could smooth out the wrinkles

At your eyes, lips, on tired hands!

Thank you for the beautiful name

The one she gave me at birth.

You are a guardian angel, you are my goddess,

Thank you for giving birth!

Leading: Listen to a song performed by your children "My mom is the best"

I will tell you about her

Nobody can do better

She is the only idol

For every occasion

Of all the gifts on earth

Hers was the most important

She gave me life


My mom, Ira, is the coolest

I don't know anyone better than her.

Only forward, 100% respect

My mom is the best!

My mom is the coolest

I don't know anyone better than her.

Only forward, 100% respect

My mom is the coolest

You surely know everything

Do you love style and fashion?

You are creative and positive

You are a mega bomb

Of all the people on earth

You are the dearest

You won't change, you won't betray

My mum!


My mom, Olya, is the coolest

I don't know anyone better than her.

Only forward, 100% respect

My mom is the best

My mom is the coolest

I don't know anyone better than her.

Only forward, 100% respect

My mom is the coolest

My mother Sveta, my mother Tanya

My mother is Nata, my mother is Alla

My mother Julia, my mother Ira

My mother Galya, my mother Nina

My mother Ira, my mother Tanya

My mother Nata, my mother Olya

My mother Raya, my mother Sveta

Mom Carolina, Rosa, Nina, Olya


Only forward, 100% respect

Our moms are the best

Our mothers, mothers, mothers, the coolest

The most beloved beloved, gentle, dear

Only forward, 100% respect

Our moms are the best

Classroom teacher: So our holiday has come to an end! Dear parents, thank you for postponing all your household chores, and some of you, having taken time off from work, came to school. You have entered competitions. They sang songs with their children. Thank you for your attention and participation in today's holiday! I congratulate you on the holiday of Spring! Let your eyes shine with eternal happiness, and in life only friends surround you! Happiness, joy, love and Have a good mood on this day and always! Guys, do not offend mothers, do not be offended by mothers! After all, mother's eyes always follow us with excitement.

The guys give medals to all the women present.

The hosts invite parents and children to a tea party.