Desktop reference book of the chief engineer torrent. Reference Manual for the Chief Project Engineer

The idea of ​​reforming the Russian electric power industry arose in the first half of the 1990s. of the last century and was a response to the changes in the economy that took place in Russia, associated with the beginning of market transformations in various sectors of the economy.
Confidence that competition will lead to cost reduction and increase in the efficiency of the electric power industry became the impetus for the beginning of its liberalization in foreign countries as well.

Energy reform. Patriotic and overseas experience. Legal framework.
Overseas experience.
It is believed that one of the most successful was the reform of the electricity industry in Scandinavia. In 1991-1999 In the Nordic countries, electricity reform laws were passed that mandated the separation of competitive and monopoly activities, followed by the separation of vertically integrated electricity companies. In 1993, a Common Market electricity trade - Nord Pool. Initially, Norway and Sweden participated in its work, since 1998 - Finland, since 2000 - Denmark. Thus, today Nord Pool operates practically within the boundaries of NORDEL - an integrated power grid association of the energy systems of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Trading in the Nord Pool market is carried out both through the exchange and under direct contracts.

Forum Document program, version 3.0 User manual
1. Legislative requirements in the field of energy supply. Responsibility of the chief power engineer before the law
1.1. Energy reform. Domestic and foreign experience. Legal Framework
1.2. Administrative liability for violations of the requirements of norms and rules
1.3. Draft technical regulation "On the safety of electrical installations"
1.4. Power industry: new in the legislation in 2010
1.5. Technical regulation "On the safety of machines and equipment": general characteristics
2. Interaction of the energy consumer with energy supply organizations
2.1. The work of consumers in the wholesale and retail electricity markets. Contractual relationship with energy companies
2.2. Connecting new consumers
2.3. Accounting for electricity. Metrology. Automated information measuring systems for commercial energy metering
2.4. Thermal energy supply
2.5. Relations between consumers and grid organizations: problems of control and payment for reactive power (energy)
2.6. Ensuring power quality
2.7. New version of the rules for connection to electric networks: commentary
3. Relationships of enterprises with control and supervision authorities
3.1. Checks of the electrical equipment of consumers of electrical energy
3.2. The procedure for carrying out control measures in relation to the subjects of the electric power industry ( power stations and networks)
3.3. Admission to operation of new and reconstructed thermal power plants
3.4. State energy supervision in the system of the North-West Department of Rostekhnadzor. Some changes in legal requirements
3.5. Procedure for investigating the causes of accidents and incidents
3.6. Administrative responsibility in the field of energy saving. Opportunity to challenge administrative liability
4. Organization of the division of the chief power engineer
4.1. Divisional position. The order of organization of work
4.2. The procedure for maintenance and preparation for inspections of consumer electrical installations
5. Security safe operation power equipment
5.1. Staff requirements. Training, certification
5.2. Occupational Safety and Health
5.3. Measures to prevent accidents and reduce industrial injuries
5.4. Control technical condition equipment
5.5. Repair, Maintenance and modernization of electrical equipment
5.6. Operational Issues Requiring Special Attention in Preparation for Inspections
5.7. Diagnostics and non-destructive testing in the power supply service of an enterprise
6. Interaction with suppliers of power equipment. Legal support
6.1. Criteria for selecting power equipment and its suppliers
6.2. Problems of building a power plant in the interests of an industrial enterprise
6.3. Training project documentation for power supply of buildings and structures for the state and municipal order
7. Energy saving techniques
7.1. Public administration energy saving
7.2. Energy inspection and energy audit.

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1 area of ​​use
2. Regulatory references
3. Definitions
4. Design rules
4.1 General provisions
4.2 Regulations on the chief engineer (chief architect) of the project
4.3 Main normative and guiding documents
4.4 The main provisions of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 08.07.96 No. 264
4.5 Composition and content of investment justifications
4.6 Types of construction
4.7 Licensing
4.8 Basic requirements for design and working documentation
5. Design technology
5.1 Scheme for creating a construction object
5.2 Sequence and stages of design
5.3 Reconnaissance work
5.4 Pre-project preparation, collection of initial permits and initial data
5.5 Engineering surveys
5.6 Design brief
5.7 Engineering survey
5.8 Contractual, financial, claims work
5.9 Planned request for design and organization of the design process
5.10 Design features of facilities being built in Moscow
6. Coordination and examination of pre-project and project documentation
6.1 Internal review of construction projects
6.2 Coordination of pre-project and project documentation before submission to the state expertise bodies of projects
6.3 Working with expert bodies in the process of reviewing pre-project and project documentation
6.4 Procedure for reviewing previously approved documentation
7. Author's supervision
7.1 Organization of architectural supervision
7.2 Basic requirements of the Academy of Sciences for the quality of construction and installation work
8. Participation in the acceptance into operation of completed construction projects
9. Brief data on the main sections of the project for the construction of the facility
9.1 General explanatory note
9.2 General plan
9.3 Technological solutions
9.4 Architectural and construction solutions
9.5 Water supply and sewerage
9.6 Heating and gas supply
9.7 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
9.8 Power supply and automation
9.9 Fire protection requirements
9.10 Metal structures
9.11 Environmental protection
9.12 Communication and signaling systems
9.13 Organization and production of work
9.14 The composition of the estimate documentation and the determination of the cost of construction
9.15 Investment performance
9.16 Management of production, enterprise and organization of conditions and labor protection of workers and employees
9.17 Engineering measures civil defense. Prevention measures emergencies
9.18 Additional requirements
9.19 Security and defense of the facility
Appendix A. List of word abbreviations and their abbreviations
Appendix B. Act of reconnaissance work
Annex B. Option for drawing up a design assignment
Annex D. The act of inspection of the technical condition of the object
Appendix E. Marks and ciphers of sections of the project and text documents
Annex G. Aggregated indicators of the cost of construction ( specific indicators capital investments)
Appendix I. Bibliography

Frolov S.G.

A brief reference and methodological guide for the chief engineer (architect) of the project: Tutorial for universities. - M.: DIA Publishing House, 2006. - 352 p.

The manual is built in the technological sequence of project development throughout its billing period - from pre-investment studies to commissioning of completed facilities.

The manual contains excerpts from the main regulatory and guiding documents, lists of the main regulatory, guiding and methodological documents in force in the territory Russian Federation and Moscow, as well as reference and methodological materials necessary for working on the project as a whole during its life cycle and for the development of each of the sections of the project.

The reference manual is intended for beginner GUIs (GAPs), engineering and technical workers design organizations, customers (investors) of project products and for students of higher educational institutions.

Frolov S.G., 2006

DIA publishing house, 2006


In recent years, the profession of a designer has become extremely scarce, and in all its specialties. A particularly difficult situation has developed with the presence of qualified chief engineers (chief architects) of projects, the driving force behind the intellectual power of any project (be it the design of a hydroelectric power plant, the most complex linear facility - railway or redevelopment office space). In order to skillfully and creatively manage the hard work of developing a project, it is necessary to go through all the performing stages of the design process. This takes years.

The purpose of this Reference Manual (hereinafter referred to as the Manual) is to provide in the most concise form assistance to a novice chief engineer (chief architect) of projects in resolving issues related to the pre-project stage of construction preparation, the development of design estimates and before participating in the commissioning of completed construction of facilities for various purposes on the territory of the Russian Federation and in Moscow, regardless of industry specialization designed objects and organizational and legal forms of building design organizations.

The specifics of professional design in various industries and areas of activity of the national economy is reflected in the relevant state and sectoral (departmental) standards, norms, rules, and so on, and is not considered in this Manual.

The manual is compiled from the regulatory and guidance documents in force as of December 31, 2004 in the territory of the Russian Federation and Moscow, which are necessary for the design of almost all newly built, expanded, reconstructed industrial and housing and civil facilities.

The manual is built in a methodical sequence of consideration of the project (and its components) throughout its life cycle (billing period) with the main necessary reference material- from conducting pre-investment studies to terminating the project.

The reference manual may also be of interest to engineering and technical workers of design organizations, customers (investors) of design products.

Given the fact that the training of a design engineer is a very "bottleneck" in the system of Russian higher technical education. The manual may be of interest to students of higher educational institutions.

Sections and parts of the Manual, where there are no references to the documentation used, were written mainly by the author-compiler of the Manual, an honorary railway worker, taking into account his 25 years of experience as a chief engineer of industrial design projects in the system of the Ministry of Railways. The author thanks fellow designers for their great creative assistance in the preparation of the Handbook.

The editors ask readers to send their comments and suggestions on the composition and content of the Handbook. Constructive considerations will be gratefully accepted and taken into account in further work.


1.1 General

The chief engineer (chief architect) of the project, as a rule, is appointed by the head of the design organization from among the most qualified specialists to develop design estimates and technical management of design and survey work throughout the entire period of design, construction, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities.

To organize the development of design estimates, contract, tender and other documentation for construction and management of design and survey work, as well as work to provide engineering and consulting services to the customer throughout the entire period of preliminary feasibility studies and investment calculations, bidding (tender) , conclusion of an agreement (contract) with the customer, design, construction, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities, a project manager may be appointed.

The project manager is appointed from among the most qualified specialists, as a rule, on a competitive basis with the conclusion of an individual agreement (contract) on the conditions for the performance of work, organization and remuneration. The project manager may be appointed from among full-time employees, and from employees who are not part of the staff of the design organization.

When designing objects of industry, transport, energy, communications, agricultural and water management construction, Chief Engineer project (GIP), and objects of civil engineering, planning and development of cities, urban-type settlements and rural settlements in which the ideology of the project mainly belongs to the architect - the chief architect of the project - (GAP).

When designing large and complex objects or objects of great importance for the architectural appearance of the city, enterprises, buildings and structures, it is allowed to appoint a GIP and GAP. In this case, the leading role is assigned to one of them.

The general design organization appoints the Chief Design Officer (GAP) for the entire complex of the enterprise, buildings and structures, the subcontractor design organization - for the complex of works performed by this organization. The head of the general design organization may appoint, if necessary, the position of deputy chief engineer of the project when designing the most important objects.

The PSU (GAP, Project Manager) in its activities is guided by:

current legislation;

Schemes for the development of sectors of the national economy and industries;

Schemes and projects of district planning;

Planning and development projects for cities, urban-type settlements and rural settlements;

Schemes of master plans for industrial units;

Documents on the main directions in the design of objects of the relevant industries;

State standards, building codes and regulations, regional, industry and departmental regulations and guidance documents, normative documents of state supervision bodies and public organizations related to design, engineering surveys and construction;

Catalogs of standard or analog project documentation, as well as in terms of information - Internet materials;

Previous design developments for this facility.

1.2 Main Tasks and Responsibilities of the PSU (PSU, Project Manager)

The main tasks of the PSU (PAP, Project Manager) are:

Ensuring a high technical and economic level of the designed facilities and the quality of design estimates (DED);

Applications in the design of advanced scientific and technological achievements and progressive technologies allowing to compete in the world market;

Increasing labor productivity, reducing the consumption of material resources, reducing the share of construction and installation works and the cost of facilities;

Improving the quality of urban planning and architectural planning solutions.

In accordance with the main tasks, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO, Project Manager) is responsible for:

Participation in the formation of the guarantor of orders of the design organization, tenders (bidding) held when placing an order for the design and construction of facilities;

Together with the leadership of the project organization, the PSU (PSU, Project Manager) should take active steps as possible to participate in working groups at various levels (Russian Federation, region, industry, department, city, enterprise) to develop complex, special or conceptual programs;

Participation in the work of the commission for the selection of a site (route) for new construction, in the preparation of a design assignment and in the organization of engineering surveys for the development of design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures;

Preparation of data for concluding an agreement with the customer for the performance of design and survey work, including the cost of design and survey and its distribution between organizations and departments - participants in the development of the project, and drawing up a schedule for the development of design and estimate documentation;

Ensuring the formation of the composition of the project developers, the division between them of tasks for sections and parts of the project and the amount of work with the corresponding payroll;

Control of the technical and economic level of the adopted design decisions and the timing of the development of design and estimate documentation;

Preparation of tasks for subcontracted design and survey organizations to perform the work assigned to them and provide these organizations with the necessary initial data for design; timely resolution of all issues arising from subcontractors in the process of developing design and estimate documentation;

Choice of generic, reusable or similar economical individual projects, unified space-planning, structural and technological solutions, units, structures and products for the purpose of their wide application in design, preventing unreasonable development of individual projects and design solutions;

Coordination of design and survey works for the entire complex of the project, ensuring the issuance of a complete design and estimate documentation to the customer within the time frame stipulated by the schedule for the contract for the performance of these works, and systematic control over the correct spending of funds for design and survey work;

Timely resolution of issues related to design and arising in the process of construction, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities;

Ensuring the development of the necessary options (when developing feasibility studies - mandatory) to justify the most appropriate and cost-effective design solutions;

Ensuring the compliance of projects with the design task and working documentation with the approved project;

Reducing the volume of design estimates and other documentation;

Coordination of documentation made with reasonable deviations from the current norms, rules and instructions, in terms of these deviations, with state supervision bodies and interested organizations that approved them;

Confirmation in the project materials with an appropriate entry that the design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures has been developed in accordance with the norms, rules, instructions and state standards;

Protection of design decisions in the examination bodies and when the project is approved by the customer;

Realization of architectural supervision and monitoring of the progress of work during construction, timely resolution of issues related to the design and arising in the process of construction, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities;

Preparation of proposals to the management of the design organization and the customer of the design and estimate documentation on making changes to the working documentation related to the introduction of new normative documents, taking into account the actual state of construction and their timely inclusion in the working documentation, incl. and in the archival copy of the design organization;

Keeping records and submitting to the management of the design organization data on object labor costs for calculating the cost of work performed;

Decisions made by the CEO (PIU, Project Manager) in the performance of duties within its competence should be considered final and not subject to cancellation or change by others. officials project organization without his consent.

1.3 Rights of the GUI (GAP, Project Manager)

The PIU (PIU, Project Manager) has the right to:

Represent the design organization in institutions, organizations and enterprises on the development, approval and review of design and estimate documentation and other documentation for construction according to the approved project, manufacture and supply of equipment and materials, construction and development of design capacities; on these issues in the manner prescribed by the design organization;

Make decisions and conduct correspondence with his signature on the issues of technical and economic assessments and calculations of investments, bidding (tender) in the design process, conclusion of an agreement (contract) with the customer, design, construction, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities;

Negotiate and conclude preliminary agreements with the customer upon receipt of an order for the design and construction of an object, incl. on the contractual price and other conditions for the performance of work;

Form the composition of the participants in the development of the project, incl. from specialists who are not part of the staff of the design organization, determine their powers, forms of organization and remuneration, incentives and penalties;

Establish, in agreement with contracting construction and installation organizations, a reduced amount of working documentation;

Check the status of project development, incl. with the involvement of competent specialists and organizations as experts and consultants, the correctness of spending funds for design and survey work, compliance deadlines design and quality of design solutions in the process of developing design and estimate documentation;

Make decisions on the formation and use of a reserve of funds from the volume of work performed;

Submit proposals to the management of the design organization on the development of new and adjustment of existing regulatory documents for the design, construction and operation of facilities;

Submit proposals to the management of the design organization to encourage employees who have distinguished themselves in the development of the project, take part in the distribution of bonuses between organizations and subdivisions of the performers, and also make proposals for imposing penalties on those responsible for the untimely and poor-quality development of the design and estimate documentation;

It is recommended that the CI (GAP, Project Manager) agree with the customer and provide for the use of the following rights in the contract documentation for design and construction:

To freely observe the progress of construction and installation works during their preparation and implementation;

Conduct additional inspection or testing of structures, regardless of whether the part itself is being performed, mounted or already finished, incl. require the contractor (and the latter is obliged, at the first instruction of the GUI (PIU, Project Manager) to conduct a quality check of any part of the structure;

Suspend production certain types construction and installation works when they are carried out with deviations from the project, in case of violation specifications and the rules for the production of these works, as well as their unsatisfactory quality for such a period and in such a manner as it will be proposed to them;

Prohibit the use of and instruct the replacement and removal from the construction site of any materials and equipment that, in the opinion of the PAA (PAG, Project Manager), do not meet the established requirements;

Make changes to the form, quality or scope of the work provided for in the design documentation, provided that the technical and economic indicators and construction time remain unchanged;

Appoint their representatives from among the participants in the development of the project, the powers of which to notify the customer and the construction contractor.

1.4 Responsibility of the PSU (PSU, Project Manager)

The PSU (PMU, Project Manager) bears the responsibility established by law and provided for by the project for:

Technical and economic level and architectural solutions objects under construction;

Quality, timely development and completeness of design and estimate documentation;

Correct determination of the estimated cost and sequence of construction;

Achievement by enterprises of project indicators in a timely manner;

Achieving the required dynamics of investments;

Timely receipt by the project organization of income from the implementation of the project;

Fulfillment of all contractual obligations, duties assigned to him and use of the rights granted.

1.5 Principles and methods of marketing for the PSU (PSU, Project Manager)

A design organization can successfully carry out its activities in the market if it can attract and retain customers for products and services. The ability to attract and create conditions for long-term cooperation with customers is at the heart of marketing: identify a product and market, find customers, find out and often shape their needs, conclude an agreement for the development of project products and the provision of engineering and consulting services, ensure high-quality and timely execution agreements and try not to lose touch with profitable customers.

The efforts of the PMU (Project Manager) spent on marketing can be aimed at making the offered products and services known to potential customers and arousing their interest by explaining the benefits that they can receive from these products. and services. However, since the customer is ultimately interested not in the project, but in the constructed object, or, more precisely, in the real profit from its exploitation or sale on the investment market, his ability to verify the authenticity of the proposals is and will be limited. Thus, the customer must have a good reason to use the services of this particular design organization, and not others. When a customer decides to invest in a product that at the time of placing an order is very difficult, and sometimes impossible to reliably evaluate or compare with what others are offering to receive an order for its development, he begins to look for reasons on which somehow it is possible reduce the risk of failure. In this case, the GUI (PM, Project Manager) is forced to do the same thing - to look for something that will help convince the customer that if he deals with him, the order will fall into good hands.

Building a professional reputation is the core of marketing. In the market, it is not enough to be competent and offer interesting products. Potential customers need to be aware of this: the design organization needs a reputation that matches the competencies achieved and the Products it produces, fully reflecting what they can do for customers. The question is not only what scientific and technological achievements determine the reputation and may be of interest to potential customers, but also what principles and methods will be applied in marketing.


You can use the following basic methods to search for a specific order. "Cold" contacts. This is the name of the visits, letters or telephone conversations when the GUI (PIU, Project Manager) approaches a potential customer and tries to offer him to do the work.

This is the least effective marketing method. But "freshly created" engineering firms often cannot do without it. "Cold" visits without prior arrangement the worst. Managers don't like to be disturbed by strangers for unknown reasons. However, in critical situations such contacts are acceptable.

"Cold" written contacts are a more successful method. Their goal is not to get an order, but to present themselves to a prospective customer in order to pave the way for future contact in a short time.

"Cold" telephone conversations pursue the only goal - to get a date with the customer. In doing so, you need to answer any questions that the customer may ask before deciding to make an appointment.

If the customer wants only information, you should not insist on immediate negotiations about the order. Experience will tell you how far to go in each situation. After such contact, you can be reminded of a telephone conversation after 2-4 weeks. If interest is lost, do not insist.


You can get in touch with a potential customer in response to a published announcement of an auction (tender) for the development of a project. Typically, such a customer state organization or an enterprise or a large commercial structure.

In such a situation, the customer not only appears on his own initiative, but most likely already has a fairly accurate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat needs to be done. His own or involved technical services have already carried out preliminary studies and developed a detailed tender task, which can be obtained on conditions specified by the customer. Projects declared in this way are often large, financially attractive, and may be of interest to your competitors. However, before accepting the customer's invitation, you should carefully analyze the situation:

Sometimes tender announcements are purely formal, and their publication is done with a great delay. This happens in those cases when all the conditions of these auctions have been transferred in advance to one or two firms with which the customer intends to deal, having officially issued it through the auction;

The circle of design organizations interested in getting a job can be quite wide, so the competition will be very tough;

Training necessary materials bidding is time-consuming and expensive, and it will be a net loss for those who are rejected, and sometimes under the terms of the bidding, the cost of preparation and participation in the bidding is not reimbursed even to the winning firm;

Customer selection process the best offer may be lengthy. The applicant may be asked to provide Additional information, review some of the proposed solutions and make several visits to the customer. Therefore, the applicant should not be in a position where he urgently needs a guaranteed job. If, nevertheless, a decision is made to fight for such an order, a detailed action plan must be developed in order to win the auction.

The GUI, GAL, Project Manager are potential bidders in the contract tenders, which obliges them to have quite certain qualities.

The Rules of Procedure for the Tender Committee (MDS 80-14.2000) recommend the following for the expert of the Tender Committee, paragraph 3.5. In addition to competence, a good expert must also have a number of qualities. The main ones are the ability to:

Solve problems, the method of solving which is completely or partially unknown;

Identify non-obvious problems;

Guess the solution without justifying it;

Predict or anticipate a future decision;

Resist the opinions of the majority or generally recognized authorities;

Consider the problem from different points of view.

"Regulations on contract bidding in the Russian Federation" is presented in Appendix 1 of the Handbook.



Job responsibilities. Determines the technical policy and directions of the technical development of the enterprise in a market economy, the ways of reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the existing production, the level of specialization and diversification of production in the future. Provides the necessary level of technical preparation of production and its constant growth, increasing production efficiency and labor productivity, reducing costs (material, financial, labor), rational use of production resources, high quality and competitiveness of products, works or services, compliance of manufactured products with current state standards , technical conditions and requirements of technical aesthetics, as well as their reliability and durability. In accordance with the approved business plans of the enterprise for the medium and long term, he manages the development of measures for the reconstruction and modernization of the enterprise, the prevention of the harmful effects of production on the environment, the careful use of natural resources, the creation of safe working conditions and the improvement of the technical culture of production. Organizes the development and implementation of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, organizational and technical measures, research and development work. It ensures the effectiveness of design solutions, timely and high-quality preparation of production, technical operation, repair and modernization of equipment, achievement of high quality products in the process of its development and production. On the basis of modern achievements in science and technology, the results of patent research, as well as best practices, taking into account market conditions, organizes work to improve the range and quality, improve and update products, work (services), equipment and technology, and create fundamentally new competitive types of products , on the design and implementation in production of means of integrated mechanization and automation of technological processes, control and testing of high-performance specialized equipment, development of labor intensity standards for products and consumption rates of materials for their manufacture, consistent implementation of the savings regime and cost reduction. Carries out control over compliance with design, engineering and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety, requirements of environmental, sanitary authorities, as well as bodies exercising technical supervision. Provides timely preparation of technical documentation (drawings, specifications, technical conditions, technological maps). Concludes with research, design (design and technology) organizations and higher educational institutions for the development of new equipment and production technology, projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise, its divisions, renovation and modernization of equipment, integrated mechanization and automation of production processes, automated production control systems, exercises control over their development, organizes the consideration and implementation of technical re-equipment projects developed by third-party organizations, drawing up applications for the purchase of equipment on a leasing basis. Coordinates work on issues of patent and invention activities, unification, standardization and certification of products, special assessment of working conditions and rationalization of jobs, metrological support, mechanical and energy maintenance of production. Takes measures to improve the organization of production, labor and management based on the introduction of the latest technical and telecommunication means for engineering and management work. Organizes scientific research and experiments, testing of new equipment and technology, as well as work in the field of scientific and technical information, rationalization and invention, dissemination of advanced production experience. Carries out work to protect the priority of implemented scientific and technical solutions, prepare materials for their patenting, obtain licenses and intellectual property rights. Organizes training and advanced training of workers and engineers and ensures continuous improvement of personnel training. Manages the activities of the technical services of the enterprise, controls the results of their work, the state of labor and production discipline in subordinate units. He is the first deputy director of the enterprise and is responsible for the results and efficiency of production activities.
(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 12, 2014 N 96)

Must know: legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of the enterprise, resolutions of federal, regional and local government authorities and governments that determine priority areas for the development of the economy and the relevant industry; organizational and administrative documents and regulatory materials of other bodies relating to the activities of the enterprise; profile, specialization and features of the structure of the enterprise; prospects for the technical, economic and social development of the industry and the business plan of the enterprise; production capacity of the enterprise; production technology of the enterprise; the procedure for drawing up and coordinating plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise; market methods of managing and managing an enterprise; the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts; scientific and technological achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of advanced enterprises; economics and organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of environmental legislation; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in managerial positions in the corresponding profile of the enterprise in the sector of the economy for at least 5 years.