Save the state farm "Kuban"! An open letter from the secretary of the party primary. Story

A small report about the new corn-sizing plant "Kuban", located in the state farm "Kuban" Gulkevichsky district; published in "Soviet Kuban", we have no imprint, year 198 .. some.


GULKEVICH. (Correspondent of "Soviet Kuban").

We are in a corn processing plant. This is what the final corn calibration operation represents here. From the cone-shaped hoppers, the cleaned, pickled grain enters the dispensers and from there it is poured into paper bags in even portions. They are immediately sewn up with a special device and fed to the warehouse along the conveyor finished products.
All of this is driven by machines. And the course of the technological process is monitored by only two workers.
- There are already 2,400 tons of calibrated seeds in the finished product warehouse. At least now fill them in seeders. They are first class, high germination, treated with chemicals against diseases and pests of corn, - says the director of the corn processing plant of the off-farm production association"Cuban hybrid" I. I. Bondarenko.
This enterprise was built in the parent farm of the association - the Order of Lenin state farm "Kuban" quite recently. Now development is underway production capacity, which are designed to produce 10 thousand tons of calibrated corn seeds per year. Technological process at the factory two-stage. First, the enterprise accepts corn cobs from collective farms and state farms. Here they are threshed, pre-cleaned and poured into the storage of threshed seeds. And only after the last cob is removed from the arrays and the resulting grain enters the warehouse, its calibration begins.
- Our team is young, - continues I. I. Bondarenko, - in addition to the usual difficulties in mastering technology in such cases, the fact that we have to eliminate assembly and design imperfections is added. And they are serious. In addition, only half of the corn we accept is the Krasnodar-303 ATV variety, for the calibration of which, in fact, the plant is designed. In total, 21 varieties of corn are grown in the association's farms. In connection with such a large set of them, the team is forced to reconstruct the plant.
- Despite all the difficulties, - says the production manager V.A. Isai, - the team strives to fulfill the tasks facing it as best as possible. And we already have our leaders, our labor achievements.
The plant accepted 7600 tons of corn in test weight. Of these, 4,500 tons of calibrated, mostly first-class seeds were obtained. They were issued to farms for the opening of the 26th Party Congress. The production waste of a simple hybrid is again passed through the mechanisms, processed, and their seeds will be used for sowing silage corn.
The young company is gaining momentum. The hum of equipment in his workshops does not subside from morning until late at night. The spring of the first year of the eleventh five-year plan is approaching. And the workers of the plant are doing everything so that the grain growers of the region sow the areas intended for corn plantations in a timely manner and with good grains.

The plant is now alive and well, it has a website.

The beginning of the glorious path of the Order of Lenin of the state farm "Kuban".

You are wide, you are wide…….

It is sung in songs about the Kuban River, either smoothly carrying its waters across the steppe expanses, or winding in countless bends, then suddenly violently and menacingly sweeping away everything in its path and impetuously spilling into the distance and breadth ...

From time immemorial, man has loved the wayward Kuban and the entire region adjacent to it, the region of the enchanting beauty of mountains, virgin forests and untouched steppes with their most fertile lands.

From an unoccupied time, Circassian tribes settled near the Kuban River. At the end of the eighteenth century, in order to resist Turkey, the Russians built a series of fortresses on the right bank of the river. Cossack pickets and cordons were placed between them. The pickets were cut off from each other by difficult-to-pass forest and reed thickets, the grasses grew so luxuriantly that a rider was easily hidden in them.

The first settlers in the Kuban were the former Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, who replaced the regular army, did not prevent those who fled from central Russia from the landowner-feudal oppression, who were looking for a better life, to sow here.

At that time, unmeasured expanses were seized by military foremen, forcing ordinary Cossacks and a passportless home to work for themselves.

Over the years, Zakubanye was populated more and more densely. But the lands were taken over by those who had power and money. And therefore, by the beginning of the twentieth century, the village kulaks and landowners owned the richest estates in the region. Where the Armavir - Caucasian railway now passes, the Kuban River makes a giant arc. In this arc and to the south of it are remarkable lands. They begin with coastal picturesque forests, and then pass into the boundless steppe plain, rubbing for many tens of kilometers to the south.

These luxurious expanses were captured by the landowners and big kulaks Petrik, Babkin, Nikolenko.

The territory of the central estate and 4 branches (village Novoivanovskiy) belonged to the landowner Petrik. Where the 1st department is now (the village of Sovetsky), there was the economy of the landowner Leonty Nikolenko. The territory of the 2nd branch (Urozhayny village) and the 3rd branch (Dalniy village) were included in the economy of the Nikolenko brothers, with the exception of part of the territory of the 3rd branch, which was run by a wealthy farmer Kozlov. On the territory of the current 5th branch (settlement Mirny) were the estates of the Pikhovsky brothers.

The land of the current 4th branch (village Novoivanovskiy) was leased by the landowner Petrik. On these lands there was a German colony (column).

The landowners on the virgin lands cultivated wheat, and most importantly, they bred numerous flocks of sheep.

Illiterate gray lords found the real thing in the Kuban side The Golden Fleece. It was given almost for nothing. The maintenance of alien peasants - workers from the Kursk, Voronezh, Kharkov provinces, from the destitute poor who did not shun any work - would be something to feed themselves, as well as farm laborers - shepherds were cheap, sheep all year round had generous free food, while wool was valued dearly. And gold flowed in streams into the forged chests of the owners.

Leonty Nikolenko was one of the big landowners, a predator among predators.

The landlord was recalled with an unkind word by his former laborers: Yashchuk Lavrenty Ulyanovich, Kolesnikov Fedor Andreevich. Nazyrov Bakir Suleimanovich, Gaponenko Kirill Evseevich, Danshin Alexey Maksimovich and others.

Here's what they said:

“It was not sweet to live with the landowner, so that he had neither a bottom nor a tire. They lived in dirty and stuffy barracks with bunk beds - bedbugs and dugouts. Straw served as a bed, under the head, instead of a pillow, a log was placed. There was also a dining room, here they gave birth, and here they died. They were forced to work 14 hours a day, and soup was served on the table - conder. 10 people sipped with wooden spoons from one cup, and it’s good if someone got a piece of tripe or a little grain in the spoon.

This landowner was distinguished by extreme cruelty, and it was not for nothing that there was a rumor about him as a villain and a murderer. Leonty Nikolenko kept with him an armed guard of thugs, which he used to deal with the recalcitrant. He shortchanged the peasants, pestered with fines or kicked him out completely without calculation: “I won’t give the calculation,” he shouts, “say thank you for feeding you parasites, get out, what did you come with!”. So, having achieved nothing, the peasants, who had worked in the economy for one or two years, left empty-handed. Especially recalcitrant, on the orders of the landowner, the executioners-guards caught up in the steppe and ended up in thorns, so that the offended people would not spread the bad rumor about the lawlessness that was happening in the economy.

And not only the poor were sick of him. Leonty Nikolenko did not spare his own - the brother of the landowner, especially those whose lands adjoined his possessions. They inflamed his greed, did not give rest.

The estate of Pavel Petrik, a carefree gentleman, a life-burner, neighbored Nikolenko's economy. Petrik did not take care of the household, lived away from him, played cards big. And then the day came when it was announced that the estate mortgaged by Petrik for debts was being sold at auction. Leonty Nikolenko has been waiting for this day for a long time. And waited, swallowed prey.

With the new acquisition, he began to unfold even more widely, accumulating more and more wealth on the sweat and blood of farm laborers. But a great storm came. The October Revolution crushed the exploiters. In 1920, Soviet power also came to the Kuban. The landlords also fled to the Kuban land, the real owner came - the working people. (In January 1918, Gulkevichi and the settlements adjacent to it were occupied by red detachments under the command of Pavel Chistov, who proclaimed Soviet power, but it did not last long). Having put an end to the manufacturers, breeders and landowners forever, the people began to establish their own new order with the master's hand.

State farms were established on lands previously owned by landowners. (In the photo, the presentation of the state act on the perpetual use of land by collective farms)

On the territory of the current 5th department (settlement Mirny), the state farm "Kuban" is created, on the territory of the central estate (village Kuban), 1 department (village Sovetsky, 3 departments (village Dalniy) and 4 departments (village Novoivanovskiy) a sample state farm "Kuban", and on the territory of 2 departments (village Urozhayny) - the state farm "International", on the basis of which, in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars signed in June 1921 by V.I. ".

The task of the state economy "Kubgossemkultura" was to grow good seeds, so necessary for peasant farms. At that time, the varieties of wheat Girka and Garnovka were known in the Kuban. But breeding work was not carried out with them, and wheat began to be “born” badly.

The creation of the state economy "Kubgossemkultura" was of great importance. And not only because seed-growing work has begun, but also because in peasant farms began to apply new agricultural practices that help increase the yield of bread.

Initially, the sample state farm "Kuban" began to be a small farm, with a sown area of ​​about 2000 hectares with poorly developed animal husbandry - mainly sheep breeding, left over from the landlords, and horse breeding, inherited from the 11th and 12th armies, which were disbanded after civil war in the Kuban.

The People's Commissariat for Agriculture, the first director (manager) of the state farm, was appointed Yurkin Tikhon Aleksandrovich, who later became the Minister of State Farms of the RSFSR. The first agronomist of the economy was Suzdal. T.A.Yurkin was the secretary of the party organization of the state farm, and the first chairman of the working committee Gaponenko Kirill Evseevich.

The leaders and the entire staff of the newly created state farm had to work in difficult conditions. In fact, the economy had to be created anew.

The ambassador of the civil war and great devastation made itself felt by the lack of taxes, the lack of tools for production. At that time, the shortcomings did not allow the new Soviet economy to develop widely, and the land had to be used. The Soviet people, the working class of the cities needed bread, meat and milk. The government was forced to hand over part of the former landowners' land to a concession.

In 1924, the German concession "Druzag" was handed over the territory sampled by the state farm "Kuban". The concessionaires set as their main goal the maximum profit, in pursuit of which they exploited the lands predatory, not observing the elementary rules of land use. Crop rotations were not introduced, agroforestry activities were not carried out, and due attention was not paid to seed production. As a result, grain crop yields did not exceed 60-65 pounds per hectare, and the concessionaires did not care at all about the well-being of the workers.

From the stories of the former concession worker Stepan Markovich Bakaev and other old workers, hostels for seasonal and daily workers were placed in the attics of the stables and the bakery. Concessionaires built residential buildings and houses from bales of straw and adobe. Farm No. 7 (village Podlesny) was such a thatched settlement, and the workers jokingly called it: "The farm has nowhere to go."

(Photos of the house and barracks are attached)

Under the concession, workers did not have the right to keep livestock, poultry, or plant a garden. Women were paid very low wages. If a male worker received 1 ruble 25 kopecks a day, then a female worker was paid only 1 ruble 05 kopecks, 20 kopecks less.

The manager of the “Druzag” concession, the German Ditlov, under the contract was obliged to produce and sell wheat and other agricultural products to the state, to import the necessary agricultural machines from abroad, to erect buildings, to create appropriate living conditions for the workers, etc.

Ditlov also promised to build a railway from the Girey station to the farm, in order to send bread more conveniently and faster. He promised to expand the construction of residential and industrial premises, mechanize agricultural work, increase productivity and much more. But nothing was done. He knew that he was a temporary owner, he did not erect any capital buildings, not to mention railway. The promised cars were delivered too little. The living conditions of the workers were still bad. People continued to live in the barracks left by the landowners - sheds. In short, Ditlov squeezed everything he could out of the economy, but gave very little.

It is clear that the Soviet government could not tolerate a predatory concessionaire, and in 1933 the contract was terminated. With great regret, Ditlov had to leave the fertile place, where he pretty much warmed his hands.

A lot of workers gathered to see off the "owner". Only inaudible cries of welcome were heard, and if replicas were heard, then they were completely in good health. Ditlov returned to Germany.

The organization of the Kuban state farm and the activities of the collective in the second five-year plan of 1933-1937.

Pre-war period 1938-1940.

By the beginning of the thirties, the country was already quite firmly on its feet. Domestic industry began to produce tools and machines necessary for agriculture.

Scientists and practitioners persistently worked in the field of the socialist economy, the application of new, more advanced methods of agricultural technology.

Large Soviet farms began to be created in the country. On the basis of the concession "Druzag" and "Kubgossemkultura" on December 15, 1933, the seed-growing and breeding state farm "Kuban" was organized.

In the management of the economy, a rather significant area was allocated - 18 thousand hectares of land, but not all of this area was developed, significant areas of the Kuban chernozems were covered with impenetrable thickets of thorns.

As a legacy from the concession, the state farm received, for the most part, dilapidated industrial and residential buildings made of bales of straw and adobe.

The first years were difficult. The team had to invest a lot of labor and energy in restoring the economy, raising the culture of agriculture and increasing the productivity of the fields.

With great energy, the young staff of the state farm, headed by Vladimir Vasilyevich Samoilov (1933-1936), agronomist Pavel Filippovich Kutyakov (1933-1935), head of the political department Neiman, and since 1934 Philip Abramovich Tomashchuk, got down to business. There were, of course, difficulties, and no small ones, especially in eliminating neglect in the former concession, but now people worked for themselves, for the people. Persistently overcoming obstacles, workers and specialists in short term achieved good results and turned the state farm into one of the advanced farms of the Motherland. (Photos of the first director of the state farm, agronomist, head of the political department are attached)

In the very first days of the organization of the state farm, a party organization is created. Dmitry Gerasimovich Ageechkin was elected secretary of the party organization. Party organizations are also being created at departments: at department 3, party organizer K.D. Mezin, at department 4 N.A. Pozhidaev, at department 5 K.K. Glibochko (Photo of the first party organizer K.K. Glibochko is attached)

In March 1934, the head of the political department, F.A. Tomashchuk, held the first organizational meeting of the Komsomol members of the central estate. A Komsomol organization was formed, Valentina Vishnyakova was elected the first Komsomol organizer. In 1934 and 1935, several more Komsomol organizations were created in the shops and departments of the Kuban state farm.

At school number 8, Maria Tarasova; in the garage - Grigory Chemlev, in the construction group - Sergey Gritsenko, in the main office - Andrey Vakulin, in the 5th department - Lyubov Goncharenko, in the Kubgossemkultura - Alexandra Yashchuk.

Soon, a pioneer organization was created on the central estate. Vera Zernova was approved as the first pioneer leader.

Party and trade union organization launched a wide competition among workers in crop and livestock production for obtaining high yields of agricultural crops and high productivity of animal husbandry, widely covering the progress of the competition at meetings, conferences, and in the press. The state farm "Kuban" had its own printing house, in which the state farm newspaper "Stalinets" was printed. The newspaper was published twice a week, with a circulation of 250 copies. The editor was D.G. Ageechkin, N.K. Zyuzina worked as an executive secretary, and later Valentina Bolislavovna Vishnyakova, and Komsomol members Pavel Merkulov, Andrey Mordovin, Gritsenko and many others were active correspondents.

The newspaper widely covered the work of the foremost workers and the achievements of brigades, farms, departments and the state farm as a whole. The names of noble people of the state farm were entered on the “Red Board” established in the newspaper, and the “Black Board” exposed violators labor discipline, criticized negligent workers.

Big casual educational work gave positive results. Many people appeared in the economy, showing examples of selfless labor. Such leaders of production were awarded the title of "Drummer of the socialist fields." Among the first shock workers of the socialist fields - the foreman of the tractor brigade - S.M. Bakaev, the combine operator - Agibaylov, the foreman of the vehicle fleet - A.F. Panchenko, shepherd - I.I. Efanov, senior shepherd - T.P. Guk, senior milkmaid - L.I. Gaar, field worker - M.I. Isakova, deputy head of the fleet P.A. Andrievsky, tractor driver - A.V. Erpilyeva, mechanic of the 4th department A.I. Kuchma.

Here is what the large-circulation newspaper Stalinets wrote on April 3, 1935, about one of the shock workers of the socialist fields, Stepan Markovich Bakaev.

“Stepan Markovich Bakaev, a machine gunner of the Red Army, a noble man of the state farm, is impossible, how not to appreciate and fall in love, because he is one of the blacksmiths of the great victories of socialist construction.” The newspaper further reports that S.M. Bakaev is the first in terms of output at the STE, sowing 20 hectares per shift.

A year has passed since the establishment of the seed-breeding state farm "Kuban", created on the basis of the farm of the German concession "Druzag". For a year of work, the state farm successfully coped with its production tasks and turned the former concessionary capitalist economy into a powerful Soviet socialist economy. In 1935, the staff of the state farm also graduated with high rates in crop production and animal husbandry. This year, the state farm successfully fulfilled its obligations to the state on the delivery of bread, livestock products and ensured further organizational and economic strengthening of the state farm, for which it was awarded the title of LEADING STATE FARM OF THE TERRITORY.

In December 1935, a meeting of leading workers was held in Moscow. Agriculture. At this meeting, the director of the state farm "Kuban" Vladimir Vasilyevich Samoilov, in response to Comrade I.V. domestic equipment, "blocked the concessionaire". The concessionaire received 65 poods per hectare, while the collective of the state farm already in the second year achieved a 100 pood harvest, pedigree livestock breeding also grew, and the culture of cultivating the land rose.

"Here's the deal!" Comrade Stalin remarked approvingly.

Animal husbandry also developed from year to year. Herds of large cattle, pigs, flocks of sheep, their productivity has increased. In 1937, state farm pig farmers entrusted and kept 18 piglets from each sow, and shepherds from 100 ewes, 129 lambs. The grain yield rose to 120 pounds.

Such high indicators in the development of the economy made it possible for the state farm to become a participant in the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in 1939 and win a diploma of the first degree. The following year, 1940, the state farm again received the right to participate in the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition and in the same year, for outstanding achievements in the development of socialist agriculture, it was awarded the highest government award - the Order of Lenin.


Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics

“For outstanding success in the development of agriculture and for exceeding the indicators of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition for two years, for 1937 and 1938, the participant of the Exhibition is awarded the seed-growing and breeding state farm “Kuban”, Vannovsky district, Krasnodar Territory


Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council USSR- M. Kalinin

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - A. Gorkin

Joyfully, excitedly, a member of the state farm delegation, secretary of the party organization, Mikhail Vasilievich Andryukov, accepted the Order of Lenin from the hands of Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.

(Photo attached)

This great honor inspired the working team to new labor feats. It should be noted that the pre-war years are characterized for the Kuban state farm as years of hard and painstaking work of the entire team, headed by the director Nikolai Ivanovich Vasilyev (1937-1941) and the senior agronomist Vasily Savich Balyasny (1936-1941). (Photo of the director of the state farm Nikolai Ivanovich Vasiliev is attached)

In 1940, the government awarded orders and medals to a group of leading workers in state farm production, including: the Order of Lenin, shepherd I.I. Efanov, for the preservation of 138 lambs for every 100 ewes, a photograph of Ivan Ivanovich Efanov is attached.

The Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the director of the state farm "Kuban" N.I. Vasiliev;

the Order of the Badge of Honor, senior agronomist V.S. Balyasny;

medal "For labor valor" - the senior pig breeder S.N. Denisenko.

The fame of the order-bearing state farm spread throughout the country. Grain growers from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, and Armenia began to come to Kuban. Letters were sewn here from Chernigov, Orel, Rostov, Kyiv, Kursk and many, many cities, villages, farms.

But the activities of the state farm collective were not limited only to concerns about obtaining high yields and the development of animal husbandry. From the very first days of its existence, the state farm launched work on the construction of residential buildings, hostels, livestock buildings: - calves, pigsties, barns, as well as the construction of cultural and community facilities, a club, a school. A vigorous activity was launched to improve and landscape the branches and the central estate. With great enthusiasm, people volunteered for public works. The first Sundays and Subbotniks were organized to clear bushes and old trees on the central estate of the Kuban state farm. Here it was decided to make a football field. Hundreds of workers and youth with axes and shovels, headed by the director of the state farm V.V. Samoilov and the head of the political department F.A. Tomashchuk, went to work, and soon, sports fans got the opportunity to hold football and volleyball games at their stadium. The sports worker Mikhail Vulfovich did a lot to create the first football and volleyball teams on the state farm, and the first football players were workers Mikhail Ioka, brothers Alexander and Alexei Aiginov, Pavel Arestenko, Ivan Arkharov, Ivan Morozov, Sergey Kasyanenko and others. (Photo of the first football players of the state farm).

Many subbotniks were devoted to the improvement and gardening of estates. The central estate of the state farm looked like a blooming oasis among the wide expanses of the steppe. It is no coincidence that it was called the "Green Town in the Steppe." (Photo of the central estate is attached. Park alley, rose beds near the central office).

The inhabitants of the state farm put a lot of effort into the construction of the club of the central estate. And so, the dream of the workers of the state farm came true. The club has been built. And the indefatigable head of the club, N.V. Krylov, had already prepared the first production by the time the club opened. There were many who wanted to get on the first performance. With pleasure they watched and greeted the participants of amateur performances. Among the first participants in amateur performances were young and elderly workers and employees of the state farm, namely Alexandra Zotova, Nina Zyuzina, Galina Mirnaya, Anna Aralova, Nina Okhtina, Vera Solovieva, spouses Andrey and Panya Baranov, spouses Yuri Timofeev, and Vera Vasilevskaya, Tatyana Sholokhov. The leaders of the drama circle were Sergey Krylenko and his wife Olga. The year 1935 was marked by an important event in the life of the team. A professional theater was created at the state farm. Director Gromov, actors - Sarnovskaya, Solovieva V.V., Vasilevskaya Vera and others. The professional theater gave performances in the central club of the state farm, at the departments, and often traveled to neighboring villages and farms. (Photograph of the performance The propaganda team of the state farm, in which Alexandra Zotova, Tatyana Sholokhzova, Nina Zyuzina, Valentina Temlyantseva, Maria Pichugina, Boldenko and others took an active part, gained immense popularity. The propaganda team was led by Fyodor Zotov, Stepan Chernetsky was the bayanist.

The propaganda team regularly served field camps, livestock farms and brigades, wonderfully and interestingly introduced the events of the day, vividly conveyed to the audience good examples in work, ridiculing shortcomings and blunders. (A photograph of the work of the propaganda team is attached).

All cultural events diversified the life of rural workers, cheered up, gave rise to the desire to work even better. It should be noted that in 1937 the amateur art group was included in the list of participants in the All-Union amateur art show and came out the winner. In the photo: a brass band led by Nikita Porfiryevich Korpan at the next rehearsal. On the left in the picture, Yuri Gerasomov plays the flute. Before the war, five more clubs were built at the state farm at the departments, and in total, since 1934, 68 residential buildings and 58 industrial premises (except clubs) were built.

And so, the pre-war five-year plan was the period when the order-bearing state farm "Kuban" reached a high level of development.

State farm "Kuban" during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Having unleashed a second attack on Poland in September 1939 world war and having occupied Denmark, Norway, Holland and Belgium at the beginning of 1940, fascist Germany began direct preparations for war against the USSR.

The menacing danger looming over the Motherland demanded even more strenuous work by the Party and the entire Soviet people.

The party organization of the Kuban state farm, based on the current international situation, intensified organizational and mass-political work among the workers of the Kuban state farm, began to deal more and more specifically with the organization of production, the selection and placement and education of personnel. The situation required the training of young machine operators. At the state farm, courses for tractor drivers are opened, which are completed mainly from girls and boys of pre-conscription age. These courses were completed by Anna Shulika, Praskovya Efromeeva, Alexandra Kanonenko, Melanya Litvinova, Anna Milovanova and other girls. (Photograph of cadets of tractor courses with a sample of the Order of Lenin of the Kuban state farm, March 27, 1941).

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. The peaceful work of the Soviet people was interrupted. The news of the war came to the state farm "Kuban" in the midst of harvesting ears. The life of the central estate of the state farm and branches immediately began to be rebuilt in a military way. Already in the first days of the war, most of the state farm machine operators went to the front, with weapons in their hands to defend their homeland, and the rest joined the militia.

The first to join the militia were the elderly communists. Among the militias were girls. Three companies of militia were formed in the amount of two hundred and fifty people. The commanders of the militia were appointed - Zakhar Titovich Krug, K.D. Mezin, K.E. Resnyansky, Vasily Maslov was appointed teacher of military affairs. The militias conducted intensified exercises in drill and tactical training, in the study of rifles, machine guns, grenades, and gas masks. The fighters learned to dig trenches, crawl in a plastunsky way, and provide first aid to the wounded. Also, the militia, together with the inhabitants of the state farm, dug anti-tank ditches along the left bank of the Kuban River from the central estate to the 5th department. Often, the militias were alerted to catch saboteurs - paratroopers.

Throughout the front, from the Barents to the Black Sea, heavy, bloody defensive battles unfolded. The Red Army fought back under the onslaught of a cruel and powerful enemy.

The party issued a cry: "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" And the workers of the state farm, like the entire Soviet people, gave all their strength, worked hard to help the fighters who fought against the fascist invaders. Front and rear merged into one.

Many drivers went to the front in state farm vehicles. In the very first days of the war, the Kuban state farm handed over to the Red Army 170 breeding horses, many carts, almost all cars and part of the tractors. Many residents of the state farm went to the front as volunteers. Among them are Raisa Vladimirova, Valentina Temlyantseva, Lyudmila Mirnaya, Evgenia Mirnaya, Evgenia Nikolchenko, Nina Gridneva, Marina Ageechkina, Nina Stukalova.

The workers of the Kuban state farm who went to the front were replaced by women, the elderly and teenagers. Behind the wheel of tractors and helms of combines were women, young boys and girls who graduated in 1941 from tractor driver courses. The Motherland handed over the technique into their hands, placed the huge responsibility of the grain grower on their shoulders. The women and young workers of the state farm carried this responsibility with honor on their shoulders through all the difficult years of the war. Among the mechanics of the war years, Anna Shulika, Praskovya Efromeeva, Alexandra Kononenko, Malanya Litvinova, Anna Milovanova, Maria Taran, Evdokia Skornyakova, Vladimir Valeulin, Maria Dorokhin, Praskovya Shcherbakova, Nastasya Khorova, Nadezhda Borisevich, Nadezhda Miroshnichenko, Vladimir Nazyrov, Valentina Selyavkina , Anatoly Sholokhov and many others.

Despite the difficulties associated with the lack of equipment and qualified personnel, the state farm in 1941 successfully coped with the harvesting of grain, emerged victorious in the competition of seed-growing state farms of the region, for which he was awarded a diploma from the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the Trade Unions of State Farm Workers of the South in the Krasnodar Territory. (Deed dated October 7, 1941, signed by the chairman of the Orgburo Rakitsky and the secretary of the Orgburo Kaun.)

State farm "Kuban" during the occupation

Don't break us. Let's remember everyone by name.

In May 1942, formations of the first, fourth and seventeenth Nazi armies began to move towards the cities of Krasnodar, Stavropol and Armavir. Fascist vultures began to appear in the Kuban sky, and in the rear of the retreating units of the Red Army, the Nazis began to throw groups of paratroopers - paratroopers. The threat of occupation by enemy troops loomed over the Kuban. The front was nearby, and at the direction of the regional organizations, in early August 1942, the Kuban state farm began to evacuate property: tractors, combines, livestock and other valuables. The heads of the state farm, specialists, machine operators and employees of the state farm, who remained at the state farm with a reservation, were evacuated. The communists of the state farm and members of their families also left. But little was taken out. Part of the livestock, almost the entire pig population, a lot of equipment, harvested crops and other valuables remained in place, and on August 9, 1942, the Nazis invaded the state farm. Difficult days of occupation began.

Among the Nazis who broke into the state farm was Colonel von Ditlov, the former manager of the Druzag concession.

The activities of the invaders began with the plundering of precious seed grain and the slaughter of breeding pigs, and what was not slaughtered was taken to Germany. After the occupiers, only one horse remained at the state farm, not a single car. Turning, milling, woodworking machines were taken away from the repair shop.

The occupation lasted 172 days. The Nazis mutilated the central estate and the estates of the state farm departments beyond recognition. They destroyed schools and children's institutions. They plundered the richest library, 12 thousand volumes of artistic, political, agricultural literature. They destroyed the energy base, plundered and spoiled agricultural equipment.

The economic damage was enormous, more than 7 million rubles.

But the death of 27 the best people farms, shot and tortured by the occupiers. Among them:

  • Boyko Elizaveta Antonovna - a member of the party, an employee of the political department; fascists, during torture, gouged out a star on the back of Elizaveta Boyko
  • Buzovkin Aleksey Leontievich - communist combine operator;
  • Butko Petr Karpovich - mechanic;
  • Bublik Fedor Fedorovich - communist, worker of the 1st department;
  • Vasily Alekseevich Ponomarev, who worked during the period of the German concession as the chairman of the working committee;
  • Vodolagin Konstantin Ivanovich - standardizer of central repair shops;
  • surname unknown Dora Iosifovna - a communist, an employee of the political department, was shot along with her mother and two sons, seven and sixteen years old;
  • Jacques Michael is a communist who controls the distance
  • Kazachinskaya Anna Mironovna - a doctor at a state farm hospital, shot along with her mother and three-year-old son;
  • Kopanitsyn Yakov Lavrentievich - coppersmith;
  • Mikhail Kondrashov - worker
  • Lyashenko - name unknown
  • Levin's name is unknown - he was shot along with his wife, two children and his Komsomol sister Rosa.
  • Mazur Mikhail Stepanovich - 72 year old communist; previously worked in the local Council;
  • Mordovin Andrei Mikhailovich- water pump mechanic
  • Polynov Alexey- livestock specialist of the 5th department, communist;
  • Ryazantsev Pavel Yakovlevich– locksmith of the central repair shops;
  • Filenko - name unknown
  • Yurov Vasily Vasilievich- combine operator - Komsomol member

The Nazis prepared another list of activists and members of the communist families for reprisal, but they failed to carry out their black plan. The rapid offensive of the Red Army saved the doomed people from death. The Nazis failed to bring the Russian people to their knees. The workers of the Kuban state farm, despite threats and executions, at the risk of their lives, in every possible way prevented the devastation of farms, the export of grain and other valuables. They masked with straw and saved unthreshed stacks of bread from an area of ​​700 hectares. Dmitry Timofeevich Krygin, the senior pigman of the 1st department of the state farm, drove into the forest, hid in a safe place and kept 25 breeding sows until the arrival of our troops. The workers of the state farm hid in the forest and flooded several tractors in the Kuban River. Saved 36 heifers. The head of the brass band Nikita Porfiryevich Korpan kept a set of wind instruments. F. Kolesnikov kept 30 volumes of the complete works of V.I. Lenin. Employees of the printing house and the editorial office of the Stalinets newspaper, compositor Maria Ivanovna Stolbovskaya and editorial secretary Valentina Boleslavovna Vishnyakova, with the help of tractor driver Arkady Sergeevich Lukichev, saved all the equipment of the printing house.

They committed this bold act under the following circumstances: a group of state farm workers, following with the equipment and property of the state farm along the route indicated by them to the evacuation, in the village of Petropavlovskaya, were overtaken by the Germans. Having abandoned the equipment and tractor carts with the property of the state farm, those who accompanied this property fled, who, where and hid. But Maria Stolbatovskaya and Valentina Vishnyakova decided to save the state farm printing house at all costs. A.S. Lukichev came to the aid of the girls. He found a cart and, under cover of night, all the equipment of the printing house was taken out of the village occupied by the Germans and hidden in an abandoned farm. In addition, Arkady Lukichev also saved paper for printing newspapers.

State farm workers saved 14,308 rubles 31 kopecks of state farm money, which after the occupation they handed over to the state farm's cash desk.

State Farm Order No. 3 of February 5, 1943 (signed by the acting director of the Kuban state farm Shaposhnikov) thanked them all. Entrusted to the managers of departments and heads of economic units, for general meetings announce the names of state farm workers who saved state money and handed them over to the cashier of their native economy.


Under the rapid onslaught of the Red Army, the Nazis fled from the state farm. Colonel von Ditlov also fled. All his dreams crumbled to dust. I had to leave a beautiful estate, this time irrevocably, forever.

On January 27, 1943, advanced units of the 389th Rifle Division, 37th Army, advancing from the south, under the command of Major General Kozlov, entered the state farm.

With great joy, the inhabitants of the state farm met their liberators. Everyone gathered for the rally. Speakers from the army units spoke about the situation on the fronts and about the powerful offensive operations of the Red Army in the Caucasus, called on the population of the state farm to quickly restore the economy and help their army to crush the enemy with their work.

Speakers at the rally, from Komsomol members and youth of the state farm V.B. Vishnyakova, from the workers of the state farm L.I. Kogan and others expressed gratitude to their native Army for the liberation of the state farm from the Nazis and assured that they would give all their strength to help the front. The rally sent a report to the Orgburo of the Gulkevichsky district of the CPSU (b) in which it was indicated in detail what was preserved on the farm after the occupiers left, and those present at the rally assured that the entire able-bodied population of the state farm would spare no effort for the fastest restoration of the state farm economy.

The command of the 389th Infantry Division helped the state farm to restore the organs of Soviet power, and left Major V.P. Shaposhnikov.

On January 29, 1943, the funeral of the state farm workers shot by the Germans took place. The bodies of Vasily Vasilyevich Yurov, Pavel Yakovlevich Ryazantsev, Pyotr Karpovich Butko, Yakov Lavrentievich Kopanitsyn and Mikhail Kondrashov were transferred from the place of execution (breeding stable) and looted near the club of the central estate.

To organize the funeral, a commission of six comrades was created, which witnessed the burial and drew up an act.

On January 30, 1943, we are the undersigned workers of the Order of Lenin of the Kuban state farm of the Gulkevichsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, comrades A.A. Gamartsev, V.P. Shaposhnikov, N.P. Okhtina, V.V. military unit, senior lieutenant comrade V.I. Nikonov, drew up a real act stating that we are living witnesses of the atrocities and looting of the German fascists.

Damned fascists in their prison dungeons, after brutal mockery, shot our best comrades:

  • Vasily Vasilyevich Yurov - combine operator;
  • Ryazantsev Pavel Yakovlevich - locksmith;
  • Butko Petr Karpovich - mechanic;
  • Kopanitsyn Yakov Lavrentievich - coppersmith;
  • Mikhail Kondrashov - worker;
  • Shatylo Alexander Iosifovich - director of the school

All these comrades are mutilated beyond recognition.

With the advent of the Red Army, the inhabitants of the state farm, tortured by the Nazis, were buried with honors.

During the period of their stay, the Gestapo bloodsuckers took their comrades to their dungeons: an employee of the political department Elizaveta Antonovna Boiko, a communist Bublik Fyodor Fedorovich, Mazur Mikhail Stepanovich, a communist and a number of other comrades whose bodies have not yet been found.

Fleeing under the onslaught of the Red Army, the barbarians burned the four best buildings in our state farm, tried to blow up the elevator, mill, power plant and stables, but they did not succeed. The German bloodsuckers from the kindergarten made a stable, led the horses into a stall and, escaping, left the dead horses in this room.

In which we confirm with our signatures. (Six signatures follow)

Subsequently, the remains of the executed residents of the Kuban state farm were transferred and buried in the square of the central estate in a mass grave, over which an obelisk was erected in 1950 (the author of the obelisk was sculptor V.M. Ruzheinikov.)

The ashes of the liberators of the Kuban rest in the same mass grave:

  • senior sergeant Andrei Ivanovich Ivanenko, died of wounds on 01/27/1943;
  • Private Khairula Ishmatov, killed on February 5, 1943;
  • Private Sharif Kamalendinov, killed on December 28, 1942;
  • Private Maxim Prokofievich Lomtev, killed on January 28, 1943;
  • Sergeant Nikolai Erminovich Yakobia, died of wounds on 04/05/1944.

In 1975, the remains of an unknown soldier from the village of Dalniy were reburied in a mass grave in the village of Kuban.

(Photo of the obelisk is attached)

The restoration of the destroyed economy began. And it began with the hands of those workers, women, old people and teenagers who survived during the occupation, returned home from evacuation, by the hands of war invalids.

On February 15, 1943, on the direction of the commissioner of the People's Commissariat of State Farms of the USSR and the head of the political sector of the trust of state farms, he arrived at the Kuban state farm and assumed the duties of the director of the Kuban state farm Ivan Alexandrovich Prudnikov (1943 - 1950) State Farm Order No. 5 of February 15, 1943 . In mid-March, the chief agronomist of the state farm, Nikolai Ivanovich Trofimenkov (1941-1951), returned from the evacuation, and a little later Pavel Mikhailovich Perelygin (1943-1956), newly appointed engineer-machine operator, arrived.

The party organization was soon restored, headed by V.V. Nikolaev (1943-1944).

The period of restoration of the economy fell on the years of work as the director of the state farm "Kuban" Ivan Aleksandrovich Prudnikov.

From the first days of the activity of the state farm, the threshing of the surviving stacks of bread became a subject of special concern for the entire collective of the farm. All residents of the state farm were mobilized for threshing. Most of the stacks are threshed by hand. Grain appeared, but there was nowhere to grind it. All the mills in the surrounding villages were damaged. I had to urgently restore my mill. Soon the mill was put into operation, and the grinding of grain and baking of bread began. Every day, the state farm produced 50 tons of flour, almost two tons of cereals and about 8 tons of baked bread. All these products were handed over to the front.

The farm workers worked day and night. All forces were directed to ensure uninterrupted supply of food to Soviet soldiers, to help them, to smash the enemy.

People collected plows and harrows thrown into the field. They brought in several tractors and seeders hidden from the Germans in the forest, and began to put them in order. They began to collect public goods, property, livestock. Much was on the preservation of workers and employees. People unanimously demolished everything that they managed to save. They brought thirty-six heads of heifers, cows. The herd was also replenished with stray cattle, which the Germans stole from other areas and abandoned during the retreat.

State farm workers found some of their tractors, combines, motors, wagons, tractor carts, abandoned on the roads and taken from the Kuban River. All this equipment had to be restored. The central repair shop worked in two shifts. Combiners Alexander Zhukov and Ivan Moskalev were engaged in the repair of their combines for days on end. Drivers also came to the aid of tractor drivers engaged in the repair of agricultural machines. Of these, three repair teams were created. Tractor driver Konstantin Vasilievich Dylev assembled two tractors, one diesel and one Caterpillar from the broken Caterpillars. Difficulties with the restoration of equipment were not the last, the state farm did not have a single kilogram of fuel. Equipped carts on bulls and went a hundred kilometers for fuel. They brought oil, organized its distillation, kerosene, ligrain, gasoline appeared.

There was a question of training of mechanization personnel. Monthly training courses for tractor drivers were organized from March 1 to April 1, 1943. Already on April 1, the qualification commission certified 27 people. Among the students were young girls and adolescents of the state farm. Order on the state farm No. 10 of April 1, 1943. It was impossible to postpone the preparation and combine operators. Therefore, it was decided to organize a two-month training course for combine operators. On April 4, studies began, and again there were many girls among the cadets.

Despite enormous difficulties, the first labor victory was won. 4160 hectares of grain crops have been sown and 500 hectares of winter crops have been resown. The task was completed. Tired but happy people proudly talked about their deeds.

Great difficulties fell on the lot of livestock breeders. In the summer of 1943, an anthrax epidemic broke out among cattle, horses and sheep. The fight against animal disease required enormous efforts of the entire collective of livestock breeders.

In the state farm "Kuban" in the period from September 19 to October 19, 1943, it was declared a front-line month. The workers of the state farm were in teams around the clock, it was forbidden to leave for the night on the estates. The director of the state farm, the chief agronomist, the engineer were assigned to the departments with an overnight stay in the brigades. A competition was launched to complete the threshing of grain, the delivery of grain, the harvesting of corn, the stacking of straw, and the preparation of all livestock buildings for the winter. And people worked, regardless of time, giving all their strength to the successful completion of 1943. And they won. In 1943, according to the plan, the state farm was supposed to receive an average grain harvest of 10.6 centners. per hectare, but actually received 13.6 c. per hectare. The state farm exceeded the plan for the delivery of grain.

(Photographs of wheat, corn, sunflower harvesting, grain threshing)

Livestock breeders also worked tirelessly.

In 1943, a breeding horse farm was re-established. The state farm received breeding Kabardian queens and colts from stud farm No. 93 and English thoroughbreds from the Voskhod stud farm. Since that time, the revival of the breeding stock of horses with the brand "SK" began.

(Photo of breeding horses attached)

The sheep farm was also restored.

After the liberation, the state farm faced a difficult task - to restore the destroyed economy as soon as possible, to bring the fields overgrown with weeds into proper form, to put the seed farm in order, to restore animal husbandry. And the people, under the leadership of the party organization, unanimously, stubbornly and persistently set to work, began the planned restoration of their economy, fighting for high yields, for the productivity of animal husbandry, for the former labor glory of the state farm.

The fruitful work of the team was awarded. In 1944, the state farm "Kuban" was awarded

Red Banner of the Krasnodar regional association of trusts, state farms and the regional committee of trade unions (workers and employees of agriculture and procurement).

Samples of selfless labor in the fields and in animal husbandry were shown by the youth of the economy. Mostly girls worked on raising calves, and the youngest was Vera Boyko, a calf. “Well done,” they said about her, “Golden maiden, small, but she does big things.” This Komsomol member is surprisingly energetic and diligent, attentive and restless. Vera Boyko devoted all her time to her beloved work. HER selfless work paid off. In her five years of work, together with her partner Varvara Dimitrova, she raised 956 calves without a single case of death. The average daily gain of the calf was 786 grams.

Increasing the production and delivery of grain and livestock products to the state, devoting all their efforts to raising the economy, the workers of the state farm tirelessly took care of the needs of the front. The war continued, the fascist hordes retreated farther and farther to the West. In this victorious offensive, there was also a share of home front workers, including the selfless workers of our Kuban state farm. For the needs of the front, the state farm handed over bread, meat, milk, wool and other products. The workshop repaired military equipment, forged blades. The population handed over warm clothes - short fur coats, felt boots, hats, women knitted socks, mittens, sewed underwear, were on duty at the bedside of the wounded and assisted the hospital, which was located in the school and club of the central estate of the state farm. Also, the workers of the state farm took patronage over one ward of the hospital in the city of Kropotkin: they looked after the wounded, supplied them with food, and amateur club performances performed in front of the wounded with concert programs.

Residents of the state farm sent parcels to the front. One batch of parcels was sent, accompanied by a delegation consisting of party member Alexandra Lavrentyevna Kasyanenko and secretary of the Komsomol organization Claudia Mikhailovna Galkina. Workers and employees of the state farm deducted monthly wages to the tank column.

Post-war period (1946 - 1974).

The first post-war five-year plan (1946-1950).

The battles have died down. The enemy capitulated. Hundreds of state farm workers, former soldiers and officers, returned home. On the chest of many orders of the Red Banner, Red Star, Patriotic War and other combat awards of heroes.

Sons and daughters of the state farm fought on almost all fronts - from the Caucasus to the Arctic. Many participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, in the battle near Moscow, on the Kursk Bulge. Many have medals “For the Defense of the Caucasus”, “For the Defense of Stalingrad”, “For the Capture of Warsaw”, “For Koenigsberg” on their chests. Many came with fighting to Berlin. This is the major of the tank troops Mikhail Kalinovich Onishchenko, the defender of Leningrad Mikhail Matveyevich Afanasyev;

participant in the defense of the Caucasus and the liberation of Warsaw, senior sergeant - commander of the intelligence department, and during the storming of Berlin - commander of a 40 mm cannon, holder of the Order of the Red Banner, the Red Star and the Patriotic War of two degrees - Krasnikov Anany Andreevich;

  • Corporal Kolesnikov Ivan Grigorievich
  • Private Mishnev Matvei Ignatievich
  • Guard Corporal Ostapchik Nikolai Kuzmich
  • Private Popov Ivan Egorovich
  • Sergeant Rybalko Mikhail Lukyanovich
  • Guard Private Kizilov Ivan Kuzmich
  • Guards Private Galichenko Afanasy Borisovich
  • Sergeant Pozdnyakov Ivan Grigorievich
  • Sergeant Denisov Nikolai Emelyanovich
  • Private Zhitnikov Anatoly Konstantinovich
  • Guards Sergeant Bondarevsky Vasily Yakovlevich
  • Private Stigneev Andrey Terentyevich
  • Guards Sergeant Shkuro Petr Kuzmich
  • Captain Gorbov Nikolai Emelyanovich
  • Senior Lieutenant Kirichenko Petr Andreevich
  • Sergeant Nazyrov Bakir Suleimanovich
  • lieutenant of medical service Yadykina Valentina Ivanovna
  • Private Elchainov Alexander Nikolaevich
  • Sergeant Dovzhko Gavriil Dmitrievich
  • Guard Senior Sergeant Pavel Petrovich Rodin
  • Private Verevkin Ivan Ivanovich
  • Private Laptev Mikhail Sergeevich
  • Corporal Eiskov Petr Romanovich
  • Guard Senior Lieutenant Pashkov Vasily Vladimirovich
  • Sergeant Rudenko Stepan Andreevich
  • Sergeant Smychko Alexander Andreevich
  • Private Malik Alexey Efimovich
  • Private Vatutin Petr Ivanovich

All the soldiers who returned to the state farm immediately joined the labor rhythm of the collective. As in the difficult years of the war they did not spare their lives, did not spare their strength to defeat the enemy, so in civilian life they began to work selflessly and tirelessly.

But not all of our countrymen had to share the joy of the great Victory. Many laid down their lives on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. We bow our heads and forever honor their names. In total, 495 residents of the state farm died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and were tortured by the Nazis. The names of fellow countrymen - Kuban are immortalized in gold letters on the memorial pedestal "Eternal Flame", in the village of Kuban and are listed in the "Book of Memory".

Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was ensured by heroism, unshakable courage and steadfastness of Soviet soldiers on the battlefield, heroism, dedication, dedication and inexhaustible faith in the victory of home front workers.

The rear worked tirelessly to provide the front with all material resources. During the war years, the collective of the state farm "Kuban" supplied over 10 thousand tons of grain, hundreds of tons of milk and meat, and many other products for the needs of the front.

For the selfless work of workers and employees of the state farm, for the active participation of the team in providing the front with food and fodder during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945, the Kuban state farm in 1946 was handed over for permanent storage Commemorative Red Banner State Committee Defense of the USSR.

After the end of the war, the main economic and political task was set before the Soviet people for the post-war five-year plan: "To restore the affected areas of the country, restore the pre-war level of industry and agriculture, and then surpass this level on a significant scale."

Proceeding from this nationwide task, wide-ranging socialist competition unfolded at the state farm, aimed at early fulfillment of the Fourth Five-Year Plan, at the fastest possible restoration of its native economy. (Photo of the stand of socialist competition is attached)

The initiator of the competition was Agafya Sabelnikova, team leader of the 4th division. She challenged the leaders of the state farm to the competition and undertook to harvest 25-30 centners of winter wheat on each hectare.

The competition for a high harvest, which began at the initiative of A. Sabelnikova, was found hot support and spread widely among the workers of the state farm.

The call of the foreman of the tractor brigade of the Mikhatslovskaya MTS, Ivan Shatsky, to launch a competition for the excellent quality of field work, found a wide response in the state farm.

The tractor drivers of the 3rd department, M.E. Martynenko, M.M. Yavon, A.F. Nikritsukhin, were the first to respond to this call. Speaking at a meeting dedicated to the discussion of Shatsky's draft, Mikhail Martynenko said: “Our whole family is involved in the competition for the excellent quality of field work. Each hectare will be processed by our tractor only perfectly. My wife, Praskovya Martynenko, a team leader, undertakes to take excellent care of the crops, and we, with my son Nikolai, who works with me on the same tractor, undertake to cultivate the fields in such a way as to grow a grain crop of 25-30 centners per hectare. In addition, we undertake to save 15% of fuel per hectare.

In the photo: at the scoreboard on the farm of the first department (from left to right) Polina Nikolaevna Derbina, foreman Vladimir Kharitonovich Shabunin, Mikhail Akimovich Ilyin, milkmaid Maria Vasilievna Pshenkina, Ulyana Fedorovna Chernikova.

It turns out that Irina Matveevna Rozhkova overtook you

Yes, her top….

Such friendly remarks were exchanged by the secretary of the party organization Mikhail Akimovich Ilyin and the milkmaid Polina Nikolaevna Derbina.

It was about the competition of milkmaids.

In the photo: Kuzma Mikhailovich Khozhaev tries the taste of watermelon.

Excellent watermelons were born, juicy, honey. Grandfather Kuzma Mikhailovich, an amateur melon grower, also took part in their cultivation.

Look what glorious ears of corn! They were raised by the link of Anna Yakovlevna Shuliko. In the picture: the best link - maize grower Anna Yakovlevna Shuliko.

The communists and Komsomol members of the state farm were the bearers of advanced methods, the conductors of the best experience in field crops and animal husbandry. They led the competition, led the non-Party people, showed examples of high labor productivity, discipline and organization. A member of the CPSU (b) tractor driver Ivan Ivanovich Temerev headed the tractor brigade and made it the most indicative in the state farm. The struggle for the excellent quality of field work has become a matter of honor for every worker and specialist of the state farm.

In 1947, the state farm establishes a close relationship with the Krasnodar breeding station. A group of state farm workers headed by the head of the department K.Ya. Chirva leaves for the Kuban breeder P.P. Lukyanenko. Lukyanenko cordially received the representatives of the order-bearing economy, asked about the plans and willingly gave advice. Since then, a strong friendship has developed with the scientist. The fields of the state farm became a kind of testing laboratory for a breeding station. Close ties with scientists and research institutes helped the state farm put the development of grain farming on a scientific basis.

Remarkable masters of agriculture grew up in the state farm. Their names are known throughout the country. The government highly appreciated the work of workers and specialists of the state farm, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a large group of workers of the state farm, for obtaining high yields, was awarded orders and medals. Eleven people were awarded the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labor.


Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

on conferring the title of Hero of Socialist Labor

employees of state farms of the Ministry of State Farms of the USSR

in the Krasnodar Territory

“In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 29, 1947, for obtaining high yields of wheat when the state farm fulfills the plan for the delivery of agricultural products to the state in 1947 and the provision of seeds of grain crops for the spring sowing of 1948, to be awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal:

  1. Volkova Akulina Safronovna - a leader of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, which received a wheat crop of 31.4 centners per hectare on an area of ​​8 hectares.
  2. Golovina Raisa Semyonovna - a leader of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, which received a wheat crop of 31.2 centners per hectare on an area of ​​30 hectares.
  3. Martynenko Praskovya Ivanovna - a leader of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, which received a wheat crop of 32.2 centners per hectare on an area of ​​9.5 hectares.
  4. Petrenko Anna Ivanovna - a leader of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, which received a wheat crop of 33.54 centners per hectare on an area of ​​12 hectares.
  5. Perelygin Pavel Mikhailovich - senior mechanic of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, who received a wheat crop of 31.3 centners per hectare on an area of ​​374.5 hectares.
  6. Prudnikov Ivan Alexandrovich - director of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, who received a wheat crop of 31.3 centners per hectare on an area of ​​374.5 hectares
  7. Sabelnikova Agafya Antonovna, a leader of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, which received a wheat crop of 38.7 centners per hectare on an area of ​​8 hectares.
  8. Semenko Pelageya Maksimovna - a leader of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, which received a wheat crop of 33.7 centners per hectare on an area of ​​8 hectares.
  9. Sinichenko Maria Mikhailovna - a leader of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, which received a wheat crop of 34.16 centners per hectare on an area of ​​8 hectares.
  10. Trofimenkov Nikolai Ivanovich, senior agronomist of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, who received a wheat crop of 31.3 centners per hectare, on an area of ​​373.5 hectares.
  11. Chirva Kuzma Yakovlevich, manager of the Kuban seed-growing state farm, who received a wheat crop of 31.8 centners per hectare on an area of ​​139 hectares.
  12. Tverdokhlebov Nikanor Savvatevich, the chief agronomist of the state farm, was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 10/31/1957)
  13. Kalashnikov Vasily Mikhailovich - tractor driver of the mechanized link of the 5th department, 1965)

(In the photo: from left to right A.S. Volkova, R.S. Golovina, A.I. Petrenko)

Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - N. Shvernik

Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR - A. Gorkin

In 2012, head rural settlement Kuban Gulkevichsky district Evgeny Ivanovich Kurgansky, solemnly opened the "Walk of Glory" at the Palace of Culture of the village of Kuban. Portraits of Heroes of the state farm adorn the alley. The current heirs of the cause of their fathers and grandfathers should know who by their heroic work strengthened and continue to strengthen the authority of the economy, its economic well-being.

The portrait of the Hero of the Kuban - Alexei Vasilyevich Livikin, opens the alley of fame.

Brief characteristics of the Heroes of Socialist Labor of the Order of Lenin of the state farm of communist labor "Kuban" are attached.

1948 Nine people were awarded the Order of Lenin, 14 people were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Medals "For Labor Valor" and "Labor Distinction" 29 people. These are field workers, livestock workers, tractor drivers, combine operators, field growers, agronomists, and farm specialists.

1949 Government awards: the Order of Lenin was awarded to 7 people, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, 16 people. 39 people were awarded medals "For Labor Valor" and "Labor Distinction".

For outstanding performance in labor over the past three years in a row, 40 people are listed in the book of LABOR GLORY of Sovkhoz

1950 For the successful implementation of plans in the post-war recovery period, the collective of the state farm was awarded Commemorative banner of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR.

In 1950, the staff of the state farm "Kuban" was given a great honor - given the right to nominate a candidate for deputies of the supreme body state power- to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The senior agronomist of the Kuban state farm, Hero of Socialist Labor, Trofimenkov Nikolai Ivanovich, was named such a candidate. The voters of the Kropotkin constituency showed great confidence in the representative of the state farm, unanimously electing him a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Fifties (1951 - 1960).

In the early fifties, the Kuban state farm already had 46 tractors, including 14 S-80s, twenty-nine combines, and a sufficient number of sowing and tillage machines. All this equipment was managed by qualified personnel. This made it possible to widely introduce the achievements of Michurin agrobiological science and best practices into production, develop all sectors of the economy, and increase its marketability and profitability.

Already in 1951, the state farm left the pre-war level of production far behind. The productivity of grain crops and the productivity of animal husbandry have risen significantly.



grain harvest in centners


milk yield per forage cow in kg.

sheared wool per sheep in kg.

For the successes achieved, a large group of advanced workers of the production of the state farm "Kuban", by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 12, 1952, was awarded Government awards. Combine operators were awarded the Order of Lenin: Kovalev Ivan Grigoryevich, Marinenko Maxim Vasilyevich, Rudenko Mikhail Yakovlevich. Combine operators were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor: Bornyakov Ivan Stepanovich, Zolotarev Grigory Danilovich, Kudryavtsev Pavel Petrovich, Lyapin Alexander Stepanovich, Mogilkin Fedor Filippovich, Markov Ivan Mikhailovich, Chernyshov Petr Ivanovich. The medals "For Labor Valor" and "Labor Distinction" were awarded to seven combine operators, eleven combine operator assistants and nine state farm workers.

1952 The head of the state farm "Kuban" is the director Trofimenkov Nikolay Ivanovich (1952-1956) (photo of the director of the state farm is attached), the secretary of the party organization is Ilyin Mikhail Akimovich (1951-1961), the chairman of the working committee is Golub Alexander Gavrilovich (1947-1956). In the fifties, a huge amount of work was being done to mechanize labor-intensive processes in animal husbandry. All livestock buildings are being electrified. This made the work of the workers of the state farm easier. In its achievements, the state farm "Kuban" is constantly moving forward. Livestock production has doubled, and the yield of grain crops is also growing. The growth of the profits of the order-bearing economy is obvious. If in 1951 the state farm gave about a million rubles of profit, then in 1955 - more than five million rubles, in 1956 the profit increased to seven million rubles.

The year 1954 came. The Communist Party decided to develop the virgin lands. The collective of the state farm did not remain aloof from this great undertaking. The state farm "Kuban" took patronage over one newly organized state farm "Trud" in the Saratov region. A close relationship was established with this state farm and assistance was provided in establishing the economy. 21 horses were sent to the Trud state farm. (20 queens and one breeding stallion "Falcon"). In addition to horses, equipment and tools were sent to organize a forge. The collective of the state farm also sent 15 best machine operators to the virgin state farm, who voluntarily expressed a desire to go to develop the virgin lands.

On July 30, 1954, the regional newspaper For Superiority published the following message in large print: “On July 28, the team of the Order of Lenin of the Kuban state farm fulfilled the plan for delivering bread to the state. 545,000 poods of first-class grain have been put into state bins. The workers of the state farm undertook to deliver 100,000 poods of grain as obligatory deliveries. District workers! Following the example of the leaders, export grain to the state faster!

For the good organization of grain harvesting, the collective of the state farm was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Regional Council of Working People's Deputies. Fifty-seven of the best machine operators, agronomists and leading workers of the state farm have been approved for the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow. (Sovkhoznaya newspaper of August 1, 1954). According to the results economic activity in 1954, the collective of the state farm "Kuban" was awarded the challenge Red Banner of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the first cash prize.

The central newspaper Selskoye Khozyaistvo wrote in an editorial: “In the main pavilion of the exhibition, the achievements of the seed-growing Order of Lenin of the Kuban state farm in the Krasnodar Territory are demonstrated in a wide display. This farm can rightly be called exemplary, highly marketable and profitable. In 1954, the collective of the state farm harvested an average of 27.3 centners of grain per hectare from the entire grain area. The highest yield among grain crops was given by corn, the yield of which from each of the 900 hectares in dry grain was 36.4 centners. Struggling for high marketability and profitability, the staff of the state farm over the past five years has handed over to the state 3,200,000 poods of high-quality grain and halved its cost. The state farm ended 1954 with a profit of 2,851,000 rubles.

In 1954, the staff of the state farm was once again given the high honor of nominating a candidate for deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from among its ranks. This candidate for the second time was the Hero of Socialist Labor, now the director of the Kuban state farm, Trofimenkov Nikolai Ivanovich.

It should be noted that N.I. Trofimenkov for fifteen years of work at the state farm (from 1941 to 1956), first as a senior agronomist, then as chief agronomist, and since 1952 as director of the state farm, educating and skillfully managing the team, invested a lot of energy in the development of the economy , persistently introduced advanced agricultural experience into production, the achievements of the Michurin agrobiological science, showing a personal example of serving the Motherland.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of February 10, 1955, N.I. Trofimenkov was awarded the honorary title of Honored Agronomist of the RSFSR.

According to the results of 1956, ten employees of the state farm were awarded government awards.

The chief agronomist of the state farm, Nikanor Savvatevich Tverdokhlebov, was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

The achievements of the state farm in 1959 gave him the right to participate in the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR. The state farm was awarded the Diploma of the participant of the exhibition. (Resolution of the Main Exhibition Committee No. 50/4 of March 12, 1960, BN 439).

For achieving high levels in the production and sale of meat and other agricultural products to the state in 1959, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by Decree of December 25, 1959, awarded the director of the Kuban state farm Maksimov Leonid Ivanovich (1956-1963) with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In 1960, the state farm was re-approved as a participant in the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements and was awarded a Diploma.

The Exhibition Committee of VDNKh of the USSR awarded IP Dudkin to the mechanized link of the fifth branch of the state farm with the Small Gold Medal;

A large silver medal of the link mechanized link for growing corn N.P. Skubko, the agronomist of the fifth department A.V. Mashchenko and the manager of the department N.P. Drushlyakov.

Combiner I.M. Zhadan and tractor driver P.I. Shchurov received small silver medals.

1963 By the decision of the Executive Committee of the Krasnodar Regional Council of Workers' Deputies and the Presidium of the Regional Council of Trade Unions of September 11, 1963, the collective of the state farm was awarded the title of State Farm of Communist Labor. The Red Banner of the State Farm of Communist Labor was presented.

1964 The collective of the state farm, as the winner of the socialist competition, the enterprise of communist labor, was awarded the Red Banner of the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Regional Executive Committee

1965 For high performance in the development of state farm production, the state farm is approved as a participant in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements and is awarded a diploma of the District Committee of the CPSU and the District Executive Committee.

1966 The collective of the state farm Kuban, as the winner of the socialist competition in honor of the XXIII Congress of the CPSU, was awarded the commemorative Banner of the Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Regional Executive Committee

1967 For the successes achieved in the competition in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the collective of the state farm was awarded the commemorative Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, left at the state farm for eternal storage, as a symbol of the labor prowess of the collective.

The collective of the state farm marked the anniversary year of 1967 with another event - in honor of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution, a memorial park was laid on the central estate.

The director of the Order of Lenin of the Kuban state farm in the period 1963 to 1974 was Georgy Petrovich Pogrebenko. In 1965, Georgy Petrovich was awarded the highest award of the Motherland, the Order of Lenin.

In the late 1950s and 1960s, a large-scale construction of industrial, residential, cultural and cultural facilities continued at the state farm. household premises, mainly through the enterprise fund and the main fund. For these purposes, 500-600 thousand rubles are spent. Built: hospital for 50 beds, high school for 560 seats, a summer cinema for 850 seats, a club for 4 departments for 400 seats. Residential buildings are commissioned annually. The construction of asphalt roads began. The construction of the Palace of Culture began. Work on gasification of settlements has begun.

1969 The state farm is approved by the participants of VDNKh of the USSR.

1970 Two hundred and twenty-one workers of the state farm were awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor"

So the state farm "Kuban" from year to year, engaged in creative searches for advanced labor methods, bit by bit selected everything new, advanced, everything that enriched production. For ten years of hard work, the collective of the state farm has advanced to new frontiers, raised its economy and culture of agricultural production even higher.

State farm "Kuban" - a school of excellence.

The state farm "Kuban" is well known not only in our country, but also abroad. It is visited by guests from different countries. Delegations from Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, the GDR, India, France, the USA, and Japan came here. The doors are open for everyone. Its employees willingly share their experience, at the same time they do not shy away from the experience of foreign agriculture.

Almost every year, students from the socialist countries studying in the universities of the Soviet Union, students from developing countries from the Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University come to the state farm for practical training.

From March 1955 to January 1956, the state farm was on industrial practice employees of the state farms of the Mongolian People's Republic - Chimchir Nogoi, Tsegmed Dolgor, Sanjit Dovdok and Nadya Batochur. Leaving the state farm, the trainees of the Mongolian People's Republic said: "We will transfer the knowledge gained here to our country and make every effort to successfully develop agriculture in the Mongolian People's Republic."

The state farm constantly paid attention to all visiting students and interns, willingly shared its experience, created conditions for internships. All students leave the state farm with a feeling of sincere gratitude and respect for the collective of the state farm for their attention, hospitality, for the assistance rendered, for the manifestation of international friendship.

Here is how the Vietnamese student Trih-Ni-Thuet, who studied at the Moscow Veterinary Institute and in 1961 had a six-month practice at our state farm, expressed her gratitude in a letter:

- “After four years of obtaining theoretical knowledge, I was lucky to visit the diversified experimental and demonstrative state farm “Kuban” awarded the Order of Lenin, on a large production practice. I got excellent practice in the economy. At the state farm I felt like in my homeland. The leaders of the state farm sent me to the advanced department so that I could get more knowledge, see more good things. The workers of the state farm, all the inhabitants treated me very sincerely, as if they were their countrywoman. The owner and mistress of the place where I lived took care of me as if they were their daughter. There was a sincere friendship between us. It was a pity to leave. Now I am already far from the Kuban state farm. But the Russians say: "Far from the eyes - close to the heart."

A wonderful impression of the Kuban state farm, of our friendship, will remain in my memory.

Having left the beloved state farm "Kuban", this small but beautiful, "Town in the steppe", I would like to thank you, Dear friends, managers, workers, employees of the state farm for a warm welcome, for sincere friendship, for great care, and wish you good health, great happiness, and success in your work. T.Tuet

“Master and hostess”, referred to in the letter Tuet, residents of the first department, Orestenko Matvey Lavrentievich and Evdokia Dmitrievna. It was with them that the student Tuet, the daughter of the Vietnamese people, who heroically fought against the American aggressors, lived for more than six months. It was with them that Tuet lived and dined, it was they who surrounded the Vietnamese girl with touching attention, care and warm friendship, completely refusing to pay rent and other servants. An example worthy of praise and imitation.

In March 1955, we received a delegation of Hungarian state farms, headed by the Minister of State Farms Pogacash Derdy.

In December 1955 - a group of agronomists - seed growers from the GDR.

The significance of international ties is evidenced by the statement made by the delegates of the GDR: "The exchange of experience that is taking place here will help us improve our work in building socialism in the GDR and will help deepen friendly ties with the peoples of the Soviet Union."

A group of students and graduate students from Poland visited the state farm. There were several delegations from Romania, Czechoslovakia and other socialist countries.

The Bulgarian delegation (June 1974) stated:

“We are delighted with the high culture of agriculture, the high organization of production, the excellent living conditions created for those who create material wealth. We have always studied and continue to study, and to learn from the experience of Soviet production workers and the Soviet people.

The example of the Kuban state farm shows how the bonds of fraternal international ties between the working people of the countries of the socialist commonwealth are strengthening and expanding. They are based on the desire of the peoples to render selfless assistance to each other, to make better use of their reserves and opportunities, for the most rapid development of the socialist economy and the improvement of the well-being of the working people.

For more than ten years, the collectives of the state farm "Kuban" and the Czechoslovak state farm "Kolin" of the Prague region maintained close contact, corresponded, competed and exchanged delegations.

In 1958, the state farm "Kuban", as part of the Czechoslovak delegation, visited the sugar beet grower of the state farm "Kolin" Onezhka Dvorzhakova. Dvorzhakova visited the branches of the state farm, visited our beet growers in the field, talked with female beet growers, told how sugar beets are grown at the state farm, shared her experience, and demonstrated her skills in cleaning the roots with a knife.

In 1959, at the invitation of the collective of the state farm "Kolin", our delegation also visited its foreign friends, consisting of the chief livestock specialist of the state farm Z.I. Google, the manager of the department Grigory Petrovich Pogrebenko and the combine operator Mikhail Yegorovich Martynenko. In 1965, the state farm "Kolin" was visited by the chairman of the working committee of the state farm, Yuri Ivanovich Novikov, the veterinarian Lyudmila Dmitrievna Rodomanova, and the combine operator Anatoly Leonidovich Dotsenko.

The Kuban delegation, met with exceptional warmth and cordiality, got acquainted with the achievements of the Kolin state farm, as well as with other agricultural enterprises.

One of the interesting touches of friendly ties with the "Kolintsy" can be such a touching case. Our comrades who visited the state farm "Kolin" drew attention to a large number of pheasants in the fields. "Kolintsy" complained that pheasants often cause damage to the economy, peck out corn. Give us some of the pheasants, our delegates said half in jest.

Our delegates from Czechoslovakia did not have time to return when they received a telegram from Kolin: "Meet the parcel with pheasants at the Krasnodar airport."

So pheasants appeared in our state farm. While it was winter, the pheasants were kept in a poultry house, in enclosures, and in the spring they were released into the wild. It is possible that “Kolinsky” pheasants, a gift from Czechoslovak friends, are running around our fields even now.

Delegations and tourists from capitalist countries often visit the state farm "Kuban". One of the largest farmers, the corn grower GARST, visited the state farm twice.

American specialists, having examined the huge corn plantations at the state farm, said: “Yes, now we are convinced that the Russians have learned how to grow corn, although they have not learned how to fully use it” (meaning the large remnants of the unused “badylka”, and the loss of grain).

Having familiarized themselves with our pig breeding and seeing in what capital, expensive premises we keep pigs, they were surprised at such extravagance: “If our farmers kept their pigs in such premises, they would have flown into the pipe long ago,” the Americans made export.

A huge impression was made on the delegation of the All India Union of Peasants, headed by the chairman of the union, Nana Patia, the life of the workers of the state farm. “This state farm can serve as an example, a model. Here, the workers not only know how to grow seeds and breeding stock, but they also have all the opportunities and conditions for cultural recreation.”

Thus, from year to year the staff of the state farm carries out a great deal of work among foreign tourists and foreign delegations to propagate the achievements and methods of managing the socialist economy.

For this work, the state farm "Kuban" was awarded a diploma of the Office of Foreign Tourism.


The Department of Foreign Tourism under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR awards the Order of Lenin to the Kuban state farm, Kavkazsky district of Krasnodar

edges behind active work meeting of foreign tourists to promote the achievements of the Soviet people in communist construction.

Moscow, February 1972

In the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the economy took another step forward along the path of all-round development. Profitability has increased, the economy has strengthened, and the working and living conditions of the state farm workers have improved. The farm can now rightfully be considered a grain, milk and meat factory. In just 4 years of the five-year plan, 56,860 tons of grain, 27,384 tons of milk, 12,561 tons of meat, and 2,493 tons of sugar beet seeds were handed over to the state.

For selfless work in the 9th five-year plan, many workers of the Kuban state farm were awarded government awards.

In 1973, tractor driver Anatoly Ivanovich Kotsurenko received his first high award of the Motherland - the Order of Lenin.

Over the years of the existence of the state farm "Kuban" many wonderful people have grown up here - masters of agriculture, whom we were proud of, and will always be proud of.

Among the first awarded senior shepherd Ivan Ivanovich Efanov, former director state farm "Kuban" Nikolai Ivanovich Vasiliev, who later became the head of the Main Directorate of state farms of the South, senior agronomist Vasily Balyasny, senior pig farmer Stepan Denisenko.

Nikolai Ivanovich Trofimenkov began his work as an agronomist at the state farm, and later, four years before retiring, led the state farm. The Soviet government awarded him the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the honorary title of Honored Agronomist.

Having started his work at the state farm in 1946 as a foreman of viticulture, Georgy Petrovich Pogrebenko, rose to the head of the department, and for the last ten years before retiring, he was the director of the state farm, holder of two Orders of Lenin, "Honored Agronomist of the RSFSR".

The former director of the state farm, Leonid Ivanovich Maksimov (1956 - 1963), after working at the state farm, served as deputy head of the department of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture.

The branch manager Kuzma Yakovlevich Chirva - Hero of Socialist Labor, became the chairman of a large collective farm, the branch manager N.P. Drushlyakov was nominated for the post of director of the Maxim Gorky state farm.

Livestock specialist of the department V.A. Maistrenko worked as the director of the state farm "Kavkaz", a garage mechanic I.P. Elnikov, the director of the state farm "Novo-Mikhailovsky.

For many glorious workers of the order-bearing economy, work at the state farm gave a start in life.

The state farm was glorious for its labor veterans, forerunners of production, many of whom, unfortunately, have long been gone among us, those who remembered the pre-war years, when the state farm glorified itself with high yields and attached the Order of Lenin to its banner, those who remembered the difficult years of war and occupation, which caused colossal material damage to the economy, then the inspired work of the first post-war five-year plans, the struggle for the restoration and further development of the economy, but the memory of them has always been and will remain in our hearts, on the pages of anniversary books about the Kuban state farm ”, from the stories of children, grandchildren of honored workers of our native state farm.

1975 Friendly, hardworking family of Martynenko Mikhail Efremovich. Mikhail Efremovich and his wife Praskovya Ivanovna have been working at the state farm for more than 35 years. He is a mechanic of the 3rd department. During harvest days he is a combine driver, during the repair of equipment he is a mechanic, and when the soil is being prepared he is driving a tractor. As soon as son Nikolai grew up, his father took him as a partner on a tractor. Mikhail Efremovich has been a frequent participant of VDNKh since 1940. Behind impeccable work Martynenko Mikhail Efremovich was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of Lenin. To match Mikhail Efremovich, Praskovya Ivanovna is a field farming leader, known for her high yields of wheat and corn not only in the region, but also far beyond its borders. Martynenko Pelageya Ivanovna was awarded the high award of the Motherland, the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

The Martynenko family enjoyed authority not only for displaying a true communist attitude to work, but also for a genuine attentive, sensitive, benevolent attitude towards each other, towards fellow workers, towards the team.

Here is what Kurganskaya (Martynenko) Valentina Mikhailovna told us about her parents. Tenderness and love for their relatives permeated every word of memories, the former teacher of secondary school No. 22 of the village of Kuban, Valentina Mikhailovna Kurganskaya. The whole life of my parents was spent in labor for the benefit of the native state farm. There were three children in our family, a son - Nikolai and two daughters - Lyubov and Valentina. On those rare days when the whole family got together, all the conversations of the parents still came down to work. About what seedlings are on the fields of the state farm, what the harvest will be. This love and devotion to the profession of a machine operator was passed on to his older brother Nikolai, who followed in his father's footsteps and for many years worked as a tractor driver in the 3rd department of the Kuban state farm. Now my parents are not with us, but these hard-working, affectionate hands of my mother, this serious, but always kind, caring look of my father, remain in my memory.

Working on historical reference of the rural settlement of Kuban, we were lucky that we were able to interview our old-timers, veterans of the Kuban state farm, who remember the years of the war, occupation, and the years of restoration of the economy destroyed by the war.

Ivan Ivanovich Temerev, born in 1915, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, currently lives with his granddaughter in our native state farm, in the village of Novoivanovskiy. In July 2013, Ivan Ivanovich gladly received the guests, workers of the museum of the settlement, and with tears in his eyes from memories, he spoke about how they, young guys, selflessly worked on the fields of the state farm, not sparing themselves, how they revived the pre-war glory of the Kuban state farm .

Ivan Ivanovich arrived at the Kuban state farm in November 1945, arrived with his friend, a front-line soldier, Timofey Fedorovich Dinikin. The director of the state farm, I.A. Prudnikov, greeted his friends warmly. A friend was hired as a combine operator, and Ivan Ivanovich as a tractor driver. The issue of housing was immediately resolved, a car was allocated to transfer the family, small belongings and livestock, a cow and calves. Temerev I.I. immediately set to work. He worked in the central workshops of the state farm, was engaged in the repair of tractors, motors, five women worked with him. There was a lot of work, I rarely saw my family, we spent all the time at work. Already, being a foreman, for the urgent repair of ten tractors, Ivan Ivanovich's brigade was awarded a challenge banner. In a solemn atmosphere, the brigade was awarded a prize and a bicycle. Ivan Ivanovich worked at the Kuban state farm from 1945 to 1963. Initially in the CRM (central repair shops), then as a foreman of the milking herd of the fourth department, later as a mechanic at the MTF (dairy farm). A portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Temerev, a veteran of the Kuban state farm, is attached. Also attached is a picture. On the photo: issuance of a spa voucher in the working committee of the trade union. Ivan Ivanovich Temerev, the foreman of the milking herd of the fourth department, has just received a preferential ticket to Anapa.

The history of any settlement is inextricably linked with people. If you ask the inhabitants of the village of Mirny, the rural settlement of Kuban, what he became famous for, then people will certainly name the names of the Buryakov spouses - Valentina Grigoryevna and Nikolai Sergeevich. Valentina Grigoryevna is a smart, intelligent person. At one time she worked as a livestock specialist. After graduating from a technical school, she was a foreman at the STF and MTF. It was her organizational skills that caused her to start a lagging farm, which she brought to the forefront, making it exemplary. She was always entrusted with the most difficult areas of work, and she coped with this matter perfectly. Evidence of this are two Orders of Lenin, received by her in 1971 and in 1975, medals: "For Labor Valor", "For Valiant Labor". In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin ”, a bronze FDNKh,“ Veteran - Labor ”and anniversary medals. In total, her work experience at the Kuban state farm (FGUP PZ Kuban) is 41 years.

The beginning of VG Buryakova's career in the military year of 1941, when Valentina was barely 15 years old. The war brought her to the Kuban. Having lost her mother, young Valya was taken in by relatives at the Kuban state farm. It was war time, along with adults, children worked on the farm. At first, Valentina worked in a field-growing team, then in a vineyard (at the Kuban state farm there used to be rich orchards and vineyards). The children worked with all their might, realizing that at this time their fathers and older brothers were beating a hated enemy. For Valentina, the Kuban became the second homeland, and she did not want to leave it. Here, years later, she met her love, Nikolai Sergeevich Buryakov, with whom she has been living in peace, love, harmony and tender care for each other for 54 years.

On the solemn day of the 85th anniversary of Valentina Georgievna, August 18, 2011, the Krasnodar regional public organization "Heroes of the Fatherland" sincerely congratulated Buryakova V.G. on the significant date. and handed her a congratulatory address from a public organization and personally from the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Nikolaevich Tkachev.

(portrait of V. G. Buryakova is attached)

The labor biography of Anatoly Ivanovich Kotsurenko began when the boy was barely 15 years old. He entered the fields of his native state farm "Kuban" as a trailer. Before the army, I had already gained some work experience, acquired mechanization skills. This helped him in army life. He returned from the army with a good profession- mechanic - driver of the 1st category. At the state farm, the young specialist was greeted with joy. In his work book a record appeared about being hired as a tractor driver at the Kuban state farm. She, as it turned out, became the only one, and the rest of the records are about gratitude and awards.

Amazing performance, discipline and responsibility - these features have always distinguished Anatoly Ivanovich, for which they aroused sincere respect and trust in him. He, a very modest person by nature, did not notice anything special in himself, considering himself like everyone else. Only now, not everyone was awarded such high awards as the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. So, he was still special.

Hard work for a mechanic. They did not leave the fields for suffering until the dew fell, and this is 2-3 o'clock in the morning. A few hours to rest, and again at the controls of tractors and combines, because every hour was expensive.

For all the years, Anatoly Ivanovich did not have a single comment on the quality of work, not a single, even insignificant absenteeism, and he kept his equipment in such a way that during the harvest he did not allow any repairs. His tractor ran like clockwork. Business - first of all, with such a motto he went through life, completing his working biography 13 years ago. And her crown was two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor and the Order of Lenin, which he received as a constant winner of socialist competitions, who achieved the highest results, who always worked with the highest quality. Now Anatoly Ivanovich is on a well-deserved rest, he is engaged in his small farm, he loves fishing very much.

In the picture, Anatoly Ivanovich Kotsurenko is congratulated by representatives of the administration on his 70th birthday municipality Gulkevichsky district - Deputy head of the Gulkevichsky district P.G. Trikoz and chairman of the Gulkevichi branch of the public organization "Heroes of the Fatherland" I.L. Garibov.

Such people as A.I. Kotsurenko, V.G. Buryakova, I.I. Temerev and other modest heroes of the Kuban state farm deserve to be remembered forever, because their feat of arms is a part of a great labor chronicle not only experimental - industrial economy "Kuban", but also the entire Gulkevichi district.

It was someone proud of the state farm in the seventies, 520 people, or every fourth worker of the state farm, was awarded high government awards of the Motherland. Among the awarded 13 Heroes of Socialist Labor, 29

cavaliers of the Order of Lenin, 6 cavaliers of the Order of the October Revolution, 114 were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor, and 356 were awarded medals. Such a team can handle more complex and responsible tasks.

On the eve of the launch of a large livestock complex for 1200 cows on the farm, which made it possible to take a major step towards transferring animal husbandry to an industrial basis. (Photo attached) The construction of a dairy plant and a large feed complex, ATS for 300 numbers is nearing completion. There is a lot of housing and road construction ahead. The doors of the beautiful Palace of Culture with a lecture hall for 400 seats and an auditorium for 850 seats will soon open. In raising the cultural level of workers and employees big role cultural and educational institutions play, and there are five of them on the territory of the settlement, in addition to the central club, that is, at each department of the state farm. The club has a central library with reading room. Its fund contains more than 35 thousand volumes of fiction, political and special literature. There is also a children's library, the library of the 4th department has 8 thousand volumes, in addition, there are libraries - mobiles. The state farm has seven stationary cinemas - installations that bring cinema to the masses of workers - art.

Much attention is paid to the physical education of the inhabitants of the settlement. Until 1956, the achievements of state farm athletes - equestrians were widely known. The horsemen of the state farm have repeatedly participated in regional, republican competitions, in competitions for the championship of the USSR in equestrian sports and in international competitions. So, in August 1955, in Moscow, in competitions for the USSR championship in equestrian sports, the athlete - equestrian Anatoly Kurdyukov, on the stallion Hannibal took first place, for which he was awarded a gold medal of the second degree, he was also awarded the title of "Champion of Russia" in equestrian sport.

(Photo attached)

This sport lasted until 1956. Since the liquidation of the breeding horse farm, horse riding has not been practiced at the state farm.

For the development of sports work on the central estate there is a stadium with a football field, volleyball, basketball and city playgrounds. Sports grounds are also equipped in all departments.

There are seven nurseries on the territory of the settlement, Kindergarten, a secondary school with 850 students. Also on the territory of the state farm, five primary schools on the departments. The director of the secondary school, Konstantin Romanovich Mikholapov, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. For long-term and impeccable work, the teacher Tatyana Alexandrovna Alekseevich was awarded the high title of "Honored Teacher". The teacher, communist Alexander Alekseevich Goidin, worked at the school of the state farm from the day it was founded without interruption, with the exception of the Patriotic War, in which he was a participant from the first to last day. A.A.Goydin was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor". The teaching staff of the school strives to introduce children to state farm production, to instill in them a love for the professions of their parents. The management of the state farm allocated several sets of turning, metalwork and carpentry tools to the school, Construction Materials, a GAZ-51 car, four tractors different brands, two motor scooters, two mopeds, two motorcycles and a set of agricultural machines. Industrial training is organized at the school of the state farm. Graduates of the school receive the profession of a tractor driver and driver's license. As a result of a well-established career guidance, many school graduates remain to work at their native state farm. Among them are the Telelyukhin brothers, Boris and Nikolai, Alexei Livikin, Anatoly Dotsenko, Alexandra Potapova, Lyudmila Stenko and many others.

The population of the state farm was served by a well-equipped hospital with 50 beds, an outpatient clinic and three paramedical stations. The hospital has a maternity, surgical department, X-ray room, laboratory. There is a pharmacy. Remarkable doctors work in the hospital, under the leadership of the chief physician Vladimir Ivanovich Senchenko. Previously, Georgy Artemovich Baiburt, who was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, worked as the chief doctor of the hospital, and in 1956 he was awarded the honorary title of Honored Doctor of the RSFSR.

All the energy and thoughts of the workers of the state farm were directed to the further prosperity of the state farm, to strengthening the might of the Motherland.

Not only in the post-war years, but all the time before the start of reforms, the Kuban state farm was invariably among the leaders in agricultural production in our country, invariably received not only high crop yields and achieved high performance in animal husbandry, but also produced and provided seeds of new varieties and breeding animals in the zone of the North Caucasus and even other republics (now the states of the CIS). Therefore, at the end of 1985, the state farm "Kuban" was given the status of a pilot production farm. At that time, the director of the agricultural enterprise was Valentin Ivanovich Lisun (1974-1978), Anatoly Ivanovich Volokhov (1978-1986), then Viktor Nikolaevich Aleksandrov (1986-1999)

The systemic crisis of the nineties, which engulfed the entire country, could not but affect our economy. This was facilitated by a number of both objective (disparity in prices for industrial and agricultural goods, a sharp increase in energy prices, a change in planned economic management to market economy and other reasons) as well as subjective factors that require time to reorient to new economic thinking. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to solve this problem.

But since 1999, with the update in the leadership of the Kuban OPH, the revival of the state farm began in new economic conditions, the return of temporarily lost positions and the glory of the Kuban state farm.

At present, the name of a large economic entity of the Kuban settlement sounds like this - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Plemzavod Kuban" KNIISH named after P.P. Lukyanenko of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which is located in the south - western part of the Gulkevichsky district of the Krasnodar Territory. The total land area is 16706 hectares, including 14042 hectares of agricultural land, of which 12557 hectares are arable land. Director of the Federal State Institution "Plemzavoda Kuban" Honored Worker of Agriculture Russian Federation Mikhail Vasilyevich Korotkov, who has been heading the agricultural enterprise since 1999.

The main activities of the enterprise are:

Cultivation of oil crops;

Cultivation of sugar beet;

Cultivation, cultivation and sale of breeding animals;

Production of milk and meat.

FSUE "Pl6emzavod Kuban" is an experimental production (experimental) base of the State Scientific Institution of the Krasnodar Research Institute of Agriculture. P.P. Lukyanenko of the Russian Agricultural Academy.

The main objectives of the enterprise are to ensure necessary conditions to conduct scientific research in accordance with the thematic plans of the Institute, the implementation of the primary verification of the results research, experimental design work and other scientific and technical products of the Institute at the stages of experimental industrial production, the introduction of scientific achievements and best practices aimed at applying new knowledge in the field of the agro-industrial complex, contributing to its technical, economic and social development.

In 2012, the area under crops of grain and leguminous crops was 3868 ha, corn 1960 ha, sunflower 910 ha, sugar beet (factory) 999 ha. The area under fodder crops occupied 4620 hectares, including corn for silage 1412 hectares, perennial grasses 1233 hectares, annual grasses 1325 hectares. The gross harvest of grain crops is 15160 tons, the yield is 39.0 centners per heap, corn is 9395 centners, the yield is 48 centners per hectare, sunflower is 1546 tons, the yield is 17 centners per hectare, sugar beet is 47598 tons, the yield is 476 centners per hectare. Harvested for livestock 1344 tons. hay, 5887 tons, haylage and 21884 tons. silos.

End of 2012. FSUE "Plemzavod Kuban" keeps 3620 heads of cattle, including 1690 forage cows. Milk production in 2012 amounted to 7568 tons. The weight gain of cattle is only 2983 tons, the average daily weight gain of cattle is 474 gr.

In 2013, the area under crops of grain and leguminous crops was 3635 ha, corn 1634 ha, sunflower 850 ha, sugar beet (factory) 1362 ha. 4981 hectares were occupied under forage crops, including corn for silage 1280 hectares, perennial grasses 1320 hectares, annual grasses 1381 hectares. Currently, work and procurement of feed for livestock is underway.

As of July 1, 2013, the Kuban Breeding Farm contains 3,222 heads of cattle, including 1,490 forage cows. Milk production for 6 months of 2013 2860 tons. The weight gain of cattle is only 90 tons, the average daily weight gain of small cattle is 322 gr.

This is a brief description of the activities of the Federal State unitary enterprise"Plemzavod Kuban" KNIISH named after P.P. Lukyanenko of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

There is someone to be proud of the rural settlement of Kuban in our days.

Komsomolets Alexey Vasilyevich Livikin- the son of a state farm combine operator Vasily Ilyich Levikin, began working at the state farm from the age of 17, after graduating from school. He worked as a tractor driver in the youth mechanized unit for growing corn. In 1976, the government awarded the young worker of the state farm with the medal "For Labor Distinction". This is the beginning of a glorious labor path our "Hero of Labor of the Kuban" Alexei Vasilyevich Livikin. The medal "Hero of Labor of the Kuban" Aleksey Vasilievich was awarded on August 3, 2004.

Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes of the rural settlement of Kuban today have glorified their native Kuban with their military, labor exploits.

Here is a list of residents of the rural settlement of Kuban, Gulkevichsky district, who have special merit before the Fatherland:

Bosenko Vasily Petrovich, agronomist of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Plemzavoda Kuban"

awarded the Order of Courage

Gurov Vasily Vasilievich

awarded the medal "To the Warrior of the Internationalist from the grateful Afghan people"

Gurova Anna Vasilievna

Master of Sport. Champion of Russia among schoolchildren, Multiple champion of the Southern Federal District in the Krasnodar Territory. Champion of rural games of Russia.

Korotkov Mikhail Vasilyevich, director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Plemzavod Kuban"

awarded the medal "For Labor Valor", awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation"

Kamyshnikov Vladimir Dmitrievich

awarded the title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Kuban"

Livikin Aleksey Vasilievich, machine operator of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Plemzavoda Kuban"

awarded the medal "Hero of Labor of the Kuban"

Lezhennikova Tatyana Sergeevna, medical worker, doctor

awarded with the medal "Honored Worker of Health Care"

Partylov Georgy Stepanovich, Deputy of the District Council of the Municipal Formation Gulkevichsky District

awarded the Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" II degree

Semenitsky Dmitry Viktorovich

awarded the medal "For Courage"

Tyashchenko Alexander Sergeevich, businessman

awarded the medal "For Courage"

Chernov Nikolai Ilyich, Deputy Director of FSUE PZ Kuban for Finance

was awarded the Order of Accounting Glory of Russia, the medal of honor "For merits in the development accounting and audit in Russia”, awarded the honorary title “Honored Economist of Kuban”

Rural settlement Kuban Gulkevichsky district.

According to the Charter of the rural settlement of Kuban, Gulkevichsky district, adopted by the decisions of the Council of the rural settlement of Kuban, Gulkevichsky district, on December 12, 2005, No. 2, 8 settlements are located within the boundaries of the territory of the rural settlement of Kuban, Gulkevichsky district: pos. Kuban, pos. Far, pos. Mirny, pos.Novoivanovskiy, pos. Podlesny, pos.Sovetsky, pos. Labor, pos. Harvest. The total population is 6333 people. The settlement is located on 181.68 hectares of land.

On the territory of the settlement, the total number of healthcare facilities is four, of which 1 polyclinic with a day hospital for 25 beds and 3 paramedical stations.

Total number of objects physical education and sports - 11, stadiums - 1, sports halls - 3.

The total number of social and cultural facilities is 9. The Palace of Culture is located on the territory of the Kuban village, the number of libraries is 4.

On March 21, 1980, through the efforts of the secretary of the party committee, Mikhail Akimovich Ilyin, the Museum of Military and Labor Glory was opened. Mikhail Akimovich did a very large, painstaking job of collecting materials and exhibits of the museum, its design, for a long time Kalinovskaya Vera Kuzminichna worked in the museum, who made a great contribution to the patriotic education of the younger generation and residents of the Kuban state farm. Historical and documentary material was collected and processed by the secretary of the party organization of the state farm Ilyin Mikhail Akimovich, the decoration was made by the Krasnodar artist Kudrya Georgievich Anisimovich, the furniture and carpentry equipment were made by the worker of the state farm, cabinetmaker Bliznyukov Vasily Mitrofanovich.

The history of the state farm is quite fully reflected on the stands of the museum. Along with materials about the first heroes of the socialist labor of the state farm, its leaders, party and Komsomol leaders, there are documents on the success of the economy: banners, letters, diplomas and other awards. And also a letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 20, 1940 on awarding the Kuban state farm with the Order of Lenin for outstanding success in the development of agriculture.

The museum has sections and expositions devoted to various stages of the development of the state farm, from its formation to the present day. These are sections such as:

The history of the formation of the state farm "Kuban";

State farm during the Great Patriotic War;

Post-war recovery period;

Dynasties: Firsovs and Levikins (Levikin Alexey - one of the first in the area "Hero of Labor of Kuban");

Cultural life;

Physical culture and sports.

The information of each section is located on stands, on tables, under glass, albums with photographs. And also in the museum there is a "Book of Honor" and a large "Book of Labor Glory".

A large stand is dedicated to the Heroes of Socialist Labor, where their large photographs are located. In the storeroom of the museum there is one of the most valuable exhibits - the Golden Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor Volkova Akulina Safronovna.

One of the notable expositions is the commemorative banners (12) presented to the Kuban state farm for labor achievements.

Spiritual and cultural traditions have developed at the Kuban state farm since 1935. Already in 1935, all the workers cheerfully and fervently worked to complete the construction of the club, and in their work they did not lag behind the production successes of the club. In 1937, the amateur art group participated in the All-Union Review and came out the winner, he was awarded the 1st prize - 12 thousand rubles for club equipment. (Picture of the club attached).

In the club building during the Great Patriotic War in 1943, on the initiative of girls - Komsomol members, there was a military hospital.

In 1949, club institutions participated in the All-Union review of cult institutions and received the first prize. In 1951, a group of amateur performances consisting of 71 participants was approved as a candidate for the All-Union Review of Amateur Art. The pride of the residents of the state farm was the beautiful Palace of Culture, built according to a standard project, which was opened in May 1975.

In 1978 the first creative team- the choir was awarded the title of "folk", a year later this group became a participant in a creative show at VDNKh, several recordings were made on the Central Television and State Radio and Television. Great friendship links the team with the composer Chernobay S.A., the poet S. Khokhlov, a special place was occupied by creative meetings with Grigory Ponomarenko, as well as with the Chastushka ensemble, led by Anastasia Zavolokina. Grebenyuk Mikhail Vasilievich and Kamyshnikov Vladimir Dmitrievich, who has the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of the Kuban", devoted many years to the cultural development of the state farm. From 1984 to 2012, Vladimir Dmitrievich headed the Maidan Cossack choir, which is the hallmark of not only the Kuban settlement, but also the Gulkevichi district. This team is the pride of Vladimir Dmitrievich. Indeed, there is something to be proud of, the Cossack choir "Maidan" is a laureate of All-Union and All-Russian competitions and festivals of amateur art, a participant in creative shows at VDNKh of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, "Play, my beloved accordion." Participant of creative meetings and anniversaries with composer G.F. Ponomarenko, actress K. Luchko. More than thirty years have passed since the Cossack choir "Maidan" was awarded the title of "People's". This folk choir in its work revives the traditions of the Kuban Cossack culture.

For the first time in the region, on the initiative of V.D. Kamyshnikov in the rural settlement of Kuban, a Cossack "Maidan" was held, and for 20 years now it has been held regularly on the eve of the harvest.

Many mass cultural initiatives are born in the CCD of the rural settlement of Kuban. To preserve the national art of our region, to restore the lost, to create conditions for its development, to acquaint listeners with original folk art - these are the noble goals set by the staff of the municipal government institution "Center for Culture and Leisure of the Rural Settlement of Kuban Gulkevichsky District".

In 2011, a new institution was created in the rural settlement of Kuban - the municipal state institution "Fitness and Recreation Sports Club" Kuban ". The head of FOSK "Kuban" Alla Vyacheslavovna Matyash. The club has sports instructors. Athletics, basketball, football, freestyle wrestling, table tennis sections were organized, in which 240 people of school age are involved, which is 40% of the total number of students. There is a hall for general physical training and table tennis, in which difficult teenagers and children from disadvantaged families (30 children) work out in the evening.

On the territory of the settlement MKU FOSK Kuban holds sports events.

Competitions such as "Young Shipovka", the Governor's Cup in football and streetball, crosses.

It has become a tradition to hold football competitions in memory of our coach Alexander Leonidovich Karpenko. For the third time, competitions in athletics were held for the prizes of our pupil of the MSMK, master of sports of international class, Champion of Russia Gurova Anna Vasilievna. Anna's first coach, Matyash Alexander Ivanovich.

Sportsmen of our settlement actively take part in regional and regional competitions. In the Spartakiad of the youth of the Krasnodar Territory in the city of Krasnodar, our athletes - Zemlyansky Dmitry, Senchenko Elena, Malaya Svetlana, Volodina Elizaveta became winners.

At the regional competition among sports families in Slavyansk in the Kuban, the Petrukhin family took 6th place out of 40 teams in the Krasnodar Territory.

At the championship of the Krasnodar Territory among sports families in Anapa, the Matyash family took third place, and they also successfully performed at the All-Russian Rural Sports Games of Russia in Cheboksary, where they competed for the team of the Krasnodar Territory and took second place.

Thanks to the successful performances of our athletes, the team of the rural settlement of Kuban took 2nd place in the Spartakiade of the Gulkevichsky District. In athletics, sports families, beach soccer competitions, we have first places. Athletes of the settlement won the Governor's Cup in streetball of the Gulkevichsky district and took 2nd place in the zonal competitions. Many of our pupils have become winners and prize-winners of regional competitions.

Here and now the farmers live. They plow and sow and reap bread

Watching how parents work, how proud they are of their Kuban, children grow and educate, adopting their experience, strengthening the good traditions laid down by their elders. And so it was from generation to generation. The current heirs of the cause of the fathers and the case is no exception. They know the history of OPH "Kuban" well and sincerely try to preserve everything connected with it.

The museum of the Palace of Culture of the rural settlement of Kuban has collected the richest historical material related both to the production achievements of the OPH "Kuban" and the fate of its workers, many of whom went through the fire of the Great Patriotic War, raised the country destroyed by the enemy from the ruins, different years fulfilled their patriotic duty to the Motherland and, of course, worked for the good of the native economy. Among them are many grandparents, mothers and fathers of the current students of the school. It was about them that the guys decided to write, to put together their stories and present them for a long memory to those who feel their involvement in the anniversary of the OPH "Kuban" - the Order of Lenin of the state farm "Kuban". This is a gift from today's students of the school to their parents, senior comrades, those whose work flows into the general flow of production achievements of the workers of the OPO OPKh "Kuban".

The former teacher of secondary school No. 22, Tatyana Grigoryevna Mezina, dedicated her poems to her beloved state farm Kuban:

Dear state farm with its orders, with the river Sinyukha, fields, gardens,

With an arch at the entrance and a stadium, a native school and a green square.

During his 80 glorious years, he saw many joys and troubles.

But his relatives did not leave him, they plowed the land, sowed, reaped.

And they received awards for this, in the hot post-war summer.

The order-bearing state farm and its heroes are known by our great country!

The film that Pyryev shot with us is a story about the life of a state farm.

And the horses, and the harvest - Just take it and shoot it like that.

Here and now the farmers live. They plow and sow and reap bread.

Every day, students of secondary school No. 22 rush to the walls of their native school, where teachers, friends, exciting lessons, and interesting events are waiting for them. But in the eventful daily life, they manage to notice everything that happens around them. Nothing escapes the observant eyes of children. They see the beauty of their native land, the people living on it. Much of what they see, the guys transfer to paper, drawing wonderful pictures. S. Dolenko, A. Zuev, A. Potynskaya, T. Shamich, A. Pryadkina and other children of the school congratulated them on their anniversary with their drawings dedicated to their native settlement, the work of grain growers. (Photographs of drawings are attached).

The material is taken from a special issue of the newspaper "V 24 hours", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the ONO OPH "Kuban", which was prepared on the idea and with the participation of the deputy director of the secondary school No. 22 N.V. Savchenko and the teaching staff of the secondary school No. 22 pos. Kuban.

On the territory of the rural settlement of Kuban there is one secondary school No. 22. Director of MBOU secondary school No. 22 pos. Kuban, Zelensky Alexander Vladimirovich. There are currently 571 students in the school. The teaching staff of the school is 38 people.

There are five preschool institutions on the territory of the settlement.

Historical memorials of the settlement. In 1950, according to the project of the sculptor V.M. Ruzheinikov, an obelisk was erected, where the remains of those shot during the occupation of fellow countrymen - Kuban were buried in a mass grave.

In the village of Kuban, along Yubileinaya Street, there is a memorial "Eternal Flame".

The Kuban land is proud of its sons, who laid down their lives, fulfilling their international duty in a foreign land. The remains of the heroes of local wars of our time are buried in the rural cemetery of the village of Kuban. The names of soldiers - internationalists are on a par with the names of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, who fell defending their native land. These are warriors - Kuban:

sergeant - Garkusha Vladimir Petrovich born on 11/13/1949, died on April 27, 1970 in Vietnam; (Photo attached)

private - Minaev Vladimir Sergeevich - born on January 19, 1966, died on October 29, 1984 in Afghanistan;

guards sailor - Kovalenko Ivan Ivanovich, born on January 5, 1976, died on January 18, 1995 in the Chechen Republic

lieutenant - Kirichenko Oleg Yurievich - 08/05/1972 year of birth, died on January 6, 1995 in the Chechen Republic;

serviceman contract service, Private Znudkin Mikhail Sergeevich, 5.02. Born in 1978, died on February 4, 2000 in the Chechen Republic;

contract serviceman, ensign of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Filinov Aleksey Feliksovich, born on June 20, 1970, died on September 27, 2002 in the Chechen Republic.

The cultural value of the rural settlement of Kuban, Gulkevichsky district, is represented by an arch, which is located at the entrance to the office of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Plemzavoda Kuban". On the arch there is a bas-relief of the Order of Lenin, as well as a sculptural composition - a worker with a worker holding a sheaf of wheat, and a shepherd with a sheep, and a calf - clearly show what the workers of the Order of Lenin of the Kuban state farm were doing.

This year marks exactly eighty years of our economy, which previously thundered throughout the Soviet Union, and now disgraced, in fact, dishonored and humiliated. The public, to whomever they turn, is of no use. The only thing left is the press. Is it really necessary to bring residents and workers to public speaking? ..

It hurts to look at what is happening in the former order-bearing economy with glorious traditions. During the Soviet era, 13 Heroes of Socialist Labor, a Hero of the Soviet Union, a Hero of Labor of the Kuban, a whole galaxy of order bearers - 130 people, including 42 holders of the Order of Lenin, grew up here, 6 of which were awarded it twice, and more than 550 farm workers were awarded medals . The economy for its merits (1944-1979) was awarded eight times with banners, including five commemorative ones.

To date, on the farm (state farm, OPH, etc.) with a now incomprehensible name, but still subordinate to the KNIISKh them. P.P. Lukyanenko of the Russian Agricultural Academy and previously headed by the candidate of agricultural sciences M.V. Korotkov, instead of scientific advanced management, there was a direct and purposeful collapse.

Having 12,557 hectares of land, the farm is dependent on loans, has almost no equipment of its own, and the one that still remains is now eking out a miserable existence. According to the current legislation, workers were deprived of land plots, and, therefore, additional sources of livelihood, and as a result of doing business in the economy, it turns out that they also had jobs.

The once best team of machine operators has been dispersed, livestock farming is barely alive. Currently, some production points are disconnected from the power supply. This irresponsible attitude to business is visible in all industries, and this whole process continues.

But the most inhuman, I think, is the attitude of the leadership towards veterans and the remaining workers. For any question, it is useless to turn to the "bosses" - one humiliation. The authorities of the region and the region are aware of the state of affairs, however, perhaps, for some reason we do not understand, this situation suits someone.

I don't think that all this adds color to our order-bearing economy, science, and the region. Alas, such examples are not isolated, and not only for the Kuban. Particularly striking is the fact of lack of control and impunity of individual "leaders from science", which gave rise to the creation of the so-called FONO of Russia. No matter how the second "RosNANO" comes out ...

On March 23, a national gathering took place in the farm, and, due to their naivety, a separate part of the citizens still hoped for an appropriate reaction from the authorities. After all, the meeting was attended by deputies of all levels, representatives of power structures, prosecutors and science...

Now the harvest is underway. However, this year, as before, the 2014 crop is exported uncontrolled from the first day. For about ten years now, the collective of the farm has not been gathered and informed about the progress of affairs in the farm, not to mention the report of the management to its workers. The investigating authorities stated that all the blame lies with a simple worker, that is, with milkmaids, drivers, machine operators, watchmen and, finally, specialists who change like gloves almost every day.

In the end, we can only hope for the patriotic press, that with its help it is still possible to reach out to the authorities and gain hope for getting rid of shame. The economy, despite the current situation, is still capable of revival. After all, there is common sense. It is impossible to allow the elite seeds to go for fodder, and the result of all the long-term activities of the collective was complete bankruptcy and destruction.

Secretary of the primary branch of the Communist Party N.I. ZHUKOV, Kuban, July 01, 2014 - on behalf of former and current workers of the Order of Lenin of the Kuban state farm, Gulkevichsky district, Krasnodar Territory

From the editor.

This is not the first appeal of N.I. Zhukov. On behalf of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G.A. Zyuganov, to whom one of the letters was sent, representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation went to the place: State Duma deputy N.M. Kharitonov, communist deputies of the Communist Party faction of the regional parliament, members of the Bureau of the regional committee of the party. Meetings and discussions were held with the participation of residents, labor collective, officials of different levels of government, employees of the prosecutor's office and the KNIISH of the Russian Agricultural Academy. As a result of the work, deputy inquiries were sent to all the necessary authorities, but so far the result has been, in essence, replies.