How to open a business selling tickets for cultural and entertainment events. How to organize an urgent sale of tickets for an event How to sell a purchased ticket

Timepad PR manager Ekaterina Evstratova tells what to do if the sale of tickets for an event had to be launched not even yesterday, but even earlier, all deadlines are missed, and the organizer is on fire. It turns out that it’s quite possible to start up quickly - just follow our advice (but we don’t recommend bringing it to this).

When to start selling tickets

Ideally, ticket sales should start three months before the event, according to our observations, 10% of tickets are bought in the first month, 25% - in the second, and 65% - the last. If the ticket price is high, for example, this is some kind of large seminar, then by opening sales in advance, you give people the opportunity to think about the purchase and put the event into their plans.

There are cases when there are no more tickets a week before the event - for example, for popular concerts.

Before you start selling tickets, think over the scheme of work - what data about the guests you need to know; What promotions are you planning? will there be discounts?

Standard data: last name, first name, email. It happens that for the event you need to collect additional information - for example, a phone number or data from a passport, so that the guest is allowed into the building. Think it over in advance and add it to the registration form right away so that you don’t have to frantically call participants and get information later.

How to stimulate sales

All options are tied to discounts - you offer a person to save money by buying a ticket in advance, and this encourages him to buy.

One of the tricks is to gradually increase the price. Many are ready to buy a ticket in advance to save money. If there is already trust in the organizer, then the participants sometimes buy tickets even before the event program is published. Such sales are already the first monetary profit with which you can work.

Another option is discounts from the category "buy three tickets, the 4th one for free." This option works consistently well.

Ticket channels

First of all - the page of the event on Timepad. This is the channel that the organizer receives as soon as the event is created. He can place links to it anywhere and immediately start selling.

If you have planned a serious event that will have its own website, you can embed our widget on it.

Another channel is social media. We have a native offer for VK and Facebook. You can create an event on a social network, invite friends and put a "Buy a ticket" button. This channel is not successful for all events, but for example, for concerts, it goes with a bang. A person will be able to enter and buy a ticket, while the last name and first name will be pulled up from the page on the social network. It will be enough to enter an email, and he will immediately receive a ticket.

We at Timepad have high hopes for social media. People are no longer afraid to buy tickets there, we think that in the future this channel will be the most popular.

It is most effective to use each of these channels.

What to do if you start selling too late

First of all, calm down and understand that not everything is lost and that there are services for selling tickets to events that help you quickly launch, for example, Timepad.

To make things easier, contact the ticket service manager or call the support team and find out which of your ideas is feasible. The manager will tell you exactly what you can prepare for the remaining time.

If you need to seat guests, prepare a diagram of the hall, at least a sketch on paper. Ideally, this should be a picture so that the operator will help you with rendering. In Timepad, you can quickly draw a diagram and arrange tickets. This is easy to figure out thanks to the knowledge base with hints.

So, point by point:

  1. Pull yourself together
  2. Choose an agent
  3. Consider pricing policy
  4. Consider benefits, discounts and promotions for members
  5. Find out how it's all set up
  6. Tune
  7. And finally start selling

Launching ticket sales for a 10,000-seat event - a real-life example

We had many cases when the organizer came in a panic and said that sales should have started a long time ago, but left with a rendered floor plan and a ready-made landing page through which tickets could be sold.

The real story: the organizers came to us, who urgently needed to start selling tickets for the New Year's performance with Mikhail Galustyan. At the same time, it was held in the Olympic.

There is a huge hall for 10 thousand seats, so the usual scheme did not work for him. We made a multi-stage version - first you choose a sector, then a row, and only then - a place. At the same time, we set up a scheme for how to collect tickets - it was necessary to collect additional data about the participants.

Olympiyskiy has a special barcode system, different from Timepad - I had to load individual sets of barcodes. Along the way, we set up a bunch of discount policies, for example, a fourth ticket as a gift, etc., made an individual page design.

The next day we were ready to start selling tickets, and the organizer - an advertising campaign. That is, the main part of the preparation took a day.

Conclusion: it is quite possible to start quickly. The main thing is not to worry and act according to the scheme.

The volume of the entire event ticket market (purchased offline and online) in 2013 amounted to $4.1 billion, and by 2016 it may grow to $7 billion.*

At the same time, there are revolutionary changes in the structure of ticket sales: according to forecasts, the share of online sales will grow from 15% to 45% in just 2 years.

The question arises: how to make money selling tickets for your events online?

Today, more and more people are getting used to solving problems using the Internet: looking for cheap flights, paying for utilities and purchases, following the news of the city and, of course, buying tickets for interesting events without leaving home.

A habit is also being developed for comfort, that is, for online payment in just a few clicks.

What happens if instead of the button "buy a ticket" it is proposed to order it by phone or send a request by email? Between 30 and 50% of potential participants will simply not want to bother themselves and will look for something else. Or, postponing the inconvenient process, they will not make a purchase for various reasons: changed their mind, got sick, forgot, had other plans, etc.

At the same time, selling tickets online allows you to "grab" the user at the moment of his highest readiness to make a transaction and significantly increases the conversion.

Thus, the question “to sell or not to sell tickets via the Internet” is not worth it - definitely sell it. But how to effectively sell tickets for a concert or other event online? To date, there are already several ways, and we will try to help you figure them out.

What should be a quality online ticketing system?

The system you choose should allow for different payment methods: each of us has established preferences. At the same time, it is necessary to be able to pay by bank card (the most popular method), as well as by invoice from the company (for business and educational events).

You should not limit users to any one payment option if you are striving to increase conversion: for example, you should provide participants in business events not only with the opportunity to pay by invoice, but also by card. Often the process of reconciliation of accounts in companies is not fast, and therefore it is easier for the participant to pay for the ticket himself, and then compensate these funds from the company's budget.

In addition to different payment methods, a quality system should have the following options:

  • the ability to customize the registration form for yourself and have access to the data of your participants,
  • setting up a ticket program (discounts, promo codes, different categories of tickets, early registration, etc.),
  • setting the terms for booking a ticket and a system of reminders to users about the need to pay within this period,
  • e-ticket directly as a result of the purchase.

How to organize online sales? Basic Methods

Below is an overview of popular integration tools that will allow you to sell tickets in the most convenient and efficient way, depending on the type of your events and the format of their placement on the Internet.

1. Universal

How to start selling tickets if you don't have your own website yet? You can create a landing page for registration and ticket sales and use the link to it wherever you announce the event.


  • simple, fast, no IT knowledge required
  • suitable for any resource

If you have a website or a standalone event landing page, then the registration widget is the best solution. The widget code is usually provided free of charge by various online ticketing services. You just have to place it in the right place on your site.


  • maximum sales due to the possibility of buying a ticket "here and now" (without leaving your site)
  • nice appearance

Do you hold several events and announce them all on the main page of the site / blog or in a special section? Then your option is to place a “Buy ticket” button in each announcement, clicking on which opens the registration widget in a new window.


  • allows you to quickly move from interest in the event to the target action, i.e. buying a ticket
  • does not take up much space

If you don't want to spend a lot of time publishing events, just place a poster module on your site, customize its appearance, and all your announcements, along with registration widgets, will be automatically loaded.


  • participants will be able to purchase a ticket not for one event, but for several at once
  • no need to develop a special design for your poster and copy the announcement of each event

5. Tools for social media

How to sell concert or cinema tickets on social networks? If you run a public page on Vkontakte or Facebook, then be sure to install the application for buying tickets: both of these social networks recently released an interface for installing a ticket sale button (physically, the sale will go through the specialized ticket service of your choice).

Holding any paid event - be it a rock concert or a wool felting workshop - is always a risk for the organizer. By investing in the rental of the hall and equipment, he does not have full confidence that he will receive sufficient income to, taking into account all costs, reach a profit. How to sell all the tickets, ensure a stable flow of revenue and receive money for operating expenses in advance, and not on the eve of the event? And most importantly, how to correctly predict the cash flow, based on the costs incurred by the organizer before the start of the event? Stanislav Birov, CEO of TicketForEvent, an online service for event organizers, answers these and other questions.

Very often, most tickets for concerts are sold a few days before the event and on the day of the artist's performance. Therefore, revenue often depends on conditions beyond the will of an ordinary person. For example, on a stormy, rainy day, 10% of those who were going to pay for the ticket before the concert will not come at all, and the organizers will miss this income. To get a guaranteed result and sell as many tickets as possible, it is important to follow the following rules.

Start selling as early as possible

It is in the interests of the organizer to start selling tickets at least three months before the event. This will allow you to receive in advance a part of the planned revenue and direct it to cover organizational expenses, as well as give confidence that the event will take place and generate income. The surest way to convince people to buy a ticket for such a long time is to make it more profitable to purchase it. You can reduce prices during pre-sales (Early Bird Tickets), make bulk discounts and distribute promotional codes in groups on social networks.

Here are two examples from our experience to show how this approach works. In the first case, one of the Kyiv music festivals started selling tickets for a month. This is common practice. There were no special promotions or discounts. Sales were rather slow, and only in the last two days did the peak occur. And another example is the concert of a foreign group, which took place in mid-May. Tickets for it began to sell much earlier - three and a half months. There were discounts throughout March. People were very willing to buy tickets, and in the last days of the month a real hype began. The organizers made a big profit back in March and from the very beginning they were sure that the hall would not be empty. There were much more sold tickets for the last concert in comparison with the Kyiv festival. Moreover, using pre-sales, the organizers had the opportunity to correctly distribute financial receipts, based on their spending plans. Increasing sales through discounts and special offers just when working capital is needed to cover the running costs of organizing an event.

Warm up interest and remind

Event marketing is not an area to skimp on. Some organizers rely too much on email marketing from direct marketing contractors. Very often, such a desire to save money ends with half-empty halls. You need to understand that out of a hundred thousand recipients of letters with an invitation to your conference or exhibition, ten people will register at best.

It is necessary that the event be known and started to talk about it. Email-mailing should be considered as an auxiliary tool, and the emphasis should be on targeted work with the business community and promotion of the event in the media and social networks. To do this, you need to organize publications in partner specialized media, enlist support in social communities and forums.

Throughout the entire promotion period, your potential audience should receive topics for discussion. Opinion leaders - well-known people with popular accounts on social networks - can give a good impetus to the viral dissemination of information about the upcoming event.

At the same time, it is very important that people who are interested in a master class or an exhibition can immediately go to action, that is, buy a ticket. Such a sales process can be customized using special widgets. You can install them in the community dedicated to the event, on your website or on any other friendly resource. Notification about the event should be started 3-4 months before the event. It is important to understand that when making decisions on the Internet, users are often guided by an emotional component. Therefore, potential visitors should be able to buy a ticket to the event they are interested in right away and do it in the literal sense of the word in two or three mouse clicks, without postponing the purchase “for later”. Since later there are many rational reasons why it is “not worth it” to spend money.

Engage all ticket sales channels

For a wider audience coverage, it is important to use not only traditional, but also online ticket sales channels. Russians are increasingly buying tickets online, not wanting to waste time and effort looking for a cash desk or going to the bank to pay the bill issued by the conference organizer. According to Nielsen's research (add link to research), event tickets are by far the most popular item on the internet. They are acquired by 39% of Russians. In second and third place in terms of demand are air tickets and clothing, for which 38% of survey participants pay online. This number is growing rapidly every year. Back in 2013, the percentage of online ticket purchases for events was no more than 10%, but already in 2014, this figure almost quadrupled.

There are three main tools that allow you to distribute tickets on the Internet: online posters like, your own website, and online services for organizing visitor registration and sales. Each has its pros and cons. Online posters give access to a wide audience, but take a percentage of each ticket sold. Your potential client who came to such a site can easily choose a ticket for a completely different event, forgetting about the original goal. In addition, online posters are not exactly suitable for business events. Proprietary solutions are expensive and only large companies can afford them.

Internet services are suitable for selling tickets for events of both an entertainment and business nature. They make it easy to create widgets for sales on the event site, partner sites and groups in social networks. Abroad, their convenience was appreciated a little earlier than in Russia. Eventbrite and TicketScript services have gained immense popularity in Europe and the USA. They are used by both housewives who want to earn extra money on needlework workshops, and promoters of concerts of pop stars of the first magnitude. Moreover, such services can be partially or completely free for the organizers.

In order not to be left to chance, carefully plan your ticketing campaign for the event. Use an integrated approach and use all possible tools and technologies. All this will affect the increase in sales and give a more stable and guaranteed result.

Sell ​​snow to the Eskimos - this is how we would react to an offer to sell tickets for an expensive Christmas tree for very selected children a month before the New Year. But then we are fluffy Seals, we have our own interest in Christmas trees. BUT agency MORS took - and did everything like clockwork. Worth learning. And at the same time - look at the segmentation of the audience (the New Year was not the last, right?).

You have an event for which tickets are expensive. Moreover, there are competitive events that cost less. Time is short, everything needs to be sold. Now we will tell you how to solve such a problem in practice and show examples.

A month before the New Year, Svetlana from St. Petersburg contacted our advertising agency and organized a "Snow Ball" for children in one of the most expensive hotels in the country - in Astoria. Of course, there are few tickets for such an event and they are more expensive than for ordinary Christmas trees. The average price of visiting the "Snow Ball" is 7000 rubles for a child with two accompanying persons.

Spoiler: do not waste time and immediately pour advertising on lead forms.

Now step by step.

Step One: Get Ready

We start by developing audience segments, a content plan and group design. Consider additional audience segments that you will add later. In addition, it is better to fix the goals and objectives of the project - understanding helps in the work.

To collect and process applications, it is worth making a table where the received data and the status of their processing will be recorded.

The audience segment map looks something like this:

(Click to open full map)

The content plan for a project that has little time for promotion includes image and reputation posts. Tell us about the program of the event, special guests, gifts, surprises, availability of a photographer, welcome drink, etc. In our case - we added statements from child psychologists about the benefits of attending mass events, think about what kind of evidence like this might be appropriate for your event.

Let's make a table right now. After starting work, it looked like this:

Call results table

Our table contained only basic information - the name, phone number, the result of the first call and the result of the second call. The contacts of those who purchased a ticket were highlighted in color - this will help to collect a database of existing customers and offer them other events later.

In your table, you can add all those columns that you need and that reflect the process of your lead closing.

Step two: design and fill

When all the tables and plans are ready, we move on to practice. We start with the preparation of graphics - you need the design of the group and templates. We worked on Facebook and Instagram, so we needed post templates and a cover. In each social network, you need to take advantage of its advantages, including in design, so we made a video cover on the page, in which slides with the name of the organizer's company and the poster of the event itself smoothly changed.

To design posts, we immediately made a square template, as it is suitable for both Instagram and Facebook. The event is a premium segment, so we decided on a design in dark colors. No pastel "childish" shades. Everything is serious and expensive.

Creating an atmosphere on the page

All content is reputational

One of the first posts on the page

As visual materials in the posts, we used only copyrighted materials. Better photos from past events and slides from promotional presentations than stock pictures of children.

At the same stage, we devote time to creating a clear description of the page. Provide basic information, write phone numbers and addresses.

Start filling with the placement of the first 5-10 publications that reflect all the basic information on the project and proceed to the next step.

Step three: set up and launch traffic

Lead forms are the easiest and fastest way to collect contact information. We have created the following lead forms:

First page of the lead form:


Second page of the lead form:

To get to the lead form, you had to click on one of the ads. Here's what some of them looked like:

Facebook ad example:

Instagram ad example:

  • parents of children aged 1 to 2 years,
  • parents with preschool children (3-5 years old),
  • parents of children of primary school age (from 6 to 8 years old)
  • or people with preteen children (8–12 years old).

Step Four: Processing and Optimizing

Analyze the results after a couple of weeks. Most likely, you will encounter the same problems as we have: increased traffic and lower conversion rates.

We are not afraid and we solve problems as they arise. At the very beginning, we said that when mapping audience segments, you need to provide options for expanding it.


In our case, we increased the geo (+50 km from the center of St. Petersburg) and added additional categories of interests.


Look, suddenly one of the segments reacts worse than the rest? Disable it, it will not consume extra money.

In our case, these segments were users aged 18-24 and aged 45-54. This is due to the fact that the former do not yet have children over six years old, and the children of the latter are too old for such events.


Make changes to your ad creatives. Most likely, at this point you can already add honest offers of urgency: there is little time left or few tickets.


First of all, all tickets for the event have been sold. The percentage of targeted applications for advertisements was about 90%, and the average cost of an application was 64.22 rubles.

Svetlana was completely satisfied with the work.

The success of the project was formed from several components - high-quality graphic materials, a transparent target audience, high-quality content and competent targeting advertising.

In addition, the managers of Svetlana's company skillfully worked out the claims of potential customers and closed them to buy a ticket.


  • Selling an expensive event in a month on social networks is real.
  • Designate promotion tasks in advance, write your goals, a portrait of the target audience. This will all help to better define segments and compose content that will be interesting.
  • Take the time to create a segment map and content plan. It only takes a day, but it will help you to work without distractions.
  • Be bolder in design, focus it on the target audience, move away from templates and work only with copyrighted materials.
  • Monitor ad results and optimize the process: be ready to expand your audience by geo and interests and add an offer to your ads.
  • Use lead forms to collect contacts, and then close customers for purchase with a call. The main thing is to conduct negotiations correctly.

This is how you can quickly and easily sell a premium class event with a limited number of tickets!

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The sale of tickets for concerts and theaters has always been a fairly profitable business, which was based on an extra charge on an already purchased ticket. Ever since Soviet times, speculators have been earning huge amounts of money simply by reselling tickets bought at all ticket offices in the city at exorbitant prices. This led to the fact that the average person was forced to either buy a ticket at a price very far from the face value (and thus overpay a lot of money), or even deny himself the pleasure of attending the event. Moreover, with every day approaching the event, the prices of resellers grew exponentially, and, of course, this situation was unprofitable for absolutely no one. Except for the speculators themselves, who could not sell even half of the tickets, but win on a huge cheat already sold. No wonder it had to end sooner or later.

However, even today, before a premiere or a one-time event (as an option, a concert of a touring popular artist), you can find resellers at the entrance who give the last chance to those who did not have time to buy even the simplest ticket. But, to be honest, their work is somewhat complicated by the introduction of modern ticketing technologies, when a person can independently buy a ticket directly from home. Usually, only those who come to their senses only when it was too late to buy a ticket, for example, on the eve of an event, become customers of resellers today. All this is due to the spread of the Internet among the population, it has greatly changed the principle of the ticket trade, and at present, an entrepreneur who seeks to build his business on resale must do this without barbaric methods and even resist speculators. Moreover, he himself must implement a ticketing system not only at his box office, but also on his own website. The principle of operation of ticket offices has changed radically.

At the moment, the market situation is not developing in the most favorable way for new players. The niche for ticket sales is actually occupied, companies seized this market a few years ago and even established a very productive work. Moreover, they are not alien to improvement, and a relatively new idea with e-tickets, for example, has been well implemented, implemented and spread. So far, a large number of people are skeptical about this type of ticket sales, but the percentage of those who have used it is constantly growing. That is, large players will certainly not allow a newcomer to operate successfully, and he will have to invest a lot of money on advertising and his promotion. However, there is still a possibility, because the population, especially in not very large cities, relies not so much on the popularity of the ticket sales network, choosing the kiosk where they are cheaper. And often the ticket price is the determining factor when buying it, unless, of course, this is the last day before the event. Therefore, by setting a commission lower than that of competitors, you can count on attracting your client.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

To work, you need to register as a business entity, while there are no restrictions on the form of entrepreneurship. That is, you can register as a legal entity (preferably a limited liability company) or register as an individual entrepreneur (who remains an individual without forming a legal entity), while it is better to choose from these two forms, because they have the opportunity to use the simplified taxation system. This will allow paying 6% (of income) or 15% (of operating profit) to the state, which is much lower than the corporate income tax. Today, it is mandatory to indicate the code (OKPD 2) 47.91 Retail services by mail or via the Internet information and communication network, which will allow trading just the very same “electronic tickets”, as well as (OKPD 2) 47.78 Other retail trade services in specialized stores.

Some entrepreneurs who were just starting ticket sales started their business from home without an office. But this became possible only with the spread of the Internet, without it, you need to organize sales offices. Today, the entrepreneur is faced with the task of organizing a whole network of ticket sales throughout the city, because it will not be possible to manage with one head office, unless the work is carried out quite in a small city. Thus, you need to immediately find several points of sale, which will subsequently sell tickets. The task is simplified by the fact that points of sale can be quite small, representing pavilions, kiosks and stalls with a size of 4 m 2. They need to be placed in the most accessible places, buying places in shopping malls, installing them even at the entrance to large stores, simply placing them on the streets, especially where people walk and relax. But at the same time, it is still desirable to have a head office, in which there will be the main batch of tickets distributed to outlets. At the same time, a person can also apply for a purchase to the head office, and in case of any claims, he will be able to contact the manager directly. If we consider the organization of a full-fledged service, then feedback, including claims from the consumer, should be established. Of course, you need to strive to ensure that such situations do not even appear, but the problem does not always arise through the fault of the entrepreneur. For example, the concert may be cancelled. And if the ticket office independently exchanges tickets or returns money for them without sending them to the event organizer, it can count on customer loyalty and subsequent growth in popularity.

The cost of the pavilion, in addition to size, is determined by its equipment. Those located on the street will cost the entrepreneur much more than those that will be located in shops and shopping malls, if only because they must be insulated. Pavilions can be built by ordering, you can buy a ready-made, used one, or rent it. The latter option can be considered if the budget is very limited and it is possible to rent inexpensive pavilions. Otherwise, it is better to buy them into ownership, because even in case of failure they can be resold, and their mobility allows you not to depend on the place. In the case when you have to work in someone else's premises, the task is greatly simplified, because you need to conclude a lease agreement with the owner of the shopping complex or store, and he himself will allocate space for the pavilion. If the kiosk is located on the street, then you will have to apply to the administration for permission to install a pavilion, and here a lot will depend on the situation in the municipality. There may be no places, bureaucrats may refuse for one reason or another, and you will have to collect a lot of information about your activities. If the city is small, then you can limit yourself to two or three points in other people's complexes, but even in large metropolitan areas, entrepreneurs are gradually transferring their points of sale to a warm and equipped room. Here, there is comfort for the seller, and lower costs for the construction of the pavilion (in case of success, the shopping center itself may already have an equipped place), and greater traffic of people. However, the cost of renting, as a rule, will be much more expensive than anywhere else.

The cost of building a pavilion can vary significantly depending on the materials used, and starts from 15 thousand rubles per square meter. That is, the amount of start-up capital will vary greatly depending on the city and the places received for rent. In a small city, one office is enough, in an ordinary one - only a few points for each quarter, but in megacities you will have to organize a full-fledged network of your cash desks. At each point of sale, you need to buy furniture for an employee, a computer (which must be connected to the Internet) and a cash register. It is also possible to install a special printer that can print the finished ticket. You can decorate the pavilion with advertising, which the organizers will surely provide. We need to count on about 40-50 thousand more when equipping each cash desk. Conducting the Internet, especially in pavilions on the street, can become a particular problem. Your office is equipped much more seriously, because several people will work in it at the same time, so everyone needs to equip the workplace no worse than the cashier in the pavilion.

Further work may develop in different ways. The first way is the direct resale of tickets. In this case, you have to buy large lots of tickets in order to resell them at a price already set by yourself. In fact, this is still the same speculation, only legalized. The main advantage of this method lies precisely in the ability to pursue the pricing policy that seems to be the most profitable for the entrepreneur, even if prices become too high because of this. But this method also has its drawbacks. So, not all theaters will agree to such a deal and will not sell a large batch of tickets to one person. The entrepreneur assumes all the risks of selling tickets, and if the public is not interested in the upcoming event, the organizer will only win (the hall is empty with a full house), but the reseller will only lose money. At the same time, fierce competition will not allow to inflate prices too much, and buying will be carried out only immediately a few days before the event. In general, work according to this scheme is already becoming yesterday.

Today, most ticket offices work directly with event organizers. So, a novice entrepreneur should go around all the theaters and conclude contracts for the sale of tickets. Since not all theaters, circuses and similar establishments have an extensive network of ticket offices (and often there is only one - directly in their building), this becomes a way for them to sell even more tickets. In this case, the entrepreneur receives a commission from the sale of the ticket, which is set within certain limits. That is, it will not work artificially to inflate prices. But the businessman himself does not buy tickets, becomes an agent, and in the event of an unsuccessful event, he practically risks nothing. He, of course, loses profit, but he does not have to invest his money. It also receives all the information about the remaining tickets, can provide its customers with a floor plan (or just the number of free seats) and, thus, provide an already expanded service.

At this stage, it is already important to have your own well-functioning website, as well as a connection with the database of your partners for prompt receipt of information. Points of sale equipped with computers immediately show the client the layout of the hall and give him the opportunity to choose a convenient place. As soon as a ticket is bought somewhere, it becomes known to the entrepreneur himself, and to the organizing partner, and to other agents, that is, the probability of selling the same ticket is reduced to zero.

It is worth mentioning a much simpler option for organizing your own business. This is a franchise work, which allows you to get information about all partners at once, permission to work with them from the parent company, which will also provide all the established schemes and talk about the features of doing business. That is, it will provide full support in the undertaking and the opportunity to work under its name known to the mass buyer. The disadvantages of this development path include the need to pay a lump-sum fee, make royalties, and also equip your points of sale in accordance with the requirements of the corporation. However, at present, you can also find inexpensive franchises, and the franchisors themselves do not overestimate their requirements. Go your own way (which is still possible) or join an existing company - the entrepreneur himself decides, depending on the situation in his city.

The sale is also going well via the Internet, when the buyer is given the opportunity to print the ticket on their own. He buys it via the Internet, after which he prints it on a printer, or he can apply at a convenient time for him at the nearest point indicated by him for a ticket (although this is already a prepaid booking). Printed on a printer and is called an electronic ticket, but for this, some companies require the buyer to provide their personal data for security reasons. This was created in order to create a unique ticket that cannot be resold to someone or faked. And even more so to fake, and then resell. Usually, large organizers already have systems for generating electronic tickets, and the only thing left for the entrepreneur is to introduce this software into his network.

Working with many partners leads to the need to introduce a universal interface and control system, and here, for sure, it will be necessary to hire additional programmers who will support a multi-structural system. A large developing ticket office is constantly improving the process of selling tickets via the Internet, because today many people go to events in other cities, and it can be very inconvenient to travel specifically for a ticket.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The organizers of the concerts of the touring artists deserve special mention. Sometimes such organizers are already cooperating partners, who, for example, provide a platform free from their own performances. Then they will also transmit information about the event, issue a batch of tickets, and the work will be carried out according to the same principle. Otherwise, if a concert or show is organized by a third-party and even a non-resident company. Perhaps even on a non-standard site, which is rented only once (an example of this is the rent of a city square, a parking lot of a large hypermarket, a nightclub). In this case, the entrepreneur enters into an agreement with the organizer for the sale of tickets that cannot be bought anywhere else (unless the organizer began to cooperate with several ticket offices at once). Typically, the price of a ticket to such an event increases gradually as the event approaches, especially if there is active ticket redemption. Thus, the entrepreneur constantly increases his income, because a slight gradual increase in price leads to a final cost that is much higher than the original one, but this does not stop buyers.

You may have to deal not only with the sale of tickets, but also with the advertising of the event. This is discussed individually with each partner, but the organizer usually gives several advertising posters and brochures for each outlet to its partners. The ticket seller himself is also interested in a successful advertising campaign, and joint work in this area can increase efficiency significantly. Yes, and the buyers themselves, it happens, are directly interested in the events that will take place in the near future. Tour organizers can even offer cooperation, one of the conditions of which will be advertising in the city. Of course, all this is reimbursed by the organizer, but it is still worth having an experienced marketer-advertiser in your staff, because this will allow you to engage in almost related business, earning additional income.

Ticket sales are profitable when there are many partners holding a wide variety of events - from children's puppet theater to rock concerts. In addition to them, you should immediately try to contact the organizers of tours, simultaneous shows and any performances. If possible, receive an exclusive for the sale of tickets. Theater agencies that bring art to the provinces will also become a good distribution channel. These companies are engaged in the fact that they buy a large batch of tickets in order to organize a tour from any provincial town to a large city where a premiere or a grand event is planned. Here you can agree on a small discount, because the agency buys a considerable batch of tickets (but you can’t call them speculators, because they don’t set their commission too high, and are focused on those customers who have already applied).

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