What documents are needed to open a jewelry workshop. How to open a pawnshop from scratch

The correct assessment of the value of precious metals is the key to the success of a pawnshop

Today, pawnshop clients are middle-income people. Such establishments are in demand in the sleeping areas of megacities, and in the city center, if we are talking about a small locality. This pattern is explained by the fact that the middle class of the population is settled according to this principle.

For loan offices seasonality - spring or autumn. Most often, people need money before the holidays or after it, to pay current loans. This jump is insignificant, and does not exceed 10%.

How to open a pawnshop

As with opening any business, capital investments will be a mandatory start. In addition to rent and equipment, the cost part includes hiring staff and an advertising budget.

What you need to open a pawnshop:

  • rental of premises;
  • covering the entire room with iron wire;
  • conducting and establishing video surveillance;
  • installation of an alarm system and taking the object under protection;
  • purchase of special furniture, safes, cells for storing pledged property (this equipment should be of two types - for daily and long-term storage);
  • car pawnshops should be equipped with parking lots in the adjacent territory.

A universal loan office will require from 50 to 100 m² of rented area. If the institution accepts only precious metals, then this figure may drop to 20-30 m².


The team of any pawnshop is small. Apart from the owner, it can consist of 4 people.

  1. Merchandiser-appraiser
  2. Security guard
  3. Accountant
  4. Manager

The most dangerous and risky position is the work of a merchandise appraiser. He must correctly evaluate the product so that the company does not remain in the red; must follow the market and have a good understanding of the value of jewelry. Distinguishing gold from fakes is also very important, so a good stable experience is needed here.

The work of other employees is less significant.

What else do you need to open a pawn shop?

In order for the service to take place at a high level, you will need good software that will allow you not to delay customers.

The equipment for weighing and evaluating is also original. It includes scales, magnifying glasses, a technique for determining the authenticity of diamonds.

If you plan to receive digital and household appliances , then you need to stock up on disks, headphones, batteries, so that you can easily check the health of the devices.

How to open your own pawnshop from scratch? The question asked by an entrepreneur who decides to start his own business. But, before proceeding with the paperwork and finding a place for a pawnshop, it is worth drawing up a business plan and calculating how soon the investment will pay off.

On the this question There can be no unequivocal answer, since it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that directly affect the profitability of a business, in particular:

  • location of the pawnshop - it is desirable to locate the enterprise in places with high traffic of potential customers;
  • the cost of rent - the higher the monthly payments, especially at the initial stage, the more difficult it is for the entrepreneur to recoup his costs and start making a profit;
  • advertising effectiveness - well-organized PR campaigns attract customers;
  • competitiveness - the business owner should study the demand for the services of organizations of this type in a particular area and figure out how exactly his pawnshop will be attractive to customers;
  • trained staff - if unskilled employees work in the pawnshop, the owner will lose part of the profit due to their mistakes or inability to communicate with customers.

For the pawnshop owner, the most difficult period is considered to be the first half of the year from the date of opening, since at this time the company is only gaining momentum and often operates at a loss. For this reason, more than a third of pawnshops cease their activities at this time. After this period, profits begin to grow gradually, after a couple of years, even a small pawnshop begins to bring its owner about 100-150 thousand rubles a month.

But even compliance with the above conditions is not a guarantee of business profitability. For this reason, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan, calculate all costs and risks, then the likelihood of opening a profitable pawnshop will increase significantly.

What do you need to open your own pawnshop?

Before you decide to open a business, you should choose its specialization. So, pawnshops can be of the following types:

  1. car pawnshop- the organization accepts cars as collateral for the issued funds. Such a business is very profitable, but to organize its work, additional space will be required to accommodate machines.
  2. Antique- here, paintings, expensive fur clothes, old souvenirs, rare coins and other things of antique value are accepted as collateral.
  3. Technical- here, collateral items are household and other appliances that the client leaves in return for the money received.
  4. Jewelry is the most common type of business. In such pawnshops, precious metals and precious products made from them are accepted.

Often there are pawnshops of mixed types, in which, for example, a client can pawn both mobile phone and gold earrings. Such an integrated approach allows you to get more profit and attract an increased number of customers.

An entrepreneur, at the stage of making a decision to open a pawnshop, should study legislative acts regulating the activities of the enterprise:

  • federal law No. 196, which spells out the main aspects of the activity;
  • order of Rosfinmonitoring No. 203 dated August 3, 2010, which spells out the requirements for education and training;
  • order of the Ministry of Finance of 2001 under No. 68n, which lists the requirements for the activities of pawnshops dealing in precious stones and metals.

It is important to take into account that the legislation obliges pawnshops to apply the OSNO (general taxation system), while the storage of things accepted as collateral is subject to VAT, but the interest received is not. In accordance with this provision, the entrepreneur will be required to keep tax records for each type of activity.

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing to do at the opening planning stage is to study the market for these services. The businessman should:

  • carefully calculate the risks, costs of opening and organizing an enterprise;
  • find out how much pawnshops are in demand in a particular locality and area;
  • whether there is competition, whether he will be able to offer customers more favorable conditions than those of competitors.

If preliminary economic calculations satisfy the entrepreneur the company should be registered with official bodies:

  1. Register with the tax office as an LLC, indicating the relevant OKVED 65.22.6., 74.14., 67.13.5.
  2. Register the pawnshop within thirty days from the date of registration with the Assay Office and Rosfinmonitoring.
  3. To insure in the selected company providing these services, the accepted things in favor of the mortgagors. It is advisable to take out insurance for any amount so that you do not have to insure each item separately.

Selection and preparation of premises

The choice of location should be approached responsibly: a considerable share of success depends on the location. So, the best place for a pawnshop will be a shopping center or a separate room located in places with high customer traffic. It is very good if there is parking next to the pawnshop to be opened, and the premises themselves will be close to busy public transport stops.

The pawnshop does not need an expensive luxury environment - it is enough to put good chairs and a table in the area for clients, as well as equip the working area. But do not neglect security - you should install:

  • alarm and panic button for quick security call;
  • metal bars on the windows, in the place where the working and client areas are separated;
  • metal doors;
  • bulletproof glass;
  • video surveillance system.

The set of equipment for work will depend entirely on the preferences of the entrepreneur and the type of pawnshop, but in any case, you will need:

  • office equipment - printer, computer with licensed software, high-quality Internet, telephone;
  • special equipment - to determine the authenticity of products, high-precision weighing equipment, etc.;
  • commercial equipment - racks, counters, information boards, showcases, tables and chairs for staff and visitors.


To know about the pawnshop as much as possible large quantity customers, you should not spare money on advertising. First of all, you need to come up with a name for the pawnshop - it should be sonorous, memorable, not too long. Then you should order an eye-catching sign, which will indicate the name and mode of operation.

It will not be superfluous to order advertising in the media, hire promoters to distribute leaflets, organize enterprise groups in in social networks. An excellent solution is to hold a promotion on the opening days, for example: “For the first customers, the interest rate is halved!”.


To organize the work of a small pawnshop, a minimum staff is sufficient, consisting of qualified and certified workers:

  • manager
  • appraiser;
  • security guard
  • accountant;
  • merchandiser.

Often the functions of several employees are assigned to one employee, but this is best done only if the pawnshop is small, otherwise the employee will not be able to cope with all the duties.

Business plan

When drawing up a business plan, the most important thing is to calculate all costs and estimated profitability, profit. So, it is advisable to open a pawnshop, the profitability of which is at least 30%.

When writing a business plan, it is important to consider the initial costs:

  • for paperwork - 50,000 rubles;
  • repair and equipping of the premises - 1,000,000;
  • purchase of office equipment and equipment - from 300,000;
  • advertising - 150,000.

The initial costs should include funds intended for issuance to pledgers (at least 9 million rubles), and money intended to finance activities before it goes into plus (at least 2 million).

You should also consider monthly costs, which include:

  • payment of wages to employees - from 300,000 rubles;
  • rent - individually, depending on the location of the premises, it can vary from several hundred to several thousand rubles per square meter;
  • hiring security guards - from 150,000 rubles;
  • other expenses, tax deductions - from 200,000 rubles.

To calculate the profitability of a business, you should calculate how many percent the net profit from the proceeds received will be. For example, with a million revenue, the profit is 142,200 rubles, respectively, the profitability of the enterprise will be only 14.2%. In the first months of operation, such indicators are not low, but after 3-6 months they should at least double - this will mean that the pawnshop pays for itself and begins to make a profit.

The average cost of opening a pawnshop will be 12,000,000 rubles, this amount will include:

  • funds for issuing loans;
  • initial expenses for the repair of the premises, the purchase of equipment, furniture, appliances;
  • funds to finance activities in the first time.

With an average monthly revenue of 1,000,000 rubles and a net profit of 178 thousand rubles, the pawnshop will fully pay off in 84 months of work.

There is another option for opening your own pawnshop- Buying a franchise. This method will cost the entrepreneur more than self-opening, but will save on advertising (as a rule, franchisors provide all marketing materials). The advantage of opening a pawnshop under a franchise is brand recognition - people who want to get a secured loan more often turn to pawnshops with a famous name. And this fact is a guarantee of ensuring a constant flow of customers.

Main business benefits are the possibility of rapid development and high demand among the population for the services offered, so pawnshops are becoming increasingly popular as the main type of business activity. With the application of due efforts, well-coordinated and accurate work, a sufficient amount of investment, a pawnshop will begin to generate income that will grow annually after six months from the date of opening.

Opening a pawnshop is a rather specific type of business. You need to be well versed in the work of such institutions in order to be successful.

In this article we will consider all the nuances of such an event, and also give detailed business plan.

Is it good to open it?

To the question of whether the opening and further maintenance of a pawnshop is profitable, there is no and cannot be a specific answer. This will depend on a number of factors: office location, advertising effectiveness, room rent etc.

It is best for this venture to choose the busiest place with high traffic of people. The best option for office location is the city center, in the immediate vicinity of large shopping centers, shops, hypermarkets and other establishments with a high level of attendance.

However, this is not a guarantee that the new business will bring stable income. The issue of organizing a pawnshop should be approached seriously, carefully considering all the expenses, risks and the level of expected income. In addition, you need to draw up a detailed business plan, paying special attention to the economic part.

What documents and permits are needed?

Any entrepreneurial activity requires the availability of relevant documentation, a number of regulations and permits. Opening a pawnshop is a very troublesome event, you need to be prepared for this from the very beginning.

The fact is that the legal aspects governing the work of a pawnshop, in different regions countries are not the same. Also, the list is not the same. required documents and references. It may vary depending on the type of pawnshop you are going to open. Most often, a novice entrepreneur is required to:

  • permission to sell jewelry;
  • certificate of assay supervision, in the case when you are going to issue loans secured by jewelry. To obtain it, you need to register with the assay office;
  • all kinds of certificates, documentation for submission to the tax service;
  • you will have to register with the financial monitoring service;
  • documents confirming the accuracy of the laboratory scales;
  • obtaining certificates for pawnshop employees, etc.

The list of necessary certificates, confirmations and permits is quite impressive. Moreover, some certificates demonstrating the honesty and legality of the company's activities will have to be submitted to the relevant authorities more than once: every month, six months, a year, etc.

Types of pawnshops

There are several types of pawnshops specializing in:

  • accepting various types of equipment as collateral;
  • acceptance of jewelry, jewelry, gold from the 500th test, other valuable metals as a pledge. A jewelry pawnshop does not require the arrangement of an additional room for storing products. However, it may take a long time to resolve legal aspects and collecting the necessary documentation;
  • antiques, accepted under a very good deposit. Here visitors bring paintings, awards, old souvenirs and coins. Also here they can accept expensive clothes made of natural fur (mink, lynx, chinchilla, arctic fox, etc.). Such a pawnshop is a favorite place for many collectors;
  • issuance of a certain amount of money secured by a car. In order to open a car pawnshop, you will need additional parking space. However, the income from the work of such an institution can be quite good.

Step-by-step procedure for starting and running a business

To open a pawnshop from scratch, you need to carry out preliminary organizational work, which may include:

  • Thorough market research. The pawnshop business in Russia is only gaining momentum. Therefore, in some regions of the country, pawnshops can be found almost everywhere, while in others you cannot find a single institution of this type. The reason is the lack of serious network players.
    Before making a decision on organizing a business, you need to calculate all possible risks, try to predict whether this project will be successful, whether such services are in demand in the city and district, whether there is competition and how strong it is, etc.
  • Selecting the type of institution. A pawnshop can be: jewelry, technical, automotive, antiques, etc. It is necessary to determine the type of services offered, as well as the relevance of their provision.
  • Preliminary calculations for investing funds. On the this stage you need to calculate the funds that will be needed for registration, execution and collection of documents, purchase of equipment, etc.
    In addition, further monthly expenses for wages employees, rent of premises or parking. Based on the amount of monthly investments, you can calculate the interest rate of loans that will be issued by the institution on the security of property.
  • Choosing a location for an establishment. The main requirement here is high availability and visibility. It is best to place a pawnshop near busy streets, highways, shopping centers and other places with good traffic. A concise and memorable name, as well as a catchy and well-lit sign will do the trick.
  • Registration legal entity . It is worth considering that the principle of taxation of LLC or CJSC is general. The charter should clearly define the activities of the institution:
    • issuance of a short-term loan secured by movable property;
    • storage services for valuables;
    • providing information services and consultation.

    The very name of the legal entity must necessarily include the word "pawnshop".

  • Registration of documents, obtaining certificates, permits and certificates. This is a very troublesome and difficult stage, requiring a lot of patience and attention, as well as taking a lot of time. To date, compulsory licensing of a pawnshop is not applied. The list of required documents will largely depend on the type of institution, as well as on the area where it is located.
  • Design development, logo selection, as well as a number of other works aimed at creating a cozy atmosphere and a presentable appearance institutions.
  • Purchase of equipment. It all depends on the type of pawnshop, as well as on the personal preferences of its owner. However, it is unlikely to be possible without:
    • commercial equipment: showcases, racks, counters and racks, chairs for visitors, information boards, etc.;
    • office equipment: computer equipment, MFP, telephone, Internet connection, etc.;
    • equipment to ensure an adequate level of security: an alarm system, surveillance cameras, reliable and durable metal doors, locks, etc.;
    • special devices: scales with high precision, equipment for authenticating jewelry, etc.
  • Need to work on internal documentation. We can talk about the preparation of a cash register, a journal for briefing actions in case of fire, drawing up employment contracts, as well as orders establishing interest rates and the cost of precious metals and other products.
  • Advertising placement. In order for people to know about your existence, you need to tell them about it. Signs and posters placed on the facade are quite relevant. Sometimes they resort to posting ads or holding a promotion in honor of the opening.

Selection of premises, personnel

Most often, the offices of such institutions are located in large business centers. However, if this is not a network of branches, but one single pawnshop, and its organizer does not have enough funds to pay the rent, then you can choose a more economical option.

When choosing a room, you should take into account the type of pawnshop. For example, for an institution that issues a loan secured by equipment or antiques, you need a separate room for storing things and accessories. A car pawnshop must be equipped with a parking lot for cars. This will require separate costs for the lease of the territory.

When the pawnshop is ready to work - it's time to hire staff.

After all, they will have to deal with jewelry, all kinds of equipment, and even cars of various brands. It is important that the employee is well versed in this type of goods and able to correctly assess their cost.

In addition, the institution definitely cannot do without cashiers, loaders (in the case of work with large-sized equipment) and sellers. A separate role is assigned to the pawnshop manager. True, sometimes its functions are taken over by the appraiser.

Security questions

Before starting the work of the institution, you need to make sure that security is provided at the proper level. After all, everyone knows that a pawnshop is the very place where not only money is stored, but also all kinds of valuables, jewelry, expensive antiques and much more. Need to ensure reliable protection from hacking.

Special attention should be paid to the presence of an alarm button and an alarm. Cooperation with a security organization or independent hiring of security guards is possible.

The exercise of control over everything that happens in the institution, as well as the maintenance of order, is ensured through the choice software. This will help, among other things, to check the honesty of the work of the staff, to identify the presence of theft, etc.

How much does it cost and what will be the income?

Opening a pawnshop from scratch is a troublesome and very costly business. The cost of organizing a business will directly depend on the type of institution and the services it provides, on the location (city, district, region, etc.) and a number of other factors. The rent of a room in the center of a metropolis is several times higher than the same rent for an office in a small provincial town.

On average, it takes from 1 to 1.8 million rubles. The period for which the business will fully pay off and begin to make a profit can be about 1-2 years. So, a small pawnshop after a 3-year period can bring profit in the amount of 100-150 thousand rubles.

The period from the opening day to the end of 6 months of the institution's operation is especially important. This period of time can be called critical: funds for opening and developing a business have already been invested, but it has not yet reached a “plus”. In order to make a profit, you need to achieve high daily attendance: on average, from 30 to 50 people per day. Otherwise, the institution will continue to bring only losses. That is why after six months from the date of opening, over 30% of pawnshops simply close.

Interview with the owner of the pawnshop network

On the video - a detailed story about the business associated with these institutions:

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A high-quality business plan for a jewelry workshop is offered for those who feel a creative and entrepreneurial spirit in themselves. A jewelry workshop is needed in every settlement, because in addition to minor repairs of various jewelry: fixing locks, cleaning, replacing stones, such a workshop can make its own exclusive products. Please note that in this document you can find detailed descriptions of the stages of the formation of a jewelry company.

submitted finished document allows you not to engage in independent selection of data, calculations, because this is a ready-made instruction for action. In the document you will find feasibility studies for running this business, you will be able to decide on priorities and understand where to start putting into operation an interesting and profitable enterprise - a jewelry workshop.

It is possible to study information on opening a jewelry workshop right now. No undertaking can be carried out if you do not think about the selection of personnel. Jewelers and appraisers, security guards and a secretary should be on the staff of a reputable company that wants to provide high-quality services to the population in the manufacture and repair of jewelry made of silver, platinum and gold at the proper level.

Opening your own jewelry workshop is a very costly business. Like it or not - minimum investment not enough here. When planning to open a jewelry workshop, it is important to calculate in time how much money is needed to implement this business idea, so as not to understand halfway through what financial resources dried up, and before the completion of the case is still very, very far away.

First of all, the future businessman will have to decide on the list of services that will be provided by his company: it is one thing if you decide to open a company exclusively engaged in jewelry repair, and quite another if you also intend to provide clients with jewelry restoration services and the manufacture of exclusive jewelry to order. It is clear that in the second case the sum initial investment will be much more, but the turnover from such a company will be an order of magnitude higher.

In any case, be prepared for the fact that the arrangement of one workplace in a jewelry workshop will cost several thousand dollars, and the total cost of opening jewelry business may exceed $100 thousand. But if you don’t have that kind of money yet, don’t despair, but look for an opportunity to save money.

How to open a jewelry workshop, where to start - after thinking about it, do not forget to realistically assess your financial capabilities. How much money do you need to open a jewelry workshop? Do not hope that a few tens of thousands of dollars will be enough for you to open your own jewelry business that brings a stable income. On average, for these purposes it takes from $100 to $500 thousand. This amount includes the cost of renting a suitable premises, purchasing consumables and equipment for the jewelry workshop, as well as wages for the company's employees.

What can you save on? Certainly not on the protection of the premises, because it is about working with precious stones and metals. But a modern security system will cost less than equipping a special safe room. To work with precious metals, according to the requirements of Probirnadzor, it is necessary to have special scales of the highest class. But if the cost of $700-1000 seems too high to you, try buying a used scale. You can find them in the laboratory of any domestic industrial enterprise, and such a purchase will cost several times cheaper.

Such savings are all the more relevant if you open your business in the service sector during a crisis; in this case, a jewelry workshop can become a source of stable, albeit low, profit for you. Running a jewelry business requires a competent business plan for a jewelry workshop, which contains a description of the jewelry workshop, what role advertising plays in its development. With the help of this description, you will be able to choose the optimal mode of operation of the jewelry workshop, understand what you can save on, and what you should never do. By avoiding serious problems with this document, you will be able to as soon as possible become a successful businessman.

By creating a jewelry workshop, every businessman plans to attract as many customers as possible. But far from always grandiose plans can be realized. The hunting season for a client will end successfully only in one case - if you manage to interest him, offer what he needs. Studying aspects of the jewelry business, biographies of famous jewelers, you will certainly draw the main conclusion: the main thing is the details.

Today, exclusive jewelry is in the highest demand among lovers of precious stones and metals. The main players in the jewelry market in without fail take this feature into account, realizing that the desire to stand out and become the owner of an exclusive piece of jewelry drives many people. It is much more pleasant to pay money for an original thing than to buy mass stamping.

Focusing on these customer requests, you will be able to actively develop your business and recoup those solid financial capital that you have invested in the creation of a jewelry workshop. You should not focus only on the volume of jewelry production, since the exclusive is a piece work.

The peculiarity of the jewelry business in Russia is that in recent times the number of people who are eager to become the owner of an exclusive jewel is constantly growing. Such a purchase may good investment money, or become a luxurious and desirable gift for any date. Increasingly, original jewelry is given for a wedding, graduation, christening or engagement. Before you open a jewelry workshop, think about what kind of jewelry you will offer the buyer. Take a look at the official websites of jewelry workshops with product catalogs - how rich their range is!

It is very convenient when photos of jewelry made by master jewelers of your company are collected in one catalog. At the same time, you should be able to accept an order for each of these models at any time. It is not even worth talking about the quality of work - it can only be impeccable. The uniqueness of a piece of jewelry and the unsurpassed skill of a jeweler is the key to success in this business.

All employees must have a certain practical experience and appropriate training in the jewelry business - people without experience and knowledge are not able to create a positive reputation for your company. Reviews about the jewelry business spread very quickly, and if you make a mistake even once, it will be very problematic to climb back to the top of the business.

Competition in this area is not too high, but it exists. And the fight for survival is won by the one who can realize the most creative ideas, to attract a buyer by price, design, quality of work. Promotions in the jewelry business are of great importance: try to interest the consumer with special conditions, offer them bonuses and discounts when ordering exclusive jewelry models, and you will notice how the number of your customers begins to increase.

It is no secret that entrepreneurs who do not neglect such an important financial document as a business plan for a jewelry workshop achieve maximum success. Focusing on it, you will easily be able to comprehend the professional secrets of creating a jewelry business and will not get lost against the background of competitors.

The jewelry business attracts many entrepreneurs who decide to invest considerable financial resources in their business. If you are planning to open a jewelry business, then you perfectly understand what interest the emergence of a new player in this market segment will cause not only among your competitors, but also among numerous representatives of regulatory authorities. It is very difficult to open a jewelry business without experience in the relevant business activity, because even venerable businessmen do not always manage to avoid mistakes at the initial stage.

Having decided to organize his own jewelry production, a businessman should, first of all, think about the correct execution of all necessary documents. There are no trifles in this business: it is worth missing at least one seemingly insignificant detail - and a lot of problems in the future are provided for you. The business community of jewelers is often in a fever with information that another entrepreneur has serious friction with representatives of the Probirnadzor or the tax inspectorate. Can these problems be avoided? Undoubtedly! To do this, you only need to correctly and on time prepare a package of necessary documents for registering a business. Describing the main aspects of the jewelry business, our article will help you understand the complexities of relationships with regulatory authorities.

Conducting jewelry business involves working with precious stones and metals, so you cannot avoid business relationships with Probirnadzor. Having issued an IP, a newly-minted businessman must be registered with this controlling organization, the main activity of which is to protect the rights of buyers who purchase jewelry. In addition, the Assay Supervision protects the interests of the state in the use and processing of precious stones and metals.

You will be registered with the Probirnadzor only if you have a suitable room equipped with a safe, a special safe room, or a modern burglar alarm. If, in addition to the workshop, you plan to open a jewelry pawnshop, this point should also be taken into account when choosing a room. Next up is a trip to tax office where you also need to register. It is important to get all the documents right right away, this will allow you to significantly reduce the number of your subsequent visits to these organizations.

It will be much easier for you to prepare the most complete package of documents if you are guided by a professional business plan for a jewelry workshop. After carefully studying the business plan, you can easily figure out how to open an LLC, whose main activity will be the production of jewelry. In addition to a detailed list of documents required for company registration, this financial document contains a description of the company and the jewelry industry. You will learn about the importance of timely training for jewelers and what steps should be taken to quickly become a recognizable firm.

It's no secret that many craftsmen who own some kind of craft dream of one day leaving a hired job and opening their own full-fledged business, completely based on their favorite pastime. Among them are many jewelers who will be interested in the basic aspects of creating their own workshop. To create successful business, you need to find out what documents are required for the official registration of the company, how to choose a room, what equipment to purchase for work, how to organize advertising and promotion of services.

How to open a jewelry workshop: where to start

The history of jewelry goes back to ancient times.

Ancient Greece is considered to be the birthplace of jewelry in the usual sense. It was the Greeks who began to mine and process precious metals and use precious stones in jewelry. In Russia, the industrial extraction of semi-precious stones and precious metals began in the middle of the 17th century. They made not only jewelry, but also a variety of household items, works of art, as well as church utensils.

To create a successful business, a novice businessman must be ready for a very long and serious work on his project.

Jewelery has always been a very profitable business. Today, with the right organization of the business, a jewelry workshop can also bring quite serious dividends to its owner. However, this activity is associated with commercial risks, since it requires large investments.

Jewelry workshop business plan

Before proceeding with the direct organization of the work of the workshop, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the market where you plan to work. It is important to study possible competitors, to understand what services they provide and at what prices, as well as in what places they are located. It is useful to study their mode of operation, to find out how orders are received, how quickly ready orders are issued, whether it is possible to communicate with the master directly or only through managers, whether communications through the website or email. Try to analyze the flow of customers, calculate their number, type of activity, income level, the most popular orders and average cost purchases.

Having formed an understanding of how colleagues work, you will be able to create a competitive list of services and a price list for them, choose an acceptable mode of operation, and also understand in which area of ​​the city you should look for a room for a workshop.

A jewelry workshop can provide different services, depending on the qualifications of the specialists who work in it. Contemporary Technical equipment allows you to produce almost any kind of products, without limiting the imagination and wishes of the customer. The only obstacle to creativity can only be the final cost of the product. The work of a jeweler uses precious and semi-precious stones, red gold, yellow (lemon) gold, white gold, silver and other materials.

The jewelry workshop can provide customers with a variety of services, including the production of jewelry with precious stones.

As a rule, all the details of the future product are discussed with the client first, so that he understands what he will receive in the end. To place an order, you must select materials. The product can be made both from the materials provided by the workshop (in this case, when placing an order, the client is charged an advance payment in the amount of the cost of materials), and from the customer's materials.

When you have decided on the basic points, you can proceed to more serious preparations for starting a business. It is important to calculate both the start-up costs of organizing an enterprise and the expenses that you will have to bear monthly. It is better to write down the entire calculation on paper in order to be able to periodically check the calculations and adjust your financial and strategic plans. A business plan is useful not only large enterprises who want to attract an investor or get a bank loan for business development. Thanks to him, you will not go astray from the chosen path and will be able to plan your financial flows in the best way.

many private entrepreneurs in practice appreciated the benefits of having a business plan

Business registration: what documents are required

To start the official activity of a jewelry workshop, it is necessary to register an enterprise. Most often, novice entrepreneurs choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC as a form of registration. The main difference between these two types of businesses is that individual entrepreneur is liable for the company's debts with all its property, and the company with limited liability in case of trouble, it risks only its authorized capital. Based on the characteristics of a jewelry workshop, it is better to register an LLC, however, in each case, a decision must be made taking into account individual circumstances and the wishes of the business owner.

The state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, for registering an LLC - 4,000 rubles. The registration period for both forms does not exceed three working days. An individual entrepreneur can be issued independently, and to register an LLC, most likely, you will have to use the services of lawyers, since only a professional will be able to draw up the statutory documents without errors. In addition, in order to form an LLC, it is required to make authorized capital in the amount of at least 10,000 rubles, this must be done within four months after the registration of the company.

For the legal work of a jewelry workshop, an entrepreneur must also register with the Russian State Assay Office under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Without a certificate of registration, you will not be able to repair precious items and purchase precious stones and metals for work. In addition, the presence of such a certificate allows the jeweler to receive a state assay mark on his products, confirming the authenticity of the precious metals used.

Video: how to put a brand on jewelry and check the gold standard

You will also need to register a personal name - a special mark of the manufacturer, which is affixed to the created products, and contains encrypted information about the year of manufacture of the product, the manufacturer of the product, as well as the state inspection in which it is registered. At the end of each year, it is necessary to draw up an act on the destruction of the personal name, destroy it and submit the act to the assay inspection, then order the release of a new name. For small workshops, the most convenient are electrospark names or a combined brand (sample and letters).

The presence of a personal name is one of the prerequisites for the work of a private master jeweler or a jewelry workshop.

The presence of a name required condition jewelry business

The form and structure of the name cipher are as follows:

  • all signs must be enclosed in a single outline;
  • contour shape (same for all manufacturers) state inspections Assay supervision is determined independently.

Name cipher structure:

  • code of the year - 1 position;
  • GIPN code, to which the manufacturer belongs - 2nd position;
  • manufacturer's code - 3rd and 4th position.

Room selection

If you decide to open a jewelry workshop, you will have to resolve issues with the selection and search for a suitable room for work. Several options are possible here. If you already have a jewelry store, open a jewelry repair shop as additional service for clients. If this is not possible, look for direct rent or sublease in specialized premises, such as shopping malls or other stores. Depending on the range of services provided, as well as the portrait of the potential target audience, the workshop can be located in the city center or on the outskirts.

For a comfortable organization of work at the initial stage, you will have enough room with an area of ​​​​15–20 square meters. This space must be divided into two zones, in one of which communication with customers and receiving orders takes place, and in the other it will be equipped workplace craftsmen and installed safes for storing materials and jewelry. For a zone hidden from prying eyes, it is quite enough to allocate 5–7 meters.

A jewelry store should be stylish and attractive to customers.

In the client area, you can also equip a small exhibition space to showcase exclusive jewelry made in the workshop. Do not underestimate the visual design of the workshop, because in the jewelry business, the image is the main component of success. Try to choose the most stylish place you can afford for work, and use the services of professional designer and construction company.

If you are lucky enough to rent a room with a separate entrance from the street, decorate the porch so that potential clients it was easy to find you. Hang a bright sign above the entrance, make sure that the steps are not slippery in the winter season and in the off-season, and the information about the opening hours is correct.

Photo gallery: decoration of the interior space of the jewelry workshop

A noticeable sign above the porch of the workshop will help customers not to pass by Special equipment allows you to demonstrate jewelry in the most favorable angle 5-7 square meters of space is enough to organize a jeweler's workplace Jewelery needs special lighting to make the best impression on the client It is better to invite a professional for window dressing designer In the client area, you can organize an exhibition area for jewelry made in the workshop

If possible, you should choose rooms that receive a sufficient amount of daylight. This will help save on the cost of lighting the foreman's workplace, as well as preserve the health of your employees. Some experts recommend providing the floor with a special coating that prevents material loss. Such a coating can be, for example, a zinc grating. Metal crumbs will not be pressed into the soles of the workshop employees' shoes, but will fall to the floor between the cells of the grate. Every evening, the grate must be lifted, and the sawdust of precious metals accumulated there must be collected with a special vacuum cleaner and reused in work. By taking such measures in advance, you can minimize lost profits. For the same reasons, workplace cleaning should not be outsourced.

When choosing a workshop space, pay special attention to safety issues, as you will be working with very valuable materials. Additional grilles should be installed on the windows, and the window panes themselves should be made of impact-resistant materials. A wise move would be to conclude an agreement with a security agency to provide additional security at the facility.

Be sure to make sure that basic communications (electricity, plumbing, sewerage, telephone and Internet) are available at the facility.

What equipment is required

To fully equip a jewelry workshop, you need to invest a significant amount. Of course, a lot depends on what kind of services will be provided in your workshop. To work, you will need several types of equipment:

  • office;
  • trade;
  • production.

Office equipment includes a computer, multifunction printer, telephone, as well as tables, chairs, and shelving.

Table: jewelry workshop office equipment

To commercial equipment include special jewelry showcases in which you will display samples of your products. The cost of jewelry showcases can vary depending on their size, design and materials of manufacture and range from several tens of thousands of rubles for one showcase to several hundred thousand.

Photo gallery: equipment for displaying finished jewelry in showcases

Some jewelry looks especially advantageous in a set For display, choose the jewelry that makes the greatest impression on customers Try to lay out the earrings so that the price tags do not cover the products themselves Portable box is good for displaying workshop jewelry at exhibitions You can use various stands to display rings Jewelry can be presented in the most favorable light with the help of unusual display stands Demonstrate bracelets and watches conveniently with the help of a special stand

Table: list of production equipment for the work of a jeweler

Equipment Cost, in rubles
SafeFrom 80 000
Scales5 000 ‒ 30 000
Microscope20 000 ‒ 50 000
Round nose pliers, scissors, pliers, tweezers, wire cutters, thread gauge, radius gauge and other small tools for workFrom 20 000,
depending on the number and dimensions of the tool
Jigsaw, screwdriver, drill with nozzles, soldering iron and other power toolsFrom 30 000,
Files of various profiles, rasps, hammers with heads different forms, anvils,From 30 000,
depending on the type and number of tools
Gasoline-air burner for melting gold500 ‒ 10 000,
depending on the features of the tool
Smelting Furnace for Smelting Silver25 000 ‒ 50 000
Molds for metalFrom 1 500 per piece
Electric rollers125 000 ‒ 230 000
Manual rollers25 000 ‒ 60 000
Tools for rolling and drawing (spindle boards circle and semicircle of different diameters, pliers for drawing, drawing pliers)From 25 000,
depending on the number and size of tools
galtovka10 000 ‒ 60 000
engraving machine50 000 ‒ 400 000
casting machine100 000 ‒ 250 000
Jewelry vacuum cleaner20 000 ‒ 35 000
polishing machine25 000 ‒ 35 000

The equipment of one workplace in a complete set requires about 200,000 - 250,000 rubles.

Video: how to choose jewelry equipment for a beginner

Traditional for those who want to save a little on starting a business is the advice to purchase used equipment that has retained its functionality.

Range of services and workflow organization

The most common jewelry workshop services include:

  • finalization of jewelry and fitting them in size;
  • installation and fixing of stones;
  • cleaning jewelry with ultrasound or a steam generator;
  • jewelry repair, bead hauling;
  • production of exclusive products from the customer's raw materials;
  • making copies of jewelry;
  • production of products from non-ferrous scrap of the customer (watch bracelets, earrings, rings, gold crowns or chains can be used as scrap);
  • manufacture of silverware.

To work, you will need to periodically purchase precious stones and metals. For the safe acquisition of precious metals, it is recommended to contact a bank that has a license and the right to dispose of the gold and foreign exchange reserves for their own purposes. There are state-established rates for the purchase of gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals.

Available today different ways buying precious metals. You can buy scrap from private companies or from your clients. In this case, the cost of materials will be 30-50% lower, however, to work with such material, it will have to be subjected to additional remelting. Precious stones can be bought from suppliers in Russia or brought from abroad. Traditionally, Russian emeralds, rubies and other precious stones are supplied by factories from Yakutia.

Video: about mining, buying and selling gems


To answer the question of what kind of personnel will be required for the operation of the enterprise, it is necessary to understand how much money you are ready to invest in the company at the initial stage. If you are limited in finances, then for some time you may well work alone. If the resources allow to involve specialists in the work, then at first it is recommended to hire no more than one or two professional craftsmen and one or two apprentices.

You may need an accountant, security guards, and a marketing and advertising specialist. Many entrepreneurs hire an account manager. This person takes orders and communicates with customers on current issues.

Do not neglect the services of security companies, save on security in this business it is forbidden

Not all employees should be hired. To ensure the protection of the workshop, it is advisable to conclude an agreement with a large security agency, whose employees have the right to carry firearms. Instead of a full-time accountant, you can use either the work of a freelancer, or independently conduct online accounting using special programs. An advertising and marketing specialist can be involved in one-time projects.

It will be more reliable to accept master jewelers on the staff, just like the apprentices of a jeweler. If you do not understand jewelry, it is recommended to invite an experienced specialist to interview with a jeweler who will help you evaluate professional competencies candidate. Please review the submitted resumes carefully. Do not be too lazy to find out the contact details of previous employers and make inquiries about the applicant. Appreciate the first impression a person makes on you. Try to understand how much the master will be motivated to work, whether he can be entrusted with working with valuable materials and expensive tools, whether he will be able to prepare the student.

To search for personnel, you can use various channels, for example, specialized sites on the Internet (headhunter.ru, avito.ru), newspaper ads, personal connections, acquaintances and recommendations.

Video: about the profession of a jeweler

How to organize advertising

Competent advertising and marketing is the key to success in any business, especially at its initial stage. Advertising costs can be quite significant, so it is important to understand exactly where to spend your advertising budget.

There are various methods that can be used to advertise a jewelry workshop, which will depend on many factors, such as where your workshop is located. If you managed to rent a room near crowded places, try to make a noticeable sign above the entrance. If you work as a department in jewelry store, make arrangements with salespeople in other departments to recommend your services for fitting or repairing items.

At the start of work, attract additional customers with services that competitors do not provide. For example, you can choose a mode of operation that makes it as convenient for customers as possible. Plan your work schedule so that weekends fall on the days when the least customers come.

For advertising, you can use local newspapers and posting paper ads. If you not only repair products, but also sell ready-made rings or bracelets own production, will help your own website or communities on social networks VKontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki.

The VKontakte website is used in the European part of Russia, Odnoklassniki is popular beyond the Urals and in the Far East, and residents of the metropolitan cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow prefer to spend their free time on Facebook.

Stylishly designed jewelry catalog will be a great help to your business

You can also develop a website yourself. However, in working with jewelry how beautifully you can present your work plays a very important role. Therefore, it is recommended to use the services professional photographer to create a photo gallery of your work. A professional portfolio will be a good help in business, and you should not save on creating it. It is recommended that you first invite a photographer, and then a designer who will make up a printed catalog from the received photos. It can be posted on the website, in social networks, and also printed in paper form in the form of a beautiful magazine or book for demonstration to clients. Don't skimp on printing. A color printer will not work. Be sure to contact the printer.

For work, you will also need business cards indicating the address, hours of operation and a list of services provided. Jewelers are traditionally referred to as representatives of creative professions, so it is important that your business card also looks professional and beautiful.

Video: how to photograph jewelry

To promote a site on the Internet, you can use contextual advertising in social networks Google and Yandex, as well as targeted advertising in social networks. It will also help you promote your community on social networks. You can figure out for yourself how these advertising campaigns, hire a freelancer or use the services of a specialized advertising agency.

A few words about pricing. Do not get involved in dumping. Such a strategy will not benefit you in the long run, as customers who are accustomed to low prices, will feel deceived when they see after some time an offer to pay the real cost of the work.

If you are engaged in the manufacture of exclusive jewelry, you need to think about the packaging of finished products. You can get additional profit by offering your customers beautiful cases and gift boxes for earrings, rings, chains or silverware.

Photo Gallery: Jewelry Packaging Gift Boxes

The cost of the jewelry box should correspond to the cost of the jewelry itself.