Ideas from China. How to start a business with China for resale without investment? Features of payment for goods from China on Aliexpress

Hello dear readers! Anatomy of Business simply had to pay attention to such a popular question today - what are the business ideas from China? This magnificent country has long been ahead in its own way. economic development giants of the big seven and most of the world's leading countries. Today, the Chinese are real wizards. They are able to produce goods for any consumer.

It is no secret that almost all world brands are now produced in China, because it is there that it is the cheapest to do it. Therefore, "made in China" is not always a bad quality. The same brand of machine can be made in China for different markets. Only for the cheaper segment, its price will be 10 thousand USD, and for the expensive one - 30 thousand USD. Accordingly, the quality and characteristics will be different. There are no restrictions for the Chinese, they will do anything. The only question is how much are you willing to pay.

But even Chinese goods of good quality are much cheaper than domestic counterparts. Amazingly, sometimes the markup can reach up to 500%! And the products from the Celestial Empire are presented as national. Not surprisingly, such price gaps are very attractive to businessmen. That is why, when someone talks about business ideas from China, first of all, trade is meant: to buy cheaper there in order to sell more expensive here. But what kind of goods can be sold and how to set up a mechanism? Let's try to figure this out together.

Business ideas from China for everyone who does not have an initial investment!

There is an idea that does not involve any investment - this is dropshipping. Have you heard of this? The literal translation from English sounds like "direct delivery". This method consists in the fact that you act as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. You order the necessary goods on behalf of the first: register on the site, communicate with the seller if necessary, track the delivery afterwards, that is, take care of everything organizational issues. And the buyer can only wait for his order, which comes to him at his own address.

This method has many advantages: you do not need to hire employees, look for a room as a warehouse, for effective work you only need the Internet, and of course you don’t need to invest your money - all calculations are carried out at the expense of the customer on an advance payment.

The main disadvantage of this method is that delivery takes at least three weeks. There are also risks of package loss or customs delays. Not all buyers are willing to wait that long. But practice shows that most people manage to build on this good profitable business. Income in this case is the markup on the cost of acquisition. What will be this margin - 10% or 100% - you decide.

Which in this case is better to use the Internet - we have already told the resource in our article

Well, if you do not want to lose customers, then with the same success you can purchase goods for your own money, and only later engage in sales through social networks, trading platforms and own site.

Here you need to remember - if the order amount is less than 1000 euros, then you do not need to pay customs clearance services. Accordingly, exceeding this threshold, it will be necessary to include customs clearance in the cost price.

What are the best Chinese products to sell?

Souvenir products are in great demand. The cost of such consumer goods in China is cheap, but here it is the sellers who break the bank, bringing the margin to unimaginable sizes.

Leather bags are also a priority. In Russia they are very expensive. Therefore, there is a good opportunity to dump the market, while providing high-quality and inexpensive products, and of course, making good money on this.

In general, the Chinese often come up with some unusual goods, novelties, which cannot be found in the domestic expanses. You can track their appearance using the Internet, quickly order and distribute.

One of these products recently caught my eye - a smart bottle that gives clues to its owner on the amount of water not drunk during the day according to the standard. At first glance, it may seem - what nonsense. But personally, I understand that this is not nonsense at all, but a real revolutionary discovery, on which you can make good money.

It's no secret that the trend healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition and sports are now a priority. Being athletic, beautiful and healthy is now not only useful, but also fashionable. In social networks, there are more and more groups dedicated to sports topics. YouTube is full of various channels about fitness and healthy eating. I myself am a member of such a group, I read the news every day, I go to the gym. Athletes are a category of fanatical people. They will stop at nothing to get things done. But 60% of the result depends on nutrition. I know from my own experience that drinking 2 liters of water a day, as it is recommended to do to increase metabolism, especially when it has not become a habit, is very difficult. You just forget to do it. That is why such a bottle, for me personally, would be a salvation. And I am sure that a huge part of people would like to purchase such a useful product.

When implementing, you can not only cooperate with groups on sports topics in social networks, but also directly with fitness clubs, gyms, dance directions. People would buy it!

My point is that you need to look for such new products and immediately get to work. I am sure that the result can be felt very soon.

If you own some start-up capital, then a furniture trade will be an excellent solution. Such a business implies a completely different level of income.

Among the business ideas from China, selling furniture is a sure-fire option!

Many have heard about furniture from China: it is of high quality and inexpensive, and the variety of styles amazes even the most fastidious customer. Here you can find everything: from classics to high-tech.

The largest furniture factories are concentrated in the suburbs of Guangzhou. Among them, one can single out the city of Foshan - the center of Chinese furniture production. There are just a huge number of factories, each of which has its own exhibition centers. There is an opportunity not only to visually evaluate the purchase, but also to touch, sit, and also directly visit the manufacturer at the factory. All this is welcome. Some factories have their showrooms right on production area. Of course, ordering Chinese furniture via the Internet is also possible, but if you plan to seriously engage in this, then you should definitely visit there. And not only to see all this magnificence of choice, but also to establish business connections. In China, the popular furniture exhibition China International Furniture Fair takes place twice a year, in which only Chinese manufacturers exhibit their products.

Of course, you may be confused or even frightened by the very idea of ​​an independent trip to another country. But in this case, everything is already thought out for us. Shopping tours in China are now very popular. The furniture industry is a leader among all kinds of shopping tours. A large number of agencies offer such services for a fee. It is not necessary to order a shop-tour on every trip, it is enough to buy furniture once and bring it home, and then you can act independently. During this tour you will be guided through a huge number of furniture suppliers, including both exhibition centers and places of direct production. Such a trip is beneficial even if you purchase furniture not for subsequent sale, but for yourself. The fact is that prices in Russia for such goods are at least three times higher. Usually such a shop-tour can take about five days.

Features of delivery of furniture from China!

But with the delivery you need to be very careful. As a rule, cargo from China comes to Vladivostok by sea, and then by road or by rail to the destination.

As a standard, carrier companies offer delivery from China to your door at a total price of about six hundred US dollars per cubic meter of a container. But in practice, such delivery results in huge sums for the buyer. Besides, transport companies can lay the same cost of transportation from the port to Moscow and to Khabarovsk, for example. This is completely illogical, and I agree with that. Therefore, it is in your interests to make delivery with reloading - one tariff to the port, another from the port to your city. For example, there are carriers that deliver from Guangzhou to the port of Vladivostok for 80 USD. per cubic meter. And then the price varies depending on your place of residence. But such an approach to transportation saves twice as much as it is unreasonable to pay 600 USD at once. per cubic meter. It is necessary to find out all the details of transportation and tariffs. By simple calculations, you can determine what the real price of transportation is and what justifies the offer of the logistics company.

What is the savings when buying furniture in China?

As we have already said, furniture in China is much cheaper than domestic. Even if you take into account customs clearance and delivery, all the same, there is a big gap. For example, a sofa set in China can be purchased for 60 thousand rubles, taking into account all expenses. We have exactly the same will cost about 150 thousand rubles. At the same time, domestic manufacturers often do not say that the furniture is Chinese, selling it under their own brand.

Of course, before you start this business, you need to accurately calculate everything. Determine the target category of buyers. This will directly affect the amount of profit. After all, a significant part of the cost is shipping. And it does not depend on the quality of the furniture. Transporting a container stuffed with $10,000 worth of inexpensive furniture will cost the same as a $100,000 luxury item.

In conclusion, I want to say that the success of the implementation of any business idea from China, of course, depends, first of all, on your desire, perseverance, work and faith in success. You can constantly come up with excuses for yourself, like, “it’s difficult,” “it’s not profitable,” “it’s not for me,” or you can just start doing something. Many people have built their own successful business, you can not even come up with something new. There will be enough buyers for everyone and money too! Anatomy of business wishes you all kinds of victories and successful implementation of your plans!

According to experts, the resale of goods is the easiest and, at the same time, the most profitable way to make money. It is especially profitable to sell Chinese products that differ low prices and quite acceptable quality. The most important thing is to find a manufacturer who will supply products on favorable terms to you. Business with China for resale without investment can be organized by anyone. How to do it right, we will discuss in this article.

Business without investments is real

AT recent times many aspiring entrepreneurs are concerned about the question of how to do business with China without investment? The easiest way to make money is dropshipping. This is a very popular activity that does not require start-up capital. Its essence lies in the establishment of direct deliveries of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer. This type of business appeared in our country relatively recently. It began to develop in parallel with online trading.

Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties and nuances of doing business with China without investments. For example, you have own online store. A customer visits your site, places an order, and pays for their purchase. After that, you search partners from China for the product he needs, buy it at a lower price and send it to the client. The price difference is your profit. All that is required of you is to find a trusted partner. It is advisable to agree on cooperation with the manufacturer of the product. If you order goods for an amount not exceeding 1 thousand euros, you can not pay customs duties. Large orders require official registration and payment of all taxes.

One page website

Another option for those who want to organize a business with China for resale is a one-page website or, in other words, an online trading platform. Such a resource should have a stylish original design. In this case, you need to pay special attention to every detail.

Entrepreneurs go to different tricks to ensure that the user who visits the site must click the "buy" button. A single page website is great for promoting any product. According to statistics, products that are offered at a low price in a single copy are best sold. It is bought much more willingly than several items of goods with the same discount. As a rule, buyers are lost in front of a large assortment, so they can visit an online store and, as a result, buy nothing. On a one-page site, everything is simple, because it presents only one type of product with complete information.

To open such a business with China without investment, you need to choose popular products that are in great demand among consumers. It is desirable that it be some kind of unique product. It is clear that TVs or refrigerators are unlikely to interest buyers, since in our time you can buy such equipment anywhere. Before you create a website, carefully consider its design and functionality. If you do not have knowledge in this area, seek help from specialists who will make you a high-quality Internet resource and fill it with unique content. In addition, you need to resolve the issue with the delivery of goods. In this case, you can use the services of postal or courier service. If we are talking about some large cargo, agree on cooperation with a transport company.

What to trade?

Before starting a business with China, you must first decide. Production in the Middle Kingdom covers almost all market segments:

  • clothes;
  • Shoes;
  • Textile;
  • Medical equipment;
  • electronics;
  • Kids toys;
  • Industrial machines and production lines.

If you are not interested in reselling goods, you can find interesting idea production for small businesses from China and sell it in their own country. Equipment for the enterprise is best ordered from Chinese manufacturers. China offers any construction, woodworking or packaging equipment, equipment for sewing shops, car services and more. Chinese manufacturers organize the delivery of equipment, train staff and tell you how to organize production in a small room. In addition, they guarantee Maintenance and repair of purchased equipment.

branded items

Another one profitable business an idea from China is the resale of branded items. Many famous trade marks moved their production to China. These are all kinds of companies that produce:

  • clothes;
  • household appliances;
  • Watch;
  • Computers and more.

cheap work force allows you to implement any ideas of small business in China without any problems. As an example, one can take sportswear Nike. Despite the fact that this is a well-known American brand, almost all of its products are made in China. Of course, the company strictly controls the quality of its products, which is a guarantee that you are buying really good product. By hiring the Chinese, Nike significantly reduced the cost of production and, accordingly, increased its income.

Communication and communications

Beginners often ask the question, how to start a business with China? At the stage of formation, the most important thing is to formulate an offer that will interest the buyer. Therefore, do not immediately put too high prices. When your outlet starts to prosper, the rates can be gradually raised. At the initial stage, try to save as much as possible on advertising. Products can be promoted absolutely free of charge on thematic forums or in social networks. In order to carry out an effective advertising campaign without investment, you need free time and your imagination. In addition, in the process of self-promotion, you can find out the preferences of your audience and, based on the results, create a suitable assortment. Do not abuse discounts as they reduce your income. If the product is in demand on the market, it will be bought at the price you set.

The most popular Chinese marketplaces

To implement new business ideas from China in 2018, you need to find a reliable supplier. In principle, it is possible to establish cooperation with several sellers who supply goods, both wholesale and retail. Consider some of the most popular online stores that offer customers free shipping goods:

  • AliExpress. This is one of the largest Chinese Internet resources where customers from different countries peace. Here, buyers can safely purchase any product, since the money is transferred to the seller after the client confirms the quality of the purchased products;
  • BuyInCoins. This site presents a wide range of products. Promotions are often held here, within which you can purchase goods on favorable terms. Prices for this trading platform about a third lower than in other online stores. In addition, you can find discount coupons on the Internet that allow you to purchase goods on BuyInCoins for another 5-8 percent cheaper.

Organizational moments

Beginners often ask how to organize their business from scratch with China? As mentioned above, the easiest way is to open your own online store. If you do not understand anything in web technologies, you will have to pay money to developers for the creation and promotion of your electronic trading platform.

How much money do you need to start a business with China?

Chinese goods can also be resold through ordinary stores. The easiest way to implement a business idea for selling goods from China is to rent outlet in the supermarket. You can also organize the sale of products through social networks. For example, your page in Vkontakte may resemble an online store, but it does not require any financial investments. This is a great option for people who are looking for. To increase sales, you can hold various contests and sweepstakes. For example, a person who reposted to their page can win an inexpensive gadget. As a result, you will be able to attract a large target audience to your product. As a rule, any new business ideas from China bring a good income, so your business will prosper.


Hello dear readers! It's time to summarize all the information about Business with China into one complete guide. There are a lot of articles on the site and today I put it all together so that in your head there is one complete picture of the business with China on the resale of goods and you know where to start!

  1. What do we mean by business with China and how it works;
  2. How to start a business with China for the resale of goods and what is needed for this;
  3. Where to buy goods, how to do it and how to sell.

As usual, I write everything from personal experience. So, a complete guide to doing business with China!

What is business with China and what is its essence

When I talk about doing business with China, I mean reselling goods from China. Those. bought goods in China, sold in Russia. This will be discussed further. Resale only!

I will not touch on production in China because it is a very labor intensive process. And if you have money for it, then it is better to spend it on the advice of specialists in this field. Therefore, do not ask me questions regarding production in China if you do not have at least a few million rubles for this. No one in China is going to make you 10 pieces of something. Production is measured in thousands. I'm talking about conveyor (factory), and not underground production.

Why business with China is still considered profitable

It has always been profitable and will be profitable for a long time to come. It is enough to look around in your apartment and you will understand that most electronics and household appliances are made in China, clothes are sewn in China, etc. Everything comes from there!

Fact #1. Russia will not learn how to produce stylish clothes, good electronics, etc. for a long time to come. I love my country, but there's nothing to be done, I have no faith that everything will change quickly in Russia. I would only be glad, but alas, so far we have what we have.

Fact number 2. Although many people can already order goods from China on the same Aliexpress, there will always be those who find it easier to buy from you in Russia and receive their purchase now or in a few days than to wait a month or even more until the order arrives from Aliexpress . If it were otherwise, stores in Mega and other shopping centers would have been empty for a long time.

Fact number 3. China is the world's largest "counterfeiter" of famous brands. Many brands have production in China and within a month after the release of any branded novelty, exact copies (fakes) appear on the Chinese markets at a price several times lower. No one can compete with China in this, which means we will always buy desired goods exactly there.

There are many more things to list, but I think that 3 facts are enough.

Is it possible to start a business with China without investments or only with investments

Business with China without investment is not possible! No way. At a minimum, you will need to invest in goods, advertising, a website, etc.

You will say that there is dropshipping with China. I agree! But after all, no one canceled investments in the site and advertising (at least).

Possible with investment. But only initially you need to calculate the amount of investments to implement your idea.

Who can do business with China

Now I will give a few criteria that are mandatory, in my opinion:

  1. You must be interested in this. If you are interested in the activity "Buy-sell", then this is for you.
  2. You must have free time. The more, the faster you will get the results of your labors.
  3. You should at least superficially understand how sales on the Internet work and know the types of advertising.
  4. You must have at least a modern computer or laptop.
  5. You must be a confident PC and Internet user.
  6. You must be able to see immediately what is profitable and what is not.
  7. You should not have questions about what markup to make on a product, etc. This is easy to check by comparing prices in China with your competitors in Russia and making a Grade 1 school calculation (Sale price - China price = markup). In any commerce, whether it is China or not, you must be able to count, and even more so money.
  8. You must be able to find products that are in demand.
  9. You should not have the last money, but free money, which in which case it is not a pity to lose.
  10. You must be willing to learn a lot of new information.

And you don’t need to believe any pseudo-gurus on the Internet that you can start a business with China without investments, spending 20 minutes a day on it and working from your phone. All this is a lure to buy information courses. There is only 1 course that really teaches and in which the real distribution of sales of goods from China. But read about it below if you are interested.

How to start a business with China on the resale of goods

Below will be step-by-step instruction, but because a lot has already been written on my site, I will give links for some moments so that you can read more.

Step 1. Idea for a business with China - what to sell

First you need to find an idea:

  1. What do you want to sell;
  2. Why exactly this product;
  3. How will you sell it?
  4. Who is your potential customer?
  5. How much can you earn on this?
  6. Where is the best place to buy your product?

I will go into more detail below. But after your analysis, the idea should look like this.


  1. I will sell bags;
  2. Because it has no dimension, but has a constant demand;
  3. Since the assortment is large, it will be an online store + a group on Vkontakte + an Instagram account;
  4. I will initially focus on the female audience, because. they change them more often, in the future I will connect the men's assortment;
    Or first I will start selling men's bags, because I understand this product and I know that their prices are often higher, which means a higher margin + I myself am a man and I understand the male audience better.
  5. After reviewing 100 sites selling men's bags and sites where you can buy them in China, I saw that you can wind up OT 100% on a product, which will double the money invested in the product from the sale. Having invested 20 000 r. I will receive 40,000 rubles. Subtract from this money for advertising, etc. still make a good profit. + there is a run for discounts.
  6. Since I don’t have money for wholesale, and I need to test it on a smaller amount first, I’ll stop at the Taobao website. If I live in Moscow, then it still makes sense to go to the Sadovod market.

Example 2:

  1. I will sell the Scholl Heel File;
  2. Because this product is actively advertised even on TV and is in great demand;
  3. Since there is only one product, I will sell through the Landing Page (one-page site) + Vkontakte group + Instagram account. I will use contextual advertising for traffic to a one-page site.
  4. Women and girls from 20 to 45 years old with an average and above average income (because with a low income they are better off buying pumice).
  5. After looking at 100 competitor sites, the average price for this file is 2000 rubles, and in China I can buy it for 600 rubles. Good twist. If you consider that there are thousands of requests on the Internet, then you can make good money.
  6. Since I have one product, I will consider buying on the 1688 website or Taobao. If I live in Moscow, then it still makes sense to go to the Sadovod market.

And the more detailed your scheme and your analysis, the more accurate the results will be. I advise you to choose more than 10 niches, analyze and test each one and already deal with those that are most interesting and profitable for you.

What is profitable to sell from China?

The answer is simple - anything! Everything that you can sell and what EXACTLY it will be profitable for you to sell.

You should initially approach this from the side of profit: “This product in Russia costs 1000 rubles, but I found it in China for 200 rubles. It's profitable, buy for 200, sell for 1000. And not vice versa!

I can't tell you exactly what to sell to you. Because everyone has a different vision of the market and not everyone can sell everything. The choice of goods is an individual process for everyone. I know people who earn hundreds of thousands a month on women's bracelets. But I could not sell women's bracelets the way they sell, which means I could not make money like that. I hope you understand what I mean?!

The following articles will help you find business ideas with China:

Step 2. Where and how to buy goods in China wholesale and retail

The basis of those sites where you can buy goods:

  1. Taobao
  2. Aliexpress
  3. Alibaba

The first 2 retail, the second 2 wholesale. I have been working with Taobao for retail and since 1688 for wholesale! But very often I look for suppliers on Alibaba (I don’t buy there, but I look for suppliers and correspond with them !!!)

But you can also buy in Russia (in Moscow) at.

To work with these sites and, in principle, to find suppliers, the following articles will help you:

For purchases on all sites except Aliexpress, you will need an intermediary because buying it yourself is very problematic and sometimes risky! An intermediary without risk redeems your goods for a percentage and sends you in one order. Issues with customs also fall on the shoulders of the intermediary, so you just get your goods in your city. It's convenient and easy!

You can find your intermediary, or you can use mine. I wrote about him in an article:.

Step 3. Testing a Niche

When you have collected a list of ideas, analyzed the demand, found a product, then it's time to start testing the niche. I wrote about this in detail in an article about.

In short, the process is quick creation site (can be copied from competitors), setting up test advertising with a minimum budget and receiving applications for the purchase of your products. If there are a lot of applications, then it is worth buying goods and starting active sale. If not, then we test another idea. We continue like this until the tests show positive results.

By testing BEFORE buying products, you save a lot of money!

Step 4. How to sell and ship goods from China to customers

There are many ways to sell:

  1. Social networks (Vkontakte - groups, Instagram - account);
  2. Online store
  3. Bulletin boards (Avito)
  4. One-page sites (Landing Page)
  5. Offline store (outlet)

I can’t tell you anything about offline sales, because. did not open stationary stores. I only worked online.

Here is a selection of articles on sales tools:

Here are articles on sending goods to customers and accepting payment:

Step 5. What we have as a result

Let's go through the first 4 steps and as a result we get:

  1. You have chosen a product, decided on a niche;
  2. Do you know where to buy goods?
  3. You have tested the products and you are left with those that gave the best results after the test;
  4. You know how you will advertise and sell products;
  5. It remains to purchase goods and increase the volume of advertising and sales.

Business training with China

I am self-taught, I have not studied with anyone and now I do not teach anyone. But I didn't come into the commodity business as a newcomer to the Internet business, I knew how to make websites myself, set up ads, and so on. Accordingly, I studied only the commodity part, but still spent a lot of time, effort and money on self-study and tests, which were not always successful.

If you don't want to spend a lot of time hitting bumps, you can learn from someone.

I advise you only one person who can really teach commodity business on the Internet is Roman Kolesnikov. Here is information about his course. There are also free lessons!

it only person of those whom I know who are primarily in the business of selling goods and only in addition teach! Those. he is a real practitioner whose knowledge is updated every day, because he is still in this business. For all the time he has achieved good results and often shares them on the pages of my site!

He will teach you from scratch how to succeed in selling Chinese goods, from finding products to setting up advertising, creating a website and working with clients. FROM and TO.

But, I repeat once again, to learn or not, you decide. Roman's course is just my recommendation to those who decide to study and think about whom to go to. If there was such a course when I started, I would definitely take advantage of it.

I am often asked to give some advice to beginners. I also collected them:

  1. Start small and build up gradually. Any undertaking is a risk of being left with nothing. So try with minimum investment and when things start to work out, invest more money.
  2. If you are completely new to doing business with China, then I would advise you to learn from someone (I wrote above), because the market is developing very quickly and you can not keep up with competitors by self-learning. But here everything is purely individual.
  3. Analyze competitors, products and demand as deeply as possible. It is not always enough just to point a finger and say: “I want to sell this…”. You may want something, but will they buy? Therefore, first of all, evaluate requests on the Internet (I gave a link above to assess demand), look at prices on Chinese sites, prices from competitors, and then decide whether it is worth trying or not.
  4. If you're not interested, then don't start. Burn out quickly. This has long been proven in any business. Routine is everywhere and at first you will have to do most of the work.
  5. Do not believe those who say that they will teach you to work 2 hours a day and earn big money, this is a scam. It has long been proven.
  6. Everything needs to be touched. Therefore, order the goods for yourself, touch and then sell. So you will be more confident in the quality of the product and be able to tell more about it.
  7. At first, do everything yourself, and then delegate. Otherwise, you will not be able to grow quickly.
  8. Do not focus only on sales in your city, do not make my mistakes. Immediately sell to the whole of Russia.
  9. Do not be afraid of competition, it is in any business. And where there is none, there is no business.
  10. Be honest with customers, provide great service, fight for the quality of goods and come up with all sorts of promotions, discounts, gifts, etc. Please your client and then the client will please you.

Business with China and laws

Everyone should understand that any entrepreneurial activity must be registered and taxes must be paid for any income. Therefore, business with China is the same business and the same rules apply to it. Which means:

  1. It is necessary to register a business (IP or LLC);
  2. Pay taxes;
  3. Have documents for goods.

But I will make a reservation. Everyone, without exception, begins to earn without registering and paying taxes. This is logical! And I would advise you to try it first too, and when things go well and you get a stable income, then register your business.

Forgive me sir. authorities, but personally I see no reason to register a business for those who have sold 3-10 goods and no longer work. As a result, activities are terminated. But when you have been working in profit for several months and you know that you will continue to do this, then you already need to register a business. If we had done the first year without taxes and contributions when registering an individual entrepreneur, then I would have changed my mind, because. nobody loses anything. But not yet.

We have been working as an individual entrepreneur for a long time and there is nothing terrible in this, as it may seem to many.

(much easier to work with).

  • If your products are subject to mandatory certification, then an article about will help you.
  • That's all. Nothing complicated!

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Is it possible to start a business with China without investments?

    No. Only with investments, but it is possible with the minimum.

    - With what amounts of income to open an IP?

    With what conscience will allow. There are no such amounts. By law, you must open immediately from the first day! If logically, then I described above. But there are no fixed amounts, it all depends on you.

    — Is it possible to buy in China without an intermediary?

    You will get a bunch of hemorrhoids, believe me! Everyone who does not believe and tries, then ask me questions in the form: “Nikolay, what should I do, the goods were detained at customs” or “Nikolay, what should I do, all the goods came to me defective.” To avoid all this, there is an intermediary.

    - Give me the contacts of your intermediary!?!

    In the article about the intermediary (given above), I wrote where to apply for an intermediary. Those who apply through the site (Ask a question), they all receive the contacts of a person I verified in China.

    - Nikolai, advise me, of course not for free!

    I do not provide consultations, paid and free. If you want to learn, then above gave a link to Roman's course, he is a pro!

    – If I don’t understand anything about this, I don’t have a computer, only a phone, how can I start?

    No way! Better look for yourself something else. And in some cases it is better to look for a job. I'm not judging you, I just have nothing to help you.

    Do you think no one asks these questions? Catch:

    As questions come in, I'll add them here.

    In conclusion, I want to wish you good luck in all your endeavors! Do what you love, learn and get better! Read my site, but rather subscribe to new articles, there are a lot of interesting things here!

    Sincerely, Schmidt Nikolai

    Selling goods from China is a very profitable resale business. If you have read the previous material - for example, you know how to find, buy and deliver a large batch of large goods for subsequent self-sale.

    Today we will talk about how to start reselling goods from China on the Internet using one-page sites. We will not promise 500% profit as in some webinars, but there will be profit.

    China produces a huge number of interesting and original products - from copies of famous things, for example, the decoration of the main character of a popular film, to very unusual and unique things - headphones with luminous wires, "running" alarm clocks and much more. Finding them is your task. And we will tell you everything we know.

    Main point this business- find as quickly as possible unusual goods in China and predict demand for it. If everything works out, then by starting to sell this product, you will quickly get a plus. There is no need to stop at one product, firstly, it quickly becomes familiar, and secondly, other sellers working according to the same schemes can start selling the same product cheaper than yours.

    Schematic diagram of selling an item you purchased in China

    Having found the product, and delivered it using cargo transportation, how to do this, read "How to deliver goods from China", you must quickly sell this product. To do this, you must have a one-page site (landing page) with the help of which, by placing ads in systems contextual advertising, in teaser networks, you will collect orders for this product.

    Landing page - a one-page site, without unnecessary information, set up to sell a specific product or service. The simplest landing page contains a product image and an order form.

    You can send the goods by mail or courier, with payment for the goods on the spot. By courier is preferable, since the speed of delivery is reduced from a week to several hours or days, while the cost of the courier starts from 300 rubles, which you can include in the cost of goods for the client. A simple scheme, which, at times, is sold at webinars as know-how.

    What product is profitable to sell from China

    Since you don't have target audience, then there are no obvious directions. Therefore, the choice of goods from China can be any. Usually the most popular item sold in Chinese online stores in the "Popular" section. Marvelous?

    1. gearbest. A unique Chinese store, there is everything, almost like in Greece. Only in China. Good, not so good, frank… but there is. Therefore, we are looking for popular and original products on GearBest. If not, we are looking for the same product on Aliexpress. Then we go to Alibaba and order in bulk there.

    2. What is not on GearBest is on. Large store with a large selection. Small electronics. And again, they chose, found and, you can try, find a wholesale batch on Alibaba.

    3. There are a lot of interesting and unusual things on Ebay. Because, not all Chinese sellers trust their own sites, since they need to earn a rating on them, and they have already earned it on Ebay a long time ago - why should they leave their homes.

    4. You can try and search in the English-speaking segment of the Internet. They respond very quickly to all the new items that we will have in a month, they are already selling with discounts on coupon sites.

    5. Teleshopping. A unique thing, they promote and create demand for a certain product, which is also sold on Aliexpress, DX and other Chinese online stores.

    6. Try to think about what will happen in the future. Of course, you are not Doc Brown from the movie "Back to the Future", but you have a calendar and you are perfectly oriented in it. For example, soon New Year followed by February 14th. If you are late for the New Year, then on February 14 you can still have time to buy a batch of unique “trinkets” that are now sold in China. And then February 23, March 8, spring, summer, winter again. That is, you can search for a specific product for each season or event and sell it as unique.

    Here are 6 small tips to help you find a unique product and sell it in bulk here at a premium. Imagine a list of some products that have been popular recently.

    • Cross Torreto. Decoration like that of the main character from the movie "Fast and the Furious" - was sold through landing pages for 500-1500 rubles, the cost in China is 100 rubles.
    • Flying minion. Interesting electronic toy for children. In Russia - 1000-2000 rubles. In China - from 500 rubles.
    • Headphones with luminous wire. Stylish gadget. Price for retail- 1500-2500 rubles. In China, you can buy them at a price of 300-500 rubles.

    As you can see, the demand is on the surface, and sales are very profitable. We will tell you how to promote a landing page with the help of advertising and teaser networks on the pages of the site in a special section - follow our updates - subscribe to our social networks or newsletter.

    Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

    How to start a business with China, starting from scratch and without investments? How to make money on the resale of Chinese goods and what is better to sell? How to find suppliers and intermediaries?

    Hello, Dear friends! Welcome to the founder of the HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov!

    It's no secret that many people made their first million by reselling goods from China.

    In this article, I will reveal all the chips about doing business with China from "A" to "Z", we will analyze the advice of experts and consider the most effective and profitable business models.

    So far, this niche is relatively free: if you decide to start your own business and don’t know what to choose, it’s time to turn your attention towards the East.

    Let's get it right, friends!

    1. Business on goods from China - is it possible to start a business from scratch

    Products Chinese made constitutes a significant share of the entire world market. In Russia about 60-80% goods light industry represented by Chinese consumer goods. Modern Chinese products are no longer as handicraft and low-quality as they were 20 years ago: goods have become more functional and durable, they look much better.

    Even if you have never been involved in sales and are familiar with Chinese goods only from a consumer point of view, no one and nothing can prevent you from starting a business with China and acquiring a new (and very profitable) source of income.

    In this area, without making extra efforts (and without even leaving home) you can earn from 50 000 rubles every month and at the same time have time for life and rest.

    Today, only the lazy do not do business with China. Business with China for resale without investments (well, or almost without them) is relatively simple and accessible to everyone with basic knowledge and skills entrepreneurial activity. You don't have to be a trade school or business school graduate to understand how the market works.

    In fact, the scheme of work with China comes down to three points:

    • find goods in China as cheaply as possible;
    • deliver it to the Russian Federation;
    • sell at a premium.

    Do not rush to object "but what about customs, certificates, document flow, taxes?". Below we will consider this scheme and all related issues in more detail and in detail. Exactly narrow-minded skepticism - the main obstacle to any successful entrepreneurial activity.

    The second hurdle is absence necessary knowledge . With the advent of the Internet, information has become more accessible and practically free: an example of this is the article you are reading.

    Trade is the most attractive field of activity for beginner businessmen. It is much easier than manufacturing: you just need to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers and sell them at retail prices. Learning to do business with China does not take much time, especially if a person has a desire and a goal.

    So, if you have this same goal and a great desire, then you can build a business on goods from China in just 6 weeks.

    And the expert in training in this area, verified by me, will help you get started.

    I myself am already implementing this guy's chips in my business and they really work.

    2. Chinese manufacturers are more profitable than any other

    Interest Russian business to Chinese goods is growing steadily. In China, they produce everything without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household appliances, gadgets. Surely your apartment is full of things marked "Made in China".

    Even 15-20 years ago, plastic Chinese products crumbled in the hands of the buyer, now the quality of goods from China is quite satisfactory, and sometimes excellent. The stereotype “Chinese means short-lived and miserable” has almost lost its relevance. Even iPhones and other expensive brands are now made in Chinese factories, as it is inexpensive due to cheaper labor.

    This graph reflects the growth of China's trade relations with Russia in 2015-2016:

    As you can see, the turnover is not small and it increases over time.

    The quality of Chinese products is constantly growing, but prices (at least wholesale prices) are still low.

    What conclusion can be drawn from these facts? Correctly: you can make good money on buying and reselling goods from the “Celestial Empire”.

    Wholesale deliveries from China can become a reliable and constant source of profit.

    Initial costs will be minimal if modern Information Technology(meaning the Internet). There are already hundreds of companies on the market that act as intermediaries in the delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer: why don't you join the number successful businessmen receiving stable income using a simple and understandable commercial scheme.

    Benefits of doing business with China

    We list the main advantages of working with China:

    1. Low prices. When working with local (domestic) suppliers, the margin is usually 10-20% (in the most successful cases - 50%). Buying goods in China and selling them will bring you from 50% to 1000% markup. Cheap labor reduces the cost of production to a minimum.
    2. Huge selection of goods. The range of Chinese goods is almost endless and limited only by your imagination. You can find absolutely everything in China, so you can fill your market niche with any kind of goods - say, an exclusive that has no analogues in the local market.
    3. The focus of Chinese sellers is exclusively on sale. Due to competition and dumping, the Chinese value every client. They are in touch 24/7, you can start working with them with minimal lots, bargain, request free samples and models, photos and descriptions, assign favorable delivery conditions. An experienced buyer knows how to reduce the purchase price to a minimum and conclude the most profitable contract.
    4. Opportunity to purchase exclusive goods. As your business progresses, you can move on to bigger and more profitable deals. It is not necessary to work with intermediaries: you can establish direct contacts with the manufacturer and purchase goods of a specific brand that is poorly represented on the market.

    Why is business with China profitable?

    • Firstly due to the modern pace of life. The buyer today appreciates his time: he will not spend it on ordering and delivering goods from China, it is easier for him to place an order with you.
    • Secondly, not everyone will understand the variety of sites offering goods from China.

    To understand the functionality, check the integrity of the seller, calculate the cost of the goods, taking into account the delivery, you need skills and knowledge. Most people will prefer to turn to domestic intermediaries operating through sites with simple and understandable terms of cooperation.

    It is much easier for an ordinary buyer to choose a product on a Russian-language site: they always have the opportunity to call the seller or discuss the terms of interaction and delivery.

    3. How to start a business with China - 10 easy steps from A to Z

    Let's move on to practice and learn how to start a business with China from the first step.

    Step 1. We study business models on goods from China

    There are several proven and effective business models that you can use in the early stages of your entrepreneurial career:

    • dropshipping;
    • Joint purchases;
    • wholesale sales offline;
    • retail sales;
    • work through the online store.

    Now more about each business model.

    1) Dropshipping

    Dropshipping- a method that allows you to start a business with virtually no investment. The essence of this model is extremely simple: you receive money from buyers, and then transfer the request for this product to a third-party supplier, who sends it to the buyer.

    You get a percentage for mediation. At the same time, the client does not even realize that he is purchasing goods from someone else.

    Your goal is to attract buyers, to convince them to buy goods from you. Intermediary commissions with this business model range from 30 to 500%. Agree, not the lowest profit in the absence of initial costs. At the same time, you do not need to worry that the goods you bought will lie in the warehouse for months - you redeem it only when you receive a specific order from the client, paying with his own money.

    2) Joint purchases

    Joint purchases- this is when several people join a group and buy goods from an official supplier.

    The commercial idea of ​​this event is to save money through bulk purchases. Another advantage of this option is the reduction in shipping costs. Usually the cost of transporting goods from China is much higher than the price of the product itself.