Improvement and gardening of the territory of the machine-building enterprise. Landscaping of the production area

The appearance of the production area in our time has actually become one of the main factors affecting the attractiveness of the enterprise for partners and potential investors. Therefore, the improvement of the territories already at the stage of creating the general plan of the enterprise should be taken as seriously as possible. The company "BiK" performs absolutely the entire range of necessary work related to the improvement of production areas at the highest level.

Types of arrangement of territories of industrial enterprises

General views improvement of production areas are:

  • carrying out asphalting or paving of roads and sidewalks;
  • planting green spaces;
  • the creation of the necessary fences;
  • arrangement of sites and places of rest.

When developing production sites, it is necessary to approach the implementation of activities in a certain sequence. Prior to the start of the improvement of the industrial zone, it is necessary to carry out all general work related to the engineering preparation of the territory for development, as well as lay all the roads. At the same time, the improvement of areas that do not allow dust (factories of precision mechanics or optical instruments) is characterized by more stringent requirements than the arrangement and landscaping of areas of metallurgical and woodworking enterprises.

Features of the improvement of the territories of enterprises

Works on beautification of production areas must be designed with the widest landscaping and the smallest area of ​​asphalt pavement. Roadways and sidewalks must be made from prefabricated pavements and standard products. In this case, it is desirable to use colored road surfaces to increase visibility. On the factory streets, it is necessary to place lamps, as well as track, signal and road signs.

Organization of recreation places for employees

Landscaping as a concept includes, along with the location of communications, as well as the observance of the necessary security measures, also the organization of rest areas for workers. When landscaping the territories of the enterprise, it is reasonable to organize places where employees can, depending on their own working conditions, recuperate in a short time.

In industries that require a very frequent change of movements or a fast pace, it is necessary to equip sites where quiet rest is available, which can relieve the stress that the worker was subjected to before the break. In the case of work not related to physical activity, it is better to organize places for outdoor activities and sports.

Regardless of the type of production, plants should act as a buffer layer, a kind of boundary between the enterprise and the surrounding area.

Their function should be sanitary and health-improving, protecting the soil, nearby water bodies and air space from pollution and waste from the enterprise.

Carrying out all these tasks, the landscaping of the territory of the enterprise should contribute to the most optimal working conditions and production activities.

This means that the location and place for landing must be strictly calculated so as not to interfere with transport and pedestrian traffic.

When planning planting, it is also necessary to take into account places for recreation, in order to create the most favorable atmosphere for workers and visitors.

Important! If your enterprise is industrial and it has premises with increased noise, gas and dust formation, they must be isolated from other buildings by specialized customers:

  • hawthorn
  • Snowberry
  • cotoneaster cotoneaster
  • Bush lindens

When landscaping the territory of enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the general architectonics and placement of plants, which should not interfere with the outflow of polluted air.

For the effective operation of the "green area" of the enterprise, it is necessary that at least 30% of the entire territory of the enterprise be allocated for its area.

Landscaping is incorporated in the design standards of manufacturing enterprises.

All work must be carried out strictly in accordance with GOST and SNIP, here are some of them:

  • GOST 28329-89 Landscaping of cities. It contains general provisions (landscaping standards, green spaces, sustainability of green spaces, etc.), as well as a classification of green spaces.
  • GOST 25769-83 - seedlings of coniferous trees for landscaping cities, specifications.
  • GOST 28055-89 - seedlings of trees and shrubs (garden and architectural forms, specifications).
  • GOST 27610-88 - seedlings of evergreen deciduous trees and shrubs, specifications.
  • GOST 27635-88 - seedlings of varietal roses and lilacs, specifications.
  • SNIP III-10-75 - landscaping.
  • SNIP III-K.2-67 - landscaping, rules for the production and acceptance of work.

According to the norms and standards of GOST and SNIP:

  • The entire territory must be planted along the perimeter with two rows of trees, maintaining driveways and passages. Optimal for this: Common maple. Small-leaved linden, ash-leaved maple, common ash, common poplar, common spruce
  • Tall trees should be planted near the premises opposite the windows, tall shrubs should be planted between the windows. Optimal for this: Trees can be used from the first list, shrubs: common lilac, common mock orange, Hungarian lilac, rugosa rose, single-piston hawthorn
  • Climbing plants and hedges are recommended only near blank walls. Optimal for this: girlish grapes, honeysuckle honeysuckle, cotoneaster brilliant, hawthorn single-petal

Cost and terms of work

The landscape company "Russian Park" specializes in landscaping and landscaping of the territories of enterprises and offers you an individual comprehensive approach and low prices for services.

The calculation of the cost of work is carried out by our specialists based on your requirements for planting (season, choice of plants, quantity), their volume, characteristics of the site and the specifics of production.

For your convenience, we offer a free visit of a measuring designer who will help you determine the optimal scope of work and plants, as well as make the necessary measurements, after which a basic design project will be prepared for you and its cost will be calculated.

  • The minimum cost of landscaping the territory of the enterprise in our company is from 50,000 rubles.
  • Minimum terms of performance of works: from 10 days.

To help you navigate the prices, we give you examples of calculating the cost of landscaping and landscaping, depending on the type of enterprise and the specifics of the project:

Enterprise type Object characteristics Types of jobs Types and number of plants Terms, days Cost, rubles
Logistics Landing large-sized Scotch pine 30 pcs, Scotch spruce 30 pcs 14 150000
Logistics Logistic warehouse, territory about 50 ha Planting large-sized plants and hedges Norway spruce 40 pcs, Common lilac 50 pcs 14 150000
Plant Assembly plant, 100 ha Landing large-sized Thuja occidentalis 50 pcs, pyramidal poplar 20 pcs, ornamental shrub, flowers 21 500000
Plant Assembly plant, 20 ha Flowerbed decoration Thuja western 20 pcs, shrubs deciduous, coniferous 40 pcs, flowers 50 pcs 5 80000


in the discipline "City streets and transport"

on the topic: “Production area of ​​the city. Her beautification"

Samara 2013

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ......3

1. Organization of urban industrial areas .............................................. 4

2. Urban planning categories of urban industrial areas and

industrial distribution system in the city .......................................................... 5

3. Composition of the urban industrial area .............................................. 9

4. Planning and development of urban industrial areas ..........13

The planning and development of urban industrial areas should provide: .............................................. ................................................. .....thirteen

5. Zoning of the industrial area............................................... ..fifteen

6. Industrial area in the structure of the city ..............................................16

7. Transport to service external and intra-regional freight

transportation ................................................. ................................................. ...eighteen

8. Sanitary classification of enterprises and industries, sanitary protection zones .............................................................. ................................................. ...22

9. Technical and economic indicators of the urban planning project

industrial area .................................................................. ............................... 27

10. Problematic aspects of the improvement of production

territories .................................................. ................................................. .31

11. Landscaping of the industrial area....................................34

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. 40

Bibliography................................................ ...............................41


The task of landscaping the territories of industrial enterprises is to isolate individual workshops from dust, harmful gases, industrial noise, protect working premises and open areas from overheating by the sun's rays and create shady corners for workers to have a short rest. Plants act as universal natural filters, accumulating and detoxifying a variety of ingredients of industrial emissions, absorbing gaseous impurities from the air and precipitating them, which gives reason to consider vegetation as a guarantor of environmental well-being of the present and in the future.

The purpose of this course work is to study the improvement of the territory of industrial enterprises.

When landscaping the territory, it is important to keep in mind that the architecture of green spaces is inseparable from the overall architectural design of the industrial complex.

The purpose of works on landscaping and landscaping of the territory of industrial enterprises is reduced to the following tasks: protection of workers and employees of this enterprise, as well as the urban population living around it, from gases and aerosols (dust-gas mixtures), as well as from climatic phenomena unfavorable in sanitary and hygienic terms - winds, high temperatures, insufficient air humidity; destruction of sources of dust and dirt within the boundaries of an industrial enterprise and around it; creation on the territory of the enterprise of equipped resting places for workers and employees, as well as the most favorable conditions for the movement of people on the territory of the plant and on the approaches to it; architectural and decorative design of the enterprise, as well as the territory adjacent to the plant.

1. Organization of urban industrial areas

Industrial enterprises and related facilities, regardless of departmental affiliation, are located in urban industrial areas - separate planning formations that are part of the industrial zone of the city.

The concentrated location of industrial enterprises in industrial areas ensures the saving of urban territory, the improvement of sanitary and hygienic conditions in cities, creates certain conveniences in servicing enterprises with general auxiliary, production, transport, communal and energy facilities and systems and reduces the cost of building these facilities and systems.

Scientific and technological progress causes the emergence. and the further growth of research institutions, design offices with experimental, production, educational institutions at various levels. for the training and retraining of personnel on the basis of production, as well as other institutions associated with scientific and technical services to industry. All these facilities are located both in urban industrial areas and autonomously, forming specialized research and production complexes. Along with this, it is advisable to place individual research facilities with pilot production facilities that do not emit industrial hazards, complexes of scientific institutions of the humanitarian direction, as well as other places of work that are not associated with unfavorable sanitary and hygienic production facilities within the residential areas of cities, creating industrial and residential formations, which are becoming more widespread. They territorially unite enterprises (which do not emit industrial hazards; have a volume of freight turnover that does not require the use of railway transport; are characterized by high employment and do not need protection from the industrial impact of other facilities) and residential areas with recreational areas. Industrial and residential areas provide the greatest amenities for the population.

The most important condition for the formation of urban industrial areas is the association of enterprises into groups (industrial nodes). This is carried out depending on the production and technological economic and urban conditions. The latter include the achievement of a rational distribution of industrial sites, taking into account the overall urban planning structure and transport support for freight and passenger traffic, as well as the provision of sites with water, energy and facilities for the removal and treatment of industrial wastewater. One or more groups of enterprises are located on the territory of an industrial region.

2. Urban planning categories of urban industrial areas and the system of location of industry in the city

Depending on the sanitary classification of production and the value of the turnover of industrial enterprises are divided into three categories:

1. Areas remote from the residential area.

They are intended to accommodate enterprises classified according to the sanitary classification of production to classes 1 and 2, regardless of the size of the cargo turnover of enterprises, as well as for groups of enterprises that can create large concentrations of various

industrial hazards and have a particularly adverse effect on the health and sanitary and hygienic living conditions of the population.

2. Areas located near the boundaries of the residential

territory. They are intended to accommodate enterprises classified according to the sanitary classification of production to classes 3 and 4, regardless of the size of the cargo turnover, as well as enterprises of class 5 and enterprises that do not emit industrial hazards, but require the construction of railway access roads.

3. Areas located within the residential area

territory. They are intended to accommodate enterprises that do not emit industrial hazards, as well as enterprises classified as class 5, according to sanitary classification, with non-flammable and non-explosive production processes that do not create noise and other negative impacts in excess of the standard level, do not require the construction of railway access roads and have a volume freight turnover mastered by road transport with a traffic intensity of no more than 4 cars per day in one direction.

When large complexes of enterprises of heavy industry, such as the metallurgical or chemical industries, are located in cities, a number of specialized industrial regions are usually created, including for these complexes and separately for light and food enterprises, as well as industry serving the city and for other urban production facilities.

To reduce the total impact of industrial hazards during the placement of industry and the formation of industrial areas with group placement of enterprises, the following planning techniques are recommended:

1) separate location (in different parts of the city) of groups of enterprises or entire industrial areas, enterprises of which have significant production hazards;

2) sequential multi-row (in the form of panels) placement, as a rule, parallel to the residential area according to the principle of reducing the industrial hazard of the enterprise as it approaches it.

When locating industrial enterprises and industrial areas in the city, it is necessary to bring them as close as possible, but in accordance with the sanitary classification of enterprises and industries and transport conditions, to the places of resettlement of workers. This can be successfully solved only by eliminating industrial hazards at enterprises through the introduction of new, more advanced equipment technology, new types of energy and fuel, equipment sealing, maximum capture of industrial hazards as a result of the use of more effective cleaning agents and subsequent disposal of harmful substances and waste.

When placing industry in the city, the elimination of industrial hazards and the complete disposal of solid waste products are of great importance. Sites for dumps, waste, slag accumulators or production waste, taking into account their mandatory processing or disposal, should be located on lands unsuitable for agricultural use, outside the sites of enterprises and the residential zone of cities and protected zones of water supply sources in agreement with the bodies of the State Sanitary Supervision and bodies for the use and protection of water resources in compliance with relevant safety standards and rules.

When developing a system for locating industrial areas in a new city, the most successful technique is considered to be the parallel placement of industrial and residential areas. In addition to the clarity of the functional organization of the city's territory, this technique creates the best opportunities for the subsequent free development of industrial areas and residential areas.

In new cities of industrial profile, research and production areas and scientific and technical centers can be located:

one . according to a parallel linear scheme between the industrial and residential areas of the city;

2. between the residential area and the recreation area;

3 . directly in the industrial area between individual groups of enterprises;

4. near or as part of the public center of the city.

3. Composition of the urban industrial area

On the territory of the urban industrial area are located:

industrial enterprises, combined heat and power plants, large electrical substations, power lines, gas pipelines, oil pipelines and other industrial product pipelines of local importance, large garages and car depots, etc., research institutes and design bureaus with pilot production facilities, training centers for training and retraining of personnel on the basis of production and other objects related to the scientific and technical service of enterprises; access railway lines and stations; highways providing internal and external transport links; cargo berths, piers and other transport facilities and structures; engineering structures and networks, technical lanes and overpasses for industrial and technological communications; institutions and service companies operating in the industrial area.

The composition of urban industrial areas, in addition, includes reserve territories for the expansion of existing enterprises, as well as for the placement of new industrial construction facilities, sanitary protection zones, green spaces, community centers, pre-factory zones, including pre-factory areas and entrance nodes of enterprises.

Power transmission lines included in the general energy systems, as well as routes of main pipeline transport of national importance, are not allowed to be located on the territory of urban industrial areas.

The size of an urban industrial area is determined depending on the following conditions:

1) group placement of interconnected enterprises with the maximum convergence of related industries, providing production and technological requirements and developed cooperation, reducing the length of engineering communications and transport links;

2) convenient resettlement of workers, taking into account the employment of enterprises and other facilities included in its composition;

3) provision of transport services (passenger and freight traffic);

4) sanitary classification of enterprises and industries and the degree of concentration of industrial hazards emitted by enterprises located in the area.

One of the main requirements is the most rational and economical use of the urban area, therefore, the size of urban industrial areas should in all cases be taken as the minimum necessary, with the smallest distances between enterprises, taking into account the highest density of their development, without excessive reserve areas, taking into account the blocking of industrial buildings . The size of the districts is also affected by the need to create related industries in the future.

Industrial districts located within the residential area and created from enterprises that do not emit industrial hazards, in order to bring the places of work as close as possible to the places of residence, as a rule, have sizes in the range of 30-60 hectares, and the number of workers in them reaches 6-10 thousand people In some cases, for some enterprises of the light or food industry, the size of industrial areas can reach 120 - 140 hectares or more. The largest size of industrial areas located within a residential area should not exceed 400 hectares. This provides convenient pedestrian and transport links within a 30-minute reach.

The size of urban industrial areas intended for larger enterprises and their groups, especially heavy industry enterprises, is up to 1000 - 1200 hectares, with the territory of the enterprises' own sites of 600 - 700 hectares. Such areas are usually located on the border with the residential area.

For industrial areas remote from residential areas, restrictions on territorial size are not so significant. For example, industrial areas of the oil refining and petrochemical industries occupy areas of 2000 - 2400 hectares or more.

When determining the territorial dimensions of urban industrial areas, it should be taken into account that in areas of more than 1,000 hectares there are difficulties in transporting workers to their place of work. Therefore, the size of an industrial region must to a large extent be determined by the total number of workers employed in all the enterprises that make up it.

The required size of the territory of the industrial area is determined by the formula:

where S is the total area of ​​the district, ha; p1 is the total area of ​​the territory of industrial enterprises, ha; p2 is the total area of ​​other facilities (energy, transport, scientific, etc.) located in the area, ha; - the total area of ​​reserve territories for the development of enterprises, the placement of related

production facilities, etc., ha; □ coefficient of employment of the territory, equal to 0.55 - 0.65.

4. Planning and development of urban industrial areas

The planning and development of urban industrial areas should provide:

1. Functional zoning of its territory by types of use, taking into account technological connections, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements, the amount of cargo turnover and types of transport, the sequence of construction;

2. The most rational production, transport and engineering links between individual enterprises and the residential area of ​​the city;

3 . Production specialization of enterprises and the possibility of locating related industries or enterprises;

4. Rational use of the territory of the region and individual industrial sites with the highest technical and economic indicators;

5. Planning and transport connection (at least two highways) with the residential area, as well as with other industrial areas of the city;

6. Rational engineering equipment,

improvement and gardening of the territory of the region;

7. Possibility of construction and commissioning of enterprises by start-up complexes or queues;

8. The possibility of subsequent expansion and reconstruction of existing enterprises and related facilities, primarily due to the predominant use of vacant sites in industrial

sites, renovation of buildings, increase in number of storeys and blocking of buildings;

9. Organization of a unified system of cultural and community services for workers employed at enterprises and facilities belonging to a given region or group of enterprises;

1 0. Implementation of progressive space-planning solutions that help improve the architectural and artistic and operational qualities of industrial buildings and structures;

eleven . Creation of a single architectural ensemble in conjunction with the architecture of the surrounding areas of the city.

On the pic 2 the layout of the urban industrial area is shown.

The main condition for solving the planning structure of an urban industrial area is the preliminary planning of its territory, which establishes the basis for the planning organization, the subsequent systematic placement of industrial enterprises and other production facilities, taking into account their territorial association into groups and the possibility of comprehensive cooperation.

5. Zoning of the industrial area

In the planning structure of the industrial area, the following zones are distinguished: production; sanitary protection;

energy facilities; transport and storage facilities; objects of cultural and community and scientific and technical services, various educational institutions on the basis of production and other institutions of regional significance.

Approximate indicators of the specific gravity of individual elements in the total territory of the industrial region (in%)

During the reconstruction and development of existing urban industrial areas, their planning is carried out taking into account existing enterprises and, to a large extent, is in the nature of improving and streamlining the existing planning and development.

6. Industrial area in the structure of the city

The planning connection of industrial areas with adjacent urban areas depends on the position of industrial areas in the structure of the city. This connection should be especially complete and organic for industrial areas and enterprises located within residential areas or in close proximity to them. In these cases, the network of streets and driveways is largely uniform for service. industry and housing. In terms of volume and space, industrial development (number of floors, space-planning parameters, nature of architecture), oriented to the main city highways, together with housing and civil construction projects, should actively participate in the formation of architectural ensembles.

The planning connection with the city of industrial areas remote from the residential area is reduced to the placement of highways leading from the industrial area to other areas of the city.

The main structural elements of the planning of an urban industrial area are panels designed to accommodate, as a rule, one row of enterprises, and blocks into which the panels are divided by intra-district passages. Z.

The following are the methods of placement, enterprises:

Tape one - panel - is used for enterprises and facilities of the same or similar classes according to the sanitary classification of industries;

Sequential multi-panel is used when placing enterprises of various classes according to the sanitary classification of industries. At the same time, enterprises belonging to class I, II, III are located in a panel that is more remote from the residential area; enterprises and objects of class IV and V - sequentially in panels closer to the residential area.

This technique is the most common, as it allows more efficient use of the territory.

In urban industrial areas, with appropriate justification, public centers should be provided for accommodating cooperative enterprises serving workers, as well as objects of scientific and technical service for the area. Public and scientific and technical centers of industrial regions, groups of enterprises should be conveniently connected with the main streets intended for public transport.

The transport service of the industrial area should be designed on the basis of the transport scheme of the regional planning project and the general plan of the city with a comprehensive linkage of all types of transport with each other.

7. Transport for servicing external and intra-regional freight traffic

The design of transport in the development of planning projects for urban industrial areas should provide:

1. identifying the most rational option for locating industrial enterprises;

2. creation of transport facilities common to them and determination of the economic efficiency of their construction;

3. choice of modes of transport for external and related internal transportation of industrial enterprises;

4. Establishment of the most rational transport scheme based on the combination of selected modes of transport for individual cargo flows or enterprises into a single system in conjunction with the planned transport for passenger traffic.

The type of transport for servicing external and intra-regional freight transportation of enterprises is chosen on the basis of technical and economic calculations, taking into account the type of goods transported, the volume and nature of transportation, transportation distances, the feasibility of using existing transport facilities, means and devices based on cooperation. It should preferably be used without rail or continuous transport.

In the feasibility study of the choice of types of industrial transport, it is necessary to take into account:

reduction in the area of ​​land occupied by transport facilities and devices, and the inadmissibility of occupying valuable irrigated and other agricultural land;

The possibility of designing structures and devices intended for joint use by various types of transport (combined road and rail or road and tram bridges and overpasses, a common subgrade for roads and tram tracks, etc.), as well as the possibility of using structures and devices for the needs of transport designed for other purposes (dams of reservoirs and dams under the subgrade of railways and roads; culverts, dams as artificial structures of railways and roads, etc.);

The influence of transport facilities and devices on the architectural and planning solutions of the developed territory.

As industrial transport, rail, road and continuous transport are usually used.

Rail transport is used in cases where other modes of transport are not economically feasible or when it is necessary to transport heavy, oversized and special cargoes, cargoes that cannot be reloaded (liquefied gases, acids, heavyweights, etc.), or such cargoes, the overloading of which causes a deterioration in their quality. , large losses, etc.

The use of rail transport is advisable with a small volume of transportation of enterprises located near the junction points to existing tracks, as well as under simple topographic conditions and, as a rule, only with long-term operation of industrial enterprises. The decision to use rail transport for newly designed enterprises should be made on the basis of a comprehensive consideration of the issues of choosing the mode of transport to serve all enterprises in an industrial area.

Railway sidings for freight transportation are not allowed to be located within the residential area, territories, institutions of medical and recreational purposes and mass recreation, if they are not intended to serve the specified territories. If it is absolutely necessary to preserve access roads of railways passing through the territory of residential areas and crossing main streets, it should be provided for the construction of overpasses, pedestrian tunnels or bridges at the intersections and other measures to ensure traffic safety.

Road transport is used for external transportation: delivery to enterprises of local and imported raw materials, semi-finished products and equipment supplied in transit and reloaded at freight yards and container yards of stations of the general network or at railroad warehouses of enterprises; enterprises that have a warehouse form of supply of raw materials, semi-finished products and equipment, from warehouse bases of territorial bodies of material and technical supply; transportation of production waste and garbage to dumps; economic transportation related to the repair of equipment, delivery of construction materials, food products, etc.; delivery of workers from places of resettlement to enterprises and back. When designing, one should proceed from the condition of increasing the volume of traffic in a centralized manner (by means of automobile facilities of the republican ministries of motor transport and highways).

Continuous transport - conveyor, pipeline (hydraulic, product pipeline, pneumatic), cable-suspension and monorail roads, it is advisable to use in the external transportation of enterprises for: the delivery of raw materials and fuel from extraction sites or reloading points from main transport to warehouses or directly to enterprises; delivery of finished products from enterprises producing them to consumer enterprises or to transshipment points for main transport; delivery of waste rock and production waste to dumps. For the transportation of bulk cargo over limited distances (up to 20 - 30 km, and for certain modes of transport and more), the possibility of using continuous transport, as well as cableways, should be checked.

If there are waterways in the area of ​​enterprises, it is necessary, on the basis of technical and economic calculations, to establish the feasibility of using them for transporting raw materials, fuel and finished products.

When designing an integrated transport scheme for industrial areas, intersections of cargo and main passenger flows should be avoided, and, if necessary, these flows should be crossed at different levels.

8. Sanitary classification of enterprises and industries, sanitary - protection zones.

Industrial enterprises with technological processes that are sources of production hazards are divided into five classes, in accordance with which the following main dimensions of sanitary protection zones are established:

The sanitary protection zone is the territory between the places (sources) of the release of industrial hazards and the boundary of residential development. The sanitary protection zone is established in accordance with the requirements.

Urban industrial areas, groups of enterprises and individual enterprises with technological processes that are sources of industrial emissions are not allowed to be located on the windward side for prevailing winds in relation to residential and public buildings and places of mass recreation of the population and should be separated from residential buildings by sanitary protection zones .

The amount of dispersion in the atmosphere of harmful substances contained in technological emissions is determined by calculation.

The size of the sanitary protection zone can be increased with an appropriate feasibility and hygienic justification (but not more than 3 times) in the following cases:

With low efficiency of the provided or possible methods for cleaning emissions into the atmosphere;

In the absence of ways to clean up emissions;

If necessary, placement of residential buildings with. the leeward side in relation to enterprises in the zone of possible air pollution;

With an unfavorable wind rose and other local conditions (for example, frequent calms and fogs);

If it is impossible to reduce the noise, vibration, electromagnetic waves and other harmful factors entering the environment to the limits established by the standards;

During the construction of new, still insufficiently studied, sanitary hazardous industries.

The size of the sanitary protection zone can be reduced in case of liquidation of production facilities. hazards or their weakening to the sizes established by sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises

When creating new industries and organizing new technological processes that are not included in this classification, as well as the size of sanitary protection zones for individual groups or complexes of large enterprises of I and II classes of chemical, petrochemical, oil refining, metallurgical, machine-building and other industries and thermal power plants with emissions that can create large concentrations of various harmful substances in the atmospheric air or other harmful factors and have a particularly adverse effect on the health and sanitary conditions of the population are established in each specific case by a joint decision of the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation.

For enterprises in which work is carried out with the use of radioactive substances, the size of the sanitary protection zone is determined in accordance with the sanitary rules for working with radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation, approved in the prescribed manner.

The sanitary protection zone or any part of it cannot be considered as a reserve territory of an enterprise or a group of enterprises and used to expand an industrial site.

The possibility of using land allocated for sanitary protection zones for agricultural production (crops, pastures for livestock and hayfields) is determined taking into account the nature and amount of harmful substances contained in industrial emissions and falling into sanitary protection zones, in agreement with local bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and, if necessary, with the bodies of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

When organizing sanitary protection zones, one should take into account the possibility of using the territory of these zones for residential or industrial use in the future. building on the condition of complete elimination or radical weakening of the harmful effects of industry on the surrounding residential areas and recreation areas.

On the territory of the sanitary protection zone: it is possible to place:

Enterprises, their individual buildings and structures with production of a lower hazard class than the production for which a sanitary protection zone has been established, provided that the hazard is similar;

Fire stations, baths, laundries, garages, warehouses (except for food, general goods and specialized ones), buildings for enterprise management, design bureaus, laboratories associated with servicing district enterprises;

Shops, catering establishments, polyclinics serving production;

Premises for emergency personnel on duty and protection of enterprises, parking lots of public and individual transport, local and transit engineering networks and communications, power lines, power plants, oil and gas pipelines, artesian wells for technical water supply, water-cooling facilities, facilities for the preparation of technical water, water supply and sewage pumping stations, water recycling facilities, underground reservoirs, nurseries of trees and shrubs for planting trees and shrubs in enterprises and the sanitary protection zone;

not allowed to post:

Enterprises, industrial buildings and structures in cases where the production hazards emitted by one of the enterprises, industrial building or structure can have a harmful effect on the health of workers or lead to damage to materials, equipment and finished products at neighboring enterprises, and also when this leads to an increase. concentrations of hazards at the border of the residential zone are higher than the permissible ones established by the Sanitary Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises;

Sports facilities, parks, children's institutions, schools, public health and treatment facilities.

The territory of the sanitary protection zone should be landscaped and landscaped at the expense of enterprises, the production of which necessitates its organization, according to an improvement project developed simultaneously with the project for the construction and reconstruction of the enterprise.

It is necessary to provide for the preservation of existing green spaces. On the side of the residential zone, it is necessary to create strips of trees and shrubs with a width of at least 50 m, and if the zone is up to 100 m wide, this strip of green spaces can be reduced to 20 m.

Improvement of highways and passages routed through the territory of the sanitary protection zone should be linked with the improvement of enterprises and adjacent areas of the city.

9. Technical and economic indicators of the urban industrial area planning project

The planning of an urban industrial area is assessed by comparing indicators characterizing the technical, economic and planning qualities of decisions made

It is recommended that technical and economic indicators for industrial regions be determined as follows:

1. The area of ​​an urban industrial area is defined as the sum of plots allotted or occupied by:

Sites of industrial enterprises (in the fence or within the allotted boundaries);

Facilities serving these businesses;

Public and scientific and technical centers;

Dumps and production waste;

Transport facilities and devices;

Reserve territories for the expansion of the listed facilities and the construction of new ones;

Sanitary protection zones of enterprises;

Land plots unsuitable for construction due to natural or other conditions, but located on the territory of the district;

Highways, streets and squares.

The territory of the district can be defined more simply

within the boundaries outlined by the master plan of the city.

2. The area occupied by the sites of industrial enterprises and other facilities is determined as the sum of their areas (in fences or within the allotted boundaries), as well as objects located outside their fences, but related to these enterprises (auxiliary facilities, dumps, etc.).

3. Reserve territories are defined as the sum of plots provided for the expansion of enterprises and related facilities, for the placement of new enterprises (outside the fence).

4. The area of ​​public and scientific - technical centers is determined according to the boundaries of the project development.

5. The green area of ​​the district is defined as the sum of the plots occupied by the planned and existing plantings outside the sites of enterprises.

6. The length of railway tracks is determined by their length within the territory of the district in km (excluding

tracks located on industrial sites) and is calculated from the places of connection to the tracks of the general network of the Ministry of Railways to the boundaries of enterprises and facilities served by access roads.

7. The length of motor roads is determined by their length within the region (excluding roads located within the fence of industrial enterprises) and is calculated from the points of connection to public roads to the boundaries of enterprises.

8. The area in hectares occupied by railways is defined as the area within the boundaries of the right of way, and for individual tracks - by their total length, multiplied by 5 m (for a gauge of 1520 km) and by 3 m (for a gauge of 750 mm). The area occupied by roads and railways when they are located in embankments or in cuts is calculated by the edge of the cut or by the bottom of the embankment.

9. The area of ​​roads, streets and areas for vehicles is defined as the area in the red lines and boundaries of the areas.

10. Unused territories are defined as the sum of areas of sites that cannot be usefully used for construction due to natural and other conditions (landslides, mountains, ravines, karsts, swamps, reservoirs, flooded areas, as well as those occupied by the mining of minerals, etc.). P.).

eleven . The employment coefficient of the territory of the district is calculated as the ratio of the sum of industrial sites of enterprises and other facilities, as well as reserve territories,

which can be used for the construction of enterprises and other facilities, to the total area of ​​the district.

12. The coefficient of use of the territory is defined as the ratio of the sum of industrial sites and other facilities, reserve territories, railway access roads, roads, transport and other devices, parking lots for motor vehicles, flyovers, etc. to the total area of ​​the district. The relative value of this indicator should be taken into account, since it can be very high if the overall solution is unsatisfactory (excessive length of roads, large areas of coverage, etc.).

1 3. Greening coefficient is calculated as the ratio of the area occupied by green spaces outside the sites of enterprises and other facilities to the total area of ​​the district.

14. The number of workers is defined as the sum of all employees in all shifts, at all facilities in the area, including transport, communications, services, etc.

15. Freight turnover is defined as the sum of the volumes of external, intra-district (inter-factory) annual transportation of individual enterprises, as well as facilities serving the given area. Cargo turnover by individual modes of transport is defined as the sum of external and inter-factory annual transportation, respectively, by mode of transport (railway, road, water, conveyor, cableways and other modes).

10. Problematic aspects of the improvement of production areas

At the end of the last century, the economic model of the state structure changed, unfortunately, along with it, the social course also radically changed. Today, in a conversation about socio-economic requirements for the planning of industrial territories, the term "economic and social requirements" should be used. Costs and payback of production come to the fore. The short-sightedness of current entrepreneurs is due to the focus on 4-5 years of payback, about 10-15 is out of the question. The social factor, such as building a comfortable working environment, has gone beyond consideration.

Designing a master plan for an industrial enterprise is a set of measures for planning and landscaping production areas. Socio-economic requirements provide for the creation of favorable working conditions for the population, as well as the rational use of the territory. Safety requirements and sanitary and hygienic requirements are reduced to ensuring the maximum possible healthy and safe conditions at industrial sites: a normal microclimate, a clean air basin and water spaces, insolation of premises and ventilation of the territory.

Let us examine in more detail such factors as insolation, aeration, functional zoning of the territory, placement of small architectural forms and landscaping.

In terms of insolation of industrial buildings, there are no strict regulations, unlike residential buildings. The fact that during the period of the greatest sanitary activity of the sun a person is at the workplace makes us think about the regulation of insolation for production facilities as well. During the insolation of the facade zone, Koch's bacillus, which causes tuberculosis, is killed by ultraviolet radiation, and when the window is open, the disinfected air enters the room. Logically, the question arises about the orientation of production facilities to the cardinal points in order to most effectively reorganize.

The course of the Government of the Russian Federation on energy-saving measures already at the stage of development of design documentation for capital construction facilities is confirmed by Section 10(1). From the position of ensuring energy efficiency and rational use of resources, the orientation of production facilities is of great importance. The simplest examples are the reduction in electricity consumption for lighting of premises with the southern orientation of an industrial building in the part where people spend the most time, and the reduction in fuel consumption for heating these premises.

Aeration of the territory of a production facility can be considered in two aspects: ventilation of the territory from pollutants and the influence of buildings standing at different angles to the direction of the prevailing wind. As part of the first point of consideration, one should take into account the possibility of through ventilation of the industrial site, locate facilities that involve the release of pollutants and harmful substances, on the leeward side of buildings with amenity premises and facilities of harmless production. According to clause 3.13, industrial buildings and open areas of technological equipment should be located parallel to the prevailing wind direction. The influence of buildings is understood as a change in the speed and direction of the wind with the allocation of zones of reverse currents, calm, eddies and wind reduction. A clear illustration of this aspect is the frequent placement of the site of garbage bins, utility sheds and other open structures in vortex zones, which contributes to the spread of garbage, containers, packaging materials throughout the site.

Clause 3.12 tells about the need for functional zoning of production areas with the separation of these zones. A number of industries (for example, the production of dairy products) are subject to special sanitary and hygienic requirements in terms of functional zoning and gaps between zones. Practice shows that the absence of such regulations for other industries leads to the absence of functional zoning: the objects of the master plan are randomly scattered around the industrial site, the functional zones are broken and discrete. Combining production facilities of the same functional purpose is a necessary condition for design.

Issues of landscaping the production area arise at any design object, from the material of the fence to the litter bins and landscaping. P.3.78: “On the territory of the enterprise, well-maintained areas for recreation and gymnastic exercises for employees should be provided.” The completely optional wording “should” is reinforced by a similar “no more” in the continuation of this paragraph: “The size of the sites should be taken at the rate of not more than 1 m per one worker in the most numerous shift.”

Landscaping of the site involves sowing not only lawns, despite their predominance laid down in clause 3.77, but also planting shrubs and trees. In order to save money, this event is not carried out, as well as the construction of a recreation area for employees of the enterprise. A number of types of external increased improvement of industrial territories has not only utilitarian, but also aesthetic value. For example, the installation of fountains and ponds on them or the planting of special, more appropriate types of shrubs and trees (in particular, resistant to industrial hazards) are provided for humidifying and ionizing the air, as wind and fire barriers, noise protection and for artistic enrichment of factory panoramas.

It is easy to detect a huge number of such omissions in the projects of industrial facilities. The construction of factories has stepped from the stage of "cost reduction" to the stage of "profit maximization". Today, only factories built in the era of the USSR can remind of the existence of well-maintained production areas. Apart from dubious economic reasons, there is none that would oppose a favorable working environment.

11. Landscaping of the industrial area

The improvement of the industrial territory includes the following set of works: arrangement of roads and sidewalks (asphalting, paving, etc.), travel and pedestrian bridges and walkways, planting green spaces, arrangement of fences, platforms, reservoirs, fountains, outdoor stairs, ramps, individual retaining walls and reinforced slopes, installation of lighting devices, signs, landmarks, etc. All these works are very important for the normal operation of enterprises and their appearance, and therefore the construction of enterprises cannot be considered completed without the completion of these works.

An integral part of the completed architectural ensemble and characteristic elements of improvement are the so-called small forms - fences, railings, gangways, lanterns, ventilation shafts, benches, flagpoles, honor boards, as well as indicator stands, posters and other elements of visual information designed in accordance with the architecture. of the entire enterprise and distributed throughout the territory depending on their purpose and actual need.

In order to improve the factory territory, fountains, ponds and other reservoirs should be arranged to humidify and ionize the air, taking into account their great importance as architectural elements. It is also necessary to use spray ponds, cooling ponds and other systems designed for industrial and fire fighting purposes for the same purpose.

The improvement project should provide for special areas for the rest of workers, remote from noise and hazards. Important is the choice of materials for paving walkways, recreation areas and areas in front of the entrances. It is advisable to use for this, along with stationary paving from crushed stone and asphalt, tile coverings from tiles of various colors, textures and shapes.

An important role in the sanitary-hygienic, fire-prevention and artistic-decorative aspects is played by the landscaping of the industrial area. The functions of landscaping are very diverse. Saturating the environment with oxygen, protecting the territory from the action of winds, trees and shrubs serve as a natural filter and protect residential areas adjacent to production from dust, soot and harmful gases. Some plants, releasing volatile substances (bird cherry, birch, spruce, pine, fir, juniper, citrus and some herbaceous plants), have a bactericidal effect.

Green spaces also contribute to the isolation of certain groups of enterprises and workshops with hazardous industries. Placed in the gaps between factory buildings, in the passages between industrial enterprises and in areas separating the salaries of flammable substances, some, in particular deciduous, green spaces prevent the spread of fire, being a fire barrier.

Landscaping is essential in organizing traffic on the territory of an industrial area and an enterprise, and also helps to maintain order in an industrial area. The area of ​​plots intended for landscaping should be on average at least 15% of the area of ​​the enterprise, and with a building density of more than 60% - at least 10%.

Landscaping is designed in the form of lawns, flower beds, borders and shrubs, in the form of ordinary and group plantings of trees. Landscaping should be provided primarily in the gaps between enterprises or groups of enterprises, at pre-factory sites and at the main entrances, on highways and other passages, on sites free from buildings and in areas where sanitary facilities, canteens, health centers and recreation areas are located. When designing a master plan for an industrial area or a separate enterprise, the existing vegetation, especially trees, should be preserved as much as possible.

When designing landscaping, it is important to keep in mind that the architecture of green spaces is inseparable from the overall architectural solution of an industrial complex. Landscaping is an important means of enhancing the expressiveness of buildings. The soil cover is recommended to be sown with grasses to reduce dust formation. The lawn does not interfere with viewing the architecture of buildings and helps to identify the artistic qualities of buildings. Mature trees should be placed on the lawn in small landscape groups. In this case, tree species, crown shape and color should be selected in a compositionally and functionally justified manner. Trees in the landscaping of enterprises should not be used in large numbers, as this often interferes with production, restricting the territory, making it difficult to lay and repair engineering networks and roads.

Trees should be placed in such a way that they do not cover road signs, signaling signs and do not make “blind” intersections. Trees should not be planted along the windows of industrial buildings without sufficient reason, so as not to darken the premises, not to impede natural ventilation, and also not to narrow the viewing area.

It is advisable to use flowers and flower beds as color accents, while remembering that caring for flowers requires a lot of labor. It is very important to choose the right scale of landscaping, which should correspond to the scale of the architecture of industrial enterprises. Trees in row plantings, depending on the species and crown size, are placed at a distance (between the axes of the trunks) of 4–6 m. properties of rocks, as well as the impact on them of industrial hazards.

In industrial areas, tree plantations should not be planted that produce flakes, fibers and pubescent seeds when flowering (for example, some types of poplar, willow, etc.), which can have a harmful effect on equipment and mechanical devices (for example, in workshops with precise production processes). , at blower, compressor and machine test stations).

Some industries emit a lot of flue gases and harmful particles. Gases damage mainly the above-ground parts of plants, burning the foliage, and solid particles poison the soil. Therefore, greening the sites of chemical plants and non-ferrous metallurgy plants presents the greatest difficulties. The flue gases of these enterprises consist of sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen oxides, as well as fluorine and other compounds. Solid smoke particles contain compounds of iron, lead, etc. Coal-fired thermal power plants emit mainly sulphurous basin and solid particles in gaseous form. Therefore, when landscaping industrial sites of such enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the prevailing winds and the protection of plantings by buildings and structures.

When using trees and shrubs for landscaping the territory of chemical plants and non-ferrous metallurgy plants, as well as thermal power plants, it is necessary to select gas-resistant species for individual areas, depending on the degree of their smoke.

Flower arrangements and lawns in chemical plants and non-ferrous metallurgy plants are more resistant to harmful effects, so they have some advantages over planting trees and shrubs.

It should be borne in mind that cooling ponds, spray ponds, cooling towers, thermal tunnels in winter have a negative effect on nearby tree plantations. The gap between the border of tree plantations and cooling ponds or spray pools, counting from the coastal edge, should be at least 40 m, and the distance to the cooling towers should be at least one and a half height of the cooling tower irrigation device.

Landscaping requires significant initial and operational costs, so it must be designed as economically as possible.

Improvement and gardening of enterprises should be provided with a material base. It is desirable that this be a centralized base, which includes greenhouses and nurseries, harvesters and tools.


When forming the architectural and spatial environment of industrial enterprises, specialists are guided by a number of principles that take into account the specifics of industrial architecture. Among them, one can single out a layer of environmental principles designed to minimize the harmful effects of industrial enterprises and create the most comfortable environment for human activity.

Landscaping of industrial enterprises is the most effective method of ensuring the ecological balance of industrial areas. Plants used for landscaping the territory of industrial enterprises, sanitary protection zones and the territory adjacent to them must be sanitary effective and sufficiently resistant to air and soil pollution by industrial emissions.

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Foreign experience in the construction of production.

Perhaps one of the most interesting examples of production is the Dresden manufactory, which produces Volkswagen cars.

Volkswagen AG has created a "glass manufactory" directly at the Great Garden, which combines architecture with industrial production. The building was laid down in mid-1999 and production began at the end of 2001. Architecture, interior decoration and production technology in the assembly rooms at Strassburger Platz come together in a Dresden-based symbiosis.

Volkswagen Phaeton is assembled by hand in the best traditions of German masters at the Glass Manufactory in Dresden, very close to the world-famous Dresdner Gallery - Zwinger. The architectural concept of the Glass Manufactory is not limited to production. These include the Lesage gourmet restaurant, special function spaces and the Glass Studio with a convertible ultra-modern interior ideal for television broadcasts. The glass manufactory has nothing to do with conventional automotive production. There is no usual noise and dust. On an area of ​​75,000 sq. m. all around glass, high-tech materials and noble parquet flooring. The conveyor belt on which the Volkswagen Phaeton is assembled is also laid with parquet. The walls of the manufactory are made of glass to emphasize the purity of handmade production and to give everyone the opportunity to personally observe the assembly of his individual Volkswagen Phaeton: from the moment when the chassis and body are connected, to the interior decoration and the installation of electronics. The amazing neighborhood of filigree handwork and the most modern technologies makes the Glass Manufactory the most unusual place for assembling a luxury car.

Factory area. Landscaping of the factory.

Progressive principles of design and construction of industrial enterprises have influenced the solution of projects for the improvement and landscaping of their territories. A clear zoning of industries and services, the typification of quarters makes it possible to zoning the territory of the industrial complex according to the elements of improvement and gardening. Such zones include: pre-factory zone, administrative and economic zone, routes of workers, blocks of primary service (canteens, buffets, tables of orders, etc.), rest places for workers, a visual agitation system, warehouse zones, highways, nurseries and greenhouses.

It is advisable to locate the territory of the enterprise on the leeward side in relation to the finishing factory. Its territory should be planned in such a way as to ensure ventilation of intra-factory, main and other passages.

When developing a master plan, it is necessary to rationally organize cargo and human flows, it is necessary that the paths be short and that human flows, if possible, do not intersect with transport.

The entrance and exit of workers from the enterprise should be provided from the side of the residential area (residential zone).

On the territory of the enterprise, it is necessary to provide for landscaping and landscaping of the site to the maximum extent, all driveways and passages must have hard surfaces (asphalt concrete or reinforced concrete).

When planning buildings and structures, it is necessary to provide for systems of water supply, sewerage, heat supply, power supply, to outline the location of the water intake and purification device, and the boiler room.

The design of railway sidings is allowed if the volume of incoming raw materials and shipped products is at least 10 wagons per day with a nominal carrying capacity of 16.5 tons.

When drawing a master plan, a "wind rose" is drawn on the drawing in order to rationally orient buildings in relation to the prevailing winds in the area.

Also on the drawing of the master plan are technical and economic indicators:

* building area Szastr is determined in square meters: (the sum of the areas of all buildings and structures of storage and auxiliary premises);

* landscaping coefficient Koz.;

* building density K is calculated as a percentage:

where S is the area of ​​the site (territory) of the industrial enterprise, m2;

* Ki area utilization factor is calculated as a percentage:

where, Sdor. - area of ​​roads, sidewalks with a hard surface, m2.

The master plan drawing contains the explication of buildings and structures, as well as symbols. Access roads must be organized to all warehouses. Gas-producing workshops, a boiler room, flammable warehouses, chemical warehouses must be located away from buildings where the bulk of workers and engineers work and on the leeward side. Repair shops should be located near the main production shops they serve. Pumping, compressor, heating point should be located in the area of ​​consumers of energy, steam, water, compressed air.

There must be at least two entrances to the territory of the plant. Industrial buildings are made, as a rule, frame. Buildings can be single-storey or multi-storey. Bearing structures (columns, trusses, beams) can be reinforced concrete, metal. For heavy loads and spans (more than 30 m), it is advisable to use metal trusses. The basis of the building frame is made up of transverse frames. The distance between the transverse frames is called the pitch of the columns. The distance between the columns in the transverse direction, equal to the length of the truss, is called the span. Span in an industrial building is taken as a multiple of 6 (m) L = 12, 18, 24, 30 or more meters. The pitch of the columns is assumed to be B = 6, 12, 18 or more meters. The height of the workshop is taken depending on the technological equipment, the availability of crane beams, monorails.

Buildings of great length and width should be divided into temperature compartments.

Green spaces on the territory of an industrial enterprise, which are largely determined by sanitary and hygienic requirements, perform various functions:

1. Sanitary and hygienic.

2. Architectural and compositional.

3. Economic and operational.

4. Fire fighting.

5. Psychophysiological and emotional.

When designing, the main and subordinate functions of green spaces in their relative importance should be determined.

The development of principles for the improvement of urban industrial areas is based on taking into account their planning features, the nature of the production processes of leading enterprises and the mode of work characteristic of each industry.

The most important condition for the rational implementation of all work on the landscape organization of industrial enterprises is a thorough and most complete study of the entire ecological situation in the area.

By creating special microclimatic conditions, vegetation reduces wind speed by 30-40%, total radiation by 15-20%, and direct radiation by 10-20%. In winter, trees give off heat and raise the temperature. Vegetation improves the physiological activity of a person. Phytoncides and zoocides strengthen the ability to work and the body's resistance to disease.

Solving the problem of optimizing working and living conditions by means of landscaping, it is very important to select plants that, firstly, are able to grow in polluted air, neutralizing phytotoxic gaseous compounds in their tissues, and secondly, have an increased ability to absorb these compounds and, in Thirdly, they differ in certain phytoncidal properties.

A necessary condition is also the high decorativeness of these plants.

Landscape zoning is a system of green spaces for various uses and purposes:

a) sanitary protection zones;

b) nurseries and greenhouses;

c) green spaces in recreation areas;

d) green spaces of the pre-factory zone;

e) green spaces of the administrative and economic zone;

f) green planting areas adjacent to the shops of the main production.

Based on the analysis of practice in the field of floral and decorative design of industrial enterprises, as well as on the methodological provisions put forward by us, we can distinguish the following floral design techniques applicable to industrial zones.

Predzavodskaya area is conditionally subdivided into a number of sections, each of which has its own specifics of improvement:

1. Area of ​​heavy traffic.

2. Area of ​​heavy pedestrian traffic.

3. Plot of auto-motor parks.

4. Plot of administrative institutions.

5. Plot for household purposes.

6. The front part - the square - is full of landscaping and gardening elements (lawns, a pond, benches, fountains, pavilions, flower beds, visual propaganda, etc.).

As a rule, the pre-factory territory at the main entrance of large industrial enterprises is a place of active development with various public-purpose factory buildings - administrative, engineering and laboratory buildings, factory canteens, clinics, etc., which, together with the checkpoints, form entire entrance complexes or entrance groups and play a significant compositional role in the architectural organization of the entrance and the entire pre-factory territory.

According to research materials, for enterprises, the improvement and landscaping of factory territories, squares, public transport stops adjacent to these areas, and especially their saturation with water devices that improve the microclimate of these "open waiting rooms" are especially important for chemical industry enterprises.

Areas of heavy pedestrian traffic start from the public transport stop to the factory gate. When solving pedestrian areas of heavy traffic, it is necessary to proceed from functional requirements (the shortest distance) and architectural and compositional (prospects for interesting and aesthetically advantageous objects). In this zone, it is advisable to place a floral design of a regular type, with a clear large pattern or ornament. In a coloristic decision, one should rely on the psychophysical characteristics of the impact of a particular color, their compatibility in order to create a clear, balanced, favorable environment for perception.

The impact of yellow and red, according to their psychophysiological characteristics (stimulates, revitalizes, encourages, activates, excites) is fundamental in the color solution of the spatial environment of this zone. The optical effect of color, i.e. the apparent impression that illusory effects cause in reality is carried out consciously by the designer in the right direction. So, for example, one tone can cause a feeling of a reduction in distance, the other, on the contrary, will make the object “remove from the viewer”, or decrease, rise, and so on.

In creating an ensemble in front of the factory square, where administrative buildings, service blocks are often located, visual agitation, the system of improvement and landscape organization, where flower design is the basis of the color scheme, has a unifying function.

Following the nature and purpose of this space, flower decoration, which is regular in type, can have a wide variety of forms, ranging from carpet flower beds and ridges at the entrances to buildings to ribbon compositions and complex three-dimensional compositions based on cut greenery of coniferous and deciduous shrubs in combination with annual ornamental herbaceous plants, as well as flower beds and containers.

The organization of places for short-term rest is one of the main tasks of improvement. For the correct solution of this problem, a comprehensive accounting of all components is necessary, with the maximum use of benefits and protection from harmful factors.

The intra-factory micropark and recreation areas near the main production facilities are located on a passive production area and are outside the radius of toxicant fallout. The micropark is located in the area most visited by workers of all industries, is crossed by intense pedestrian flows in the shortest directions, has the most favorable microclimate relative to other factory territories, serves as a resting place located on the way from the service unit to the production buildings for all workers of the plant, employees and engineering and technical personnel.

The layout of the paths provides for free passage through the garden of transit pedestrian flows and creates the possibility of viewing the composition as a whole. The center of the composition can be a water mirror with fountains, lamps, flower beds, interesting paving, sculpture, garden ceramics. The central, nodal part of the micropark can be solved in the form of open, parterre spaces with lawn and floral decoration in the form of carpet ornamental compositions, ribbon compositions from annuals, flower beds and flower beds, as well as flower beds using inert material, cut greenery.

After placing industrial buildings and networks on the master plan of the enterprise, it is necessary to design the improvement and landscaping of the territory.

Landscaping works provide for the creation of reliable pavements for roads and sidewalks, the installation of fences, the discharge of surface runoff, etc.

Landscaping of the territory- planting trees and shrubs, laying out lawns creates protective strips that clean the atmosphere from industrial hazards and prevent the spread of noise, as well as the spread of fires; protects pedestrian paths from dust and noise from the carriageway, and buildings and sidewalks from excessive overheating by sunlight; improves working conditions for workers and employees of enterprises; creates comfortable outdoor recreation areas during the warm season; is a means of aesthetic purpose for the decorative design of an industrial enterprise.

The landscaping area should be at least 15% of the area of ​​the enterprise territory and depends on the development factor. With building ratios of more than 50% and land use of more than 70%, at least 10% are planted with greenery.

Rational and economical placement of green spaces should be carried out using local plant species, taking into account the surrounding landscape, climatic and soil conditions, sanitary-protective and decorative properties of plants, as well as the resistance of trees and shrubs against the harmful effects of gases, smoke, dust and other characteristics of chemical enterprises.

On the territory of an industrial enterprise, greenery is planted: pre-factory sites and at the main checkpoints; intra-factory main passages and along the fence of the enterprise; plots free from buildings and near buildings of amenity premises, canteens, first-aid posts, plant management, laboratories, recreation areas; between individual workshops and groups of workshops that emit a lot of gases and dust; areas of water intake facilities, artesian wells, pumping stations, air intake facilities, ventilation shafts, near ponds, pools, water tanks, oxygen plants, etc.

Tree and shrub plantations are designed so that they do not interfere with the arrangement of lighting lamps, the laying of utility networks and access roads.

When placing individual workshops with a large emission of harmful substances, the gap from them to neighboring industrial buildings should be used as much as possible for green spaces. It is prohibited to plant coniferous trees in places of fire breaks. All free areas without a hard surface, as well as adjacent strips along the fence of an industrial enterprise, are recommended to be used for lawns with sowing grass mixtures, which protects the soil from destruction and dust emission.

The smallest width of the strips of green spaces for single-row planting of trees is 2 m, for two-row planting -5 m; for undersized shrubs - 0.8 m, medium - 1 m, large - 1.2 m, and for lawns - at least 1 m.

In order not to obscure window openings with tree crowns, it is recommended to plant low shrubs along the windows of industrial buildings.

Green spaces on the territory of enterprises are planted in various combinations, alternating, if possible, trees with shrubs and lawns. Open reservoirs, fountains and spray pools have a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the territory of an industrial enterprise.

To drain atmospheric and melt water from the territory of the enterprise and protect it from flooding, vertical planning is carried out with the subsequent creation of reliable artificial surfaces on roads, driveways, sidewalks and squares. Significant parts of the territory of the enterprise should not be asphalted, since asphalt pavement increases the cost of construction and worsens the microclimate due to excess heat release in the summer.

The constructive type of pavement of roads, driveways, sidewalks and squares on the territory of the enterprise depends on the nature and intensity of traffic, the availability of local materials, geological, hydrogeological and climatic conditions.

The thickness of clothing elements for cement-concrete pavements can be 20-50, and for asphalt-concrete - 20-60 cm, including the thickness of the underlying layer.

Pavement pavement is made of asphalt concrete, cement concrete, reinforced concrete (prefabricated and monolithic), asphalt, concrete or stone tiles. The thickness of pavements covered with hot mix asphalt is 2.5 cm. The basis for such pavements is slag, crushed stone, pebbles, lean concrete, construction debris, etc. For pavements made of cement concrete, the thickness of the coating is 8-10 cm, and the basis for them can be directly soil or a sandy underlying layer. For all constructive types of sidewalks, the transverse slope is 2-2.5% towards the road.

Qualitative assessment of the master plan

In order to make a qualitative assessment of the developed draft master plan of an industrial enterprise, to identify its advantages and the expediency of the decisions made, it is necessary to use technical and economic indicators.

The optimal solution of the master plan and its main elements is achieved by comparing the technical and economic indicators of the project with those of existing enterprises of similar capacity, both in the design process and in the final assessment of the design decisions made.

In order to apply a unified methodology in assessing the quality of the draft general plan of an industrial enterprise, one should use the nomenclature main technical and economic indicators:

Square (in ha): territories occupied by the projected industrial enterprise; enterprises in the fence, including reserve areas for building the territory; the same, taking into account the expansion of open warehouses, roads (carriageway) and paved areas of the industrial site; under the intra-factory railway tracks with a gauge of 1524 mm - 750 mm; sidewalks and a separate blind area; landscaping (trees, shrubs, lawns); used territory;

Length (in km): intra-factory railways with a gauge of 1524 and 750 mm; internal factory roads; fencing along the outer boundary of the site;

Odds : development (first stage and prospective); use of the territory; landscaping.

It is not always necessary to use all of the above list of technical and economic indicators. In each particular case, the degree of specification of technical and economic indicators depends on the purpose and goals in resolving those issues that are of fundamental importance on the basis of these indicators. For example, an assessment of comparative options when choosing a master plan scheme, type of transport devices, communications, site location, etc.

Some technical and economic indicators can be determined directly from the completed draft general plan (the area of ​​the projected enterprise, development, storage facilities, railways and roads, sidewalks, landscaping, etc.). Of the general technical and economic indicators given, the most important are the coefficients of development and use of the territory, which reflect the cost-effectiveness of the decisions made by the designed master plan.

Development factor defined as the ratio of the area occupied by all buildings and open warehouses to the total area of ​​the territory of an industrial enterprise in the fence. The value of this coefficient is 0.22-0.5.

Utilization factor territories are defined as the ratio of the area of ​​all buildings and structures, including railways, roads, underground, aboveground and ground engineering and technical communications, to the total area of ​​the enterprise territory in the fence and it is equal to 0.5-0.75.

The average width of the 1524 mm track bed is taken to be 5 m on flat sections, and the area occupied by roads and railways on embankments or in recesses is calculated from the edge of the recess or along the bottom of the embankment.

The total area of ​​landscaping is equal to the sum of the areas of organized green spaces (trees and shrubs, lawns and flower beds).

The final assessment of design solutions for the general plan of an industrial enterprise is obtained by comparing the data obtained with the most economical and accepted technical and economic indicators for the food industry.