Potential and real clients. Brief conclusions about the possibilities of Mirapolis LMS

Today, continuing education at all stages of life is gaining more and more popularity and becomes the key to advancement in career ladder and successful self-realization. For the convenience of implementing modern educational programs distance learning programs are constantly being created around the world, which provide an opportunity to receive quality education in convenient location and at a convenient time. At the same time, education has gone beyond school and student age. Thus, more and more companies large corporations around the world strive to constantly improve the level of knowledge and competencies of their employees. One of the most successful systems distance education meeting these goals is Mirapolis.

The Mirapolis distance education system allows solving the following urgent tasks:

Organize group training for employees;
Conduct continuous learning and control of knowledge of the company's employees;
Provides an opportunity to receive a quality education and undergo advanced training without interrupting the work process;
Reduces training costs without reducing the amount of knowledge gained;
Provides learning opportunities not only through desktop computer but also using mobile devices;
Enables learning regardless of location.
Allows you to develop and use educational programs of any complexity.
Provides an opportunity to receive feedback from employees.

Mirapolis users are owners and managers of companies, specialists of HR companies and employees who pursue the goals of personal and professional growth.

This system is ideal for large companies with more than 1000 employees, as it is designed for high loads and automation of the personnel management process.

O high quality educational services Mirapolis also speaks of a very impressive list of its clients, among which is the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation, Russian railways, Yandex, ECCO, Sberbank and many others.

Mirapolis offers individual solutions for each of its users. The program cannot simply be purchased. You need to decide on the desired functionality and, based on your decision, place an order with the developer. Development of a corporate learning portal takes an average of several months. More exact terms are discussed with the developer on an individual basis and depend on the complexity of the order. Despite the fact that the final product is completely adapted to the needs of companies, the developer always recommends having technical specialist. As a result, the customer always receives a unique educational product that fully meets the requirements and needs of the company.

In order to use the developed product, it is enough to register on the portal and get access to your personal account. The personal account stores a detailed history of training, all the necessary educational materials and resources. At the same time, additional new materials can always be uploaded to the portal, including materials in international formats. For the convenience of communication of training participants, the developer has provided the ability to add various discussion platforms to the system: forums, blogs, webinars, etc.

Mirapolis is aimed at complex automation of various business processes, which makes it a very popular product among large corporations.

The developers paid special attention to reporting. The Mirapolis database contains about 120 different forms and report templates. At the same time, the portal owner has the opportunity to modify them and add their own forms of reports.

Thus, the Mirapolis distance education system is a comprehensive, multifunctional, modern solution for large companies and corporations that want to constantly improve the level and quality of knowledge of their employees using unique distance learning technologies. Mirapolis is the market leader in distance learning products in the corporate training segment.

Distance learning system "Mirapolis/Mirapolis"

Distance learning appeared in the last century. Today, such a service is actively gaining popularity among educational programs. And this is no accident, because the remote learning system is convenient, interesting and modern.

Mirapolis is a modular learning environment that allows for remote interaction between a teacher and a student.

What Mirapolis.ru offers

SDO Mirapolis offers preparation and optimization of various human profit management solutions, software modules for optimization training centers, control of remote platforms.

  • Ability to implement continuous learning and knowledge control in the organization
  • Training at any time of the day
  • Optimization of costs for learning processes
  • Providing training from electronic devices
  • Several options for training centers
  • Possibility to create your own center
  • Mass training of personnel in the shortest possible time
  • Free demo webinar
  • Promotions and discounts

Taking the test remotely - from 999.99 rubles *

Passing the exam remotely - from 1000 rubles *

Thesis defense via Skype - from 2500 rubles*

All final payments for this service are made only after the service is provided (the test or exam is passed, the thesis defense was successful). The final cost depends on the complexity of the task, discipline and urgency. Submit an application for calculation.

Who is the Mirapolis distance learning system suitable for?

Distance learning is becoming very popular among students. After all, it is very convenient and efficient. Using mirapolis virtualroom, the student has the opportunity to independently master the educational and methodological course, pass a test task based on the results of training, do tests and interact with other users of the remote center.

The main thing that a potential student needs is access to a computer and the desire for knowledge. The portal allows free 10-day use of Mirapolis. The mirapolis.ru webinar for the first time can also be visited free of charge, by pre-registering on the site.

Mirapolis.ru is also suitable for corporate business and government organizations.

How to start learning?

To start learning, you need to register on mirapolis, download mirapolis virtualroom and start your first webinar.

Examples of solved tests in your account

Each cycle of training, students receive electronic educational materials located on the network. The material includes various teaching aids, practical advice for their implementation, links to the study of additional material, practical tasks and control tests. All this is complemented by a training schedule.

Throughout the entire time of study, mirapolis gives the student the opportunity to interact remotely with the teacher. Thus, it is formed Feedback, through which the learning process is most effective. In addition, using Personal Area, the student can ask additional questions to the staff technical support and Methodists.

Tasks to be solved for educational institutions:

  • Development and implementation of a remote training center;
  • Transfer from a full-time training format to a remote one;
  • Accompanying full-time training with additional material in a remote center;
  • Increase in listeners' loyalty;
  • Organization of distance learning on a fee basis;
  • Development and implementation of remote testing.

1. Remote system OROX - more than 10 disciplines and more than 20 best teachers. Saving their time, students can learn more information. A free exam schedule allows you to better prepare and learn more material.

2. Intuit provides an opportunity for free education with the issuance of a diploma remotely. The student himself chooses the time of classes and exams. The program is developed by the best specialists in information technology and lecturers from leading Russian universities.

3. LMS Prometheus offers quality education in various disciplines. Students are provided with the necessary information materials on a certain discipline in different languages. Assessment results are also available on the web platform, based on which you can monitor progress.

Why Mirapolis.ru?

The benefits are obvious:

  • Great experience and satisfied customers
  • Convenient and clear interface
  • Quality connection
  • Flexible price policy and discount system
  • SDO Mirapolis - winner of several prestigious awards
  • Ready-made functionality for most tasks
  • Preliminary presentation of the solution
  • Maximum openness, answers to all questions
  • Demonstration of the finished system
  • Wide affiliate program with famous Russian leaders
  • Detailed analysis of the possibilities
  • Mirapolis is part of the Softline Group of Companies
  • We regularly provide free webinars
  • Guaranteed safety and reliability

Fast, interesting and easily digestible learning process.

Unlike other similar remote learning systems, Mirapolis implements new solutions quickly, efficiently and according to customer requirements. On average, it takes 30-60 days.

Innovative technologies were used to create the Mirapolis platform, login is possible from all operating systems. The only condition is a modern and working Internet browser.

Mirapolis is confident in the quality of the services provided and holds a free demo webinar for potential buyers. On it, qualified specialists will demonstrate the basic principles of work, talk about the possibilities and answer all additional questions.

We offer

By contacting us you will receive full information support. We will help you to pass tests, distance exams, control questions in the LMS Mirapolis. If you urgently need the answers to the tests, then our specialists will prepare them and send them in a convenient way for you. Contact us!

To quickly get to know the distance learning system Mirapolis LMS Let's briefly answer five simple questions:

  • What it is?
  • Who developed it?
  • What possibilities does it have?
  • Who cares and who already uses it?
  • What is the price?

Mirapolis LMS is a complex system that allows you to build a corporate educational portal and automate the process of training and testing employees.

About company

There is little information on the Mirapolis company and its founder on the Internet. It is known that the company appeared in 2005. From the very beginning, the company specialized in the development and implementation of HR process automation systems, as well as programs for managing e-learning, personnel testing and assessment, and building knowledge management systems.

At the end of 2009, the head of the startup, Nikolay Tsallagov, attracted investments venture fund Softline Venture Partners, and Mirapolis became part of the Softline group of companies.

In 2013, the Mirapolis system received the E-learnExpo Awards in the nomination " The best solution e-Learning in the corporate sector" for the integration of LMS into the existing educational environment of Russian Railways.

Nikolai Tsallagov
- CEO company "MIRAPOLIS"

Main features of Mirapolis LMS

  • integration with external systems enterprise resource management (ERP), personnel systems (HRIM) and document management systems (EDMS);
  • adding, importing, editing and storing any information about employees;
  • creation of an unlimited number of roles to differentiate access rights;
  • management and accounting of the results of distance, full-time, part-time and blended learning;
  • support for SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC and Tin Can standards;
  • creation of training programs (compound courses);
  • holding webinars, adding webinars to compound courses;
  • testing and surveys;
  • flexible settings for mailings and notifications;
  • messaging between users;
  • news feed, forums, blogs, communities;
  • gamification: statuses, badges and ratings;
  • a library of ready-made reports (more than 120 templates) and a visual report designer.

It should be noted that Mirapolis LMS is only one of the solutions based on the Mirapolis platform. The main product is an integrated control system human capital and automation of HR processes Mirapolis HCM. The system is designed to automate the selection, adaptation, training, evaluation and development of personnel.

You can learn more about the capabilities of Mirapolis LMS from the video:

Potential and real clients

Mirapolis solutions are primarily focused on big business and government organizations that are interested not so much in LMS (LMS, distance learning system), but in HCM or HRM (human capital management system).

For example, Russian Railways (about 800,000 users), the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (about 300,000 users), Russian Post, Yandex, ATOL Group, Avtomir Group of Companies are clients. At the beginning of 2017, more than 240 clients use educational portals on the Mirapolis platform.


One of the main differences of Mirapolis LMS is that the distance learning system is modified and configured individually for each customer, and there is no way to purchase a ready-made packaged solution. In this regard, Mirapolis managers are ready to name the cost of the project only after a detailed clarification of the goals and objectives of the customer and the approval of the terms of reference.

The estimated cost of the Mirapolis SME-Edition solution (for medium and small businesses) for distance learning for 100 employees is from 600,000 rubles per year.

The system through the eyes of an administrator

Mirapolis LMS does not have a demo version. The only way get acquainted with the interface and capabilities of the system - take part in an individual webinar with a demonstration of the educational portal or request a recording of this webinar. We have requested a recording of the webinar and are happy to share it with you.

The video is almost two hours long. To help you quickly find topics that interest you, we have compiled a detailed timeline and placed it in the video description on YouTube. Below is a list of some of the most important topics discussed at the webinar and related to distance learning:

  1. Customizing the appearance of the educational portal (05:24)
  2. Adding Users (07:33)
  3. Ability to integrate with 1C (1:33:21)
  4. Create events to track face-to-face classes(17:12)
  5. Webinar room features (39:16)
  6. Conducting video conferences and video broadcasts (44:45)
  7. Creating Tests (1:22:35)
  8. Creating a training program (45:19)
  9. The possibilities of gamification (1:41:07)
  10. View test results and courses (58:05)
  11. Accounting for the results of face-to-face events (59:26)
  12. Generation of training reports (1:09:55)

Let's take a brief look at the tasks facing LMS administrators and the capabilities of Mirapolis LMS that allow solving these tasks.

System appearance customization

The Mirapolis platform allows flexible modification and customization appearance educational portal, as well as a set of required functions. Using the portal configurator, a set of widgets (over 100), the theme editor and a library of ready-made themes, you can change the portal interface within a few hours. Here are some examples of interfaces:

In addition, you can configure a different interface for different roles. For example, employees will see the schedule of events, a catalog of documents, forums and ratings, managers - in addition, a list of subordinates and their achievements, administrators - all of the above and tools for modifying and configuring the portal.

Standard portal interface developed with the Mirapolis platform (version 4)

Standard portal administrator interface developed with the Mirapolis platform (version 4)

Adding Users

Usually, users are added to the system as a result of integration with some ERP (for example, SAP, Oracle, 1C) or a personnel system. Also, new employees can be added manually or imported from the list.

The system supports the organizational structure of the organization. Additionally, employees can be grouped according to any other criteria.

Card individual, Details tab

Add learning materials and create events

Ready-made electronic courses of SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC and Tin Can standards can be loaded into the system and QTI tests can be imported. In addition, you can add any number of electronic documents, presentations and videos.

You can also create in the system typical event to take into account the results of full-time education. The event card has a lot of settings for describing the event, accepting applications, sending notifications, recording results, issuing certificates, etc.

Typical event card

Adding and creating tests

Test questions can be imported from QTI files, as well as created directly in the system web interface.

Add test question window

Test questions are created using the built-in editor and stored in a separate directory. There are 10 types of questions available. From these questions, you can then create tests, and each question can be inserted into several tests at once. You can create adaptive tests - this is when next question depends on the answer to any of the previous ones. There is a built-in system for analyzing the quality of tests, questions and answers.

Creation of training programs

The curriculum in Mirapolis LMS is a structured sequential list of training events, webinars, e-courses, files, links, tests, surveys and/or assignments.

Training programs may vary. Simple programs consist of only face-to-face training or only e-courses and tests and have a linear scenario. More complex combinations different forms training, automatically generate a list of employee competencies depending on the results of tests and assignments, and build a long-term individual learning trajectory.

Creating a program in Mirapolis LMS is similar to creating an event. In the training program card, you can add various trainings, webinar recordings, electronic courses, tests, etc.

Conducting webinars

The Mirapolis platform has its own webinar service called Mirapolis Virtual Room. The service can be used independently of Mirapolis LMS or in conjunction with it.

It has all the necessary functions for conducting webinars:

  • flexible virtual room interface settings;
  • flexible settings for registration and distribution of various notifications;
  • flexible settings of roles and access rights;
  • mobile application for viewing webinars in real time;
  • demonstration of presentations and electronic documents;
  • conducting audio and video conferences;
  • demonstration of the desktop (host screen);
  • real-time drawing board;
  • chat and polls to get prompt feedback;
  • webinar recording;
  • reports on attendance and survey results, printouts of chat correspondence.

The virtual room is easily integrated into Mirapolis LMS. At the same time, it is additionally possible to embed online webinars and their recordings in the training paths of employees and receive detailed reports on their achievements and performance.

The service has a trial period. For 10 days, you can host a free webinar for 10 participants.

The interface and features of the virtual room can also be found in the webinar recording (44:45) or in this short promotional video:

Tools of communication and communication

Using the Mirapolis platform, you can create a corporate portal where employees can not only learn about new events and receive training, but also exchange messages, share experiences on forums and blogs, participate in surveys and voting.

The structure of the portal is flexibly configured and can quickly change. The system also has a tool that allows you to configure automatic notifications and mass mailings to employees when an event occurs. This can be registration for a webinar or successful completion of a course, getting a new position or a new role in the system, etc.

Report generation

Mirapolis LMS allows managers and system administrators to receive and analyze information about how each employee and the company as a whole is trained.

The system has more than 120 ready-made report templates. You can create a new report yourself in the visual report designer.

Brief conclusions about the possibilities of Mirapolis LMS

Mirapolis LMS is a tool with which you can create a corporate educational portal with great opportunities for employee training. The design of the portal can be flexibly modified and customized.

At the same time, Mirapolis primarily focuses not so much on the eLearning market, but on the integrated automation of business processes related to the management and development of personnel.

The main competitors of the company in this market are SAP SuccessFactors HCM, Oracle Talent Cloud (Taleo), Workday. The Mirapolis HCM system has a number of advantages over them:

  • lower price;
  • more flexible settings;
  • Russian localization;
  • included in the register of domestic software.

On the Russian market distance learning systems Mirapolis LMS is present, but somewhat abstracts itself from other LMS.

Company representatives directly state - if you only need employee training, pay attention to iSpring Online and Teachbase.

Features of Mirapolis LMS:

  • is a module of a powerful HCM system;
  • flexible settings for the interface and functionality of the portal;
  • work in the system is completely built on the WEB-interface;
  • support for all types of education: distance, full-time, part-time and mixed;
  • there is a built-in platform and mobile application for webinars;
  • gamification: ratings, badges, virtual currency;
  • communication tools: forums, polls, blogs, communities;
  • automation of the process of adaptive e-learning;
  • detailed reports on learning outcomes.

Disadvantages of Mirapolis LMS:

  • high cost compared to other domestic LMS;
  • the average period for the implementation of LMS is about 3 months;
  • additional training for system administrators is required;
  • No mobile application for offline learning (in development);
  • complex and outdated design.

Business tasks for which Mirapolis LMS is suitable

Let's take a closer look at what business tasks Mirapolis LMS is best suited for.

Suitable for:

  • Comprehensive employee appraisal. The combined use of Mirapolis LMS and Mirapolis Assessment and Performance tools allows you to automate the process of personnel assessment and certification, as well as improve the quality of training. This combination can be especially relevant when necessary in short time conduct an annual review a large number employees and then create individual training and development plans for them for the next year.
  • Adaptive employee training. In order for each employee to receive only the knowledge that is really necessary and useful for him in his work, and not to waste time on useless courses and tests, in the Mirapolis LMS system, you can flexibly set up individual learning paths depending on the position, competencies, test results, etc. d. For example, the system can automatically assign a training program to an employee who has been promoted to become a department head. The program can take into account what trainings, courses and tests the employee has already taken, how long ago the acquired knowledge was tested, what competencies he currently has, and then offer individual training. In the course of training, the set of required classes may automatically change - if the first trainings, courses and tests were successfully completed, the number of classes may be reduced or supplemented with more specialized ones. And vice versa, if according to the results of the test, some knowledge was poorly learned, the system may offer to take additional classes.

Can be used for:

  • Remote training of employees. Mirapolis LMS has everything you need for remote training of employees. Moreover, the system allows you to plan face-to-face events and take into account their results. This is a good solution for training in companies with more than 3,000 employees. However, if your company does not have many employees, then the system may seem complicated and expensive for you.
  • Training and certification of partners. Mirapolis LMS allows you to flexibly configure roles and access rights to different sections of the portal and educational materials for different users of the system. It is also possible to modify the appearance of the portal for different roles. If necessary, even different partners can have different interfaces. If you want to train and certify your partners, then Mirapolis LMS can do just fine. However, it should be understood that for some organizations corporate requirements information security do not allow access to the system for external organizations. In this case, a good option would be to use a separate LMS for these purposes.

Not suitable for:

  • Rapid implementation of distance learning. Educational portals created using the Mirapolis platform are created exclusively "on order". The implementation period can take from one week to several months, and the final adjustment of the system can take forever. Also, to administer the system, you will need to additionally study the documentation (about 4000 sheets). If you need to get a simple and functional system for remote training of employees, clients or partners, it is better to look at cloud solutions. For example, iSpring Online or Teachbase.
  • short term projects. If you plan to train a large number of geographically dispersed employees, and at the same time the training itself should be completed in a few months, then the development of an educational portal based on Mirapolis LMS will most likely be inappropriate - the process will take too much time and will be expensive.
  • Mobile learning. The advantage of mobile learning is to be able to take interactive courses, tests and assignments anywhere, wherever you are, even if there is no mobile internet or WiFi. Mirapolis does not yet have a mobile application that allows you to study study materials and take tests offline, as well as save learning results when connected to the network. The developers promise to release the application during 2017.

This review is over. We hope that it was useful to you and helped you get acquainted with the capabilities of Mirapolis LMS. If you have any questions, comments, additions to the article, please feel free to leave them in the comments.

Mirapolis is a Russian developer of systems for integrated automation HR Processes Award for Achievement in Management by human resourses in the competition "Crystal Pyramid" in the nomination " Technological solution 2013" for the development of a cloud platform for integrated human capital management Mirapolis Human Capital Management. The Crystal Pyramid Award was established by the Organizing Committee of the Summit of HR Directors of Russia and the CIS in 2011 for distribution the best experience personnel management and attracting the attention of the business community to the field of human resources management ...

ECCO in Russia, one of the largest international shoe retailers, has implemented modern system distance learning (LMS) Mirapolis Learning Management System. The practice of applying staff training in ECCO, including using LMS, shows an increase in sales of up to 20% within the next month after the training. The use of leading technologies in the field of education is due to the strict standards of customer service and recruitment at ECCO throughout Russia. Prior to the implementation of Mirapolis LMS, ECCO had a number of teaching materials in print and electronic forms.…

  • over 1,000,000 product users.
  • Mirapolis is part of the Softline group of companies.

    "ESSO": how to increase sales with the help of personnel training technologies

    ECSO in Russia, one of the largest international shoe retailers, has implemented a modern distance learning system (LMS) Mirapolis Learning Management System

    The practice of staff training in ECCO, including using LMS, shows an increase in sales up to 20% within the next month after the event. The use of leading technologies in the field of education is due to the strict standards of customer service and recruitment at ECCO throughout Russia.

    Prior to the introduction of the Mirapolis LMS system, ECCO had a number of methodological materials in printed and electronic form. However, training - usually self-guided - did not give the expected effect. To improve quality and efficiency, direct communication with the lecturer was required. In addition, specialists from the training department regularly traveled to the regions to conduct training events, which significantly increased the overall costs of this process (only in Russia, ECCO has more than 300 points of sale).

    Now the system trains, first of all, sellers, cashiers, administrators and store directors. In the future, it is planned to introduce courses for warehouse and office personnel. The potential coverage of the LMS audience should be about 1,500 people. In addition, the company will increase the frequency of training events and improve their quality (while not increasing the number of employees of the training department), as well as implement operational group online interaction of departments in solving current problems.

    "One of the most important values at ECCO is customer centricity. That is why serious attention is paid to the effectiveness of training. sales staff, which is quite difficult to implement in a widely distributed regional network, - says Roman Krynzhin, HR Director of ECCO in Russia, - Being one of the forms of staff training, distance learning combines not only positive sides face-to-face learning, but also other unique benefits. Among them, the following can be distinguished: reducing the cost of travel for training staff and the average cost per trainee; manufacturability of the training tool and the possibility of simultaneously covering a large number of participants; globalization of appraisal activities, the efficiency of obtaining their results and, as a result, an increase in the satisfaction of our customers.”

    “The choice of the Mirapolis platform was due to many factors. First of all, it is accessibility and ease of use. It is also important that the work in the system is built on the WEB-interface, which allows it to be used at all workplaces available in the company, as well as remotely. Another important factor is that the system allows us to conduct webinars and videoconferences for staff training, as well as use it in recruiting personnel in the regions,” said Sergey Prokhorov, CIO ECCO in Russia.