How to get used to living alone in an apartment. I want to live alone forever

She lived alone for about five years in a row. It can be seen that a person is so arranged that he always lacks something, and while she lived on her own, she vaguely wanted to take care of and love someone. But I didn't realize how much I needed personal space. I agree with the girl a little higher about the fact that cleaning, music, etc. are easy to do even in cohabitation, and all these items are of a one-time nature. If Madame gets tired of her beloved roommate, her departure for the weekend to her parents is perceived by her as a crackling of a sail in the wind of freedom, she invites her girlfriends, walks naked, turns on Ivan Dorn and Despacito to the fullest, and by the evening she is already bored and crying into the phone "well, when are you Are you back already?" For me, walking naked around the house makes sense if the guy is looking at it. Most - little that is not interesting, it is also uncomfortable.

The most important thing that I missed the most from the period of loneliness was free time for my own needs. Everything is relative.))

Alone, I could go to the gym in the evening for two hours, and from there immediately to the pool - no question at all - and then come and immediately go to bed. When living together, you can no longer afford such a luxury. It would seem, why not - but No. Moreover, my lark rhythm of life with getting up at 6-7 in the morning without an alarm clock and falling asleep no later than 11 pm - was covered with a copper basin. But the biggest problem did not come to light immediately. I used to read and study a lot foreign languages especially if found good book, - it was difficult to put it off until it was over. I used to play something like solitaire on the computer and at the same time listen to a course of lectures on literary criticism, history, and psychology. I constantly read articles on my interests, discussed them with people on thematic forums. I watched a huge amount of arthouse, which you can’t watch together, and wrote criticism of it. Led two public. I constantly learned something new and took numerous courses. At the same time I sat with friends in networks. It is difficult to get me to visit somewhere, and I myself am reluctant to receive guests, but in the communication networks I had enough with my head. Needless to say, with the advent of a man for all these classes, 1-3 hours a day are left at best. Plus, I am an introvert, and I get very tired of people, that is, after work it is vital for me to be alone, to restore energy, but only a person like me can understand this. It seems that the man says - "take as much time as you need", but it turns out that all the time I am distracted by his rustling, walking, "where did you put the pancakes with meat?", "it would be nice to have a bite", "what do you read there?" , "come here for a minute", "let's go to the supermarket, the water is running out" and so on. I practically had to give up sports, as well as travel: before I could break away for the weekend anywhere, but now there was not enough time, and considering that “lifting” yourself somewhere is like two fingers on asphalt, a man is 10 times harder , even relatively easy-going. We still need to show him the charms of this place, then discuss it for a long time, and in the end, if we go somewhere, then usually not where I originally wanted. In a year I read 4 books, and then in fits and starts, but I learned how to cook 30 dishes from vegetables and 40 types of soup and gained 5 kg weight, because. earlier in my house there was no talk of condensed milk, cookies and sausage. Losing weight alone is elementary, with a man, given that I am cooking, the mission is impossible. But the sacrifice, I think, is still justified. Yes, and he had to make some sacrifices for me.

In general, I want to dissuade people who have a similar rhythm of life to my life, to be bored alone, until there is a permanent relationship. Enjoy it to the fullest!

Researchers from New Zealand among 4000 men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, and concluded that single people are more likely to feel happy than those who are married.

Of course, if unmarried girl over 30 years old declares that she lives alone and does not need anyone, then everyone will think that she is a hypocrite and wants to cover her fear with these brave words. Most likely, she was already betrayed and humiliated by men, so she abandoned all attempts to improve her personal life and is now trying to create in the eyes of others the illusion of a happy lonely life.

Fact the fact remains: in order not to look like a black sheep, a woman must get married, have a husband and give birth to a child. Society is accustomed to considering an unmarried woman as a failed, useless and unhappy woman. However, it is after marriage that many women understand that the assertion that the husband is the guarantor of success, prosperity and happiness does not always correspond to reality.

That's why more divorce today than getting married. Women understand that it is better to be alone than to live with an unloved husband. But in order to make a decision to leave your husband and live alone, you must be independent and be able to earn money in order to support yourself without anyone's help. For this reason, many women do not file for divorce until their children grow up and no longer need their help.

many among married women and, which up to last day life endure the humiliation of her husband, envying women who live alone and do whatever they want. They also dream of such a life, only they are weak in character and so dependent on their husband that they are no longer able to pay utility bills and feed themselves without the help of their husband ...

Of course, loneliness has its own minuses. And the main disadvantage is to give anyone a glass of water and make tea during an illness. But it's not so scary either. Single women who live separately from children tend to maintain good relations with them and can ask them for help at any time. During an illness, you can also call an ambulance and agree to hospitalization if you yourself do not have the strength to make tea or go for a glass of water.

Someone will call women who left her husband and live separately, selfish. But confusing selfishness and self-sufficiency is wrong. It’s just that these women decided for themselves that maybe they have only 20-30 years left to live, they are already retired, and she also found out what happiness is and how it is to live for your own pleasure?

For many years she endured husband who didn't care at all. He brought home a meager salary and hid a stash for himself so that he could buy a bottle of vodka every day and, but about the rest - let the wife think and work for two if she does not have enough money. Years later, everything gets fed up and it becomes hard for a woman to even look at her husband, she is too tired of living together with him and she wants to at least live the rest of her life in peace.

Like these ones women, exhausted from married life, truly love and appreciate their loneliness. For them, real happiness is to hide from the whole world in their home, to enjoy peace and tranquility.

Main advantage happy single life- you can behave the way you want, and not please your spouse. Living alone, you can cook the most delicious meals for yourself, sleep at any time of the day as much as you want, if you are already retired. No need to get out of bed early, no lateness to work and waiting in line for the toilet. A story, not life.

Insomnia is no longer a problem for you. You no longer need to be afraid that if you get out of bed, an aggressive husband may wake up. You can enjoy a piece of cake right in bed in the middle of the night or eat ice cream while turning on your favorite TV series. In the morning, no one will tell you that you behaved badly and did not let everyone sleep.

There is no need to report to anyone how much money you've spent a month worrying about what to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner. When you live alone, you can eat at least every day the same cakes and your favorite food, and no one will judge you for this. Of course, this may have a bad effect on the waist, but this is of little concern, since women who are tired of family life, no one is needed anymore and they don’t care if men like them or not?

When living with an unloved husband, you still have to exchange a couple of on-duty phrases with him, even in the case when there is no longer any desire to communicate with him. And if he comes home drunk and makes a scandal, the only desire is to leave home and disappear forever. Unfortunately, this is not possible if the wife does not have a separate home.

That's where many people live women with their husbands, envious of those who managed to save up money for a separate apartment or house, and now enjoy their loneliness. "What-no, but still need a husband in old age!" they console themselves. It seems to them that living together with an unloved husband satisfies their basic needs for protection, security and petting. Therefore, they do not believe that a single woman can be happy.

In our opinion, happy or unhappy woman can be both married and without a husband, living alone. It all depends on her character. For self-sufficient and successful women, happiness is freedom, and for weak and dependent women, it is to be close to a husband who not only scandalizes, but sometimes strokes ...

Breaking up a relationship is a difficult test for both women and men. But we will not sin against the truth if we say that women experience it much harder. It’s hard to say what influences this: greater emotionality than men, the desire to equip a family nest with a full set of inhabitants, or the common belief “if a woman is alone, something is wrong with her,” or maybe all this together. It is really difficult for a woman in such a situation to adapt to the new order of things.

Learning to live alone becomes more difficult the longer the relationship lasts. As time passes, only not very clear memories remain of the former free and independent life in all respects. But no matter how difficult the task may seem, do not hesitate - it is quite feasible.

Minor difficulties
Many ladies after a divorce note that the most difficult thing suddenly turns out to be not at all what they expected. Lonely evenings, which they were so afraid of, are filled with the usual worries, visits from girlfriends, some household chores or work taken home. But what really interferes with learning to live without a husband and without a loved one are some completely, it would seem, frivolous questions.

For example, a faucet leaked. Previously, it was clear what to do with it. And now it causes confusion and a feeling of emptiness, well, memories, of course. Or, for example, the husband usually paid for the apartment, took him to work, brought food from the supermarket - all this was regulated and understandable. And now a little chaos has set in: you have to get out earlier and push around in the minibus, carry heavy packages, dig around with numerous receipts. And for some reason, it is precisely these, completely non-global, little things that become the last straw, and it begins to seem: everything, I can’t cope.

But we'll just fix that. Call relatives for help or make a clear schedule so that you can keep up with everything. Write down the phone numbers of all utilities to be fully equipped. And at the same time look for where they provide such a service as "husband for an hour." You can always call a jack-of-all-trades who will fix the sockets, clean up a broken shelf and fix leaks in the bathroom. It will cost relatively little. But you will experience a special relief when you feel that the men's work in the house is done, and you did it.

His things
If you lived together for a long time, and then he left, you will have to constantly stumble upon something that evokes memories. the best way dealing with this will return all things to the rightful owner. And it has nothing to do with the legal division of property. The emotional side of the issue will be more important. Quietly leave the refrigerator, which each family member opens ten times a day. But give away his favorite chair, sports equipment or record collection as soon as possible. Also, upgrade your home. If a major overhaul has not yet been planned, it does not matter: even new curtains and tablecloths will make certain changes.

Too big bed
This is really unusual. You have doubled the space. And that's why it's so hard to sleep at night. The bed seems huge and completely uncomfortable. There are several options for solving this problem. First, you can temporarily move to the sofa. Perhaps it will be cramped and uncomfortable there, but it will be all the more pleasant to return to a soft bed and finally enjoy peace, and also that the blanket is now completely yours. And secondly, you can remember your childhood and buy a big teddy bear, or a hare, or a lion - choose which one you like best.

Free time
Perhaps it will become too much. Well, it's time to learn how to live for yourself: devote time to your hobbies, implement some crazy idea, learn to dance the rumba, or at least go to the cinema with your friends. Another option is to fill the days with work. At first, it is quite suitable, but you still should not get carried away - it is addictive. And you still arrange your personal life.

Temporary measure
Of course, at this stage you should learn to live alone, but this does not mean that you need to learn this forever. Putting feelings in order, recovering from a breakup is simply necessary, but then the loneliness will end, and you will have a new love. And this time it will be for real.

And therefore - accept courtship from men. And also get out "into the light" if it gives you pleasure, or into nature - if you feel more comfortable there. Buy yourself the most delicious ice cream and lie on the couch with an interesting book. Go to beauty salons and cat and dog shows - do what you like. After all the main task is to learn to live happily on your own. And when you are happy, many people will want to join you. And then you will no longer need the newly acquired ability to live alone.

We began to live more freely. Couples who do not want children, single parents, "test-tube children" are the reality of recent decades. However, society is still distrustful of convinced bachelors.

It is hard to believe that some are so self-sufficient that they do not need a strong shoulder, care and affection, marital support. Friends try to introduce them to someone, and relatives harass them with questions about their personal lives. Sometimes singles do not withstand the pressure of society and find a partner, as a result, both are unhappy. It is better to try to find out if you are really ready to spend your life alone.

1. How do you feel about finding a partner?

Do you love dating? Avoid meeting new people? What exactly do you dislike: the process itself or the prospect of living together? When friends want to set you up with someone, do you come up with excuses to avoid meeting?

2. How do you imagine family life?

Do you fantasize about doing a lot of things together: shopping, traveling, worrying about the same things? Or do you dream of a workaholic partner whose main advantage is the constant absence from home? Perhaps you don't want to live with another person. You enjoy being alone.

3. If you were in a serious relationship in the past, how did you feel?

If you've dated a mentally unstable person, it's only natural that you're wary of a new relationship. If your partner was caring, considerate, smart and likeable, and you dreamed of being on a desert island, you are probably a loner. You are not against communication, but you are not ready to be together with someone. Most of the time you want to live at your own pace and decide whether to cook dinner or go to a restaurant, go to the movies or spend an evening with a book.

4. If you had a romantic relationship in the past, how did you feel when it ended?

Most experience sadness, anxiety, and even despair when a breakup occurs. The Lonely Hearts are relieved when a relationship ends. At the same time, we are not talking about “toxic” relationships, these people miss the single life, they need freedom. And no matter how loving, attentive and interesting the partner was.

5. You have decided to get married. What do you feel?

In one study, 464 newlyweds were asked how they felt when they decided to get married. 47% of men and 38% of women admitted that they felt insecure. Four years later, it turned out that women who were not sure of the correctness of the decision were divorced 2.5 times more often than those who did not have doubts.

It's fun to live with someone, but often the neighbors in your home get bored, you want to be alone for at least a few hours. If you live alone, then the problem is the opposite - loneliness will get bored sooner or later (even if you started living alone for the reason that you were absolutely fed up with cohabitants). However, by following a few tips given in our article, you can avoid the feeling of melancholy and depression that sometimes overtakes in an empty apartment.

1. Visit family and friends regularly

If you live alone, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the lack of social interaction. If you or your family visit at least once a week, then fill this gap in communication and the balance will be restored.

2. Join a club or organization related to something you love

For example, if you love to read, join a book club and attend meetings regularly. Love sports - attend sporting events, even if you have to go there alone. In any case, doing what you love will keep you in a good mood.

3. Get a pet

A dog or cat will give you communication, but will not be as annoying as a roommate. If you prefer animals that require a little less attention and care, then it could be a rabbit or a fish.

4. Prepare your food regularly

When you live with someone, you are forced to be guided by the culinary preferences of your neighbor. Even if you cook each for yourself, it can be annoying, for example, the smell of garlic or something else. When you live alone, you can cook whatever you want, whenever you want.

5. Surround yourself with things you love

Create the environment you like at home. When you live alone, you can do as you like, without being guided by the tastes of a roommate.

Do not dwell on the fact that you live alone, this creates longing and a feeling of loneliness. Enjoy freedom: eat what you want, watch what you want, sleep when you please, clean and wash dishes at any time of the day or night, in general, do not limit yourself in anything, and good mood you are guaranteed!