Tenders for corporate projects. Tenders for corporate projects Key features of 1C: Retail

Dedicated to the "1C: Retail 2.1" configuration for the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform, I talked about how to enter basic information about the organization into the database. Today I will tell you how to enter information about stores into the system. In order to add information about the store to the program, it is necessary to clearly formulate its structure for yourself.

So, what do we need to know about the store in order to enter data about it into Retail?

First of all, we need information about the organizations that will be added to the database. After all, it often happens that one large enterprise consists of several smaller organizations, and in some cases, along with legal entities, it may also include individual entrepreneurs. Information about all organizations whose work will need to be recorded in the 1C: Retail configuration must be entered into the database in exactly the same way as in the example discussed in the previous article.

Now you can start adding stores. To do this, go to the "Regulatory and reference information" section and click the "Stores" link.

Then, in the window that opens, click the "Create" button.

In the first window of the Store Creation Assistant, the first step is to enter the store name and warehouse information.

A store can have several warehouses, but one warehouse can belong to only one legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

In total, 1C: Retail supports three types of warehouses. The main ones are warehouse space and a trading floor. There are also distribution warehouses from which goods are delivered to outlets. But in Retail, they are used only if it is running a different configuration. For example, "1C: Trade Management". It is impossible to create a warehouse of this type directly here, so we are mainly interested in the first two types of warehouses.

A warehouse is a warehouse where goods are stored. Sales, with the exception of wholesale, are not conducted from it.

Trading floors are also classified as warehouses, since they also contain goods that are subject to accounting, but from here goods can be sold at retail. Accordingly, if the store uses only one warehouse, then it will definitely be a trading floor.

If you activate the "Several warehouses" option, the system will allow you to specify warehouses for the receipt and shipment of goods.

After you fill in the information about the warehouse or several warehouses, you will need to select an organization on behalf of which sales will be carried out by default. Then you need to specify for which actions you want to use the order scheme.

The order scheme involves the preparation of documents on the basis of which the acceptance, shipment, movement and write-off of goods will be carried out. It makes sense to use it if different people deal with goods and documents. Otherwise, transactions with goods will be carried out without the formation of additional documents.

However, when transferring goods between stores, the order scheme is used in without fail, and you cannot change this setting in the standard ways.

The next step is to specify the pricing rule responsible for pricing. We will consider this topic in detail in one of the following articles, but for now, just go to the wizard for creating such a rule by clicking on the button with the ellipsis symbol.

In the window that opens, click the "Create" button.

Next, write a name for the new rule, after which you need to specify the price type for it. The list of price types is still empty, so let's create the first one right away. To do this, you need to click on the button with ellipsis in the same way, and on the next screen - on the "Create" button.

In the window for creating a price type, specify its name, identifier for formulas (by default it is the same as the name), and also mark that the price includes VAT and this type is used in the sale.

Leave the rest of the settings as is for now. We will analyze them in the article on pricing. In the meantime, click "Save and close" and select the newly created price type.

Please note that if we have included VAT in the new kind prices, then the window for creating a pricing rule should also be marked accordingly. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to apply price types with VAT here, because they will not be shown in the list and you will not be able to add them manually either.

Click “Save and Close” again, and then select for our store the newly created pricing rule with the price type already assigned to it. Then click the "Next" button and proceed to the next step.

On the next screen, you can enter store details such as addresses and phone numbers. In addition, here you can set a couple of additional settings. For example, the view of the minimum sale prices.

The minimum sales price type is used if you have various discounts applied in your store. This setting allows you to set a lower bar, below which the cost cannot fall in any case.

Here you can set the rounding of prices in favor of the buyer and its size.

None of the settings available in this step are required.

At the final stage, press the "Create" button, and if the corresponding box is checked, the form of the newly created store will open.

By specifying a new name for the warehouse at the first step of the assistant, we thereby instructed the program to create such a warehouse. Let's go to the "Regulatory and reference information" section and click on the "Warehouses" link.

In the window that opens, double-click on the name of the new warehouse to see its properties.

As you can see, there is already a mark here by default, indicating that the warehouse is a trading floor. If necessary, we can also indicate that a single tax on imputed income is applied to this warehouse. To do this, click on the link "Utility Applications" and indicate from what moment it is valid.

Now you need to enter information about the cash registers of the store into the database. Although a store can include multiple organizations, each individual checkout can belong to only one of them.

There are two types of cash desks: operating cash desk and KKM cash desk.

The operating cash desk is the main cash desk of the organization, where all the proceeds flow, where salaries are paid, money back and other similar operations are carried out.

The cash desk of KKM registers sales, accepting money and preparing accounting documents for buyers.

At the same time, the operating cash desk is also capable of performing the functions of a cash register, as is often the case in small retail outlets.

Let's create one checkout for our new store for now. This can be done both from the "Regulatory and reference information" section, and through the page of the store itself.

For the cash register, you need to specify the store and organization, after which the program itself will suggest a name, which, however, can be changed.

That's all. The main store settings are stored in the database.

This question began to arise for many with the advent of EGAIS, when users want to make sales ALCOHOLIC products from OOO, but the rest from IP.

Setting order:


We have 2 organizations:

Organization Directory

Let's wind them up


Directory Warehouses

  • We will bind to the IP organization
  • Link to store Store
  • We will bind to the organization LLC
  • Link to store Store


Need to customize ONE workplace and bind to it 2 fiscal registrars. For the test, we will link 2 emulators (you link real cash registers) to the workplace, one per organization. There is nowhere to prescribe the organization in the equipment itself, so do not look.

KKM cash desks

KKM Cashier Directory

  • KKM IP
  • We will bind to the IP organization
  • We will bind to the equipment FR IP
  • Link to store Store
  • We will bind to the organization LLC
  • We will link to the equipment of FR LLC
  • Link to store Store
  • Link to the workplace


Checkout Directory

  • IP cash desk
  • We will bind to the IP organization
  • We will tie KKM KKM IP to the checkout
  • Link to store Store
  • Kassa OOO
  • We will bind to the organization LLC
  • We will tie KKM KKM LLC to the checkout
  • Link to store Store

Nomenclature groups

You need to create 2 item groups

Reference Nomenclature groups

  • We will bind to the goods that will be sold through the IP organization
  • We will bind to the goods that will be sold through the LLC organization

Setting up product distribution

Main menu - All functions - Information registers

Here we are interested in two registers:

  • Sales distribution

Sales distribution

Distribution of sales of services by organizations

How to arrive the goods?

It's simple, the goods are delivered to the warehouse, based on the organization

  • IP organization
  • IP Warehouse
  • LLC organization
  • Warehouse LLC
How to sell in RMK?

We open the workplace of the cashier (RMK). We need open shift 2 times. Once for one organization, the second time for another. The first time the program will give a choice, the second time it will open a shift for the remaining last organization. And close shifts in the same way. Goods will be processed on different cash registers, depending on the item group specified in the item card.


As a result, you will have separate sales documents for different organizations and KKM cash desks

"1C: Retail" is a universal solution for retail management. Fully automates all the main business processes of both an individual store and a large retail chain. Allows you to organize effective management sales and purchasing, inventory and warehouse, store personnel, assortment and pricing, marketing promotions and loyalty systems. Automates the workplace of the cashier. Provides prompt generation of reports for monitoring and analyzing the performance of retail outlets.

Supports the requirements of 54-FZ (fiscal data formats 1.05 and 1.1, provided that the format is supported cash register), works with connected retail equipment, integrated with government systems accounting of goods circulation: EGAIS, "Mercury", "Honest Sign".

Customizable for any task retail. It can be used autonomously, including as a cash program, or in conjunction with other 1C solutions: "1C: Trade Management 8", "1C: Management of our company", "1C: Accounting 8", cloud service "1C: Cash register ".

Key features of 1C: Retail

Working with reference information

Convenient directories for working with the nomenclature and prices, registration of operations, centralized data entry and updating.
Built-in services for filling and standardizing reference data and obtaining information from all-Russian basic classifiers containing information about postal addresses, banks, countries, etc.

Assortment and pricing management

Analysis of consumer demand and liquidity of goods. Determining the needs for goods, the formation of the optimal range.
Pricing management taking into account the format, location and target group of buyers of each particular store. Delayed application of prices.

Loyalty program management

Support for more than 20 discount conditions, both in monetary terms and in the form of gifts. Accounting and control of sales and use of gift certificates.
Analysis of target groups of buyers, formation of marketing campaigns, control and evaluation of the effectiveness of bonus programs.

warehouse management

Operational accounting of goods by storage warehouses and departments of the store, including serial accounting by expiration date.
Completion and disassembly of goods, packaging of weight products with the function of printing labels, setting up schemes for selecting goods for selective inventories.

Inventory and Purchasing Management

Formation of individual and centralized orders to suppliers. Automatic distribution of incoming goods by warehouses and departments of the store. Printing labels and price tags.
Monitoring the performance of suppliers in terms of terms, volumes and prices of delivery. Registration of returns and registration of the reasons for the write-off of goods.

Cashier's workplace

A specialized cashier workplace interface that supports more than 40 commands for processing retail sales, taking into account the specifics of different industries.
Allows you to take different kinds payments, issue discounts, accept returns, keep records of the seller’s personal sales, select products different ways etc.

Store personnel management

Maintaining a list of store employees and employees with access to the system. Support for personnel registration cards with magnetic or bar codes.

Planning and control of working time, analysis of the effectiveness of employees. Accounting for personal sales, calculation of bonuses for personal sales, formation of payroll for bonuses, payment of salaries in cash from the store's cash register.

Receipt of bills of lading from the labeling systems, confirmation of purchases, write-off of products from the balance in case of damage, registration of sales, maintenance of blot records, control of the status of marking codes, registration of balances and transfer to the GIS of all necessary data on retail sales controlled products.

Connection commercial equipment

Support for work with various trading equipment: online cash registers, stand-alone cash registers, receipt printers, barcode scanners, electronic scales, data collection terminals, customer displays, acquiring terminals, etc.

Analytical reporting

More than 130 analytical and statistical reports to analyze target performance indicators of retail outlets: revenue and profit volumes, number of checks per shift, average check, return statistics, effectiveness of marketing activities, analysis of inventory balances, supplier efficiency, etc.

Advantages of "1C: Retail"


  • Suitable for managing retail sales in companies of any size and in any area of ​​trade.
  • Allows you to register almost all operations related to the acceptance, movement, sale and return of goods.
  • Supports work with almost all types of connected commercial equipment: online cash registers, barcode scanners, data collection terminals, label printers, acquiring terminals, etc.

Simple and convenient operation

  • The functionality of the program can be easily configured in accordance with the assortment management and pricing methodology adopted in a particular company, the discount system, the way warehouse operations and retail sales are processed, and other features of the stores and user needs.

Integration without borders

  • Compliance with the requirements of 54-FZ, integration with EGAIS 3.0, FSIS "Mercury", NSCM "Honest Sign" and other state information systems.
  • It can be used autonomously, including as a cash register program, or as a back office under the control of the 1C: Trade Management or 1C: Our Company Management system. Easily integrates with "1C: Accounting" and "1C: Mobile cash desk".

Support and maintenance

  • Openness and system and ease of adaptation, wide scalability and integration, simplicity and ease of administration and support.
  • Consultations and support - upon request, including from certified Competence Centers 1C according to 54-FZ. Training materials, presentations and videos with a detailed analysis of the functions - at any time.

Additional features and connected services

To increase the efficiency of users' work, convenient services can be connected to 1C: Retail:

  • 1C-OFD- to connect to fiscal data operators, receive assistance at the Competence Centers 1C according to 54-FZ, integrate cash registers with 1C:Enterprise, replace the fiscal drive and extend the contract with OFD.
  • 1C-Products- for more accurate forecasting of demand, taking into account average sales, trends, periods of shortage of goods, seasonality, holidays, sales and promotions; control of minimum balances and timely sending of orders to the supplier; analysis of profitability and turnover of goods, rational planning of the assortment.
  • 1C: Nomenclature- to standardize descriptions of goods and services in exchange electronic documents with counterparties and searching for goods during purchases, for the convenience of the initial filling of the database, optimization and support of the structure of working databases, loading various details and images of goods.
  • 1SPARK Risks- to assess the reliability and monitoring counterparties.
  • 1C-EDO- to exchange invoices and other legally significant documents with suppliers and other counterparties in electronic form directly from 1C:Enterprise.
  • 1С:Signature- for easy and fast obtaining a qualified certificate electronic signature(CEP) and the exchange of legally significant documents with counterparties in EDI, etc.

Programs 1C: Retail 2.0 (and 1C Retail 2.2) are designed to establish business processes for enterprises that have a dispersed retail network of stores. 1C Retail 2.0 (and 1C Retail 2.2) can be used both to set up work in the stores themselves, which have a large number of jobs, and in the form of cash programs.

What do you need to know in order to start working in the 1C Enterprise Retail program? The first thing to do is to create users. We assign a specific set of rights to each user, which are defined by "roles". The same user may have several such "roles" (in addition, different users may have the same "roles"). The rights for all system participants are assigned by the administrator.

How to do it? (see table below)

In the "Enterprise" mode, new users are added to the directory with the same name, and roles are assigned to them through the creation of groups (subgroups) of user access.

For example, you can create the following access groups for users: administrators, sales managers, cashiers, accountants. After that, each of the participants can be assigned their own access group. This is indicated in the "Users" directory, the "Access rights" tab.

In order for the store to start functioning successfully, it is necessary to enter all the information - about the structure, about the employees who work in the store, about all the goods that are sold in this store, as well as about the balance Money available at the checkout. All rights in these categories are only in the introduction of the administrator, he must make changes. Information about employees must be entered in the directory " Individuals", and information about organizations - in the corresponding tab of the directory 1C: enterprise Retail. The guide itself is available in the "Regulatory and reference information" section.

In the card for the company, we must enter the following data - the abbreviated and full name, codes - TIN and KPP, indicate the responsible persons, as well as addresses and telephone numbers. Bank details, subordinate cash desks and other information about the organization can be filled in by clicking on the link.

After all these data have been filled in, you need to go to the tab from the "Stores" directory. Here you need to specify whether the store uses an order scheme or not (we will talk about this in more detail in the Purchasing article). All other details are filled in at the discretion of the user. If we need to create a store warehouse, then we can do this directly in the directory itself (see the example below).

The store is substituted automatically, it remains for us to select the type of warehouse and the name.

There are two types of warehouse available in the system:

1. Warehouse - through this type of warehouse, wholesale sales of goods to a specific buyer (legal entity) are processed. Retail sales are not included.

2. Shopping room- a warehouse from which retail sales of goods are carried out. A store can have as many warehouses of this type as desired.

As we already mentioned above, 1C: Retail 2.0 (and 1C Retail 2.2) programs can also be used as cash programs. The Retail configuration uses two types of cash registers:

· Operating cash desk, in which the organization's funds are stored. Cash proceeds are transferred to this cash desk from those cash desks that serve trading floors, cash desks of KKM.

· Cash register (KKM). KKM cash registers are designed to register funds received from a retail buyer.

KMM cash desk can be of different types - fiscal registrar or ASPD, KKM without connecting equipment and KKM Offline. Any checkout must be linked to the store.

And finally, let's figure out how to properly set up one of the most important things of the 1C Retail program - goods. The list of names and main characteristics of the goods is stored in the "Nomenclature" directory (which we will talk about in more detail a little later).

First you need to enter information about initial balances goods in warehouses (entered using the Goods posting document, which, in turn, is located in the Warehouse section). The table contains information about the goods that are in stock, their characteristics, quantity and purchase price (see the example in the table below).

In order not to enter the nomenclature, counterparties and balances manually, we can offer to use processing for loading information from both 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Management small firm(UNF), 1C: Trade Management (UT), and from various files, for example, xls, xml.

So, we have considered the general initial settings for 1C Retail. The rest of the settings in the 1C Retail program can be found in our other articles.

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In this article, we will consider in detail all the main operations in keeping records of retail trade in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program, including sales in non-automated outlets.

Often, before transferring the goods purchased from the supplier to retail, they first come to the wholesale warehouse. If you do not have such a practice, for example, you do not have a wholesale warehouse and all goods are immediately shipped to a single outlet. Feel free to bring them to the retail warehouse.

In our example, we will create a , which is located in the "Purchases" menu. The type of operation we will have is “Goods (invoice)”.

We will not show in detail the completion of this document within the framework of this article. Please note that when reflecting receipts to a wholesale warehouse, the warehouse itself must have the "Wholesale warehouse" type.

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The figure below shows an example of filling out a receipt document for the wholesale warehouse of the Kompleksny trading house from the Produkty database.

Price setting

So, we have already purchased all the necessary goods from the supplier and are ready to sell them. end customer. But before doing this, we need to set retail prices - those at which we will already begin to sell these goods.

They are located in the "Warehouse" menu, but for simplicity of the example, we will create it based on the receipt of goods. Of course, this option is not always convenient, but it is used quite often.

The goods from the receipt were automatically included in the created document. Let's fill in the prices for each position, and indicate the type of prices (in this case, we created it ourselves in the directory and called it "Retail"). Now the document can be posted. These prices will be valid from the date indicated in the header of the document.

Moving goods to a retail warehouse

If you first received goods at a wholesale warehouse, then you will need to transfer them to a retail warehouse, or to a non-automated outlet. The latter refers to such points as a stall, a tent in the market and others where it is not possible to keep records due to the lack of a PC or electricity.

First we will create these warehouses. They practically will not differ in any way from the wholesale except for the type.

As a result, we will get the trading floor of store No. 23 with the type "Retail Store".

Let's call a non-automated outlet "Stall at the railway station". She will have a different type.

In our example, both warehouses use the same price type, but you can also set different prices. Then you will have to create two Item Pricing documents for each of these price types.

In order to reflect the transfer of purchased goods from our wholesale warehouse to the store and stall created above, we will create a document "". You can find it in the Warehouse menu.

The figure below shows an example of filling out a document for the movement of goods from the main wholesale warehouse to a stall near the railway station.

Retail sales report

If you have completed all the previous steps correctly, then your retail warehouse will already have products with filled end-customer sales prices.

Now we can move on to the direct reflection of the sale of goods. From the Sales menu, select Retail Sales Reports. This document is required to reflect retail sales.

In the header of the document, we indicated the organization and retail warehouse "Trading Room of Store No. 23". Cash account, as expected 50.01. Also, for the purpose of additional analytics on management accounting we indicated the item of the VAT "Retail revenue".

Sales in non-automated outlets

Above, we took into account sales in retail store. Now let's proceed to a non-automated outlet - the "stall".

Non-automated outlets in 1C are points where it is not possible to put a computer and establish a connection with a common database. Sales data is not entered regularly.

Cash flow

The first step is to reflect the receipt of cash with the type of operation "Retail revenue". If in a retail store the buyer could pay for the goods bank card, then this is unbelievable.

An example of a completed document is shown in the figure below. With the missing revenue, the retail sales report will simply not be held for you.

Reflection of retail sale

Suppose our salesperson does not write down in a notebook how many of which goods he sold. In this case, it is most logical to get the sales volume by simply subtracting the balance from the previously transferred quantity of goods.

For such purposes, in the 1C: Accounting program, there is a document "Inventory of goods". It is located in the Warehouse menu.

In the inventory document, we indicate the organization, our warehouse "Stall at the railway station" and, if necessary. For convenience, we will fill in the goods according to the balances in the warehouse. After that, you need to indicate how many goods are actually left in the column "Quantity fact".

As shown in the figure above, the “Deviation” column reflects, in fact, the quantity that was sold in this stall.

Now you can post this document and, based on it, create a report on retail sales.

Before us opened the form of the created document, in which absolutely everything was filled in automatically. Please note that the "Quantity" column contains all the data from the "Quantity fact" column of the inventory document.

If you have not taken into account the received revenue in the program, the program will not allow you to post the document and will display a message similar to the one shown in the figure below.

See also the video instruction on the reflection of such operations: