1s online cash register. Online cash desks

From July 1, 2017, organizations and entrepreneurs must switch to online cash registers. For some payers who apply certain types activities or who do not have the Internet, the Federal Tax Service has allowed the new cash desks not to be used for the time being. In the article we will tell you who should switch to online cash registers in 2017.

Breaking news from the tax authorities:. Read in a magazine

Who should apply online CCP in 2017

The online cash register requires constant access to the Internet. The tax authorities will receive information about your cash payments in real time.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to replace the old cash register in one day or a week. Set aside one to six months for the transition. The first thing to do is to decide on the timing: when exactly will you have an online cash register. Let's check the deadlines.

After February 1, 2017 you will have to install an online cash desk if it has become impossible to use the old cash register. For example, the ECLZ has expired.

The fact is that from February 1, the tax authorities will register only new online cash desks that are equipped not with an ECLZ, but with a fiscal drive (clause 6, article 7 of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 290-FZ). cash tape valid for 13 months. If the replacement time falls on the period from February 1 to July 1, 2017, you will not install a new EKZL on the old CCP. You will have to go to the online cash register immediately after the expiration of the ECLZ. If you changed the tape recently and its term expires after July 1, 2017, you can work on the old CCP until June 30 inclusive.

From July 1, 2017 new cash desks should be used by all simplistic people. With the exception of those who provide services to the public and draw up forms strict accountability.

From July 1, 2018 those who used to draw up strict reporting forms (payers of UTII and patents) are moving to the new cash desks.

Terms of transition to online cash desks in 2017


When to switch to online checkout


Entrepreneurs and firms on the common tax system or STS

From February 1, 2017 (Clause 4, Article 7 of the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 290-FZ) in relation to newly registered cash registers

From July 1, 2017 (Clause 4, Article 7 of Federal Law No. 290-FZ dated July 3, 2016), replacement of old cash registers with online cash registers

Individual entrepreneurs and companies on any tax system that provide services to the public

You can issue until July 1, 2018 BSO according to the old rules. That is, it is allowed to write out forms by hand or print using automated system. It is not necessary to transfer the BSO to the tax office

Payers who pay UTII or apply the patent system

Businessmen at the request of the buyer write out a document on payment in any form. It can be a receipt, a sales receipt. The document requires mandatory details: the name of the form, date, number, seller, its TIN, name and quantity of goods, payment amount. And do not forget to indicate who issued the document (position, full name and personal signature)

vending machine owners

Vending machine owners do not issue payment documents

Cancellation of paper checks of KKT from July 1, 2017

We talked more about the transition to online cash desks and working without paper checks in the article “Online cash desks under the simplified tax system since 2017: getting ready for changes”.

For some types of activities, sellers have the right not to punch cashier's checks and not to issue payment documents to buyers. The list of such sales has changed since July 15, 2016 (new edition of clause 2, article 2 of Federal Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003). The current list is shown in the table below.

How to work without CCT

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2017 No. 296 approved the rules for working without CCP in remote and hard-to-reach areas.

The issuance of the document is carried out in the following order.

When paying in cash in cash authorized person of the organization (individual entrepreneur):

  • fills out the document
  • personally signs the document;
  • issues the document to the buyer (client);

When making a payment using an electronic means of payment, an authorized person of the organization (individual entrepreneur):

  • uses the device to carry out, with the participation of an authorized person of the organization (individual entrepreneur), operations to transfer a credit institution using electronic means payment of orders for the implementation of the transfer of funds, which reads information from the electronic means of payment of the buyer (client) and receives confirmation of payment by the electronic means of payment;
  • fills out the document
  • personally signs and issues the document to the buyer (client).

When carrying out mixed settlements, in which one part of the purchase is paid in cash, the other - using an electronic means of payment, the issuance of a document and change (if necessary) are made simultaneously.

The document can be made on paper in handwritten and (or) in another way (typographically, using personal computer and etc.).

The document is filled out in a clear and legible handwriting in Russian (blots, erasures and corrections are not allowed).

Documents are recorded in the register of documents according to their serial number and date of calculation. The sheets of such a journal must be numbered, laced and signed by the head of the organization (individual entrepreneur), and also certified with a seal (if any).

The register of documents is kept by the head of the organization (individual entrepreneur) or a person authorized by him. An entry in the register of documents is carried out for each calculation. If no settlements were made during the working day, entries in the register of documents are not made.

When filling out the document, at least one copy must be made at the same time, or the document must have detachable parts. Duplication of the serial number of the document is not allowed, with the exception of applying the serial number to a copy (tear-off part) of the document.

A damaged or incorrectly completed document is crossed out and attached to the document register for the day on which it was filled out, about which a corresponding entry is made in the document register opposite the serial number of the damaged or incorrectly completed document. At the same time, continuous numbering of documents continues.

The head of the organization (individual entrepreneur) concludes with the employee who is entrusted with the issuance, accounting and storage of documents, as well as settlements with buyers (clients), an agreement on the full liability employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Copies of documents (or detachable parts of documents) are stored in conditions that exclude their damage and theft. The head of the organization (individual entrepreneur) creates conditions that ensure the safety of copies of documents (or detachable parts of documents) provided to buyers (clients) in confirmation of the fact that the settlement has been carried out without the use of control cash register.

Copies of documents (or detachable parts of documents) are stored in a systematized (by date, type of payment, etc.) form for at least 5 years. At the end of the specified period, copies of documents (or detachable parts of documents) are destroyed on the basis of an act on their destruction drawn up by a commission formed by the head of the organization (individual entrepreneur).

Test purchases in 2017

Until 2017, only departments that conduct operational-search activities, such as the police, could conduct test purchases (Articles 8 and 13 of Federal Law No. 144-FZ of August 12, 1995). Since January 1, 2017, employees of Rospotrebnadzor have had such a right.

New controllers will not warn about the upcoming purchase. Two witnesses or a seller with a video recording are enough to recognize the check as legal. They check the control and weight equipment, the quality of service, compliance with sanitary standards and trade rules ( the federal law dated July 3, 2016 No. 277-FZ).

Penalties for work without online cash registers

When selling goods for cash or using payment cards, issue to the buyer in without fail cash receipt(clause 1, article 2 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ). If you do not use a cash register, then the tax authorities will fine you. In 2017, the fine depends on the purchase price (Federal Law No. 290-FZ of July 3, 2016, hereinafter referred to as Law No. 290-FZ).

So, the fine for an entrepreneur and a cashier for not using cash registers now ranges from 25 to 50% of the purchase amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles. Penalty for firms - from 75 to 100% of the purchase amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles.

For a repeated cash violation, the tax authorities have the right to disqualify executive for one or two years. Or for three months to suspend the activities of the seller.

If, from July 1, 2017, a company or individual entrepreneur must use online cash registers, but uses the old cash register, then this is equivalent to working without cash registers. Penalties for such a violation - as for not issuing a check.

Requirements for price tags

In 2017, it is enough to indicate on the price tags only the name of the product, the price per weight or unit, as well as the grade - if any. Previously, they also indicated the date of registration of the price tag, the signature of the responsible person, the seal of the organization (clause 19 of the Rules). Now sellers can put the date, signature and seal at will. This follows from the information of Rospotrebnadzor dated 05/07/2016. Officials also noted that for goods that the seller sells as part of a marketing campaign at a single price, it is allowed to draw up a common price tag.

If the seller does not reflect all the required details in the price tags, then Rospotrebnadzor will fine you for violating the rules of trade. The fine for an organization is from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles, and for an individual entrepreneur - from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles. (Article 14.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, decision of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated June 14, 2012 No. 09AP-11897/2012).

Write the information on the price tag clearly, without blots, so that the buyer can see all the data (clauses 11 and 16 of the Rules). All price tags are issued in the same style. See sample below.

"News of Voronezh" found out what exactly the changes in 54-FZ entail [bonus video instruction from the Federal Tax Service]

What is the problem?

Last year, amendments to the 54th Federal Law came into force. In accordance with it, from July 1, 2017, everyone who uses cash register equipment, are required to use online cash registers, as well as transmit fiscal data in real time through a fiscal data operator.

The transition to the new rules is gradual - from a ban on the registration of old cash registers to mandatory compliance with the new rules.

The new rules, which will come into force on July 1, 2017, apply to those who provide services to the public, sell excisable goods and are already applying cash register equipment.

Entrepreneurs on UTII and PSN, as well as companies trading through vending machines and payment terminals, individual entrepreneurs who have not yet used cash register equipment, will switch to the new rules from July 1, 2018. They are given another year, but in the end they will have to change the cash register.

Video about the transition to a new cash register equipment:

Digital is replacing old cash registers

From July 1, 2017, businesses must use modernized old or new-style devices. Their difference is that they must store and transmit data on each sale to the fiscal data operator. Now the fiscal drive is replacing the secure electronic tape. All cash registers must be able to connect to the Internet.

As planned, after the introduction of online cash registers, trading should become more transparent. It is assumed that the fiscal authorities will reduce the turnover of documents and the burden. The control system will be modern - this is beneficial for customers, because the check will be sent by e-mail. And it is less likely to be lost than the paper one we are used to.

What are the main differences between online cash registers?

A feature of modern cash desks is that the device is printed and QR codes, in which the link to the check is "sewn up". In addition, the cash desk sends electronic copies of checks to the fiscal data operator and customers. Therefore, an online cash register must have a fiscal drive and interact with accredited operators.

Experts talk about the obvious advantages that small businesses receive through online cash registers. One of them is the recording of sales data - they do not need to be kept in the granary book, but received through the fiscal data operator in your personal account.

Video about registering cash registers in the new order:

An online cash desk will require spending in the amount of 30-50 thousand rubles. Updating the current one will require expenses of 15 thousand rubles. They are also seen by some as a business investment. After all, it will become easier to interact with the tax authorities, the number of inspections will decrease. The cash desk can be registered online in the office of the Federal Tax Service instead of going to the tax office with the device as before.

The fiscal drive will have to be changed every 13 months - this is its expiration date. Companies that operate on preferential terms will be allowed to do so once every 36 months.

How now, according to 54-FZ, settlements with customers will be carried out:

- customers must pay for purchases through online cash registers equipped with a fiscal drive;

- calculations are transferred to the Federal Tax Service through the operator of fiscal data. To do this, the cash register must be connected to the Internet;

- the check now contains significantly more details than before. In addition, a QR code is printed containing information about checks;

- the cash desk should be able to send electronic checks to customers via SMS and e-mail;

Do online businesses need online cash registers?

Yes, FZ-54 applies not only to the sale of goods offline, but also to those who are engaged in Internet business. Now online stores, online cinemas and other sellers of goods and services via the Internet need to use online cash registers.

And even couriers will need online cash desks? Quite right. Courier Service now we also have to buy new cash registers for our employees.

Who does not need an online checkout yet

IP on the simplified tax system, unified social tax, PSN and UTII additional details checks may not be transferred until February 1, 2021. An exception is for sellers of excisable goods. Sellers of newspapers and ice cream in kiosks, entrepreneurs at fairs, retail markets and those who repair shoes can work without cash registers. Also, those entrepreneurs who work in wooden and general store with a population of up to 10 thousand people can work without CCP.

Watch the video on how the online cash register is registered in your personal account, how the check is punched and viewed:

Everything is clear with online cash registers. Where to start and what to do?

— Conclude a data transfer agreement with the fiscal data operator.

- Check if your cash register can be upgraded.

— Can I upgrade an existing checkout? If yes, update!

- If it is not possible to upgrade, purchase new CCP with a built-in fiscal drive.

— Register an online cash register with the tax office through Personal Area.

— Connect the cash register to the fiscal data operator.

Online checkout is ready to go!

Until recently, many were interested in the question,. But since 2017 individual entrepreneurs accepting cash payment for goods or services, a full-scale transition to a new type of cash registers begins. Online cash desks for individual entrepreneurs in 2017, they will begin to transfer information about retail sales to the tax office immediately at the time of purchase.

Who should go to online cash register from the new year, and who will be affected later? Find out all the latest news about the use of cash registers.

What is online checkout

Cash register online. The new procedure for the use of cash registers obliges to use only online cash desks for cash payments. No one needs to explain what online is - these are activities or operations carried out in real time via the Internet.

Old-style devices that work with ECLZ (electronic secure tape) can only accumulate sales data in their fiscal devices. There will be an intermediary between the seller working on the CCP of the new model and the tax office - the fiscal data operator (OFD). This is a specialized commercial organization with qualified personnel and the necessary specifications for receiving and transmitting data in in electronic format.

When making an online sale, the cash desk sends the request to the fiscal data operator, who accepts it, creates a fiscal attribute for the cash receipt and confirms the acceptance of the data. Without confirmation from the OFD, a check will not be generated, and the purchase will not take place. Then the operator transfers the systematized information about the payments made to the tax office, where they are stored. It is assumed that the sale process will last only one and a half to two seconds longer than now.

How does the online checkout work?

Approximately according to this principle, when selling alcohol, cash desks connected to the Unified State Automated Information System are already working. A special device in the same way transmits via the Internet a request for confirmation of the legal origin of each bottle and receives permission to sell or refuse if the alcohol is adulterated.

What caused the transition to new cash desks

The initiative to switch to new cash registers since 2017 belongs to the Federal Tax Service. The tax authorities consider the main advantages of innovations to be:

  • Transparent accounting of sellers' income;
  • Growth in tax revenues;
  • Reducing the number of checks;
  • Obtaining additional opportunities for consumers to protect their rights.

The introduction of online cash registers began as an experiment conducted by the Federal Tax Service in Moscow, Tatarstan, Moscow and Kaluga regions for six months, starting in August 2014. Although a little more than 3 thousand cash register units were tested as part of the experiment, the organizers concluded that the idea was viable and proposed to implement it at the legislative level.

The bill twice received a negative opinion from the Ministry of Economic Development, and business has repeatedly opposed the introduction of innovative cash desks. As a temporary concession, the tax authorities decided to introduce new cash registers in 2017, and not in 2016, as was originally supposed. As a result, the law was adopted in the third reading on June 14, 2016 under No. 290-FZ and is now in force throughout the Russian Federation.

How to register an online cash desk in the tax

Who should switch to the new CCP

And now more about who should install a new CCP in 2017. The answer to this question depends on what tax regime the seller works under, what goods and under what conditions he trades.


Go to new cash register from July 1, 2017 all those working on the simplified tax system, OSNO and ESHN are required. These taxpayers still use cash registers, so this requirement will not be news to them. Registration of old-style cash registers is terminated from February 1 and until July 1, 2017, all sellers who are already working with the cash register must upgrade their equipment or purchase a new one.

Entrepreneurs on UTII and PSN

Payers of UTII and PSN, who are not yet required to issue cash receipts, will need an online cash desk from July 1, 2018 so they have a year and a half left. At the same time, the issuance of strict reporting forms () of a typographical sample when providing services to the population is terminated. From now on, BSOs must be issued using a new automated system, which is also considered cash register equipment.

In total, the latest news on the timing of the introduction of new cash registers from 2017 can be summarized in such a table.

The list of those to whom cash registers from 2017 for retail not required, significantly reduced. So, those selling in the markets are removed from it if the goods are included in the list prepared by the Government of the Russian Federation (carpets, clothes, shoes, furniture, rubber and plastic products, etc.). So far, only a draft resolution has been developed, but it is highly likely that it will be adopted.

A list of situations in which online cash registers have not been used since 2017 is given in latest edition Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003 (for a complete list, refer to the source):

  • Sale of printed materials in kiosks, if they make up at least half of the turnover;
  • Sale valuable papers, tickets and coupons for travel in public transport, provided that they are sold directly in the transport salon;
  • Catering services in educational institutions during study time;
  • Trade at fairs, retail markets, exhibitions at some trading places(except for shops, car dealerships, containers, pavilions, kiosks, tents);
  • Realization of ice cream and soft drinks in bottling;
  • Trade from tank trucks with milk, kvass, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene;
  • Sale of vegetables, fruits, melons in season;
  • Random trade, except for goods requiring special conditions for storage and sale;
  • Realization of products of folk art crafts by the manufacturer;
  • Shoe repair and coloring;

Since July 1, 2017, Russian entrepreneurs using cash registers (CREs) are switching to online cash registers.

Recall that from February 1 of this year, the traditional cash receipt passed into the form of mandatory electronic data. They will be kept by the fiscal data operator and the tax service. And from July 1, according to the law 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers in the implementation of cash settlements and (or) settlements using electronic means of payment", most entrepreneurs will be required to use such cash registers.

So, all cash desks are required to connect to the Internet and send electronic versions of receipts to the tax office. To do this, instead of a secure electronic control tape (EKLZ), the cash register must have a fiscal drive - a device for encrypting and protecting fiscal data. The intermediary - the fiscal data operator (OFD) will transfer information from the fiscal drive to the tax one. Additionally, in addition to a paper check, the owner of the CCP, at the request of the buyer, is obliged to send electronic version check to the address Email or subscriber number.

Those who had old-style devices are required to change them to new ones before July 1. It is from this date that the transfer of data to financial operators begins. In addition, a large category of merchants on a patent and on the "imputation" (single tax on imputed income), which until now was not required to have a cash register at all, should switch to online cash desks from July 1, 2018.

Bankers found "gaps" in the law on the use of cash registers

Credit organizations- Members of the Association of Russian Banks (ARB) found "gaps" in the law on the use of cash registers (CRE) for payments by payment cards via the Internet. This is stated in open letter ARB to Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

According to experts, on this moment there is a shortage of fiscal drives that should be built into cash registers, although some companies producing cash registers refute this information. “It is already clear that a one-time transition to working with online cash registers will not take place: about 200-300 thousand cash desks have been paid for by stores, but this equipment has not yet been delivered due to the fact that now there is a shortage of fiscal drives that should be built into cash register equipment ", - says Maxim Mitusov, head of the ModulKassa project.

The Ministry of Finance has already clarified that companies that have concluded an agreement for the supply of equipment within a reasonable time, but have not yet received it, will not be penalized after July 1. In fact, the transition to the 54-FZ in Russia will end no earlier than the beginning of autumn. The effect of the innovation can be expected in a year and a half.

According to Maxim Mitusov, there are seven main changes that will affect all retail outlets:

  1. The cash registers of the new model will automatically transfer to the tax authorities all information about the product, its cost, sales volumes, and so on.
  2. Buyers will be able to receive receipts that list item numbers, tax rates, codes and other verifiable information. Those who make purchases via the Internet will receive a receipt by e-mail within five minutes after payment.
  3. Entrepreneurs will have to spend money on the purchase of equipment, its configuration, registration and maintenance. Technical problems cannot be avoided here, and this will create an additional burden on the business.
  4. All retailers will be forced to come out of the shadows and punch through only legal checks. Create competitive advantages due to non-payment of taxes, it will no longer be possible, and respectable sellers will benefit from this. The key issue will be the efficiency and quality of doing business. Online checkouts will greatly change the market, as many honest businesses will receive good preferences and begin to grow.
  5. Registration of online cash registers, in which it is necessary to enter the entire list of goods sold, will force entrepreneurs to put things in order in office work. This is especially true for small businesses, where records are still kept in a notebook, without any analysis of sales. Automation will allow you to understand how things are actually going, to see sales volumes; understand which products are better and which are worse. As a result, small businesses will make a qualitative information breakthrough, and this will create a lot of new opportunities.
  6. Entrepreneurs will be able to control their sellers and cashiers, receive information about revenue online and calculate the efficiency of retail outlets. This will give the business as a whole the opportunity to earn more.
  7. “Thanks to online checkouts, the loss of small and medium-sized businesses from staff theft and overstocking can be reduced by at least 5%. That is, due to better management, entrepreneurs will receive (more precisely, they will not lose) tens of billions of rubles. This will affect the entire Russian economy as a whole,” Mitusov believes.

AT full force The law will enter into force on July 1, 2018. From this point on, absolutely all entrepreneurs dealing with cash receipts, regardless of the taxation system, must switch to new cash desks.

Sergey Zorin, production director of Evotor, notes that manufacturers will again face the fact that entrepreneurs will postpone the transition to new order at the last moment and hope that everything will be canceled. Because of what the hype is possible by July 1, 2018.

As previously reported, the law will not affect sellers of newspapers and magazines, small wholesale sellers of vegetables and fruits, and other small retail sellers of food and non-food products.

Cashier goes online

The trade and services industry is on the verge of fundamental changes. From February 1, 2017, the traditional cashier's check officially changes into the form of mandatory electronic data. They will be kept by the fiscal data operator and the tax service. What does this change for buyers and sellers?

At a conference on the use of online checkouts in the field of e-commerce, Alexei Fedorov, President of the Association of Internet Trade Companies, noted that 54-FZ will also not affect foreign online stores that supply goods to Russia. “This year there is a 14 percent growth in online commerce in Russia. By the end of the year, the total turnover will amount to 1 trillion 150 billion rubles in Russian trade, of which 240 billion is the first quarter. Foreign online stores will not be affected by 54-FZ. They again find themselves below the fiscal line without tax duties and without the use of fiscal techniques. These 89 billion rubles in the first quarter and 420 billion rubles for the entire year - they will bring various goods to Russia bypassing the 54-FZ. They are more and more popular. The growth of imported online stores amounted to 26%, and this is a big problem,” Fedorov summed up.

According to the Federal Tax Service, about 850 thousand online cash desks are currently connected, which is three quarters of retail. Currently, about 1 million 150 thousand cash registers operate in Russia. Thus, 75% switched to the new system outlets. Online cash registers daily transmit information about more than 70 million checks to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The Tax Service issued permits to ten fiscal data operators, 27 manufacturers included 80 models of cash registers, including budget ones, worth up to 18 thousand rubles, which can be ordered on the manufacturers website. An important innovation of the reform was the launch of the CCP cabinet on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, through which you can register a cash desk in a few minutes without a visit to the inspection.

Who is obliged to use online cash registers from February 1, 2017? Which ones are provided from this date? How will the registration of cash registers change? Is it possible to continue to use old cash registers? Is the use of new online cash registers mandatory for UTII and the patent system? Answers to these and other questions regarding the transition to online cash registers from February 1, 2017.

Mandatory use of Internet cash registers

When using online cash registers, each sale will be recorded: as soon as the seller breaks the check, the online cash desk will generate a fiscal sign and send it to the fiscal data operator for verification. The operator will save this information and send it back to the seller unique number check.

Information from checks is recorded on a fiscal drive and transmitted online to the Federal Tax Service through a fiscal operator. In this case, the buyer may require an electronic check.

Online cash registers from February 1: the main change

From February 1, 2017, organizations and individual entrepreneurs are required to use online cash registers. However, there are exceptions. From February 1, they are not required to use online cash desks:

  • organizations and entrepreneurs on UTII (lо July 1, 2018, “sponsors” have the right to work without cash registers, subject to the issuance of a payment document (sales receipt, receipt, etc.) at the request of the buyer (clause 7, article 7 of the Law of 07/03/2016 No. 290-FZ);
  • Individual entrepreneurs applying the patent system of taxation;
  • organizations and individual entrepreneurs when providing services to the public (until July 1, 2018, they have the right to work without cash registers, subject to the issuance of typographic BSOs (clause 8, article 7 of the Law of 03.07.2016 No. 290-FZ)

Please note that old cash registers purchased before February 1, 2017 can be used until July 1, 2017. After this date, all sellers will be required to use only brand new CCPs. Cm. " ".

When buying an online cash register, do not fall for a fake. The tax office will not register a device that does not meet all necessary requirements. Rely solely on the list of official CCP models that are approved by the tax authorities. Cm. " ".

How to register a cash register from February 1: step by step instructions

So, from February 1, 2017, it will no longer be possible to register a “not online” cash desk with the IFTS. Accordingly, those who buy an online cash register on February 1 and later will need to register the device according to the new rules. At the same time, it should be said that you can register a new cash register at any INFS in Russia, and not just at the one where the organization or individual entrepreneur is registered.

Step 1: Submit an application to the IFTS

In any IFTS, submit the "Application for registration (re-registration) of cash registers" in the form, in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. At the same time, keep in mind that an agreement with the fiscal data operator must be concluded before submitting such an application. There are several ways to submit an application for registration to the IFTS:

  • "on the paper";
  • in electronic form through the CCP office on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • through the fiscal data operator.

Step 2: Get the checkout number

Not later than the working day following the day of filing an application for registration of an online cash desk, the Federal Tax Service is obliged to inform the organization or individual entrepreneur about the registration number assigned to the online cash desk. This should fill the fiscal drive with the following data:

  • indicate received from the IFTS registration number KKT;
  • enter full name legal entity or full name of the entrepreneur;
  • fill in information about cash register and about the fiscal drive and the data that is needed to group the report by cash register.

Step 3: Report to the IFTS

After all the indicated data has been entered, no later than one business day, send a registration report to the IFTS. It needs to be generated automatically, nothing is required to be filled in by “hands”. You can submit a report to the inspection by any of the methods provided for filing an application for registration. That is, it is possible, for example, to transfer through the operator of fiscal data.

Step 4: Get your registration card

Within five working days from the date when the application for registration was submitted to the IFTS, tax office must send the organization or individual entrepreneur an online cash register registration card. Such a card will be issued if all the data indicated in the documents turned out to be correct, the online cash register and the fiscal drive meet the necessary requirements.

New fines for CCP

As we have already told our readers, back in 2016, new sanctions for cash registers began to operate. Cm. " ". These fines also apply for the period after February 1, 2017. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs associated with trade need to know, at a minimum, what penalties threaten for not using cash registers. That is, what threatens, for example, for the lack of cash. Let's decipher different kinds fines.

Sale without a cash register

If an organization or individual entrepreneur makes payments without an online cash desk at all, then the consequences may be divided depending on the account such a violation is.

Calculations without CCP fines
Organization Executive IP
First violationPenalty from 75% to 100% of the settlement amount without CCP, at least 30 thousand rubles.Penalty from 25% to 50% of the settlement amount without CCP, at least 10 thousand rubles.
Repeated violation of total amount settlements without cash registers RUB 1 million and moreDisqualification from one to two yearsSuspension of activities up to 90 days

Other fines for online cash registers

There are other penalties associated with the use of online cash registers from February 1, 2017. Let's explain them in the general table.

Violation Fine or punishment
Organization Executive IP
Online CCP does not meet the requirements.
Online CCP incorrectly registered or re-registered
Violation of the procedure for using online CCPWarning or fine from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles.Warning or fine from 1500 to 3000 rubles.
Failure to issue a cash receipt or BSO to the buyer at his request:
in electronic form;
on paper.
Warning or fine - 10 thousand rubles.Warning or fine - 2000 rubles.
Through the KKT office, at the request of the Federal Tax Service, the documents were sent later than the deadline or not submittedWarning or fine from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles.Warning or fine from 1500 to 3000 rubles.
The passenger was not issued a cash receipt or BSOFine 30 thousand rubles.Fine 10 thousand rubles. There is also a fine for the driver for not using the cash desk - 1000 rubles.