Receipt of goods. Entering initial balances in 1C: Retail: posting goods Receipt of goods in 1C Retail

To register the arrival of goods at the warehouse in 1C: Retail 2.2, you need to create a Goods receipt document. For each TORG-12 invoice, you must create a separate Goods Receipt document.

This document can be created both independently and on the basis of an Order to the supplier.

To create a document without a Supplier Order, go to the section Purchasing - Goods receipts. Next, press the button Create.

The document form opens. Fill in the following fields in the header:

  • The supplier from which the goods were received is selected from the list of counterparties;
  • The store where the goods arrived;
  • The warehouse where the goods will be received, by default - the warehouse of receipt specified for this store;
  • Organization, the warehouse organization is substituted by default.

The date and number of the document are filled in automatically, if necessary, they can be edited.

The easiest way to do this is to use the button Fill in - Pick up products, or using the button Find by barcode (or F7), or using a barcode scanner if it is connected to your 1C.

You can choose:

  • Form of payment: Cash, Non-cash or Settlement.
  • Type of payment: Prepayment or Deferred payment

It is also important to indicate the deferred payment period, the percentage of payment, the date.

In our example, there will be a Non-cash form of payment, Payment type - Prepayment, payment percentage - 100%. To reflect payment to the supplier for the goods in the invoice, you must create the document Registration of non-cash payment based on our Receipt of goods.

To do this, press the button Create based on – Registration of non-cash payment.

The document form opens. We see that all fields are automatically filled in it, except for the article of the movement Money. Choose the one you need from the list. We press the button Pass and close.

Returning to the Goods Receipt document, we see that on the Payment Stages tab, the payment status has automatically changed to Paid. This means that the payment to the supplier was successfully reflected in the accounting.

Ready! Purchased goods are delivered to the warehouse. After the purchase, you can set the prices of goods for further sale.

Step-by-step instructions on how to reflect transactions retail in 1C 8.3 "Enterprise Accounting 3.0".

NTT includes objects of trade in which it is not possible to install a computer or establish a connection with a common database. This is, for example, a stall, or exit trade.

Receipt of goods to the organization

As a rule, before reaching the retail warehouse or NTT warehouse, the goods fall on the wholesale warehouse. At the wholesale warehouse, it is processed and then moved to retail.

Let's give an example of filling out a 1C document so that further steps are clear:

Setting item prices in 1C for retail

After receipt, you need to set retail prices for goods in 1C. To do this, use the document "Setting item prices". It is entered in the "Warehouse" section. Let's create a document based on the receipt document. Let's go to the previously created goods receipt document and click the "Create based on" button. In the drop-down list, select the item "Set item prices".

A new document window will open, where the main details will already be filled in, it remains only to specify the price type. Not to return to this section, we will create two such documents at once, where we will assign prices for the types "Retail" and "Retail price". We will make the prices the same. Here is an example document:

By clicking the "Change" button, special options for manipulating the price are also available. For example, increase or decrease by the specified percentage.

Moving goods from wholesale to retail warehouse

Now you can move the goods from the wholesale warehouse to retail. To do this, the program uses the document "Movement of goods". It is located in the Warehouses section.

Before making a transfer, you need to set up two warehouses - one with the type of warehouse "Retail", the second with the attribute "Manual outlet".

Warehouses are created in the "Directories" - "Warehouses" section.

Let's name the first warehouse "Store No. 2", the type of warehouse - " Retail store". We select the price type from the "Nomenclature price types" reference book:

Let the second one be called "Trading Room". "Warehouse type" - "Manual outlet", Price type "Retail", item group - "Products".

We will also create two documents 1C 8.3: moving to the warehouses "Shop No. 2" and "Trading Room". Documents will also be created on the basis of the goods receipt document. In this case, we will only have to fill in the requisite "Warehouse - recipient" and the quantity of goods:

As a result, the product has a price and is in retail warehouses. You can proceed to the registration of the sale of goods.

Retail sales report in 1C for a store

To reflect the sale of goods in retail, you will need the document “Report on retail sales from the Sales section. First, we will issue a sales document from a retail warehouse. It is not much different from the document “Implementation (acts, invoices). The only difference is that the counterparty is not indicated, and you can immediately reflect the proceeds from the sale.

For this, a cash account is selected. For analytics in 1C, you can also fill in the details "DDS Movement". This will be a subconto at the cash register account. Document example:

Sale of goods in NTT

When selling goods in a non-automated outlet at the end of the shift, we do not know how many goods are sold. But we know how much was moved from the wholesale warehouse. How to fill out a retail sales report in 1C 8.3 (8.2) in this case?

Accordingly, 20 packages were sold.

To reflect this calculation in the program, you must use the document "Inventory of goods" (section "Warehouse").

In the header of the document, we indicate the organization and warehouse of NTT.

In the tabular section, add the nomenclature and indicate the actual balance in the warehouse. You can use the Fill button. The deviation from the accounting quantity will be the sale:

We carry out the document and press the button "Create based on". Select "Retail Sales Report" from the drop-down list. A new document will be created reflecting the sale of goods in NTT

Reflection of revenue from retail trade in 1C

For now, just write it down, since the document will not be held at the moment. The fact is that you also need to reflect the receipt of retail revenue in the "Bank and cash desk" section. Here is an example document:

You can now post the Retail Sales Report document.


Produced by the document of the same name (in latest versions program, it is called "Receipt (acts, invoices)". In this step by step instructions I will give consistent instructions for reflecting the purchase of services and goods, and also consider the postings that the document makes.

In the interface of the 1C 8.3 program, this document is located on the "Purchases" tab, the item "Receipt (acts, invoices)":

After that, we get into the list of documents that have ever been entered. To create a new receipt, you must click on the "Receipt" button, where a selection menu will appear desired type operations:

  • Goods (invoice) - a document is created only for goods with accounting account - 41.01;
  • Services (act) - a reflection of only services;
  • Goods, services, commission - a universal type of operation that allows the receipt of returnable packaging;
  • - a special type of operation for accounting for a tolling scheme, in postings such an income will be reflected in off-balance accounts;
  • - to reflect the receipt of fixed assets on accounts 08.03 and 08.04;
  • Leasing services - generates postings on account 76.

Consider in detail the receipt of goods and services.

Receipt of goods in 1C Accounting 8.3

To complete the purchase of goods in the 1C program, you need to enter a document with the “Goods” type. In the header of the document, you must specify the recipient organization of the item, the warehouse for acceptance, the counterparty-seller and his contract:

Below, in the tabular part, information about the positions is entered:

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What product was purchased, in what quantity, at what price and at what VAT rate (if your company is a VAT payer). Accounts may or may not be present in the tabular section. It depends on the program settings. In postings, goods are usually credited to account 41.01.

This completes the document.

If the supplier has provided you with an invoice, it must be reflected in the program. This is done by filling in the "number" and "date" fields at the bottom of the document:

After clicking on the "Register" button, 1C itself will create a new document "Invoice received". This document makes VAT entries (for example, February 68 - March 19) and forms an entry in the purchase book.

Let's look at the postings of the created 1C using the document "Receipt of goods and services". You can do this by pressing the Debit-credit button -:

As you can see, the document generated two postings:

  • Debit 41.01 Credit 60.01 - receipt of goods and accrual of debt to the supplier;
  • Debit 19.03 Credit 60.01 - reflection of the incoming document.

In this case, the goods are sold on a “credit”, that is, postpaid. If we first paid for the goods, then the program would generate an advance offset posting (Dt 60.01 - Kt 60.02) for the amount of the prepayment.

Watch our video on the purchase of goods:

Receipt of services in 1C 8.3

Purchasing services in the program is not much different from purchasing goods. Filling in the header is exactly the same, except for specifying the warehouse. The primary document to reflect such a transaction is usually the "Act on the provision of services."

The only difference is the indications in the tabular part of the nomenclature with the type “service”. For example, I will issue a receipt of delivery services:

This article provides recommendations (a kind of tutorial) on the correct and, therefore, the fastest setting up of the cashier's workplace (RCC) - a functional unit software product 1C Retail (release dated 08/31/2017), developed on the 1C:Enterprise platform.

Since the solution itself is designed to automate the work of retail outlet with any throughput, the functionality that ensures the operation of the cash register, which may include, for example, weighing equipment, can be considered the main one. That is why, the work of setting up the program in this part is simply called “setting up the 1C store”.

The RMK software module has comprehensive functionality for effective work cash point on retail space any bandwidth. Access to the toolkit of the module with the ability to use certain functions by a specific cashier is specified in general settings 1C Retail in combination with the personal rights of a particular employee.

Setting up shop equipment

Let's start setting up a 1C store in general and RMK in particular with such an important component of trade as trade software. It is hard to imagine stores without electronic cash registers, and after all, less than 30 years have passed since their mass distribution. Ability to connect fiscal registrars to information system simplified the process of not only serving customers, but also obtaining reports while improving the accuracy of data and their relevance to reality.

You can configure the operation of the equipment by going to "Administration" - "Connected equipment". By checking the box "Use plug-in equipment", we move to the menu item "Connected equipment", which is located on the right.

In the 1C Retail 2.2 window that opens, select "Fiscal registrars" - "Create".

After "Record and close" our registrar appeared in the list of equipment.

After selecting it from the list, click "Settings". If the hardware driver is not installed, the program will report this and offer to install it.

After the "Install driver" command, the program will install it and open the hardware settings window.

Here you should conduct a “Device Test”. Its results will be displayed in a message, and if everything went well, the equipment will be successfully connected. In conclusion, select "Save and close."

Setting up a 1C store can be done in the context of food retail and non-food retail, but regardless of this, it is important to set up user rights, since this will ensure control over the correct work of personnel with inventory and, of course, in terms of settlements with customers.

Go to "Administration" - "Users and rights" - "Personal user settings" - "Additional user rights".

The first user, if it is not created, would be more correct to appoint an administrator. Put all the checkboxes and click "Record".

For reporting and generating the correct fiscal document (receipt), you must specify the details commercial enterprise in "NSI" - "Details of the organization".

We fill in all the necessary information and save the data.

Next, we create a store from which sales will be carried out in "NSI" - "Stores" - "Create". We enter the name of the store directly into the system, the name of the warehouse from which shipment will be carried out, the organization from which sales will be carried out and pricing rules.

Let's take a closer look at the latter.

In order to create a new rule, press the select button from the list (down arrow on the right). You will automatically be prompted to select a rule from the list or create a new one (green plus). Since we are setting up a new base from scratch, the list will be empty and we will have to "create a new" rule. Enter the name of the rule and create a price type. To do this, as before, click "Select from the list" and in the window that appears, click "Create". The Create Price Type window opens.

Let's start by creating a "Purchase" price type. It will not be used in the sale, so the corresponding item is not checked. You can fill it in manually or automatically by substituting a value from the infobase. In the example, we select the option “Fill in according to IB data upon admission”. Data composition scheme: "Incoming prices" (in this case, the prices will be filled in from the receipt document). Click "Save and Close". Our manipulations did not affect the “Types of prices” window in any way, and the price we just created did not appear. This happened due to the fact that the "Use when selling" checkbox was not checked.

By clicking "Create" again, we will now work with the "Retail" price type. Check the box “Use when selling” and select the method of setting the price “calculate according to other types of prices”. In the same window, a formula builder will appear a little lower, with the help of which you can set up automatic price calculation according to a given formula.

In the example, we created a markup of 30% of the purchase price by clicking Save and Close. Only after these actions, our retail price was displayed in the list of price types. And by clicking "Select", we confirmed the need for our price to be added to the pricing rule.

Repeat "Save and close" twice. Store creation setup completed successfully.

To “create”, that is, to set up a cash register, go to the “NSI” - “Cashier” section. Click "Create" and select the store we created earlier. We select the name of the cash desk and put a tick in the box "Punch checks at the KKM cash desk." The cash register has not yet been created, so we create it using the selection button on the right, ask “show all”, then “Create”.

In the connected equipment, select the fiscal registrar, set the name, specify the serial and registration number. Finally, click "Save and Close".

Select the created checkout from the list and click "record and close" again.

On this we have finished setting up the details necessary to launch workplace cashier (RMK).

Creating Documents

Let's start with the receipt of goods in the "Purchases" - "Receipts of goods" section and create a new document.

In the document itself, it is possible to create a new supplier by writing down the name of the supplier and all necessary details. We can fill in the document nomenclature table, as with the supplier, by creating new nomenclature positions, directly from the document being created. Specify the product name, item type, VAT rate and unit of measurement. As a result, we get the following document:

Click the "Post" button (a document with a green arrow), and then "Create based on" (two documents with green arrows). In the drop-down menu, select "Set item prices".

"Set item prices" will open.

The program automatically calculated the retail price according to the formula that we set. The purchase price is recorded in the Receipt document. Click "Submit and Close".

For the sake of the experiment, let's go and check the balance of goods in warehouses. To do this, in the main menu, go to the section "Warehouse" - "Warehouse reports" - "Balances in warehouses" - "Generate".

We see that the goods have arrived and are listed in the balance of the warehouse.

Sale of goods

We proceed directly to the sale of goods. To do this, go to "Sales" - "RMK (managed mode)".

Before us is the RMK menu - what the cashier will see in front of him. To get started, you need to open a shift. We press the "Open shift" button, which will cause the receipt of the shift opening to be printed.

The program will break the check.

"Change RMK settings" and "Create".

In the window that opens, select the necessary settings: on the first tab, set the flags opposite the items "Combine positions with the same product", "Use advanced configuration of the bottom panel buttons" and "Open the bottom panel at startup". On the second tab, we select which buttons will be present on the bottom panel (here you can select an arbitrary number of buttons).

Please note that the "Maximum number of buttons in one row" box should contain a number other than 0, because of this, various errors may occur when working with the RMC.

After configuring the bottom panel buttons, click "Record and close." Now, when we open the Sales Registration section, we see that the bottom panel has appeared with the buttons that we have selected in the settings.

To close checkout shift, click "Close shift". The program will ask you to confirm the closure. By clicking "Yes", we will receive reporting information about sales for the past shift.

Click the "Close Shift" button. The program will print the closing receipt and generate a retail sales report.

This completes the quick setup of the 1C Retail store, and you can work with it. Of course, there are much more settings in the program, but for a quick start, the ones considered are quite enough, and the rest can be filled in as the work progresses.

Good luck with your sales!

In previous articles on the 1C: Retail 2.1 configuration for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, we have reviewed all preparatory stages that you need to go through to start keeping records of goods in the infobase. Actually, at the current stage, it's time to directly start filling the database and start keeping records. However, the order of the initial filling of the database depends on whether you are starting the store from scratch or implementing the configuration in an organization that has been operating for some time, but is only now moving to accounting in Retail.

This article is mainly designed just for the second situation, when the store has been trading for some time and there are goods in the warehouses that need to be credited. But for those who are going to keep the database from scratch, I recommend reading the article. It will touch upon some points that may be useful in further stages of working with the program.

In order to properly start keeping records in an existing store, you need to enter information about the initial balances into the program. These primarily include the name and quantity of goods in warehouses, cash balances in the operating cash desks of the enterprise and balances on cumulative discounts, if they are used in your organization. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the balances of settlements with suppliers, if any, at the time of the initial filling of the database.

As for cumulative discounts, for now we will not consider them: this is an extensive topic and it requires a separate detailed discussion. In one of the future articles, we will definitely pay attention to it.

So, during the previous lessons, we created three warehouses. Of these, one is a retail space, and the other two are trading floors. Previously, we prepared everything necessary so that when goods arrive at the main warehouse, they would be automatically distributed according to trading floors. You can read about it in the article.

But such automatic distribution will work when goods arrive from a supplier or from some other location. And in our particular case, we are dealing with a situation where the goods have already arrived at the store and are in their places. This means that we need to manually specify in which warehouse and in what quantity this or that product is stored.

Goods are put on receipt by the document "Goods receipt". Documents of this category are located in the "Warehouse operations" section of the "Warehouse" section.

Posting goods to each warehouse is carried out using a separate document. Let's assume that our main warehouse is empty at the moment and we need to register only those goods that are in the departments of our store. Since we have two departments, we will have to carry out at least two documents - for the first and second departments, respectively.

By clicking on the link indicated in the previous screenshot, we get to the section with the documents "Receiving Goods". At the moment, it is empty, as we have not yet conducted operations of this kind. To start a new posting, you need to click the "Create" button. But first, pay attention to the fields "Store" and "Warehouse".

These fields are optional, but if you specify them on this stage, then this information will be filled in automatically in the new posting document. In addition, these fields are used to filter documents. For example, when in the future we will have a lot of documents for posting goods to different departments, then by specifying the desired warehouse in the right field, we will hide documents related to other warehouses.

Now let's click the "Create" button and see what the posting document looks like.

Please note that the program filled in the “Store” field automatically, since we only have one. In this case, the "Warehouse" field remained empty. If we had only one warehouse, the program would automatically fill it too. But since we have three of them, and in the previous step we did not specify the right one, we must do it now.

It is advisable to first enter all the products introduced into the nomenclature reference book, otherwise it will have to be done by adding each new position, which is extremely inconvenient and impractical.

There are several ways to add items to a document.

First, you can click the "Add" button and enter the name manually. At the same time, as you type, the program will substitute suitable options.

Secondly, if a product has a barcode, you can use a barcode scanner. Moreover, if the scanner is not at hand or the barcode is not readable, although the numbers are visible, it can be entered from the keyboard by pressing the appropriate button in the interface.

Thirdly, you can use the product selection function. This is the most convenient way after barcodes.

In addition to the above options, "Retail" allows you to upload goods to the database from the data collection terminal, but since we did not connect or configure it, there is no corresponding button in the interface.

There is nothing complicated in adding products manually and through a barcode, so I will not describe them here, but I propose to consider the product selection function in more detail.

If we click on the selection button, we will see the window shown in the following screenshot.

As you can see, the list of nomenclature that we created earlier has opened before us, from where we can choose any positions. Pay attention to the button "Request quantity and price". If it is pressed, the program will ask how many units of the marked product should be added to the document and what is its cost. If this button is not clicked, each time you select one item will be added.

However, the pricing function is available only if the user who performs this operation has been granted the appropriate rights.

Let's add five buckets of each type to the first section of our store.

In order for the added positions to be shown during the selection process, you need to check the box "Show selected products". After selecting all the necessary goods and specifying the required quantity, click the "Transfer to document" button.

As a result, we got finished document posting. It remains only to carry it out.

Now, in exactly the same way, we send three concrete mixers to the second warehouse. I remind you that we must make this a separate document, since the goods are delivered to another warehouse, and one document can only receive the item in one warehouse.

Now two new documents have appeared in the list of posting documents. Moreover, from their names it is clear to which store and warehouse each of them belongs.

To finally make sure that the goods are safely registered, you can generate a report showing the balance in warehouses. To do this, go to the "Warehouse" section and click on the link "Warehouse reports".

In the window that opens, we need to select the report "Balance in warehouses", which is located in the section "Warehouse operations".

Having generated the report, we see that now the goods have appeared in our accounting. Please note that there were ten white ten-liter buckets, although I put them all in five. This happened due to the fact that, while taking screenshots for the review, I accidentally picked up this position twice and did not notice this when I posted the document of receipt.

In our situation, this does not play any role, but it perfectly illustrates how reports allow you to identify employee errors.

Now you know how to post goods. Next time I'll show you how to information base cash balances.