How to set up cash register exchange kkm offline. Exchange with connected equipment Offline

To connect a CCP with data transfer, you must perform preliminary steps - install the device driver and configure Internet access for the device. Internet access settings are made by means of the driver.

The device is connected to the program in the directory Connected equipment (AdministrationConnected equipment).

The user needs to select the type of CCP equipment with data transfer and create a new directory element. Next, you need to select an organization on behalf of which goods will be sold on this fiscal registrar and a device driver. In the serial number field, enter the serial number indicated on the device case. Then you need to press the button Tune and make the necessary driver settings - port, network settings and other settings specific to this model. Click Device test.

When the device is successfully connected, a message will appear on the screen. The user can close the form with a button Write and close.

2.Registration of the fiscal drive

After connecting the cash register to the program, it is necessary to register the fiscal drive. This operation is also performed when replacing the fiscal drive after the expiration date or exhaustion of the memory resource: the used fiscal drive is closed, then the physical device is replaced and a new fiscal drive is registered.

To carry out the operation, select the item Registration from the menu Operations with fiscal storage. This will open a form where you need to fill in the field Registration number KKT number received when registering the cash desk with the Federal Tax Service, check the correctness of filling in the details of the Organization, indicate CCP installation address.

The user can select one or more taxation systems if it is planned to punch checks on this machine to register settlements for goods and services related to activities with various forms of taxation. At the same time, if sales are registered in the RCC, the program controls the composition of the check: one check can include goods, the balance of which is written off from warehouses with the same taxation system. Goods are written off in accordance with the distribution of sales by warehouses and services by organizations. For details, see “Configuration Description Retail Edition 2.2”, section 2.2.2 Maintain Store Information.

CCP settings include a number of signs of doing business. The user also needs to indicate the name and TIN of the fiscal data operator.

The registration data of the CCP are available for viewing in the card of the connected equipment instance.

Operation Changing Registration Options required when re-registering a fiscal accumulator. Depending on the chosen reason for re-registration, the user can change those CCP details that he can change.

The registered device can be selected in the KKM Cash Desk card. For details, see “Description of the Retail configuration, edition 2.2”, section 2.2.5 Maintaining information about the company's cash registers.

Important! We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the distribution of revenue by FD sections for the type of CCP equipment with data transmission is not supported. In the settings of Cash register cash register for the type of cash register equipment with data transfer in the field Distribution of revenue by FR sections a preset element of the settings directory is substituted, which cannot be changed. Work with fiscal registrars is supported in the same volume.

3.Opening and closing checkout shift

When opening a cash register shift by a team Open shift in the main menu of the RMK or on the form of the list of checks of the cash register, the document Cash shift is created ( Sales - Retail Sales), which contains Basic data current checkout shift: Organization, Checkout KKM, to which the device is connected, Date and time of the start of the shift, status - open. When a shift is closed, the shift completion time is filled in, the status is changed to Closed, and the page details are filled in fiscal data.

The composition of the details depends on the version of the Fiscal Document Formats supported by the fiscal accumulator and cash register. The main details are displayed on the form, all available fiscal data can be viewed by clicking on the link to the data file.

4.Providing an electronic receipt to the buyer

In accordance with the new wording of the law on the application of control cash register(54-FZ), the seller must provide an electronic receipt at the request of the buyer. The user of the program can fulfill this requirement using the functions of the program. To do this, you need to configure the mail agent and telecom operator for sending SMS messages. For details, see “Configuration description Retail, edition 2.2”, section 9.5.2 Settings of the “Organizer” section.

With the settings for sending an electronic check, the electronic checks of customers will be placed in the message queue for sending. The administrator can set the settings for sending messages from the queue ( Sales - 54-FZ) - immediately after the check is broken or set up automatic mailing according to the schedule.

When registering a sale in RMK, the cashier has the opportunity to enter the buyer's phone number or e-mail before paying for the purchase. There are several ways to determine the buyer's contact information:

  • data can be entered manually;
  • read the barcodes of the business card of the application developed by order of the Federal Tax Service for the buyer with a scanner;
  • Phone and e-mail can be determined using the buyer's discount card, if these data are stored in the infobase.The search for a buyer's discount card in the RCC interface when viewing the list is prohibited is carried out not only by code, but also by phone number, e-mail and last name of the buyer. In this case, after selecting the card, an SMS confirmation code for this operation is sent to the owner's number. The ability to select a card when searching without SMS confirmation is regulated by an additional user right Allow map selection by e-mail without confirmation when searching or Allow card selection by phone number without SMS confirmation when searching. If the right is set, the system will not require confirmation by the code sent by the program to the customer.

In the RMK payment form, buttons for entering a subscriber number or address are displayed Email buyer. If the number was recorded in the infobase earlier and is determined using a discount card, the cashier is given the opportunity to delete the data from information base at the request of the buyer using the reversible key on the data entry/display form. After the check has been broken through, an electronic copy of the check will be placed in the queue for data transmission.

The administrator has the ability to control the state of the queue of electronic checks ( AdministrationSalesLaw No. 54-FZ). The transition to the queue is carried out by the link Open e-check queue.

The administrator can open unsent messages and read the error message. After fixing the error, you can highlight unsent messages and resend using the command Send list command bar or delete if sending is not possible. Open form queue status is updated with a button Refresh. Link Set up email receipts you can go to the form for setting up a scheduled task for sending checks.

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Question: KKM OffLine


I'm trying to set up minipos synchronization under the control of "Cashier's Workplace" (RMC) and 1C: Enterprise 8.1 ( with the "Trade Management" configuration, edition 10.3 (10.3.2.

The essence of the problem:
I'm trying to set up cash register in offline mode, according to the pictures in the instructions, according to the description on the atol website. But in my version, the setting is different. I'm trying by analogy with the pictures, but

Attention! The current user is not in the user group commercial equipment"KKM in Off-Line mode"!

At the same time, he writes that the equipment is correct.
But when I go to Retail-> Upload to KKM offline, it shows that the equipment is not connected!


The problem with loading the report in 1C is solved. Everything unloaded / loaded normally after updating to.
So in our case, the problem was only with the Cashier, the 1C handler works fine.

Question: UT 11.2 and KKM-Offline

Hello, the problem is...

It is necessary to unload the goods from UT 11.2 through KKM-Offline to the cash register under the control of Frontol 4.9
What did you do:
Created a nomenclature of 4 positions, made the receipt of the nomenclature for these 4 goods and set the prices of the nomenclature for these 4 goods. Created KKM-Offline with the exchange rule. But when you try to unload, an error appears, and specifically it is not unloaded because of what ... see photo.

The real question is what didn't I do?


Senya said:

Try setting prices manually.

Click to reveal...

Thanks for the answer, but the problem was solved by the fact that it turns out that this processing of unloading in KKM Offline is exactly in UT 11.2, it doesn’t matter that you have one warehouse and this warehouse is by default, you need to go to the program settings in "NSI and administration" -> Section settings -> Warehouse and delivery -> in the "Warehouse" section check the box "Several warehouses" and in the form "Rules of exchange with KKM Offline" the field "Warehouse" appears, select a warehouse and Hurray !!! prices automatically appear... And everything is unloaded...

That's how it is ...))

Question: [SOLVED] UT 11.1 connecting KKM offline

I welcome everyone. Problem with connecting KKM offline. UT 11.1, KKM Atol. Enabled exchange with KKM offline, created a rule (type of connected equipment - KKM offline), created Cashier KKM (KKM type offline). Also added to the equipment - KKm offline indicating the driver - Atol workplace cashier indicating the created rule. Everything seems to be according to the instructions. But the problem is that when I open the Exchange with KKm plug-in equipment offline - there is nothing in the list, neither the device nor the rule, what am I missing?

PS. I tried in two different versions of 1s UT (with an update and an earlier one) wherever I read the instructions, everything was done according to the instructions
I also tried to add scales, they appear in the list.


I figured it out, it turns out I still had to set up the RMK for the current workplace.

Question: Data exchange via KKM Offline in the report on retail sales I can't change the date.

I am uploading documents from KKM Offline, the retail sales report is being uploaded, but I cannot change the date there, how to do this, please tell me.
configuration Retail


Question: UT 11.1 connection of KKM offline

Colleagues, tell me I can not figure it out.
Set up rules for unloading KKM offline, set filters

But for some reason, all the goods are unloaded into the cash register, regardless of the configured filters. Having poked around the code, I don’t see any filtering when unloading, the whole product is unloaded. There is a sign "Used" in the register "Product Codes of Connected EquipmentOffline", products that do not match the filter are set to false. Who faced how this selection should work? What is the developer's logic?

Answer: Mmmm, and atol also changed the format recently.
It is best to file your upload and download processing.

Question: Exchange with KKM-offline Frontol 5 (EGAIS)

Good afternoon. 1C 8.3 retail. While loading alcoholic products offline KKM (Frontol 5 EGAIS trade) does not indicate that this is alcohol, although in 1s in the nomenclature card the type of nomenclature indicates that this is alcohol (vodka). What could be the reason? in the settings I did not find such that the function of unloading this parameter was specially turned on


raiders said:

in the types of alcoholic products, put a tick on the marked one, try

Click to reveal...

Tried. I called the ATOL suppliers and they said that so far 1s does not have such a function to unload the sign of alcoholic beverages, but it is expected that with the update such a function will appear, it turns out to either wait or add through the programmer. [SOLVED]

Question: Error connecting ADODB. Data source not found.

Good afternoon!

It is necessary to connect from 1s to the Firebird database. On the test, it works for me, but on a real server I can not solve the error.

Error calling context method (Open)
because of:
An exception occurred (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers): [ODBC Driver Manager] Data source not found and no default driver specified

OS: 2008x64
Version 1C 8.3. x32 client.
Connection string:
DRIVER=Firebird/InterBase(r) driver;UID=SYSDBA;PWD=masterkey;DBNAME=ts:c:\db.fdb;
The driver name is correct. There is a driver in the system.
In ODBC itself, the connection passes without errors in 32 and 64 bits, I tried it through DSN, I specified a specific "DSN=DB" - the same error

Possibly a permissions issue? Where to dig?

Answer:() try not c:\db.fdb

do you really not respect your admins so much that you decided that there is access to the root of the C: drive on the server?

Issue: [SOLVED] External Data Sources: Connection Issues in 8.3.7

Hello. There is a need to connect to the mysql database on the hosting. I would like to do this with the help of external data sources.
The problem is this:
I create a table, prescribe the connection parameters, select a driver, but I don’t find a suitable one in the list (the one I need is not in the list). I assume that MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode driver is needed, it is installed in the system. Platform, Windows 10 OS.

Tried to do the same on the server 2008R2, the same problem is observed.
When trying to connect the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle driver, it gives an error:

Colleagues, tell me how to solve the problem? What can be wrong?


Solved the problem. It turned out that it was necessary to install the 32-bit version of the ODBC driver.

Question: Connecting to external source data

1C 8.3.12, UNF,
I am uploading goods from 1C via ODBC to the MySQL database of the site, and after every 30 (sometimes 25) goods, the sign "Connecting to an external data source" pops up where the connection login and password are already indicated, you just need to click "connect", while before uploading to connection parameters, this data is already indicated, and if you load goods in several pieces, then there are no problems. Can anyone suggest something?

Answer: Thanks everyone, the problem was solved after I rewrote the code.
Correct option:


It turned out to connect on the local computer:

Rem Driver Export; &AtServer Procedure ConnectExternalComponentAtServer() Connection AttemptSuccessful = ConnectExternalComponent("PriceDrv.dll", "My", ExternalComponentType.COM); Driver = New("AddIn.My.PriceChecker"); alert("Connection successful!"); Exception Report(DetailErrorRepresentation(ErrorInfo())); End of Attempt; EndProcedure

And on the server (terminal connection) it is impossible. Well, God bless him, let the admin resolve this situation.
But I still do not understand how I can handle barcode scanner events.
Is this library enough to intercept events in the corresponding handler of my form module? external processing?

&AtClient Procedure ExternalEvent(Source, Event, Data) If Source<>"PriceChecker" Then Return; EndIf; Notify("Event caught!", MessageStatus.Attention); //ShK = AbbrlP(Data); //Nomenclature Table = Barcoding.Get Nomenclature DataBy Barcode(BC); EndProcedure

--- Union messages, May 18, 2017 ---

I repeat: it is configured, "communication" with the driver test passes, I get answers. But I don’t understand how 1s will see this at all.

  1. Creation of organizations.
    1. Reference information;
    2. Organizations;
    3. "Green +";
    4. Fill in the main fields;
    5. Press the "Record" button;
  2. User creation. It is better to create users in the mode of working with the database, and not in the configurator. In this case, users are created with all settings.
    1. In the top panel, select “circle with an arrow down”;
    2. Select the item "References";
    3. Select "Users".
    4. Check the box “Authentication 1C Enterprise”;
    5. Check the box “User is not allowed to change password”;
    6. Check the box “Show in selection list;
  3. Create units of measure.
    1. In the left panel in the group of links "Nomenclature" select the link "Units of measure";
    2. Press the "Green +" button;
    3. Fill in the field "Short name" indicating for example "Bl.";
    4. Fill in the field "Full name" indicating for example "Block"
    5. Click the "Save and close" button.
  4. Create a price group. Price groups are used as an additional element of classification and selection when calculating prices, for example, you can specify the “Drinks” price group and set a markup for it at 5% of the base price, or create the “Chocolate” price group and set a markup for it at 10% of the base price ;
    1. In the top panel, select the "Regulatory and reference information" tab;
    2. In the left pane, in the "Nomenclature" link group, select the "Price groups" link;
    3. Press the "Green +" button;
    4. Enter the name of the price group;
    5. Click the "Save and close" button.
  5. Creation of prices (price types).
    1. On the top panel, select the "Marketing" tab;
    2. On the left panel, click the link "Types of prices";
    3. Press the "Green +" button;
    4. Fill in the "Name" field, for example "Retail";
    5. In the "Identifier for formulas" field, specify the same name (this can be done by selecting from the drop-down list by clicking the button with the arrow on the right in the field);
    6. In the "Currency" field, select the price currency;
    7. Check the box "Use for sales to customers";
    8. On the "Pricing rules" tab, set the marker to "Calculate by other types of prices";
    9. In the appeared table "Formula" enter the formula for calculating the price "For all price groups"
    10. If you need to specify a price calculation formula for a specific price group, then:
      1. Press the "Green +" button;
      2. In the line that appears, select the price group;
      3. Fill out the formula for her.
    11. Click the "Save and close" button.
  6. Creation of nomenclature;
    1. Fill in the fields "Working name", "Type of nomenclature", "Unit of measurement", "Weight";
    2. To place an item item, in any group in the "Group" field, you need to specify its name using a selection from the directory, or enter the initial letters of the group name.
    3. Specify the price group of the item by selecting it in the "Price group" field;
    4. Set the package set by selecting the value "Individual package set for the item" in the "Package set" field;
    5. Press the "Save" button;
    6. Select the "Barcode" link in the same window on the left;
    7. Press "Green +";
    8. Enter a barcode into the window that appears using a scanner or manually;
    9. Click "Save and close";
    10. Select the link "Packages" in the same window on the left;
    11. Press "Green +";
    12. In the "Unit" field, select a unit, for example, "Block";
    13. In the "Quantity" field, indicate the number of base units in this package, for example, 10 packs in a block;
    14. Specify the weight of the package in the "Weight" field;
    15. Click "Save and close";
    16. To get back to the edited position window on the left panel, select the link with the name of this position;
    17. *** "Commodity restrictions" ***;
    18. *** "Transport restrictions" ***;
    19. "Cross" closes the window of the current item position.
  7. Creation of an item group;
    1. On the main panel, select the "Regulatory and reference information" tab;
    2. On the left panel, select "Nomenclature";
    3. In the main field, click "Folder with a plus";
    4. Fill in the fields "Name";
    5. To make this group a subgroup, in the "Group" field you need to specify its parent group name using a selection from the directory, or enter the initial letters of the parent group name.
  8. Creation of a new buyer (partner - client).It consists of two stages, the first is the input of the client's data, the second is the input of the agreement (agreement) concluded with him;
    1. On the main panel, select the "Regulatory and reference information" tab;
    2. On the left panel, select the link "Partners";
    3. In the main field, press "Green +";
    4. Determine who the partner is - a company or an individual, by putting an end to the appropriate paragraph;
    5. Fill in the fields "Name", "Phone", "E-mail";
    6. Put a tick in the field "Indicate partner identification data";
    7. Indicate who the counterparty is - legal. a person or a private entrepreneur (PBOYuL);
    8. Fill in the fields "Working name" ("Last name", "First name" in the case of PBOYUL), "TIN", "KPP", "OKPO code";
    9. Put a tick in the field "Indicate contact details";
    10. Fill in the fields "Name", "Surname", "Phone";
    11. In the "Role" field, select the role of the contact person;
    12. Press the "Next" button;
    13. In the "Type of relationship" field, select "Client";
    14. Press the "Next" button;
    15. Press the "Create" button;
    16. In the window that appears, you can select which group of partners this partner will belong to by entering its name in the "Partner-parent" field (there are no groups of counterparties like in 1C 77 here).
    17. Click on the "Create Based" button;
    18. Select the item "Individual agreement with the client";
    19. Fill in the fields "Number" - with the number of the contract, "From" - with the date of the contract, "Name" - with the word "deliveries";
    20. In the "Organization" field, specify the organization on behalf of which the contract is being created.

discount cards

First you need to enable the ability to use discount cards(loyalty cards). You can do this in the "Administration" section by clicking on the corresponding icon on the sections panel. After that, on the action bar, you need to click on the "Settings of accounting parameters" button. Then select the "Marketing" tab and check the box next to "Use loyalty cards". Press on.

The next step is to create the elements of the "Discounts (margins)" directory, the corresponding link can be found in the "Marketing" section of the navigation panel under the "Pricing" item. The creation process is described in detail in the Discounts (Markups) paragraph.
Now you can move on to filling out the reference books. You need to find the reference book "Types of loyalty cards". There is no such link in the section bar or in the navigation bar. In order to get into the directory, you need to press , select "All functions" in the drop-down list, double-click on "Directories" in the window that opens, select "Types of loyalty cards" in the tree that opens, the window of the same name should appear on the screen.

  • In the navigation bar, click the "Organizations" link;
  • Open an already created organization or create and save a new organization;
  • Click the link in the navigation bar" Setting up methods for estimating the cost of goods";
  • Set the "Applies From:" field to the beginning of the current year.
  • The "Organization" field should be filled in automatically with the name of the current organization.
  • Set the "Valuation Method" field to "FIFO";
  • Check the box "Update cost by scheduled task";
  • Click the "Save and Close" button.
  • Then you need to set up a scheduled task.

    1. On the partition panel, enter "Administration";
    2. On the navigation panel, click the link "Regular and background tasks";
    3. In the table, double-click the line with the name "Cost calculation";
    4. The name field can be left blank;
    5. Check the box "Use";
    6. Click the "Schedule" button;
    7. The task schedule depends on the number of documents and items in the database.
    8. Click the "Ok" button;
    9. The rest of the fields can be left blank;
    10. Click the "Save and Close" button;
    11. To check, click on the "Run Now" function bar.

    Discounts (markups)

    One of the features of this guide is the way to indicate whether it is a discount or a markup by directly indicating the sign of the number - a positive value means a discount, and a negative value means a markup. It should be noted that the program allows you to choose from several ways to provide discounts or markups. The method can be specified in the corresponding selection field. There are several ways in the program:

    • "Discount (markup) percentage";
    • "Discount (surcharge) by the amount";
    • "Special price";
    • "Issue a message";
    • "Loyalty card issuance".
    You can also specify what the discount or markup will be calculated on - for the entire document or only for those lines that satisfy certain conditions.

    To create a new element of the "Discounts (markups)" directory, you need to:

    Connecting KKM offline

    Initially, you need to specify the configuration that you want to work with KKM in offline mode. This can be done like this:

    1. On the sections panel, select the "Administration" section;
    2. On the action panel, select the "Accounting settings" item;
    3. Select the "Retail" tab;
    4. Check the box "Use exchange with connected equipment offline";
    5. Click the "Save and close" button.

    Now you need to create rules for the exchange with equipment, for this:

    In the same form, you can set up a filter through which only the necessary items of the nomenclature will be uploaded, for example, with the required packaging or characteristics, the set of fields can be changed as you wish.

    To upload a list of goods to KKM you need:


    To upload data on commodity items and their balances to cash registers, many entrepreneurs use the Evotor cloud. You can start syncing with the cloud at any time. Exchange with accounting programs will become possible after purchasing a special application on the Evotor Market website.

    What are the benefits of working with the cloud?

    Data exchange with the Evotor cloud has the following positive aspects:

    • the ability to access information stored in the cloud service from any computer connected to the Internet;
    • security and safety of information;
    • obtaining up-to-date data;
    • minimum costs for maintaining a virtual server;
    • You can enable and disable synchronization with the Evotor cloud at any time.

    The operation of the cloud service is based on an uninterrupted connection to the Internet. For the implementation of basic processes, even a medium-speed connection is suitable, but it must be stable. If the database constantly disappears in the Evotor cloud and a message appears on the screen of the smart terminal stating that the server is temporarily unavailable, you need to check the Internet connection. If the problem was not found, you should contact technical support.

    Setting up the cloud and connecting to accounting programs

    To get started, business owners need to purchase the Evotor Cloud File Exchange application from the Evotor Market virtual store. After that, on the settings page, you need to download the "Installation Wizard" to your computer. The price of the Evotor cloud is available to all entrepreneurs without exception, regardless of the size of the business. The monthly fee for using the application will be from 300 rubles. (depending on the chosen tariff).

    Setting up the Evotor cloud consists of the following steps:

    • run the "Installation Wizard" on the computer;
    • in the "Access Key" line, indicate the code that is visible on the application settings page in the "Personal Account";
    • after the installation is completed, a window with settings will appear, here you need to specify the store and the exchange directory;
    • check the box next to the item "Exchange is active";
    • go to the 1C program, open the menu item "Administration" - "Connected equipment";
    • check the boxes next to the items "Use plug-in equipment" and "Exchange with plug-in equipment";
    • go to the "Connected equipment" section, select "KKM Offline" and create a new account;
    • in the line "Hardware driver" select "ATOL KKM Offline";
    • select "Evotor" in the "Exchange rules" field, "Frontol 5" in the "Exchange format" field, select the same exchange catalog that was specified in the "Settings Wizard" in the "Products database" field;
    • in the "Report file" field specify the path to the terminal;
    • save settings;
    • in the 1C program, go to the menu item "Exchange with connected equipment", click "Unload" - "Products and settings" and wait for the unloading to complete;
    • this completes the sending to the Evotor cloud.

    After five minutes, you can try to add products to the smart terminal. AT cash register select the menu item "Maintenance" - "Exchange", then click "Download to the terminal". Wait for the successful completion of the process, go to the menu item "Products" - "List of products" and check the correctness of the transmitted information. We have already considered how to upload products to the Evotor cloud.

    Description of the application "File exchange with the cloud" Evotor "

    The application allows you to configure the exchange background information about goods and sales between smart terminals "Evotor" and inventory programs. The exchange will be carried out by standard means of the existing software, which will eliminate the need to train personnel in new operations. The application is compatible with most inventory systems:

    • 1C: Trade management;
    • 1C: Enterprise accounting;
    • 1C: Integrated automation;
    • 1C: Management small firm(with restrictions);
    • 1C: Retail;
    • Aitida;
    • Contour.Market;
    • others that support the ATOL exchange format.

    The application is suitable for shops, kiosks, stalls, pharmacies. The basic tariff for the Evotor cloud provides for the following terms of use: 300 rubles per month for servicing one smart terminal. For the first 30 days, entrepreneurs will be able to use the application for free.

    How is the synchronization of two Evotor smart terminals?

    If one cash register already has a list of goods, and the second does not have this list, you can synchronize the product range using the Evotor cloud at the cash desks. The procedure consists of the following steps:

    • on the terminal, where there is a list of goods, you need to open the "Service / Exchange" section, then "Data Exchange";
    • specify the time range and click "Upload";
    • after the upload is completed, a corresponding notification will appear on the screen;
    • on the second terminal, open the menu item "Service" - "Exchange" - "Data Exchange", then click "Download";
    • all the nomenclature entered on the first cash register will appear on the second.
    Uploading data from the Evotor cloud

    The Evotor cloud in the terminals also allows you to upload information. The procedure is as follows:

    • go to the "Maintenance" section, then open the "Exchange" menu item;
    • in the line "Range" specify the period and click "Select";
    • after that, you need to click on the "Unload" button, wait for the message about the completion of the process to appear.

    The timeliness of obtaining and availability of information in cloud services significantly depends on intermediate parameters (data transmission channels, the quality of the Internet provider, the reliability of the company providing cloud resources, etc.). If the Evotor cloud does not work, the reason should be sought in one of these factors. When downloading information, it is always necessary to create backup copies.

    Exchange with connected equipment Offline

    How to unload goods in KKM?

    How to unload goods on the scale?

    How to clear the cash register from goods that were once loaded into it, for example, according to outdated exchange rules?

    To clear the list of goods in POS printer, the list command "All actions" - "Clear" is released. And with the help of the "All actions" - "Reload" command, it is permissible to clear the POS printer from the "old" list of goods and load it with the "new" one.

    How to unload goods in KKM?

    Information about goods is unloaded by the command "Unload goods". The information is uploaded to a file that is defined for this cash register in the details of the shop equipment settings (the "Products database" field). Before the first unloading, all goods that meet the unloading rules are marked as changed (pictogram
    "Note"). During subsequent unloadings, only those goods for which the details have changed are included in the list for unloading: newly registered goods, goods for which the price has changed, barcode. In this case, in the exchange list, the "Pay attention" icon is also marked with cash desks whose goods have been changed.

    How to call the exchange rule assigned to the cash register from the exchange list (workplace)?

    It is possible to call an exchange rule from the exchange list using the "Call rule" command.

    How to specify one exchange rule for several cash registers?

    To specify one exchange rule for several cash registers, select similar cash registers in the exchange list and use the "Specify rule for selected" list command, and then specify the necessary rule in the list that opens.

    How to download a sales report generated by KKM after the shift is closed?

    After closing the cash register shift at the offline cash desk and generating a sales report file, it is permissible to load it into the program. The report file is loaded in the form of a workplace using the "Download sales report" command. After the command is executed, all information about sold goods is recorded in the Retail Sales Report document.

    Is it possible to set up an automated exchange of the program with the cash register?

    By the "Automated exchange" command, it is permissible to determine the interval after which 1s will perform the exchange
    (unloading and loading) in an automated version.

    How to clear the scales from goods that were once loaded into it, for example, according to outdated exchange rules?

    To clear the list of goods in the scales, the list command "All actions" - "Clear" has been released. And with the help of the "All actions" - "Reload" command, it is permissible to clear the scales from the "old" list of goods and load it with the "new" one.

    How to unload goods on the scale?

    The list of goods is unloaded by the command "Unload goods". The information is uploaded to a file, which is defined for these scales in the details of the shop equipment settings ("Products database" field). Before the first unloading, all goods that meet the unloading rules are marked as changed (the "Please note" icon). During subsequent unloadings, only those goods for which the details have changed are included in the list for unloading: newly registered goods, goods for which the price has changed. In this case, the scales whose goods have been changed are also marked with the "Please note" icon in the exchange list.

    How to call the exchange rule assigned to scales from the exchange list (workplace)?

    It is possible to call the exchange rule assigned for specific weights from the exchange list using the "Call rule" command.

    How can I see the list of goods loaded into the scale while being at the workplace for working with scales?

    For these tasks, the exchange list command "View the list of goods" is used.

    How to specify one exchange rule for several weights?

    To specify one exchange rule for several scales, select similar scales in the exchange list and use the "Specify rule for selected" list command, and then specify the necessary rule in the list that opens.

    Is it possible to set automatic loading of scales?

    Using the "Automated exchange" command, it is permissible to determine the interval after which 1s will unload into the scales in an automated version.