Reflection in accounting claims from the customer of services. How to file a claim for poor quality of service

It can be quite difficult to separate what should be attributed to personal and what to business qualities in a resume. If you are talking about character traits that relate to work, then they can safely be attributed to the latter. Examples of business qualities for a resume will help you figure out what and how best to enter in this column.

Popular Options

Most often, the following business features appear in the requirements of employers and resumes of applicants:

  • ability to work independently;
  • determination;
  • assertiveness, focus on results;
  • communication skills;
  • purposefulness;
  • organizational skills;
  • fast reaction,
  • increased performance;
  • ability to make decisions;
  • love for planning;
  • oratory;
  • the ability to formulate one's thoughts;
  • diligence, ability to perform tasks, ability to follow instructions;
  • tact, courtesy, tolerance.

It is not necessary to list all the business qualities of a person known to you. You only need to enter in the submitted resume what is most suitable for you.

Relationship with professions

It is necessary to choose business qualities depending on the requirements for the vacancy for which you are applying.
For example, when sending a resume to an open vacancy for a manager, you need to carefully select the words. You can specify the following business qualities:

  • desire to work, develop and learn, responsibility, sociability, stress resistance;
  • flexibility, ability to adapt, organizational skills, oratory skills;
  • tolerance, loyalty, ethics, honesty, ability to work in any conditions and in different teams;
  • logical thinking, the ability to highlight important, professional flair, the ability to analyze and see the future.

It is better for technical specialists, analysts, economists, accountants, clerks in their resume to focus on other qualities:

  • pedantry, attention to detail, purposefulness, accuracy;
  • perseverance, the ability to retain the necessary information in memory, an analytical mindset;
  • foresight, ability to collect and analyze data, accuracy, focus on results;
  • scrupulousness, punctuality, ability to plan and organize the work process, analytical skills.

If the position involves active communication with people, the priority will be the following qualities:

  • sociability, the ability to see the problem of the client, to cooperate, to find an individual approach;
  • collectivism, love for team work, sociability, efficiency, ability to negotiate;
  • easy adaptation, ability to work in stressful conditions, competent speech, energy, organization;
  • courtesy, tolerance, knowledge of the ethics of business communication, decency, honesty, purposefulness.

But this example is not a ready-made template. It is better to make a selection from several options so that the given characteristic reflects your qualities in the best way.

Discipline, accuracy, timely completion of tasks;

Readiness for additional work;

Ability to overcome difficulties;


Ability to make decisions;

Use your time rationally;

Attitude towards learning and self-learning;

sociability, sociability;

Potential for professional and career growth;

Organizational skills.

;3 Professionalism (the ability and inclination of a person to effectively perform a certain activity):

Level of intellectual development;

Ability to analyze and generalize;

Logic, clarity of thinking;

The desire to search;

Possession of theoretical and special knowledge, skills and abilities.

4 moral qualities:




Responsibility, integrity;



Motives to work.

5 Potential( characterizes the possibility of carrying out certain types of activities ), abilities and personal qualities, necessary for the performance of official duties :

Independence, determination;

Self-control, self-control;

Speed ​​of reaction;

Emotional and neuropsychic stability.

For managers, additional assessment factors are the ability to:

Plan activities;

Organize the work of subordinates;

Manage in critical situations;

Work with documents (develop, coordinate draft decisions, monitor their implementation);

Delegate authority (provide subordinates with clear instructions, rationally distribute responsibilities, determine and control deadlines, provide necessary assistance);

Develop subordinates (help in adapting, mastering new work organize training and advanced training);

Interact with other departments (coordinate activities, negotiate, build good relationships);

Maintain moral principles;

Innovate (look for new approaches to problem solving, be creative at work, overcome resistance).

Attestation assessment of personnel - activities in which the employee himself, his work and the result of his activity are evaluated. Attestation assessment of personnel is the basis of many management actions: internal relocations, layoffs, enrollment in the reserve for a higher position, material and moral incentives, retraining and advanced training, improvement of the organization, techniques and methods of managerial work. Preparation for certification includes the following activities:

Drawing up the necessary documents for the certified;

Development of certification schedules;

Determination of the composition of the attestation commissions;

Organization of explanatory work on the goals and procedure for certification.

The specific dates, as well as the schedule for the certification and the composition of the certification commissions are approved by the head of the organization and brought to the attention of the certified employees. The next certification does not include persons who have worked in organizations for less than a year, young professionals, pregnant women and women with children under the age of

Issues for discussion

1 Describe the methods of personnel assessment.

2 By what criteria is the work of the applicant evaluated?

3 Describe the personal means of assessing staff.

4 What is the essence of the expert assessment of personnel?

5 What are the main tasks to be solved when assessing the effectiveness of labor activity?

6 What indicators characterize the activities of employees in relation to advanced training?

7 How can personnel assessment affect production efficiency?

8 What is the significance of assessing different categories of workers?

      Staff development

Scientific and technological progress, which has covered all spheres of social production, constantly requires an increase in professionalism and a systematic change in the content and technology of labor. Changing the goals of social development and ways to achieve them, functioning in market conditions dictate the need for retraining of personnel in terms of mastering market mechanisms, adapting to new social conditions, retraining in connection with structural changes in the development of production and the introduction of modern technologies and labor methods. The staff required high professionalism and at the same time the ability to quickly adapt to constant changes and fluctuations in the internal structure of the organization and in the external environment. However, the training of new personnel is not carried out in a short period, and the one-time release of workers with long work experience can develop into a major social problem. Therefore, each organization faces the task of training its staff along with the selection of new employees and their professional adaptation. Postgraduate professional education is carried out through postgraduate studies, doctoral studies organized at institutions of higher professional education and scientific institutions that have received the right to do so. The constant improvement of the educational standard, the complexity and responsibility of the work of personnel, changing working conditions and technologies require continuous additional education. It is carried out on the basis of a license for additional educational programs by institutions of advanced training, courses, vocational guidance centers.

Personnel development is a set of organizational and economic activities in the field of training, advanced training and professional skills of personnel, and stimulation of creativity. The possibility of development should be presented to everyone, because as a result, not only the person himself improves, but also the competitiveness of the organization where he works increases.

The need for professional development is driven by the need to adapt to change external environment, new models of equipment and technology, strategy and structure of the organization.

Training is a method of personnel training aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization. It allows:

Increase the efficiency and quality of work;

Reduce the need for control;

Solve the shortage problem faster;

Reduce turnover and the costs associated with it.

Specific objectives of staff training:

Raising the general level of qualification;

Obtaining new knowledge and skills, if the nature of work changes or becomes more complicated, new areas of activity are opened;

Preparation for a new position;

Acceleration of the adaptation process;

Improving the moral and psychological climate.

first step in the organization of training is the analysis of work (a list of special knowledge and skills required for its implementation).

Second step. Comparison of the job specification with the level of training of the employee, which allows you to identify the problems he has

(lack of skills, experience, ignorance of methods, etc.) and formulate learning objectives.

Third step- determination of how the learning process can solve these problems, where and in what form it should be carried out - in the workplace on the job, in the organization; with a break from production (all kinds of centers, schools, other organizations).

The current labor legislation provides for the following forms of training for employees of enterprises: vocational training, retraining, advanced training, training in second professions.

Training of new employees initial vocational and economic training of persons hired by the enterprise and who previously had no profession, their acquisition of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for occupying a position.

Retraining (retraining) is organized for the development of new professions by released workers who cannot be used in their existing specialties, as well as by persons expressing a desire to change their profession, taking into account the needs of production.

Training - training after receiving basic education, aimed at consistently maintaining and improving professional and economic knowledge, skills, and increasing mastery in the existing profession.

briefing It is an explanation and demonstration of working methods directly at the workplace and can be carried out both by an employee who has been performing these functions for a long time, and by a specially trained instructor.

Work - is the use of mental and physical abilities of people, their skills and experience in the form of goods and services necessary for the production of economic and social benefits. Stimulation of labor is the central link in the management system. One of its most important areas is the regulation of wages. Wage is the price of labour, or the price of labour. It should reflect its volume, quality, physical and moral-psychological, intellectual costs, the complexity of the process, the degree of risk, etc. Wages in any socio-political and socio-economic system are regulated by the state. Forms of remuneration - piecework and time. To optimize personnel management, if conditions permit, incentive types of remuneration are selected. Material incentives for personnel must meet certain requirements. These include:

Simplicity and clarity of the incentive system for each employee;

Efficiency to encourage positive results;

Formation among employees of a sense of a fair system of incentives;

Increasing interest in the overall results of the activities of the unit, organization;

Striving to improve individual performance.

Issues for discussion

1 Certification of personnel.

2 Stages of the certification process.

3 Explain what is meant by staff development.

4List the main areas of professional training and advanced training of personnel.

    Head in the personnel management system

Management style social production - a set of methods and techniques that make it possible to exert a targeted impact on the labor activity of people.

To determine the style, the following parameters of interaction between the leader and subordinates are usually used: decision-making techniques, the method of bringing decisions to the executors, distribution of responsibility, attitude to the initiative, recruitment, own knowledge, communication style, nature of relations with subordinates, attitude to discipline, moral influence on subordinates.

The style a leader uses is determined by two factors: tricks with which he encourages employees to perform their duties, and methods , which controls the results of the activities of their subordinates.

Authoritarian style leadership is based on the absolute will of the leader within the institution, the idea of ​​his infallibility and the consideration of the team as the executor of orders. The authoritarian style leader makes decisions alone, commands, orders them to be carried out, assumes the main responsibility, suppresses the initiative, selects workers who cannot become his rivals, keeps a distance from subordinates, resorts to punishments as a powerful method of stimulating work.

Democratic style (from Greek demos - people and kratos - power) is based on the active participation of the entire team in solving management problems, respecting the rights and freedoms of participants in the labor process, developing their creative potential and initiative, with the leader playing the leading role in making decisions and ensuring their implementation. The head of the democratic style in his activities always relies on public organizations and middle managers, encourages initiative from below, emphasizes its respect for subordinates and gives instructions not in the form of prescriptions, but in the form of suggestions, advice or even requests. Listens to the opinion of subordinates and takes it into account. Control over the activities of his employees is carried out by him not alone, but with the involvement of other members of the team. The head of the democratic style manages people without brute pressure, encourages the creative activity of subordinates, and contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation in the team.

liberal style (from lat. Liberalis - free) is based on providing the team with maximum freedom of activity, regulated only by the ultimate goal, without active interference in the methods of achieving it. A leader adhering to this style makes decisions at the direction of superior employees or based on the decision of the team. He relieves himself of responsibility for the progress of work and transfers the initiative into the hands of subordinates. In relations with subordinates, the liberal leader is polite and friendly, treats them with respect, tries to help in resolving their requests. But the inability of such a leader to direct the actions of employees can lead to the fact that freedom will be mistaken for permissiveness.

In real life, no leadership style is found in its purest form. In the behavior of almost every leader, there are traits inherent in different styles with the dominant role of any one of them. The success of choosing a management style is determined to a decisive extent by the extent to which the leader takes into account the abilities of subordinates and their readiness to implement his decisions, the traditions of the team, as well as his own capabilities, due to the level of education, work experience and psychological qualities. The style of work chosen by the leader depends not only on himself, but also to a large extent on the preparation and behavior of his subordinates.

In a team managed by democratic style, organization and performance indicators are stable regardless of whether the head is in the position or on a business trip, vacation, etc. authoritarian In the same style of work, the absence of a leader leads to a significant deterioration in activity, which is activated again with his return. In the presence of a liberal leader, workers tend to be less active than when he is outside the team. It should also be noted that leadership style is not set once and for all, it can and should change depending on conditions. It is necessary to take into account the composition of the team, the level of knowledge and skills of its members, the time frame of work, the urgency of the tasks, the degree of responsibility depending on the needs that are dictated by the prevailing conditions. An important condition that determines the effectiveness of management is the authority of the personality of the leader . If it is high, then both democratic and authoritarian methods of government are acceptable. But great authority can bring not only benefits, but also harm. On the one hand, the leader makes it easy to achieve the fulfillment of his instructions and subjugate people, and on the other hand, it helps to suppress the independence and initiative, creative thinking of subordinates. A modern leader needs to be aware of the requirements of the time and be flexible, and in case of changing external conditions and the emergence of new needs, change outdated styles and methods of leadership.

Special tact has to be shown when it is necessary to show the shortcomings of the work of people who are older in age, occupying positions in their time and having a high status.

Any leader has hours of reception of employees on personal issues, in the solution of which he takes an active part. An employee must be sure that the organization will support him in a difficult situation, and this will not be done in the form of handouts, but as recognition of merit and respect for his personality.

Issues for discussion

1 The nature and content of managerial work.

2 Psychological problems of leadership.

3 Restrictions that prevent the effective work of the team.

4 Biographical characteristics of the leader.

5 Abilities.

6 Personality traits.

7 Factors of successful activity of the head.

8 Describe leadership styles.

    Motivation labor activity

Attitude towards work - the degree of use of human capabilities, how a person uses his capabilities for highly effective activities.

In this way, motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that motivate a person to activity.

Need - the primary source - the need for what is necessary for a normal existence: food, housing, procreation.

Needs: spiritual, intellectual, cultural and social.

Interest - a conscious need for goods, objects, activities. Interest induces a person to certain social actions.

motive - conscious attitude to their activities.

Value Orientations - this is a more rigorous concept that characterizes a stable attitude towards ideals (the highest goal).

Incentives - the provision of external influence on a person in order to induce him to certain labor actions (certain labor behavior).

Incentives are affected large group objective and subjective factors that shape a person's attitude to work.

Objective factors - socio-political situation, economic compliance of regions, working conditions at the enterprise, level of organization and culture at the enterprise, demographic structure of the team, moral and psychological climate.

Currently, either a recruitment agency or a personnel management service is engaged in personnel assessment. And for each of them motivational criteria are different.

Subjective factors - personal characteristics of the employee himself (gender, age, education, upbringing, profession, length of service, personal experience, professional culture, job orientations).

Through objective factors, the level of task management by positions, the discipline of labor activity, the degree of initiative, creative search, and ways to improve performance are determined.

Through subjective factors, the degree of satisfaction with the work of an employee, individual work capacity, and the mood of an employee are determined.

There are always different social groups in the team.

social group - employees with common features that unite them (profession, level of education, work experience). Social groups form the social structure of the team, which is the most important component influencing efficient work department (organization).

Personnel management should influence the motivation of people so that the employee has a desire to work, a desire to prove himself with better side. Worker models are extremely important. In his work, the manager must create integrity, he must be aware of what result of the work will be the final one. At the same time, his subordinates must see the importance of work (have material incentives), be able to participate in decision-making and, of course, there must be a connection between the manager and the employee. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the employee's work depends only on the manager. Therefore, it must be objective and fair. Designed on the basis of these principles, the work ensures the internal satisfaction of each participant. It was on the basis of these data that a model of job characteristics in terms of motivation was developed.

Issues for discussion

1 What is motivation?

2 What is included in the structure of the motive?

3 Tell us about the mechanism of labor motivation.

4 In what groups can needs be combined according to the theory of A. Maslow?

5What are the main functions of staff incentives?

6 How do the theories of A. Maslow and F. Herzberg compare?

7 What is the most important point V. Vroom's theory?

A well-written resume will serve a person well when applying for a job.. This document should be written in such a way that it intrigues a potential employer. In addition to education and work experience, personal qualities in a resume are very important. Examples and life experience show that it is this information that managers and personnel officers are seriously interested in.

Important Points

Before indicating personal qualities in a resume, you must carefully study the samples and examples in order to fill in the required section in accordance with all the rules:

  • The information must be truthful and reliable, since the deception will be revealed sooner or later anyway, so there is no need to "philosophize slyly."
  • Personal qualities should be stated clearly and concisely, but you should not use only common hackneyed phrases that will not potential employer complete information about your strengths and weaknesses.
  • This section must be written correctly, without colloquial vocabulary and errors.
  • As a rule, it is required to indicate the most important personal qualities (5 options), so you should not be too zealous in indicating everything in a row. It is necessary to analyze everything and enter only those character traits that will really be useful for a vacant position or profession. For example, a salesperson will need the ability to resolve conflict situations, but this is not necessary for an economist.

Groups and Templates

Personal qualities for a resume can be divided into several groups that have their own specific templates.

First work

If the work activity is just beginning and the resume is being compiled for the first time, then the section on personal qualities can be filled out as follows:

  • Desire to work effectively in a team.
  • Creative approach to business and creativity.
  • Activity.
  • Good memory.
  • Ease of learning.
  • Desire to improve and learn.

For a specific vacancy, you need to determine your priority options for personal qualities - depending on the proposed position and profession.

It is not always necessary to include your weak sides. But if, nevertheless, it is required to indicate the weaknesses of the character in the summary, their examples may not be so fatal. Therefore, you should not be afraid to describe them.

Everyone has their shortcomings, but it is important for the employer to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. Therefore, try to choose such traits of your character that in everyday life can be considered a disadvantage, and for the performance of the proposed work, these qualities will be a virtue, for example:

  • Fear of air travel.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Slowness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Love for formalism.
  • Excessive emotionality, irascibility.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Reliability.
  • Inability to be flexible.
  • Too direct.

All these weaknesses can be looked at from a different angle, and then they can turn into advantages for the employer. For example, restlessness for an active manager or sales representative is more of a plus than a minus. Or reliability, which will give the manager a reason to think that you can always be trusted with overtime work.

Weaknesses and professional qualities

Each applicant must correctly orient his weaknesses to the profession in which he wants to work. For example, a design engineer or future accountant might write the following:

Although such a list is not at all suitable for a person who, in the process of work, must constantly communicate with people. For example, a future sales manager can provide the following negative qualities for a resume:

  • Excessive sociability.
  • Workaholism.
  • straightness.
  • Distrust.
  • The need for external motivation.
  • Impulsiveness.
  • Restlessness.
  • self-confidence.
  • Hyperactivity.

An applicant for a managerial position needs to prepare more carefully before filling out a column that will indicate his weaknesses. He can write about the following traits of his character:

Little tricks

To prevent an employer from immediately sending your resume to the trash after reading about your shortcomings, do not be too frank. Neutral qualities that can in no way affect future work are quite suitable. The following personal qualities (disadvantages) are suitable for almost any job:

  • Fear of airplanes.
  • Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes).
  • Vespertiliophobia (fear of bats).
  • Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
  • Sweet love.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Love for shopping.
  • Excess weight.

This information is quite transparent and will not pose any “danger” to the applicant in the employment process.

You can also write:

  • I am overly fond of analyzing past mistakes.
  • prone to reflection.
  • Too trusting.
  • I can't always accurately express my thoughts.

These are negative qualities for a resume, but they rarely affect the workflow.

You can specify the following:

  • When I have to lie, I noticeably worry.
  • I can't swear.
  • I take everything to heart.
  • I don't like gossip.
  • Too carried away by nature, so I forget to take breaks.

Some nuances

There are some items that should not be included in a resume. For example, you should not write:

  • I love office romances.
  • I am often distracted.
  • Not punctual.
  • I don't like making my own decisions.
  • I'm afraid of responsibility.
  • I don't like getting up early.
  • Sometimes laziness prevails.

For example, after reading about laziness, the employer will decide that you are not eager to work.

Strengths in resume

To get a decent job, you must provide an excellent reference and profile. Indicating in your resume positive sides, you need to adequately evaluate yourself professionally and enter only the best qualities in the necessary columns, which, without a doubt, will be appreciated by the employer. A sample list of strengths is as follows:

You should also indicate your business characteristics, which must be described in one sentence, for example: "Seven years as a chief accountant." It is important at the same time to ensure that personal and business qualities do not conflict with each other.

Some examples of job descriptions


Mandatory qualities: responsibility, learning, attentiveness.

Will be well appreciated: scrupulousness, conflict-free, stress resistance.

Sales Manager

Required qualities: result orientation, activity, communication skills.

well appreciated: competent speech, non-standard thinking, stress resistance.


Mandatory qualities: diligence, accuracy, stress resistance, competent speech.

Will be well appreciated: neatness, grooming, pleasant appearance.

Universal positive qualities

  • No bad habits.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Initiative.
  • Honesty.
  • Fast learner.

Be sure to include the personal qualities that your future employer wants to see. To do this, put yourself in his place and think about who you would like to take on your team.

Checking the veracity of what is written

Most job seekers tend to embellish their resumes, so employers invite applicants for an interview and ask additional questions that help to better reveal a person.

For example, they want to know your opinion about a particular conflict, and based on the answers they receive, they conclude how true the answers in the resume regarding squabbles and scandals are.

One should remember a number simple rules things to keep in mind when interviewing:

Focusing on the following tips from professional personnel officers, you can quite easily please your future bosses:

  1. The summary should be composed in a restrained manner, and humor is inappropriate here. However, creative and creative positions may suggest this.
  2. Copied, template resumes will not bring success, since personnel officers see such tricks right away.
  3. Five professional characteristics will be quite enough. Among them, stress resistance is always highly valued.
  4. You should only specify necessary qualities for the desired position.
  5. Questions should only be answered to the point. Chatting the personnel officer will not work, but the impression of the applicant will be spoiled.

In order to attract the attention of the employer, it is very important to think over all the points of the resume that relate to the personal qualities of the applicant. Correct completion of this document will guarantee your employment.

When hiring, the manager must correctly assess the positive and negative qualities of a specialist. When choosing a candidate for vacant position both the professional qualities of the employee and his personal characteristics are taken into account. The new person will have to prove himself and become part of the team.

The staff is selected according to the level of professionalism

What an employer needs

The qualities of the ideal worker are determined by the labor organizer. This is the owner of the enterprise or another person responsible for recruiting. For him, both business and personal qualities of the applicant are important. The business qualities of an employee are the ability to qualitatively and timely perform the tasks that the authorities put before him. This is possible if you have the appropriate education and work experience in the same field. The manager must understand whether the new employee will be useful for the enterprise.

Assessing the personal qualities of applicants for a vacancy is another task of the manager. It is important that the newcomer is able to prove himself and become part of a friendly team. With similarities business characteristics Applicants are hard to choose from. A correct assessment of personal merits will allow you to choose the best candidate.

Professional quality

When applying for a job, the professional qualities of a person are evaluated. The manager needs to know whether the employee will be able to perform his tasks. Which of them are the most in demand:

  • education, specialty;
  • quick adaptation to new working conditions or quick learning;
  • willingness to work overtime;
  • professional integrity;
  • customer interaction skills;
  • teamwork skills.

Positive properties may relate to a certain mindset, external data or physical form. Lots of options. Managers have different preferences for employee characteristics. It depends on the characteristics of the profession and the personal wishes of the leader.

Personal characteristics

The personal characteristics of the applicant can make up for his professional shortcomings. Labor skills will not help solve problems or conflicts in the team. Therefore, the following are taken into account:

  • discipline;
  • politeness;
  • sociability;
  • persistence;
  • tact;
  • stress resistance.

Employees are also valued: enthusiasm, vigor, determination, punctuality and diligence.

Lack of communication skills does not play into the hands of the employee

Indication of negative characteristics in the resume

Sometimes applicants for work note their negative qualities in the resume. It's not always to the detriment. Maybe this is how a person shows his honesty. Need to check it out. The most common negative qualities in a resume are:

  • lack of work experience or education;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • straightness;
  • inability to lie;
  • problems with a sense of humor.

The attitude of the employee to work is idealized by him.

To clarify the situation with the shortcomings, you need to ask the applicant to tell about them in more detail. Then the “restlessness” indicated in the resume may turn out to be a desire to work at a fast pace, switching from one task to another.

And "straightforwardness" - the ability to negotiate with customers quickly and confidently. As a result, it will become clear to the manager what qualities of the applicant are hidden behind the "shortcomings" item.

The search for a good employee begins with the reception and analysis of resumes. In it, a person indicates his strengths. Managers face such a problem as data similarity. This is typical for resumes in which the column “professional and personal qualities” is mechanically entered positive traits: responsibility, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency. The employer is not surprised by this. Finding out what is meant is very simple: you need to ask the candidates about it. If a person talks in detail about his merits and gives examples, then he meets the requirements of a vacant position.

There is also advice for people who are looking for work. To make your resume high-quality and non-standard, replace the usual words with new ones: efficiency can mean the ability to work with big amount information or willingness to work overtime.

Criteria for selecting human resources

Ways to evaluate an employee

There are more effective ways to select a candidate than the standard resume review and interview. The characteristics of the business qualities of an employee can be assessed by specialists. Some enterprises have special personnel assessment departments. Their work is based on the following methods:

  • testing;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • exams;
  • psychological trainings (role-playing games and case studies).

A popular and effective way to assess personality is role-playing game. It artificially recreates the organization of work: dramatization of difficulties, conflict situations in a collective.

In such a game, you can set a goal. This will help evaluate the positive and negative sides competitors for a job.

Influence of the profession

Labor activity requires certain professional skills from a person. To simplify the process of finding a new employee, it is important to narrow the circle of applicants for a vacancy. To do this, in the job advertisement, you must specify certain characteristics:

  1. For the service sector: communication skills, ability to work with clients, courtesy, courtesy, flexibility of thinking, etc.
  2. For entertainment and promotion: teamwork, communication skills, the ability to interest people, charm and energy.
  3. For office vacancies (accountant, system administrators etc.): mathematical mindset, attentiveness, organization, ability to work with a large amount of information.

There are general characteristics. Employers always appreciate attentiveness, determination, stress resistance. People who are looking for a job know this and write these qualities on their resumes. It won't help you get a job. The employer needs information about the specific skills of the applicant.

Professionalism and excellent knowledge in the field of work of the enterprise do not make a person the best candidate for a job. There are qualities that may be more important: attentiveness, hard work and a pleasant appearance in the service industry are crucial.

For office workers these qualities are not so important. The list of requirements for a candidate for a job depends on the characteristics of the job. Therefore, it is important to consider competitors comprehensively: their professional skills, personal qualities and lifestyle.

The formation of professional skills and business qualities is a painstaking process, but it allows realizing opportunities personal growth. Man is by nature individual. Each novice specialist has specific features and properties. Often during the passage of this path there are crises, turning points. It helps to overcome them, which ensures that a person actively achieves success in .

Stages of becoming a professional

Becoming a specialist includes 4 stages:

1. Statement of the intentions of the activity

According to statistics, many graduates educational institutions do not go to work in their specialty. One of the reasons is the difficulty in determining the future, characteristic of this age. Parents guide young people based on personal experience, not always taking into account their business qualities and professional abilities. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice of a profession seriously, take career guidance tests, and talk with psychologists. Next question: what are the ways and means of professional .

2. Specialty training

The period of personal growth through professional self-education. as a condition for professional growth, an integral part of success and achievement. The ways and means of professional self-education are diverse, but they boil down to one task - to acquire experience and knowledge in the specialty. These can be special training and retraining courses, reading literature in the specialty, internships, studying scientific developments and successful experience in the field of knowledge of interest.

3. Adaptation

Specialist for the first time gets a job. He faces the importance of understanding the intricacies of the profession. Prior to this, knowledge was based on the words of teachers, but practice differs from theory. At this stage, it is important to have an experienced mentor young specialist for the transfer of professional skills.

4. Full or partial realization of the personality as an expert

  • A master is an employee with an individual style of activity, stable positive results.
  • An authority is a specialist whose opinion other employees seek.
  • A mentor is a worker who has formed a team of like-minded students around him.

Read more about self-realization in the article.

Differences between professional skills and personal qualities

So, we examined what professional skills and qualities are. But it is necessary to deal with personal characteristics in order to ensure professional and personal growth.

There are statements that business abilities are more important than personal ones when applying for a job. This cannot be said with complete certainty.

The business qualities of an employee are based on the ability to perform assigned duties. The main thing is to have an education that is appropriate for the job, backed up by experience.

Personal characteristics are carefully considered when there is no work experience or there is a choice between people with equal specialized knowledge. Most often this applies to candidates who have just completed their education. The candidacy of novice specialists is evaluated mainly with the help of personal characteristics.

Personal characteristics show the attitude of a potential employee to work. Independence, lack of desire to shift responsibility to another employee is assessed.

General qualification requirements for knowledge and skills

The table provides a list of characteristics that provide professional and.

Business characteristics

Personal characteristics

Education Accuracy
Qualification level, specialty Activity
Experience, positions held Expressed ambition
Labor productivity Lack of desire for conflict
Ability to analyze Reaction
Fast adaptation Politeness
Ability to learn Attentiveness
Business communication experience Discipline
Attention to details Initiative
Planning Experience diligence
Flexible thinking Sociability
Report preparation experience Maximalism
Willingness to complete tasks overtime persistence
Oratorical skills Resourcefulness
Literacy Charm
Organizational skills organization
Mathematical ability Responsibility
Enterprise Decency
Ability to communicate with clients Dedication
Ability to perform team work Love for work
Ability to position people Confidence in your strength
Ability to persuade purposefulness
External Data Honesty
Diction Enthusiasm
Physical form ethics

Personal characteristics are not inferior to professional knowledge. In some situations, employers pay more attention to them.

Qualities that the employer pays attention to

The main quality is honesty. It can be easily verified by asking leading questions about competitive advantages indicated by the potential employee in the resume. If the document contains opposite sides of character, the employer asks leading questions, asks the potential candidate for a detailed explanation. No need to write about those features that are not available.

This is especially true for skills. For example, if a potential employee indicates ownership of the Adobe Photoshop program, while he did not even open it, then the employer may ask to demonstrate skills. In this case, the person should not expect to be called back after the interview.

If a potential employee indicates more than five characteristics in a resume, this is regarded negatively. It is important not to exalt yourself too much, but also not to belittle. Trying too hard to impress looks unnatural. It is necessary to list the main, characterizing a person from the good side, professional and personal qualities.

Important! Sometimes employers ask you to indicate negative characteristics. In this case, it is important not to overdo it and indicate the sides of the character that are neutral. Modesty, inability to lie, exactingness to oneself, excessive perseverance, the desire to check the information several times - is regarded depending on the situation, negatively or positively.

The remaining characteristics are evaluated individually, based on the area of ​​development of the future specialist. Sociable and persistent people realize themselves in sales, entertainment, attentive to details will find themselves in the profession of an accountant.

Employers evaluate, leadership skills, adherence to principles, charm, competence, willingness to take risks and inner strength.

When compiling a resume, it is important to indicate real characteristics, trying to position yourself as a specialist

How to find out the strengths of an employee?

In order to save time, the employer uses the following methods to evaluate a potential employee:

  • Letters of recommendation from previous employers. Due to strict selection criteria in Western countries requests for recommendations are practised.
  • Tests. For an employee, it will also not be superfluous to pass a test for suitability for the chosen profession. Employers often practice such tests.
  • Interview. In a personal conversation, it is assessed how socially adapted the specialist is.
  • Examination of specific skills of an employee. Knowledge of the law for lawyers, understanding of algorithms for programmers.
  • Role-playing game. In sales, it is often practiced to initiate cold calls or direct contact with the buyer. It is proposed to sell a phone on the spot or, as employers have long used, a pen.

Natural behavior attracts a potential employer

Specific requirements

For every area qualification requirements
are individual. For example, consider the requirements for a candidate entering the position of a civil servant. They are tall and are divided into three groups:

  • Education. Higher profile education for this category is the basis.
  • Experience. Applicants for a high position have a high work experience. There are no requirements for junior and senior positions, for leading positions - at least 2 years, for main positions - at least 4 years of experience.
  • Knowledge. Employees are required to know the Constitution of the Russian Federation, code federal laws, regulations.
  • Skills. Employees skillfully allocate time, have planning skills, own computer programs.

If we consider an employee of special units, for them the qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills are different. They must have the following psychological properties:

  • Fast reaction;
  • Tendency to intense mental work, developed intuition;
  • Stability of the psyche;
  • Courage, courage, self-control;
  • Observation, attentiveness, creative imagination.

For employees of special services, physical abilities are important - these are endurance, strength, dexterity, speed.

If we consider the qualifications of a teacher, then he must:

  • Possess the skills of an organizer in working with children, parents, the public.
  • Be able to plan work, strive for the development of the team.
  • To be sociable, to be able to win over the team, to achieve respect.
  • Critically approach the work and the experience gained. Be able to fairly evaluate the result of the team's activities.
  • Possess creative thinking and a developed imagination.

The teacher's skills are based to a greater extent on the characteristics - sociability, the ability to understand the surrounding people.


The difference in skill requirements depends on the choice of specialty. When compiling a resume, you need to write characteristics that present a potential employee in a favorable light. At the same time, one should not try to mislead about the existence of professional knowledge, character trait.

For integral formation professional qualities it is important to correctly determine the vocation before, taking into account abilities, behavioral characteristics. basis successful career is dedication and love for the profession.