Our sources of income. Distant work

Transition to remote work in 50 days

group program

0 participants

Duration 50 days


I'm sure you, like any normal person, like me once, want:

  • earn the same amount, and over time more by 2-4 times, without changing jobs and working less;
  • get rid of the need to waste your time and spoil your mood in crowded transport at rush hour or in a traffic jam, 2 times a day, in the morning on the way to work and in the evening on the way home;
  • work from home, a cafe opposite, or anywhere in the world where there is Internet;
  • wake up whenever you want and work efficiently, instead of being stupid at the workplace, because yesterday you worked long, went to bed late, didn’t get enough sleep today and go back to work;
  • travel several times a year, and not a miserable 3 weeks that fly by in an instant, and after which there is an inevitable return to the squirrel wheel;
  • improve your health and well-being;
  • spend as much time with loved ones as you want, and not as much as is left in the evening after work;
  • pick up the child from school and be sure that everything is fine with him;
  • pump up your professional qualities in order to get a promotion and increase your income (now this is hindered by work, which is too much);
  • learn a foreign language;
  • master speed reading or "blind" printing method;
  • engage in personal development;
  • sit on a weekday morning at the open window of a coffee shop, drink fragrant caramel cappuccino and look at passers-by outside the window, fussily hurrying to stuffy offices;
  • to do a bunch of other important and pleasant things that have accumulated over a lifetime.

But you have to waste time and energy in traffic jams on your way to and from work. Spend time in the office from call to call. Get distracted by noisy colleagues, and other "charms" of working in the office.

I know how to switch to remote work in 50 days and I can teach you how to do it.

In just 50 days

You will feel better, you will feel happier, you will be able to devote as much time to your loved ones as you want, and not how much will be left after coming home from work until you go to bed.



I had a great job, but no time for life. Work took all the time.

In 2013, I transferred employees of 2 departments that are under my control to remote work and switched to remote work myself. From that moment another life began. A life in which there is time for everything: family, self-development, travel and of course for work.

Help in harmonizing life and helping people transition to remote work has become my mission. I enjoy doing it, helping people become happier.

7 stages of the program


    After payment, you will receive an invitation to join a closed group

    Connecting Goals

    Connecting Goals


    The trainer gives introductory information in the format of a live meeting or webinar


    Every day you publish your reports in the goal diary, the coach looks through them and gives recommendations and advice. If there is no report - elimination occurs

    Communication with like-minded people

    You can chat and see progress for other members


    Do your homework to reinforce the material


For whom

What do you

  • 1. Checklist for switching to remote work. Find out what actions you need to take, what words to say to your boss so that he stops worrying about the fact that he cannot control your remote work and gladly allows you to work remotely.
  • 2. Technology of effective remote work. I will tell you how to organize your work so that your relatives do not consider you a person doing nothing sitting at a computer, they respect your new status. Allowed you to work effectively, instead of being distracted from work and asked to do household chores.
  • 3. You will learn how you can earn 2-4 times more. How long will it take after the transition to remote work. What actions need to be taken to achieve this result.
  • 4. I will tell you how to upgrade yourself in order to be head and shoulders above your colleagues and competitors.


  • Apr 9 Step 1. The first secret action to get your boss accustomed to the idea that moving you to remote work is his best managerial decision.
  • 16 Apr Step 2. The second secret action to get your boss accustomed to the idea that moving you to remote work is his best managerial decision.
  • 23 Apr Step 3. Combination of the first two steps. The boss still doesn’t know anything, but he is already beginning to appreciate you more than other employees.
  • 30 Apr Step 4. I will give you a script of negotiations with the authorities, which will allow you to convince them that you can try to work remotely, officially.
  • May 7 Step 5. Let's learn how to record successes so that they can be arguments during negotiations on transferring you to remote work on a permanent basis.
  • May 14 Step 6. Script for negotiating the transition to remote work on a permanent basis.
  • May 21 Step 7. Your boss will love you because we will ensure the transparency of your work.
  • May 28 Step 8. Congratulations, you have been living a new life for a week now!

More and more companies are moving their own staff out of the office due to high costs, offering employees to work from home. If everything is in order with discipline and the absence of a boss does not affect labor productivity, then companies can earn good money on this.

In ten years, experts believe, the number of workers performing their professional duties at home will increase significantly. According to Gartner Group, their number in the world is growing by 10 - 15% annually, and only the prevailing stereotype that you must definitely "go to work" keeps many companies from switching to teleworking. In addition, there is another limiting factor - the insufficient level of development of telecommunications. So, in Russia, about 5 million people are daily Internet users, that is, a little more than 3% of the population.

Meanwhile, Europe, whose rationalism at first glance is so easy to mistake for laziness, has long calculated the benefits of implementing remote work. According to the EU information website, 14 million Europeans left offices last year, taking "work from home". This desire of workers to “retreat” finds the most ardent response from the management of companies, since it allows to reduce costs; besides, the governments of Western countries in every possible way encourage employers to remote relations with the staff. Why not - for example, one million Canadian "remote" employees who work from home at least once a week, save 50 million hours a year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 250 million kg!

“The remote work market is currently actively developing in Europe and the United States, so it can be predicted that Russian employers will soon begin to use a similar scheme,” says Tamara Achba, marketing manager for Kelly Services. “We practice remote access. This can be, for example, media monitoring and analytical work, - says Tatyana Nikulshina, CEO of PR agency Pleon. - Sometimes we ourselves force an employee to stay at home when we need to prepare a presentation or other lengthy document. At work, there are many reasons why a person is distracted, especially if the office is designed as an open space. You can concentrate at home.

Who needs it

According to Garant's HR service, most often offers for remote work come to programmers, translators, technical writers, in a word, people of creative specialties. For representatives of other professions, such a scheme of work may not be suitable, for example, due to the specifics of methods for assessing labor efficiency. “The salary of a sales manager usually includes a fixed part for participation in the process and a variable part for the result,” says Maxim Sokolov, managing partner of the Management & Business Development Group.- The average efficiency of telephone sales is 1.5 - 2% in the US and 2.5 - 3.5% in Europe, that is, on average, only 2 - 3 calls out of a hundred are effective. With such indicators, a rare specialist will agree to work only for a variable part, and it is extremely difficult to control the work process, to check what he is doing at home, in such conditions.

“I don’t think there are people who don’t benefit from remote work,” believes Ludmila Lunkova, President of the Moscow Club of Entrepreneurs .- It's just that not everyone can find such a job with a level of payment that suits him - and at the same time show the necessary degree of self-discipline, force himself to work when there is no boss nearby. In addition, professional specifics often do not allow switching to a remote work mode (for example, if a person works at a factory in a workshop and uses factory equipment or serves customers in a store). In other cases, many positions in many companies could be made remote, with flexible hours and the ability to work from home, and the firm would benefit from this, since this level of freedom creates a strong motivation for a person to work for this particular company.

Of course, the principle of telework is not applicable to every type of business. “First of all, it is MLM (network companies). However, they are sharply limited to a commodity niche. See what these companies sell: dietary supplements, household goods, cosmetics. That is, goods of rather narrow niches intended for sale to the final consumer, an individual, - considers Maxim Sokolov. - It is difficult to imagine that any products on the B2B market were sold in this way. However, there is another way to look at working outside the office of B2B organizations. “Our company has been successfully using the practice of remote work for more than ten years,” says the director of market development and deputy head of the Cisco Systems representative office in the CIS countries Mikhail Kristev.- Initially, it was a remote dial-up access to the corporate network through a secure VPN connection for mail and other corporate applications. Now, with the spread of broadband Internet access, there are much more opportunities.”

Justified costs

Telework is by no means always labor activity at home, the main thing is to be able to fully work outside a particular office, including on the road. “The development of IP telephony has taken mobility to a new level. Arriving at another office of the company, I instantly receive my working Moscow number and all the necessary services, including voice mail and access to all my databases, on any free IP phone, - says Mikhail Kristev. - Moreover, I can use my office phone anywhere in the world where there is Internet. This is possible thanks to a software IP phone that is installed on a laptop or PDA. The equipment of one "mobile" workplace will cost the company $1000 - 3000, and the monthly payment for a mobile phone and Internet access rarely exceeds $150.

As the experience of companies shows, these costs pay off. For example, by reducing the office space, which now provides space only for middle- and top-level employees exercising operational control. Personnel who work mainly "in the fields" or at home, gather only to exchange views and adjust goals and objectives. According to this scheme, in particular, BAT Russia employees work. It makes it possible to increase staff without physically expanding the workspace and a decent cost savings. According to Gartner, in the three years since implementing the concept of remote work, Sun Microsystems saved $300 million in rent of premises, and IBM (where the vast majority of employees use a free visiting schedule) - up to $500 million annually. Apparently, the results of large companies operating in Moscow, taking into account capital rental rates for office space (from $450 per sq. m per year), will be no less impressive. By the way, with the help of remote work, you can save on the employees themselves. The difference in wages between residents of Moscow and the regions is significant, while the level of personnel is quite comparable.

Staff agree!

An employee working remotely receives many advantages: no need to come to the office every day (residents of a modern metropolis spend dozens of hours every month in the same traffic jams), it is not necessary to sit “from call to call”, and also follow the dress code. “We have a large family, and remote work makes it possible to independently plan your working day, taking into account the interests of children, their additional activities,” says the programmer Andrey Melnikov.- I do not waste time on the road, I can always have a full meal with homemade food. The problem of who to leave the children with if the nanny is sick has also disappeared.

Nonetheless Maria Vollina, Director of Development at the Training Institute-ARB PRO Group of Companies, believes that the widespread use of remote work will entail an increase in efforts to manage remote structures: communication will take much more time, and the risk of their inefficiency increases. “For example, the same question that you can solve in person in five minutes can take several days to resolve via e-mail,” she notes. In addition, corporate cultural norms, entirely formed by community psychology, are ill-suited for remote work: for some reason, it is believed that an employee, freed from the close attention of the watchful eye of the head of the department, will immediately take care of his personal affairs.

“I would not say that labor efficiency is declining,” Andrey Melnikov objects. “It's just a different rhythm of work, which you get used to over time.” In fact, physical presence is not a guarantee of professional discipline. In one publishing house, a mixed form of work was adopted: part of the journalist employees performed their duties under an employment contract in the editorial office, the second part - at home. It was caused by a banal lack of jobs. What was the surprise of the HR department when, according to the results of the first year, it turned out that of those employees who were sitting in the office, for reasons of professional discrepancy, about 30% had to be fired.

Laziness will always find a reason for itself: you can go to a bar and have a glass, you can spend time in a smoking room, chat with friends on the Internet, and if the relevant sites are blocked by computer security, write letters, play solitaire or just look at one point - the all-seeing eye does not follow everything. There is no external discipline without internal discipline.

Broken phone

Experts, in addition to the advantages, also note the disadvantages of remote work: first of all, these are the minimum possibilities of control over the teleworker, and not at all in terms of the amount of work performed. First, there is the possibility that the "remote" employee works for other firms in this market segment, which jeopardizes the confidentiality of information. It is clear that each organization has a different attitude to these issues, but with remote work, the problem of data leakage and loss increases significantly. Secondly, it is the reduction and weakening of the feedback.

“The high degree of complexity of modern business requires a large number of both vertical and horizontal coordination contacts. The interaction of internal "buyers" and "suppliers" is akin to interaction with real - external ones: in order to agree, you need to meet, because ideas and beliefs are not "sold" either by phone or by "soap", says Maxim Sokolov. somewhat experienced salesperson. The speed of change in today's business makes the need for quick coordination meetings all the more important. “The concept has changed, gentlemen!” is a very common phrase at the start of many meetings.”

“It is very difficult to use such a management mechanism as corporate culture in the case of remote work,” Maria Vollina adds. “At least, this will require regular events that would allow representatives of geographically dispersed structures to meet in person, etc.” Back in 1964, Frederick Herzberg determined that one of the main motivators of a person to work is the opportunity to receive recognition from the team in which he works. “More and more companies are using this factor to shape corporate culture, from teaching line managers to praise employees in the workplace and arranging applause, to the joint formation of “corporate missions”. It is clear that such actions need constant support. In the case of “remote” employees, it is difficult to do this, - Maxim Sokolov states. - Despite the development of television and other electronic communications, the person himself has not changed so much as to refuse personal contacts.

Obviously, no one will write out a ready-made recipe for whether it is worth switching to a “remote” one or another company. Arguments "for" and "against" will remain in any scenario and the development of technical thought, and the most important conditions for the introduction of telework will always be the self-discipline and responsibility of the company's personnel - and the proper organizational skills of its management.

Alexey Pantykin

When you work remotely, your working environment is the Internet. Everything happens there: employees communicate, projects are fixed, the manager controls.

Lifehacker found salvation in cloud CRM. No servers, no wires. Access to this virtual work environment is possible from any device from anywhere in the world. There is the Internet - consider that you are at work.

100 kbps - the minimum Internet speed for normal operation. For many programs it will be enough.

Check the speed using Yandex.Internetometer

The Internet is there, the speed is checked, it's time to get down to business processes.

Switch to cloud programs

Task management, time tracking, execution control tools, file storage - all this is needed for productive work.

What exactly to use:

  • Project management system (planners): Basecamp, Active Collab, Wrike, Trello.
  • File storage: Google Drive, Cloud Mail.ru, Yandex.Disk, Dropbox.
  • Messenger: Viber, Skype, Telegram, Slack.

Millions of programs. Choose for yourself, guided by the principles: a simple interface, the presence of reminders, the speed of entering and analyzing tasks. Often there are too many useless options in the scheduler that are confusing. The less functionality the better. Experienced for myself, I chose Todoist. To work with a team - Trello or Worksection. My personal planning system is a mix: GTD, Gleb Arkhangelsky, Benjamin Franklin, Kanban, Paul McGee.

Denis Yudin

The tasks are set, the plan is outlined. It's time to start implementing.

Communicate using IP telephony

  • Everything is in the cloud. From now on, the location of subordinates does not matter.
  • General number. Employees in any country of the world are available by a single number.
  • Service from the provider. Technical support is always on the alert - will help, prompt and answer questions.
  • Electronic document management. For the exchange of contracts, personal meetings are not needed, because the original documents can be provided electronically.

Virtual PBX "Telfin.Office"

How to use - checklist for the manager:

  • Listen to calls: be aware of the work of employees.
  • Keep track of missed calls: this way you can understand why the client did not get through.
  • Connect with CRM: for your workflows.
  • Set up forwarding: your employees will be in touch 24 hours a day.
  • Track statistics: you will get a comprehensive picture of the company's performance.

Come up with KPI

Let's say you hired Gregory and Konstantin for identical positions on a standard schedule: eight hours a day and five days a week. And one day you notice that Gregory is working hard, and Konstantin is doing his own thing for two hours out of eight.

Without talking, you fire Kostya, but later it turns out: Konstantin did the work in six hours, and devoted the remaining two hours to self-development. Gregory can't do the same job in eight hours. It turns out that they hurried, but in vain.

What is more important to you: the result or the time spent on achieving it? When switching to a remote format for control, establish a KPI system - key performance indicators - that is clear to both you and your subordinates.

How it works:

  • In a table in Google Docs, each employee marks their plan for the month and quarter.
  • At the end of the reporting period, sums up: what was done from the planned and what was not.
  • The manager only needs to look at the numbers to understand how things are going.
  • The subordinate always has a reference point, and he knows what is expected of him.

Regular reports and meetings will help keep your finger on the pulse, where subordinates will talk about the tasks completed over a certain period. With such an organization of control and reporting, a valuable employee will not be fired, and a lagging behind will competently redistribute working time.

Develop a team

If remote employees differ greatly in skill levels, this is easily resolved with online training. Follow the courses and educational programs that are relevant to the topic, now there are a lot of them on the network: marketing, copywriting, sales, SEO.

Where to go to study:

  • "Netology". Online university. All about internet marketing. Levels are from basic to advanced.
  • "Theories and Practices". Lectures on business, design, art.
  • coursera. Online catalog of educational courses from all over the world.
  • "Lectorium". Academic educational project.
  • HTML Academy. Interactive courses in HTML and CSS. Lots of practice.

Maintain two-way contact with subordinates. Communicating regularly with employees, you will understand how viable the built system turned out to be and how it can be improved.

Ask questions, hold informal online meetings, ask for feedback through questionnaires, meet occasionally.

You are the captain. Steer your ship and form a team.

Enjoy the results

This format has several advantages that will make life easier for any leader and business owner.

  • Savings: no need to overpay for the rent of a large office and spend money on the purchase of office equipment.
  • Productivity: according to statistics, remote employees work more efficiently, because they do not have to shake in crowded vehicles every morning on the way to the office.
  • Risk reduction: the likelihood of total technical problems is minimal - someone from the team will definitely keep in touch.
  • Freedom in the choice of specialists: personnel are available all over the world, without geographical restrictions.
  • Constant communication: the ability to work around the clock due to representatives in different time zones.

Now you know all the secrets of remote work - from a set of necessary tools to the intricacies of teamwork - and are fully prepared for the transition to a new work organization system. Be smart and everything will work out. Good luck!

Our blog is called New Life in Thailand. Path to Financial Freedom. We write quite a lot about our life in Thailand, but so far we have not covered the topic of financial freedom at all. It's time to fix it.

We've been meaning to write a series of posts for a long time about our businesses that make us money today and the sources of income we're betting on for future profits.

At the moment, our main source of income, which brings us 90% of all money, is distant work. But we strive to ensure that everything changes 180 degrees, and the share of remote work in our financial flow is no more than 10%. I will tell you in detail about all our undertakings in this direction in one of the following posts, but today I still want to talk about remote work.

I believe that you need to start your path to financial freedom with the transition to remote work or to freelance. Of course, you can save up a lot of money, quit your job and immediately start some projects of your own, which will have to make you financially independent, but sooner or later the money will run out, and the projects may not bring the desired result. And switching to remote work will give you enough financial freedom and the necessary time to develop your ideas and further monetize them.

And now a little about how Nika and I earn.

Before switching to freelancing, I worked several times as a programmer and project manager in various IT companies in Novosibirsk. Each time I had enough for a maximum of six months of work in one place. The first couple of months work is easy and even interesting: a new team, new tasks and all that. But immediately after the end of the probationary period, everything that seemed interesting turns into a routine, and an eight-hour working day seems endless. It was especially hard on days when there was nothing to do. In the office, it is important for the boss to see you at work, that you are "like working." And when there are no tasks, I can’t tell him: “I have nothing to do, I went home.” So you have to sit all day, staring at the monitor and pointlessly switching between numerous windows so that the boss standing behind you thinks that you are doing something very useful. Of course, you can rid yourself of this insanity and say: “I have nothing to do, give me some tasks,” but somehow the tongue does not turn

In general, after changing a couple of offices, I quickly realized that I could not physically work for hire, it really depresses me. In connection with this circumstance, I registered on the freelance.ru website and began to monitor job offers on a daily basis. I did not want to be in constant search for orders, so I was only interested in long-term remote work. There are quite a few such offers, but if you persist, then your work will find you. My search took a little over a month, but the result was even better than I expected. I was finally able to leave the hated office, despite the fact that I began to earn about 2 times more than before. I worked with this client for almost a year.

I was looking for my next remote job in a different way. I just wrote in my resume that I want to work remotely and sent it out to current vacancies on the city's NGS website. Jobs. Oddly enough, but many employers are willing to hire remote employees, although they write in their vacancies “Full-time”. After going to interviews for a couple of days and explaining to people why I didn’t want to sit in the office, by the end of the week I had a new job. Among employers, there are many adequate people who understand that the value of an employee lies not in how many hours he spent in the office, but in how many tasks he did and what profit he brought to the company. It is a pleasure to work and communicate with such people.

Well, Nika already talked about her transition to remote work in a post: How I refused to work for hire.

In general, I prepared a big plan for this post, in which I wanted to talk about how great it is to not be tied to a specific workplace and to be able to live in any country in the world, and that anyone can work remotely, not just programmers and web designers , you just need to take a little time to educate yourself and study this topic in more detail. But literally today I received a newsletter from the Your Start training center with the announcement of a new film about remote work, in which everything was perfectly told without my smart thoughts. Perhaps, after watching it, someone will decide that it is time to move from talk to action. In this case, I prepared several useful materials from the same training center. They will help you gradually move away from hired work and start working remotely.

Useful materials on the topic remote work:

  • Free book "24 Internet Professions, or How to Work Without Leaving Home". If you have realized that you want to work remotely, then in this book you will be able to choose the right profession for yourself.
  • All recordings of the conference "Your New Profession 2013". If you still think that you can't work remotely and that it's only for the elite, then you need to watch all these videos. Now they can be bought in a special package. shares for 475 rubles.

Next time we will talk about all our non-remote work. And also about how we work on them and what profit we expect to receive from them.

Hi all. Vasily Blinov is in touch and in today's article I want to tell you about the reissued book "Transition to remote work", which has already been downloaded by more than 10,000 people in a month.

Free download the book "TRANSITION"

After two and a half years of successful work in the field of teaching people how to make money online, freelancing and remote work, we were able to make the book even more interesting and accessible to everyone. I myself started my transition to making money on the Internet a year ago with this book.

What will you learn by reading the book "Transition to remote work"?

What secrets does the book reveal? her page. In my own article, I want to talk about what I personally learned when I downloaded and read the first version of this book, which only had an overview of several .

Before I downloaded the book "Transition to Remote Work", I did not work online and I had no experience of earning money through the Internet. I saw other people who traveled and combined it with earnings, but did not understand how they do it. What I understood after reading:

First: I realized that everything that is now on the Internet - various sites, services, games, etc., all this is created by people. And then I realized that there are a lot of different professions and areas in which you can work via the Internet, just like in a regular job and earn money.

Second: I had no idea about this possibility before and did not know where to start. After reading the book, I understood why so many people still do not earn remotely. The fact is that they just don’t know about it either, they just need to show it. The book illustrates this very well with the example of other people.

Third: I learned that learning any profession is not difficult at all. And you can learn directly on real tasks for which money is paid. In 1 month you can learn the basics of most professions and find a job from 20 thousand rubles.

Fourth: I understood who will tell me where to start and where to learn the basics of making money on the Internet. I found people from the stories that are given in the book and began to ask questions. Now I can answer all these questions myself, as I have been working remotely for a year now.

Read a book, write what new you learned from the book in the comments to this article. Make your transition to remote work, increase income and travel. To travel a lot, you do not have to be a businessman and have a lot of money, it is enough to have a good job that can be done remotely.