1c trade warehouse version 10.3. Program "1C: Trade and Warehouse" - training and opportunities

"1C: Trade Management" is a modern tool for increasing the efficiency of the business of a trading enterprise.

"1C: Trade Management" allows you to automate the tasks of operational and managerial accounting, analysis and planning of trade operations in a complex, thereby providing effective management modern trading company.

The subject area automated using "1C: Trade Management" can be represented as the following diagram.

The main features of 1C Trade Management 10.3:

  • Retail Management

For automated outlets (retail warehouses), the ability to keep records in the context of retail (sales) prices has been added.

The ability to service retail sales operations with full or partial payment by bank loans with automatic calculation of the bank commission has been implemented.

For the valuation of goods in retail warehouses (ATT and NTT) at sales prices, the report "Commodity report (TORG-29)" has been added.

To control the correctness of receiving retail revenue (in ATT and NTT), the report "Statement of cash in retail outlets" has been added.

For the analysis of the movement of goods and the valuation of the balance of goods in the ATT in retail prices, the report "Statement of goods in retail" has been added.

  • Settlement management

The new possibility of conducting mutual settlements with details on settlement documents will allow users to control the payment of each specific invoice in parallel, taking into account the conduct of mutual settlements for orders and under the contract as a whole.

Within the framework of agreements with mutual settlements in the context of settlement documents, the ability to track mutual settlements in accordance with the credit lines entered for the counterparty has been added.

For reconciliation of mutual settlements with counterparties, the document "Act of reconciliation of mutual settlements" has been added.

In addition to the existing options, new types of operations have been added to the Debt Adjustment document:

Carrying out offsets between clients (only symmetrical offsetting is supported, that is, receivables are equal to accounts payable);

Transfer of debt to another contract, transaction or to another counterparty;

Debt write-off.

  • Inventory Management

Added an optional ability to keep records of goods of organizations in the context of warehouses.

New features when working with internal orders

Control of execution of the internal order.

Correction of the internal order.

Removal of reserves and closing of internal orders.

Added the ability to specify several different internal orders in documents.

Tools for analyzing internal orders have been implemented.

New mechanism for working with serial numbers

The ability to store serial numbers in a separate, specially created directory has been implemented. Added the ability to specify serial numbers in the documents of receipt, sale, return. Maintaining quantitative and total accounting of the item in the context of serial numbers is not provided in the configuration.

Indication of storage locations for goods

The ability to specify standard storage locations for goods will reduce the time it takes to search for goods in the warehouse and the time to collect orders, and when registering the arrival of new goods, it will allow you to quickly sort the goods into their storage locations.

Implemented a quick search for goods in warehouses according to the storage locations specified for them, as well as obtaining information about alternative storage locations and the balance of goods in the warehouse.

Verification of compliance of sales (receipt) documents with actually shipped (received) goods by scanning the barcodes of goods

This feature can be used when pre-assembling goods according to customer orders or when moving goods from warehouse to warehouse, as well as if it is necessary to compare the correct composition of incoming goods with the provided printed form of the incoming document.

When checking goods can be applied different kinds commercial equipment: barcode scanners, data collection terminals, RFID tag reader.

Working with product kits

The new ability to register the sale of kits without pre-assembly will allow you to assemble kits "on the go", in the process of shipment of goods to the buyer and thus reduce the time spent on shipment of such kits.

A kit-kit is used to ship goods that do not require pre-assembly. The set-kit is not stored in the warehouse, the picking process takes place at the time of shipment of the goods to the buyer. A set-kit can be assigned prices that differ from the total price of the components included in its composition.

When registering the shipment of goods from a warehouse, the fact of sale is the sale of a set-kit. At the same time, those components that are included in the kit-kit are written off. The cost of a kit set is calculated as the sum of the costs of the components included in its composition. For kit-sets, it is possible to reserve the components included in the kit-kit at the warehouse and order components from the supplier for a specific customer order.

Item Entry Assistant

To speed up the input of information about new items of the item, the item input assistant has been added to the configuration, which allows you to automatically create documents that register prices and entries in the corresponding registers when registering a new item of the item. Thus, the user does not need to enter additional documents, they will be generated automatically when entering a new item record.

Display of balances and prices in the list forms of the reference book "Nomenclature"

Added to the reference book "Nomenclature" new opportunity quick view of balances, prices and location of a particular product in accordance with storage locations. Using this feature will help the sales manager to quickly answer the client's question about the availability of goods in stock, the price of the goods, obtain information about the free balance of goods, the number of reserved goods and the amount of expected goods on supplier orders, current selling prices and the location of the goods in stock.

  • Pricing

Price groups

For the convenience of the user with the prices of goods, another option for classifying goods has been added to the configuration - price groups. For all products belonging to the same price group, you can:

Assign a single discount (document "Setting item discounts");

Assign a markup (discount) depending on the conditions of sale (document "Setting markups on the terms of sales").

For each client commercial enterprise can be assigned different types sales prices for each price group of goods. After assigning a new product to a price group, this product will be subject to all the conditions that are set for the products of this price group, without entering additional pricing documents. Price groups can also be used to group and sort item items in a price list. Each nomenclature item can be attributed to one price group.

New way to calculate prices

Added a method for calculating the price by entering the base price into the range, that is, in version 10.3 of the configuration, two methods of calculating prices are used:

By percentage markup for the base type - prices are formed by changing the values ​​of the base price by a certain percentage markup;

By entry of the base price into the range - prices are calculated depending on whether the base price belongs to a certain range.

Setting price types by product groups for buyers

For each buyer (for all his contracts), you can set a price type that is different from the price type in the contract for certain price or nomenclature groups of goods. For example, by default, according to the contract with the buyer, all goods are sold to him according to the 3rd column of the price list, however, for the "Multimedia" price group, it is assigned that goods must be distributed according to the 4th column.

Setting margins for sales terms

When drawing up documents for the receipt/sale of goods, it is possible to set a margin (discount) on the selling/purchase prices of goods, depending on the conditions of sale. As a condition of sale, for example, a mark-up for the sale for cashless payment, a mark-up for equipment setup, etc. can be used.

Natural (bonus) discounts

Added the ability to assign natural (bonus) discounts when selling goods. Natural (bonus) discounts are assigned if, when purchasing a certain list of goods, one of the goods is given to the client as a gift, that is, free of charge. For example: "If you buy 2 pairs of shoes cream for free", "If you buy a refrigerator and TV - a coffee maker for free." A product that is given away for free is called a "bonus".

A bonus can be provided not only for the purchase of a certain number of products, but also for the purchase of several products. For example, the set "TV and Refrigerator" is given the bonus "Coffee maker". When registering a sales document, when choosing the item "TV", the program will warn that if the buyer buys another "Refrigerator", he will be offered a "Coffee maker" as a gift.

New Price List Printing Options

Formation of a price list only for those items for which prices have changed (exclusion from the price list of goods whose prices have not changed since a certain date).

Formation of a price list using the properties and categories of the item.

Changing the name of additional columns displayed in the price list and their location relative to the position of the nomenclature (together with the name of the nomenclature, in a separate column before or after the name of the nomenclature).

Sorting of goods in the price list.

Appointment of automatic discounts for the implementation of services and analysis of the discounts provided

In sales documents, it became possible to set automatic discounts for services with subsequent receipt of information on the amount of sales without a discount, the amount of the discount, and the percentage of the discount.

New opportunities when setting discounts for discount cards

It is possible to assign discounts not only for one specific discount card, but also for several discount cards of the same type. Discount discounts can be assigned for certain price or item groups, for specific products, taking into account the validity period. For example, you can assign a discount card discount for goods of a certain price group only during the daytime. Added the ability to use cumulative discounts for discount cards. When using this option, data on the amount of discounts on discount cards are summed up, and if the amount of purchases reaches a certain value, then the percentage of the discount on the discount card increases or its owner is replaced with a discount card. Means of control of the provided discounts on discount cards are provided.

Group printing of price tags and labels

Added the ability to batch print price tags and labels for goods from receipt documents and the "Nomenclature" reference book. When printing price tags and labels, you can set the selection according to the nomenclature, the characteristics of the nomenclature, the availability of goods in the warehouse. At the same time, it is possible to print several copies of price tags or labels for one product, the ability to indicate prices in the product label

  • Cash management

cash accounting Money by organizations

Unified work with the places of storage of cash and non-cash funds in the context of organizations.

Payment from buyers with payment cards

Provides services for retail and wholesale transactions with full or partial payment by payment card. When working with payment cards, acquiring agreements concluded with the bank are used, which indicate the types of payment cards served and the percentage of the trade concession.

After the cashier shift is closed, a summary of all payment card transactions is generated.

  • Order management

Indication of orders in the tabular sections of receipt and sale documents

Added the ability to specify orders in the tabular sections of documents in goods receipt and sale documents, which allows you to draw up one sales document for several buyer orders and one receipt document for several orders to the supplier.

New reports to control the reservation and placement of goods

To control and manage reserves and placement of goods in supplier orders, new reports "Goods in reserve in warehouses" and "Order placement" have been added.

  • Sales management

Mechanism "Quick sale"

To reduce the time for processing documents for the buyer, the "Quick sale" mechanism has been added, which performs batch input of documents based on the executed documents "Buyer's order" or "Sale of goods and services".

Accounting for VAT in sales and purchase registers

To account for VAT amounts, the corresponding resources have been added to the sales and purchase registers. This allows you to get in the reports on sales and purchases the amount of sales, both including and excluding VAT.

Sales and Purchasing Planning

To reduce the number of planning documents, the possibility of detailing the composition of the plan by sub-periods of the main period of the plan has been added. This provides an opportunity to draw up one enlarged plan (for example, for a year) and specify the details by sub-periods (for example, a month) in it without compiling additional planning documents for each month.

The program allows you to create more detailed plans for counterparties, contracts and customer orders. This will make it possible to more accurately plan the sales volumes of buyers and control the implementation of sales plans in the context of buyers' orders using plan-fact analysis. When planning purchases, you can generate orders to suppliers based on information about customer orders provided as part of the purchase plan.

New service options in the planning assistant

In the planning assistant for data analysis, you can use data from several periods at once as sources of demand (a combination of several strategies of the same type). At the same time, the addition and merging of sources can be done with or without taking into account orders, departments, projects, contractors, contracts. This will allow, for example, to select the following planning strategy: create a purchase plan based on the analysis of sales of the wholesale division for the month of November of the previous two years, while using the maximum sales volume as the source.

All settings made in the planning assistant (quantity and amount calculation strategies, data selections for planning, how to work with demand sources) are saved in information base for each specific user and can be accessed by all other users. For example, the head of the marketing department can develop strategies for calculating planned data, approve them with the management of the enterprise, and then distribute them to all other employees to apply these strategies in their current work.

Reorder Point Planning

In the document "Setting Reorder Point Values", the ability to specify the unit of measure for the reorder point value and the value of the minimum safety stock has been added. In the "Reorder point analysis" report, a new indicator "Recommended purchase volume" has been added, which is calculated as the difference between the balance in the warehouse and the value of the reorder point as of the report generation date. Directly from the report form, you can generate orders to suppliers. Orders to suppliers are formed for those goods for which the recommended purchase volume is greater than zero.

Added the ability to issue invoices directly from documents for the return of goods and reflect this information in the purchase and sales book.

The method of specifying invoices in the documents "Advance report" has been changed. The user manages the invoice registration process and can only register invoices submitted by the supplier. When registering the presented invoices, the compliance of the invoice details specified in the document lines with the details (date and number) of the invoice selected in the line is checked. If the details do not match or the invoice for the line is not selected, a new invoice is issued with the details specified in the line, a link to the new document is substituted in the line.

For a more complete analysis of VAT data, a number of new reports - VAT statements - have been added to the configuration.

  • Shop equipment

The mechanism of interaction with the trading equipment has been changed - now the maintenance processing of the trading equipment is external. Connection to the configuration of new models of retail equipment does not require changes to the configuration. Implemented the ability to connect payment terminals of acquiring systems.

  • Service options

Connecting external processing

Implemented new mechanism connection of arbitrary external processing and processing for filling in the tabular parts of documents and directories with the possibility of replacing previously connected printing forms.

Working with distributed infobases

Exchange plans are included in the configuration for working with distributed infobases. Also added is the "Autonomous solution" mechanism designed to automate the exchange of data between infobases.

Universal object search

The new feature of the universal search for objects is designed to search for elements of directories and allows you to search for objects by their details, subordinate directories, plans of types of characteristics and information registers.

Order Management web application

The "Order Management" web application is intended for placing orders for the supply of goods via the Internet. When placing orders, customers of a trading enterprise can receive operational information about prices and availability of goods, form new orders and view the status of shipment and payment for previously made orders, print orders and invoices for payment, track mutual settlements with a trading company, edit your own contact information.

The product "1C:Enterprise8. WEB-extension" required for the operation of the web application is supplied separately.

Processing "Selection of nomenclature"

Added the ability to recalculate balances into a price unit in the "Selection of items" processing.

In the selection mode "According to the directory", an optional ability to display the remaining goods in the list column has been added.

In the selection mode "According to the reference book", you can enable the mode of displaying balances and prices in a separate table field.

Batch creation of product barcodes

Added the ability to batch create barcodes of goods in the information register "Barcodes".

Bulk Creation of Bulk Goods Codes

Added the possibility of group creation of codes of weighted goods in the information register "Codes of weighted goods".

Edition 10.3 of the Trade Management configuration for 1C:Enterprise 8.1 has been released.

New in edition:


Accounting in retail prices at an automated point of sale (ATT)

For automated outlets (retail warehouses), the ability to keep records in the context of retail (sales) prices has been added. For each ATT, its own retail prices can be set, according to which the turnover and balances of goods in the ATT are estimated. Upon receipt of goods from the supplier, the retail prices assigned to the goods in the ATT are analyzed, and the balance of goods in the ATT is automatically revalued and new retail prices are assigned to the goods received.

New Retail Reports

For the valuation of goods in retail warehouses (ATT and NTT) at sales prices, the report "Commodity report (TORG-29)" is provided. To control the correctness of receiving retail revenue (in ATT and NTT), the report "Statement of cash in retail outlets" has been added. For the analysis of the movement of goods and the valuation of the balance of goods in the ATT in retail prices, the report "Statement of goods in retail" has been added.

Using Bank Loans in Retail

The "Management of trade" configuration now allows servicing retail sales operations with full or partial payment by bank loans with automatic calculation of the bank commission. To enable this feature, in the accounting parameters settings, check the box "Use payment by bank credits". Information on the provision of a bank loan is indicated in the document "KKM Check" when registering a retail sale to the buyer. When a document is posted in a check punched on the fiscal registrar, the amounts of cash and non-cash payment (payment by bank loan) are displayed separately. After sending copies of agreements to the bank at the close of the cash register shift, all non-cash payments are collected in the document "Report on retail sales" on the "Payment by bank loans" tab. The amount of the bank commission is calculated automatically from the amount of payments by bank loans and the percentage of the bank commission specified in the agreement with the bank providing the loan.

To register the receipt of funds from the bank on the provided bank loans in the document "Payment order: receipt of funds" added the new kind operations "Payment on bank loans".

Changing the registration of the return of goods from the buyer in NTT

The procedure for registering the return of goods to NTT for goods sold to customers for which NTT has already reported has been changed (the document "Report on retail sales" was issued). Now, to process such operations, you need to use the document "Return of goods from the buyer. In the document "Return of goods from the buyer", select the desired warehouse with the type "Manual outlet". In the "Goods" tabular section, in the "Batch Document" column, you must specify the "Retail Sales Report" document by which the returned goods were sold. To issue a refund to the buyer on the basis of the "Return of goods from the buyer" document, the document order for goods" and the money is returned to the buyer from the cash desk of the trade enterprise.


Managing settlements on settlement documents

The new possibility of conducting mutual settlements with details on settlement documents will allow users to control the payment of each specific invoice in parallel, taking into account the conduct of mutual settlements for orders and under the contract as a whole. With this method of conducting mutual settlements, all the possibilities associated with the reservation of goods on customer orders and placement in orders of suppliers are fully preserved. When conducting mutual settlements under contracts with the "Make mutual settlements on settlement documents" flag set, you can specify a direct link between documents that affect mutual settlements, for example, between shipping and payment documents:

  • in payment documents, in the tabular section “Payment breakdown”, in addition to the contract and transaction (order), you can specify information about the settlement document (shipment, receipt document) for which payment should be recorded;
  • all documents affecting mutual settlements (“Sale of goods and services”, “Receipt of goods and services”, etc.) are added with the tabular section “Prepayment” (“Documents of settlements with counterparties”), on which you can specify information about the payment document to whom payment was made, the amount of mutual settlements and the amount in the currency of regulated accounting;
  • by clicking the "Fill" button, a service is provided for automatically filling in the list of payment documents in the documents of shipment and receipt of goods:
    • the list of payment documents is filled in according to the FIFO principle, that is, the first outstanding payment document is selected to pay for this settlement document;
    • in the event that the option of mutual settlements "By orders" is set, then payment documents are selected within the framework of the order specified in the shipment (receipt) document;
    • if the shipment (receipt) document provides for the indication of orders in the tabular part of the document and the contract establishes mutual settlements "By orders", then an additional column "Order" is added on the "Prepayment" tab ("Documents of settlements with counterparties"). Thus, when goods are shipped (received) under several orders, it is possible to fix at once the payment for each shipment (receipt) document within several orders.

Credit lines

Within the framework of agreements with mutual settlements in the context of settlement documents, the ability to track mutual settlements in accordance with the credit lines entered for the counterparty has been added. To open a credit line, you need to create a new agreement for a counterparty, or enter the parameters of a credit line into an existing agreement with this counterparty. The amount of allowable debt and the term of debt are used as parameters of the credit line. After setting these parameters, the posting of shipment documents is blocked if the amount or due date is exceeded. The term of the debt is controlled taking into account the introduced work schedules of the enterprise.

Only a user with a special right can post a document for which the term or amount of the loan has been exceeded. The new right to disable settlement control is set in the settings of additional user rights. In the event that the user has such a right, he can disable the control of mutual settlements in a specific implementation document by setting the new flag "Disable control of mutual settlements when posting a document" on the "Additional" tab.

You can find out about the status of credit lines using the new Credit Line Report report. In the report, you can set the selection by counterparty, counterparty agreement (credit line). In the report, you can set groupings by counterparties, contracts, settlement documents, movement documents (debt repayment documents).

Reconciliation of mutual settlements and debt adjustment

For reconciliation of mutual settlements with counterparties, the document "Act of reconciliation of mutual settlements" has been added. The document can be filled out according to the managerial and accounting. The document has two tabs "According to the counterparty" and "According to the organization". The document can be printed out and given to the counterparty for approval. The document does not perform any movement. After agreeing the data with the counterparty, if necessary, you can adjust the debt using the “Debt Adjustment” document.

In addition to existing opportunities, new types of transactions have been added to the Debt Adjustment document:

  • interfacing between clients. At the same time, only symmetrical offsetting is supported, that is, accounts receivable are equal to accounts payable;
  • transfer of debt to another contract, transaction or to another counterparty;
  • debt cancellation.

New features of the directory "Contractors"

To classify counterparties according to All-Russian classifier legal forms, the requisite OKOPF has been added to the directory of counterparties. The attribute value is selected from the "OKOPF Classifier" reference book. Using this attribute, the full name of the counterparty's organization is automatically generated in accordance with the specified classification.

The program has added the ability to classify a counterparty by region using the "Regions" directory. Directory "Regions" can be filled in automatically in accordance with the all-Russian classification of regions. Information about the region has been added to the "Contractors" directory as a separate attribute. This will allow for a more structured analysis of sales of goods by region using the all-Russian classifier.

Added options for working with counterparties that are not residents Russian Federation. For these counterparties, the "Not a resident" flag is set. The state of the flag is controlled when posting cash documents for cash settlements with counterparties. For non-residents, such documents are not carried out. When entering a new contract with a buyer who has the "Not a resident" flag set, the "Export sales" flag will be automatically set in the contract. In documents for the receipt of goods (services) from non-residents, the VAT rate will automatically be set to "Without VAT", regardless of the VAT rate specified for the item in the "Nomenclature" reference book.

To speed up the process of entering new counterparties, a new form "Assistant for registering new counterparties" has been added. When entering a new counterparty, the user enters only the basic data (name of the counterparty, its address, the address of the main contact person), and all other parameters are generated automatically. For example, a counterparty agreement is automatically created indicating the parameters (organization, type of settlements) that are specified in the user's default settings. The form of the assistant for registering new counterparties can be pre-configured. For example, specify that information about a new buyer is entered, the legal address is always used as the address, etc. When entering a new counterparty, you can enable the control of duplicate entries, and the program will warn that a counterparty with one of the entered parameters (TIN, full name, short name) has already been entered into the infobase. This will reduce the volume of the information base and avoid entering duplicate counterparties by different users of the program.

For the convenience of users, a quick selection of items has been added to the lookup list form, which is carried out using two controls: a selection field and an input field. In the selection field, select the type quick search(selection), i.e. specify by which field of the directory the selection will be performed: by code, name, TIN, full name or by all fields visible in the form. And in the input field, you must enter a string of characters, upon occurrence of which the selection of elements will be performed in the selected field. After setting the selection, only those counterparties that satisfy the selection condition will be visible in the list. To cancel the selection, it is necessary to clear the input field of the value for selection.


Accounting for goods of organizations in the context of warehouses

Added an optional ability to keep records of goods of organizations in the context of warehouses. To enable this feature in the settings accounting policy it is necessary to set the flag "Keep a record of goods of organizations in the context of warehouses".

New opportunities for batch accounting of goods

An optional possibility to execute on the server has been added to the "Batch posting" processing. In order for the processing to be performed on the server, it is necessary to set the flag "Perform on the server" in the processing form. In this case, messages about the progress of the batch posting process will not be promptly displayed in the message window. Messages will be displayed after the game play on the server is completed.

Added the ability to write off batches when posting an issue note. If the sale of goods is executed using the order scheme, now there are two options for generating movements according to batch accounting registers. If the "Write off batches by issue order" checkbox is selected in the accounting parameters settings, then movements in batch accounting registers and related movements in other registers are formed at the time of posting an issue order across batches. If the checkbox "Write off batches by outgoing order" is cleared, then movements in the batch accounting registers are formed at the time of posting the document "Sales of goods and services" by batches. At the same time, batches with the statuses "Returnable packaging deferred shipment", "Purchased deferred shipment" are included in management accounting. The final write-off occurs at the time of posting the corresponding expense note.

The configuration includes a new write-off cost adjustment algorithm. The algorithm is based on the use of a system of linear equations. It allows, when adjusting the value of write-offs, to correctly handle situations when an item moved from one warehouse to another is then moved back to the original warehouse. In addition, when using this mechanism, the speed of registration of transactions related to the adjustment of the cost of writing off goods increases.

The new algorithm implements the saving of the graph, on the basis of which the adjustment is made in the registers "Write-off cost adjustment nodes" and "Write-off cost adjustment arcs". The algorithm is used in the document "Write-off cost adjustment". In order for the write-off cost to be adjusted according to the new algorithm, in the accounting parameters settings, it is necessary to check the box "Use a system of linear equations to adjust the write-off cost".

New features when working with internal orders

To control the execution of an internal order, the following details have been added to the "Internal Order" document on the "Additional" tab:

  • Subdivision executor - subdivision of the enterprise responsible for the execution of the order;
  • Contractor - an employee of the enterprise appointed responsible for the execution of the order.

To correct the internal order, the document "Adjustment of the internal order" has been added. It supports a standard set of functions:

  • entering a document based on an internal order;
  • filling in the tabular section by clicking the "Fill" button;
  • auto-completion of reserves by the button "Fill and post";
  • printing an adjustment document;
  • printing of an internal order, taking into account adjustments.

To remove reserves and close internal orders, the document "Closing internal orders" has been added. When filling out a document, you can use automated selection of documents according to various selection criteria. For example, select unfulfilled orders that have expired reserves.

Added the ability to specify several different internal orders for which goods or returnable packaging are moved in the "Goods movement" documents. For the analysis of internal orders, new reports "Internal orders" and "Analysis of internal orders" have been added.

New service features in the Invoice Requirements document

To automatically fill in the tabular part of the document, the "Fill" button has been added. The tabular part of the document can be filled in according to the information available in the internal order or receipt documents. When using the filling service by processing the tabular section ("Add from receipt"), you can specify the warehouse by which you want to select goods from the tabular section of the "Receipt of goods and services" document. This opportunity is provided if warehouses are indicated in the tabular part in the documents "Receipt of goods and services". Also added to the document is the ability to change the tabular part of the document ("Change" button).

Disabling the use of returnable packaging

If the outlet does not use returnable packaging, you can now disable the ability to use it. To do this, the "Use returnable packaging" switch has been added to the settings of the accounting policy parameters.

When disabling returnable packaging, in the documents of receipt and shipment of goods, the tab "Container" becomes invisible, which simplifies the work of users with documents. At the same time, the creation of new documents "Adjustment of debt on returnable packaging" and "Change of limits for returnable packaging" is also blocked.

When disabling the use of returnable packaging, all previously created documents "Correction of debt on returnable packaging" and "Change of returnable packaging limits" will be available for editing. In documents in which the tab was previously filled in to reflect operations with returnable packaging, it will remain visible, and the data on it will be available for editing.

New mechanism for working with serial numbers

Now, to keep track of serial numbers, it is not necessary to use the series directory. The ability to store serial numbers in a separate, specially created directory has been implemented. In the configuration, the ability to specify serial numbers from the new directory in the documents of receipt, sale, return has been added. Maintaining quantitative and total accounting of the item in the context of serial numbers is not provided in the configuration.

Maintaining serial numbers is enabled optionally, both for the configuration as a whole (the "Use serial numbers" flag is set in the accounting settings), and for each item of the item (the "Maintain serial numbers" flag). The list of serial numbers is stored in the "Serial numbers" directory, subordinate to the "Nomenclature" directory. Information about the serial number is filled in on an additional tab in the document ("Serial numbers"). It is possible to enter serial numbers using a barcode scanner. In documents that use serial numbers, it is possible to print a document indicating the serial numbers of shipped or received goods.

Indication of storage locations for goods

Implemented the ability to specify standard storage locations for goods. This will reduce the time of searching for goods in the warehouse and the time of order assembly. Also, this possibility, when registering the receipt of new goods, will allow you to quickly decompose goods into their storage locations. Information about storage locations is entered into the "Storage Locations" directory, which is subordinate to the "Warehouses" directory. For each item of the item, enter information about where this item of the item should be located. This information is entered into the information register "Storage locations of the nomenclature". For an item item, you can define several storage locations in different warehouses, one of the storage locations will be a priority.

For a quick search of goods in warehouses at the places of storage indicated for them, a printed form "Form of commodity filling" is provided. This form connected to the documents accompanying the shipment and receipt of goods. In the "Form of commodity filling" form, the goods specified in the tabular part of the documents are grouped and sorted in the order of their location in the storage locations defined as the main (priority storage locations) for this warehouse. For reference, the form displays information about alternative storage locations and about the balance of goods in the warehouse. The Form "Product filling form" can be customized in accordance with the needs of each specific user working with the program.

A new possibility to check the compliance of sales (receipt) documents with the actually shipped (received) goods by scanning the barcodes of the goods

Added the ability to check the list of shipped (accepted) goods after filling in the tabular part of the document (for example, in the input mode on the basis) by scanning their barcodes. This feature can be used when pre-assembling goods for customer orders or when moving goods from warehouse to warehouse. This possibility can also be used if it is necessary to compare the correctness of the composition of the goods received with the provided printed form of the incoming document.

When checking goods, various types of commercial equipment can be used: barcode scanners, data collection terminals, RFID tag reader. Barcode verification is carried out in a separate dialog form, which is opened by clicking the "Check" button in the documents accompanying the receipt and shipment of goods.

Working with product kits

The program has a new feature: registration of the sale of kits without pre-assembly. This will reduce the time spent on shipment of such kits. That is, kits can be assembled "on the go" in the process of shipping goods to the buyer. To do this, the program has changed the mechanism for working with sets. Two new types of stock items have been introduced - set-set and set-package. Using a set-package is similar to using an item with the "Set" type in the previous version of the configuration. A set-package is used to quickly select a list of positions in a document.

A kit-kit is used to ship goods that do not require pre-assembly. The set-kit is not stored in the warehouse, the picking process takes place at the time of shipment of the goods to the buyer. A set-kit can be assigned prices that differ from the total price of the components included in its composition. Information about the components included in the set-kit is specified on the "Components" tab, but can also be changed in the document itself. Information about the set-kit is entered on the "Goods" tab. In a separate tabular part of the document (the "Set content" button), a list of those components that are specified for the set-kit in the "Nomenclature" reference book is displayed. If necessary, the composition of the components included in the set-kit can be changed.

When registering the shipment of goods from a warehouse, the fact of sale is the sale of a set-kit. At the same time, those components that are included in the kit-kit are written off. The cost of a kit set is calculated as the sum of the costs of the components included in its composition. For kit-sets, it is possible to reserve the components included in the kit-kit at the warehouse and order components from the supplier for a specific customer order.

Item Entry Assistant

To speed up the input of information about new item positions, an item input assistant has been added to the configuration. The input assistant is used as an item form when entering new items. Using the input assistant, you can customize the list of available and required fields of the item item form for each specific user. At the same time, you can configure both the display of individual pages (form tabs), and the visibility and mandatory indication of individual details. For example, a sales manager should not have access to information about a supplier who supplies this product, but the indication of the full name and article number when introducing a new product should be mandatory for it. For mandatory details, a check is performed during registration, and if the details are not filled, a corresponding message is displayed. For some attributes, you can set a uniqueness check, then when writing an element, they will be checked for uniqueness using the processing "Search and replacement of duplicate elements of directories". Using the input assistant when entering new items of the item, you can:

  • enter information about the supplier's nomenclature (name, code and article of the supplier's goods) and delivery prices;
  • indicate the storage location for the new product;
  • register selling prices for items of the nomenclature;
  • calculate selling prices based on base prices and trade margins;
  • determine the list of components for kits and kits;
  • calculate the prices for kits at the prices of components;
  • enter information about projects or types of distribution for several projects to which this position of the nomenclature belongs.

When registering a new position, new documents are automatically created that register prices (“Setting item prices”, “Setting prices for counterparty items”), as well as new entries in the corresponding registers (“Item storage locations”, “Supplier nomenclature”, “Component nomenclature” and etc.). Thus, the process of entering a new product item is simplified: the user does not need to enter additional documents, they will be generated automatically when entering a new item record.

Displaying balances and prices in the list forms of the "Nomenclature" reference book

A new feature has been added to the "Nomenclature" directory to quickly view the balance, prices and location of a particular product in accordance with the storage locations. The use of this feature will help the sales manager to quickly answer the client's question about the availability of goods in the warehouse, about the price of the goods. This feature is enabled in the list forms of the "Nomenclature" reference book in the "Actions" - "Remains of goods in warehouses" menu. A separate table field of the form displays information about the balances for the current position of the item reference list in the context of the characteristics of this item and warehouses. Moreover, information is displayed not only about the free balance of goods, but also about the amount of reserved goods and the amount of expected goods for suppliers' orders. In the same dialog box, you can display information about the current selling prices set for goods. If storage locations in warehouses are defined for the item in the "Item storage locations" information register, then the address of the main storage location in the warehouse will be displayed.

Quick selection in the reference book "Nomenclature"

For the convenience of users with the item list, a quick selection of items has been added to the lookup list form, which is carried out using two controls: a selection field and an input field. In the selection field, you must select the type of quick search (selection), i.e. specify by which field of the directory the selection will be performed: by name, article, full name or by all fields visible in the form. And in the input field, you must enter a string of characters, upon occurrence of which the selection of elements will be performed in the selected field.

After setting the filter, only those items of the item that satisfy the filter condition will be visible in the list. To cancel the selection, it is necessary to clear the input field of the value for selection.

Changes in the documents "Adjustment of the quality of goods" and "Adjustment of series and characteristics"

For goods that are reserved for customer orders, it is forbidden to change the parameters of quality, series and characteristics of goods. When posting documents, a check has been added for the presence of lines in the document that do not change the quality, series or characteristics of the goods. If such lines are present in the document, then such a document will not be posted and a corresponding warning will be issued.

New indicator in the report "Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses"

The indicator "Ordered from suppliers" has been added to the "Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses" report. Using this indicator, you can control information about the quantity of expected goods, that is, it shows the quantity of goods ordered from suppliers, but not yet received at the date of the report.


A separate document journal "Pricing Documents Journal" has been created for pricing documents.

Price groups

For the convenience of the user with the "Pricing" subsystem, another option for classifying goods has been added - price groups. The list of price groups is stored in the directory of the same name. For all products belonging to the same price group, you can assign:

  • a single discount (document "Setting item discounts");
  • markup (discount) depending on sales conditions (document "Setting margins on sales conditions").

For each customer of the outlet, you can assign different types of sales prices for each price group of goods (document "Setting price types by product groups for buyers"). After assigning a new product to a price group, this product will be subject to all the conditions that are set for the products of this price group, without entering additional pricing documents. Price groups can also be used to group and sort item items in a price list. Each nomenclature item can be attributed to one price group. To do this, the "Price group" attribute has been added to the "Nomenclature" reference book.

New way to calculate prices

A new price calculation method has been added to the configuration: . Thus, two calculation methods are now possible in the configuration:

  • by percentage markup on the base type - prices will be obtained by changing the values ​​of the base price by a certain percentage of markup, which must be specified;
  • when the base price enters the range - prices will be calculated depending on whether the base price belongs to a certain range. The scale of base price ranges and their corresponding price values ​​are set in the "Setting Base Price Ranges" document.

The method of calculation is set in the document "Setting item prices". For each item of the nomenclature, you can specify your own method of pricing. By default, the method of calculation that is specified for the price type in the "Item price types" reference book is used.

In the document "Setting item prices" and in the "Nomenclature" reference book, the ability to automatically calculate selling prices based on the base price and trade margin ("Calculate at base prices") has been added. Added an additional option to calculate the price of a kit based on the prices of components ("Calculate the price of a kit") to the "Nomenclature" reference book.

Formation of prices by base price ranges

Added the ability to set the selling price discretely by intervals of the base price, for example: if the base price is from 2 c.u. up to 2.5 c.u. - sale at a price of 100 rubles, if the base price is from 2.5 c.u. up to 3 c.u. - sale at a price of 120 rubles.

The scale of base price ranges and their corresponding price values ​​are set in the "Setting Base Price Ranges" document. This data is used when calculating prices in the document "Setting prices for items" for those lines in which the calculation method "By entry of the base price into the range" is specified. The sales price is calculated in the item price setting document in accordance with the specified calculation method; the already set price is used in goods issue documents.

Setting price types by product groups for buyers

Added the ability for each buyer (for all his contracts) to set a price type that is different from the price type in the contract for certain price or nomenclature groups of goods. For example, by default, according to the contract with the buyer, all goods are sold to him according to the 3rd column of the price list, however, for the "Multimedia" price group, it is assigned that goods must be distributed according to the 4th column. Assignment of special price types for price or item groups is made by the document "Setting price types by item groups for buyers".

Setting margins for sales terms

Added the ability to set a mark-up (discount) on the sale/purchase prices of goods, depending on the conditions of sale, when registering documents for the receipt/sale of goods. Information about the conditions of sale, under which the markup (discount) is set, is stored in the reference book "Sales Conditions". For example, as a condition of sale, there may be: a mark-up when selling for a cashless payment, a mark-up for setting up equipment, etc. Markups (discounts), which will be set in accordance with the terms of sale, are assigned by the document "Setting markups for the terms of sale". Markups are assigned for price or item groups, which is determined by the type of document operation. If markup percentage is set positive number, then a markup will be set, if negative - a discount.

In the documents, the management of setting the markup (discount) according to the terms of sales is carried out in the form that opens by clicking the "Prices and currency" button. The value of the sales condition, according to which the markup (discount) will be set, is set in the "Sales condition" field. If the sales condition is specified in the contract under which the document is drawn up or is set in the user's settings, then this sales condition will be used in the document by default. In this case, the sales condition from the contract takes precedence over the sales condition in the user settings.

Work with this mechanism is possible in the documents:

  • Buyer's order;
  • Correction of the buyer's order;
  • Retail sales report;
  • Receipt of goods and services;
  • Receipt of goods and services in NTT;
  • Realization of goods and services;
  • Invoice for payment to the buyer;
  • Supplier order;
  • Adjustment of the supplier's order;
  • Supplier invoice;
  • Return of goods from the buyer;
  • Check KKM.

Natural (bonus) discounts

Added the ability to assign natural (bonus) discounts when selling goods. Natural (bonus) discounts are assigned if, when purchasing a certain list of goods, one of the goods is given to the client as a gift, that is, free of charge. For example: "If you buy 2 pairs of shoes cream for free", "If you buy a refrigerator and TV - a coffee maker for free." A product that is given away for free is called a "bonus".

In-kind (bonus) discounts are entered in the "Setting item discounts" document with the "In-kind discounts" operation type set. On the "Bonuses" tab, you need to specify the necessary sets for which the bonus is given, and assign the bonus (gift) to them. In sales documents, before the document is posted, a check is made to determine whether bonus sets are made from the selected nomenclature. If it is possible to make sets for which a bonus is given from the selected goods, then a question is asked about opening the form for selecting bonus sets. If the answer is yes, then a window opens in which you need to select the required bonus and specify the amount of this bonus. The form also shows: what the bonus is for and what bonuses are due. The selected bonus set replaces the list of items for which the bonus is given. And the composition of the bonus set includes positions for which bonuses are given, and the bonuses themselves. You can refuse to select a bonus set - in this case, the user returns to editing the document.

A bonus can be provided not only for the purchase of a certain number of products, but also for the purchase of several products. For example, the set "TV and Refrigerator" is given the bonus "Coffee maker". When registering a sales document, when choosing the item "TV", the program will warn that if the buyer buys another "Refrigerator", he will be offered a "Coffee maker" as a gift. The use of incomplete spec. offers (bonuses) can be disabled in the program. Prices for sets with a bonus are set in the standard way in the document "Setting item prices". Natural discounts can be canceled ahead of schedule by the document "Cancellation of product discounts".

New Price List Printing Options

New features have been added to the "Print price list" processing:

  • formation of a price list only for those items for which prices have changed (exclusion from the price list of goods whose prices have not changed since a certain date);
  • formation of a price list using the properties and categories of the nomenclature;
  • changing the name of additional columns displayed in the price list and their location relative to the position of the nomenclature (together with the name of the nomenclature, in a separate column before or after the name of the nomenclature);
  • sorting goods in the price list;
  • saving all the settings made.

Appointment of automatic discounts for the implementation of services

In sales documents, you can now set automatic discounts for services. Automatic discounts for services are assigned by the document "Set discounts for items". In wholesale documents ("Buyer's order", "Adjustment of the buyer's order", "Invoice for payment to the buyer", "Sale of goods and services") on the "Services" tab, details for working with automatic discounts have been added to the tabular section. When filling in the tabular section with services, if the condition for granting a discount is met, then an automatic discount will be calculated for the services. You can also work with automatic discounts for services in the retail trade documents "KKM Check" and "Retail Sales Report".

Analysis of discounts provided

To analyze the discounts granted, a new report "Discounts granted" has been added. Added the ability to receive information about the amount of sales without a discount, the amount of the discount, and the percentage of the discount to the "Sales" report.

New opportunities when setting discounts on discount cards

Now it is possible to assign discounts not only for one specific discount card, but also for several discount cards of the same type. The appointment of discount discounts is now documented - the document "Setting item discounts". That is now discount discounts can be assigned for certain price groups, for specific products, taking into account the time of action. For example, you can assign a discount card discount for goods of a certain price group only during the daytime. Added the ability to use cumulative discounts for discount cards. When using this option, data on the amount of discounts on discount cards are summed up, and if the amount of purchases reaches a certain value, then the percentage of the discount on the discount card increases or its owner is replaced with a discount card. To control the provision of discounts for discount cards, a new report "Sales by discount cards" has been added.

Group printing of price tags and labels

Added the ability to batch print price tags and product labels. Group printing of price tags and labels is now available in goods receipt documents ("Receipt of goods and services" and "Receipt of goods in NTT") and in the reference book "Nomenclature". When printing price tags and labels, you can set the selection according to the nomenclature, the characteristics of the nomenclature, the availability of goods in the warehouse. At the same time, it is possible to print several copies of price tags or labels for one product, and it is possible to indicate the price in the product label.


Accounting for cash by organization

In the new edition of the directories "Cashier" and " KKM cash desks" are subordinated to the directory "Organizations". This allows you to unify the work with the places of storage of cash and non-cash funds in the context of organizations.

Payment from buyers with payment cards

The Trade Management configuration now allows servicing retail and wholesale operations with full or partial payment by a payment card. To enable this feature, in the accounting parameters settings, check the box "Use payment by payment cards". When working with payment cards, acquiring agreements concluded with the bank are used, which indicate the types of payment cards served and the percentage of the trade concession.

Payment by payment card retail is fixed by the document "KKM Check". After the cash register shift is closed, information on all payments made by payment cards for the shift is collected in the Retail Sales Report document on the Payment Cards tab.

In the event that when paying with a payment card information about the buyer must be recorded, then such payment is made using the document “Payment from the buyer with a payment card”. The document must specify the type of operation "Payment from the buyer". In this case, the buyer can be both an individual and entity. The document can be entered on the basis of a shipment document, an invoice for payment to the buyer, an order to the buyer. When settling with the bank, the document “Payment order: receipt of funds” is issued with the type of operation “Receipt of payment by payment cards”. The document indicates the amount of the trade concession and the cost item to which this amount will be allocated.

New fields to fill in payment documents

The field "Purpose of payment" has been added to the incoming payment documents "Letter of credit received", "Incoming payment order", "Payment order: receipt of funds".

In the directory "Counterparty agreements" the requisite "Main cash flow item" was added (on the "Additional" tab). The value specified in this attribute will be substituted by default in payment and cash documents when this contract is selected. When choosing an agreement in payment documents with the "Organization" attribute not filled in, the value of the organization from this agreement will be substituted.

New features "Bank client"

To control the execution of operations for the automated acceptance and transfer of payments, the export (import) of data is now performed in two stages: first, data preparation, then unloading (loading). In the data preparation mode, the user will now be able to control the process of unloading (loading) data and generating a report on the execution of the data loading (unloading) operation. For each upload (download) document, if there are errors in the report, a comment is displayed.

To prevent unwanted changes in the system of reconciled data for past periods, when loading information, you can specify a load limit. In this case, documents will be created and changed in the system only later than this date.


New opportunities in working with supplier orders

To quickly place an order to the supplier in the case of using the "work to order" scheme, the ability to enter the "Order to the supplier" document based on the "Buyer's order" document has been added.

For automatic formation of orders based on the needs for returnable containers on the "Container" tab, the methods of automatically filling in the tabular section (using the "Fill" button) "Fill with needs" and "Add needs" are added.

Indication of orders in the tabular sections of receipt and sale documents

Added the ability to specify orders in the tabular sections of documents in goods receipt and sale documents, which allows you to draw up one sales document for several buyer orders and one receipt document for several orders to the supplier.

The operation of this mechanism is controlled in the accounting parameters settings. To configure "Indicate orders in the tabular section of documents", you can select one of the options:

  • do not use;
  • for receipt documents;
  • for implementation documents;
  • for receipt and sale documents.

The column "Buyer's order" is added to the tabular parts of the documents "Sale of goods and services" and "Invoice for payment to the buyer". The visibility of a column in documents depends on the accounting settings. At the same time, it is possible to select orders, as well as fill out sales and payment documents, taking into account orders in tabular sections. In the tabular parts of the documents "Receipt of goods and services" and "Receipt of goods and services in NTT", the column "Order to the supplier" is added. The visibility of a column in documents depends on the accounting settings.

New options for configuring auto-reservation and auto-placement for orders

Added the ability to configure the auto-reservation strategy for orders. In the accounting settings on the "Orders" tab, you can specify the strategy that will be used by default in documents during auto-reservation: "First in orders to suppliers, then in warehouses" or "First in warehouses, then in orders to suppliers." You can choose a different strategy in the documents if needed. AT previous version configuration management of auto-reservation and auto-placement by orders was performed using the "Auto-reservation" and "Auto-placement" flags in the form of documents "Buyer's order", "Adjustment of the buyer's order", "Reservation of goods", "Internal order". Now the management of auto-reservation and auto-placement in these documents, as well as in the new document "Adjustment of the internal order" is performed in a special form, which is opened by clicking the "Fill and post" button. When the form is opened, it is populated with the default settings for auto-reservation, which are set in the accounting settings and in the user settings.

New reports to control the reservation and placement of goods

To control and manage reserves and placement of goods in supplier orders, new reports "Goods in reserve in warehouses" and "Order placement" have been added.

The "Goods in reserve in warehouses" report shows the balance of goods reserved in customer orders, internal orders, and goods reserved under the "Goods receipt order" document (with the "Without the right to sell" flag set). Using this report, you can see what documents the goods are reserved for and, if necessary, remove the goods from the reservation and transfer the reserve to another buyer's order.

The "Placing Orders" report is designed to obtain information about the placement of suppliers' orders in buyers' orders. Using this report, you can get information about which orders to the supplier are placed specific item ordered by the buyer and the date of delivery of goods by suppliers.


Mechanism "Quick sale"

To reduce the time for processing documents for the buyer, the "Quick Sale" mechanism has been added to the "Buyer's Order" and "Sales of Goods and Services" document forms, which performs batch input of documents based on the completed "Buyer's Order" or "Sales of goods and services" documents. The form for setting up the "Quick sale" mechanism is opened in the form of the "Buyer's order" document by clicking the "Finish sale" button, and in the form of the document "Sale of goods and services" by clicking the "Finish documents" button.

In the form, you can specify a list of documents that need to be issued ("Invoice issued", "Incoming cash order", "Sale of goods and services"). For documents, you can select a printing form, set the printing mode of documents (with preview or immediately for printing), the number of printed copies of documents. Making a cash payment when entering batch documents from the "Buyer's Order" document is possible only if the cash desk is selected in the "Bank account (cash desk)" field, into which the funds should be received.

The settings set by the user in the quick sale settings form are saved, they can be used in the next session. If the flag "Show settings form when generating documents" is cleared in the settings form, then the form will not open when the mechanism is called, but actions will be performed immediately according to the settings. You can restore the display of the form and change the existing settings from the menu "Actions" - "Open the form for setting the design of a package of documents".

Accounting for VAT in sales and purchase registers

To account for VAT amounts, the corresponding resources have been added to the sales and purchase registers. This allows you to get in the reports on sales and purchases the amount of sales, both including and excluding VAT.

New processing options for "Sales Manager Workplace"

Now the sales manager can use the sales workplace not only for issuing customer orders and invoices for payment, but also for issuing the document "Sales of goods and services".

New product sales analysis reports

To analyze sales of goods by suppliers, a new report "Sales by suppliers" has been added.

Added report "Gross profit by suppliers", which shows the gross profit by suppliers. Synchronous operation of reports "Gross profit" and "Gross profit by suppliers" is provided. An additional indicator "Efficiency" has been added to the reports. The "Efficiency" indicator is calculated as the ratio of gross profit to the cost of goods, expressed as a percentage.

The "XYZ Sales Analysis" report has been renamed to "XYZ/ABC Sales Analysis". Now one report combines the ability to classify objects by stability classes (XYZ analysis) and by importance classes (ABC analysis) of the selected parameter in terms of the sale of goods and services of a trading enterprise according to management accounting data.


To reduce the number of planning documents, the ability to detail the composition of the plan by sub-periods of the main period of the plan has been added. This provides an opportunity to draw up one enlarged plan (for example, for a year) and specify the details by sub-periods (for example, a month) in it without compiling additional planning documents for each month. In addition, each position of the plan composition can be assigned to a specific sub-period. One of the periodicity can be used as a sub-period: year, half-year, quarter, month, decade, week, day. The distribution of goods by sub-periods can be made taking into account distribution profiles (sales seasonality).

The program now allows you to create more detailed plans for contractors, contracts and customer orders. This will make it possible to more accurately plan the sales volumes of buyers and control the implementation of sales plans in the context of buyers' orders using plan-fact analysis. When planning purchases, you can generate orders to suppliers based on information about customer orders provided as part of the purchase plan.

New service options in the planning assistant

Now, when planning for data analysis, you can use data for several periods at once as sources of demand (a combination of several strategies of the same type). At the same time, the addition and merging of sources can be done with or without taking into account orders, departments, projects, contractors, contracts. This will allow, for example, to select the following planning strategy: create a purchase plan based on the sales analysis of the wholesale division for the month of November of the previous two years. In this case, select the sales volume that is the maximum as the source.

All settings made in the planning assistant (strategies for calculating quantities and amounts, data selection for planning, the procedure for working with sources of requirements) are now saved in the infobase for each specific user. Moreover, these settings can be available for use by all other users. Thus, the head of the marketing department can develop strategies for calculating planned data, approve them with the management of the enterprise, and then distribute them to all other employees to apply these strategies in their current work.

Reorder Point Planning

In the document "Setting Reorder Point Values", the ability to specify the unit of measure for the reorder point value and the value of the minimum safety stock has been added. The indication of the unit of measurement makes sense only for the fixed method of determination, since only in this case the values ​​of the reorder point and the minimum safety stock are specified directly in the document. Other methods of determination involve the calculated values ​​of these indicators. When posting the document, the values ​​of the specified indicators are reduced to the units of storage of the balances.

In the "Reorder point analysis" report, a new indicator "Recommended purchase volume" has been added, which is calculated as the difference between the balance in the warehouse and the value of the reorder point as of the report generation date. Directly from the report form, you can generate orders to suppliers. Orders to suppliers are formed for those goods for which the recommended purchase volume is greater than zero. Before the formation of orders, a preliminary table is displayed, in which you can specify the composition of the goods for which it is necessary to form orders to suppliers. The supplier that is defined for the item as the main supplier is specified as the supplier.


In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated 07.03.2007 No. 03-07-15/29, the return of goods from the buyer is reflected in the purchase book indicating the sales invoice, or the invoice received from the buyer who returned the goods accepted from him, which is a VAT taxpayer. In this regard, the buyer, who is a VAT taxpayer, when returning the goods to the supplier, must issue an invoice and register it in the sales book. In this regard, the configuration added the ability to issue invoices in the documents "Return of goods to the supplier", "Return of goods to the supplier from NTT", "Return of goods from the buyer" and the reflection of this information in the book of purchases and sales.

The method of specifying invoices in the "Expense report" documents (the "Payment" tab) has been changed. Now the user manages the invoice registration process and can only register invoices submitted by the supplier. To do this, in the corresponding line of the advance report, it is necessary to raise the flag "SF submitted" and indicate the date and number of the submitted invoice. After filling in the tabular part, it is necessary to register invoices in the infobase ("Fill in - Register submitted invoices"). When registering the presented invoices, the compliance of the invoice details specified in the document lines with the details (date and number) of the invoice selected in the line is checked. If the details do not match or the invoice for the line is not selected, a new invoice is issued with the details specified in the line, a link to the new document is substituted in the line.

In the event that the invoice is entered manually (by adding a new invoice in the list), the correctness of filling in the date and invoice number is checked. If the date and number of the invoice for the line are not filled in or are filled in but do not correspond to the selected invoice, they are determined from the selected document and it is proposed to fill in / change the data on the invoice according to the details of the selected document. It also checks the presence of the current expense report (AO) document in the list of invoice base documents. If there is no JSC, it is proposed to update the invoice (automatically supplement the list of base documents with the current document)

Columns "Responsible" and "Comment" are added to the list of documents "Invoice issued".

For a more complete analysis of VAT data, the following reports have been added to the configuration:

  • Statement of indirect costs (VAT);
  • Statement of VAT accrued payable to the budget;
  • Statement of VAT included in the price;
  • Statement of VAT presented by the supplier;
  • Statement of VAT from advances;
  • Statement of consignments of goods (VAT);
  • Statement of settlements with buyers (VAT);
  • Statement of settlements with suppliers (VAT);
  • Statement of sales at a rate of 0% (VAT);
  • Statement on the presented VAT on sales at a rate of 0%.


The mechanism of interaction with retail equipment has been changed, now the processing of maintenance of retail equipment is external, which simplifies the connection to the configuration of new models of retail equipment. Interaction with the trading equipment is performed using service processing.

Maintenance processing represents an external processing of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system that meets a certain standard and provides a unified (independent of a particular model of equipment) way of interaction between a configuration and retail equipment. In the course of interacting with the equipment, service processing can either use the vending equipment driver or interact with the equipment directly. Using service processing allows you to simplify the procedure for connecting retail equipment in a configuration. Using maintenance handlers eliminates the need to make configuration changes when a device driver is updated or an attempt is made to connect devices that were not previously supported in the configuration.

The configuration interacts with service handlers through their standardized interface (API). Maintenance processing either through the driver (or any other software), or directly, they exchange data with a specific instance of connected commercial equipment, playing the role of an “intermediary”.

When an external event occurs, the configuration passes information about it to the appropriate service processing that handles the event. With such an organization of interaction with retail equipment, there is no need to make changes to the configuration itself to connect new models of retail equipment. The configuration of device operation parameters (the port to which the device is connected, the data transfer rate, etc.) is also performed by the service processing tools. Each service processing must be in the form of setting the operation parameters of the vending equipment models it supports (equipment models for which this processing was created).

Added handling of maintenance "Shtrih-M: Driver for data collection terminals"

This processing maintains data collection terminals supported by the Shtrikh-M: Data collection terminal driver version 3.0 and supports the following models of data collection terminals:

  • Opticon DWT;
  • OpticonOPL;
  • Opticon PHL;
  • Zebex PDx10;
  • Zebex PDx20;

Added maintenance handling "Shtrikh-M: Driver MemoPlusLite"

This processing supports MemoPlus Astra and MemoPlus Micro memory expanders connected using the "Shtrih-M: MemoPlusLite Driver" v.1.0 driver.

Added processing of service "Shtrikh-M: Cashier"

This processing represents the processing maintenance of KKM under the control of the Shtrikh-M: Cashier complex, connected in Off-Line mode. This processing exchanges data with KKM through text files of a certain structure.

Added processing of the service "ATOL: Cashier's Workplace"

This processing represents the processing of the KKM service under the control of the ATOL complex: Workplace cashier", connected in Off-Line mode. This processing exchanges data with KKM through text files of a certain structure.

Added processing of the service "1C: Fiscal registrar OPOS"

This processing provides maintenance of fiscal registrars connected using the external component "Fiscal registrar OPOS" (FiscalPrinterOpos.dll) version

Added processing of the service "Incotex: Fiscal registrars "Mercury""

This processing provides maintenance of fiscal registrars connected using the external component "Incotex: Fiscal registrars "Mercury" version 1.7.

Added service processing "SB RF: Acquiring System"

This processing provides maintenance of the acquiring system of Sberbank of Russia, connected using the external component SBRFCOM.dll version

Added service processing "Alfa-Bank: Acquiring System"

This processing provides maintenance of the Alfa-Bank acquiring system connected using the external component AuthLibIso1C.dll version 1.01.

Added service processing "CFT: Acquiring System"

This processing provides maintenance of the CFT acquiring system connected using the external component PCNet1S.dll version


The program provides for keeping records of shipments, receipts of goods, as well as receipts and expenditures of funds in the context of projects. The new edition of the configuration added the ability automatic distribution commodity items for projects. This distribution is made in accordance with the types of distribution specified for commodity items. The project can be specified both for the entire document and for individual items of the nomenclature. When goods are shipped (received), they can be distributed among projects in accordance with the specified projects (or types of distribution for several projects) for the item of the nomenclature. This will allow for a more detailed analysis by project. The attribute "Main project" has been added to the counterparty agreement. In documents where you can specify a project, when you select a counterparty contract, the value of the project from the contract (in the document header) will be substituted.


Connecting external processing

Implemented a new mechanism for connecting external processing with the following capabilities:

  • connection of arbitrary external processings (menu "Tools" - "Open list of external processings");
  • connection of external processing for filling in the tabular parts of documents and directories (menu "Tools" - "Open the list of external processing for filling in tabular parts");
  • when connecting external printing forms for documents and directories (menu "Tools" - "Open list of external printing forms"), now you can not only add an additional printing form, but also replace one of the existing printing forms with it.

For objects to which additional printing forms are connected, if necessary, you can set a filter in order to configure the use of individual printing forms according to the conditions (for example, only for certain contractors). Added the ability to connect printable layouts (menu "Tools" - "Open list of external printables"). Information about all connected external processing stored in the directory "External processing".

Working with distributed infobases

Exchange plans are included in the configuration for working with distributed infobases. Also added is the "Autonomous solution" mechanism designed to automate the exchange of data between infobases.

The exchange of data between infobase nodes is based on the exchange of change files, in which all changed objects are recorded from the moment of the last exchange to the moment the change file is generated.

The following options for sharing change files are available:

  • exchange through a file resource;
  • exchange via FTP resource;
  • exchange through email(using the built-in mail client).

Data exchange can be performed automatically. To enable this feature, you must set the flag "Use the mechanism of automatic data exchange" in the settings of accounting parameters. The data exchange settings are stored in the "Data exchange settings" directory, which can be opened from the menu "Tools" - "Data exchange" - "Data exchange settings". The execution of data exchange can be initiated from the menu "Tools" - "Perform data exchange" or by clicking on the "Perform data exchange" button in the command panel in the form of a list or in the form of the reference element "Data exchange settings".

Universal object search

Added processing "Universal search for objects", designed to search for elements of directories. Processing allows you to search for objects by their details, subordinate directories, plans of types of characteristics and information registers.

Processing can be called from the menu "Tools" - "Universal search for objects", as well as from the form of the list of directories "Counterparties", "Nomenclature", " Individuals"by selecting the "Filter settings..." item in the filter settings input field.

WEB-application "Order management"

WEB-application "Management of orders" is designed to enable customers of a trading enterprise to independently form orders for the supply of goods via the Internet. Using the "Order Management" subsystem, customers of a trading company can:

  • receive up-to-date information on prices and availability of goods in a trading enterprise;
  • form new orders for the purchase of goods in a trading enterprise;
  • view a list of previously made orders, their status of shipment and payment;
  • generate a report on the analysis of the order, as well as a summary report on the status of mutual settlements with a trading company;
  • generate printed order forms and invoices for payment;
  • edit your contact information to keep it up to date.

The product "1C:Enterprise8. WEB-extension" required for the operation of the Web application is supplied separately.


New mechanism for managing the numbering of objects

The configuration implements the "Do not return automatically" numbering mode. The main goal is to ensure that users avoid missing numbers. The mechanism affects the assignment of codes for elements of directories, plans for types of characteristics and document numbers. The changes concern those objects for which automatic numbering is provided. Automatic assignment of the object code (number) is now performed before the object is written.

By default, object codes (numbers) are not available for user modification. In order to provide users with the ability to change the numbering of an object by default, it is necessary in the information register "Strategies for editing object numbers" (menu item "Service" - "Setting accounting parameters" - "Defining the strategy for editing numbers (codes) of objects") for this object, set in the column "Edit number" value "Available". If the value "Not available" is set, then the user can change the number after a corresponding warning through the menu item "Actions" - "Edit code (number)".

Processing "Selection of nomenclature"

Added the ability to recalculate balances into a price unit in the "Selection of items" processing.

In the selection mode "According to the directory", an optional ability to display the remaining goods in the list column has been added.

In the selection mode "According to the reference book", you can enable the mode of displaying balances and prices in a separate table field. The mode is activated by the button "Remains and prices of goods" in the command panel of the list.

Processing "Processing the tabular part of the document"

The flag "Transfer only marked positions" has been added to processing. If the flag is set, then only those positions that are marked in the list are transferred to the tabular part of the document, otherwise all positions are transferred.

Document "Adjustment of register entries"

The document "Adjustment of accumulation register entries" has been renamed into "Adjustment of register entries". Now the document allows you to perform manual adjustment of entries, both for accumulation registers and for information registers.

Setting the value of the "Agreement" attribute in documents when changing the "Organization" and "Counterparty" attributes

When changing the values ​​of the "Organization" and "Counterparty" attributes in the document header, the previously selected value of the "Agreement" attribute is analyzed. If the previously selected contract does not correspond to the organization and counterparty specified in the document, then it is replaced by an agreement with the same organization and the same counterparty, which will satisfy the conditions required in this document: by type, method of conducting and currency of mutual settlements. The choice of a new contract is carried out according to the principle:

  • if the main contract of the counterparty satisfies the conditions, then it is selected as a new value, otherwise the selection among other counterparty agreements continues;
  • if this counterparty has only one agreement with this organization with the required conditions, then this agreement is selected as the new value of the "Agreement" attribute;
  • if this counterparty has several contracts with this organization, then the contract attribute is cleared, and the right to choose the contract remains with the user.

Control of filling in the CCD number in the documents upon receipt of imported goods

When posting the documents "Receipt of goods and services" and "Receipt of goods and services in NTT" for imported goods, control was added to fill in the CCD number. For goods that have a series specified in the document, the value of the country of origin for this series is checked. If the country of origin of the series is not indicated or the country of origin is "Russia", then further verification of the series is not performed, otherwise the filling in the requisite "GTE number" is checked in the series. If the CCD number is not filled in, then the user will receive a message that the CCD number for the imported goods is not filled in the series.

Universal print form

When generating printed forms for configuration objects, the generated printed document is now opened not as a spreadsheet document, but in a separate form that contains the spreadsheet document field.

You can send an e-mail directly from this form by attaching the generated printed form to it. There is a special button for this in the command bar of the form. By clicking on this button, the configuration form for the sent printable form opens, in which you can configure:

  • how to fill in the text of the letter;
  • the format in which the printed form will be placed in attachments;
  • edit the file name of the attachment.

Batch creation of product barcodes

Added the ability to batch create barcodes of goods in the information register "Barcodes". By clicking the "Fill" button in the command panel in the form of a register list, a special form for setting up the group creation of barcodes opens. In the form, you can set the selection by item, by warehouse, if you need to generate barcodes only for goods in stock, and also specify the need to generate barcodes using the characteristics, series, quality, and units of measure of the item.

Bulk Creation of Bulk Goods Codes

Added the possibility of group creation of codes of weighted goods in the information register "Codes of weighted goods". By clicking the "Fill" button in the command panel in the form of a register list, a special form for setting the group creation of codes opens. In the form, you can set the selection by item, by warehouse, if you need to generate codes only for goods available in the warehouse, and also indicate the need to generate codes using the characteristics, series and quality of the item.

Universal Report

A new universal report has been added to the configuration, which combines the capabilities of the Balances and Turnovers and List / Crosstab reports. The universal report allows you to:

  • combine indicators into groups;
  • display negative values ​​of indicators in red;
  • manage the need to display totals;
  • manage the need to display detailed records;
  • output properties and categories of objects along with dimension values;
  • display additional fields taking into account placement and position:
  • placement: with groupings, in separate columns, in a separate column;
  • position: before grouping, instead of grouping, after grouping;
  • Set selection by indicator values;
  • Perform sorting by indicator values;
  • Design a report using one of the available standard design options;
  • Use conditional formatting;
  • Open multiple reports at the same time;
  • Store report settings in the infobase.

For reports created on the basis of a universal report, new options for working with report settings have been added:

  • Storing settings in the infobase;
  • Storage and use of general, group and personal user settings;
  • Borrowing personal settings of other users.

All reports included in the configuration, which were previously made on the basis of the "Balances and turnovers" and "List / cross-tab" reports, have been changed and redone on the basis of a universal report.

Separation of management and accounting

Separation of management and accounting is carried out at the level of organizations. The "Reflect in regulated accounting" flag has been added to the "Organizations" directory. If this flag is not set for an organization, then documents issued on behalf of this organization can only be posted management accounting, flags belonging to the accounting and tax accounting cannot be included in such documents.

Thus, documents that are not planned to be reflected in accounting and tax accounting in the future should be carried out on behalf of an organization for which the sign “Reflect in regulated accounting” is not set.

At the same time, the belonging of documents to one or another type of accounting is strictly controlled. If a document is posted only according to regulated accounting and the tabular part of settlement documents with a counterparty contains a document that is posted for both types of accounting, then such a document will not be posted.

With the control of balances by organizations disabled, you can register the receipt of goods on behalf of one organization, and the shipment of goods on behalf of another organization. The process of issuing transfer documents between own organizations based on negative balances in some organizations and positive balances in other organizations is automated using the “Batch Document Entry” processing. Sale own organizations is carried out as a sale to own counterparties, information about which is stored in the information register "Own counterparties". At the same time, a sales document is drawn up on behalf of the seller organization in the name of its own counterparty representing the buyer organization and a receipt document for the buyer organization from the counterparty representing the seller organization. Documents are posted according to accounting and tax accounting, the flag “Reflect in management accounting” in documents must be disabled.

The possibility of purchasing goods from own counterparties has also been implemented, which will allow compensating for the negative balances of one organization at the expense of balances in other organizations.

Registered users of "1C: Trade Management 8" can get an update for free on the user site "1C: Enterprise 8". The procedure for obtaining access rights to the materials of the "1C:Enterprise 8" user site is described.

1. The package includes three files:

  • 1Cv8_UT103.cf,
  • AkiTorg Integration Guide for UT 103,
  • AkiTorg user manual for UT 103.

2. Open the infobase of your accounting system in the "Configurator" mode.

3. Before starting the integration procedure, create a copy of the infobase (main program menu "Administration" → "Upload infobase...").

4. Open the configuration window (main program menu "Configuration" → "Open configuration"). If the configuration window is already open, this menu item will not be available.

5. If the configuration is closed for editing (opposite the configuration name there will be a picture with a lock),

then you need to open the configuration for editing. To do this, go to the "Support settings" mode (the main program menu "Configuration" → "Support" → "Support settings"). If the configuration window is not open, then this menu item will not be available. In the window that opens, click on the "Enable editing" button.

Select “Yes” to the question “Changing the mode will result in the configuration update being unable to be performed fully automatically. Proceed?".

In the “Setting up support rules” window that opens, click the “OK” button.

Wait for the mode change procedure to complete.

6. Change the support rules setting next to the configuration name.

In the “Setting up support rules” window that opens, set the radio button to “Supplier object is edited while maintaining support” and click the “OK” button.

7. Change the setting of support rules for the “Full” interface (“General” → “Interfaces” branch). Set the mode to "Supplier object is edited while maintaining support".

8. Close the "Support Settings" window and save the configuration changes (key combination Ctrl+S).

9. Enter configuration merge mode. (the main menu of the program "Configuration" → "Compare, merge with the configuration from a file..."). If the configuration window is not open, then this menu item will not be available.

10. In the explorer window that opens (“Select a configuration file”), select the 1Cv8_UT103.cf file from the distribution kit.

11. In the "Comparison, union" window, uncheck the "Properties" section. Then click on the "Run" button.

12. In the information window, click OK.

13. In the configuration tree, open the "References" branch and select the "aki_TradingPoints" reference book, it should be the last one in the branch. Open the object modification window (F2 key). Go to the "Owners" tab. Add "Directory.Contractors" to the list of owners of the directory.

14. In the configuration tree, open the "General" branch, then the "Interfaces" branch. Find the "akiTorg" interface, it should be the last one in the branch. Open the object modification window (F2 key). Select the section of the main menu "akiTrade" and copy it to the clipboard (key combination Ctrl+C). Then close the change interface window.

15. In the configuration tree, open the "Full" interface modification window. Select a section of the main menu<Новая>and paste the “akiTrade” menu section from the clipboard into it (key combination Ctrl + V). Then close the change interface window.

16. This completes the process of changing the configuration, you must save the configuration changes (key combination Ctrl + S).

17. After that, you need to update the database configuration (F7 key) and accept the database changes. Successful completion of this procedure requires that all database users close their open sessions before executing this procedure.

18. For those users of the infobase who will work with the AkiTorg module, you need to add the available role "akiTorg" (the main menu of the program "Administration" → "Users"). Open the user for editing, go to the “Other” tab, in the list of available roles, check the “akiTorg” role.

19. After the successful completion of the integration procedure, it is necessary to complete the registration procedure to start working. To do this, open the infobase of your accounting system in the "Enterprise" mode. Select the "akiTrade" menu section, "PDA Data Exchange" item. In the window that opens, enter your registration code.

If the code is entered correctly, then the window of the exchange module with the AkiTorg database will open. If you entered an incorrect code, the exchange module window will not open.

20. After the successful completion of the registration procedure, it is necessary to connect the PDA of sales representatives to the information base. The procedure for connecting a PDA to the infobase is described in the AkiTorg User Guide for UT 103 (section Handbook "PDA").

1C: Trade Management 11.3 offers a modern interface with flexible settings and a large number of tools for trade organizations. Compared to earlier versions, many things are implemented here that previously had to be added independently. So, for example, in UT 11.3 it is possible to work with discounts and bonuses (including cumulative ones), solutions for monitoring and managing inventory balances, purchases, and many other functions have been thought out. The program provides everything to solve most of the tasks of the enterprise through built-in components. Consider how to start working with 1C of this version, if you already have a ready-made base, or you decide to create a new one. The principle of operation for the stationary version and the rented 1C online is the same.

After installing the program or gaining access to the database on a remote desktop, you need to launch it (double-click on the 1C shortcut). A dialog box opens asking you to add an infobase:

To add a database, you must agree, after which the program will offer to create a new database or upload existing data:

A new database will be created when you select the first item, if you already have a database copied to your hard drive or cloud storage, then the second item is selected. When you select it, a window opens in which you need to specify the name of the database and the path to the data files:

After entering the information, click the "Next" button, the program will prompt you to configure the launch options, here you can agree with the default settings. After confirming the settings, the created base will appear in the list of bases available for work. It can be launched by double-clicking or using the 1C:Enterprise button:

In the future, you can add new databases and edit already created ones using the corresponding buttons. At startup, you will be asked to enter a username and password. If no password is set, the program will prompt you to create a new password.

The 1C:UT 11.3 interface grouping logic differs from version 10.3. Elements are distributed according to their inclusion in certain business processes. It's pretty easy to understand:

The "Main" tab contains the basic elements that are used most often:

The remaining tabs contain items that are specific to a particular process. Most important points highlighted in bold.

To improve the convenience of working with the program, you can create your own list of frequently used items. This is done by adding an item to the "Favorites" section.

You need to click on the star next to the name of the item, after which the item will appear in the list, and you won’t have to waste time switching the toolbar:

Working with goods and services begins with the creation of items in the stock list directory. The reference book is located on the "Reference and Administration" tab:

When you select an item, a list of nomenclature opens, if the base is new, then the list is empty. You need to add elements here. Items of the nomenclature are conveniently entered into nomenclature groups, so the necessary groups are created first. There can be as many as you like, the program allows you to distribute them hierarchically, one group can include several subgroups. Adding a new group is done by pressing the "Create group" button. In the form that opens, enter the name and indicate which group the newly created group belongs to:

The creation of the group is confirmed by the "Save and close" button, after which the element appears in the list:

All necessary groups are added in the same way. After creating them, you can start adding items to these groups. A group is selected to which this nomenclature should belong. A new product/service is added with the "Create" button. A form opens in which you need to enter data about the item of the nomenclature:

To get started, fill in the fields:

    Type of nomenclature - indicates what type the item belongs to: product or service, the value is selected from the list;

    Working name - the name of the element that will be displayed in the database, as it is more convenient to search for it during work (internal name);

    Name for printing - how the element will be called in official documents;

    The article is a unique alphanumeric factory designation of the element.

This data is enough to create an element, in the future you can correct and expand the information for each stock item. Clicking on the "Save and close" button will add the nomenclature to the directory. The remaining elements are filled in the same way.

It is important to understand that the creation of an element in the directory does not affect the state of stock balances. In order for an item to be in stock, it must be posted.

Structured, orderly maintenance of the stock list directory is an important task that needs to be solved at the stage of initial setup of 1C:Enterprise. This article will discuss setting up such an important parameter in 1C: Trade Management as a characteristic of the item. This parameter describes the additional properties of the product, and on which the program will conduct quantitative accounting. This is the main difference from "Properties". For example, if you sell shoes, then the shoe size is configured through the characteristics. Then you will know exactly how many pairs of what size are left in stock. It is better to think over the entire scheme for accounting for the nomenclature at the initial stage of implementation.

First of all, the parameter "Nomenclature characteristic" must be enabled. First check if this setting is set for the entire program. You need to do this in the accounting parameter settings: "Service" - "Accounting settings" - "Accounting settings settings". If the characteristic is not planned to be used, then the checkbox must be unchecked. Now, open some position from the directory. Find a place to set the corresponding checkbox "Keep records for additional. characteristics." If you put it, then the “Characteristics” tab will be added to the table below. We will work with her.

For example, we will set up the characteristics for glasses. They are known to all bespectacled people: Diopters (D) and the size between the pupils - (RC).

Click "Add" and enter initially our characteristics, as shown in the figure.

After that, we can open the “Plan of types of characteristics” object, which is called “Properties of objects”, on the “Reference book “Nomenclature characteristics”” tab on the right, the previously entered characteristics will open.

Double click on the first line to open the property element. On the "Property Assignments" tab, add an item group with which the program will associate values. If this is not done, the characteristics will be shown for all groups.

Let's go to the "Property Values" tab and add all the missing values. We will do the same with the second characteristic. The preparation of the characteristics on this is done. Now filling out the receipt document, you can choose desired characteristics. The program will remember and calculate the quantity of exactly the goods that need to be taken into account.

I hope you succeeded. If not, I'd be happy to help!