Railway magazine. Railway engineering

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Scientific digital library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian informational portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 14 million scientific articles and publications. Available on eLIBRARY.RU platform electronic versions over 2,200 Russian scientific and technical journals, including over 1,100 open access journals.

State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia (SPNTB)

Founded in 1958. The library is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia has the status of a research institution, is the central body of the NTI, the state depository of domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature, automated information center, coordinating center for acquisition methodology, MBA, book exchange among scientific and technical libraries of the country, the leading organization for the maintenance and development automated system Consolidated catalog of Russia and CIS countries on scientific and technical literature. The site has free access to electronic catalog scientific and technical literature with keyword search.

Center for Scientific and Technical Information and Libraries - a branch of JSC "Russian Railways" (TsNTIB)

Founded in 1963.

Main tasks: providing information-analytical, reference-bibliographic and library services for employees of Russian Railways; coverage of the activities of JSC Russian Railways, ways to solve topical scientific, technical, economic, industrial and social problems industry, summarizing the best domestic and foreign experience of railway transport, the results of scientific research and development, the creation and dissemination of information products.

TsNTIB conducts publishing and printing activities, publishes the magazines Railway Transport, Railways of the World, Lokomotiv, Wagons and Carriage Facilities, Automation, Communications, Informatics, Way and Track Facilities.

Railway magazines

Vestnik VNIIZhT

Published since 1942. Original title "Technique" railways"(until 1956). Since 2011, a magazine in English has also been published - "VNIIZhT Bulletin".

Scientific and technical journal of JSC "Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport" (VNIIZhT). The magazine is published 6 times a year. Included in the list of VAK. Online version available full versions articles, abstracts and information materials.


It has been published since 1957 (until 1994 it was called Electric and Diesel Traction).

Monthly mass production magazine. Founder: Russian Railways. It is intended for technical training of personnel of mass professions of railway workers - in the locomotive sector, the power supply sector and at locomotive repair plants: drivers, their assistants, locksmiths, electricians, electricians, foremen, foremen, engineering and technical workers. It does not have a permanent address on the Internet.

Railways of the world

It has been published since 1961 (until 1971 the magazine was called the Monthly Bulletin of the International Association of Railway Congresses). Monthly scientific and technical journal. Founder: Russian Railways. Full versions of articles, abstracts and informational materials are available in the Internet version.

Railway transport

Published since 1826. Monthly scientific and theoretical technical and economic journal. Founder: Russian Railways. Included in the list of VAK. In the Internet version, full versions of the most important articles, abstracts and information materials are available.

Transport of the Russian Federation

Published since 2005 Founders: Petersburg State University means of communication, LLC T-Press, Russian Academy transport.

Journal of science, economics, practice. Included in the list of VAK. The journal is published 6 times a year, supplements "Science and Transport" are published regularly. In the online version, short versions of articles, annotations, information materials, and a blog are available.

Railway engineering

Published since 2008. Publisher: ANO Institute for Natural Monopoly Problems (IPEM) with the support of Non-profit partnership"Association of manufacturers of railway equipment".

The journal is included in the list of VAK, is issued 4 times a year. The English version of the journal is published regularly. In the online version, full versions of articles, annotations, and information materials are available.

World of Transport

The magazine has been published quarterly since 2003. Founder - Moscow State University of Communications (MIIT).

The journal is included in the list of VAK. The materials of the journal reflect the development of transport industries, theoretical developments, fundamental and applied research in the field of transport, innovation processes, information and production technologies in Russia and abroad in the field of transport. Some issues of the journal are available in the online version.

Bulletin of VELNII

Produced since 1961. Publisher: VELNII, Novocherkassk. The results of the scientific activity of the institute and scientists of other organizations working on solving problems related to the creation of electric rolling stock are published; description of new design developments; experience in the operation of electric locomotives and their components and solutions aimed at improving schemes and designs; improvement performance characteristics. Included in the list of VAK. The site contains abstracts of articles.


Published since 2007. Publisher: Industry Publishing Group.

Monthly information and analytical magazine for professionals in the Russian transport industry. The publications of the magazine reflect the trends and projects that influence the development of the transport and logistics business in Russia and neighboring countries. The sphere of interest of the publication extends to all types of transport involved in freight transport, while the emphasis in the editorial policy is on rail and water transportation. Abstracts of articles and informational materials are available in the Internet version.

railway business

Published since 1991. Founders: Central Museum of Railway Transport, Historical and Cultural Museum Center "Retro-Express", A. Myasnikov, L. Moskalev. Monthly magazine for railway enthusiasts and railway modellers. Associate member of the European Federation of Railway Museums and Museum Railways (FEDECRAIL).


Published since 1993. The activities of the almanac are carried out in the field of popularization and preservation of the history of railway transport, providing information to support the activities of historians, collectors, modelers and manufacturers of scale models-copies, which are an important component of this movement; assistance in the conduct and development of amateur retro-railway tourism; restoration of monuments of the history of technology, establishment and development of partnerships with similar organizations and the media.

Metromost - transport magazine

Published since 2011

Electronic periodical about public transport in Moscow, regions of Russia and abroad. It is published once a month on the 1st day at 22:00 Moscow time, the news is published within a month as it becomes available.

Railway magazine "Depo"

RZD partner

Monthly business magazine of the Russian Railways, online version in Russian and English contains abstracts of articles, news and comments. Application "RZD-Partner Documents", quarterly applications "RZD-Partner Port", "RZD-Partner Machines. Equipment. Materials", "RZD-Partner Container" and regional applications.


Publisher: Rolling Stock Publishing House, Kharkov, Ukraine. International information scientific and technical journal. Journal publishes science articles and, in addition, is an official publication registered by the Higher attestation commission Ukraine (VAK). The Internet version in Russian and Ukrainian contains abstracts of articles, news and comments.

electric train

Magazine for passengers of commuter trains of the Central (Journal "Electric train Center") and North-West (Journal "Electric train North-West") suburban passenger companies. Distributed for free. The magazine was created to provide communication between passengers and suburban passenger companies of JSC Russian Railways, as well as to strengthen their positive image. There is no electronic online version of the journal.

Railway newspapers


Daily newspaper. Founder: Russian Railways.

Eurasia lead

Founder: Publishing Center " Innovative technologies". The newspaper is published with the information support of the Ministry of Transport, Russian Railways, the Eurasian Economic Community, International Coordinating Council for Trans-Siberian transportation.

Oktyabrskaya highway

Daily newspaper of the October railway.


Weekly newspaper for passengers of the Oktyabrskaya railway.

Transport engineer

Newspaper of the Moscow University of Communications.

Railway worker of Belarus

Newspaper of the Belarusian railway.


All-Ukrainian transport newspaper.

Railway broadcasting

Corporate television of Russian Railways

24/7 TV channel. Broadcasting is carried out via the ABS-1 satellite, on the Internet and cable networks. The information policy of the channel is carried out by the Press Service of Russian Railways.

AT modern world printed publications are also popular, as before, railway transport is only developing, therefore magazines, newspapers, books, in which railway workers, as well as its passengers, can receive various information, remain an integral part of it.

The "journal of communications" is being replaced by new printed publications, such as the magazine "high-speed lines", "railroads of the world" and others. "High-Speed ​​Lines" - a full-color industry information and analytical magazine for railway workers. The founder of the magazine is NPO Magistral LLC. The circulation of the magazine is 5000 copies.

The journal is published every two months and is sent free of charge to managers, chief engineers of the operational services of railways, electrification services, installation organizations, electric installation trains in all regions of Russia, and also applies to thematic exhibitions. The mailing list of the journal is regularly updated and supplemented.

The publication publishes interviews with leading industry experts, articles on current topics, market news, scientists' opinions, industry news, legislative projects, reviews of industry meetings and conferences, etc.

Another magazine about railway transport, which is published monthly, is called "Railroads of the World", founded in 1961, is the Russian edition of the magazine of the International Union of Railways, which is published in Brussels (Belgium) in English, German and French. Russian edition adapted to the needs of Russian readers, therefore it differs significantly from foreign publications.

The magazine "Railways of the World" publishes articles on modern technologies and technical means in all areas of rail transport, urban rail transport and non-traditional guided transport systems such as maglev systems. To do this, the magazine cooperates with foreign railways and leading foreign and domestic manufacturers of railway equipment.

Most of the articles are devoted foreign experience, but at the same time, articles by Russian authors devoted to advanced domestic developments for railways are regularly published. Considerable attention is paid, in particular, to the following topics:

Reforms in railway transport (experience of European countries, USA, Latin America and etc.);

· transport policy - a strategy for the development of railways;

high-speed movement

modern rolling stock and power supply;

information and computer systems;

· microprocessor control systems for train traffic using radio communication and satellite navigation;

· modern systems communications on the railways;

· new track designs, technologies for current maintenance and repair of the track and artificial structures.

The journal publishes a large block of materials on current events on the world's railways, deliveries new technology, exhibitions and work of the railway industry.

Based on the examples given printed publications about railways, it can be noted that over time, the interests of people change, therefore, slightly different topics are covered in modern magazines, more detailed information, this is due to the rapid development of railway transport in comparison with the last century and the development of civilization as a whole.

railway newspaper magazine

Tasks and challenges of rolling stock management digitalization

Digital transformation is today in the focus of close attention of the management of Russian Railways. The Digital Railway project is one of the promising areas for the digitalization of the Russian economy. Its essence is to make railway transport services of the highest quality and safest. This means the most comfortable access to the railway infrastructure through new digital platforms for both passengers and shippers. Somewhere these services have already been introduced, somewhere they are just starting to operate. (Available in pdf version)

New carriages for the passenger of the future

JSC “Every year the competition for a passenger between modes of transport is getting sharper and sharper. This encourages carriers to be in good shape, adapt to the client, improve the quality of service, increase comfort. Vehicle. Russia's main long-distance rail carrier, JSC Federal Passenger Company (FPC), aims to be the leader in passenger mobility in the country by 2030. A key role in achieving it will be played by passenger cars, created by the company's long-term partner, JSC Transmashholding (TMH).(Available in pdf version)

10 years of operation of Sapsan electric trains: history and results

This year marks 10 years since the launch of passenger traffic between Moscow and St. Petersburg on the Sapsan electric trains. Since 2009, trains developed by Siemens and adapted with the active participation of Russian engineers have carried more than 37.8 million passengers in Russia, and Russian Railways expects further growth in demand. (Available in pdf version)

V.A. Gapanovich, V.O. Pevzner, V.V. Kochergin, I.N. Maksimov

On the need to update the standards for assessing the geometry of the rail gauge

The main standards for assessing the geometry of the rail track were formed in the first half of the twentieth century and partially corrected in the 80-90s. At the same time, even at the end of the period, the speed of the bulk of passenger trains did not exceed 100-120 km / h, the weight of trains with steam locomotive traction was 1.5-2 thousand tons, and the main type of cars until 1957 were two-axle. Modern operating conditions require expanding the range of lengths of measured irregularities: from centimeter to 70-80 m, as well as differentiation of standards depending on operating conditions. (Available in printed version)

S.A. Belov, D.D. Beloglazova

Prospects for updating track equipment

The Long-Term Development Program of Russian Railways until 2025, approved this year, is being gradually supplemented by documents defining specific steps to achieve its results. One of these is a plan for updating track equipment, which should, among other things, ensure a high-quality modernization of the fleet of operating machines, aimed at increasing the productivity and efficiency of track work. In these conditions Russian market continues to be of considerable interest to foreign manufacturers, but the prospects for demand provide opportunities for the development of the domestic technological base in the field of track equipment. (Available in printed version)

M.R. Nigmatulin

Russian industry: results of the third quarter of 2019

The key trend that determines the situation in Russian industry according to the results of the third quarter of 2019, - a slowdown in production growth while stabilizing the fall in demand. This indicates a search for a balance of supply and demand in the economy. The main growth driver industrial production the extractive sector of the economy traditionally acts, but due to a number of external factors the dynamics of production in the fuel and energy sector slowed down significantly. (Available in printed version)

D.V. Ilatovsky

Assessment of current and prospective opportunities to meet the requirements of TR CU for industrial locomotives

Locomotive fleet industrial enterprises plays an important role in the implementation economic potential Russia and the stability of the national railway system: it is he who provides the primary loading and unloading on the railway. Analysis consulting company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), commissioned by SUEK JSC, showed that the current conditions for the application of the requirements of TR TS 001/2011 "On the safety of railway rolling stock" do not take into account both the role and condition of the industrial park, and the availability of production and repair facilities in the Russian railway engineering. This clearly shows the need to exclude locomotives that are not on the public track from the TR CU, since the preservation of the existing version of the technical regulation carries significant risks for the economy. (Available in printed version)

Railway engineering statistics - Q3 2019

The main indicators of railway transport, macroeconomic indicators, price indices in industry, as well as average prices for the purchase of energy resources and refined products are presented. In railway engineering - production volumes of locomotives, wagons and urban rail transport, broken down by manufacturers.(Available in printed version)

I.L. Seleznev, A.V. Shafrygin, A.E. Chekmarev, V.A. Khokhryakov, I.V. Vanin

The concept of a two-axle shunting hybrid locomotive

A new hybrid locomotive with a wide range of digital solutions is being prepared for the entry into the rail transport market. This is an Industry 4.0 generation machine, which differs from its counterparts in the presence of a modular design, an intelligent power plant control system, computer vision, and predictive analytics functions. The concept developed jointly by Ctrl2GO and JSC Transmashholding is intended for shunting and housekeeping operations at enterprises various industries, and due to its high environmental friendliness, it can be used indoors for several hours, depending on the load. (Available in printed version)

V.V. Milyutin, A.S. Nikolaev

UPU-4 complex: development features

Currently large companies are actively developing small-scale and unmanned projects, the main goal of which is to increase efficiency and productivity through the use of modern technologies with a guaranteed level of safety. Of course, this is facilitated by the program for the digitalization of the economy approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the long-term development program of Russian Railways until 2025. As part of these backbone initiatives, railway engineering suppliers also offer solutions that are based on a significant implementation of digital technologies. One of these is the next modification of the unified control panel (UCP), presented to the industry in 2019. (Available in printed version)

S.V. Solovyov

Technical solutions in the new line of UVZ low-floor trams

Trends in the urban barrier-free environment have a significant impact on the development of tram design. Implementation of relevant modern requirements low-floor models of this technique began in Russia in 2014, mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the same time, the demand potential for new trams in other cities remains extremely high. JSC "Uraltransmash" (part of JSC "NPK" UVZ ") has been developing the relevant developments since 2013, and in recent years has introduced a line of new models - single-section 71-415 and three-section 71-418. (Available in printed version)

S.V. Akulinin

Crushed stone cleaning machine SHOM-2000: technology features

Currently to technical condition railroad tracks are subject to higher requirements, namely to its stability. This provides for the implementation of a large and high-quality scope of work on the maintenance of the superstructure of the track, especially the ballast prism. In order to meet the existing and future needs for the repair of the railway track, the Tulazheldormash JSC plant (part of the PTK Group) has developed a universal complex for high-speed cleaning of ballast and reconstruction of the ballast prism with the creation of a protective under-ballast layer - self-propelled crushed stone cleaning machine SHOM-2000.(Available in printed version)

A.M. Peshkov, N.A. Bityutsky, M.N. Suvernev

Optimization of the operational fleet of tank cars

In recent years, the production of oil and oil products continues to be at a fairly high level. At the same time, in 2016-2018, the volume of loading of these goods was significantly reduced in the railway transport of the Russian Federation due to the development of infrastructure main pipelines. The redistribution of freight flows has led to a surplus of oil and petrol tank cars in a number of companies. At the same time, there is a need for specialized wagons for the transportation of chemical cargoes on the Russian railway. This circumstance is due to their constantly growing range, transported by rail, and a ban on the operation from January 1, 2016 of most models of tank cars with service life extension. To maintain the balance of freight turnover and reduce the idle time of wagons transport companies work is underway to optimize the composition of the fleet in operation.(Available in printed version)