Technological process and technological operation. Classification of technological operation What technological operations

The technological operation includes the following works.

1. Studying the design and technological documentation related to this operation.

2. Checking the accompanying documentation for the production facility with a description of the previous operations and the state of the production facility by the time it arrived at the workplace, as well as checking the documentation for auxiliary materials and technological equipment.

3. Preparation of technological equipment for the operation.

4. Initial setting of operation modes.

5. Preparation of the surfaces of the production object for the operation.

6. Installation (basing and fixing) of the production object in technological equipment.

7. Performing an operation on a production object under the modes specified in the technological documentation.

8. Release of the production object from fixing.

9. Removal of the production object from the production tooling.

10. Installing a new production object from the batch into the production tooling and repeating the work on it described in paragraphs. 6-9.

11. Removal of production waste (continuously or periodically) in the process of performing work according to paragraphs. 7-10.

12. Bringing the technological equipment to its original state after completion of work on the production batch of production facilities.

The execution of a technological operation begins after the production batch of production objects in the amount of N p pieces is submitted to the workplace. Processing of production objects at the workplace can be carried out in groups of N about pieces.

Works corresponding to paragraphs. 1-5 and paragraph 12 of the description of the technological operation (see above), are carried out at a time when a batch of production objects arrives at the workplace. Works on paragraphs. 6-9 are performed on each production object. Of the listed works, only the works described in paragraph 7 are directly related to the impact on the production facility. The rest of the work either precedes the direct impact on the production object, or completes it.

In the process of performing the operation, in order to restore the level of accuracy of the parameters of production facilities, as well as to remove production waste from the workplace, periodically produce readjustment(additional adjustment) of technological equipment.

An operation may involve one or more performers. different professions and qualifications. Performers can be assigned to the workplace or involved from special services of the enterprise to perform necessary work commissioning, preventive maintenance and repair technological equipment, eliminating its sudden failures, setting up operation modes, cleaning and repairing the production area, etc.

The structure of the technological operation- the main element of the technological process - can be represented by its constituent elements: installations, positions, technological and auxiliary transitions, working and auxiliary moves (Fig. 9.5).

In technological practice, the concepts of "installation" and "position" are used.

setup- this is a part of the technological operation, performed with the same basing and fixing of the workpieces to be processed or the assembled assembly unit.

Position- this is a fixed position occupied by an invariably fixed workpiece or an assembled assembly unit together with a fixture relative to a tool or a fixed part of the equipment.

Rice. 9.5. Elements that make up the technological operation and their subordination

Technological transition called the completed part of the technological operation, performed by the same means of technological equipment under constant technological conditions and one installation.

With regard to the conditions of machining, the definition of the transition can be refined by the following formulation: a technological transition is a completed part of a technological operation performed on one or more surfaces of the workpiece, with one or more simultaneously working tools without changing or with automatic change in the operating modes of the machine.

It follows from the above definition that one transition is not only a part of the operation related to the processing of one simple surface or shaped surface with a simple or shaped tool, but also the simultaneous processing of several surfaces with a set of cutting tools (a set of cutters, multi-cutting processing), as well as the processing of curved surfaces a simple tool moving along a contour or a given program (milling cams, working profile of a turbine blade, etc.).

In the turning operation, the sketch of which is shown in Fig. 9.6, a, two technological transitions are performed. Such transitions are called simple or elementary. An elementary transition is a part of a technological transition performed by one tool, over one section of the surface of the workpiece being machined, in one working move without changing the mode of operation of the machine.

The concept of an elementary transition is convenient when designing a technological operation and calculating the main processing time of workpieces on CNC machines, when changes in the operating modes of the machine are made within the technological transition. So, for example, when processing shaped contours on CNC machines, in many cases, within the transition, the machining allowance or cutting conditions change (the work of the cutter “to raise the contour” and “to reduce the contour”), which makes it advisable to introduce a different feed value into the program by corresponding sections of the processed contour.

The length of the surface sections processed with a constant feed and the corresponding main processing time determine the value of the elementary transition. The set of transitions, when several tools are involved in the work at the same time, is called difficult transition(Fig. 9.6, b).

Rice. 9.6. Sketch of turning operation:

a– simple transitions; b- difficult transition

By analogy with a technological operation, technological transitions can also be divided into transformative and informational ones.

The transforming technological transitions of an operation are, for example, processing outer surface through cutter, face turning with scoring cutter, inner surface machining boring cutter, drill, countersink, etc. Examples of information technological transitions are technical measurements and tests of all kinds.

Auxiliary transition call the completed part of the technological operation, during which the properties of the production object do not change and which consists of human actions and (or) equipment manipulations necessary to perform technological transitions.

Some of the auxiliary transitions are directly related to the technological transitions being performed, for example:

preparation of technological equipment for technological transitions;

preparation of the production object for processing with the help of technological equipment;

Adjustment of transition execution modes.

Auxiliary transitions may not be associated with technological transitions, for example:

bringing the means of technological equipment to their original state after processing the operating batch N p of production objects;

installation of the production object in technological equipment, its removal, laying in a special container;

· movement and storage of production facilities at the workplace;

preventive and repair work to maintain the operability of technological equipment;

collection and transportation of production waste.

Transitions in operations can be performed both sequentially and in parallel (simultaneously) - see fig. 9.3 and 9.4.

The technological transition consists from working and auxiliary moves. The completed part of the technological transition associated with a change in the shape, dimensions, surface quality and properties of the production object in the process of a single movement of the tool relative to the surface to be machined is defined as working stroke(pass). Auxiliary move- this is the completed part of the technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the surface being machined without changing the properties of this surface.

The number of working moves performed in one technological transition is selected based on ensuring optimal processing conditions, for example, reducing the depth of cut when removing significant layers of material (Fig. 9.7).

Working and auxiliary moves can be combined into tricks are stable sequences of moves with optimal properties.

Fig.9.7. Technological transition execution scheme:

BUT Z - the size of the workpiece; BUT O - the size of the treated surface; 1 3 - numbers of working moves

Working and auxiliary moves can be combined into techniques - stable sequences of working and auxiliary moves with optimal properties.

The combination of working and auxiliary passages into transitions is conditional and can be carried out according to different principles.

The most obvious is the principle of association one installation(set) - one tool, one technological mode.

The principle of combining working and auxiliary strokes with an unchanged installation (installation) of the production object according to the constancy of the tool and technological modes installed on the regulators of technological equipment (for example, during turning) implies the following.

First, at a given spindle speed, the speed of the relative movement of the working surface of the tool can vary over a wide range. Working moves (passes) of turning a cylindrical surface, performed at the same number of revolutions, feed and depth of cut have different speed movement of the tool relative to the workpiece (as the diameter of the workpiece decreases during multi-pass machining).

Secondly, under the same modes, it is possible to form several surfaces of a part (workpiece). For example, when turning, the formation of a stepped shaft with conical surfaces and cylindrical surfaces of different diameters. When milling wells with "islands", the bottom and walls of the well and "islands" are also formed.

The first reliably known technological processes were developed in ancient Sumer - on a clay tablet in cuneiform, the procedure for making beer was described in operations. Since then, the ways of describing technologies for the production of food, tools, household utensils, weapons and jewelry - everything that mankind has made, have become much more complicated and improved. A modern technological process can consist of tens, hundreds and even thousands of individual operations, it can be multivariate and branch depending on various conditions. The choice of this or that technology is not an easy choice of certain machines, tools and equipment. It is also necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of technical conditions, planned and financial indicators.

Definition and characterization

GOST gives a scientifically rigorous, but too dry and scientifically formulated definition of the technological process. If we talk about the concept of a technological process in a more understandable language, then a technological process is a set of operations arranged in a certain order. It is aimed at the transformation of raw materials and blanks into final products. To do this, they perform certain actions, usually performed by mechanisms. Technological process does not exist on its own, but is an essential part of a more general one, which in the general case also includes the processes of contracting, procurement and logistics, sales, financial management, administration and quality control.

Technologists occupy a very important position in the enterprise. They are a kind of intermediary between designers who create the idea of ​​a product and produce its drawings, and production, which will have to translate these ideas and drawings into metal, wood, plastic and other materials. When developing a technical process, technologists work in close contact not only with designers and production, but also with logistics, procurement, finance and quality control. It is the technical process that is the point at which the requirements of all these departments converge and there is a balance between them.

The description of the technological process should be contained in documents such as:

  • A route map is a high-level description that lists the routes for moving a part or workpiece from one workplace to another or between workshops.
  • Operational map - a description of the middle level, more detailed, it lists all operational transitions, installation-removal operations, tools used.
  • Technological map - the document of the lowest level, contains the most detailed description of the processing of materials, blanks, units and assemblies, the parameters of these processes, working drawings and the equipment used.

A technological map, even for a seemingly simple product, can be a rather thick volume.

To compare and measure technological processes of mass production, the following characteristics are used:

  • The cycle of a technological operation is the duration (measured in seconds, hours, days, months) of an operation that repeats with a certain frequency. It is counted from the moment the operation starts to the moment it ends. The duration of the cycle does not depend on the number of workpieces or parts processed at the same time.
  • The release cycle of a product is the period of time after which this product is produced. It is calculated as the ratio of the time for which a certain number of products is produced to this quantity. So, if 4 products were released in 20 minutes, then the release cycle will be equal to 20/4 = 5 minutes / piece.
  • Release rhythm - the reciprocal of tact, is defined as the number of products produced per unit of time (second, hour, month, etc.).

In discrete manufacturing, such characteristics of technological processes do not find application due to the low repeatability of products and the long terms of their release.

The production program is a list of names and account numbers of manufactured products, and for each position, volumes and terms of release are given.

The production program of the enterprise consists of the production programs of its shops and sections. It contains:

  • List of manufactured articles with details of types, sizes, quantities.
  • Release schedules linked to each key date of a certain volume of manufactured products.
  • The number of spare parts for each item as part of the product life cycle support process.
  • Detailed design and technological documentation, 3D models, drawings, detailing and specifications.
  • Specifications for production and quality management methods, including programs and methods of testing and measurement.

The production program is a section of the general business plan of the enterprise for each planning period.

Types of technical processes

The classification of technical processes is carried out according to several parameters.

According to the criterion of repetition frequency in the manufacture of products, technological processes are divided into:

  • a single technological process is created for the production of a part or product that is unique in terms of design and technological parameters;
  • a typical technical process is created for a certain number of products of the same type, similar in their design and technological characteristics. A single technical process, in turn, may consist of a set of standard technical processes. The more standard technical processes are used at the enterprise, the lower the cost of pre-production and the higher the economic efficiency of the enterprise;
  • a group technical process is prepared for parts that are structurally different, but technologically similar.

According to the criterion of novelty and innovation, there are such types of technological processes as:

  • Typical. The main technological processes use traditional, proven designs, technologies and operations for processing materials, tools and equipment.
  • Promising. Such processes use the most advanced technologies, materials, tools, typical for industry leaders.

According to the criterion of the degree of detail, the following types of technological processes are distinguished:

  • The route technical process is executed in the form of a route map containing top-level information: a list of operations, their sequence, a class or group of equipment used, technological equipment and a general time limit.
  • The step-by-step process contains a detailed sequence of processing up to the level of transitions, modes and their parameters. It is executed in the form of an operating card.

The step-by-step process was developed during the Second World War in the United States in the face of a shortage of skilled labor. Detailed and detailed descriptions of each stage of the technological process made it possible to involve people who did not have production experience and fulfill large military orders on time. In peacetime and availability, well trained and experienced enough production staff the use of this type of technological process leads to unproductive costs. Sometimes a situation arises in which technologists diligently publish thick volumes of operating charts, the technical documentation service replicates them in the prescribed number of copies, and the production does not open these Talmuds. In the workshop, workers and foremen have accumulated sufficient experience over many years of work and acquired high enough qualifications to independently perform a sequence of operations and select equipment operating modes. It makes sense for such enterprises to think about abandoning operating cards and replacing them with route cards.

There are other classifications of types of technological processes.

Stages of TP

In the course of design and technological preparation of production, such stages of writing a technological process are distinguished as:

  • Collection, processing and study of initial data.
  • Definition of the main technological solutions.
  • Preparation of a feasibility study (or feasibility study).
  • Process documentation.

It is difficult from the first time to find technological solutions that provide both planned terms, and the required quality, and the planned cost of the product. Therefore, the technology development process is a multivariate and iterative process.

If the results of economic calculations are unsatisfactory, then the technologists repeat the main stages of the development of the technological process until they reach the parameters required by the plan.

The essence of the technological process

A process is a change in the state of an object under the influence of internal or external conditions in relation to the object.

External factors will be mechanical, chemical, temperature, radiation influences, internal - the ability of a material, part, product to resist these influences and retain its original shape and phase state.

During the development of the technical process, the technologist selects those external factors, under the influence of which the material of the workpiece or raw material will change its shape, dimensions or properties in such a way as to satisfy:

  • technical specifications for the final product;
  • planned indicators for the timing and volume of production of products;

For a long time, the basic principles for constructing technological processes have been developed.

The principle of consolidation of operations

In this case, a larger number of transitions is collected within one operation. From a practical point of view, such a campaign improves the accuracy of the relative position of the axes and machined surfaces. This effect is achieved by performing all the transitions combined in the operation in one stop to the machine or multi-axis machining center.

The approach also simplifies internal logistics and reduces intra-shop costs by reducing the number of installations and adjustments of equipment operation modes.

This is especially important for large and complex parts, the installation of which takes a lot of time.

The principle is applied when working on turret and multi-cutting lathes, multi-axis machining centers.

The principle of division of operations

The operation is divided into a number of simple transitions, the adjustment of the operating modes of the processing equipment is performed once, for the first part of the series, then the remaining parts are processed in the same modes.

This approach is effective for large batch sizes and a relatively simple spatial configuration of products.

The principle has a significant effect of reducing the relative labor intensity due to improved organization of workplaces, improving the skills of workers in monotonous movements for placing and removing workpieces, manipulating tools and equipment.

At the same time, the absolute number of installations grows, but the time for setting up equipment modes is reduced, due to which a positive result is achieved.

To get this positive effect, the technologist will have to take care of the use of specialized equipment and devices that allow you to quickly and, most importantly, accurately install and remove the workpiece. The batch size must also be significant.

Wood and metal processing

In practice, the same part, of the same size and weight, from the same material can be made by different, sometimes very different methods.

At the stage of design and technological preparation of production, designers and technologists jointly work out several options for describing the technological process, manufacturing and processing sequence of the product. These options are compared to key indicators how well they satisfy:

  • specifications for the final product;
  • requirements of the production plan, terms and volumes of shipment;
  • financial and economic indicators included in the business plan of the enterprise.

At the next stage, these options are compared, and the optimal one is selected from them. The type of production has a great influence on the choice of option.

In the case of a one-off, or discrete production, the probability of repeating the production of the same part is small. In this case, the option is chosen with minimal costs for the development and creation of special equipment, tools and fixtures, with the maximum use of universal machines and customizable equipment. However, exceptional requirements for dimensional accuracy or operating conditions, such as radiation or highly corrosive environments, may force the use of both specially made tooling and unique tools.

With serial production, the production process is divided into the production of repeated batches of products. The technological process is optimized taking into account the existing equipment, machine tools and machining centers at the enterprise. At the same time, the equipment is supplied with specially designed equipment and devices that allow reducing unproductive time losses at least by a few seconds. On the scale of the entire party, these seconds will add up and give a sufficient economic effect. Machine tools and machining centers are subjected to specialization, certain groups of operations are assigned to the machine.

In mass production, the batch sizes are very high, and the manufactured parts do not undergo design changes for a sufficiently long period of time. Equipment specialization goes even further. In this case, it is technologically and economically justified to assign the same operation to each machine for the entire production period of the series, as well as the manufacture of special equipment and the use of a separate cutting tool and measuring and control instruments.

The equipment in this case is physically moved in the workshop, placing it in the order of operations in the technological process.

Means of execution of technological processes

The technological process first exists in the heads of technologists, then it is fixed on paper, and in modern enterprises - in a database of programs that provide the product life cycle management (PLM) process. The transition to automated means of storing, writing, replicating and checking the relevance of technological processes is not a matter of time, it is a matter of the survival of an enterprise in the competition. At the same time, enterprises have to overcome the strong resistance of highly qualified technologists of the construction school, who have been accustomed for many years to write technical processes by hand, and then give them for reprinting.

Modern software tools allow you to automatically check the tools, materials and equipment mentioned in the process for applicability and relevance, reuse previously written process in whole or in part. They increase the productivity of the technologist and significantly reduce the risk of human error when writing the technical process.

In order for the technological process to turn from ideas and calculations into reality, physical means of its implementation are necessary.

Technological equipment is designed for installation, fixing, orientation in space and supply to the processing zone of raw materials, blanks, parts, assemblies and assemblies.

Depending on the industry, this includes machine tools, machining centers, reactors, melting furnaces, forging presses, installations and entire complexes.

The equipment has a long service life and can change its functions depending on the use of a particular technological equipment.

Technological equipment includes tools, casting molds, dies, devices for installing and removing parts, to facilitate access for workers to the area of ​​operations. Equipment complements the main equipment, expanding its functionality. It has a shorter shelf life and is sometimes specially made for a specific batch of products or even for one unique product. When developing technology, it is necessary to use universal tooling applicable for several standard sizes of the product. This is especially important in discrete industries, where the cost of tooling is not distributed over the entire series, but falls entirely on the cost of one product.

The tool is designed to provide a direct physical impact on the workpiece material in order to bring its shape, dimensions, physical, chemical and other parameters to those specified in the technical conditions.

When choosing a tool, a technologist must take into account not only the price of its purchase, but also the resource and versatility. It often happens that a more expensive tool allows you to produce several times more products without replacing it than a cheap analogue. In addition, a modern universal and high-speed tool will also reduce the machining time, which also directly leads to a reduction in cost. Every year, technologists acquire more and more economic knowledge and skills, and writing a technical process from a purely technological matter turns into a serious tool for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise.

Definition of the technological process.

concept technological process

Basic requirements for technological process

Types of technological process.

Process Requirements

Types of technological processes.

- The structure of the technological process.

Typification of technological processes.

General rules of the technological process

Typification of technological processes.

The pattern of development of the technological process.

Automation of the natural development of social production

Definition of the technological process.

- this is a set of physical-chemical or physical-mechanical transformations of substances, a change in the values ​​of the parameters of bodies and material media, purposefully carried out on technological equipment or in an apparatus (a system of interconnected apparatuses, a unit, a machine, etc.). T. items are divided into explosive, fire hazardous, increased fire hazard.

Technological process - a sequence of technological operations necessary to perform a certain type of work. The technological process consists of work operations, which in turn are made up of work movements (methods).

Technological process, abbr. technical process - a sequence of technological operations necessary to perform a certain type works. The technological process consists of technological (working) operations, which, in turn, are made up of working movements (techniques). Depending on the application in the production process To solve the same problem with different techniques and equipment, there are types of technical processes.

Concept of technological process

- the totality of all actions of people and tools of production necessary at a given enterprise for the manufacture or repair of manufactured trade items. subject of trade refers to any item or set of items of production to be manufactured on enterprise. Detail - a product made of a material that is homogeneous in name and brand, without the use of assembly operations. Production is classified into three categories:

Typestechnological process.

Production types - the classification category of production, allocated on the basis of the breadth of the nomenclature, regularity, stability and volume of monetary emission of trade items. The type of production is the most important characteristic, which determines the amount of preparation for production for emissions valuable papers trade item. There are three types of production: mass, serial, single.

A type of production is called mass production, or, more simply, production characterized by a large volume emissions items of trade continuously manufactured or repaired for a long time, during which most workplaces perform one work operation. In mass production, the most productive, expensive equipment /automatic machines, semi-automatic machines/ is selected for each operation, equipped with complex, high-performance devices and fixtures, as a result of which, with a large amount of monetary emission of trade items, the lowest initial cost of production is achieved.

Serial is called production, characterized by the manufacture of repeating political batches of trade items. Dimensions political parties/number of workpieces simultaneously fed to the workplace/ can be large and small. They determine the serial production.

Distinguish between large-scale production, medium-scale and small-scale production. The bigger political party, the less often the change to workplaces, the closer the production approaches the mass type of production and the cheaper the manufactured products can be. In instrumentation, large-scale production is considered to be production with a volume of issue of securities of at least 5 thousand pieces per year.

Medium-scale production in the range of 1-5 thousand pieces per year. Small-scale - up to I thousand pieces per year. These figures are highly arbitrary. More precisely, the serialization category is set for one or another production / plant, workshop, site /, using the coefficient of consolidation of operations - Kzo - according to GOST 3.1108-74. Kzo is the ratio of the number of all various technological operations performed or to be performed during the month to the number work places: Kzo = O/R.

With Kzo = I - mass production, with Kzo = 1 - 10 - large-scale production, with Kzo = 10 - 20 - medium-scale production, with Kzo = 20 - 40 - small-scale production.

Kzo - characterizes the frequency of change of technological operations on average per shift, the average time to complete one operation, productivity work. It is used to calculate: the number of workers, the growth of labor efficiency, labor intensity, production structure, the duration of the transition period, the employment of staff, calendar and planning standards. Single production is called production, characterized by a small volume of emission of identical items of trade, re-production of items of trade, which, as a rule, is not provided. There is no cyclical production inherent in mass production. The lack of manufacturing repeatability leads to the search for the most simplified ways of manufacturing products. Most often, experimental, repair shops, etc. work this way. The workers here are usually highly qualified. Equipment and equipment - universal.

The cost of production is high. It can be seen from the above that the type of production largely affects the technological processes for manufacturing parts and assembling trade items. With different serial production, different workpieces are selected for the manufacture of the same part, different equipment and tooling are used, the structure of the technological process changes. At the same time, the nature of the production process also changes. The type of production is a classification category of production, distinguished on the basis of the method used to manufacture the subject of trade and the availability of technological preparation for production. For example: foundry, welding, machining, assembly and adjustment, etc.

Production parts - this concept includes the main and auxiliary production. The main production is the production of marketable products, which manufactures a product for delivery, i.e. production of blanks, finished parts and their assembly. Ancillary production is the production of funds necessary to ensure the functioning of the main production. The latter include: the manufacture and repair of technological equipment, the production or supply of compressed air, thermal and electrical energy, etc. Technological process - a part of the production process, containing purposeful actions to change and / or / determine the state of the object of labor. A change in state is understood as a change in shape, size, physical properties, etc. The objects of labor include blanks and objects of trade.

Requirements for the technological process.

Basic requirements for the technological process:

A technological process is developed for the manufacture or repair of a trade item or the improvement of an existing technological process in accordance with the achievements of science and technology.

The technological process is being developed for trade items, the design of which has been tested for manufacturability.

The technological process must be progressive and provide an increase labor efficiency and quality of trade items, reduction of labor and material costs for its implementation.

The technological process is developed on the basis of the existing standard or group technological process, and in their absence, on the basis of the use of previously adopted progressive solutions contained in the existing single technological processes for the manufacture of similar items of trade.

The technological process must comply with the requirements of safety, industrial sanitation and environmental protection.

Types of technological processes.

A single technological process is developed for the manufacture or repair of a trade item of the same name, regardless of the type of production. A typical technological process is being developed for the manufacture of a group of trade items with common design and technological features. A group technological process is being developed for the manufacture of a group of trade items with different design features, but common technological features. The typification of technological processes as a direction was first scientifically substantiated by Professor LPI A.P. Sokolovsky. When classifying parts, A.P. Sokolovsky suggested dividing them into classes, subclasses and types. A type is a representative of a complex of parts / the so-called standard sizes, which differ from each other only in dimensional characteristics /, for which it is possible to develop a general technological process, called a typical one. The method of working on standard technological processes has become widespread mainly in large-scale production. The method of work on group technological processes / the method of group processing / is scientifically substantiated by the professor of the Department of Instrument Engineering Technology of ITMO S.P. Mitrofanov. The use of group technological processes makes it possible to achieve the same productivity in small-scale production as in mass production.

Technological documentation is a set of technological documents necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the technological process / operation /. According to the degree of detail of the description of technological processes, it can be:

“1 A route description is an abbreviated description of all technological operations in a route map in the sequence of their execution without specifying transitions and technological modes.

“2 Operational description is a complete description of all technological operations in the sequence of execution, indicating transitions and technological modes.

“3 Route-operational description is an abbreviated description of technological operations in the route map in the sequence of their execution with a full description of individual operations in other technological documents. The degree of detail of the description depends on the complexity of the work performed, the type of production and specific production conditions.

Process structure.

Technological processes for the manufacture of trade items, parts and blanks during their development and working conditions can be divided into the following structural components:

Technological operation - a complete part of the technological process, performed at one workplace. The time norm is determined for the operation and the operation is thus the unit for planning the volume of work and jobs in the shop.

Installation - a part of the technological operation, performed with the unchanged fixing of the workpieces being processed or the assembled assembly unit.

Technological transition - a completed part of the technological operation, performed by the same means of technological equipment under constant technological conditions and installation.

Auxiliary transition - a completed part of a technological operation, consisting of human actions and / or / equipment, which are not accompanied by a change in the properties of objects of labor, but are necessary to perform a technological transition /example - setting a workpiece, changing a tool, etc./. Auxiliary transitions are not written to the workflow. When several tools simultaneously process several surfaces, the transition is called combined. Often there are operations consisting of only one technological transition.

working stroke - the completed part of the technological transition, consisting of a single movement of the tool relative to the workpiece and is accompanied by a change in the shape, dimensions, surface quality and properties of the workpiece.

Position - a fixed position occupied by an invariably fixed workpiece or an assembled assembly unit together with a fixture relative to a tool or a fixed part of the equipment.

Reception - a complete set of human actions when performing a certain part of an operation, used when performing a transition or part of it, and united by one purpose. For example - turn on the machine, switch feeds, etc. The receive is part of an auxiliary transition.

General rules of the technological process.

Until recently, the development of mechanical engineering technology at individual stages was characterized by deep individualization of both the structural forms of machine parts and their manufacturing methods, which made it necessary to solve a number of very complex technological problems in the production process.

Until the beginning of the XIX century. the production of a significant number of machine-building plants was of an individual and small-scale nature. Only at individual, mainly military, factories did serial, and in a number of cases, mass production in the joint sense take place. The technical and organizational feature of a plant of this type, which distinguishes them from small-scale plants, and even more so individual production, consisted and consists in a sharp distinction in time between the preparation of production and production processes. In factories of individual and small-scale production, on the contrary, these processes are either not clearly separated in time, or even coincide, i.e. preparation is carried out in the production process.

The essence of a technical company for the production of factories of large-scale production and mass production should be based on such a system of transferring all the design and technological parameters inherent in the verified design of the standard machine, which ensures, at a given scale of production, the repeatability and identity of these parameters in all machines of the manufactured series. This principle of technical firms production is characteristic and decisive for enterprises with large-scale production, and the degree (completeness) of its observance distinguishes enterprises of this type from individual and small-scale production based on private technological solutions.

The desire to communicate private technological solutions received its initial expression in the emergence of the idea of ​​typification of technological processes.

The main direction of the typification of technological processes was based on the classification of the designs of machine parts, different in structural shapes and sizes, and pursued the task of eliminating the individuality of technological developments for each case of mechanical processing of workpieces.

This direction was aimed at significantly simplifying the system of technical companies individual and small-scale production and, ultimately, to a certain extent, should have created additional favorable prerequisites for the use of large-scale production methods. However, the search for generalized solutions in the development of technological processes for the manufacture of parts of various designs and their classification led to quite convenient practical solutions, in particular, because classes, groups and subgroups in the qualification system were often created not only by unifying design and technological features, but by terminological ones. As a result of such a transition, one or another class of parts often turned out to consist of technologically disparate machine parts. This can also be explained by the fact that the technological prerequisites for the design of machine parts were not previously and insufficiently worked out, necessitating changes in the structural forms of parts in relation to the solemn sequence of basic technological operations.

It is quite natural that, based on the qualification of existing designs of machine parts, which in a number of cases developed back in those days when no requirements were imposed on parts other than compliance with the intended purpose, it was difficult to satisfactorily solve the problem of typification of technological processes. A peculiar "heredity" of the previously existing individualized methods of design and manufacture found its expression in the constructive forms of machine parts, which excluded the possibility of their classification according to the main coinciding technological principles. Because of this, it is absolutely necessary to establish new additional links between the manufacturability of parts as a set of technological prerequisites for their design and the typification of technological processes. This could only be done on the basis of a preliminary comparison and analysis of various designs of machine parts. Such an analysis should ultimately provide the necessary and sufficient technological similarity of all compared blanks of parts by giving these parts additional design features or eliminating existing ones, of course, without changing the functions performed by the parts in the machine.

The technical prerequisites for designing blanks for machine parts in relation to the generalization of particular solutions - the typification of technological processes - should be based on the creation of the same dominant features in different blanks by transferring them from one blank to another. Because of this, the generalization of particular technological solutions can be carried out only on the basis of the continuity of design and technological features.

This gives rise to the idea of ​​the technological design of blanks for parts of the same or different purpose, the structural shapes and dimensions of which are limited by certain limits of geometric similarity and such a combination of basic surfaces that make it possible to process them with the same sequence of basic operations with the same accuracy and purity.

The development of a technological series should be based either on an appropriate approach to the design of all parts that form this series, or on a preliminary selection from among the already existing parts of one or more that have the largest possible number of basic design features that can be transferred to others that are different from them, designs of machine parts without violating the features of the device and the quality of work of these parts in the assembled machine.

All technological processes designed for such parts can be used for processing all other parts in common with them, i.e. can be typed. Hence it is clear that the typification of technological processes is one of the main factors that ensure the further development of engineering technology.

Typification of technological processes.

Typification of technological processes can be carried out in three directions:

Typification of technological processes in relation to existing designs of machine parts;

Typification of technological processes in relation to the modified designs of machine parts;

Typification of technological processes in relation to specially designed designs of machine parts.

It is clear, therefore, that manufacturability as a set of technological prerequisites for the design of machine parts should be considered not in relation to the economy and convenience of processing only one individual part, as is usually the case, but from the point of view of continuity, i.e. creation of a number of common design and technological features in various designs of blanks or machine parts in order to include them in the same series.

A constructive justification for the typification of technological processes of machine parts as one of the most important factors of technological continuity should predetermine the introduction of normalized parts and fixture assemblies, normalized and flexible adjustments. This will significantly change the organizational and technical profile of small-scale production plants and contribute to the establishment of new economic boundaries for the applicability of large-scale production methods in the conditions of individual and small-scale money emission. .

If the transition from particular constructive solutions to generalized ones finds its expression in the construction of constructive series based on constructive continuity, then the construction of technological series, in turn, causes the transition from particular technological solutions to generalized ones, which find their practical expression in technological continuity. From this it follows that the typification of technological processes should be associated with the qualification of machine parts according to successive - constructive and technological features. Only the presence of successive features determines the specific content of the typification of technological processes. This point of view is based on the fundamental essence of the idea of ​​typification, which should be considered as one of the most important factors of technological continuity.

The technological process is the basis of any production process, is the most important part of it, associated with the processing of raw materials and its transformation into finished products. The technological process includes a number of stages ("stage" - in Greek "step").

The final speed of the process depends on the speed of each stage. In turn, the stages are divided into operations. An operation is a completed part of the technological process, performed at one workplace and characterized by the constancy of the object of labor, tools of labor and the nature of the impact on the object of labor. Almost any specific technological process can be considered as part of a more complex process and a set of less complex technological processes. Accordingly, a technological operation can serve as an elementary technological process. Elementary technological process This is the simplest process, further simplification of which leads to the loss of the characteristic features of the technological process. Therefore, the most illustrative structure of the technological process can be represented by the example of a simple operation that has one working move and a complex of auxiliary moves and transitions that ensure its flow. The development of technological processes, as well as their most important technical and economic indicators and the construction of technical systems, takes place in accordance with certain patterns that will be considered in this work, despite the scarcity of the information field caused by the insufficient degree of knowledge of this issue.

Within the framework of a simple technological process, there is an unambiguous relationship between the heuristic development of this process and the growth of its level of technology. On the one hand, progressive changes or replacement of the working course of the technological process cause an increase in the level of technology, on the other hand, an increase in the level of technology is possible only with the development of the technological process along the heuristic path. If the system of technological processes consists of several simple processes, then such dependence will no longer take place due to the fact that the increase in the level of technology of systems occurs not only as a result of changes in workflows, but also as a result of changes in the proportions of technological processes that make up the system. Therefore, in order to determine the boundary between the heuristic and rationalistic paths of development and to identify the features of evolutionary and revolutionary development, the proportions of the components of the system are optimized and economic analysis is carried out.

The potential level of the system is denoted by Y. An increase in the value of Y is considered a sign of the heuristic development of technological process systems and shows not only the growth of a real production system, but also opening opportunities for growth. labor efficiency and optimization of the structure of the components of the system with the help of: investments aimed at their rational development.

A necessary and sufficient condition for the heuristic development of a technological system is an increase in the level of technology of at least one of the components of the technological processes that make up the system.

The growth of the level of technology of the system of technological processes as a result of increasing the level of technology of its components is a complex process. The potential level of the system changes in proportion to the increase in the level of technology of the technological process and its specific gravity in general production. The increase in the real level of the technology of the system also depends on the degree of rationalistic development of its components and tends to slow down when the heuristic development is not sufficiently supported by the rationalistic development of the components. The most effective will be to increase the level of technology in technological processes, which, firstly, are characterized by the largest share in the total system performance and, secondly, are well developed rationalistically, but have a relatively low level of technology. Systems of technological processes are heterogeneous in their perception of evolutionary and revolutionary development paths. Therefore, it is possible, based on the identified regularities, to determine the conditions for the development of the system components.

In the case when we mean minor rationalization of the technological process at the level of individual enterprises, we can limit ourselves to maximizing the efficiency of direct expenses. When it comes to global restructuring in the technology of production of any product (or group of products), the issues of proportional and optimal development of all components of the technology system acquire the greatest importance.

The heuristic development of a technological system (complex, industry, sub-sector) can be carried out through an appropriately organized rationalistic development of its elements. However, the level of technology, due to the growth of technological equipment, can grow no more than to the weighted average level of technology of the elements of the technological system. It is obvious that the very possibility of increasing the level of technology of the system due to technological equipment arises only as a result of the growth of the levels of technology of the elements of the system.

Technical and economic indicators of technological processes

The level of technology of any production has a decisive influence on its economic performance, so the choice of the optimal variant of the technological process should be based on the most important indicators of its efficiency; performance, original cost and quality of manufactured products. Productivity is an indicator that characterizes the amount of products manufactured per unit of time.

Initial cost- a set of material and labor costs enterprises in monetary terms, necessary for the manufacture and sale of products. This initial cost is called the total cost. enterprises directly related to the production of products are called factory costs. The ratio between various types costs that make up the initial cost, is the structure of the initial cost.

All necessary for the manufacture of products are divided into four main groups:

1) expenses associated with the acquisition of raw materials, semi-finished products, auxiliary materials, fuel, water, electricity;

2) wage costs for the entire number of employees;

3) expenses related to depreciation.

4) other cash costs (shop and general factory expenses for the maintenance and repair of buildings, equipment, safety equipment, payment for rent of premises, payment interest to the bank, etc.)

When compiling the calculation of the initial cost of a unit of production, consumption rates for raw materials, materials, fuel and energy are used in physical units, and then recalculated in monetary terms. The ratio of costs for various price items without extra charge depends on the type of technological process. For example, in metallurgy in the production of metals, the main costs are energy costs (for example, in the production of aluminum, these costs account for 50% of the initial cost). In most chemical processes, especially in the production of organic synthesis products, polymers, etc., the most important initial cost item is the cost of (about 70%)

share wages in the initial cost of production, the lower the degree of mechanization and automation of labor, its productivity.

It is approximately 3 - 4% of the price without extra charge and depends on cost equipment, its performance, company operation of the enterprise (lack of downtime). There are basic costs (for basic materials, process fuel, energy, purchased semi-finished products, salary the main workers) and the costs associated with the maintenance of the production process and management. Analysis of the initial cost structure is necessary to identify production reserves, intensify technological processes. The main ways to reduce the initial cost while maintaining high product quality are: economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy; the use of high-performance equipment; raising the level of technology.

In accordance with the methodology for assessing the quality of industrial products, seven groups of quality indicators have been established. Purpose indicators that characterize the beneficial effect of the use of products for their intended purpose and determine the scope of its application;

1 Reliability indicators - non-failure operation, storability, maintainability, durability (resource, service life);

2 Manufacturability indicators characterize the effectiveness of design and technological solutions that ensure high labor efficiency in the manufacture and repair of products (assembly coefficient, material consumption coefficient, specific labor intensity indicators);

3 Indicators of standardization and unification show the degree of use of standardized trade items and the level of unification of the constituent parts of trade items;

4 Ergonomic indicators take into account a complex of hygienic, anthropological, physiological, psychological properties of a person, manifested in production and household processes;

5 Aesthetic indicators characterize such product properties as originality, expressiveness, compliance with style, environment, etc.;

6 Patent and legal indicators that characterize the degree of patentability of the subject of trade in the country and abroad, as well as its patent purity;

7Economic indicators reflecting the costs of developing, manufacturing and operating trade items, as well as economic efficiency operation. Economic indicators play a special role: they are used to evaluate the quality, reliability, and maintainability of products.

Structure of technical systems

Social production is characterized by a set of technologies used by industries. Industry, in turn, can be viewed as a set of homogeneous technologies with different intensities of their application. Similar to industries form closely related blocks (complexes) in the national economy, technologies are combined into more or less large systems. Such systems are connected from the inside by flows of means of production, which for some technologies are products (waste) of production, while for others they serve as resources.

A system is a collection formed from a finite set of elements, between which there are certain relations. An element can simultaneously be a system of smaller elements. The system can be divided into subsystems of varying complexity.

Classification of technological systems: four hierarchical levels of technological systems: technological process, production unit, industry sector; three levels of automation: mechanized systems, automated and automatic; three levels of specialization: a special technological system, i.e. a system designed for the manufacture or repair of a trade item of the same name and standard size; specialized, i.e. intended for the manufacture or repair of a group of trade items; a universal system that ensures the manufacture of trade items with various design and technological features.

As technological relations develop and change, the organizational structure of their management system also changes. For example, the original workshop is modified into a manufactory with sequential technological processes. With the further development of production, the role of the original workshop is already played by sections (parallel connection) with homogeneous equipment. From this we can draw the following conclusions:

Organizational management structures are a reflection of the structures of technological systems;

Technological connections are primary in relation to organizational ones;

Technological processes and their systems are built according to their own laws, and production management is designed to ensure their functioning and development.

Therefore, knowing the objective patterns of development of technological systems, it is possible to create an optimal system for managing them.

So, the listed levels of management (vertical connections) are formed on the basis of alternating serial and parallel connections of technological structures and reflect their dialectical unity and contradiction. As the managerial level is formed in accordance with one or another type of technological connections, connections of another type weaken and break off. The structure of the control system is formed by technological connections, the strongest at this level. The control system should change along with the change in technological relations, and the control itself should make the most full use of the internal laws of the scientific and technological development of technological systems. Underestimation of the relationship between technological and organizational structures entails significant disruptions in production activities.

The pattern of development of the technological process

Within the framework of a simple technological process, there is an unambiguous relationship between the heuristic development of this process and the growth of its level of technology. On the one hand, progressive changes or replacement of the working course of the technological process cause an increase in the level of technology, on the other hand, an increase in the level of technology is possible only with the development of the technological process along the heuristic path.

If the system of technological processes consists of several simple processes, then such dependence will no longer take place due to the fact that the increase in the level of technology of systems occurs not only as a result of changes in workflows, but also as a result of changes in the proportions of technological processes that make up the system. Therefore, in order to determine the boundary between the heuristic and rationalistic paths of development and to identify the features of evolutionary and revolutionary development, the proportions of the components of the system are optimized and economic analysis is carried out.

Any system of technological processes can be quantified by the maximum of its performance at constant levels of component technology. An increase in the level of technology that provides an increase in productivity is the result of any rationalization of the technological processes of the system. In this case, there is no qualitative change in the working course of the technological process, the technology levels of the components of the system are unchanged. Due to objective reasons of a technological nature or reasons related to limited financial, raw materials, labor resources, individual components of the system may not correspond to the degree of rationalistic development that ensures optimal system performance. Further development of the technological system by optimizing the proportions becomes possible only through the realization of the potential of this technological process, as a result of which the maximum (potential) level of technology in this system will be achieved under unchanged conditions of its components. This level of technology is the upper bound. Its achievement will mean that a subsequent increase in the level of technology of this system can be obtained only as a result of cardinal restructuring of its working steps, i.e. with heuristic development.

The potential level of the system is denoted by Y. An increase in the value of Y is considered a sign of the heuristic development of systems of technological processes and shows not only an increase in the real production system, but also opening up opportunities for increasing labor efficiency and optimizing the structure of the components of the system with the help of: investments aimed at their rationalistic development.

A necessary and sufficient condition for the heuristic development of a technological system is an increase in the level of technology of at least one of the components of the technological processes that make up the system. The growth of the level of technology of the system of technological processes as a result of increasing the level of technology of its components is a complex process. The potential level of the system changes in proportion to the increase in the level of technology of the technological process and its share in the total production. The increase in the real level of the technology of the system also depends on the degree of rationalistic development of its components and tends to slow down when the heuristic development is not sufficiently supported by the rationalistic development of the components. The most effective will be to increase the level of technology in technological processes, which, firstly, are characterized by the largest share in the total system performance and, secondly, will grow well developed in rationalistic terms, but have a relatively low level of technology. Systems of technological processes are heterogeneous in their perception of evolutionary and revolutionary development paths. Therefore, it is possible, based on the identified regularities, to determine the conditions for the development of the system components. In the case when we mean minor rationalization of the technological process at the level of individual enterprises, we can limit ourselves to maximizing the efficiency of direct costs. When it comes to global restructuring in the technology of production of any product (or group of products), the issues of proportional and optimal development of all components of the technology system acquire the greatest importance.

The heuristic development of a technological system (complex, industry, sub-sector) can be carried out at the expense of the rationalistic development of its elements in an appropriate way. However, the level of technology, due to the growth of technological equipment, can grow no more than to the weighted average level of technology of the elements of the technological system. It is obvious that the very possibility of increasing the level of technology of the system due to technological equipment arises only as a result of the growth of the levels of technology of the elements of the system.

In modern economic science, much attention is paid to the study technological change. Many works have been published on the study of various innovative processes, shifts in the sectoral structure of the economy, changes in certain economic proportions occurring under the influence of , etc. At the same time, despite the relatively good knowledge of many particular problems, individual phenomena and processes associated with scientific and technical progress, remains unexplored a number of deep relationships and dependencies that determine the structure technical and economic development, without understanding which individual developments of particular problems do not add up to a holistic view of scientific and technical progress. The lack of knowledge of the general patterns of scientific and technological progress is manifested, in particular, in the continuing gap between the macro- and micro-levels of economic analysis. On the one hand, in studies of individual innovation processes, the macroeconomic aspect is usually limited to an analysis of the impact of a particular innovation on macroeconomic indicators or to the study of general innovation activity in the economy (frequency of occurrence innovation and inventions, the speed of their practical development and distribution, and other average values).

On the other hand, the study of structural shifts focuses, as a rule, on the consideration of changes in sectoral and intersectoral proportions, in the relationship between the first and second divisions of social production, parts of the national income directed to consumption and accumulation, and other macroeconomic parameters. As for the relationship of certain structural shifts with the spread of the corresponding innovations, then at best such a relationship is only stated, and in many works it is not mentioned at all. Without a clear understanding of the mechanism for integrating individual innovations into integral areas of scientific and technological progress, structural shifts in the economy not only cannot be properly described, but also explained with the necessary completeness to manage technical and economic development.

Types of technological processes.

Closed technological process.

This is a process in which there is a constant change in the state of each element under the action of sequentially closed feedbacks. Live process

Open-loop process

This is a process in which the sequence of feedbacks is broken. Dead process

From the above schemes, the following definitions can be formulated:

- A closed-loop (live) technological process (technological system) is the process of each element, which contributes to the existence of the elements associated with it. Such a process operates in the mode of “replenishment” of the produced resources or their redistribution and can exist for quite a long time.

- A non-feedbacked (dead) technological process (technological system) is a process in which at least one element or a group of its elements act independently, without connection with other elements included in this process (system). Such a process (system) operates in the “self-depletion” mode and sequentially ceases to exist after the resource is exhausted by each element that was part of the technological process (technological system).

Feedback is characterized by:

The force of interaction of elements;

The amount of deformation of the elements;

The distance (duration) of the action.

Feedback is a regulator of the duration, that is, the range (speed) of the technological process.

Indeed, if the feedback "instantaneously" would transfer information between the elements of the technological process, then the reaction to action and reaction would be instantaneous.

In this case, the speed would tend to infinity, and according to the well-known formula:

F = mv2/2, the force of interaction of elements would also tend to infinity.

This would lead to the destruction of both the elements that make up the technological process, and to the impossibility of the existence of the technological process itself. For example, our hand, upon instantaneous execution of the “raise” command, would weigh no less than a “black hole”.

It should be stated that the given model of the technological process is inherent, at least, to the entire known world around.

Unlike man, the surrounding "inanimate" nature instead of the brain, pen, paper or electronic media, "records" all the necessary information on its physical properties and the properties of the environment. Interacting with each other, these properties-waves produce a "reasonable" processing of the "registered" information.

In the form of resulting properties-waves, the environment continues its "reasonable" existence, thereby confirming the Gaia hypothesis about the reasonableness of the world around us, that is, all living and non-living things.

Andprocess innovation

What is process innovation

To survive in a hostile competitive world, a firm must fulfill two requirements:

- adapt and change in accordance with consumer demand the products and services offered by it;

— adapt and change the way these products and services are produced.

These concepts are named respectively "product innovation" and "process innovation". process innovation is an upgrade in a company's ability to produce something.

There are many ways to speed up production, improve its quality, reduce without extra charge, expand, etc. This requires, for example, the replacement of equipment used to produce products or services, or a change in the firm or structure of the production process.

technological process innovations start with the collection information about the market, consumer demand, the capabilities of competitors, legal requirements in this area, etc. It is also necessary about new developments used in other enterprises, for example, about some new technology or about the application of new production methods of the company. Based on the processing and use of such information, the company's competence in the production of products or services increases.

Types of process innovations

Technological innovations include a wide range of activities - from small incremental changes to radical transformations that change the way a particular product or service is produced in a fundamental way. Radical changes occur, of course, quite rarely, due to the higher costs and risks associated with them. The management of the organization is obliged to deal not only with random major innovations, but with the entire portfolio of changes, covering their entire possible spectrum.

There are different types of process innovations:

— Substitutive innovations and radical changes. nature itself competition implies that companies are always striving to achieve some level of excellence, either by offering a service that no one else is able to offer, or by doing it better than others—faster, cheaper, higher quality, etc. Usually innovation process flows continuously, with variable speed and frequency. This, for example, should include the modification of equipment in order to increase productivity or increase its power. However, sometimes there is a radical change - an outdated way is replaced by a new and better one. An example of this is the transition from the manual assembly of automobiles to the mass production system pioneered by Henry Ford, or from the late 19th century Leblanc process of getting alkali by individual political parties to the continuous Solvay process.

— The struggle for competitive advantage, defined by the ability of an organization to do something different from others. Firms have to explore not only process innovations that contribute to the application of existing technological knowledge (competency-enhancing innovations), but also innovations that offer the possibility of a radical change in the rules of the game.

— Another important concept is the idea of ​​innovation in technological processes for the manufacture of individual elements or components of larger systems or the overall architecture of the process. For example, a robot, which is a completely new way of manipulating parts, can also serve as part of larger system changes the entire flexible production cell of the enterprise, which also includes machine tools, computer-controlled transport, automated control of mechanisms, etc., subject to a common production schedule. Innovative configuration changes at the system level are more important than at the component level, but involve more risk and higher investment. On the contrary, the introduction of banking equipment for automatic money counting improves the level of service, but does not have a decisive impact and is accompanied by little risk compared to a complete change in the banknote packaging system.

Why are process innovations needed?

product innovations are manifested in the form of market new products, but process innovation plays an equally important strategic role. The ability to do what no one else can, or do better than anyone else, is an obvious source of competitive advantage. Japanese dominance in a number of industries industry– production cars and motorcycles, shipbuilding, consumer electronics - due primarily to the superiority of Japanese production, as a result of consistently implemented innovations in technological processes. Likewise, the strength of the American service is indicative of its commitment to innovation; on the constant search for opportunities to improve the services provided.

The strategic importance of process innovation can also be considered at the level of an individual company. world-class organizations are based and focused on technological competence in a particular area; for example, the ZM organization on its coatings, NEC on the fields of application of computer technology and communication systems, Cannon on electronic optics, and IT and Sony on miniaturization. This approach is suitable not only for large firms. One source of strength for small niche companies is also their ability to focus on certain areas of technological expertise and yet stand out from others. Thus, the success of the Sheffield-based Richardson company was due to its concentration on knife technology and on the product itself. Similarly, J&J Cash, a small company based in Coventry, has secured a strong position in the narrow web sector through the systematic use of information technology in fabric production and design.

The same model is true in the service industry. The ability to offer faster, cheaper or better service has long been seen as a source of competitiveness. Thus, Citibank, the first to offer an advance type of service, has reached a steady position in market as a technology leader in this innovation process. the Benneton organization has become one of the most successful in the field of retail mainly thanks to a production network driven by sophisticated modern information technology that it has been developing over ten years. The Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm has achieved an enviable record in the intensity of patient care by adapting for its purposes the innovations of technological processes originally developed in industry.

Why Manage Process Innovation

Undoubtedly, a properly managed innovation process can significantly increase strategic competitive advantage. However, if it is carried out on a broad front or on a case-by-case basis, it may not fulfill its main task - maintaining the competitiveness of the organization. The introduction or use of improvements developed by others is not a guarantee of acquiring technological competence or achieving company goals. Competitiveness is achieved only through the use of innovations focused and aimed at achieving clearly defined strategic goals.

In England, 1,200 firms were surveyed that used expensive and complex innovations to improve their technology, in particular advanced production technologies(PPT), which in 1989 was spent 2 billion pounds, or about 20% of all investment in manufacturing. However, the results were disappointing: only 70% of the planned winnings were received. According to experts, the main reason for the failure was the lack of a strategic framework.

A number of firms that used robots as a tribute to fashion failed due to unprepared for this kind of activity - the lack of skilled workers, the inability to organize work in accordance with the new technology in order to take advantage of the opportunities that have opened up. Many organizations that have established flexible manufacturing systems have focused on their short-term use and have failed to adequately plan for their integration into future manufacturing systems. As a result, companies were left with expensive islands automated production, which has been unable to realize the potential benefits of integration with other systems.

As a reason for failure strategic planning called the inability to take a broad view of the technology, as well as to focus solely on the most important structural components. Thus, ATPs are radical in nature, for their successful implementation requires a certain adaptation and adjustment in organizational plan- qualifications of workers, systems of work performance, structure and coordination of relations in firms, etc. Thus, there is a need to carefully consider the problems associated with the structure and development of the company, in parallel with the development of the technology component. In many cases, it was this gap in strategic thinking that was blamed for failures in the use of AMT.

Among the reasons for failure or possible problems also called underestimation of the importance of fundamental technological changes, misunderstanding of their strategic essence— for example, the introduction of innovations without support and commitment from the top management of the organization or without appropriate preparatory organizational arrangements. So, Western companies showed great interest in such innovations as " general management quality", which involves a significant change in the corresponding philosophy and value system, accompanied by far-reaching changes in the structure and functioning of the organization. The observed failures of such programs (which are very high) are often associated with the fact that these innovations are considered as ordinary production activities, and not as an important strategic reorganization of the company's production activities.

Problems like these, while troublesome and costly for relatively large firms, can be a matter of life and death for smaller firms. If the wrong decision is made and without a clear strategic basis, such organizations run the risk of deadening the production resources previously allocated to other projects and endangering their future. Effective process innovations, which are much more than the purchase of new equipment, require the systematic assessment, study and development of technological skills and abilities with a view to using them to expand the business.

It must be recognized that the implementation of process innovations must fail from time to time, which allows you to gain experience and make new improvements. Testing new ideas requires experimentation, which is not always successful. An analogy is scrambled eggs: an extra broken egg becomes part of the whole. The main thing in the implementation of innovations is to make sure that the experiments are set up and carried out correctly, which allows you to minimize the risk of failure, and in case of failure, to learn the necessary lesson in order to avoid falling into the same trap again in the future.

There are certain guidelines and recommendations to increase the chances of success. These recommended success factors reflect a company's behavior patterns—for example, its understanding of customer needs, its effectiveness in finding technology opportunities, the quality of new project management, and so on.

Specific behaviors of an organization, called "routines" in relation to process innovations, have been studied for a long time. Appropriate activities evolve over time into formal structures and processes that serve as the cement, anchoring the specific methods used by a given company in its innovation activities. The development of coherent "routines" is one of the factors contributing to successful innovation management and increased competitiveness.

Routine actions that lead to success are developed by the organization through trial and error and reflect the specifics of the activity of this particular company. Simply copying these methods is useless. Each company must find its own way—in other words, develop its own "routines."

Studying successes and failures in the development and implementation of innovations can help identify areas for which the organization should develop these methods.

The efficiency of technological process innovations can be increased by studying the experience of others, which makes it possible to understand the nature and dynamics of the process and identify the stages of its implementation that require consistent routine actions. Then you need to buy own experience by trying out new approaches to specific routine activities. The so-called "most successful methods", proven in the experience of prosperous firms, contain routine activities that currently represent the cutting edge of knowledge and practical experience in relation to the ability to develop and implement innovations in technological processes.

What is process innovation management

In practice, the process of innovation (product or technology) consists of several stages. The first stage is the control signals coming from the external environment about the market, the behavior of competitors, new requirements. legislation and others. Based on them, the purpose of the innovation is determined: a list of what is necessary for the company to adapt to the influence of external forces, accept their challenge and develop new ways of faster, cheaper, etc. production of products or services. At the same time, they can also be signals about technological developments - about the emergence of new opportunities that are meaningful on the basis of scientific research, the behavior of competitors, the appearance of new equipment on the market, etc. By accepting these signals, the company has a chance to improve its business, and ignoring them - runs the risk of serious problems.

However, simply understanding the external environment is not enough, because the organization cannot respond to the full range of expected changes. She needs a focused strategy: why, when and where to direct precious resources to change the status quo. In this strategic stage information is required not only about the external environment, but also about the general directions of the organization's activities - about the goals of the corporate strategy and the specific plans of the company. It is also necessary to be clear about all strengths organizations (on which it relies) and weaknesses (which it must correct). The main concern of the company becomes the further development of a clearly defined and focused technological competence in the processes that it uses to manufacture its specific products.

The research stage involves finding ways to improve the selected technological processes and trying to fundamentally solve problems. The search must be broad: it is necessary to consider the possibilities of both gradual and radical innovations, changes organizational structure and replacement of equipment, exploring the capabilities of the organization itself and external sources. The result of this stage is the choice of a solution or a set of solutions.

The implementation phase is about managing change in multiple directions at the same time. In addition to the effect of the innovation itself, it is necessary that it be accepted and assimilated by the environment into which it is introduced. This is analogous to the absorption of a transplanted organ by the body. The more radical the change, the more important the change management process is. As experience shows, the participation of users (consumers) is necessary for the success of this stage, and the sooner they get involved in the work, the better. In fact, this stage occurs in parallel with the process of product innovation, requiring close attention to customer demand and involvement consumers into the development process throughout its entire length, in order to avoid a situation where a new product is thrown into the unprepared and unaware of it. Thus, the innovation process includes an important element of internal marketing.

The final stage is the stage of learning, consolidating the benefits of incremental innovation, and the experience of using the product. This stage is also the starting point for the next cycle of innovations.

The implementation of real innovations in technological processes does not always proceed so perfectly smoothly. In fact, it is accompanied by stops, new starts, dead ends, jumps and other deviations. However, the conditional division into the listed stages allows us to study the influence of various factors in more detail for each case and try to find ways to improve the management of the innovation process.

Successful Process Innovation Models

In recent years, there has been an increased interest in process innovations as sources and means of firm renewal. Instead of striving to maintain a stable position, companies are looking for ways to continuously improve production and adapt these changes to an increasingly uncertain external environment. The following are considered the key ways to improve the efficiency of managing innovations in technological processes:

— A clearly defined structure of the organization's strategy. Achieved improvements in random directions may be ineffective, regardless of the nature of the changes (gradual or radical). Mechanisms for linking changes to the overall direction of the business are critical to success. It is these mechanisms that ensure the long-term use of the planned changes.

— The need to analyze and revise the fundamentals of the technology used. To improve business efficiency, it is useful to use the path of incremental improvements, which, even with the introduction of radical innovations, does not change the underlying process, but only improves it. For example, replacing typewriters with computer terminals on every desktop only increases the speed of typing, although a fundamental rethinking of the flow of information in a firm can create a completely new, more efficient configuration that will cause a significant change in the overall strategy of the company's business. This requires a complete core technology organization and a detailed plan for the effective implementation of this reassessment. This approach to business reengineering is now attracting great interest and is a powerful source of competitive advantage.

- An approach based on a radical rethinking of the main technological processes, in fact, is the need to accept the prospect of introducing continuous changes and adapting them. This continuous improvement approach challenges the advantage of innovation approaches in that it engages many more people in the company in the continuous search for and solution of emerging problems. The mobilization for continuous improvement and implementation is a powerful, albeit difficult to sustain, source of process innovation.

— Recognition of the need for process innovation outside the organization. Many companies are looking to develop efficient systems and organizational networks, which require interaction between firms to succeed. In this situation, process innovation becomes a common problem that requires collaborative efforts, such as the creation of faster and more responsive systems throughout the supply chain.

— The need to create organizations engaged in the study of experience in the development and implementation of innovations in technological processes. It is shown that the effectiveness of innovations increases significantly with the active study and development of the company's capabilities. innovations are seen as a continuous experiment even when that experiment fails. A study of the experience of world-class firms has shown that the secret of their success to some extent lies in their model of continuous innovation and self-learning, i.e. in the development of the "perpetual motion machine of the enterprise".

Typification of technological processes

The typification of technological processes is one of the ways to increase the level of technology, reduce the volume and reduce timing production preparation.

In the absence of typing, the manufacture of each part or the assembly of any assembly is a new task. technological processes for piece and non-repeating political batch of parts are developed using universal methods, with extensive use of markings in the absence, as a rule, of any special equipment. Naturally, this leads to significant time costs both for the manufacture of each individual part and for the development of the technological process.

However, the ideas of typification of technological processes put forward by prof. Sokolovsky, allow finding and extending general technological solutions to certain sets of parts. The essence of the typification of technological processes is that, on the basis of a preliminary study and analysis of particular features inherent in the processing of individual parts, a generalization of the best achievements of practical experience is made, and these generalizations are given the character of technological patterns, which are then distributed to the corresponding classification groups.

Thus, the implementation of typification implies the need for a classification of technological processes, which is usually based on the design and technological features of the workpieces.

When considering the design of any machine, it is quite easy to see that all parts can be divided into the following three groups.

1. Parts common to all or many machines: flanges, keys, bushings, nuts, bolts and other parts of this kind are usually normalized.

2. Parts that differ from each other in design parameters and dimensions, but have a common technological task: shafts, gears, etc. Parts of this type can be called parts general purpose.

3. Special parts that are unique to this type of equipment: hot shear beds, mill drums, charging cones, etc.

The systematization of structural elements and technological processes creates source materials for compiling a classification. This work should cover the widest possible range of parts encountered in the production of various machines. In accordance with the accepted classification scheme, all parts are divided into types, classes, groups and types. View is understood as a set of details that are similar in shape and size ratio. The classifier provides for several sets, for example five: B - shafts, axles; D - disks, flanges, gears, pulleys, washers; C - cylinders, bushings, rings; K - body parts, plates, brackets, levers and R - various parts.

Parts of each type are divided into classes, which are a set of parts that are similar in their configuration, purpose and processing methods. For example, in the form D there are classes of covers, gears, pulleys, blocks; in the form C - classes of cylinder liners, bearing bushings, etc. Each class is indicated by a letter indicating which type it belongs to, and two digits from 01 to 99 in the order of registration of the class.

Classes are divided into groups of parts that are even closer in structural form and have the same processing sequence. For example, within a class there are groups of deaf, through covers, etc. The group in the classifier is indicated by two digits from 01 to 99 in the order of its registration.

The group, in turn, is divided into types of parts that differ only in individual structural elements and have the same technological processing. For example, within a group of through caps, there may be the following types: caps with a smooth opening, caps with sealing grooves, etc. The type number is indicated by two digits from 01 to 99. For example, a flat through cap with three grooves would be designated D-01, 03 , 09, where D is the “disc” type, 01 is the “cover” class, 03 is the “through cover” group, 09 is the “flat with sealing grooves” type.

Based on the classification of general-purpose parts, technological instructions are created, indicating the purpose of operations, technological bases, performance dimensions, inter-operational allowances, machines, fixtures, etc.

Simultaneously with the preparation of technological instructions, "blind" technological maps are being developed. "Blind" maps for general-purpose parts do not contain a working sketch of the part, so processing is carried out according to the drawing of the part with the numbers of machined surfaces printed on it. In the cards, technologists fill out only the title part and enter into the text instructions on the specific dimensions of the parts to be machined. The practice of using such maps at factories shows that the time spent by employees of technological bureaus on preparing documentation is reduced by 3-5 times compared to conventional technology development. For example, at Uralmashzavod, “blind” maps have been developed for the following groups of parts: gear rims, cold and hot rolling rolls, shafts, couplings, roller table racks, etc. A total of 34 groups are covered, including 260 types of parts. For simple parts, instead of "blind" cards, the technology is recorded in the appropriate form of a stamp affixed to the back of the part drawing.

So far, we have considered the typification of technological processes as applied to details. But at the same time, typification can be carried out along the line of developing guidelines for individual operations, since in the details relating to different classes, operations are often found that are identical in their tasks. For example, the operation of cutting teeth belongs to the class of gears and the class of shafts. In both cases, the slicing methods are very similar. Keyway slotting refers to all kinds of parts: flywheels, blocks, gears, levers and others, although in all cases the nature of the operations remains the same.

In a single mechanical engineering, the development of standard technological processes for individual operations, as well as for entire parts, cannot be brought to specific details. It takes the form of technological instructions that establish: the classification of methods for installing fasteners and aligning parts; the tool used in processing and methods for its installation and alignment; purpose of machines; the procedure for performing control, etc.

The classification of methods for installing and fastening parts determines the procedure for applying one method or another, depending on the design of parts, their size and processing accuracy. This allows you to improve the quality of processing and reduce the range of equipment used.

At large heavy engineering plants, part of the range of machines is fixed in the securities issue program for several years, reaching an annual series of 10-15 pieces. Among these, there are machines of different sizes, but with the same kinematic scheme, the same for machines of all sizes. Therefore, some parts and components of such machines have similar, and sometimes unified designs, differing from each other only in their size. This circumstance contributes to the creation of standard technological processes for such machines.

It should be noted that the development of a typical technology for machines cannot be considered an independent direction of typification, since the end result of the work is the creation of technological processes for parts.

The development of work on the typification of technological processes already at the present time allows a number of plants to cover standard technology up to 74-75% of all items.

Thus, constructive normalization and typification of technological processes, group launch create repeatability of parts on machine tools and open up wide opportunities for using mass production methods in heavy engineering technology.

Design of technological processes

For a systematic analysis of technological processes in mechanical engineering, it is necessary to establish: the nomenclature of elements; composition of elements of each type; set of properties of these elements.

processes, including technological ones, are a class of technical systems, the distinguishing feature of which is a significant dependence on time. We can propose the following hierarchical classification of elements of technological processes: processing plan, processing stage, operation, transition, move. The processing plan consists of stages, stages of operations, operations of transitions, which are formed from working and auxiliary moves. Before starting the formation of the plan, it is necessary to select the type of workpiece and its properties, of which the most important for the design of TP are the quality of dimensional accuracy, allowances and laps.

The processing stage is a sequence of operations belonging to the same technological method and providing the same quality of processing. The full set of stages that make up the treatment plan depends on the specific conditions, however, the following basic set can be distinguished: thermal 1 (improvement, aging); database processing; draft; semi-finishing; thermal 2 (hardening or improvement); finishing; thermal 3 (nitriding or aging); finishing; coatings; finishing (obtaining roughness up to Ra = 0.02).

The type of operations and transitions is defined in the corresponding classifiers, and the composition of the main properties - in the ESTD standards.

TP design at the levels of formation of a sequence of stages, operations and transitions consists of two phases: structural and parametric synthesis. Structural synthesis should establish the sequence of elements at the appropriate level. The task of parametric synthesis is to form the properties of the elements included in the technological process. The main operations of parametric synthesis are the choice of technological equipment (machines, fixtures, tools) and normalization, including the calculation of processing modes.

The source of information and the degree of structural synthesis knowledge invariance are determined by the hierarchical level of the problem being solved: designing a part manufacturing route (a set of stages and operations) or designing an operating technology (a set of CTE processing transitions). In the first case, knowledge significantly depends on the organizational and technical structure of the enterprise and its traditions. This knowledge is individual for each enterprise. In the second case, knowledge is drawn from reference books, manuals and normative materials. Knowledge of this level is relatively invariant and can be used in various enterprises with minimal changes.

Automation is a natural process of development of social production

Automation of production at the enterprise is an independent complex problem. The fear-inspiring world is pushing for its solution, which, like a boa constrictor, is squeezing enterprises, forcing them to take appropriate measures. Automation creates opportunities for improving conditions and raising labor efficiency, increasing product quality, reducing the need for labor and systematically increasing profits, which makes it possible to change the development trend, maintain old and conquer new markets, and thus escape from the clutches of the boa constrictor.

Without a doubt, automation is not a new direction, in the broadest sense of the word, the emergence of automation dates back to the time of the industrial revolution. Then the machines greatly increased the efficiency of workers. The development of automation is characterized by a number of major achievements. One of the first was the introduction of interchangeability in production, the next - Henry Ford's assembly lines. Industrial robots and personal computers have revolutionized industrial automation.

Of course, automation is not the only way emerge victorious in the competition. Great opportunities lie in the stimulating role of wages. Another weapon in this struggle is the participation of workers in the management of production and the improvement of product quality. It is appropriate to recall here the Japanese "quality circles" that have spread throughout the world and now affect not only quality issues, but also the reduction cost products, safety measures and other areas. However, automation is the dominant means in achieving success in the context of the globalization of international economic relations.

There are unfavorable aspects and pitfalls that stand in the way of automation, which must be taken into account. Those embarking on automation should, first of all, understand that it is impossible to deal with automation problems without preliminary preparation of objects of trade, technology and the whole enterprise. Careful study of the design of the trade item, assessment of the stability of the technology and the reliability of the equipment fleet available in the production allows you to get the most benefit from the use of industrial robots in the production. Pre-design, analysis, and improvement of the trade item and process can be so effective that it ultimately eliminates the need for robots or other automated equipment.

Automation levels

The level and methods of automation depend on the composition of workplaces, their equipment with technical means and the serial production. Conventionally, all jobs can be divided into three groups.

The first group includes jobs where manual work is performed, and workers employed with machines and mechanisms perform only the functions of servicing machines and mechanisms. This group unites workers who do not conduct technological processes, but are constantly engaged only in loading and unloading machines and mechanisms with objects of labor.

This includes the professions of battery workers, riggers, other professions of workers doing work by hand more than 50% of the time, as well as workers doing work with the simplest tools, adjusters, fitters and repairmen.

The second group includes workplaces where work is performed mechanized with the help of machines, machine tools and mechanisms. Workers performing work in a mechanized way include those working with the help of machines and mechanisms, apparatus and mechanized tools powered by steam, electric, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc. drives, as well as monitoring the operation of machines and mechanisms.

In this case, workers perform work on the equipment (including hardware processes with manual control of the processing cycle) using actuators. With the direct participation (including control of the executive mechanism) of the worker, all transitions (operations) on the impact on the object of labor are carried out. In addition, this includes operations to move the actuator to the object of labor or vice versa, moving the object of labor to the mechanism with the application of physical effort (for example, manual approach of the actuator to the workpiece, processing with manual feed, etc.); control of the actuator of the equipment without the direct application of physical effort to change the shape or size of the object of labor being processed (for example, processing parts with a tool with a self-propelled support feed to the object of labor);

At this level mechanization adjustment of equipment, items of trade or devices is also carried out, using electronic and radio measuring devices, installations, stands. As a rule, these are workers engaged in loading (unloading) manually or using the simplest mechanisms (tweezers, suction cups, etc.) of equipment and machines. They carry out further technological processing of trade items (unwelding, fitting, assembly, sealing, etching, measurement, etc.). In this case, a technological operation is performed when a worker of any profession acts on the corresponding control mechanisms of machines, machine tools or equipment.

At this level mechanization workers of such professions as apparatchiks of all profiles, drivers, machinists, machine operators and operators of all specialties engaged in manual loading of equipment, electroplaters, testers, meters, storekeepers in complex mechanized warehouses, laboratory assistants engaged in work on equipment, controllers at test operations, electricians equipment maintenance and others.

The third group includes workplaces where technological operations are performed automatically. Automation aims to eliminate successively different functions performed by workers from the first and second groups. There are five levels of automation.

The first level of automation is characterized by the fact that the processing cycle of the trade item is automated. In automatic mode, the sequence and nature of the movements of the working tool are controlled to obtain a given shape, size and quality characteristics of the workpiece. Automation of this level was most fully embodied in machines with numerical program management(CNC). This makes it possible to optimally implement control functions for a wide range of parts. The efficiency of labor is significantly increased in comparison with machines with manual control, the quality of products is significantly improved.

In this case, workers perform work on equipment, including hardware processes with an automatic processing cycle, on which, without direct human participation, transitions and operations are automatically and semi-automatically carried out to directly affect the objects of labor. The worker can carry out the following actions: installation and removal of objects of labor or filling with objects of labor and necessary materials boot devices; start-up and installation of equipment; active monitoring of equipment operation; processing; tool change, adjustment and adjustment of equipment; disposal of waste within the workplace.

The second level of automation involves the automation of placing and removing parts from the machine, that is, loading the equipment. This level of automation allows the worker to service several technological pieces of equipment, thus moving to multi-machine maintenance. Industrial robots are widely used as loading devices. They are characterized by great versatility and quick changeover.

The second level of automation, as a rule, is provided by the creation of robotic technological complexes (RTC). In them, the robot can serve both one and a group of machines or equipment.

The third level of automation. At this level, what was previously performed manually by the worker is automated, control for the condition of the tool and its timely replacement ( control for the actual condition of each tool and its wear); quality of processed items of trade (dimensions, surface finish, and where possible the quality of the item of trade after thermal, diffusion, chemical and other processes); for the condition of machines and equipment, removal of chips and other production waste, as well as adjustment of technological processes (adaptive control).

Automation of these operations frees the worker from constant communication with the serviced installation and opens up the possibility of expanding the equipment service area by one person. The equipment of this group assumes its long-term operation in an automatic cycle with periodic monitoring of its operation and loading, accuracy control and adjustment. However, work in this mode requires a large stock of components and parts for work over several shifts.

With this level of automation, workers perform work on automatic lines, automatic machines, automated units, installations and apparatuses. This category also includes workers engaged in work on the management, control, periodic adjustment of automatic lines, automatic machines, units, complexes.

As a rule, the first level of automation includes the professions of machine operators, machine operators of all professions on automatic machines and machine tools with program control, adjusters of automatic lines, operators of various professions engaged in the maintenance of automatic and semi-automatic lines, machine tools, installations, machine tools with program control and the like.

The third level of automation is implemented by creating adaptive robotic technological complexes (RTC), flexible production modules that include, for example, a machining center, PR, control, diagnostics and adjustment devices, other auxiliary mechanisms controlled from one controller or others. managers devices

The fourth level of automation. In this case, automatic changeover of the equipment is carried out. With manual changeover of equipment, it takes a significant part of the working time. The more often readjustment is required according to production conditions, the greater the loss of time and the reduced service area by one worker. It is natural to strive to use such tools, fixtures and fixtures, methods for setting processing modes and production cycles, loading devices and control systems that are capable of automatic changeover of equipment.

Equipment with automatic changeover is economically beneficial when processing any political batches of parts and is advisable for the production of assembly kits of parts necessary to ensure the rhythmic work of assembly shops. It allows you to significantly reduce the volume of work in progress, reduce to a minimum the production cycle for the manufacture of trade items.

The technical difficulties that stand in the way of automation, the creation of highly reliable equipment, control and management tools, as well as the high cost of all automation tools, still hinder the widespread use, both in mechanical engineering and in other industries, of this highest level of automation.

The fifth level of automation is flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). In accordance with GOST 26228-90, the FMS is understood as a computer-controlled set of technological equipment, consisting of different combinations of flexible production modules and (or) flexible production cells, an automated system for technological preparation of production and a functioning support system, which has the property of automated changeover when changing the program production of trade items, the varieties of which are limited by the technological capabilities of the equipment.

The FMS includes flexible production modules (FPM), flexible production cells (FPC) and a system for ensuring the functioning of a flexible production system and a flexible production cell. In general, it provides complex automation all links of the production process, including processing and management processes, production preparation, development of design and technological documentation, as well as production planning.

Flexible production systems can be both automated enterprises and automatic plants, as well as their structural components: automated workshops, automated and robotic sections, flexible automated lines and robotic complexes.

HPS provide automatic production of parts by various political batches, with the level of initial production cost and productivity close to that achieved in modern mass production in the manufacture of parts of the same name.

The coefficient of the level of labor automation is determined by the volume of costs of automated labor in the total labor intensity of the enterprise. The level should be distinguished from the degree of automation or mechanization of labor, which is defined as the ratio of the number of workers engaged in automated or mechanized labor, respectively, to the total number of industrial and production personnel (PPP). The degree of employment of workers in manual labor is determined by the ratio of the number of workers employed in manual labor to the total number of PPP.

factory automation company

Determining the level of automation of production and developing measures to increase it at the enterprise should be preceded by work on certification, certification and rationalization of jobs. It should be carried out taking into account the relevant recommendations and regulatory national regulatory documents and the experience of leading enterprises in this issue. Passportization and registration are subject to places where workers are employed, in addition to manual, physically difficult, and low-skilled labor, as well as visually intense, unattractive and monotonous work.

The purpose of certification is to prepare the necessary information for the development of a comprehensive program for mechanization and automation. manual labor. It consists in studying employment by manual labor by profession, finding ways and possibilities to reduce it, in calculating the indicators of costs and the expected socio-economic effect of measures, as well as in determining the need for these purposes in equipment, components, conducting research and development design work.

In order to prepare for this work, the enterprise develops methodological recommendations and instructions for conducting certification, prepares the necessary forms of certification certificates, manual labor records, forms attestation commissions other organizational and explanatory work is being carried out. All preparatory measures are reflected in the order of the director of the enterprise on the certification of workplaces.

In the certification process, a comprehensive assessment of each workplace is carried out for its compliance with regulatory requirements and best practices in such areas as technical and economic; organizational and economic level; working conditions and safety in the workplace. Based on the results of a comprehensive assessment, workplaces are identified where the specified parameters can be achieved after equipping it with advanced equipment and appropriate rationalization and modernization of the workplace itself. Extra (unloaded) and jobs that are inefficient are determined.

Based on the data obtained, a technical and economic analysis of the characteristics of the workplace is carried out and a decision is made on certification and continuation of the operation of the workplace or its reduction. In the first case, if necessary, measures are taken for additional loading, assigning to this workplace the operations performed at the eliminated workplaces, or it continues to be operated without changes.

For non-certified jobs subject to reduction, a decision is made to transfer operations to other jobs. In this case, measures are being developed for the sale of equipment, retraining and employment of the released workers. According to those subject to rationalization, directions, opportunities and terms rationalization, measures are outlined to equip robots, other progressive equipment or tools in order to eliminate heavy, physical and manual labor, to increase its organizational and technical level.

The main tool in the work on the certification of manual, physically difficult and low-skilled labor is its accounting card, developed at a number of enterprises. An accounting card is the primary carrier of information on the number of workers engaged in manual labor in certain operations, in certain production departments. At the same time, this is a working document that allows you to plan measures to reduce manual labor and its subsequent mechanization and automation, as well as monitor the progress of their implementation.

The cards are drawn up in accordance with the instructions for filling it out for all technological operations, in which, at the time of filling out the cards, work is performed manually, for which the commission of the unit studies the work performed at all technological operations and establishes the degree of mechanization and automation. Accounting cards are also filled out for those operations that are generally qualified as mechanized, but include a number of technological operations and transitions performed manually. The manual labor registration card must also be filled out for professions and manual labor operations, in which it is currently not possible to reduce it.

The accounting cards reflect the name of the operation and the profession of the person engaged in manual labor, the content of manual work, the equipment used in the operation, measures to reduce manual labor and the expected economic effect from their implementation. It is valid, as a rule, for a five-year period and is adapted for processing the data reflected in it on a computer. division.

The working commissions in the workshops, based on the analysis of manual labor records, develop measures to eliminate or reduce it. Activities are coordinated with the factory departments of the chief technologist, production preparation, chief mechanic and chief technologist, automation and mechanization of production. The activities are included in the plans for technical re-equipment and scientific and technical development of this workshop.

The factory service responsible for the automation of production, on the basis of the data obtained, develops a targeted comprehensive program to reduce the use of manual labor (TsKPRT) for the upcoming one and submits it for consideration by the technical council of the enterprise, at which it is approved. TsKRPT is an application of the plan for the technical re-equipment of the enterprise. Duplicate events are counted once.

The activities of the Central Committee for the Development of the State of the Arts are mandatory for the implementation of all departments. In exceptional cases, upon agreement, it may be allowed to replace one event with another, equivalent in value and leading to a reduction in manual labor. The program is sent to the subdivision that monitors the implementation and accounting of the activities of the TsKPRT.

The implementation of labor automation measures ends with the execution of an act of the established form, agreed with the relevant departments of the enterprise. The unit that monitors this work draws up a manual labor accounting card based on the results of implementation and makes appropriate marks in terms of the scientific and technical development of the enterprise. When carrying out activities and eliminating completely manual labor on this accounting card or transferring the technical process to third-party organizations, the accounting card is archived or destroyed in accordance with the current document management regulation.

The technical council or the board of directors of the enterprise at least once every six months reviews the results of work to reduce manual labor.

Accounting for the actual availability of workers by profession and the level of mechanization and automation is carried out, as a rule, by the department of the scientific firm of labor and wages on the basis of quarterly reports on labor and data from personnel records tabulagrams in the context of workshops, industries, factories and enterprise associations as a whole. Based on the accounting data and the actual availability of manual technological operations and works, a thematic list of manual technological operations and proposed measures for further automation and mechanization of production is being developed.

Stimulation of works on automation of production

At present, there is an acceleration in the pace of development in all spheres of human activity, but the most amazing changes are observed in the sphere of material production. An increase in the level of development of society is accompanied by the complication of all types public relations, changing the way of life of each member of society, individualization of the style of his life. This leads to the need for a continuous expansion of the range of goods and services offered to the population, while the life cycle of the subject of trade is steadily declining. The principle of "made - sold" has gone down in history, today the main principle of the day is to produce only those goods and services that are needed, to produce only when necessary, and to produce as much as necessary. It could not, will not affect the appearance modern enterprise. It must adapt to the conditions for the issuance of goods by small political parties, and in large assortment and with frequent change over a wide range. enterprises increasingly find themselves in conditions of multi-product small-scale production. Intense competition forces the enterprise to quickly and cost-effectively adjust to the production of new products in accordance with market demands.

In order to withstand such severe conditions and ensure the stable development of the national economy, it is necessary to carry out a radical reorganization manufacturing enterprises capable of producing cheap and high-quality goods and guaranteed to receive high arrived regardless of external conditions. The technological essence of such a reorganization lies in a high degree of automation of production, the creation of flexible production systems.

The introduction of production automation turns out to be a reliable means leading not only to the adaptation of enterprises to new socio-economic conditions, but also to a significant number of purely technological advantages, which ultimately provide a significant increase in the surplus value of products. In addition, automation helps to perform many technological operations that were previously inaccessible to humans. Thus, the introduction of automation contributes to the overall technological progress of society. However, the high cost of automation tools with a very short terms their moral depreciation keep many managers and entrepreneurs indecisive. This is especially true for small and medium-sized enterprises, which are now becoming more and more, as they do not have large financial opportunities for risk.

Given the paramount importance of automation for the economy countries in general, its socio-economic significance, no doubt, in country should be developed national economic programs and activities aimed at facilitating the process of introducing automation into production. These measures may represent a system of additional compensation for the costs of acquiring and implementing equipment, a system for providing robots and other automatic equipment in rentau, financial and credit systems, stimulating automation. Created with the participation and financial support of the state and regional bodies, these systems provide certain preferential conditions for both manufacturers of automation equipment and enterprises wishing to automate production.

Noteworthy experience in the creation and application in Japan industrial robots and flexible automated systems. This work began here in the 1980s. A number of systems have been developed to encourage enterprises to develop and implement production automation. Of these, the following should be noted: 1. A system of additional cost compensation for the acquisition and implementation of promising mechatronic production equipment (computer-controlled industrial robots with advanced functionality); 2. System for providing industrial robots in rentau; 3. Loan system for the modernization of industrial equipment in small and medium-sized enterprises; 4. The system of providing new equipment for temporary use; 5. A system for providing guarantees to firms selling in installments or providing loans for the purchase of advanced machine-building equipment and others.

Stimulation of work on automation of production is not limited to the national level. Progressive means of labor are being successfully introduced in production where daily attention is paid to these issues, where a system of stimulating this work is thoughtfully created. For these purposes will be allocated financial resources, plans for the mechanization and automation of production are being developed, the company of work is being specially created, subdivisions are being created, departments of mechanization and automation of production are being organized. This work significantly stimulates the holding of reviews of competitions for the mechanization of automation of production, competitions for the best designer, technologist, for the best division of the enterprise for mechanization and automation of production. To encourage the winners, prizes are established with the presentation of certificates and cash prizes.

Management of any technological process or object in the form of manual or automatic action is possible only if there is measurement information about individual parameters characterizing the process or the state of the object. These parameters are very peculiar. These include electrical (current, voltage, resistance, power, and others), mechanical (force, moment of force, speed) and technological (temperature, pressure, flow, level, and others) parameters, as well as parameters characterizing the properties and composition of substances ( density, viscosity, electrical conductivity, optical characteristics, amount of substance, etc.). Measurements of parameters are carried out using a wide variety of technical means with normalized metrological properties. Technological measurements and measuring instruments are used in the control (manual or automatic) of many technological processes in various industries National economy.

Measuring instruments play an important role in the construction of modern automatic control systems for individual technological parameters and processes (ACS) and especially automated process control systems (APCS), which require the presentation of a large amount of necessary measuring information in a form convenient for collection, further transformation, processing and processing. presentation of it, and in some cases for remote transmission to higher lower levels of the hierarchical structure of management of various industries.

Measurements of parameters and physical quantities are based on various physical phenomena and regularities. Measuring circuits using modern achievements of microelectronic technology: microprocessor circuits, solid or semiconductor electrochemical elements, and others.


Russian encyclopedia of labor protection

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- (production): Operations that include the receipt of raw materials, their processing, packaging and receipt of the finished API.

Typical technological operation call a technological operation characterized by the unity of the content and sequence of technological transitions for a group of products with the same design and technological features.

Group technological operation called the technological operation of the joint production of a group of products with different design, but common technological features.

Types of technological operations. The technological process can be built on the principle of concentrated or differentiated technological operations.

Concentrated technological operation called such an operation, which includes a large number of technological transitions. As a rule, this operation has a multi-tool setup. The limit of concentration of operations is the complete processing of the part in one operation.

The criterion for assessing the degree of concentration of operations is the number of transitions carried out in one operation.

There are three main types of concentration of operations: sequential (Fig. 1.5, a), parallel (Fig. 1.5, b) and parallel-serial (Fig. 1.5, e). If transitions in operations are performed one after another, then the concentration is called sequential (universal machines), but if they are combined into one complex technological transition, that is, they are performed simultaneously, then the concentration of operations is called parallel (multi-tool machines). The concentration is called parallel-sequential if several surfaces are sequentially processed at the same time (multi-tool machines).

The advantage of parallel concentration of operations is as follows: the duration of the technological cycle is reduced, the number of workpiece charters is reduced, the number of working devices is reduced, high-performance machines are used, accounting and production planning are simplified, the number of machine operators and the required production area are reduced.

The disadvantages of parallel concentration of operations is the need for complex and expensive equipment; complicated and labor intensive setup.

differentiated operation is called the operation consisting of the minimum number of transitions. The limit of differentiation is the execution of a technological operation, consisting of one technological transition.

The advantages of differentiation of operations are as follows: relatively simple and cheap equipment is used, the simplicity and slight complexity of their adjustment, and the possibility of using higher processing modes is created.

Disadvantages of the principle of differentiation of operations: the production line is lengthening, the amount of equipment and production space required is increasing, the number of workers is increasing, a large number of installations.

One should not rashly strive for a high degree of concentration of the operation. It is often impractical to perform processing with a high degree of concentration of the operation. Incorrect determination of the optimal concentration leads to serious errors and large unjustified costs, which significantly increase the cost of products.

Structure of the technological operation

Operation - the main element of the TP - has its own structure.

The operation is usually performed in one or more jumps. Transitions are technological and auxiliary.

Technological transition

Technological transition call the completed part of the technological operation performed by the same means of technological equipment under constant technological conditions and installation. If the tool was changed during the turning of the roller, then the processing of the same surface of the workpiece with this tool will be a new technological transition (Fig. 1.6). But the tool change itself is an auxiliary transition.

Rice. 1.7. Sketch of turning operation

a – simple transitions;

b - difficult transition

2.2.2. Auxiliary transition call the completed part of the technological operation, consisting of human actions and (or) equipment, which are not accompanied by a change in the properties of the object of labor, but are necessary to complete the technological transition.

Transitions can be combined in time due to the simultaneous processing of several surfaces, i.e. they can be carried out sequentially (rough, semi-finishing, finishing turning of a stepped shaft or drilling four holes with one drill), parallel (turning a stepped shaft with several cutters or drilling four holes at once four drills) or parallel-sequential (after turning the stepped shaft simultaneously with several cutters, simultaneous chamfering with several chamfering cutters or drilling four holes in series with two drills).


setup- part of the technological operation, performed with the unchanged fixing of the workpieces being processed or the assembled assembly unit. Turning parts to any angle is a new setting. If the roller is first turned in a three-jaw chuck with one setting, and then it is turned over and turned, then this will require two settings in one operation (Fig. 1.7).

2.2.4. Position. The workpiece installed and fixed on the rotary table, subjected to drilling, reaming and countersinking, has one setup, but with the rotation of the table it will take a new position.

position called a fixed position occupied by a rigidly fixed workpiece or an assembled assembly unit together with a fixture relative to a tool or a fixed part of the equipment when performing a certain part of the operation. On multi-spindle machines and semi-automatic machines, the workpiece, with one of its fixings, occupies different positions relative to the machine. The workpiece moves to a new position along with the clamping device (Fig. 1.8).

When developing a technological process for processing workpieces, it is preferable replace settings with positions, since each additional setting introduces its own processing errors.


Distinguish between manufacturing process and technological process. The production process includes all, without exception, the work associated with the manufacture of products at the enterprise. The production process includes the processing of material (raw materials) in order to turn it into products (products) manufactured by the plant; work on the delivery, storage and distribution of raw materials; production and repair of tools: repair of equipment; supply of electricity, light, heat, steam, etc. The technological process covers work directly related to the transformation of raw materials into finished products. Technological process - the main part of production (production process). The technological process consists of a number of production operations that are performed in a strictly defined sequence. A production operation is a part of the technological process performed at a specific workplace with a specific tool or on specific equipment. Operations follow in the technological process in a strictly established order. The degree of operational dissection of the technological process depends on the amount of work for the manufacture of this product, on the number of workers involved in the manufacture of the product, on the size of the production facility (working area), on the nature of the workplace equipment and other production conditions. The deepest division of the technological process into operations should be considered when each operation is performed in one step without changing the tool. The smaller the operation, the easier and more accessible it is to perform. Therefore, the deeper the operational breakdown of the technological process, the higher labor productivity and the less need for highly skilled workers. The technological process can be general for the manufacture of the entire product or cover, for example, only the processing of parts, only the assembly operations or the operations of finishing products. The technological process should not be confused with the production technology. Under the production technology, one must understand not only the sequence of operations performed, but also the methods and methods for performing these operations. Production technology should be based on the latest achievements of science and technology, taking into account the experience of innovators and innovators. The place in production where any production operation is performed is called a workplace. Machines, mechanisms, stationary devices installed at the workplace, etc. e. permanent fixtures, fixed motionless, constitute the equipment of the workplace. From how the workplace is organized, from the provision of its tools and fixtures, from the location of materials, tools and fixtures relative to the permanent equipment of the workplace and relative to the worker himself, from the preparedness of equipment, tools and materials for work, from the quality of care for the workplace and equipment - the productivity and quality of products depend on all this.

The division of the technological process according to the workshops allows:

1) it is most rational to equip each workshop with machines, mechanisms, devices, according to the nature of the work performed in it;

2) create the best working conditions in the workshop, taking into account the peculiarities of work in it;

3) adapt the premises and equipment of the workshop to perform work in accordance with the requirements of safety, labor protection and fire protection for these types of work;

4) to manage the work of the shop most efficiently and skillfully, to exercise fuller quality control over the work;

5) rationally organize jobs.

The division of the technological process into processing stages allows:

1) place machines, mechanisms and other equipment in the best production sequence, ensure mechanized supply of materials to them;

2) organize work in teams and units.

A technological operation is a part of a technological process that is performed continuously at one workplace, on one or more simultaneously processed or assembled products, one or more workers. The condition of the continuity of the operation means the performance of the work provided for by it without switching to the processing of another product. The technological operation is the basic unit production planning and accounting. On the basis of operations, the labor intensity of manufacturing products is determined and time standards and prices are set, the required number of workers, equipment, fixtures and tools is set, the cost of processing is determined, scheduling of production is carried out and quality control and timing of work are carried out. In the conditions of automated production, an operation is understood as a complete part of the technological process, performed continuously on an automatic line, which consists of several machines connected by automatically operating transport and loading devices. In the conditions of FAP (flexible automatic production), the continuity of operations can be disrupted by sending workpieces to an intermediate warehouse in the periods between individual positions performed on different technological modules. In addition to technological operations, TP includes auxiliary operations. Auxiliary operations include - transport, control and measurement, etc., i.e. operations that do not change the size, shape, appearance or properties of the product, but necessary for the implementation of technological operations.

The strength at a certain time during hardening under normal conditions depends mainly on the activity of the cement and the water-cement ratio. Rb=A, the dependence follows from the physical nature of the formation of the concrete structure and is graphically depicted in the form of hyperbolic curves.

graph of dependence on concrete strength and W / C. 1:n - the ratio of the mass of cement to aggregate. 1. Concrete on crushed stone, 2. Concrete on gravel. Hardening cement, depending on its quality and hardening time, adds only 15-20% of water. At the same time, to make the concrete mixture plastic, water is added to the concrete, i.e. 40-70% by weight of cement. With W / C = 0.2-0.25, the mixture turns out to be dry and we cannot mix and lay it with high quality. When we add more water, the excess water either remains or the concrete capillaries or evaporates. Thus, the W / C law expresses the dependence of concrete strength on density and porosity. The W / C law is fulfilled within certain limits at very low W / C, even with an increased consumption of C and W, it is not possible to obtain the workability of the mixture and the required concrete density. The strength of concrete may decrease. For cement hydration, a certain excess of water is always required, approximately 2-3 times, compared to the amount that directly enters with the cement.

The dependence of strength on W / C is observed only in those cases when concrete is tested on the same materials and similar workability of the concrete mixture and when using the same methods of formation and compaction.

The strength of concrete is significantly affected by the type and quality of aggregates, methods of preparation and other factors. In fact, there is one strict curve expressing the dependence of strength on W / C, and some band, the area in which most of the tests fit. The formula for determining the strength of concrete, depending on the quality of cement, aggregates and other factors, is taken into account by applying empirical coefficients. In practice, the actual strength of concrete may differ from the calculated one by 1.3 - 1.5 times; therefore, the concrete compositions obtained in the calculations are always checked on control samples. In practice, the formulas use independent strengths from W / C, and the inverse dependence of the strength of concrete on C / W. When the C/V ratio changes within 1.2-2.5, the dependence is straightforward and is determined by the formula Rb=ARc(C/V-s), A,s are empirical coefficients that take into account the influence of fillers, in the general case, A=0 ,3; c=0.5 This dependence is valid for densely laid concrete. In rigid concrete mixes that require careful compaction, entrained air may remain, in which case the amount of entrained air adds to the pore volume of the remaining mixing water.