Classical school of management. Presentation - Administrative (classical) school of management Classical school of management in management presentation

"Economic analysis" - It is assumed that labor costs are expressed in units of labor of the same degree of complexity. Integer programming problem. The model is a conditional image of the object of control (research). Determination of methods by which the problem can be solved. The private technique specifies the general technique in relation to business processes occurring in a certain sector of the economy, to a certain type of production.

"Department of Automation of Production" - Educational Laboratory " Program control equipment." Our graduates and students of specialties 220301 and 220402 ? profitable product! If you enroll in commercial form training, the costs will pay off. Educational laboratory "Fundamentals of Robotics". Department of Automation technological processes and productions."

"Teacher of Economics" - Application of ICT. study room. first in the HSE student rating. Health-saving effect of technology of intersubject communications. The system of extracurricular activities. The structure of the cognitive needs of economics teachers. Berezina Irina Viktorovna Connected to local computer network with internet access.

"Modern Economics" - About the program " financial economics»: Round table on this topic: " Psychological aspects Money” 17.10.10 at the Financial University. External Study Program. We invite you to visit the website of the London educational project Partners, collaboration: Science Festival, September 2010. Basic courses in the direction of "Economics" Program "Financial Economics".

"Creation of a training center" - Employees of research laboratories employees of production units new employees of the enterprise. Increasing labor productivity Reducing the development and introduction of new products Improving product quality Preserving the intellectual and scientific property of the company. 1 month 2-3 months 2 months 2 weeks 2 months not determined.

"Economic sphere" - Poll. Production. The economy of a particular country, including certain industries and types of production. Lesson 1. People, organizations. Social Studies. Grade 9 Political. What would happen if people did not have economic knowledge? The structure of the economy. Market. Exchange. Earth. When, under what circumstances?

There are 13 presentations in total in the topic

F. Quesnay (1694-1774)

Representatives of classical political economy in France in the XVIII century. were François Quesnay and Anne Robert Jacques Turgot. They transferred the question of the origin of social wealth from the sphere of circulation to the sphere of production. At the same time, the latter was limited only agriculture, believing that wealth is created only in this industry.

A. Turgot (1727-1781).

Therefore, this direction in the development of economic thought was called the school


(The term is derived from the Greek words "nature" and "power").

Adam Smith (1723-1790)

The outstanding English economist Adam Smith went down in history as the "Prophet of Free Competition". His greatest merit can be considered that in the world of economics he saw the natural self-regulating order discovered by Newton in the physical sublunar world. The main idea in the teachings of A. Smith is the idea of ​​liberalism, minimal state intervention in the economy, market self-regulation based on free prices, which are formed depending on supply and demand. The main work of his life, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776), had a tremendous impact on the next century. Economic life, according to Smith, is subject to objective laws that do not depend on the will and conscious aspirations of people. The starting point of all his research is the problem of the division of labor, which binds "egoists-individuals" into a single society. After examining this problem, he proceeds to present the origin and use of money. Smith made a significant contribution to the theory of value, to the doctrine of income, of productive and unproductive labor, of capital and reproduction, and of the economic policy of the state.


Classical political economy is not a homogeneous, uniform doctrine and contains a number of areas, the authors of which considered certain aspects economic life from its own, original point of view. The classical school laid the foundations for the whole variety of modern economic views.

Jean Baptiste Say (1767-1832) began to develop another tradition of value interpretation, founded by A. Smith - the theory of factors of production. He was the first of the classics to clearly and unambiguously formulate the idea that the value of a product is equal to the sum wages, profits and rents, i.e. owners' income production factors used in the manufacture of this product.

The most important contribution made by the representative of the classical school, Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834) to economic science, is his development of the "theory of population", in which he connected economic and demographic factors. Moreover, in his formulation of this question, the dependence turns out to be two-way: just as the economy affects the change in the population, so the size of the population affects the economy.

J. Sismondi (1773-1842). For him, the whole interest of political economy, from a theoretical point of view, was reduced to explaining crises, and from a practical point of view, to finding measures to prevent them and improve the situation of workers. He thus becomes at the head of a whole series of economists whose activity did not cease throughout the nineteenth century. Not being socialists, but not blinded by the vices of the liberal regime, these writers were looking for a middle way in which they would not sacrifice their principles in correcting the abuses of freedom.


The formation and development of classical political economy took place against the backdrop of serious changes in the economic and social life society. Traditional feudal relations were replaced by a new economy - a market economy, which at the initial stages of its development was characterized by a deep social stratification of society.

Abuses in factories in the first half of the nineteenth century have been described thousands of times: the exploitation of children of all ages under the most unhealthy and cruel conditions, the almost endless working hours of women and adult workers, miserable wages, ignorance, rudeness, disease, and the vices engendered in such deplorable conditions. In England, reports of doctors, questionnaires from the House of Commons, speeches and revelations of Robert Owen aroused the indignation of public opinion.

The requirement to limit the work of children in cotton spinning from 1819 is the first timid step in the field of labor legislation. J.B. Say, traveling in England in 1815, declared that a worker in England, despite the fact that he has a family, and despite the efforts that are often worthy of the highest praise, can earn only three-quarters, and sometimes only half, of his expenses.


Ford Madox Brown, England (1821-1893)




Ricardo (1772-1823).

The greatest economist of the era industrial revolution in England there was D. Ricardo. He formulated a series of economic laws that entered the treasury of political economy. The central place in the teachings of D. Ricardo is occupied by theories of value and money, wages and profits, land rent, the doctrine of capital and reproduction.

Paul Samuelson, in his textbook on economics, rates David Ricardo as a key figure of the 19th century: "He was one of the lucky ones. Classical, neoclassical and post-Keynesian scholars all trace their ancestry from his environment. The same can be said about socialist Marxists" .

Summing up the consideration of the classical school, it should be noted that the main object of study here is production as such, regardless of its industry characteristics, as well as the distribution of benefits. Its outstanding representatives put forward and substantiated a system of concepts and categories that are a scientific reflection of many economic processes.


Karl Marx 1818 - 1883

The merit of the German philosopher and economist K. Marx lies not only in the development of his original teaching - theories surplus value and the law of concentration (automatic expropriation), but also in the fact that his work has become a starting point for modern radical political economy (20th century).

In addition, his economic theory served in the 20th century as one of the components of the social ideology of the socialist countries with a planned economy, thus contributing to fundamental changes in both economic and common history humanity in this century.

Karl Marx was born in Trier (Germany) in the family of a lawyer. During the period of revolutionary events in Europe in 1848-1849, he actively participated in the work international organization"Union of Communists" and together with Engels wrote its program "Manifesto of the Communist Party" (1848)

IN 1867 Marx's main work, Capital (Vol. 1), was published, in which an analysis was made of the development of capitalism and its historical limits.; Marx did not complete work on the following volumes; Engels prepared them for publication (vol. 2, 1885; vol. 3, 1894).

IN the last years of his life, Marx actively participated in the formation of proletarian parties. Marx developed the principles of a materialistic understanding of history (historical materialism), the theory of surplus value, studied the development of capitalism and put forward the proposition that its death and transition to communism were inevitable as a result of the proletarian revolution. Marx's ideas had a significant impact on social thought and the history of society in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

The successor of the work of Marx and Engels was V. I. Lenin, who developed the Marxist doctrine in new historical conditions.


In the 1870s, the “Marginalist Revolution” took place in economics, which led to dramatic methodological and theoretical shifts. From that moment can be considered the beginning of modern economic analysis. Among the most important elements marginalism as a direction in economics, the following should be highlighted:

Use of marginal (i.e. incremental) values. The word "marginalism" itself comes from the Latin margo, which means edge, limit. Marginalists for the first time use categories - marginal utility And ultimate performance.

Static. Marginalists have lost interest in the "laws of motion" of capitalism, which the classics dealt with. The focus of economic research after the "Marginal Revolution" shifted to the study of the use of scarce resources to meet the needs of people at a given time.

Subjectivism, i.e. an approach in which all economic phenomena are examined and evaluated from the point of view of an individual economic entity. No wonder marginalism is sometimes called the subjective school of economics.

The marginalist direction of economic thought is usually divided into two schools due to differences in methodology - Austrian and Lausanne.

Austrian school

Lausanne School

At present, marginalism (mainly on the basis of the Lausanne school), due to the addition of components of the classical school, has transformed into "NEOCLASSICS (NEOCLASSICAL SCHOOL)".


from ancient times to the end of the 19th century

Classical political economy

Adam Smith, Jean B. Say, David Ricardo, Robert Malthus…


F. Quesnay, A Turgot


Atoine de Montchretien

medieval thinkers

Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham


Aristotle, Antisthenes, Plato


At present, marginalism, due to the addition of components of the classical school, has transformed into "NEOCLASSICS (NEOCLASSICAL SCHOOL)". The prominent representatives of which are: Alfred Marshall and Joseph Schumpeter.

A. Marshall. Main work: The Principles of Economic Science (1890) The fact that

neoclassical school is a synthesis of the ideas of (early) marginalism and classical

schools, looks especially obvious when we turn to the works of a recognized

the founder of the neoclassical school of the English economist A. Marshall.

"Principles of Economic Science" is written in the traditional manner for the classics - with

long digressions, rich factual material, reasoning on social

and moral themes.

The subject of economic science, from the point of view of A. Marshall, are those incentives

motives that guide a person in his economic activity. These motives

quantifiable: the strength of a particular stimulus that causes

a person to take some action is equal to the monetary payment necessary for a person

performed this action.

Joseph Schumpeter, economist and sociologist. Born in Austria-Hungary, since 1932 in the USA. Compositions

on the problems of the economic cycle, the history of economic doctrines. Considered history

political economy as a process of ascending development of the analytical apparatus and methods

the central place in which is given entrepreneurial function. Offered

dynamic concept of the cycle, where cyclicity is seen as a regularity

economic growth.

Every root problem economic system, said Schumpeter, is

achieving and maintaining balance. Within the framework of the model, all firms are in the state

stable equilibrium, and income equals costs. Profit and interest are zero, prices

formed on the basis average cost, economic resources are fully utilized.

Schumpeter Joseph

This model introduces a new production function corresponding to the new

relationship between inputs and output. Introduction new feature

carried out by the Innovator, seeking to make more profit than they can give

usual ways.


Monetarism is considered one of the directions of neoclassical economic thought. It originates in the mid-1950s in the United States. One of the recognized founders and leaders of monetarism is the representative of the so-called Chicago school Milton Friedman.

Initially, monetarism originated as a separate branch of experimental research in the field of money circulation, namely, as an analysis of the demand for money. In the future, it evolved, covering an ever wider range of economic issues. In the end, by the mid-1970s, it turns into a respectable doctrine, the recipes of which began to be used by the governments of many capitalist countries.

In theoretical terms, monetarism, on the one hand, is based on certain provisions of the neoclassical synthesis (for example, the theory of property), and on the other hand, is a continuation of the pre-Keynesian neoclassical quantity theory of money.

Friedman 1912-

The main works of M. Friedman: "Research in the field of the quantitative theory of money" (1956); M. Friedman, A. Schwartz "A monetary history of the United States, 1867 - 1960" (1963).

All benefits acquired and stored by an economic entity can be represented as its assets. Their combination forms a portfolio of assets. Money is an asset along with other goods.

Assets are held by an individual either because they generate monetary income (financial assets: stocks, bonds), or because they have some utility as such (non-financial assets: e.g. consumer durables, capital goods), or because that they provide convenience, liquidity, and security (money).

The task of the individual is to distribute the resources (wealth) available to him in such a way as to maximize his utility. The new quantitative theory of money is primarily interested in the amount of funds stored in monetary (liquid) form, that is, in other words, the demand for money.

The demand for money is determined by three main groups of factors: a) the general wealth of an economic entity; b) the costs and benefits associated with various forms of wealth storage; c) individual preferences for various forms of wealth storage.

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Vienna Classical School Presentation for a music lesson in grade 7. Made by Zhigailova S.A. - music teacher GBOU TsO No. 1637, Moscow

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Viennese classical school Viennese classics, Viennese classical school (circa 1780-1827) - a direction of European classical music of the second half of the 18th century in Vienna. Composers Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven belong to it.

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Joseph Haydn The three great composers of the Viennese school are united by their virtuosity in the most diverse styles of music and compositional techniques: from folk songs to baroque polyphony. The main feature of this direction is the use of three techniques: obligatory accompaniment, the presence of cross-cutting themes, and work on the theme and form. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ludwig van Beethoven

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The heyday of the Viennese classical school coincided with common process the formation of a symphony orchestra - its stable composition (up to 110 musicians)

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Symphonism, in a broad sense, is associated with the flourishing of the leading instrumental genres of the era - symphony, sonata, concerto and chamber ensemble, the final formation of a 4-part sonata-symphony cycle.

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A symphony is a piece of music for orchestra, usually in three or four movements, sometimes including voices. In a classical symphony, only the first and last parts have the same keys, and the middle ones are written in keys related to the main one, which determines the key of the entire symphony. Haydn is considered the creator of the classical form of the symphony and orchestral color; a significant contribution to its development was made by Mozart and Beethoven. In terms of the development of both symphonic form and orchestration, Beethoven can be called the greatest symphonic composer of the classical period.

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Franz Joseph Haydn April 1, 1732 - May 31, 1809 Austria One of the founders of the symphony, 107 in all.

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Symphony No. 45 "Farewell Symphony" (1772). The peculiarity of this symphony is that it is performed by candlelight, fixed on the music consoles of the musicians; the finale, traditional in form, is followed by an additional slow part, during which the musicians stop playing one by one, extinguish the candles and leave the stage. The symphony is played out only by two violinists, who, after the end of the music, leave after the rest. The composition of the orchestra: two oboes, bassoon, two horns, strings (1st and 2nd violins, violas, cellos and double basses).

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SYMPHONY No. 103 in E-FLAT MAJOR (WITH TIMAN TREMOLO) The symphony got its name “with timpani tremolo” due to the first bar, in which the timpani plays a tremolo on the tonic sound of E-flat.

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart January 27, 1756, Salzburg - December 5, 1791, Vienna Austrian composer, bandmaster, virtuoso violinist, harpsichordist, organist. He wrote about 50 symphonies.

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Symphony No. 40 in G minor is one of Mozart's most popular works. Among all Mozart's symphonies in G minor, the most directly emotional, lyrically sincere. It can be called a lyrical-dramatic symphony. The orchestra of the symphony includes: flute, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, two horns, first and second violins, violas, cellos and double basses

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SYMPHONY NO 41 C MAJOR "JUPITER" is distinguished by the same high artistic skill as the one in G minor. But the C major symphony is more objective, epic, monumental. That's why she got the name. (The name "Jupiter" was given to her by J.P. Salomon, a famous English violinist). The composition of the orchestra: flute, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani, strings. Tchaikovsky, who was very fond of all the work of Mozart, called this symphony "one of the wonders of symphonic music."

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Ludwig van Beethoven. December 17, 1770, Bonn, Germany - March 26, 1827, Vienna, Austria. German composer, conductor and pianist. He wrote 9 symphonies.

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Symphony No. 5 in C minor, written in 1804-1808. The main and easily recognizable element of the first part of the symphony is the double “motif of fate” of four measures:

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Symphony No. 9 in D minor. The last completed symphony, written in 1824, it includes a part of "Ode to Joy", a poem by Friedrich Schiller, the text of which is sung by soloist and choir in the last movement. This is the first example when a major composer used a human voice in a symphony along with instruments. Orchestra composition Woodwinds Flute piccolo 2 flutes 2 oboes 2 clarinets 2 bassoons Brass 4 horns 2 trumpets 3 trombones Percussion timpani Triangle Cymbals Bass drum Strings I and II violins Violas Cellos Double basses Vocal parts Soprano (solo) Contralto (solo) Tenor (solo) Baritone (solo) Mixed choir Embrace, millions! Merge in the joy of one! There, above the starry country, is God transubstantiated in love!

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Hug, millions! Merge in the joy of one! There, above the starry country, is God transubstantiated in love! Symphony No. 9 in D minor. The last completed symphony, written in 1824, it includes a part of "Ode to Joy", a poem by Friedrich Schiller, the text of which is sung by soloist and choir in the last movement. This is the first example when a major composer used a human voice in a symphony along with instruments. Orchestra composition Woodwinds Flute piccolo 2 flutes 2 oboes 2 clarinets 2 bassoons Brass 4 horns 2 trumpets 3 trombones Percussion timpani Triangle Cymbals Bass drum Strings I and II violins Violas Cellos Double basses Vocal parts Soprano (solo) Contralto (solo) Tenor (solo) Baritone (solo) Mixed choir

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Taylor's 4 laws of management 1. Generalization and classification of skills and abilities of all workers. Scientific detailed study of individual actions in each type of labor. Conducting experiments to establish laws and formulas for the most effective work"with strict rules for every movement, every person, and the improvement and standardization of all implements and working conditions." 2. Careful selection of workers "on the basis of scientifically established characteristics", their training to "first-class workers" and "the elimination of all people who refuse or are unable to learn the best methods." 3. "The administration maintains cordial cooperation with the workers." There is, as F. Taylor says, a convergence of "workers and science on the basis of the constant and vigilant help of management and the payment of daily increases for quick work and accurate fulfillment of tasks." 4. "An almost equal division of labor and responsibility between workers and management." The administration assumes those functions "for which it is better adapted than workers." "Special agents of the administration work with the workers throughout the day, help them, eliminate obstacles in their work, encourage the workers."

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"Achieving Worker" Program The main goal of such a program is "to elevate every worker to the highest level... by making him use his best abilities, awakening his self-esteem and energy, and giving him pay enough to live a better life." F.Taylor's "achieving worker" program includes the following principles: 1. assignment to the worker of a task of such a degree of complexity that is accessible to his skills and physical constitution; 2. encouraging him to give the maximum amount of work available to "a first-class representative of his rank"; 3. Every worker who works at the highest pace of a first-class worker "should be paid, depending on the nature of the work, an increase of 30% to 100%, compared with the middle peasant of the class." The ability to turn "weak and negligent" people into "first-class workers" is the essence of the art of management.

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Sample - school class Workers engaged in a certain type of work, F. Taylor make up a certain "class" according to the type of school. It distinguishes good, average and bad students depending on progress. Taylor repeatedly compares workers to "adult children" who need to be given lessons, supervised, instructed, urged, and helped. Training in correct methods is carried out through written and oral instructions, practical instructions in the workplace. Thus, the successful ones are transferred to the next "class", and the unsuccessful ones are fired.

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Create Guarantees Only for the Best Taylor's high work rates, harsh work regime, standardization of worker movements and tools, clear coordination and subordination - all this put a person in very harsh conditions. Not everyone kept up with the pace. But F.Taylor did not "look up to the weak": they had to be eliminated before they were given a task, and not after poor performance. In this way, the protection of the employment, not the position, is guaranteed.

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The work must challenge Where I was born new approach to personnel management? F.Taylor suggested: 1. break down all workers into types or "classes"; 2. Give each type of worker a task according to their strength, but not so weak that it is carried out without overexerting themselves. The task should be given for growth, and the work should "challenge", force you to jump above your head every time, so that there is an opportunity to grow and improve skills; 3. to show the most economical and rational methods of work to the leaders selected in each "class". F.Taylor suggested reducing all unnecessary movements, leaving only the most necessary ones, leading to maximum success along the shortest path.

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F.Taylor's "achieving manager" program The "achieving worker" program is complemented by the "achieving manager" program. It covers a wide range of personnel training, personal and business qualities, methods and style of work of the leader. According to F. Taylor, it is easier to select and train several people, each of whom, having one or two abilities, would perform one or two functions, than to find or train one person who has all the qualities and performs broad responsibilities.

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Motivation, Evaluation and Promotion Although F. Taylor did not consider economic reward the only possible and universal form of motivation, he gave it paramount importance. According to his plan, such a payment system is designed to provide "what they most wanted": 1. the livelihood and material wealth of the worker's family; 2. fair distribution of wages and a fair assessment of labor, since the leader received much more than the lagging behind; 3. feeling of complete satisfaction, which arose under the observance of the first two conditions. Taylor came to the conclusion that both overpaying and underpaying are equally harmful. Money is to be earned, not received; only in this case they have real value in the eyes of man. The whole subtlety of labor rationing lies in finding this measure of labor expended and paid. Among the motivating factors of F.Taylor, promotion should be noted.

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Classical (Administrative) School of Management (gg.) Samarina N. Maltseva V. Kuznetsov D. Ollakov A. Papoyan A.

The founders of the school A. Fayol A. Fayol L. Urwick L. Urwick D. Mooney D. Mooney A. Sloan A. Sloan A. Ginsburg A. Ginsburg A. Gastev A. Gastev With the emergence of the administrative school, specialists began to constantly develop approaches to improving management organization as a whole. A. Fayol

Henri Fayol, whose name is associated with the emergence of this school and who is sometimes called the father of management, worked almost his entire conscious life (58 years) in French company for coal processing and iron ore. Henri Fayol, whose name is associated with the emergence of this school and who is sometimes called the father of management, spent almost his entire adult life (58 years) in a French coal and iron ore processing company. Dindall Urwick was a management consultant in England. Dindall Urwick was a management consultant in England. James D. Mooney, who co-wrote with A. K. Reilly, worked under Alfred P. Sloan at General Motors. James D. Mooney, who co-wrote with A. K. Reilly, worked under Alfred P. Sloan at General Motors.

The main goal of the school main goal This school was efficiency in a broader sense of the word - in relation to the work of the entire organization. The Classics tried to look at organizations from a broader perspective, trying to define General characteristics and patterns of organizations. The goal of the classical school was to create universal principles of government. At the same time, she proceeded from the idea that following these principles will undoubtedly lead the organization to success. The goal of the classical school was to create universal principles of government. At the same time, she proceeded from the idea that following these principles will undoubtedly lead the organization to success.

Fayol considered the organization as a single organism, which is characterized by the presence of 6 types of activities: 1. Technological / technical activity; 2. Commercial (purchase, sale, exchange); 3. Financial (search for capital and its effective use); 4. Accounting activities(inventory and accounting of property, raw materials, materials); 5. Protective function (protection of property and personality); 6. Administrative (impact on personnel).

Fayol singled out 14 principles of management: 1. The division of labor, which increases the qualifications and the level of work performance. 2. Authority and responsibility. Where authority is given, responsibility arises there. 3. Discipline. Discipline involves obedience and respect for the agreements reached between the firm and its employees. 4. Unity of command. An employee should receive orders from only one immediate superior. 5. Unity of direction. Each group operating within the same goal must be united by a single plan and have one leader. 6. Subordination of personal interests to the general.

7. Remuneration of personnel. 8. Centralization. The appropriate degree of centralization will vary depending on specific conditions. 9. The scalar chain or chain of interaction consists in a clear construction of chains of following commands from management to subordinates. 10. Order - everyone should know their place in the organization. 11. Justice is a combination of kindness and justice. 12. The stability of the workplace for the staff and the constancy of the composition of the staff. 13. Initiative, i.e. encouraging employees when they develop new ideas. 14. Corporate spirit lies in the formation corporate culture with its norms, rules, philosophy.

Fayol has prepared a number of tips and recommendations for novice managers: Supplement your technical knowledge with the ability to manage; Gain additional knowledge in the process of communicating with managers; control your words and actions in the process of communicating with subordinates, do not make unfair remarks; Do not abuse the trust of the boss; Try as objectively as possible to assess the people around you, if possible, avoid criticism in your judgments; Constantly engage in self-education, try to keep abreast of the latest scientific achievements.

Positive features of the school: The question of the need to allocate their own management activities into a special object of study. The question of the need to highlight their own management activities as a special object of study. The need for competence and knowledge of the manager. The need for competence and knowledge of the manager. Development of an integral management system for the organization. Development of an integral management system for the organization. The structure of management and organization of the enterprise by employees based on the principle of unity of command. The structure of management and organization of the enterprise by employees based on the principle of unity of command. Creation of a system of management principles that lead the organization to success. Creation of a system of management principles that lead the organization to success.

Negative features of the school: Inattention to the social aspects of management. Lack of attention to the social aspects of management. Inattention to the human factor in the enterprise. Inattention to the human factor in the enterprise. Mastering new types of work based on personal experience rather than using scientific methods. Mastering new types of work based on personal experience, and not using scientific methods.

Features of the classical school of management: Rational management of the enterprise "from above" Rational management of the enterprise "from above" Consideration of management as universal process, consisting of several interrelated operations: technical, commercial, financial, insurance, accounting, administrative Consideration of management as a universal process consisting of several interconnected operations: technical, commercial, financial, insurance, accounting, administrative Presentation of the basic principles of management: division of labor, power and responsibility, discipline, unity of command, unity of leadership, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain, initiative, corporate spirit, justice, etc. Presentation of the basic principles of management: division of labor, power and responsibility, discipline, unity of command, unity of leadership, remuneration, centralization, scalar chain, initiative, corporate spirit, justice, etc. Formulation of a systematized theory of management of the entire organization, highlighting management as a special type of activity Formulation of a systematic theory of management of the entire organization, highlighting management as a special kind of activity Development of questions general management Development of general management issues