How to open a trampoline center business plan. How to open a trampoline center: a business plan with calculations

A few years ago, the so-called trampoline business. Imagine - entire sports complexes equipped with trampolines and only trampolines. It turned out that this business is very profitable. Why? Let's find out together.

trampoline to trampoline business

The first prototype of the modern trampoline was assembled in 1936, in an ordinary garage, by Georgen Nissen, a champion in acrobatic jumps and diving. His product quickly gained popularity. Not only professional athletes and acrobats began to train on the trampoline, but ordinary people also began to use the trampoline for entertainment and recreation.

Trampoline (from fr. batoude, ital. battuta - "strike") - a device for jumping, which is a strong woven mesh stretched over a metal frame with rubber or metal springs. The material that is used to make the surface of the trampoline is not elastic by itself. Elasticity is achieved by springs located along the perimeter (or circumference) of the mesh.

Modern trampolines are divided into several types - for home and professional use. Professional trampolines are made of heavy-duty materials (film working surface, durable steel springs and frame) and have a huge jumping surface. The area around the work surface is equipped with a so-called "foam pit"- a special safety zone that protects a jumping person from injury when falling.

It is professional trampolines that are used to create an entertainment trampoline center.

Trampoline business - entertainment trampoline complex

No, trampolines as attractions existed before. Remember, since 1936 - athletes, acrobats and entertainment. Usually this is one or two trampolines, which were placed separately. Often, these were trampolines for home use. Such trampolines were mostly popular only with children.

Everything has changed from one Australian named - Brent Grundy. As the legend goes, once Brent, in the past successful businessman, with a little daughter, visited the play center, which had a trampoline area. Brent Grundy I was surprised by the popularity of this attraction. Adults with children lined up in a huge queue for a few jumps. Unfortunately, it was impossible to linger on this trampoline, since the trampoline zone could not accommodate everyone and the queue demanded to free the trampoline for them. On that day, many did not reach the trampoline.

It was at this point that Grandi decided to open the world's first entertainment trampoline center. So, in the city of Penrith (Australia), a family trampoline complex appeared flip out. Despite the fact that the population of the city was 11,000 people, in the first year of operation, the center brought Brent several million US dollars. Since then, Brent Grundy's business has been trampoline complexes and successful franchise organizing trampoline centers. In just one year, in Australia alone, Brent opened 25 trampoline centers.

As can be seen from the story of an Australian businessman, a trampoline complex as a business is beneficial even for small towns. Consider all the nuances of such a business for Russia.

Trampoline business in Russia

To be honest, it is unlikely that a Russian businessman will buy an Australian franchise. Better he will fill the bumps on the trampolines on his own. Perhaps the entrepreneur will buy a franchise of some Russian trampoline business. We will try to uncover some of the pitfalls of this business.

In the trampoline business, due to the specifics of the service, there are practically no random customers. Everyone who wants to jump on a trampoline will purposefully go to a specialized complex. Therefore, the location of your complex is not so important for business. It can be the outskirts of the city or the center. The main thing is that it should be easy to reach both by car and public transport.

AT this business the most important thing is the size and technical capabilities of the room. The minimum recommended area of ​​the trampoline center is from 400 m². This area can accommodate all types of jump pads to meet all your customers' needs. The area may be smaller, but then you should forget about the full range of capabilities of your complex, which will negatively affect the competition and your profit.

The most important condition for a room with trampolines is that the working ceiling height must be at least 5 meters. Otherwise, your clients will not be able to avoid injuries when jumping.

Also, do not forget that the trampoline center belongs to mass entertainment, and therefore, according to the consumer protection law, it must be equipped with: locker rooms, air conditioning and heating, communications, plumbing and toilets. It is better to do everything at once than to fight off checks and fines later. Full equipment of the complex will allow you to use it all year round.

Additionally, you can equip the center with a food court (cafeteria, fast food zone), a place for rest and waiting. This will help keep customers in your center and increase the average check per customer. Because, in addition to "jump", the client will definitely buy both "drink" and "eat".

It seems that organizing such a business is easy - premises + trampolines + instructors = and the business is ready. But, it's not. Understanding in this kind of business is very important. Starting from the choice of high-quality equipment, ending with the professionalism of instructors. All this plays an important role in organizing a trampoline center. Many businessmen not only forget about it, but don't even know it. Working on sheer enthusiasm, wondering in the end why the business did not go.

By the way, opening a good trampoline center as a business is not a cheap pleasure. According to experts, the opening of such a business requires from 1.5 to 2.2 million rubles. Investments will pay off, with proper organization, in 2 ... 2.5 years.

Organizational and legal form. Be sure to think through all the legal details of this business, as it is associated with outdoor activities, which means there is a high risk of customer injury. Enter a mandatory briefing, a safety journal, draw up a competent contract for the provision of services, establish a rule for minors to visit the center only accompanied by adults or with permission from their parents in a strictly prescribed form.

Specific active rest. Trampolines are specific sports equipment. This means that your instructors should have not only general sports knowledge and training, but also know the specifics of trampolines. Therefore, it is better to select as instructors not just people with a sports or specialized education, but athletes and acrobats who know how to work with trampolines.

Center auditorium. Your center will be visited by both professional athletes and just people looking for unusual entertainment. Try to separate them. This can be a clear zoning of your complex by zones (if the area allows). Or introduce a temporary distinction, for example, professionals are given the morning time of the center, and access to the center for everyone begins a little later.

Don't be afraid of competition. Competition is another reason to make money. The audience is already warmed up by competitors and aware of the possibilities of the trampoline. It remains to lure it with the quality and completeness of services.

The main uses of the jumping area in the trampoline center

1. Professional use. Professional trampolines are used for training by representatives of extreme sports: skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, surfing, kitesurfing, who use the trampoline to practice acrobatic elements and prepare for sports competitions. The ability to use equipment for snowboarding, wakeboarding, kitesurfing (boards, halyards, etc.) on trampolines allows you to recreate real riding conditions, and the use of safety equipment and the buoyancy force of a trampoline allows you to master and practice complex elements and tricks. Such athletes are regular customers of trampoline centers.

2. Sports competitions and games on the trampoline. Exist different kinds sports that use a trampoline and other sports equipment. You can equip your trampoline complex with everything you need for such competitions and games. This opportunity will attract not only professionals, but also amateurs. One of the best examples of such games is slamball.

3. Fitness on a trampoline (jumping fitness). A high-intensity cardio workout to work all the major muscles and actively burn calories. Jumping fitness with an instructor is a new and very popular direction of services provided by trampoline centers. To provide this service, you will need an instructor with knowledge (and a certificate) about jumping fitness, you already have trampolines.

4. Free jumps. This is what everyone visits trampoline complexes for. After the briefing and warm-up with the instructor, visitors perform all jumps that are accessible to their physical form in the jumping area. The instructor, being in the working area, monitors general technique security. The average time spent by a client on trampolines is from one to two hours.

Promotion of the trampoline business and continued existence

In this business, to start, you need to use all available information channels. After the start, when you are recognized and appreciated, word of mouth will start. But, do not forget about the constant support of interest - these can be: activity in in social networks, one-time promotions in the media, organizing various holidays and events, holding event events and corporate team building, some non-standard marketing moves.

Trampoline centers have become a popular place for training and leisure and outdoor activities. Increasing competition in this type of business is a means of natural selection, after which there will be large or high-quality complexes that can make big profits even in a small city with a population of 10,000 or more.

Opening a trampoline park is technically difficult, costly, but interesting, profitable and promising business. What is its main advantage? Lack of strong competitors. Flaw? Initial costs from 1.5 million rubles. Such a project will pay off in 6-12 months and bring up to 40% profitability. The most difficult thing for an entrepreneur will be to find a room from 200 sq. m. and purchase equipment - nets, mats, a foam pit. The average revenue of a trampoline center per day is 10 thousand rubles. It is possible to purchase a franchise worth from 150 thousand rubles. at one of the popular clubs in Russia.


Trampoline center - how to choose a business format?

Family vacations, fun times with friends, sports competitions and training - can all three needs be met with one solution? Nowadays, trampoline centers have provided such an opportunity, which have recently become profitable business in Russia.

High profitability and the absence of strong competitors (this idea has not yet been implemented in many large and medium-sized Russian cities) - why not take advantage of such favorable conditions for creating your own business.

Reference! The first trampoline was invented in 1936 by diving champion George Nissen, who built it in his garage. The first Flip Out Park was organized in Australia in 1957 by Grundy Brent. It accommodated up to 11 thousand people. The Flip Out trampoline center franchise can still be purchased today.

The trampoline center is a socially oriented business. By organizing it in any Russian city, you can count on the support of local authorities.

Important point! The "jumping business" also has its own pitfalls: it will require finding a solid start-up capital (1-3 million rubles), and it reaches payback only after 1.5-2 years. Monthly expenses can amount to 500-700 thousand rubles.
Source: Delovoy Petersburg

How to open a trampoline club in a small town: Zenin Vyacheslav, co-founder and initiator of the creation of the Cosmica entertainment center

Before starting to draw up a business plan for a future trampoline center, it is extremely important to choose the format of its organization, of which 3 can now be distinguished.

  1. Entertaining format. It is focused on recreation and entertainment for everyone. In this case, the center includes many trampolines of different sizes, which are combined into a single field. Due to the high passability of the trampoline arena, its surface must be resistant to wear and increased elasticity.
  2. Sports and training format. In this case, the trampoline is used for fitness training, sports events, amateur jumping and acrobatics, circus performances. When choosing this format, it is important to equip the trampoline center with an additional sports equipment as well as qualified trainers and instructors.
  3. Free format. Provides for the creation of a center in a free style on the basis of an old factory workshop or hangar. Here, in addition to elastic surfaces, it is worth placing other devices for recreation and active pastime - a climbing wall, parkour slides, slack lan, etc.
Table 1. Trampoline center organization formats

Use cases




Holidays with friends, family

Inflatable trampolines with a durable surface of different sizes, paths, ball pools for children, etc.

Shopping centers, parks, beaches, etc.

Sports and training

Fitness, acrobatics, sports competitions

Wicker trampolines with devices for performing gymnastic exercises

Sport halls


Parkour, gatherings of skaters and representatives of street cultures

Inflatable trampolines, climbing walls, springboards, slides

Outskirts of the city, near parks and youth facilities

Important point! A trampoline center is always a risk of injury to visitors. Therefore, the areas allocated for athletes and parkourists should be fenced off with a strong mesh from the areas for family recreation.

Business model: how to make money on organizing a trampoline center

Despite the fact that it is not easy to organize a trampoline center, it can be considered as profitable option doing business in Russia.

  1. This kind of entertainment is not seasonal - they operate throughout the year.
  2. The trampoline rental market in the Russian Federation is not saturated: the potential capacity of the Moscow market is 20-25 billion rubles. per year with a saturation of only 7-9 billion rubles. (18 large trampoline centers), not to mention medium and small cities.
  3. The profitability of the project is 25-40%.

Since jumping entertainment is more common in the US and Europe, it is possible to purchase a franchise that will allow you to create a trampoline center based on a ready-made, proven business model.

Figure 1. In the cold season, the ranks of visitors to the trampoline park will be replenished with lovers of parkour, skateboarding and street acrobatics.
Source: News site

Important point! Despite the lack of influence on the trampoline business of the seasonal factor, in the summer months its revenue may decrease by 15-25%.
Source: RBC

How to start creating a “trampoline business” - finding a room and registering

You should start creating a trampoline park by finding a room. Unlike other types of business, it is here that a number of important requirements are imposed on real estate:

  • ceiling height must be at least 6 meters;
  • the area of ​​​​the premises is not less than 200 square meters. m.;
  • the presence of a ventilation system;
  • the location of the windows at the top of the wall.

Important point! For a trampoline center, it is unacceptable to use semi-basements and first floors of residential buildings. The best option is gyms in sports complexes or buildings of former schools. Renting premises in shopping and entertainment complexes is also possible, but it will cost several times more - up to 3,000-4,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

After the premises are selected, you can proceed to register a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. What determines the choice of organizational and legal form? From the plans of the business owner.

In addition to registration with the tax authorities, the trampoline center must issue:

  • contracts for deratization and disinfection;
  • contracts for the protection and installation of an alarm system;
  • technical opinion on the compliance of the internal infrastructure with regulatory requirements;
  • permissions of SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

Important point! Due to the high potential for injury to visitors, the trampoline center should have briefing and safety logs, and also involve an experienced lawyer in compiling standard contract on the provision of services or receipts for visitors.

Purchase of equipment

The technical side of the organization of the trampoline park is one of the main criteria for its success. What equipment should be purchased?

  • trampoline canvas - 150-180 sq. m.;
  • springs and fasteners - 2-3 sets;
  • foam pit - 15-20 sq. m.;
  • stairs for entering and exiting the trampoline - 2 pcs.;
  • acoustic system - 1 pc.;
  • cabinets and benches in the locker room - 5-7 pcs.
  • mirrors - 2-3 pcs.
  • reception desk - 1 pc.
  • toilet bowls and sinks in the restroom - 4-6 pcs.

Figure 2. Before purchasing equipment, it is necessary to create a project layout on your own or with the involvement of third-party specialists.
Source: RiF website

Note! If the trampoline center will provide visitors Additional services, a refrigerator, a coffee machine, a microwave oven, an electric kettle and a sofa for arranging a place for snacks and a relaxation area can also be purchased.

When choosing a trampoline net, it is possible to purchase nets and lining mats separately, or you can order a turnkey installation of the arena. Self-installation will cost less:

  • trampoline net (standard size 200 × 200 m) - 30-50 thousand rubles.
  • lining mats (standard set) - 40-60 thousand rubles.
  • foam pit - (for 1 sq. m. Cubes) - 10-15 thousand rubles.

The total cost of the main equipment, together with small ones, is 400-450 thousand rubles. The cost of installation of the arena is about 250-300 thousand rubles.

Figure 3. The cost of the main equipment - nets and springs.
Source: Zvezda website

Important point! By purchasing materials on their own, the business owner receives a guarantee for the service life of the materials, as well as the opportunity to independently select a trampoline net and other components. In addition, a standard size trampoline net is enough to equip an arena of 200 square meters. m. and leave part of it for the restoration of damaged places in the future.

Figure 4. The cost of the main equipment - mesh and covering mats.
Source: website

If you contact specialized organizations for the installation of turnkey trampoline arenas, then the cost of their services is 5-10 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. area. In this case, the entire installation will cost 1-2 million rubles.

Park staff

In order to ensure the functioning of the business, at the first stage, no more than 5 people will be required: 2 instructors, a cleaner, an administrator and a security guard. Instructors should be paid a mixed salary - salary and percentage of the number of clients served; and the rest of the employees - salary.

In financial matters, you can use the services of an incoming accountant, who will cost the company 10-15 thousand rubles. The total wage fund per month can be 150-170 thousand rubles.

How to promote a business?

What bonuses can be offered to clients in the first months of work?

  • free 4th or 5th visit to the trampoline;
  • discounts for large companies;
  • free distribution of coffee, drinks, cotton candy;
  • discounts for promo coupon holders, etc.

Important point! You should take care of the creation of the site, as well as registration in the maps of search engines.

In this material:

Before you open a trampoline center, you need to decide on its format. Currently, the following types of organizations are the most popular in this area. Amusement and park complexes - a group of trampolines of various sizes, combined into a single field with a wear-resistant jumping surface. Commercial trampolines do not allow you to reach the jump height required in sports, but for the entertainment of children and adults, this is just what you need. Since such a center is designed for a large number of visits, it can be placed in amusement parks, on beaches and in front of shopping centers.

The sports and training format implies pre-registration of clients and guaranteed time spent on the site. Proximity to residence potential clients in this case it does not play an important role. Clients will go to a qualified coach from any part of the city. Visitors sports complex can be both athletes and amateurs. This format of the institution involves the holding of sports events for adults and children. Children's parties bring good income trampoline owner.

The free economy format is popular in small towns where it is possible to rent former warehouse and production facilities at an affordable cost. The opening of such a center does not require major repairs and convenient access roads. Minimal amenities, an equipped entrance group, changing rooms and showers - everything that is necessary for the normal functioning of a trampoline center of this format. The popularity of the enterprise is ensured by the low price of the entrance ticket.

How to choose a room for a trampoline center?

A room of the appropriate area, which has a convenient location, is the key to the success of any enterprise. The choice of premises for sports centers can be difficult. The height of the ceilings in the room must exceed 6 m for amateur trampolines and 8 m for sports ones. For installing trampolines of small sizes, designed for visiting by children younger age, rooms with a ceiling height of 5 m can be considered. Buildings with low ceilings can also be considered if it is possible to make an artificial recess in the floor.

The criteria for choosing a room depend on the format of the trampoline center being opened. To open a sports and training center, you can rent a room in any area of ​​the city. It must have convenient access roads, because most customers will come by private car. After renting the premises, it is necessary to make cosmetic repairs. At least 200 m² of area should be allocated for a sports and training hall, and one should not forget about the administrative department.

When opening an entertainment and park center, premises in shopping and entertainment centers should be considered, the equipment of locker rooms and showers in this case is not mandatory. In addition to trampolines, there should be free places for recreational activities in the room. As a rule, the cost of renting premises for entertainment establishments is lower than for retail ones. When renting premises for a free-economic format trampoline center, the choice of premises is determined by its cost.

When organizing a sports and training complex, which will also be engaged in holding children's events, it should be understood that not all trainees will like the constant noise and screams. In turn, not every parent will agree to bring the child to the gym where extreme athletes will train. If your trampoline center becomes the only one in the city, you may be able to combine several formats. However, with the emergence of competitors specializing in a particular area, your customers may begin to visit their establishments.

Is it worth adding a cafe trampoline center fast food? If you have insufficient experience in this area, it is not worth the risk. Catering— another line of business that requires a serious approach to the organization of food storage and preparation places. More relevant is the organization of free food places, which for a fee can be visited from own products. It is worth considering the installation of vending machines for the sale of coffee and fast food.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to organize a sports school on the basis of a trampoline center. Since the training and education of athletes capable of achieving certain results is possible only on the basis of the school of the Olympic reserve.

Business competitiveness analysis

There are children's and youth sports schools in many cities, including those that teach children in areas involving the use of sports trampolines.

As a rule, they are fully involved in children and adolescents, so access to people who want to engage in an amateur format is closed. And the state of such establishments leaves much to be desired. Thus, sports schools are not able to provide stable attendance to interested amateurs.

You can evaluate the competitiveness of a business based on the attendance of private sports centers already existing in your city.

At the same time, one should take into account how correctly they carry out advertising campaign whether customers are satisfied with their work, whether all the necessary amenities are available. Opening an enterprise that will become the second or third in a large city is normal.

The owners of existing organizations laid the foundation for the popularity of this business line. With the right approach to organizing and running a business, the right attitude towards customers, a good location and an adequate price for renting a room, your business will bring a stable profit. Financial investments pay off in 2-3 years, the risks are assessed as medium.

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The very first trampoline cent appeared in Australia. Brent Grundy, after an unsuccessful trip to the play center with his daughter, decided to create Flip Out - a huge trampoline and entertainment center. In a year, his business enriched America by several million dollars. Grandi is now running a successful trampoline business around the world. More than 25 Flip Out centers open each year under the Flip Out franchise.

When opening an attraction, you should first decide on its type. Now the most popular and successful are:

  • entertainment and park complex (many trampolines different sizes located over a large area);
  • commercial trampoline (single attraction located in parks, squares and beaches).

If you decide to open a trampoline business, then you should know that the main inflatable attribute is produced in many countries. Trampolines from China are considered the most inexpensive, for example, large outdoor attractions with a slide can be bought for about 200,000 rubles. The service life of such attractions is 2 years.

Business idea for inflatable trampolines must also conform to a specific format. The most successful are sports-training and free-economical.

The first is distinguished by pre-registration and a guaranteed length of time spent on the attraction. The main clients of such a center will be athletes, but ordinary amateurs will not be an exception either.

The second format is in demand in small towns with free warehouses and industrial premises that can be rented. Most of these centers are visited ordinary people: parents with children, young companies. For athletes given format not suitable, since such centers are not equipped with specialized trampolines.

How to start a trampoline business

Starting your own business, you need to start registering a business. In order to issue a certificate of IP, you should contact the tax office at the place of residence, having the following documents with you:

  • passport and its copy;
  • Receipt of payment state duty- 800 rubles;
  • copy of TIN;
  • application for registration of IP;
  • application for the application of the simplified taxation system in two copies.

Within five working days you will be able to personally pick up the documents confirming registration.

After completing all the documents, you need to start choosing a room. The best option for beginner businessmen would be to rent it. When looking for a suitable area, you should pay attention to the height of the ceilings. It must be at least 6 meters for amateurs and 8 meters for athletes.

If only children will visit your inflatable attraction, then the ceiling height should be at least 5 meters.

It is also worth noting that in some buildings with low ceilings, you can make recesses in the floor. Therefore, such premises can also be used to implement a business idea.

Income and expenses

When implementing an inflatable attraction business idea, all costs should be taken into account. Monthly expenses include:

  • rental payment - depends on the footage and location of the building, on average - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electricity - 1500 rubles;
  • taxes - 15,000 rubles;
  • wage employees of the center - about 50,000 rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses - about 50 thousand rubles.

One-time costs include repair work(150-200 thousand rubles), purchase of trampolines (250-300 thousand rubles) and more.

The average cost of visiting the attraction is 300 rubles for 30 minutes. On a weekday, the center is visited by about 100 people, on weekends - 300 or more. The amount of daily revenue can vary from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

Thus, an example monthly profit can be from 350 to 500 thousand rubles. As a result, if you open your own business in this area of ​​​​entertainment, then it will fully pay off in 7 months.

Good Examples

The most popular trampoline centers in Moscow are:

  • "Sky" - in the park there are more than 100 different trampolines, as well as freestyle sections, walking on the walls, as well as circus and acrobatic studios;
  • "Fan Jump" - the center is equipped for small children, there are various slides and labyrinths on the territory. Dodgeboud, acrobatics and fitness trainers are also offered;
  • "Weightlessness" - 30 single trampolines, 2 sports and 2 narrow, 17 corner and 3 tracks are presented for visitors. Also on the territory you can find a climbing wall, a foam pit, start doing fitness and acrobatics.

Consider a few more ideas for starting your own business in the entertainment industry.

Business idea: outdoor trampoline

A street trampoline is the easiest option for developing your business. Such a business is easy to implement, low costs.

Outdoor trampolines come in various shapes: round, rectangular, square, oval and slides.

In addition to the advantages of opening a trampoline center, there are also disadvantages. Before opening such a business, it is worth analyzing them:

  • high competition;
  • lack of free places for placement of an inflatable attraction;
  • customer control;
  • collection and disassembly of the trampoline itself;
  • seasonality.

If you still decide to open just such a business, then you will need the following equipment: a trampoline (slide or room); powerful compressor; several rented meters and transport.

Anton Salov, director of the first trampoline park in Yekaterinburg, opened his first center for his children. To date, he has already opened 7 such establishments. In addition to 60 trampolines, the park has parkour and skate zones.

During the opening of the park, Anton did not have any difficulties. The trampoline center in Yekaterinburg was opened a month later. On November 14, 2015, Razgon Park was officially opened to visitors.

Business idea: trampoline to go

The meaning of such a business idea is that the trampoline is constantly moving, and not installed in one place. It can be ordered for various holidays, festivals.

Being engaged in this type of business, do not forget about security measures. When you install the trampoline outdoors, make sure that there are no stones, roads, trees, or fences in the area.

When installing a trampoline indoors, be sure to surround it with a special net and always be close to the person who is jumping on the attraction.

The features of the business idea are: the small size of the trampoline itself; the need to have your own transport, as renting a car will cost too much.

The last feature is that in the cold season you can go to schools and kindergartens with a trampoline, the size allows you to install them in gyms or on verandas.

Business idea - "Banjo"

Banjo is a stationary steel structure with a jump cloth (elastic band). In addition, the trampoline is equipped with: a jump net, a spring, a safety belt, an extension cable, a mechanical or manual drive. The height of jumps on such a trampoline is a maximum of 5 meters and a minimum of 1.

The advantages of such an attraction are:

  • high demand;
  • large age range of clients;
  • various variations of jumps.

If you decide to open your own business and settled on a banjo, do not forget about the disadvantages of its operation: installation complexity, safety control, stationary power supply, instructor training, large area.

Since the jumps are carried out to different heights and the load force is very large, the installation must be done very carefully. Before launching the first clients, you need to additionally check all fasteners.

The cost of a large banjo, in which several people can jump at the same time, is approximately 650,000 rubles, and a single one is 35,000 rubles.