Trampoline business where to start. Trampoline center as a business: you can jump above your head! Business Features - Trampoline Center

Trampolines began to appear more and more often in parks and on the streets of Russian cities. This is not surprising to anyone, because everyone wants to plunge into the holiday atmosphere at least for a while, and inflatable attractions in this matter come in handy. That is why many entrepreneurs decide to turn entertainment into a business. Trampolines can bring joy to people and money to you. A tempting prospect, isn't it?

The trampoline business is attractive, first of all, by the simplest scheme: you invest money once, and not a very large amount, and then you get a long-term and relatively stable profit, which is many times higher than the initial investment.

First steps

First you need to purchase an inflatable trampoline. Most start-up entrepreneurs face the problem of choice. What product should be preferred - made in Russia or abroad, for example, in China? It seems that the quality of Chinese products is not bad, and the price is attractive ... However, take into account the fact that not all samples of foreign production can be called reliable.

The low cost is primarily due to the low quality of the material used in the manufacture of the product. So, raw materials of dubious origin weigh no more than 450 grams per square meter, while the mass of a reliable trampoline is at least 650 grams per square meter.

Be prepared for the fact that a cheap product will last no more than two seasons. In addition, an unpleasant surprise may be the poor quality of air blowers powered by the network.

The cost of a good domestic product starts at one hundred and ten thousand rubles. The most popular are indoor trampolines, as children are very fond of climbing inside such a structure and crawling there.

Required Documentation

Are you planning to open your own business? Trampolines are not the only thing to worry about at the start. Yes, you need to register as individual entrepreneur. This type of activity is not subject to licensing, but it will still be necessary to collect some documents. Among them are the following:

Technical passport for each purchased product;

Certificates of conformity to GOST;

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on admission to contact with children;

Permission issued by Gostekhnadzor.

Features of choosing a place

An inflatable trampoline for business is best placed in crowded places. At the same time, do not neglect the following factors: the attendance of the entertainment site, the level of well-being potential clients, remoteness of transport lines, etc. It is good if some other attractions will be located next to yours, as this will significantly save on advertising.

Experienced businessmen note that it is most profitable to place inflatable trampolines for children in parks. To do this, you need to conclude an agreement on the placement of the attraction. Renting a site will cost you 500-2500 rubles per month. A low fee allows you to successfully develop your business.

Trampolines are installed on flat and clean asphalt or lawn areas. It will not be superfluous to have so-called anchors - concrete blocks that protect the attraction from being blown away by the wind. If the inflatable trampoline is operated on a dirty surface or on sand, it is recommended to use a special pad that will reduce wear on the bottom of the product.

Rent. Little tricks

The rental costs must include the cost of storing the attraction, because not all trampolines can be taken with you. In addition, each time to hire a minibus for transportation is more than expensive. We recommend that you agree on the placement of attractions on the territory of the organization with which you entered into a lease agreement. In addition, for a small fee, local laborers or loaders will help you mount and dismantle the inflatable trampoline.

The business will require a lot less cost, if you manage to reach an agreement with the administration of a recently opened shopping center or supermarket on the placement of attractions in the surrounding area. With this development of events, your trampoline will become part of the process of promoting a new object.

A mutually beneficial offer to the owner of the territory to provide your attractions for holding will also help to reduce the rent. advertising campaigns and shares.

How much income can this business generate?

Trampolines are a seasonal attraction. Nevertheless, they can become a source of considerable income, and the initial investment will return in a year. So, let's start the calculations. The average duration of a session is five to ten minutes, and average cost- fifty rubles. On holidays, the session time is reduced to three minutes, but the payment is doubled. Income on a weekday will be at the level of three to five thousand rubles, and on a holiday - two to three times higher.

Do not forget that part of the profits will go to pay for the services of the cashier, rent and taxes. However, even if you take the maximum, the costs will not exceed fifty thousand. On average, you can count on an income of 90-95 thousand rubles. per month.

Unusual move

If you can not be called a notorious person, try yourself as a clown. With a positive attitude, children will be drawn to you. Stock up on foam noses, balloons, lollipops and give these nice presents, for example, for the maximum time spent on the trampoline. As an option, you can entrust the role of a cute merry fellow to a hired actor.

Rushing under the roof

As noted above, inflatable trampolines for children and adults are relevant in the warm season. But even in summer, all the cards can be confused by simple rain. In addition, during precipitation, the attraction must be covered, since a wet, slippery surface causes injury. If the summer turns out to be rainy, this process will become more than tedious, especially if your trampoline is impressive in size.

The solution to the problem will be the placement of the attraction on the territory of the shopping center. However, not everything is so simple, because the smallest pneumatic trampoline, equipped with compressors, has dimensions of 3x5 meters, while it is not lower than two and a half to three meters. As you can see, for its placement you will need at least 15 sq.m. free area.

Unfortunately, the administration of the shopping center in most cases prefers to occupy such a zone with racks for the sale of small equipment or gadgets, since they have a much larger turnover. Nevertheless, do not rush to despair: the most persistent entrepreneurs note that they managed to agree on the placement of trampolines on the territory of the mall during the cold period. Much depends on the region in which you develop your own business, and on the loyalty of the managers of the shopping and retail center.

Movement is life

Efficient trampoline owners romp around with their attractions in nearby cities. They note that it is advantageous to stay in a small village for three to five days. With a favorable development of events, you can purchase a mobile park complex, then the profit will be even higher.


If you want to develop a business in the field of "jumping" entertainment, do not skimp on quality, because once a client receives an injury, it will ruin your reputation for a long time.

Opening a trampoline park is technically difficult, costly, but interesting, profitable and promising business. What is its main advantage? Lack of strong competitors. Flaw? Initial costs from 1.5 million rubles. Such a project will pay off in 6-12 months and bring up to 40% profitability. The most difficult thing for an entrepreneur will be to find a room from 200 sq. m. and purchase equipment - nets, mats, a foam pit. The average revenue of a trampoline center per day is 10 thousand rubles. It is possible to purchase a franchise worth from 150 thousand rubles. at one of the popular clubs in Russia.


Trampoline center - how to choose a business format?

Family holidays, fun times with friends, sports competitions and training - can all three needs be met with one solution? Nowadays, trampoline centers have provided such an opportunity, which have recently become profitable business in Russia.

High profitability and the absence of strong competitors (this idea has not yet been implemented in many large and medium-sized Russian cities) - why not take advantage of such favorable conditions for creating own business.

Reference! The first trampoline was invented in 1936 by diving champion George Nissen, who built it in his garage. The first Flip Out Park was organized in Australia in 1957 by Grundy Brent. It accommodated up to 11 thousand people. The Flip Out trampoline center franchise can still be purchased today.

The trampoline center is a socially oriented business. By organizing it in any Russian city, you can count on the support of local authorities.

Important point! The "jumping business" also has its own pitfalls: it will require finding a solid start-up capital (1-3 million rubles), and it reaches payback only after 1.5-2 years. Monthly expenses can amount to 500-700 thousand rubles.
Source: Delovoy Petersburg

How to open a trampoline club in a small town: Zenin Vyacheslav, co-founder and initiator of the creation of the Cosmica entertainment center

Before starting to draw up a business plan for a future trampoline center, it is extremely important to choose the format of its organization, of which 3 can now be distinguished.

  1. Entertaining format. It is focused on recreation and entertainment for everyone. In this case, the center includes many trampolines different size, which are united among themselves in a single field. Due to the high passability of the trampoline arena, its surface must be resistant to wear and increased elasticity.
  2. Sports and training format. In this case, the trampoline is used for fitness training, sports events, amateur jumping and acrobatics, circus performances. When choosing this format, it is important to equip trampoline center additional sports equipment as well as qualified trainers and instructors.
  3. Free format. Provides for the creation of a center in a free style on the basis of an old factory workshop or hangar. Here, in addition to elastic surfaces, it is worth placing other devices for recreation and active pastime - a climbing wall, parkour slides, slack lan, etc.
Table 1. Trampoline center organization formats

Use cases




Holidays with friends, family

Inflatable trampolines with a durable surface of different sizes, paths, ball pools for children, etc.

Shopping centers, parks, beaches, etc.

Sports and training

Fitness, acrobatics, sports competitions

Wicker trampolines with devices for performing gymnastic exercises

Sport halls


Parkour, gatherings of skaters and representatives of street cultures

Inflatable trampolines, climbing walls, springboards, slides

Outskirts of the city, near parks and youth facilities

Important point! A trampoline center is always a risk of injury to visitors. Therefore, the areas allocated for athletes and parkourists should be fenced off with a strong mesh from the areas for family recreation.

Business model: how to make money on organizing a trampoline center

Despite the fact that it is not easy to organize a trampoline center, it can be considered as profitable option doing business in Russia.

  1. This kind of entertainment is not seasonal - they operate throughout the year.
  2. The trampoline rental market in the Russian Federation is not saturated: the potential capacity of the Moscow market is 20-25 billion rubles. per year with a saturation of only 7-9 billion rubles. (18 large trampoline centers), not to mention medium and small cities.
  3. The profitability of the project is 25-40%.

Since jumping entertainment is more common in the US and Europe, it is possible to purchase a franchise that will allow you to create a trampoline center based on a ready-made, proven business model.

Figure 1. In the cold season, the ranks of visitors to the trampoline park will be replenished with lovers of parkour, skateboarding and street acrobatics.
Source: News site

Important point! Despite the lack of influence on the trampoline business of the seasonal factor, in the summer months its revenue may decrease by 15-25%.
Source: RBC

How to start creating a “trampoline business” - finding a room and registering

You should start creating a trampoline park by finding a room. Unlike other types of business, it is here that a number of important requirements are imposed on real estate:

  • ceiling height must be at least 6 meters;
  • the area of ​​​​the premises is not less than 200 square meters. m.;
  • the presence of a ventilation system;
  • the location of the windows at the top of the wall.

Important point! For a trampoline center, it is unacceptable to use semi-basements and first floors of residential buildings. The best option is gyms in sports complexes or buildings of former schools. Renting premises in shopping and entertainment complexes is also possible, but it will cost several times more - up to 3,000-4,000 rubles. for 1 sq. m.

After the premises are selected, you can proceed to register a business in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. What determines the choice of organizational and legal form? From the plans of the business owner.

In addition to registration with the tax authorities, the trampoline center must issue:

  • contracts for deratization and disinfection;
  • contracts for the protection and installation of an alarm system;
  • technical opinion on the compliance of the internal infrastructure with regulatory requirements;
  • permissions of SES and Rospotrebnadzor.

Important point! Due to the high potential for injury to visitors, the trampoline center should have briefing and safety logs, and also involve an experienced lawyer in compiling standard contract on the provision of services or receipts for visitors.

Purchase of equipment

The technical side of the organization of the trampoline park is one of the main criteria for its success. What equipment should be purchased?

  • trampoline canvas - 150-180 sq. m.;
  • springs and fasteners - 2-3 sets;
  • foam pit - 15-20 sq. m.;
  • stairs for entering and exiting the trampoline - 2 pcs.;
  • acoustic system - 1 pc.;
  • cabinets and benches in the locker room - 5-7 pcs.
  • mirrors - 2-3 pcs.
  • reception desk - 1 pc.
  • toilet bowls and sinks in the restroom - 4-6 pcs.

Figure 2. Before purchasing equipment, it is necessary to create a project layout on your own or with the involvement of third-party specialists.
Source: RiF website

Note! If the trampoline center will provide visitors Additional services, a refrigerator, a coffee machine, a microwave oven, an electric kettle and a sofa for arranging a place for snacks and a relaxation area can also be purchased.

When choosing a trampoline net, it is possible to purchase nets and lining mats separately, or you can order a turnkey installation of the arena. Self-installation will cost less:

  • trampoline net (standard size 200 × 200 m) - 30-50 thousand rubles.
  • lining mats (standard set) - 40-60 thousand rubles.
  • foam pit - (for 1 sq. m. Cubes) - 10-15 thousand rubles.

The total cost of the main equipment, together with small ones, is 400-450 thousand rubles. The cost of installation of the arena is about 250-300 thousand rubles.

Figure 3. The cost of the main equipment - nets and springs.
Source: Zvezda website

Important point! By purchasing materials on their own, the business owner receives a guarantee for the service life of the materials, as well as the opportunity to independently select a trampoline net and other components. In addition, a standard size trampoline net is enough to equip an arena of 200 square meters. m. and leave part of it for the restoration of damaged places in the future.

Figure 4. The cost of the main equipment - mesh and covering mats.
Source: website

If you contact specialized organizations for the installation of turnkey trampoline arenas, then the cost of their services is 5-10 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. area. In this case, the entire installation will cost 1-2 million rubles.

Park staff

In order to ensure the functioning of the business, at the first stage, no more than 5 people will be required: 2 instructors, a cleaner, an administrator and a security guard. Instructors should be paid a mixed salary - salary and percentage of the number of clients served; and the rest of the employees - salary.

In financial matters, you can use the services of an incoming accountant, who will cost the company 10-15 thousand rubles. The total wage fund per month can be 150-170 thousand rubles.

How to promote a business?

What bonuses can be offered to clients in the first months of work?

  • free 4th or 5th visit to the trampoline;
  • discounts for large companies;
  • free distribution of coffee, drinks, cotton candy;
  • discounts for promo coupon holders, etc.

Important point! You should take care of the creation of the site, as well as registration in the maps of search engines.

  • Video business example
        • Similar business ideas:

trampoline park - the new kind sports and entertainment services. This business is actively gaining momentum in our country and is still considered a novelty. In large cities, you can only meet the opening of the first halls. For example, in our city (600 thousand inhabitants), the first trampoline center was opened only at the end of 2015. Although in the same St. Petersburg there are already more than 20 such trampoline halls.

At the same time, being not the first in your city to launch such a project, you can save a lot on attracting customers. It is much easier to work with an already prepared audience, which competitors managed to introduce to this kind of entertainment. And if you have some advantages, for example, in the location of the complex, price and service, you can lure away the lion's share of customers.

Video business example

Meanwhile, the audience for this entertainment (or sports direction) is quite wide. Private clients are fans of parkour and extreme sports: kite, wake, alpine skiing, freestyle (skiing). Children, schoolchildren, university students love to jump on trampolines. Not infrequently, women come here to do "original" fitness (mostly in groups). Also held corporate events, master classes and children's holidays. In general, attracting customers should not be a problem. Moreover, with the development social networks distribution of information about the opening of a new unique trampoline complex scatters in a matter of days. So almost from the first days you can expect good attendance.

What equipment to choose for a trampoline room

The area of ​​​​the room where it is planned to install a trampoline hall should be at least 200 square meters. m. In such a space, four trampolines can fit, that is, 50 square meters each. m. for each. In large shopping and entertainment complexes, trampoline parks with an area of ​​​​300 - 1000 square meters are installed. m. It is worth noting one design feature of trampolines - their dimensions. This allows you to save on finishing and repairing the premises, since the installed equipment will largely cover the walls and floor. The price tag for trampolines may vary, depending on the manufacturer and condition (new or used). On average, for equipment 1 sq. m. it takes about 3500 r. Accordingly, a small park of 200 sq. m. will cost about 700,000 rubles. it new version. On the used market equipment can save up to 20 - 30%.

How much can you earn on a trampoline park

To begin with, we list the main ways to generate income for the trampoline complex:

  • One-time visits, the average price tag for Russian cities is 300 rubles. / 45 minutes. On average, you can count on 25 people per day or 750 people. per month. Potential revenue in this area is 225,000 rubles. per month
  • Corporate events, birthdays - an average of 5000 rubles. for one event. It is realistic to hold up to 6 such events per month. Potential income - 30,000 rubles.
  • Classes for students - 2500 rubles. per group, an average of 5 lessons per week. Total revenue - 50,000 rubles.
  • You can also conduct master classes, fitness, classes for extreme groups. The average income from a lesson is 3000 rubles. Ten classes per month will bring another 30,000 rubles.

The total turnover per month is 335,000 rubles. It should be noted that the above calculations are typical for cities from 250 to 500 thousand inhabitants. In larger cities, the price tag will be higher, and the turnover, respectively, too (from 400 thousand rubles). But you will probably not work alone in the city. Further expenses (per month)

  • Room rental (not a shopping center) - 100,000 rubles. for 200,000 sq. m.
  • Administrator salary - 1000 rubles. for a working day. Requires 2 people for shift work. General expenses - 60,000 rubles. plus 20 000 rub. for insurance premiums.
  • Trainer's salary - 600 rubles. in shift. A minimum of 2 trainers is required. Total - 36,000 rubles. + 12 000 rub. for insurance premiums.
  • Advertising expenses (signboard, support for the site and groups in social networks, holding contests and promotions) - 15,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Total total expenses - 253,000 rubles. From here you can calculate the net profit: 335,000 - 253,000 \u003d 82,000 rubles. per month. Minus taxes (simplified, 15% of profit) you can count on a net profit of 69,700 rubles. At starting investments in 800 - 900 thousand rubles (purchase and installation of 4 trampolines) payback comes after 11 - 13 months of work.

Pitfalls (search for premises)

One of the most difficult tasks when organizing an indoor trampoline park is finding a place. The purchase of equipment, the registration of an individual entrepreneur, the search for personnel - these are all “flowers” ​​and completely solvable problems. Finding the right space, however, is not an easy task. The fact is that there are a number of requirements that complicate the selection of premises. For example, the height of the ceilings - it must be at least 6 meters. Accordingly, semi-basement premises (like boxing schools), premises on the first floors of apartment buildings, etc., disappear. Add to this the appropriate size of the area for installing trampolines, which is at least 200 square meters. m. There is not so much choice. The most famous option is shopping and entertainment centers. But, as you understand, the price of rent in some shopping centers, especially popular ones, “bites” very much. At a price per square of 1500 - 3000 rubles. you will pay for the rent all the monthly proceeds. So, here you need to think carefully and weigh everything. You can also look for the premises of former schools, where gyms once functioned. But such objects are not in every city. As soon as you find a suitable room, you can proceed to the rest of the points, in particular, the search for suppliers of trampoline parks. Here we are no longer clues, since there are quite a few such manufacturers, including in Russia. Stable demand for such a service is almost all year round. The so-called "drawdown" is observed only in summer, when revenue falls by 15 - 20%. According to experts, the average business margin is 40%. To increase profitability, the owners, in addition to the trampolines themselves, install a climbing wall, a dodgeball arena, a parkour park, and a cafe. In general, they open a full-fledged sports and entertainment complex under the roof. Of course, this increases the cost of the project at times, but the return, you see, will be completely different.

How to start opening a trampoline park

The first trampoline center appeared in Australia, in a small town inhabited by only 11 thousand people, and immediately became in demand. In Russia, this type of business is also suitable for small businesses. settlements, especially since it does not require special investments. The most important thing is to find a suitable room, which is not so easy. You should start with his search

How much money do you need to start a business

To start, 250-300 thousand rubles is enough. To open a business you need:

  • room 200-300 sq.m.;
  • trampolines;
  • knowledgeable instructors.

It is better to start with the choice of premises, and then deal with the paperwork and the search for clients.

What documents are needed to open a trampoline park

When starting registration, you need to prepare: an application, documents on payment of the State Duty, a photocopy of the passport and TIN (for individual entrepreneurs).

Which taxation system to choose

It is better to choose a simplified taxation system.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a trampoline park

OKVED code 93.2 "Activities in the field of recreation and entertainment."

Do I need permission to open

The legislation does not provide for the registration of trampolines. The permission of Rospotrebnadzor is not required. But to start a business, you may need a passport inflatable trampoline and a lease agreement.

New business ideas are of interest not only to young businessmen who have not yet earned their first million, but also to those who have already managed to not only earn a lot of money, but also lose it;)

The main character of our today's story just fits this description. Meet Brent Grundy, an ex-businessman from Australia, who just a couple of years ago experienced considerable difficulties with cash and non-cash funds.

One day Brent was in the right place and in right time and after analyzing the situation, I was able to come up with a great idea.

How things were: Together with his daughter, Brent came to the holiday at the children's entertainment center. While half of the guests had fun and jumped on the trampolines, the other half of the guests, as often happens, stood along the wall of the trampoline and sighed quietly, since there was no place for another group of children on the trampoline.

Brent's daughter also ended up in the "worthwhile half" - he first explained to his daughter that she had already grown up and "too big for such a center", and then, as a true businessman, he decided to finalize the idea and create a center in which absolutely everyone would have enough space for jumps and pirouettes .

Brent began to work on the idea of ​​creating a family trampoline center, which can be visited not only with all friends at the same time, but also with all relatives, including grandparents.

The first entertainment center was opened in the small town of Penrith with a population of only 11 thousand inhabitants. The idea was liked by all visitors and residents of the town, and soon the idea of ​​opening such centers began to be sold by franchise.

Ask why Brent decided to focus on the trampoline center? Everything is very simple here. There are few places where you can relax with the whole family, have fun and actively spend time without thinking about injuries, sprains and broken limbs.

For a year and a half, the franchises diverged simply with a bang! More than twenty such centers have been opened in Australia, in addition, with similar projects, businessmen are already ready to enter the markets of 13 countries, including Dubai.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

In Russia, similar centers have already begun to appear, however, without a franchise from Brent Grundy at all.

Weightlessness Center - located in Moscow, outside the Moscow Ring Road. This center opened just six months after the video of the Australian center appeared. "Weightlessness" has minor differences from its Australian "brother" - the columns in the center of the hall somewhat interfere with free movement and jumping :)

What do you need to open a trampoline center?

First, you need to get a large and spacious room, a sufficient number of reliable and strong trampolines and a team of friendly instructors.

Secondly, you should definitely take care of the service sector - a cafe and a pizzeria will never be idle if there is physical activity nearby.

If we take into account the statistics of Australian colleagues, then the dependence is easily traced: 15 people are needed for one center, and one center brings about $ 1 million in income per year (abroad, yeah).

Why are such centers attractive?

It is worth considering the trampoline center not only as an exclusively entertaining base. If you build it right marketing campaign, then it is quite realistic to attract various sports teams to its territory in the morning, which will train in trampoline jumping, and in the evening the center will play the role of a classic entertainment venue where you can not only relax, but also have great fun.

As Australian experience shows, customers can be found even in a small town with a population of no more than 10 thousand people. Among so many friends, there will definitely be those who will be ready to spend time with benefit.

Excessive motor activity in children, which is especially pronounced during the holidays, increased nervous excitability in adults who could not get to the winter resort, all these and many other problems are easily solved with one trip to the trampoline center.