Franchising in Russia: the most profitable and successful franchises with minimal investment. Catalog of profitable franchises Profitable franchises

When looking for a franchise, the buyer focuses on the optimal combination of price and quality - in order to spend, if possible, less, and receive more. How to find a profitable franchise among the many offers with minimum investment?

Attachments: what is included?

Before jumping into the franchise catalog, it's important to get a realistic picture of all future expenses. What is the actual cost of a franchise?

Keep in mind that some of the costs may not be listed in the franchise proposal, so the best strategy is to find out all the nuances directly from the franchisor.

  1. Lump sum- the amount that you need to pay when buying a franchise.
  2. Investments, including working capital for the first 1-6 months - the cost of acquiring or renting premises and equipment, purchasing a consignment, remuneration of employees, etc.
  3. Royalty– monthly fee for using the franchise in the form of a fixed amount or % of revenue.
  4. Additional payments– possible deductions for advertising and other services.

Consider the conditions for the most profitable and budgetary franchises at the end of 2017.

Franchises in the field of trade

1. "Jack Hiker"

Retail store for youth backpacks. In production, the emphasis is on tracking popular trends in youth culture and their immediate implementation in prints, which ensures high sales. The only contribution from 86,500 rubles. goes to buy a rack and backpacks.

2. "Touching sand LEPA"

Developer of plastic modeling material made from sand with the addition of a polymeric substance. Two franchise packages are offered - "Light" (point of sale in the form of a promotional stand) and "Maxi" (island-type pavilion "Vagonchik").

3. "Prodigy"

Manufacturer of educational toys made of environmentally friendly materials for children from 8 months to 9 years. Shop, minimarket and maximarket options are offered.

4. "Autoreality"

Network of spare parts stores for foreign cars. Various forms of cooperation are available depending on the quantity automotive brands, the components for which are presented, and locality. The franchisee himself chooses the brands of cars for which he will sell spare parts; at the same time, the franchisor guarantees that the right to sell a particular brand within one city will not be transferred to other franchisees.

5. "Vintage"

Shop of tea and coffee products of the company "Ouncia". Franchise training is aimed at beginners in business and contains step-by-step instructions for starting a business.


Island stores of bright anti-stress gifts (pillows, soft toys, accessories) owned by the owner of the Expedition brand. The franchise provides for fully automated business processes, training in sales techniques, the possibility of a markup of 130-150%.

7. "E-mobile"

Gadget accessories store. The franchisor provides legal services, accounting support, consulting on sales technology, recruitment, analysis regional market and etc.

8. Orange Elephant

Shop for goods children's creativity and development. The range is represented by training sets, coloring books, board games, materials for modeling and drawing. As part of the offer, the franchisee gets the opportunity to buy goods at prices 20% lower than wholesale.

9. "SKAZKA Natali Romanovoi"

Multi-brand silver jewelry store. Under the terms of the franchise, promotions, as well as weekly delivery of goods, are carried out at the expense of the franchisor; It is possible to return unclaimed goods.

10. "Expedition"

Shop of goods for tourism, as well as unusual gifts and souvenirs. Formats outlets include both mobile versions (“Little Raft”, “Island of Joy”) and full-length versions (“Territory of Vivid Impressions”, “Expedition Worlwild”). In addition, there is a profitable offer "Shop-in-shop" - the opening of the store "Expedition" inside the existing store (lump fee from 30 to 70 thousand rubles.)

Service franchises

1. Genetic-test

Innovative fingerprint aptitude testing company. The franchisee is provided with a fingerprint scanner, as well as access to special software that processes the data and generates the finished result. The franchisor conducts comprehensive sales training (Light Push system).

2. "House Bureau"

A company for the construction of modern wooden cottages using the "Warm timber" technology. The franchisor undertakes to provide marketing and organizational support to partners and assist in staff training. The franchisee also gets the opportunity to use the company's ready-made database of projects.

3. "Infolife"

The company is the developer of a system for testing abilities, character and health based on fingerprint data. The attractiveness of a franchise lies in its low investment, quick payback, and the ability to choose a package that fits your pocket. The provision of services is possible on stationary and mobile racks, on the road, as well as using vending terminals. Franchise points are open in 36 countries of the world.


Travel IT company using its own software development, which allow you to optimize all processes related to the search, booking and issuance of travel vouchers, which allows you to quickly process a large number of orders.

5. "RosFundament"

Manufacturer of pile-screw foundations, which also carries out work on their design and installation. Three types of offers are available depending on the planned scale of the enterprise: "Standard" (139,000 rubles), "Advanced" (199,000 rubles) and "Exclusive" (399,000 - 499,000 rubles)

6. "Layout-master"

Studio for the production of mock-ups and 3D models for a wide range of clients, including oil refineries, industrial, military, transport and design companies from the public and private sectors. The franchisor conducts a three-day training course for partners, provides video instructions for creating layouts, and advises on opening and developing a business.

7. "Peppy day"

Coffee shops offering coffee "to go" as well as fresh pastries. The formats of the sales rack, "islands" for shopping centers, street kiosks, street retail are available. Instead of cash desks in the network, an online CRM-ERP system is used, which reflects all sales and keeps records.

8. "Hodograph"

Training center for preparing schoolchildren for the OGE and the Unified State Examination. The company has developed an extensive franchise package with detailed training materials on all aspects of the business. The franchisee can count on the support of a personal curator, assistance in creating a website and design outdoor advertising, to learn how to work in the CRM system and receive special methodological literature.

9. "Stardog! S"

The first domestic fast food chain. The menu is based on hot dogs and sandwiches. Possible points of sale include mini-units, pavilions, auto buffets and food courts.

10. "1C: Accounting Service"

Partner network of firms of the company "1C" for the provision of services in the field of accounting, personnel and tax accounting small businesses. The franchisee receives software from the company "1C" to maintain customer databases and implement operating activities as well as information and technical support.


When looking for interesting and inexpensive offers, you should pay attention to Retail Stores children's products, tea products, gifts, phone accessories and auto parts. In the service sector, affordable franchises are represented in the innovative niches of biometric diagnostics, construction and prototyping.

When planning to purchase a franchise, an entrepreneur evaluates the necessary initial costs. You need to understand that before reaching the break-even point, the business will require monthly investments. Therefore, the cost of the franchise must be assessed in the complex.

First, a lump sum. This is the money that the franchisor will have to pay for the right to obtain a franchise at the conclusion of the contract. Then royalties - an analogue of rent, in this case for the brand, which are paid monthly.

In addition, you will need to spend money on opening and running a business. What will require investment? Rental of industrial and retail space, offices. Possible purchase of equipment. Employee salaries. Advertising, transport and other overhead costs.

As a rule, when offering a franchise, the brand owner evaluates the financial component in terms of current costs in the form of two amounts - the minimum and the maximum.

Getting acquainted with the terms of the franchise, the applicant receives reliable information about what budget the purchase of a brand and business model will require, and can objectively assess their capabilities.

So, when considering the price of a franchise, you need to take into account:

  • lump sum;
  • monthly royalties;
  • investments in starting and running the business until it starts to make a profit;
  • some franchises are issued with the need to pay monthly advertising fees.

Are there low cost franchises for small businesses?

On the Russian market Hundreds of franchises are represented. These are both foreign and domestic brands.

There are franchises with no lump-sum fee, such as the Sabellino store. You can find a franchise offer with no royalty, for example, the sale of Button Blue children's clothing, there are even options without a lump-sum fee and royalties -

But such tempting conditions do not mean at all that you can open a business using these franchises without investment at all. The cost of the franchise is estimated in the complex. And a free offer can be more expensive than one that has both a lump-sum fee and royalties.

But very inexpensive franchises do exist! In the catalog of current franchises, you can find options with very little investment. And among them there are those that are available to almost everyone.

You need to understand that a business that can be opened under such a franchise will not be super profitable. But it is quite possible to gain experience in starting a business, get acquainted with a successful development model and make good money.

A selection of franchises with minimal investment

A small selection of inexpensive franchises for small businesses in various fields.

Cookie & coffee

Inexpensive franchise in the field Catering— cookie & coffee.

Lump sum - 0 rub,

Royalties - according to a special scheme (there are 3 options for entering the business)

To run a business, you will need a minimum area, from 2 to 20 m2, with electricity supplied. Staff from 1 person. It is best to start this business in a crowded and passable place. There is experience of successful development in small towns.

The format of the institution may vary from the counter to educational institution to the cafe. Starting with not big investments, you can become the owner of a network of profitable coffee houses.


Infolife - earnings on testing the abilities of children and adults by fingerprints (website).

Royalties - from 25 rubles per researched person,

Investments - from 35,000 rubles.

Infolife offers ample opportunities to develop its brand. Depending on the availability of funds, a franchise buyer can equip a stationary point of sale in a large shopping center or organize their work directly in schools and other childcare facilities. The franchise seller claims a payback period of 1 month.

Infolife Franchise Video:

This interesting topic for young and ambitious start-up entrepreneurs.

The undoubted advantages are the lack of competition, low cost, lack of mandatory conditions according to the actual location of points of sale.


Aquapoint is a franchise in the field of sales and installation of heating systems.

Lump sum - 0 rub,

Royalty - 0 rub.

You can work both in a rented office and in home office mode. The company will undertake the drafting of the project for your customer. The advantage of this franchise is high marginality and the ability to develop business in related areas.

The sun

One of the cheapest today is the franchise of the Sun online store.

Lump sum - 0 rub,

Royalty - 0 rub,

Investment - 10 euros.

The business is based on the dropshipping model. A great opportunity to try your hand at the Internet business with virtually no investment.

Robin the Hood

Robin Hood, a consumer protection franchise, will also require minimal costs.

Lump sum - 0 rub,

Royalty - 20%,

Investments in the creation of a reception (office).

The scope of the business is legal services. It has been on the market since 2010, more than 30 representative offices have been opened. Franchise payback from 2 months.

Requirements - for successful business, you will need to open an office with an area of ​​​​about 15-25 m2, located in a convenient location for customers. The number of employees is from 1 to 5. It is possible to attract law students to work.

Success Examples

Completely unnecessary for successful business start by buying an expensive and popular franchise. The main thing is to evaluate your strengths, tune in to hard work and follow the recommendations of the brand owner.

Little-known at that time, the Fornetti franchise - stalls where buns are baked, became the basis of the well-being of Anna and Leonid. The couple chose the direction of business for a long time and was inclined to buy one of the fast food brands. But small initial investment with a well-thought-out business model, they allowed the couple to become successful businessmen.

Examples of successful business development under the Orange Elephant brand are widely known. bright islands in shopping malls have already arisen in many cities, and everywhere these points bring profit.

Choose a franchise according to your financial capabilities and to your liking, and everything will definitely work out.

Video about the Orange Elephant franchise:

The section presents low-cost franchises with investments up to 500,000 rubles. The payback period of most of them does not exceed 6 months. The profitability of such a business may not be too high, it corresponds to the level of initial costs. However, this is a real practical option that works best:

  • for the accumulation of initial capital with a view to the subsequent transition to more profitable business models, but with a high input threshold;
  • for novice businessmen to start, because it allows them to acquire the necessary experience and connections, to “get comfortable” in business environment without the risk of major losses;
  • for those who do not plan to enter a highly competitive market, but expect to have a small stable income, for example, to the onset of retirement age.

What to look for when choosing a franchise

You should not focus solely on the cost of the lump-sum contribution and the payback period, it is advisable to analyze:

  • form, the amount of the entry fee - too high an entry fee, especially with low royalties, suggests that the company is interested in taking a high income from the sale of the franchise, and further fate her partner is of little concern;
  • what composition the franchise package includes - it should be fully reflected in the contract, with all the details and restrictions imposed; clearly defined areas of responsibility;
  • from what the amount of regular payments is calculated - from profit or from sales proceeds; the latter option, as a rule, is more expensive for a novice entrepreneur;
  • what guarantees are provided in terms of business exclusivity in the region - you will hardly be satisfied if a couple of neighbors, inspired by your example, open outlets 500 meters from the store;
  • the amount of support received from the franchisor - the number and completeness of training seminars, advanced training and incentive systems, marketing programs for franchisees; automation tools;
  • assigning a personal manager-consultant to newcomers - communication with one person is easier and more efficient, communication is more efficient, emerging issues are resolved faster;
  • the history of the seller's relationship with already working partners - it is advisable to ask their opinion "live", not limited to reading reviews on the Internet;
  • the number of closed franchise outlets during the period of operation - this information, of course, will not be provided directly. But you can use indirect data: according to regional websites, shopping center data, store location maps.

Why is a franchise business more profitable than a startup?

Franchising as a way to start a business from scratch is becoming more and more popular. Market experts and entrepreneurs with rare unanimity consider this direction the most promising. The risk of bankruptcy for a franchisee is substantially lower than for any other small business. According to the IFA (international association): out of 100% of new enterprises opened independently - 85% are closed within 5 years; opened within the framework of franchising - 14%. Acquisition of a franchise by an aspiring entrepreneur looks like a completely reasonable and justified step.

See, compare and choose low-cost small business franchises, perhaps this is where you will find a profitable business for yourself.