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Where can I get information products with resale rights? At one time, the resource was very popular, it collected the most a large number of products with resale rights and private label rights. Today, for some reason, this resource is not available, I don’t know why it stopped functioning, maybe it will be revived :)), we will follow the events.

In the meantime, to search for goods with resale rights, we will use popular search engines Yandex and Google. After typing in Yandex the phrase "buy information products with resale rights", I received a lot of offers to buy a ready-made set of information products, although the prices of different sellers are very different: a set of 17 books costs 490 rubles, of 27 products - 750 rubles, of 30 products they offer for 1243 rubles, 90 products for 500 rubles, 25 products for 600 rubles, etc.

Going to Google and requesting the same information, I received a lot of offers: 144 info products for 1600 rubles, 48 ​​products for 640 rubles, 88 info products for 930 rubles, 27 products for 555 rubles. etc.

The most profitable among all the kits found is 90 products for 500 rubles, each product costs the reseller only 4.5 rubles. This is the cheapest offer available. You can view the catalog of information products with resale rights atseller's website.

If you are not satisfied with ready-made sets of information products or you want to sell products on a certain topic, then you will have to search for suitable information products on your own and contact the author to discuss the terms of buying resale rights.

“Hello, Vasily!

Sincerely, Petr Sidorov"

You can write such letters to several authors. Perhaps someone will be interested in your offer and you will receive resale rights. So moving on, where to get the resale rights products we've looked at, moving on to the next step: how to proceed after buying the resale rights?

So, you have one, several or a whole set of information products with resale rights in your hands ... Now you need to sell them, or rather resell them for profit. Let's say you bought a book with resale rights for $1,000, then you sell it for $200 per copy. In order for your costs to pay off, you need to sell only five copies, all other sales will bring a net profit.

How to sell information products in order to get maximum income? In order to earn good money on reselling information products, it is desirable:

2. Have a blog or website with good traffic.

3. Offer high-quality thematic information products to your subscribers and visitors.

4. Be able to create subscription and sales pages in the absence of those in the reseller's set.

5. Launch affiliate program, thereby enabling other Internet users to sell your product for a fee.

Therefore, advice, do not sell familiar information products, look for new products, and before buying, check if they are freely available on the Internet so as not to get a gnawed bone instead of a piece of cake. You yourself know that our Runet user is "greedy for freebies", and if the product is freely available, then selling it is just as useless as hypnotizing Kashpirovsky.

How to make money on the Internet without understanding the creation of sites, but at the same time having a certain level of knowledge in trading and a small amount of capital? One answer to this question is to resell. What it is? This is the resale of various goods with the obligatory allocation of profit.

What do you need to start earning on reselling? Of course, this is the starting capital, as well as some knowledge that will allow you to determine the value of the goods.

Given that you will work on the Internet, it is best to resell electronic goods, because. when using real objects, there are difficulties with delivery and the turnaround time increases significantly Money.

How much money is needed?

Naturally than more money you can invest, the better, because. even with a small margin, you can allocate a solid profit.

For example, if you buy 100 keys for a game for 100 rubles and spend 10,000 rubles on it, you can sell them for 150 and thus earn 50% of the profit. There are also such types of goods, the price for which can be increased several times.

For example, it can be e-books, various methods of earning money on Forex, video courses and much more.

In this case, you can spend $10 to buy a book, and then shell it out for $5 each. The number of sales on this site is not limited, so after 2 sales you will already get your money back.

What can be traded?

The scope of electronic goods is so wide that you can choose anything you want. Here are some examples of products you can resell:

  • Domains.
  • Sites.
  • Electronic books.
  • Game keys.
  • Programs.
  • Forecasts (bookmakers, forex).
  • Database.
  • game accounts.
  • Photo.
  • Site templates.
  • Gift certificates.
  • Video courses.

This is far from full list electronic goods, with the help of which you can organize earnings on the Internet on reselling.

In order to be successful in your business, learn to recognize the possibility of reselling goods at a higher value. Of course, this is not so easy to do and you will need to become a real specialist, but the training is worth it.

How to make reselling more profitable?

When you resell electronic goods, you can complement them with your own materials.

Create your own course of study, write an e-book or promote game accounts for further resale. All this will allow you to receive free goods that can be sold in the future.

If you think that no one buys such products, then go to the website and evaluate the sales statistics from various sellers (many of them are resellers). The most successful users earn thousands of dollars on one quality e-book.

How to start earning on reselling?

If you decide to use this method, then first you need to draw up an action plan. By acting according to a predetermined instruction, the chances of success become much higher.

It will be easier for you to find best way to profitable reselling if you answer a number of questions for yourself:

  • where to get goods for reselling?
  • Which products are more suitable for resale?
  • how to sell online
  • how to set up payment acceptance?
  • What are the ways to get the attention of buyers?
  • where to send the money earned?

Answering several simple questions, there will be a basis for drawing up an action plan. You can turn reselling into a full-fledged business, but you will have to become a real expert in the products you choose.

How much can you earn?

There is no ceiling here, you can earn really big money. The first factor on which career development depends is start-up capital. Try to allocate as large a sum as possible.

Buy only when you are sure of a profitable resale. I have a lot of friends who hire freelancers or buy info products to resell them on Plati.

This system is ideal for finding buyers, plus you can set up affiliate rewards by getting additional advertising. Want to specific example? Please:

Look at the first line where the strategy is sold profitable trading. It costs almost 460 rubles and has already been sold 320 times.

It turns out a decent amount of 147,000 rubles, and now think about how much you need to pay a professional to create something like this? If you find an experienced trader and pay him even 10-20 thousand rubles, he will definitely agree to develop such an information product.

Prices for ready-made information products are even lower, so it makes sense to look for something on the Internet.

So that success does not pass you by, firstly, you need to carefully choose products. Secondly, you need to understand sales.

Adding a product to Plati is not all that needs to be done. This site is needed only for convenient receipt of money, and the number of sales depends on how well the advertising campaign is carried out.

Where to look for quality products for reselling?

When it comes to information products, the ideal options are Glopart and QwertyPay. It makes sense to visit different forums and look for information businessmen who sell ready-made goods. Even if you don't have start-up capital, you can become a partner and conduct sales, receiving interest from transactions.

Decided to start reselling domains? Then it is better to use the services of Webhost1. This hosting provider offers affordable prices for domain name registration. We also recommend reading an article about, where other registrars are presented.

Reselling on sites is the most profitable business. After purchasing a resource, you can put some effort into improving it to increase the cost.

You can buy ready-made sites from the Telderi auction, the choice there is huge, detailed statistics are offered for each site, and profitable lots often appear.

These sites are quite enough to pick up a huge number of different products for reselling. It is best to search for offers on several sites at once, but remember that without certain knowledge, you will not be able to correctly evaluate the product.

Reselling is far from the only opportunity to build a business online. For example, you can organize

Successful resellers are constantly buying and learning to sell. You can’t sell anything on the Internet, don’t believe in this delusion. Choose the most best goods and, only having received 100% confidence that you can earn extra money on this, make a deal.

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