Methodical development. Trainee workbook

A trainee salesperson is a name given to those salespeople who are not yet ready to work completely on their own. The internship process is designed to teach the seller the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities as quickly as possible and with minimal losses. Often newbie internships fall on the shoulders of more experienced sales mentors.

Sales training stages.

As a rule, the internship of the seller is divided into 2 stages:

  1. Training a minimum set of knowledge and skills so that the trainee can start independent work. This stage usually lasts from 2 to 7 days. In more complex sales, it can take up to 2 weeks, for example, in.
  2. Sellers adaptation. At this stage, learning takes place directly during work, the main goal is to instill a skill. For this you can.

It is important to understand that it is by no means impossible to let an untrained seller into battle. This will lead to poor sales and high churn from the internship. But at the same time, you can learn how to sell only by practicing.

What you need to teach the seller first of all.

In general, the seller does not have to master much knowledge. But the problem is that this needs to be done right away and any gaps will reduce sales. Let's first take a look at what the seller needs to know:

  1. Information about the company in which he works.
  2. Features and benefits of the product to be sold.
  3. competitive environment.
  4. Rules for working with a client adopted in a particular company, internal documentation

It is important to bear in mind that staff training is a cyclical process and after you have trained the interns, their knowledge must be maintained and refreshed.

How is a salesperson trained?

Salesperson training should begin with the fact that he needs to tell about the company he works for. Any seller must have confidence in the company and in the product, and faith in the product begins with faith in the company. Tell us about the history of the company, about what goals and objectives the company sets in the market. Be sure to focus on the attitude of the company to the client.

After that, the trainee salesperson is immersed in the product. At this stage, the seller must learn what the property is and what the benefit is. Understand and learn the main features and benefits of the product to be sold.

After the seller, the trainee got acquainted with what he has to sell, they start it. To begin with, the agent must find out what they are for. This topic is very broad and you can spend a lot of time studying it. But the better the seller knows the sales technique, the higher his results.

The next step is practice. It is better to start with role-playing games in which the product is sold first to the trainee, then the trainee sells. If a beginner cannot sell in the office, he will never sell in real life. Therefore, this step is the most important.

As soon as the seller has learned to sell in the office, you can release it to customers. At the same time, it is important to work together with an experienced seller in the early days. In the course of work, it is necessary to give feedback on what the beginner is doing well and what needs to be improved.

After 3 days of working together, the seller almost always feels confident and does not require constant monitoring. However, a mentor should always be there to help if questions arise. It is worth noting that in the first month it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of sales techniques, a product and conduct training on competitors.

The better you train salespeople, the less problems there will be in future work. Often, leaders do not prioritize the learning process because there is a lot of current work, this is a huge mistake. After all, untrained staff creates an additional burden on the manager.

The workbook of a trainee student is the main document for recording his work at the training camp in the combat unit.

Before the training camp, the student is obliged to carefully study the memo given in the notebook and familiarize himself with the procedure for maintaining the “Workbook of the trainee student”.

    The notebook is filled in by the trainee student and the technical staff of the unit daily, accurately and only with ink or a ballpoint pen.

    In the section "List of mandatory questions to be worked out or studied by a student-trainee in the course of the training camp", the student puts down the date of completion on the issue indicated in the list. If the same issue is worked out repeatedly, then all the dates of its completion are put down. If the issue has been worked out for a long period of time (participation in the preparation of aviation equipment for flights, the performance of routine maintenance), then the dates of these works are put down.

    In the section "List of studied guiding documents", the student-intern writes down the name and main requirements of the guiding documents studied by him during the internship. Do not write secret data!

    In the section “Working as an understudy as a senior technician (technician) of the service group”, the student-trainee takes into account all the work performed by him in the air squadron.

    In the section “Working as an understudy in the position of a senior technician (technician) of the maintenance work group”, the student-intern takes into account all the work performed by him in TECh ap.

    The superintendent of the work of the student-intern gives him an assessment for the quality of the work performed daily and puts his signature.

7. The correctness of keeping a notebook is checked by the platoon commander of cadets (students) and the head of the training unit of the collection.

8. after the end of the training session, the notebook is handed over to the cycle teacher responsible for the platoon.


The training camp is the most important component of training and has the following goals:

    consolidation of practical skills in the operation and military repair of aviation equipment;

    acquisition of skills to independently perform the entire range of functional duties of the senior technician (technician) of the service group and maintenance work;

    familiarization with the forms and methods of party-political and educational work with personnel.


a) Before leaving for training camp:

    clarify on the cycle all unclear questions on the training camp;

    receive an individual task for special training from the teacher responsible for the platoon;

b) On the way.

The student on the route is subordinate to his squad leader and all officials who provide transportation of personnel.

The student must:

    Arrive at the meeting point exactly at the appointed time, having with you the necessary property and documents (passport, registration certificate, military ID, Komsomol (party ID, toiletries, sports uniform);

For directors.

Attention! This free article is not part of the Uncensored Furniture Business course.

Preparing a furniture salesman from a novice intern is not an easy and rewarding task.

Many do not reach the end of the distance, they run away. For "run away", in our opinion, there are three reasons:

a) they don’t “pull” themselves (read - they don’t want to pull),

b) they are not sufficiently dealt with (you clearly distributed everything, entrusted, fixed, and no one needs your intern to hell),

c) "old men", burning with the desire to get rid of potential competitors, tell such things about your store that you yourself do not know.

Would it be better to hire a professional? Maybe... But! There are already very few of those left, and even those are well-employed and do not dream of getting a job just for you. In addition, even if you get such an ace seller at your disposal, then he will stay with you for exactly a week or two as a normal person ... Next, put on good sunglasses so as not to go blind from his "star". It will be so starred that it will not work itself, and the staff will completely corrupt.

We basically do not hire people with experience in the field of sales. We train interns using a special “trainee diary”, which is our own development. For more details, more precisely - absolutely in detail, about the intern's diary - in our case "Furniture business without censorship".

Twelve days after the start of the internship (that's how long the training is based on the intern's diary), you get a person, a specialist who already knows and knows something. And if a person is diligent, then he can do quite well.

If a new person runs away during the internship period, pay him the due "150 rubles a day from the fourth day of the internship" and let him go in peace.

But what about the person who passed the internship and was hired, but suddenly decided to quit? How to evaluate your contribution to this person? No way ... All you can do is to add to the contract the clause “worked for less than a year, you will receive a bare salary in the last month.” This is legal, and at least somehow compensates you for the costs of training such a specialist.

We appoint a mentor to the trainee from among the working sellers. Boss interest - all sales of the intern during the internship are counted towards the mentor, plus 30% of the intern's sales for the first month - this is also the mentor's sales.

Below we list (in simple listing) a few items from an intern's diary to give an example of what an intern's diary consists of:

1 full name of the trainee,

2 name of the mentor,

3 internship dates,

4 mark for certification,

6 memo trainee-seller,

7 memo on how to work with the sales trainee notebook,

8 sales trainee training plan by day (trainee task schedule in detail, by hour, for 12 days),

9 list of achievements,

10 characteristics of the trainee,

11 certification sheet.

A total of 19 sheets of working papers that your intern and his mentor fill out daily...

Part 7 of the 27-page Furniture Business Uncensored case provides information on training salespeople in a furniture store and includes chapters such as:

a) trainee's diary (in full),

b) abstract plan (about furniture, about the supplier, for sellers - for the purpose of careful study and presentation),

c) questions for the trainees on the topic “competitors” (the trainee, one day, as part of the preparation for the diary, travels around the competitors of your furniture store and prepares a report on pre-prepared questions),

d) role-playing games (several scenarios),

e) documents for certification (how to conduct certification correctly).

Good luck with furniture sales!

Organization of an internship system for salespeople to quickly achieve sales targets

At the end of the page - get a useful GIFT from Aleksandrov S.A. -

6 days are the 2 most important stages of the internship.

The webinar is over, you can purchase the recording!
12-th of September
from 10:00 to 13:15 Moscow time

You need this course if you want to learn how organize an internship system in such a way as to bring the Interns to the planned sales figures in 1 month.

The webinar will be useful for managers of retail furniture companies:

directors of salons and retail chains;
store administrators;
leaders of training centers.

The main problems in the withdrawal of interns for training:
trainees “break out” from school after 2-3 days
trainees finish their studies and go to other companies
you understand that the intern is not suitable for you, you taught in vain and spent time and money of the company on him

Additional problems when an intern moves to the rank of a salesperson:
trainees become salespeople but never meet sales targets
we see that there is a loss of sales, but it is difficult / fearful to fire a new seller, since it is not a fact that you will find a better one
the new seller is "forced out" by the old team. At the same time, this often happens with promising newcomers.

These problems have not been solved for YEARS in the furniture industry. Interns enter a full-fledged work cycle only after 3 months, and even then not always. Often you have to “tinker” with them additionally without a guarantee of results.
And so after a whole year, you still have to fire.
A sophisticated system of motivation: scholarships, bonuses, increased salaries, honor boards - do not solve the problem.
Attempts to teach, introduce mentoring - also do not help. Very often, an initially active newcomer turns into a “watchman” seller of an outlet.

Why is this happening?!

Research* Alexandrov S.A. showed that the sequence of stages of training, evaluation of interns at the entrance is incorrectly built, which leads to large losses in sales and money of the company as a whole.
That is, when they begin to teach a beginner a product, collections, workflow, software, and then move on to sales techniques, they teach the trainees to “sit and teach”, and not to actively work with the buyer.

It is necessary to put at the forefront - the ability to communicate with any visitor to a furniture store. It is also an aptitude test.

The result of the study was the development of the correct internship system, which is divided into 3 clear stages with their own goals and results.

* The studies were carried out for 5 years

Stage 1 Internship (1 day)


Weed out unsuitable Interns for work in the Company (not everything is immediately clear during the interview).
To motivate promising Interns to work in the Company (to avoid early disruption from training).
Prepare the Trainee to work as a promoter in the presence of the Mentor (we check by “battle” in working with visitors).

Result of stage 1:
Dismissal of unsuitable Interns
Intern who successfully passed 1 day
Interns who continue their internship, at the end of 1 day, conclude a Contract or Student

Stage 2 Internship (5 days)


Obtain new knowledge and skills necessary to make successful sales and work with a client (studying the top 5 assortment, document flow), and improve your own communication skills with clients.
Conclusion for certification to make a decision on the transfer to the 3rd stage of the internship and work in the company.

We'll tell you more in the webinar. We will give a plan for daily training at the 2nd stage.


If the Intern passes the Certification - work at the TT until the end of the day and go to the 3rd stage of the Internship (final immersion in the profession).
If the Intern does not pass the Attestation - dismissal (we do not waste time and money on those who are not suitable for work).

Stage 3 Internship (2+2 weeks)

Target: promote the Intern to the position of the seller of the 1st category with the corresponding planned indicators

We'll tell you more in the webinar. We will give a plan for daily training at the 3rd stage.


Trainee prepared for independent work with customers and effective sales (implementation of the minimum sales plan).
Registration of an Intern under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


How to set up the internship process for new employees so that they start working at full capacity and get back to work as soon as possible

How to make sure that new promising trainees do not “jump off”, but “unnecessary” ones do not become an alternate airfield and a “watchman” of your cabin

How to get rid of the "headache" from the constant need to look for new candidates, because the previous ones do not stay long.

What should be taught to the trainee first and in what sequence

We will provide you with documents that contain the full daily plan of the internship.

The document includes the following sections:
1. Main directions (goals) Internships.
2. List of practical tasks.
3. Tasks for each day, designed for each week.
4. Evaluation of the results of the Intern's activities.
5. List of documents to be studied by the trainee.

Finding and training the “right” staff for a business is a difficult and lengthy process. Newly hired, trained employees should become the lifeblood, flesh and blood of your business. Everything they say, how they act, will determine the success of the business.


1. Understand how to quickly bring the Intern to work mode.

2. Learn how to effectively education and evaluation personnel during the Internship.

3. Learn all about the successful induction of an Intern through Mentoring.

4. Get:

detailed Internship program, consisting of 3 stages

Intern's workbook

Full package of documents that will help you in working with Interns:
- Certification sheet

- Checklist "Competitors"


Within 17 working days, you will be able to prepare an Intern to work at a point of sale as a full-fledged sales assistant.


Participation option No. 1

Participation option number 2

Participation option No. 3


(4 webinars with practical tasks, every Tuesday from September 19, from 10.00 to 12.00)

(6 courses)

Webinar recording

- Internship program;
- Intern's workbook

- Certification sheet
- Photograph of the Intern's working day
- Daily assessment of the activities of the Intern during the Internship
- Form for collecting developments
- Checklist "Competitors"
- Checklist "Self-examination of the trainee"
- Sales consultant competency profile

Webinar recording

- Internship program;
- Intern's workbook

A complete package of documents that will help you in working with Interns:
- Certification sheet
- Photograph of the Intern's working day
- Daily assessment of the activities of the Intern during the Internship
- Form for collecting developments
- Checklist "Competitors"
- Checklist "Self-examination of the trainee"
- Sales consultant competency profile


Participation in the online course "Effective practices for recruiting and evaluating productive staff"

Duration - 8 hours.

Webinar recording

- Internship program;
- Intern's workbook

A complete package of documents that will help you in working with Interns:
- Certification sheet
- Photograph of the Intern's working day
- Daily assessment of the activities of the Intern during the Internship
- Form for collecting developments
- Checklist "Competitors"
- Checklist "Self-examination of the trainee"
- Sales consultant competency profile


Participation in the remote course "Effective practices for recruiting and evaluating productive staff"

The course includes 4 webinars: every Tuesday starting September 19th.
Duration - 8 hours.

On the course, you will gain knowledge on how to properly approach the preparation of vacancies for various positions in retail, how to choose sources of information placement to attract a flow of candidates. Get a system for evaluating candidates at an interview).


Participation in the School of the head of a furniture company

6 courses that are included in LSR:
1. How to make your store sell using merchandising laws
2. We create and implement 3 standards of work with customers that provide 80% of sales
3. How to manage a furniture company team and achieve results
4. How to develop a pay system that increases sales
5. Good practices for recruiting and evaluating productive staff
6. How to survive and develop companies that make or sell furniture to order /

5 900 rub.

9 900 rub.


29 000 rub.

The price includes connection
2 employees from the company.

But you can connect more - 1500 rubles. for each next one.

Come to the course with the whole team of leaders!

Pay in 1 click! Click on the PAY button and choose a convenient payment method. All payment systems, including payment by bank transfer.

Pay in 1 click! Click on the PAY button and choose a convenient payment method. All payment systems, including payment by bank transfer.


Sergei Alexandrovich Alexandrov

Founder and Gen. director of the International Furniture Recruitment Center

“Secrets of sales in the furniture market. 5 steps to build sales in wholesale and retail”
"18 main questions that concern the furniture business for the last 10 years"
“Preparation of sales stars on the stream. Just about learning to sell furniture”
"Instructions on how to become an ace of furniture sales"

Developed a methodology for furniture sales, sales standards for furniture groups (buildings, kitchens, upholstered furniture), a personnel certification program, CRM for furniture retail.

Conducted more than 700 seminars, webinars, trainings and conferences.

Natalia Valentinovna Vodianova

Business coach, coach

More than 10 years of work experience in personnel training, including 5 years of work in the furniture industry.

Over the past 5 years, she has worked as a business coach in the federal retail chain of the Angstrem company, involved in training, development and assessment of personnel. My students are sales consultants, managers, directors of both Russia and neighboring countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Minsk, Ukraine).

Conducted more than 300 trainings, webinars. Trained more than 5,000 employees of furniture companies.

She won the All-Russian competition for the training of Sberbank personnel. About 1000 people were trained in 2.5 months.

Get a GIFT from Aleksandrov S.A.
"6 Day Furniture Sales Consultant Internship Plan"

6 days are the 2 most important stages of the internship

Enter name, email , phone number, company name.

We will send you free of charge a very detailed plan and a new concept of trainee training which will allow you to quickly understand:
which of them will be a good seller,
who to invest in and who to fire,
how to correctly and quickly bring to the implementation of the sales plan.


Today, internships are used by both large retail chains and small shops. Usually, any reputable company devotes a lot of time to training its employees. The product makes a profit, and the seller who sells this product - Surplus profit. And everyone needs just such - talented, hardworking, honest sellers. If it seems to you that you are exactly like that, then we begin the test in practice!

You have already successfully passed all the interviews and received an invitation to an internship, the purpose of which is to test your ability to work in the chosen position and bring real benefit to the company, that is, sell a lot and successfully.

As a rule, the internship has a duration of 2-3 days, usually there is no payment for it. This is due to the fact that you may not bring any benefit yet, and you must also be taught the basic knowledge of work in trade, the properties of the goods. In some organizations, if you successfully complete an internship and apply for a position, you may be paid for it, but this is usually agreed upon at the interview.

If you have been assigned a mentor, then this will be the best option, which shows the seriousness of the employer in choosing employees. The mentor should briefly tell you about the functional responsibilities, rules of work and behavior on the trading floor. You can also find out from him all the required information about the products that you have to sell. First you must familiarize yourself with the entire range of goods presented in the store where you will have to train. It is required to study the labeling, understand the composition of products, clarify who the manufacturer is, get acquainted with the dimensions, principles of the location of goods, and its consumer qualities. You should not ask the most obvious questions, but you should definitely ask clarifying ones. With all this, you should not interfere with anyone to work! You can ask questions only if the mentor is free at the moment.

Be sure to greet ALL customers entering the store. It does not follow from this that it is required to run up to customers with the question “What can I tell you?” This is a formal question.

Both your smile and the phrase “Good afternoon!” can serve as a greeting. Don't take the time to smile and say hello. A simple friendly phrase also works well - "Choose if you need my help or have questions about products - I'll be there." These words are pronounced after the greeting and in the event that the buyer is already inspecting the goods.

Before you start selling on your own, watch how experienced salespeople do it, how they help pick up a product, how they respond to customer objections, how they make a sale, thank the client for his choice. Try to be present at any sale without interfering with the seller. Listen and remember.

Serve models to sellers, unpack, take away and bring other goods. Just do not stand with a frightened or sad face, ignoring customers. Get involved gradually in the work of the team. When you start trying to sell goods on your own, then there must be a mentor, or another experienced employee, in order, if necessary, to correct the situation in time and successfully complete the sale. If everyone around is busy, and you still can’t answer all the questions, it’s better to honestly tell the buyer that you don’t have experience yet, but now you will check everything with your colleagues and will certainly help.

Additional Tips:

You should not join in conversations on extraneous topics, do not tell colleagues about your personal life, do not complain about your previous job. Be always friendly and contact, do not be lazy. If you need to leave the store, warn your mentor. It should be taken into account that, usually, you need to be on your feet all day, but this fatigue will pass, you will have to endure for a short time.
However, if you don't like the job, tell your boss frankly about it and leave without waiting for the internship to end.

By listening to these tips, you can get this job. And, it is possible that over time you will discover a talent in yourself and will soon wait for a promotion. After all, selling well is a real talent that can bring good money and can always be useful to you in any specialty and in everyday life.