Order on awarding an employee with a certificate of honor. Order on awarding a certificate of honor - sample

About the award diploma issued by the director of the company to encourage an employee who has shown high labor productivity, excellent quality of work performed, etc. This is an administrative document, without which the official rewarding of an employee and making an appropriate entry in work book. This is a measure of non-material incentives for workers for success in their professional and social activities.

Types of incentives for workers

In the hands of the head of the company are various tools rewarding employees, and in each specific situation, he has the right to apply one (several) of the following measures to stimulate the activities of workers:

  • the appointment of a cash prize;
  • issuance of an honorary diploma;
  • gratitude in oral / written form;
  • presenting a valuable gift (for example, a vacation voucher to a sanatorium, a subscription to a sports club, household appliances etc.);
  • placing a photograph of the worker on the honor roll;
  • improving the quality of conditions labor activity;
  • awarding titles/status of the best worker;
  • referral to a foreign internship, seminar, conference, etc.

After receiving the desired reward, the employee will be ready to achieve new successes in his professional activity.

What is an honorary degree

A certificate of honor is a document that is issued to an employee of an organization for his achievements both in work and in public. This is an effective measure to increase the motivation of the entire staff of the company, which stimulates them to more productive work. It does not provide for material rewards and refers to moral measures to support the company's employees.

The promotion procedure must take place in the manner regulated by state regulatory legal acts. It provides for a mandatory issue of awarding an honorary diploma.

Honors are of two types:

  1. Established by local acts of the organization. The director of the company selects a worthy candidate for the award and issues an appropriate order.
  2. Given by state authorities. authorities. In this case, the employee receives gratitude for his work not from the employer, but, for example, from the city administration.

In both situations, an entry is made in the work book of a specialist about the award of an honorary diploma.

Such a form non-financial incentives, as awarding an employee with a certificate of honor, allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • showing appreciation to the worker for a job well done;
  • motivating an employee to effective professional activity;
  • strengthening the loyalty of the worker to the work performed and to the employing company.

An employee who has received an honorary diploma, as a rule, has such merits as:

  • conscientious attitude to the performance of their professional duties;
  • high labor indicators;
  • long-term work in the organization;
  • ability to successfully solve complex professional tasks and etc.

The employer should prepare in advance a local regulation on the presentation of certificates of honor to employees of the company. This document should provide for the parameters by which employees will be determined for awarding diplomas, as well as describe the promotion procedure itself. As a rule, if a specialist of a company division is awarded, then the application is prepared by the manager of this structural division. If the “Regulations on Encouragement of Employees” does not specify the deadline for submitting a submission, then this paper must be transferred to the manager no later than fourteen days before the event occurs. In the future, the representation is transferred to the gene. the director of the organization, who must issue the appropriate administrative document. The presentation of the diploma, most often, is carried out by the director in a solemn atmosphere.

Feature for the award

Before gen. the director will issue an order to issue a certificate of honor to any employee, two documents are being prepared in advance. The first is a presentation for an award, and the second is a characteristic of an encouraged specialist. On their basis, a conclusion is made about the basis for the appointment of this type of non-material incentive for an employee. Usually, the characteristic is compiled by the immediate supervisor of the promoted employee.

The specification includes the following information:

  • indicators of the employee's professional activity;
  • personal qualities of a specialist;
  • business qualities of the employee;
  • merits/achievements to the firm;
  • work experience in the company;
  • level of education, etc.

Drafting an award order

Features of the development of an order for awarding an honorary diploma:

  • there is a unified form of this type of form (T11 - for one employee, T11a - for a group of employees);
  • it is allowed to use the intra-company form of the award order;
  • the order must contain all the attributes characteristic of documents of this class;
  • when developing the order, the current norms of office work should be taken into account.

It is important that the order contains the following information:

  • the full name of the promoted specialist and his position;
  • the name of the structural department in which the awarded employee works;
  • formulation of the basis for conferring a certificate (for example, completing a difficult task, overfulfilling the plan);
  • papers that underlie the issuance of the order (for example, the petition of the immediate superior of the encouraged specialist and the characteristic).

Also, the order must contain such details as the full name of the company, the day and place of development, the signature of the general manager, etc. As additional information the person responsible for the award procedure may be indicated.

In one order can be combined different kinds awards (for example, the payment of a bonus, the presentation of a certificate and a material gift).

The most popular wording of the grounds for awarding a certificate of honor:

  • for skill/professionalism;
  • for long-term cooperation and high-quality performance of professional duties;
  • for the impeccable performance of work functions;
  • for the successful completion of a difficult task;
  • for high labor productivity;
  • for exceeding the plan.

One form of recognition labor merit employees of the enterprise is monetary or other encouragement. The use of incentives is a right, not an obligation, of employers. The decision is made exclusively by the employer, based incl. from the financial capacity of the organization. For this decision to come into force, it is necessary to approve the order to encourage the employee.

Why does an employer reward employees?

Staff bonuses are regulated by a number of articles Labor Code Russian Federation (Articles 135, 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the labor legislation does not say anything about the amount and frequency of payment of monetary rewards, as well as the method of their payment. The motive for the promotion in the order for the award may be as follows:

    conscientious performance by the employee of the duties assigned to him;

    increase of labor efficiency;

    high achievements in work;

    long and flawless work in the company, etc.

Also, the motivation for the order may be related to labor achievements in a particular industry or professional holidays. For example, an order to encourage a teacher may contain the wording “for efficiency in methodological work and high academic performance”, bonuses for builders may be made “in connection with high performance and professional holiday - Builder's Day”, etc.

Art. 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides not only for the payment of cash bonuses to employees, but also other incentive options: awarding a certificate of honor, presenting a valuable gift, declaring gratitude, nominating for the title "Best in Profession". It is desirable that the process of encouraging employees be of a public nature and be held in a solemn atmosphere. Thanks to this, other employees will be motivated to increase labor efficiency.

The procedure for issuing incentives should be prescribed in the internal documentation of the organization (“Regulations on bonuses”, Rules internal regulations etc.).

Order for encouragement

The order for encouragement, a sample of which can be found below, refers to orders for personnel. If the implementation of this order is associated with bonuses, it must be transferred to the accounting department. The shelf life of the order is 75 years.

In organizations, an incentive order is usually drawn up in the form No. T-11 or T-11a (for several employees at once). The unified form of the encouragement order was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1. The document can also be drawn up in free form.

The procedure for rewarding staff is as follows:

    the head of the unit or the trade union body sends a memorandum (or the decision of the trade union) to the management of the organization on rewarding a particular employee;

    the management of the organization puts a mark on the document on the decision made and indicates the deadline for its implementation;

    employees of the personnel department issue an order to encourage employees and transfer it to senior management for approval;

    after the approval of the order by the head, it is necessary to familiarize the employee with it against signature.

Unified document form: is it mandatory to apply?

From January 1, 2013, it is not necessary to use the legally approved forms of documents contained in the "Albums of Unified Forms" (with the exception of some primary documents). There is also no ban on their use. In this regard, non-governmental organizations have the right to decide whether to use unified forms or use forms of documents developed independently (Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. PZ-10/2012).

The incentive order is an important accounting document, therefore, it must contain the details established by law, in accordance with Art. 9 of Law No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011 "On Accounting".

Drawing up an order in a unified form T-11

An order for bonuses (monetary or otherwise) for an employee of an organization in the form T-11 is filled out as follows:

    At the top of the document indicate the name of the organization and the OKPO code.

    Information about the promoted employee is entered (full name, position, structural unit, personnel number).

    The motive and type of encouragement are indicated.

    If the incentive is of a material nature, indicate the amount of the monetary reward (in numbers and in words). If the incentive is not monetary, this line can be removed from the document.

    Then you need to indicate the name of the document that became the basis for drawing up the order (representation, petition, decision of the trade union, etc.).

The order on monetary incentives (or otherwise) is signed by the head of the organization. The employee referred to in the order must familiarize himself with the document and put his signature. The order must also be familiarized with the signature of the person responsible for accruing bonus payments or for issuing other employee incentives (for example, Chief Accountant, head of personnel department, etc.).

Drawing up an order in any form

For an order to be valid, it must include the following information:

    Title of the document;

    number and date of compilation;

    Name legal entity or IP;

    FULL NAME. and the position of the promoted employee;

    incentive motive and its type;

    for a monetary award - its size (in numerical form and in words);

    FULL NAME. and the position of the person approving the order.

The order of familiarization with the order is similar to the one above.

The order to encourage employees is issued in cases where the management of the enterprise decides to reward the employee by encouraging him in material or non-material form.

Purpose of the document

The management of the organization, in accordance with labor legislation, has the right as an imposition disciplinary action on an employee who does not fulfill his duties, and on the encouragement of well-performing employees.

Encouragement can be both material in nature (award, a memorable gift), and be intangible (nomination for a title, certificate of honor, etc.).

The reasons for encouraging an employee are varied and remain at the discretion of the employer: conscientious long-term work, the introduction of an innovative idea, initiative, high performance, and others. professional quality and achievements. Rewarding an employee can also be timed to coincide with a memorable date or a professional holiday.

Employee incentive process general view consists of the following steps:

  • the head of the unit draws up a memo addressed to the employer with a proposal to reward (encourage) the employee or employees of his unit;
  • the employee's candidacy is supported or rejected by the decision trade union body enterprises (as a rule, the visa of the chairman of the trade union committee is immediately affixed to the memo);
  • the head of the organization considers the candidacy and puts down a resolution on the memo, approving or rejecting the proposal;
  • worker personnel service on the basis of a positive decision, prepares an order and submits it for signature to the head;
  • after signing, the order is registered, and the employee is invited to familiarize himself with it under the signature;
  • Gratitude is announced (the gift is given) publicly at a meeting of employees of the enterprise. The bonus is paid either directly on the holiday, or together with the regular salary.

Normative base

The procedure for encouraging personnel (including bonuses) is regulated labor law, namely Art.Article. 135, 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Note that encouragement, including material, is not an obligation, but only the right of the employer. That is, neither the length of service nor the merits of the employee can oblige the employer to pay him a bonus or award him with a diploma.

The form of the order to encourage the employee T-11 and T-11a was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of 01/05/2004 No. 1, however, from January 1, 2013, the use of forms is no longer an obligation. The employer can develop a form convenient for him.

The organization must have a Regulation on the encouragement (bonus) of employees, which must be brought to the attention of the employee against signature. The procedure for issuing an incentive may also be specified in other local regulations, for example, in the Internal Labor Regulations.

Drafting a document

An order to encourage employees, if a free form is used, must be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization, as a regular administrative document. When using the T-11 (T-11a) form, all data is entered into the existing sections.

The document must have the following structure:

  1. name, date, registration number(assigned after signing by the head);
  2. data of the employee (employees) in respect of whom or whom the order is drawn up: personnel number, full name, structural unit, position held;
  3. the basis (reason) for promotion (for example, "in honor of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the enterprise");
  4. type of award (award, honorary title, etc.). The amount of the monetary reward shall be indicated in figures and in words;
  5. the basis for the resignation for an award (memo from the head of the unit, the opinion of the trade union cell, etc.);
  6. signature of the head of the enterprise.

On the document or on the corresponding sheet (in the journal) of familiarization with administrative documents, the employee must put the mark “familiar with the order”, date and signature.


Orders on personnel related to promotion refer to long-term storage documents. They have been kept in the archives of the organization for 75 years.

The payment of additional remuneration is an internal affair of each employer. The organization has the right to independently determine the frequency, reasons and amounts of bonus payments to employees. Common reasons for awards are:

  • significant dates for an employee or the entire company: birthday, anniversary of the organization, professional holiday;
  • national holidays, for example New Year, March 8;
  • merits in labor: an employee is encouraged, for example, if he exceeded the production rate, achieved production optimization, reduced rejection rates, initiated changes that were useful for production, reduced production costs without loss of quality.

Rewards can be regular (monthly, quarterly, annual) or one-time. It is permissible to reward only one or several employees at the same time.

How the award is issued

The procedure for bonuses is established by an internal act of the organization - the regulation on bonuses. It establishes cases and indicators upon achievement of which employees are entitled to incentive payments. The provision also prescribes the need for a monthly incentive surcharge, often it is set as a percentage of the salary.

The presence of a bonus provision is especially important for budget organizations who pay additional remuneration from the fund wages allocated from the budget. Regulations on bonuses budget institutions is developed on the basis of departmental acts of the system in which the institution is located.

For the payment of each individual remuneration, a special order on bonuses is issued.

What form to use for the order

Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 05.01.2004 No. 1 approved unified forms of many internal acts necessary in the economic work of the organization. Among them are forms No. T-11 and T-11a for bonuses to employees.

Since 2013, these forms have ceased to be mandatory. The organization has the right not to use the proposed forms, but to issue acts on additional incentives in a free form or develop its own templates.

How to make an order

Sample letter for award Good work or any other achievement must contain the following information:

  • the name of the organization in which it was published;
  • details: number and date;
  • FULL NAME. employee or employees who are rewarded, their personnel numbers, positions and structural units;
  • incentive motive - the reason for which the bonus is paid;
  • type of promotion: you must specify "award";
  • reward amount: in words and numbers;
  • grounds, for example, a memo from the head of the employee being awarded;
  • position and signature of the head of the organization.

If financial reward is issued in connection with success in work, the wording of the incentive motive in the order for the award may be as follows:

  • for significant indicators of the intensity of labor activity;
  • for a high level of quality of work;
  • for achieving planned targets.

Monthly bonus order

In addition to one-time rewards, the employer has the right to issue an order for periodic bonuses. With this document, he indicates a certain frequency of payment, for example, to prescribe that additional remuneration is paid along with salary monthly in the amount of a certain percentage of wages.

Order of the thirteenth salary

A separate type of bonus is the 13th salary. At its core, this is a one-time payment dedicated to the end of the year and marks its results. The concept of "13-salary" is not legal and is accepted only in everyday life.

How much and how to store

Bonus orders are a type of personnel documents and are subject to storage for seventy-five years, as established by paragraph 19 of the List approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558.

To store any documents, the company must form files. Cases are included in the general nomenclature of affairs of the organization. Volumes are recommended to be formed from documents with equal retention periods.