What relates to the quantitative goals of international marketing. International development and economic globalization

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ...............................................3

Chapter 1. The concept and stages of the formation of international marketing………………………………………………………….……….……..5

      The essence and goals of international marketing……………..…………...5

      Stages of international marketing…………………………………………7

      The specifics of international marketing……………………….………10

Chapter 2. The main problems of the development of international marketing in the context of the globalization of the world economy…………………………..………13

2.1. Globalization as a factor in the development of international marketing.…………………………………………………………….……………13

2.2. The main problems of the development of international marketing and ways to solve them.……………………………………………………………………….…….15 2.3. New trends in the development of international marketing in the conditions of internationalization of the world economy……………………………...…….22

Chapter 3. International marketing in Russia…………………………..……24

3.1. The meaning and stages of development of international marketing in Russia……..24

3.2. Characteristics of modern international marketing in Russia .... 29


List of sources used……………………………………………..33

Annex: Successful entry into international markets (on the example of PepsiCo)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………34


The current stage of reforming the Russian economy is characterized by the tendencies of its increasing integration with the world community, the active entry of domestic enterprises into foreign markets, and the intensification of the development of new forms of international business. Under these conditions, interest in the study of international marketing objectively increases.

The world is gradually becoming an increasingly integrated system, and the political integration of various state structures is lagging behind the economic one in its intensity. The expansion of foreign economic relations consists in exports and imports, international auctions and bidding, cash investments in foreign enterprises and, finally, in the existence of a world market for goods and services, where a special place is occupied by transnational corporations operating in many countries using foreign production and sales offices, which actually work for the global market as a whole. All this implies the need for international marketing - a special set of measures for the sale of goods and services outside of one's own country. We are talking here about international firms, the sphere of productive and commercial activities of which extends to foreign countries and is characterized by the presence of branches and subsidiaries, technological cooperation and specialization, common resource base, centralization of management and accountability.

Marketing in the international arena is very complex, since it covers not only sales, but also other areas of the enterprise, including production, R&D, supply, finance, etc. In addition, it requires a deep understanding of the socio-economic and national-cultural conditions prevailing in the country with which the enterprise's activities will be connected.

In connection with the globalization of the world economy, the study of international marketing will always be relevant.

This course work aims to study the essence and goals of international marketing.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

    The study of the concept and stages of the formation of international marketing.

    The main problems of international marketing in the context of the globalization of the world economy.

    Problems of development of international marketing in Russia.

Chapter 1. The concept and stages of the formation of international marketing.

      Essence and goals of international marketing.

The term "international marketing" has firmly entered the economic vocabulary of Russia, however, its generally accepted definition does not exist.

Most likely, this can be explained by the novelty of specific international aspects of marketing associated with the existence of various environmental factors. Some marketing problems that do not cause any difficulties in domestic trade, such as barter transactions, require more detailed study in foreign trade. Complex examples of international marketing include the sale of licenses, consulting or engineering services, the creation of joint ventures or the use of a reseller in the sale of export products in foreign markets.

International marketing is usually defined as the marketing of goods and services across national borders or as marketing carried out by an international company.

UN experts classify as international companies those firms that produce and distribute products and services in two or more countries.

However, there is another point of view: an international company differs from a national one in that its goods in the form of an intermediate or finished product can move from country to country, and not only within the country. one

It seems that international marketing can be understood as the following:

sale of goods or services outside their country;

conducting marketing activities by the company when:

a) the company is part of or associated with another company that is also a manufacturer or seller in a foreign market,

b) there is some influence or control over the company's marketing activities that comes from another country.

The conceptual basis for the formation of international marketing, the most intensive development of which was noted in the late sixties and seventies, was a major change in the development of productive forces and industrial relations in the postwar period. Among them:

    internationalization of economic life, further transnationalization of the activities of the largest companies;

    the impact of scientific and technological progress on economic processes, which resulted in the restructuring of industrial production in the developed capitalist countries;

    significant changes in the nature of goods supplied to foreign markets, intensive movement of know-how, licenses, scientific developments, internationalization of R&D;

    reduction of the life cycle of many goods while increasing the requirements of buyers for novelty, quality, design, packaging and other parameters of goods imported into the country;

    a growing trend towards equalization of demand conditions and consumption patterns in different countries;

    aggravation of competition in world markets, which in some cases acquires the character of a trade or price war.

It is necessary to single out three aspects of motivation that encourage national companies to carry out international business, to engage in international marketing activities:

    sales expansion,

    resource acquisition,

    diversification of sources of supply and marketing.

International marketing is the main motive for the participation of national companies in international marketing activities.

      Stages of international marketing.

The modern content of marketing is constantly changing, updating, passing through the stages of the life cycle in its development: origin, formation, growth, maturity, globalization, renewal, during which other economic, organizational forms are born, the target orientation, the mechanism of use are changing. Therefore, the specificity of individual countries implies differences in the marketing mechanism of national enterprises. International marketing, on the contrary, evens out and eliminates these differences.

In its development, international marketing has gone through the following stages of development:

1 Traditional export

Selling goods abroad without further accompaniment. The exporter is liable to the buyer only until the moment of sale and delivery and, as a rule, is not interested in the further fate of the sold goods;

2. Export marketing

The exporter systematically studies the foreign market and adapts its production to the requirements of this market. At the same time, he tries to control the entire path of the goods to the final consumer;

3. International marketing

The exporter deeply explores the market and uses the entire set of marketing tools to process it, as well as various forms of foreign economic relations: scientific and technical exchange, contract manufacturing, joint ventures, the creation of subsidiaries, etc., and not just export;

4. Global marketing - integrated marketing.

Marketing activities abroad cover not only sales, but also almost all functional areas of the enterprise: supply, research and development, personnel, finance, this is a market-oriented management of the enterprise in foreign conditions 2;

The passage of individual stages by different countries is by no means synchronous. An opinion on the development of marketing in Russia was expressed by a well-known marketer F. Kotler during a visit to our country. He predicted the inevitable rise of Russian marketing, but not until 20 years later. In his opinion, before that, our economy must go through five stages of development: “First, as a result of a reasonable protectionist policy of the state, a healthy balance should be established between Russian and Western companies investing in the Russian economy. Then, after the stage of fierce price competition and the merger of small companies into more large, a period of wisdom is coming - domestic and Western companies operating in Russia will reach the world level in marketing. And then there will be a globalization of Russian brands. " F. Kotler also put forward the idea of ​​creating a Ministry of Marketing in Russia, which should solve the problems of investment, as well as the tasks of managing exports and attracting tourists to Russia.

In a modern market economy, it is customary to distinguish two main stages in the implementation of international marketing:

Marketing used by companies that carry out international activities of the "cascade" type, i.e. successively master various foreign markets.

Global international marketing, the essence of which is that enterprises immediately enter a multinational market.

Today, the global nature of the markets for goods and services associated with scientific and technological progress is quite obvious. However, with the development of information technology and telecommunications, almost all markets (food, textile, agricultural, etc.) are also becoming global. Countries can no longer close within their national borders; they collectively form segments of the world market. Hence, the economic agents of the world market can no longer act only as sellers, or buyers, or commercial intermediaries. The interaction factor becomes the most important characteristic of international marketing.

International marketing guides the development of a national company in the following way:

    preliminary marketing research of the markets of those countries that may be of interest;

    selection of a specific target target market;

    developing a market entry strategy for the firm;

    determination of a commercial offer in the context of goods, services and prices adapted to the conditions of both favorable and unfavorable market conditions;

    development of commodity, price, marketing and communication policy of the company; selection of sales personnel for the sale of export products.

Thus, the development of a new foreign market is each time a compromise between the use of solutions already tested in domestic markets and the necessary level of adaptation to new markets.

International marketing proceeds in its global policy from the principle of "thinking globally and locally", thus emphasizing the need to develop a product policy both locally and globally.


The first mention of international marketing appeared in the early 60s. the last century. The expediency of using such marketing was due to the need to ensure effective international trade in goods and services, the volume of which has reached a significant size. In the early 60s. international trade becomes the main component of international economic relations. The progressive development of the latter led to the intensification of international trade, which had a positive impact on the state of the world economy as a whole.

The further development of international trade ensured a deeper division of labor between individual countries and contributed to the further integration of national economies into the world economy. Under such conditions, firms from different countries began to look for more favorable conditions for their business activities in foreign markets, thanks to the development of which they increased production volumes and deepened specialization.

To ensure effective entrepreneurial activity in foreign markets, firms began to use marketing implemented in the national market, taking into account the specifics of activities in foreign markets.

Thus, the positive changes that took place in international economic relations, which caused globalization and integration of national economies, were the main prerequisite for the emergence of international marketing. The new economic order that was taking shape and constantly developing on

based on the principles of liberalization and cooperation, contributed to the emergence and practical use of international marketing, its further development.

1.1.1. Globalization of the world economy
as a prerequisite for the development of international

Both in domestic and foreign literature there is no single definition of globalization. However, for the most part, globalization is seen as one of the phases of the natural development of the historical process, due to the ever-increasing interdependence of countries and mesoeconomic structures and characterized by a total unification of the world order. This unification finds its expression in the desire of people from different countries for universal universalization, including common principles of life, values, customs and norms of behavior.

Globalization affects all areas of human activity: economy, politics, social sphere, science, culture, education, ecology, security. It becomes one of the most important factors influencing the further course of development of human society.

Thanks to globalization, there is a gradual transformation of the entire world market into a single economic space, where capital, goods, services can move freely, ideas and their carriers can spread. This predetermines the creation and development of modern world institutions, the mechanism of their interaction. In particular, such well-known international organizations as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB), and the World Trade Organization (WTO) began to play a new global role.

1.1.2. Main factors of globalization
world economy

The globalization of the world economy has been influenced by many factors. The main ones are:

* trade liberalization;

* development of engineering and technology;

* ubiquitous distribution of a single virtual and
communicative environments;

* transnationalization due to the creation and
operation of transnational companies,
outside of nation-states and at the same time
same time having a direct impact on their
economy. These companies account for almost a third
world trade;

* transition to market conditions for managing a number of
new states and ensuring, on this basis, greater
commitment to a market economy;

* unification of culture, some aspects of which
become common to many countries, for example pop-
cultures, widespread use of English
ka, the Internet;

* convergence of the way of life of people from different countries under
influence of the universalization of culture.

It is possible to treat globalization in different ways, which is the case in real life. Globalization has both its supporters (globalists) and opponents (anti-globalists). And this is quite understandable, since globalization has a positive impact on the development of national economies and at the same time creates new problems. However, it is obvious that the above factors that have a direct impact on globalization will continue to develop, therefore, the process of globalization will accelerate.

A characteristic process in the modern world community is the development of international economic relations and, above all, on the basis of the international division of labor. These are objective, sustainable commercial relations between individual countries or groups of countries.

In essence, each country, in addition to conducting domestic trade, seeks to carry out foreign trade activities, which imply a complex mechanism of relationships that arise in the process of buying and selling goods and services on the international market.

Market entities - firms, companies, enterprises, organizations, individuals - participate in foreign trade activities for various reasons. One of them requires the purchase of goods abroad due to the inability to purchase them from domestic manufacturers. Other market participants may have goods, the sale of which abroad may be more profitable than in their own country.

Developing world cooperation noticeably strengthens the trend towards the internationalization of economic processes, promotes international specialization and cooperation in production, trade, and the exchange of research and design developments.

The internationalization of economic processes has become, in essence, an independent force under the influence of active factors - political, economic, socio-demographic, psychological, mental, technological. The expansion of sales markets, the development of all modern forms of international commercial and economic relations depend on the influence of all these factors.

International economic relations are manifested in various types of exchange between market entities:

  • material resources;
  • services;
  • scientific and technical knowledge;
  • results of industrial and technical cooperation.

The Russian economy is also being integrated into the global economic system. This process is accompanied by making the latter more and more open, granting all market entities the right to independently enter the external, i.e. international market.

In order for Russia to gain international recognition and take its rightful place in the world market, it is necessary to actively compete with other countries in creating and offering the market competitive products and services. A successful solution to this problem is possible only with the skillful use of the techniques and methods of international marketing - an integrated system for organizing the production and marketing of commercial products, the provision of services focused on meeting the needs, tastes, habits of specific foreign consumers based on research and forecasting of the international market.

International marketing is the response of the commercial world to such processes as the growth and expansion of partnerships in the international market, the increase in production capabilities, the rapid renewal of the product range, the frequent changes in the nature and structure of market demand, its market fluctuations, increased competition, increase in volume and improvement the quality of information support.

International marketing provides for systematic, constant, active work on the international market at various stages of promoting commercial products (services) to the consumer. In this regard, the concept of "international marketing" should be distinguished from the concepts of "sales" and "export", since the latter consist in the fact that sellers are limited to the fact of conscientious delivery of their products to foreign importing firms. At the same time, suppliers, as a rule, are not interested in how satisfied direct consumers are with this product.

A distinctive feature of international marketing is a complete and clear focus on a foreign consumer, the desire to satisfy his needs and requirements.

Recognition as the leading direction of marketing to achieve a high level of consumption, providing the buyer with a wide choice means a transition to social and ethical marketing in the interests of the entire world community.

International marketing activities should provide:

  • substantiation of the need for the production of a particular product (goods, services) by identifying existing or potential foreign demand;
  • creation of a product (service) that most fully satisfies the requirements of the international market in comparison with goods produced by competitors;
  • organization of research and development work (R&D) to create models, product samples that meet the needs of foreign consumers;
  • reliable, reliable and timely information about the international market, the structure and dynamics of specific consumer demand, tastes, preferences of foreign consumers;
  • coordination and planning of production, marketing, financial activities, taking into account the interests of the international market;
  • improvement of methods and techniques for the sale of marketable products;
  • rational distribution of goods in the international market;
  • international control of the sphere of sale of goods and services;
  • regulation and management of the activity of a market entity in order to achieve the set goals in the production and marketing environment.

In practice, the main task of the international marketing used by the market entity is to bring consumer demand in line with its commercial interests.

The goals of international marketing are a tool for achieving favorable results and a positive image of the company in the foreign market. In general, the main goal and task of the company can be expressed: "the work of the company - the expectations of the clientele."

There are specific quantitative and qualitative marketing goals of the subject of the international market.

Qualitative Goals lead to an increase in the prestige of the subject of the international market, increase its potential weight. These include:

  • economic goals and achievements, both in their own country and in importing countries;
  • positive impact on employment - internal and external labor market;
  • support for educational, cultural, sports and other events both within the country and abroad.

quantitative goals expressed in terms of:

  • increase in sales in monetary and natural terms;
  • growth in the share of markets occupied by the goods of this subject of the international market, by countries, market segments, goods;
  • growth of profit of the market subject.

International marketing is based on the assumption that world markets are different, and the most effective strategies take this into account. In marketing, this means:

  • enterprises' products will be adapted where necessary to meet local market conditions and competition;
  • attempts will be made, where possible, to standardize the range of products and marketing procedures in order to minimize R&D costs and directly to production, in order to maximize the benefits of scale and concentration of resources. This is achieved by the creation of international manufacturing firms.

International marketing is very effective in the market of modern technologies. The sale of patent licenses acts as a tool in the struggle for foreign markets. In turn, the purchase of licenses abroad is aimed at accelerating the introduction of the latest technologies and supporting domestic production at the highest world level.

Modern trade in machinery and equipment also involves such a form of implementation as complete deliveries. They, as a rule, are associated with the implementation of design and construction work on the basis of a general contract. A world market of capital construction subjects emerged.

In industrialized countries, there are large private companies doing construction business abroad and making high profits. A significant part of the export of machinery and equipment from industrialized to developing countries goes along this line.

More difficult is the international marketing of finished products, especially engineering. A significant part of the marketing of finished industrial products today is associated with various forms of international industrial cooperation. First of all, we are talking about international cooperation of production, which is increasingly developing in the world. Up to half of all international trade, for example, in engineering products, is in parts and assemblies.

Cooperation of enterprises from different countries is an effective form of international cooperation. The experience of international marketing has shown that even small enterprises can successfully compete with large industrial firms by supplying the necessary high-quality products to the foreign market at a relatively low price.

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has developed the following classification of forms of international production cooperation (given in an enlarged form).

  1. Cooperation on a license basis, i.e. transfer (sale) of a license to a partner.
  2. Cooperation on a license basis with a constant supply to a partner in a certain proportion of component parts, assemblies or final products.
  3. Cooperation on a licensed basis with the simultaneous transfer of equipment, complex machinery, production and storage space through leasing.
  4. Joint production, which involves the use of technology, cooperation in the creation of cooperative products, the distribution of production programs, the sale of products, etc.

We can distinguish the following fundamental concepts of the organization of international marketing activities.

Production concept - a system for organizing the commercial and economic activities of the subjects of the international market, in which the seller counts on the successful sale of his products abroad. The manufacturer sees the main task of its activities in further improving production and increasing the efficiency of goods distribution systems. In this case, internal production capabilities play a decisive role.

Within the framework of this concept, the manufacturer can use such techniques as expanding production volumes, improving production technology, reducing costs, and increasing labor productivity. Production is characterized by insufficient flexibility. The manufacturer sells the products that he can produce.

The use of the concept of production is possible in two cases:

  1. in the conditions of the "seller's market", i.e. when the demand for a product exceeds its supply;
  2. with a high cost of products, which must be reduced.

The concept of production was widely used by Henry Ford at the beginning of his commercial activities. At that time, the American automobile market was characterized as a "seller's market": a small selection of cars combined with high prices for them. By bringing production to perfection, Ford achieved a significant reduction in production costs, which made it possible to make the car accessible to the masses of consumers.

Product concept is a system of organizing commercial and economic activities, in which the seller counts on the successful sale of his products abroad if they combine high quality with the best performance characteristics. The manufacturer focuses all its efforts on improving the product. The techniques he uses for this are similar to those used in the concept of production. Key positions in the organization of production activities are occupied by R&D.

Sales concept - a system of organizing commercial and economic activities, in which the seller expects the successful sale of his products abroad if certain efforts are made in the field of marketing. A marketing-oriented manufacturer assumes that the foreign consumer does not have a clear desire to purchase his products and therefore it is necessary to constantly search for potential buyers. The seller sees the main task of his activity in achieving the required volume of sales. Influencing a foreign buyer in various ways to stimulate sales, he tries to arrange him for the product, to encourage him to purchase. Often the seller resorts to a policy of imposing their products, not caring about meeting the needs of buyers. This practice can lead the manufacturer to the loss of the international market.

The concept of marketing can only be effective at a certain time if there are a sufficient number of potential buyers.

Marketing concept is an organization of commercial and economic activities in which the seller counts on success in the international market if, having determined the needs of foreign buyers, he can find the most effective way to satisfy them than competitors. The manufacturer sees the basis for achieving its goals in meeting the specific needs of foreign buyers. Therefore, the emphasis in management is transferred from production activities to the creation, preservation and expansion of demand for their products using a system of marketing methods.

Thus, the concept of marketing is an orientation towards a foreign consumer, based on the subordination of production to its interests, provided that production is profitable.

Public marketing concept - a system for organizing commercial and economic activities, when the seller counts on success if, having determined the need of the international market, he can satisfy it in a more efficient way than competitors in accordance with the long-term interests of both an individual foreign consumer and the world community in in general.

This concept has emerged relatively recently. Its appearance was due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the aggravation of the raw material and energy crises, the deepening of inflationary processes, and the tense demographic situation.

The crisis phenomena that have covered various aspects of life in a number of countries have contributed to the further development of the concept of public marketing, necessitating the creation of a more modern system that meets modern international requirements.

An enterprise organizing its activities within the framework of this concept aims to meet the needs of foreign buyers in accordance with the interests of the international community.

If we consider the process of formation of the system of commercial and economic activity, then we can clearly trace the tendency to shift the emphasis in setting the ultimate goals of its organization. In the initial period of the organization of any activity, the possibility of making a profit was taken as the basis. Soon came the realization of the strategic importance of meeting the needs of customers, which led to the creation of a fundamentally new concept of marketing. The current situation requires the manufacturer, who wants to achieve his goals, to organize activities in such a way that it meets the interests of both a particular consumer and society as a whole.

Consider the following example. The manufacturer of synthetic detergents has set itself the goal of satisfying the human need for clean clothes. However, the manufactured products led to pollution of the aquatic environment, since the waste from its production contained substances harmful to living organisms. Such a one-sided approach to solving the problem is contrary to the long-term interests of society.

When entering foreign markets, the marketer must be prepared to apply any of the concepts discussed above, since entrepreneurs in different countries have different views when using marketing concepts.

In the late 1990s, the process of internationalization of the world economy, taking place in the form of globalization, was completed. Every year there are more and more goods for which the market is not some geographical region or territory of a separate country, but a group of countries.

The European Union united the markets of European countries, which led to the elimination of tariff barriers and the creation of a single economic space.

At the same time, globalization intensifies international competition. In turn, competition and the expansion of sales markets lead to a deepening of specialization and the international division of labor.

The advantage of globalization is economies of scale in production, which has an impact on reducing production costs and lowering prices.

The globalization of the world economy is not only the expansion of the scale of world trade and other processes of international exchange in an open, integrated economy without state borders, but also the movement of financial capital between countries, an increase in the volume of foreign exchange transactions, an increase in the exchange of intellectual products, and an increase in the migration of people between countries. and etc.

The development of international economic relations is characterized by:

  1. internal (national) marketing;
  2. export marketing;
  3. international marketing;
  4. global marketing.

Domestic (national) marketing are used by national companies and firms, the scope of which does not go beyond the markets of national borders. At the same time, export deliveries are not denied in principle, they can take place from time to time, but do not determine the well-being of a market entity and the possibility of its survival. That is, it is being tested on a domestic consumer.

In Russia, in the transition period to a socially oriented market economy, large enterprises also have to deal with internal marketing, in the case when their products are not sufficiently competitive. For example, the Nizhny Novgorod automobile plant GAZ is practically unable to export its civilian products - cars and trucks, especially with gasoline engines, since they do not meet international standards for economy, comfort, and environmental friendliness with sufficient strength.

Export marketing. For many market entities that have a strong position in the national market, export supplies can be a certain source of additional profit. These are firms, companies characterized by high growth rates. Such market entities have the ability to produce competitive products. Export activity is often explained by the saturation of the domestic market and unfavorable market factors.

International Marketing. An example of using the principles of international marketing is the activity of transnational companies that have production branches abroad and produce competitive products. Foreign operations of such companies provide the main profit and provide favorable conditions for international industrial cooperation.

With global marketing the whole world is treated as a single market. This type of marketing assumes uniformity in national, cultural, behavioral and other characteristics of the market and does not take into account the national characteristics of its participants.

Global marketing applies only to such product groups, the consumption of which is not directly related to and does not depend on national culture, customs and habits. For example, the intensity of use of modern detergents, personal care products, medicines, audio-visual equipment and other products depends mainly on the welfare of consumers, and not on the cultural and other traditions of a country. Examples of global companies are Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Eastman-Kodak, Sony, Toshiba, and others.

The subject of the international market in its commercial and economic activities is guided by the state of the socio-economic environment. In essence, an international marketing environment has developed, consisting of a domestic and foreign environment.

Domestic (internal) environment, which forms, corrects the activities of the firm (company) in anticipation of entering the international market, has:

  • controllable factors (product, price, tariffs, distribution and distribution channels, sales promotion), which to a certain extent can be controlled by the company;
  • uncontrollable factors (economic climate, political forces, competition structure, social state of society) that cannot be controlled by the firm, which should be perceived as they are at the moment.

Foreign (external) environment, which "accompanies" the activities of the firm (company) in the international market, has:

  • controlled factors (export goods, international price, tariffs, distribution and distribution channels, demand formation and sales promotion, public opinion formation);
  • uncontrollable factors (local political forces and currents, the economic condition of the importing country, geographical environment and infrastructure, the level of technical development, the competitiveness of the importing country, the state of culture, i.e. language, religion, values ​​and attitudes, social organization, education, art ).

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