Interest clubs for successful men. Where to go after work: mugs for adults

You go home after school. Behind a heavy backpack. You come, have lunch and run to training / dancing / circle. So it was 10-15 years ago. Now you are a self-sufficient young man, get paid, hang out with friends and come home when you want, not when your mom says. But sometimes you want it to be like before: hobby groups, courses and studios. We have selected 9 places where you can go after work or on the weekends and learn something useful

SOLO. Most Open Literary Society

Once every two weeks, spiritual lovers of literature gather in the time bar to show off and listen to others. The guys not only read poetry, play the guitar and put on creative miniatures, but draw inspiration and share experiences over a cup of aromatic tea or coffee.

How to contact? You go for the first time - write Polina or Mark.
When? Monday, bi-weekly, 19:00.
Where? t:me bar, st. Turgenev, 68.
How much? 200 rubles per evening.

Retirement is not a diagnosis with which a person is “discharged” for a well-deserved rest. The pensioner is the same member of society as he was yesterday, only he has much more time to realize his dream, for which, perhaps, there was not enough time when he worked. The main thing for a person is to be in demand in the family and society and not to set oneself on loneliness.

We can say with confidence that the current generation of pensioners will not sit on the bench. They are still full of vitality and energy to continue to live, and not to exist. You can find such circles for pensioners that would meet the desire to be a member of them. So, for example, someone likes fishing, and someone cannot live without chess. If you set a goal, then in your city you can find circles, sections of pensioners who are passionate about the same.

Pensioner and the Internet

TV in the 21st century is no longer relevant. The internet has taken over retirees. Where, if not on the Web, can you find like-minded people in any field of knowledge and skills? You don’t even need to leave your home to apply to a group or circle that interests you. For the interest of retirees, the Web provides an incredible number of options.

Do you want to learn computer? Help computer courses gain knowledge about the computer itself, and about what you can do on the Internet. After all, the virtual network is a huge library of knowledge. For many, the Internet will become a new interesting hobby that does not allow the soul to grow old. And for households, especially the younger generation, you will significantly increase your rating by owning a computer as a confident user.

You can use your computer to spend your leisure time to your advantage. You will open up new opportunities for maintaining your accounting not on paper, but in spreadsheets. You will use Photoshop to create family photo albums and process photos. Finally, you can make money online by opening your store, or you can shop from the comfort of your home. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you can start selling your crafts, if any.

Sport is health

For older people, live communication with interesting people that have already been found, They can be found even on a morning run somewhere in a nearby park or square. After talking with them, get useful information about healthy way the life they lead, where it is better to sign up for a pool, yoga or fitness. Participation in all kinds of sports competitions that are feasible for health is an excellent leisure activity for pensioners. Circles, sections, interest courses are in the palace of culture or a club in any city.

Interest groups

You can start painting. Perhaps this talent was so deeply buried that in his youth he did not show himself in any way. For example, Muslim Magomayev painted his first paintings when he finished his creative activity.

Or maybe you dreamed of singing or dancing, but somehow there was not enough time for this activity when you were working? There are also such circles for pensioners in the palaces of culture and clubs. If you sing, you should sign up for a choir club. Yes, you can start dancing at 60.

Fans of planting flowers do not have to find a circle of flower growers. You are the guru in this matter. After retirement, you will have enough time to engage not only in breeding, but also in the sale of your unique varieties, turning your hobby into an additional income for retirement.

Lovers of needlework or canning can also find their niche in the labor market. As they say, there would be a product. Embroidery and knitting do not go out of fashion. And if you are a needlewoman in this area, you can find buyers who will become your customers. There will be enough time in retirement to do this work quickly and on time.

Without leaving home

Retired men feel not forgotten when they have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience. They can do work in circles" skillful hands» modeling or woodcarving. A knowledgeable teacher is a godsend for such circles.

What the capital offers to pensioners

Capital pensioners, of course, have more opportunities for self-realization in retirement than in the outback. There are mugs for all districts. They are often called interest clubs, in which pensioners can learn how to work on a computer, do yoga, dance, sing, paint. This is a small list where pensioners who have registered with the CSO can get. After completing the documents, they get the opportunity not only to visit circles and sections, but also to receive discounts on the purchase of tickets to the cultural and mass centers of the capital.

Still worth the trip

Well, we can not say about the desire of people retirement age travel. Probably, many people would like to see the world not in the “Travel Club” on TV, but in reality, with their own eyes. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to do this. There are not enough savings and the pension is not so great... Sometimes, even with some savings, pensioners do not allow themselves to realize their hidden dream, to see the world. But you can always find a way out. It is not necessary to go abroad, because so many interesting trips are organized by travel agencies in the country where you live.

Amazing conclusions were made by gerontologists by analyzing when a person feels happy. And as it turned out, for a person, earthly happiness is doing one's favorite things.

We all know that selling something is much more difficult than giving it away for free. So maybe it's better to give away for free?

He earned more from the free distribution of his book than from its direct sales. And why? But because instead of single sales, he received a thousand downloads of his book, on the pages of which he placed, in addition to the text of the book itself, advertisements for various casinos. And readers, by clicking on banners, increased his income in affiliate programs these casinos.

Another example. A cool business lady decided at her leisure to organize a health group from her friends, colleagues and acquaintances. They gathered once a week in the park, ran, went in for physical education, in general, they had an interesting time. This lady, in addition to her business, was also fond of Herbalife. And with her passion she infected her health group.

Now she not only has a health group, but also a huge structure of Herbalife distributors, and her monthly income from sales of products of this company and from leadership commissions is comparable to her income from her main business (which, by the way, is obtained by sweat and blood).

Third example. Looking through the Internet for knitting courses, I came across them in Israel. I was struck by the price of the courses - something around $ 5 per month (the courses were not conducted via the Internet, but in an Israeli city). "What's so cheap?" I was surprised. The forum participant (and part-time resident of Israel) Rabinovich explained everything to me: the organizers of the courses have income not from conducting courses, but from selling consumables to cadets: yarn, knitting needles, books on knitting, etc.

Here is an example of a business for you: organize an interest club, and when you bring together a lot of lovers of one business (knitting, fitness, dogs), you will always find something to sell them.

For example, in 2002 I went to Norbekov's courses. From those who went to them, a small group of lovers was organized to learn more about their capabilities. How much money we then spent on educational literature, which the organizer of the courses brought to us from Moscow ...

This is a fairly easy business (I think). Because:

1. Lovers of something are easy to collect (people who are passionate about something love to communicate with their own kind).

2. They buy easily (amateurs are the best buyers, they don't look at the price tag, they buy because they are very interested or really need it).

3. They themselves will tell you what they need (if you don’t figure it out right away). That is, even marketing research do not need to be carried out.

4. This is a business without much investment. The maximum that you need is a room (or just a site) for meetings. Options are possible here (your own apartment, renting a room, a local square).

5. If the business takes place, but you do not pull it (or you get tired of it), there will always be one of your amateur colleagues who will pick up your idea (amateurs are enthusiasts). Your club will be able to continue life without your participation.