Irina Sagittarius - Economic theory. Full MBA course

Free courses from the business school of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A huge resource of materials for undergraduate and graduate levels, in addition, all courses can be downloaded to your computer.

Small Business Development Center

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Business School offers over 70 free online business courses for anyone and everyone, available anytime. All courses are divided into 13 categories, including courses in marketing, law, sales, finance, and start-ups.

open learn

An online university for free education, it also has a large section on business and entrepreneurship. Everything is freely available, the materials are compiled on the basis of complete programs for students.


Free platform with educational materials for various programs of Capilano University (Canada), including the MBA program. Program materials can be downloaded from power point resource site.


A new online education service from the University of California. Now the site is in beta mode, all video lectures can be found on their Youtube channel (link). You can also download audio materials through iTunes. They promise that this spring the resource will work in full format.

These 5 free business administration resources are virtually identical to traditional business school courses taught in classrooms to students. It should be noted that these programs do not provide for obtaining a university diploma.

A suitable opportunity for self-education - convenient, affordable and free. It also allows you to understand whether an MBA education is right for you.

A successful business is based on a clear, consistent strategy. Her preparation is main factor, achieving results. The basic skills of a leader are not always enough to complete tasks and lead a project to success.

Smart project management

The MBA course is a recognized international standard for advanced training of managers and leaders. The book “Project management. Complete MBA Course» is formed on a compressed package of knowledge, where you will master project management as a process. Use the experience of recognized experts Mikhail Dubovikov and Alexei Polkovnikov.

After studying the book, you will get a holistic view of the system project management. On the practical examples consider different types projects, organizational structures and participants.

In the book:

  • Personnel management, control strategy;
  • Methods and tools for managing risks, supplies and enterprise value;
  • Fundamentals of international standards and classifications;
  • Examples from foreign and domestic practice.

The training is suitable for graduate students of universities, employees responsible for solving short-term and long-term programs, managers of any level.

Read the book, use the described methods and practices, and start building a managerial career, focusing on the highest level of training.

The debate about whether Russian manager get an MBA degree, do not subside for a long time. Someone claims that it is impossible to competently manage a business without it, while others easily retort. Nevertheless, in the requirements of vacancies, more and more often it is indicated that the candidate must have either any academic degree or a second higher education, even if it is not a top position. And for managerial vacancies, the line about the MBA diploma in the CV often becomes a fat plus. But against the backdrop of a general decline in the quality of education, such “upskilling” sometimes seems like a waste of time. And big money.

According to the index of popularity for clicks and page views of the MBA.SU portal for February 2016, the TOP-5 most popular sites of Russian universities where you can get a business education are as follows:

1. Institute of Business and Business Administration of the RANEPA (the cost of the full-time iMBA program for enrollment in 2016 is 496,000 rubles (training is 2 years, of which 8 months is an online module).

2. Moscow International Higher School of Business Mirbis (the cost varies from 480,000 to 920,000 rubles, depending on the program).

3. graduate School SUM business (the cost varies from 391,000 to 510,000 rubles, depending on the program).

4. Stockholm School of Economics (EMBA General Management program consists of 15 five-day modules (Wednesday - Sunday), the cost is not indicated).

5. Graduate School of Project Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics (the cost of the part-time program "EMBA - Project Management: best practics and technologies for business" - 299,000 rubles, training period - 1 year).

Let's be honest: MBA crust even from the most eminent educational institution does not guarantee you employment in a highly paid position. In many cases, business education is followed by already established entrepreneurs and top managers - for a new look at familiar things, acquaintances and status. Indeed, in such education, the goal is not only to gain knowledge, but also to communicate, exchange experience between fellow students. Plus it's a matter of prestige. There are even closed clubs, in which only an MBA degree is a ticket.

If you do not need such executive pathos, have not accumulated enough funds for quality education at leading institutions, or do not consider it necessary to spend time on lectures, seminars and homework to develop your business, but at the same time would like to know what the point of business is programs, just for such cases we have prepared a selection best books on MBA, after reading which you can finally make sure whether you are a future "client" of business universities.
Let's start with what's new.

1. instead of an MBA. Helpful Hints from legendary managers

Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2016

The highlight of this book is its author's tandem. Jack Welch- Legendary CEO Chief Executive officer- main Executive Director) of the no less legendary General Electric company, over 20 years of operation of which the value of the corporation soared 30 times. His wife, Susie Welch, is a former editor-in-chief. Harvard Business Review, a popular science magazine dedicated to various issues business management. The spouses for two have 81 years of work in business, so any of their joint literary creation should become a reference book for a self-respecting entrepreneur.

The goal of this book is to make your business knowledge up-to-date, useful and practical. But it will suit those who prefer to work collectively - it is better for individual superheroes to choose a different reading. It is for the team game that the Welchs reveal the rules for doing business, regardless of the industry in which the company operates. The authors help to understand the structure and organization of any well-built company that has every chance of leadership in its segment. Strategies, the fight against competitors, the development of innovative thinking, marketing and finance - these are far from full list issues covered in this publication. Pay attention to the special leadership model that the Welches offer and the importance of creating a “wow team”, because, in their opinion (and we can trust them!), Business is a team game.

2. MBA in 10 days. The most important program of the world's leading business schools

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2014

A bestseller from the CMO at Plymouth Direct is a mini MBA course on paper, nothing more, nothing less. This is the quintessential program of the top ten American business schools.

Do not expect that after reading it, your business will take off in one day in all respects. But if you develop the right strategy, take into account Silbiger's advice and methodically implement new installations, then the business will go uphill.

The book will be useful for novice entrepreneurs who need in-depth knowledge in all areas: marketing, economics, corporate ethics, accounting, etc. The author has tried to describe in detail and clearly the postulates of each individual discipline used in a particular area of ​​work.

3. MBA in your pocket. Practical guide to develop key management skills

Publisher: Alpina Publisher, 2015

Another successful writing tandem of practicing professionals. Neil Thomas is Managing Director of Falconbury and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Thorogood Publishing Ltd. His colleague in writing - Barry Pearson - CEO Realization, a company that provides coaching services to entrepreneurs and business leaders.

No sales? Has the case stalled? Problems with the team? Then study the experience of experienced CEOs! No yawn-inducing theory, just field-tested real business tips.

4. My own MBA. 100% self-education

Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015

If you decide to pick up this book, then you will definitely like the author, because throughout the book he carries the key idea: you don’t have to pay millions for business education, you need to learn how to properly educate yourself. Psychology, marketing, sales - Josh Kaufman does not chew everything to the smallest detail, does not seek to make pseudo-fundamental work. He gives the reader the threads that need to be pulled so that knowledge accumulates turn by turn into one big ball, turning you from a layman into an entrepreneur who knows how to think, reason and make the right decisions.

This book is the base, the basis for your further independent promotion in the business direction. The author sets the vector and, in addition to vivid stories and interesting examples, he shares a list of additional literature useful to study. If you have already read a dozen other books on business-marketing-sales, then it is possible that many things will seem banal. Get ready that the author will not discover America for you, but he does not claim to be an innovator. But the text is very easy to read!

Publisher: Potpourri, 2012

"Mr Creator", “Business Shark” is just about Harvey McKay, a well-known American journalist and businessman who has published more than one bestseller that has scattered around the world in millions of copies. His MBA course is a classic of the genre, focused specifically on sales. This is a 368 page training in which you will be the main participant. Digging into legal acts, accounting entries? No, the MBA in his style is a powerful challenge in which you will have to work first of all with your personality and thinking.

McKay pays great attention - and rightly so - to the use of the Internet as one of the main tools for communication with customers, partners, brand and product promotion, and establishing useful contacts for the future. From every page you will be flooded with energy and motivation. Leadership, courage, enthusiasm, charisma - turn everything on at full capacity and conquer the market!

Come on, are you still sitting? And someone is already absorbing the advice of the pros and getting closer to success!

We are for any educational kipish, except for stupid books. If you have grown to the idea that it is time to change something in life, then this is already a reason to congratulate you. Of course, books, no matter how meticulous and fundamental they may be, cannot replace a full-fledged education. But sometimes they can be a good impetus for us to get up and start acting.

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Chief Editor I. Fedosova

Responsible editor V. Shcherbakova

Artistic editor M. Levykin

Corrector T. Vasilyeva

Computer layout S. Terentyeva

© Stankovskaya I. K., Strelets I. A., 2011

© Reed Group LLC, 2011

Stankovskaya I.K., candidate of economic sciences, professor - chapters 1–9, mathematical appendix, glossary;

Sagittarius I. A., doctor of economic sciences, professor – chapters 10–20.

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

* * *

Instead of a preface

No book can turn a donkey into a sage or make a genius out of a man without abilities ... No strict knowledge can lengthen a person's arm. But, relying on the shoulders of his predecessors, he can increase the reach of her.

Peter Drucker, American economist

This book was written on the basis of lectures on micro- and macroeconomics courses that the authors have been giving for more than ten years at the MIRBIS International Business School, at MGIMO and at the G.V. Plekhanov.

As the long-term experience of the authors shows, students of business schools are mainly people with a high level of initial training, who really need to acquire additional knowledge, but at the same time are extremely busy and, therefore, are pragmatic about studying the courses offered, based on the prospects for their further use. in their activities. And if there are practically no questions when studying applied economic disciplines (such as marketing, finance, management, etc.), then at the first acquaintance with economic theory perhaps some bewilderment: why is all this needed? Very often, after the first lectures, one can hear tactful remarks from individual listeners that all this, of course, is very interesting, but it is too out of touch with reality and at odds with our everyday experience.

Yes indeed Why do we need economic theory?

Many answers can be given to this question. And the most obvious is that the study of economics stimulates the intellectual development of a person and is interesting by itself. Long-term communication with colleagues indicates that they are engaged in theoretical issues not because of mercantile considerations, but simply because they like it.

At the same time, the authors admit that an exclusively aesthetic approach to this issue may be sufficient for the teacher, but not for the listener. So what is practical value theoretical economics?

One of the most important purposes of economic theory is the creation optimization models of behavior of economic entities. Both an individual and groups of people, for example, a firm, the state, etc., are considered as a subject in the economy. The use of these models in practice, for example, in marketing research or for the implementation of the economic strategy of the company, allows you to predict the reaction of the consumer to the marketing efforts of the company or, with a certain degree of probability, to predict the response steps of competitors.

As psychologists insistently remind, a person optimizes his behavior rather badly. Numerous laboratory experiments show that people often behave irrationally, neglect elementary calculations of the probability of an event. And obviously, if economists were only interested in descriptive models of behavior, the practical usefulness of their work would be doubtful.

That is why economists use observations of human behavior to make rational decisions and practical recommendations.

Many students compare economic theory with natural sciences(such as physics or biology), and, as a rule, this comparison is not in favor of the economy. Such a comparison, however, is not entirely correct. It would be more logical to compare the economy with technology or with medicine.

J. M. Keynes, in one of his works, jokingly compared economists with dentists, since both of them, firstly, are convinced that they can improve people's lives, and secondly, the fundamental principle of work of both of them is identical: it is valuable what is useful. It is the practical orientation of much economic research that makes the study of economics so necessary.

Another argument in favor of theoretical economics is that very often people do not have the necessary information to make informed decisions. In this case, you can go through the expensive trial and error method and invent your own wheel, or use the accumulated experience, learn from the mistakes of others, that is, study the theory.

Suppose you want to estimate how customers will respond to a one-time discount introduced by a firm. To do this, you can study the dynamics of sales volume and price dynamics. specific product in the firm and the market as a whole over the previous few years, to adjust the data obtained for a number of variables. As a result, we obtain an equation that can be used to predict the reaction of buyers to the offered discounts. However, it is easier to use an estimate of price elasticity of demand.

Thus, theory can be applied to anticipate and predict practical outcomes.

No less important is the fact that the theory tells which parameters and data are important and how they can be measured, and offers practitioners method for solving various problems, as well as quantification tools.

Theoretical economics provides a medium for calculating and qualifying economic relations. And this is the main difference between economics and other social sciences. If there are very few calculations in sociology, political science, history or cultural studies, then the economy is full of them.

Many years of teaching experience confirms the impossibility of studying theoretical economics without solving a large number of practical problems. Mathematical analysis is especially important in conditions when an intuitive assessment of the situation does not allow giving an unambiguous answer.

The proposed textbook outlines the most common economic problems and how to solve them.

When evaluating a theory, keep in mind that there are no perfect models. Sometimes certain provisions of the economy are criticized for their inconsistency with real, especially Russian, practice. To a certain extent, this is justified. None of the economic theories can absolutely reliably reflect the events taking place in a particular market, if only because it model(i.e. simplified representation) and not a description.

Thus, the theory of the firm assumes that all firms seek to maximize their profits, while real companies may have other goals.

consumer theory suggests rational behavior consumers in the market, which is not always achievable due to a number of circumstances.

Model perfect competition proceeds from the assumption of the impossibility of firms to influence market prices, the absence of non-price competition, etc.

An economic model reflects a specific situation to the same extent that a model of the globe - a globe - reflects the geography of the Earth. And the importance of the economic model, like any other, determined not by its reliability, but the possibilities of using it to study and explain any economic phenomenon.


Introduction to Economic Theory

Economics deals with the study of how people exist, develop and what they think about in their daily activities.

Alfred Marshall, English economist

The subject of economic theory: resources and needs

Problem of choice. opportunity cost

Market economy and its characteristics

Methodology of economic analysis

1.1. The subject of economic theory: resources and needs

Any person (regardless of whether he wants it or not) constantly has to deal with economic activity and face a wide range of economic challenges.

Chief Editor I. Fedosova

Responsible editor V. Shcherbakova

Artistic editor M. Levykin

Corrector T. Vasilyeva

Computer layout S. Terentyeva

© Stankovskaya I. K., Strelets I. A., 2011

© Reed Group LLC, 2011

Stankovskaya I.K., candidate of economic sciences, professor - chapters 1–9, mathematical appendix, glossary;

Sagittarius I. A., doctor of economic sciences, professor – chapters 10–20.

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Electronic version book prepared by Litres (

Instead of a preface

No book can turn a donkey into a sage or make a genius out of a man without abilities ... No strict knowledge can lengthen a person's arm. But, relying on the shoulders of his predecessors, he can increase the reach of her.

Peter Drucker, American economist

This book was written on the basis of lectures on micro- and macroeconomics courses that the authors have been giving for more than ten years at the MIRBIS International Business School, at MGIMO and at the G.V. Plekhanov.

As the long-term experience of the authors shows, students of business schools are mainly people with a high level of initial training, who really need to acquire additional knowledge, but at the same time are extremely busy and, therefore, are pragmatic about studying the courses offered, based on the prospects for their further use. in their activities. And if there are practically no questions when studying applied economic disciplines (such as marketing, finance, management, etc.), then at the first acquaintance with economic theory perhaps some bewilderment: why is all this needed? Very often, after the first lectures, one can hear tactful remarks from individual listeners that all this, of course, is very interesting, but it is too out of touch with reality and at odds with our everyday experience.

Yes indeed Why do we need economic theory?

Many answers can be given to this question. And the most obvious is that the study of economics stimulates the intellectual development of a person and is interesting by itself. Long-term communication with colleagues indicates that they are engaged in theoretical issues not because of mercantile considerations, but simply because they like it.

At the same time, the authors admit that an exclusively aesthetic approach to this issue may be sufficient for the teacher, but not for the listener. So what is practical value theoretical economics?

One of the most important purposes of economic theory is the creation optimization models of behavior of economic entities. Both an individual and groups of people, such as a firm, the state, etc., are considered as a subject in the economy. The use of these models in practice, for example, in marketing research or to implement the economic strategy of a company, makes it possible to predict the consumer's reaction to the company's marketing efforts or with a certain degree of probability to predict the response steps of competitors.

As psychologists insistently remind, a person optimizes his behavior rather badly. Numerous laboratory experiments show that people often behave irrationally, neglect elementary calculations of the probability of an event. And obviously, if economists were only interested in descriptive models of behavior, the practical usefulness of their work would be doubtful.

That is why economists use observations of human behavior to make rational decisions and practical recommendations.

Many students compare economics with natural sciences (such as physics or biology), and as a rule, this comparison is not in favor of economics. Such a comparison, however, is not entirely correct. It would be more logical to compare the economy with technology or with medicine.

J. M. Keynes, in one of his works, jokingly compared economists with dentists, since both of them, firstly, are convinced that they can improve people's lives, and secondly, the fundamental principle of work of both of them is identical: it is valuable what is useful. It is the practical orientation of much economic research that makes the study of economics so necessary.

Another argument in favor of theoretical economics is that very often people do not have the necessary information to make informed decisions. In this case, you can go through the expensive trial and error method and invent your own wheel, or use the accumulated experience, learn from the mistakes of others, that is, study the theory.

Suppose you want to estimate how customers will respond to a one-time discount introduced by a firm. To do this, you can explore the dynamics of sales volume and the dynamics of prices for a particular product in the company and in the market as a whole over the previous few years, adjust the data obtained for a number of variables. As a result, we obtain an equation that can be used to predict the reaction of buyers to the offered discounts. However, it is easier to use an estimate of price elasticity of demand.

Thus, theory can be applied to anticipate and predict practical outcomes.

No less important is the fact that the theory tells which parameters and data are important and how they can be measured, and offers practitioners method for solving various problems, as well as quantification tools.

Theoretical economics provides a medium for calculating and qualifying economic relations. And this is the main difference between economics and other social sciences. If there are very few calculations in sociology, political science, history or cultural studies, then the economy is full of them.

Many years of teaching experience confirms the impossibility of studying theoretical economics without solving a large number of practical problems. Mathematical analysis is especially important in conditions when an intuitive assessment of the situation does not allow giving an unambiguous answer.

The proposed textbook outlines the most common economic problems and how to solve them.

When evaluating a theory, keep in mind that there are no perfect models. Sometimes certain provisions of the economy are criticized for their inconsistency with real, especially Russian, practice. To a certain extent, this is justified. None of the economic theories can absolutely reliably reflect the events taking place in a particular market, if only because it model(i.e. simplified representation) and not a description.

Thus, the theory of the firm assumes that all firms seek to maximize their profits, while real companies may have other goals.