Certificate of sustainable development of rural areas. Basic Research

In the economy of the Russian Federation, agriculture is of exceptional importance. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the sustainable development of rural areas of the country has been visible. Although it is believed that this sector does not bring much benefit, but at the same time, the high level of agricultural development allows for food security.

The good development of agriculture in Russia even makes it possible to export part of the products. In addition, it is the well-being of the sphere under consideration that is one of the factors affecting the quality of life of the population. For this reason, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has developed an appropriate project.

Objects of the state program

The main objects targeted by the program "Sustainable Development of Rural Territories" are settlements specializing in the production of agricultural goods. These are primarily villages, villages and workers' settlements. The project does not ignore the areas under the influence of one local council, but located between the settlements. Also, the objects of the program will be settlements that are part of cities, but specialize in the production and processing of agricultural products.

As with every rule, there are also exceptions. In this case, these are districts under the authority of the administrative center. The program does not include municipal districts of such cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The list of specific objects will be determined and formed by the highest executive body of state power or a body authorized by it.

Problems in the agricultural sector

The federal targeted program "Sustainable Development of Rural Territories" is aimed not only at developing promising areas of the industry, but also at eliminating the difficulties encountered. The problems in this sector include:

  • low priority and role of rural areas;
  • socio-economic situation in the country;
  • unfavorable conditions for the implementation of this type of activity;
  • lack of comfortable housing and infrastructure;
  • prestige of work in this sector;
  • lack of interest in the rural way of life;
  • deplorable demographic situation;
  • disorganization of local self-government;
  • weak production potential of this sphere;
  • low competitiveness of agricultural goods;
  • a small number of specialists in engineering and agrarian profile.

Causes of the unfavorable position of the industry

The main goals of the program are to help solve the problems of agriculture. But what caused the difficulty in the first place? The unfavorable and unstable situation is due to a number of factors. One of the main reasons is the weak funding of this industry. A powerful push is not possible due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure. The lack of qualified engineering personnel also affected development. Problems in the agricultural sector are due to the fragmentation and dispersal of objects.

The deterioration of life in rural areas is especially noticeable in the reduction in the number of villages and towns. In just twenty years, their number has decreased by nine thousand settlements. People simply do not see the prospects of life in this area and are drawn to large cities. This process leads to the gradual extinction of villages and villages.

Due to the fact that people leave certain territories, there is a withdrawal of agricultural land from the general circulation. That is, no one takes care of the productive lands, and they remain empty. Ultimately, the country may experience a food disaster.

The program "Sustainable Development of Rural Territories" provides for the improvement of living conditions in the area. After all, this is one of the main reasons that people leave villages and villages. The comfort of life in the countryside lags behind the cities several times.

At the same time, even the provision of housing is very low. Young professionals do not seek to give up the charms of urban amenities. Parents do not want their children to go to old schools. Many residents leave in search of a better life due to the lack of proper medical care. Even if it is, it is most likely difficult to access. There are so few cultural and leisure facilities that they satisfy the needs of only a third of the inhabitants of villages and villages in Russia.

All this contributes to migration processes, the participants of which are predominantly the population of working age. Due to this, the number of labor resources in the agricultural sector is rapidly declining.

The first stage of the project implementation

The entire project, which should ensure the sustainable development of rural areas until 2020, is divided into two stages. The implementation of the first is in the time range from 2014 to 2017. The second, respectively, will cover the next three years - from 2018 to 2020 inclusive.

The implementation of the first part of the plan is to equalize the quality of life and the provision of rural areas in different regions. For this, certain financial resources have been allocated from the federal budget, which are distributed in inverse proportion to the provision of the locality. Each territory should be assessed from the perspective of long-term development and overall potential.

It is also planned that the agro-industrial complex should achieve the required indicators of the World Trade Organization in its development. To do this, activities should be carried out that will help in this. And first of all, work will be carried out to improve living conditions in rural areas.

The second stage of the implementation of the plan

If the first part of the project lays the foundation, then the second provides the momentum. Stable and sustainable development of rural areas is possible only if the positive dynamics of growth is constantly maintained. That is, from 2018 until the end of the program, the state undertakes to satisfy all the needs of the rural population in order to improve the quality of life.

Complex arrangement

Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 involves the creation of basic conditions for the implementation of the development process. This suggests that the needs of the inhabitants must be satisfied first of all. A special emphasis is placed on the young stratum of the population. The implementation of the project begins with the improvement of settlements, which includes the construction of social and engineering infrastructure facilities.

Facilitated conditions for the acquisition of housing by young families are expected. At the same time, the living space must be in such a condition that there is the possibility of a normal level of living. As a result, the number of young people needing a roof over their heads is expected to decrease.

The second item is planned to build the necessary infrastructure facilities of general educational importance. The state also provides for bringing existing facilities into proper shape.

The program should affect the provision of rural residents with quality and affordable medical care through the organization of paramedical stations. Also, the state must provide facilities that allow for the improvement of the nation, as well as the comprehensive development of citizens. This includes the creation of sports grounds, facilities, as well as cultural and entertainment facilities.

The developers of the program made one of the points to increase the level of gasification of the population. Also, residents of villages and villages should have access to technical and drinking water.

Resource concentration

Rural areas implies a concentration of resources. This is ensured by the construction of objects of social importance. The engineering infrastructure must be formed. Ultimately, the result should be as many settlements as possible, in which a stable agro-industrial complex has been formed. This will lead to the emergence of jobs and vacancies, which should attract the inhabitants of Russia.

Citizens' Initiative

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is happy to meet initiative citizens who offer their ideas for the development of this area. After all, without taking into account the opinion of residents, it is impossible to achieve a really good and sustainable result. The project also provides for this moment. One of the points of the program is the possibility of obtaining grants for the implementation of people's ideas.

Work in this area begins with monitoring and researching the opinions of citizens. Due to this, experts strive to create truthful statistics, after analyzing which, it will be possible to see real ideas. The goal is also, by interviewing the rural population, to understand how effective the implementation of the state program is.

This work is carried out to increase social activity, the formation of a civic position. The government wants to popularize the agricultural sector, to make it more prestigious among the population. The main indicator that the idea was a success will be the improvement in the demographic situation specifically in rural areas. In addition, attention will be paid to the growth of production.

Thus, in order to implement the program, it is planned to provide settlements with everything necessary for normal life, build not only infrastructure facilities, but also residential buildings.

All planned steps should help overcome the unattractiveness of the agricultural sector among the country's young population. The authorities want to show the prospects and significance of this industry.

Improvement of living conditions

Meeting the needs of the rural population begins with the provision of housing. A reliable roof over your head is what many residents of the country are fighting for. It is she who should become a fundamental factor in attracting young people to the countryside.

To this end, the country's budget provides for reserve funds that should be spent on the construction and repair of residential facilities, as well as the purchase of buildings.

The project provides for the option of helping residents in buying or building a house in the form of partial repayment of expenses for these actions. The most convenient mechanism for mortgage lending is also calculated according to this program. The state plans to attract private capital to the construction process in the form of investor assistance. Improvement of housing conditions in rural areas is the key to further successful implementation of the project.

The program includes the construction of residential facilities with a total footage of five and a half million square meters. More than half of them should meet the needs of young professionals.

Population activity

Sustainable development of rural areas is impossible without the support of the program by citizens. To do this, it is planned to activate human resources, to involve people in the implementation of certain items. localities should understand that the state takes care and takes into account the opinion of the local population.

For the successful implementation of all ideas and ideas, the resources of not only the country, but the entire population as a whole must be mobilized. These are working hands, and materials, and finances. The connecting link between the developers of the program, that is, the higher authorities, and the population should be public organizations, business communities and municipalities.

One of the most priority areas that are planned to be implemented jointly is the revival and promotion of cultural traditions, folk crafts and handicrafts. After all, such a huge number of craftsmen and craftsmen should not go unnoticed. And only thanks to the desire of people is it possible to preserve national sights, monuments of art, culture and nature. But the healthy development of the nation should be ensured through the construction of sports and children's playgrounds, recreation areas.

Planned events

The Russian program "Sustainable Development of Rural Territories" is designed to arouse interest among the population. The result should be migration processes, respect for rural labor, recognition of the prospects and inalienability of this industry in the life of the state.

It all depends on how successfully some of the promotional activities will be implemented. One of them is the consideration of information and educational projects on a competitive basis. The subject of this competition is the methods and means of preserving the cultural and historical heritage, as well as the promotion of the agricultural sector among the population. The contestant must show how to use the media, such as television, radio, journalism and the Internet, to talk about the attractiveness of agriculture. This includes profitable vacancies, long-term traditions that will show the future prospects of the industry.

Each person can contribute to the process of sustainable rural development by expressing their ideas in various ways. The state provides opportunities for realizing its own potential. These are creative competitive works, and the development of an electronic resource on this topic, projects for information support for rural residents, as well as participation in all-Russian festivals.

The plans of the developers of the program also include the involvement of citizens in traditional sports.


The analysis of various approaches to the definition of "sustainable development of rural areas" was carried out, which showed that the considered author's definitions are not without flaws and require clarification. Few authors take into account the natural resource potential of rural areas, and such an important aspect of sustainable development as historical and cultural features is practically not found in the definitions of scientists in this field. Based on this, the author's definition of sustainable development of rural areas is proposed. In the course of the study, a conceptual model of sustainable development of rural areas was developed, which is an interconnected system that includes goals, objectives, factors affecting the sustainability of territories, mechanisms that ensure development and tools for sustainability in general, as well as for each of its components. Four interrelated components of the sustainable development of rural areas have been identified: economic, social, environmental and institutional.

rural areas

sustainable development

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Concept of sustainable development of rural areas of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020" dated November 30, 2010 No. 2136-r [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.mcx.ru. (accessed 13.02.2014).

2. Kalyagina L.V. Analysis of the directions of sustainable development of rural areas // Polzunovskiy almanakh. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 235-241.

3. Kovalenko E.G. The mechanism of sustainable development of rural areas of the region // Modern problems of science and education. - 2012. - No. 2.

4. Magomedov I.Sh. Improving the mechanism of sustainable development of rural areas: on the example of the Republic of Dagestan: dis. ... cand. economy Sciences. - Makhachkala, 2011. - 163 p.

5. Medkov A.L. Formation of a mechanism for the sustainable development of rural areas: Ph.D. … dis. cand. economy Sciences. - Voronezh, 2012. - 25 p.

6. Merenkova I.N. Rural tourism and diversification of the economy of rural areas / I.N. Merenkova, V.N. Pertsev // APK: economics, management. - 2010. - No. 7. - P. 43-46.

7. Methods of substantiation of programs of sustainable development of rural territories: monograph / ed. IN AND. Frolova. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg. state architect.-builds. un-t, 2011. - 464 p.

8. Mishchenko I.V. Theoretical issues of formation of sustainable development of rural settlements // Economics. - 2011. - March 30. - S. 23-28.

9. Pertsev V.N. Sustainable development of rural areas of the municipal district: Ph.D. … dis. cand. economy Sciences. - Voronezh, 2011. - 24 p.

10. Petrikov A. Sustainable development of rural areas in Russia and directions of scientific research // APK: economics, management. - 2001. - No. 12. - P. 13.

11. Mobilizing the regional eco-economy: evolving webs of agri-food and rural development in the UK / T. Marsden // Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society. - 2010. - No. 3. - R. 225-244.

Considering such a branch of economic science as the economy of rural areas, it should be noted that the conceptual apparatus has not been finally formed. Concepts such as “rural areas”, “countryside” and other similar phrases do not have a general scientific justification either in the scientific literature or in the current legal documents. This circumstance limits the possibility of creating a single direction of research on the current situation and the development of measures and programs to address the problems and contradictions accumulated in rural areas.

Summarizing the existing definitions of the concept of "rural territory", we came to the conclusion that it is a complex socio-economic, cultural and original area of ​​existence and life of a rural community, designated by a territory outside urbanized spaces and including rural settlements consisting of rural settlements with their social and industrial infrastructure, enterprises and the surrounding natural landscape and the corresponding inter-settlement territories. The purpose of this study is to develop the theoretical foundations for the sustainable development of rural areas.

Research results

In the Concept, the sustainable development of rural areas is understood as the stable socio-economic development of rural areas, an increase in the production of agricultural and fish products, an increase in the efficiency of agriculture and the fishery complex, the achievement of full employment of the rural population and an increase in their standard of living, as well as the rational use of land. However, many scientists offer the author's definition of sustainable development of rural areas.

Within the framework of the first approach - the process approach - the authors consider the sustainable development of rural areas as a process of changing various spheres of life of the rural community (social, economic and environmental) and determine the guidelines for such development (increasing the volume of agricultural production, increasing the efficiency of agriculture, achieving full employment of the rural population and raising the standard of living, rational use of land, etc.). This point of view is the most common (Kovalenko E.G., Concept, Magomedov I.Sh., Petrikov A.V. and others). However, some authors identify sustainable development with one or more areas of life. Federal Law No. 246-FZ of December 29, 2006 “On the Development of Agriculture” and V.I. Frolov focuses on social and economic development, L.V. Kalyagina - on social, T. Marsden - on environmental, which does not allow to realistically assess the level of sustainability of a rural settlement. Sustainable development should be aimed at the positive dynamics of a set of indicators.

It should also be noted that the disadvantage of this approach is that the authors do not take into account the features (specifics) of rural areas and do not reflect the mechanisms of influence on the process of their development. Experience shows that the development process must be influenced, it must be managed in order to achieve the goals of the state. The authors, referred by us to the second approach, tried to eliminate this shortcoming.

The second approach is systemic. Just as in the first, “process” approach, the sustainable development of rural areas is considered as a process of changing various spheres of life of the rural community (social, economic and environmental), but additionally the mechanisms of influence on the development of rural areas are indicated (financial and investment strategy, mandatory participation of local initiatives, effective actions of local governments, etc.). In our opinion, the authors of this approach are A.L. Medkov, I.N. Merenkova, I.V. Mishchenko, V.N. Pertsev and others.

This approach describes a set of interacting and interrelated components. From our point of view, it is the most appropriate for revealing the essence of the concept under study, but the considered author's definitions are not without flaws and require clarification.

Few authors take into account the natural resource potential of rural areas, and such an important aspect of sustainable development as historical and cultural features is practically not found in the definitions of scientists in this field.

The analysis of various approaches to the definition of "sustainable development of rural areas" allowed us to formulate its author's definition. The sustainable development of rural areas is understood as a complex dynamic process of positive changes in indicators characterizing the social, economic and environmental condition of rural areas, controlled and monitored by the state with the help of a monitoring system, focused on expanded reproduction of agricultural producers, diversification of their agricultural production, attraction of investments, use of innovations through effective actions of state authorities, local initiatives and elements of self-organization of economic entities, taking into account the resource potential and historical and cultural characteristics of rural settlements.

Solving the problems in the field of sustainable development of rural areas is impossible without their comprehensive assessment, which reflects the socio-economic condition of rural areas and allows the development of effective organizational and economic measures to improve their sustainable development, taking into account the resource potential, territorial, historical and cultural characteristics.

State regulation of the sustainable development of rural areas contributes to the development of measures that ensure the legal aspect of the implementation of the social, economic and environmental components of rural areas.

Expanded reproduction in agricultural organizations, self-organization of economic entities, diversification of the rural economy and technological renewal of its sectors in the agro-industrial complex, attraction of investments are the main directions for increasing the sustainability of the development of rural areas, contributing to the optimal use of resources, the stable development of the rural economy, the profitability of agricultural producers, improving the quality and the standard of living of the rural population, etc.

The sustainable development of rural areas will ensure sustainable growth of the rural economy, increase employment, the level and quality of life, as well as reduce the rate of migration of the rural population, and preserve the environment. For this purpose, a conceptual model of sustainable development of rural areas was developed, which is an interconnected system that includes goals, objectives, factors affecting the sustainability of territories, mechanisms that ensure development and sustainability tools in general, as well as for each of its components (figure).

Conceptual model of sustainable development of rural areas

We believe that four interrelated components of the sustainable development of rural areas can be distinguished: economic, social, environmental and institutional.

The level of economic sustainability depends on the diversification of the rural economy, the expansion of sources of income generation for the rural population, ensuring their employment, etc. Social sustainability reflects the improvement of the housing conditions of the rural population, the restoration and development of social infrastructure, etc. Environmental sustainability implies the rational use of natural resources. The institutional component provides for the development of legal, financial, organizational and other institutions that contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas.

For the purpose of sustainable development of rural areas, it is necessary to develop an operating organizational and economic mechanism in accordance with the Concept.


Thus, the implementation of the mechanisms listed above will have a positive socio-economic and environmental effect in the development of rural areas. However, the implementation of these mechanisms is a complex, laborious and costly process, since many rural areas are currently experiencing a crisis, which is manifested in a worsening demographic situation, a low level and quality of life of rural residents and a high level of unemployment, irrational use of natural resources, etc. We We believe that monitoring the sustainable development of rural areas will help assess the level of their sustainability and choose the right directions for development for a particular rural area that can bring it to a new level of development.


Smelik R.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Department of Accounting and Audit, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky, Omsk;

Rogatnev Yu.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic (Educational) Activities, Omsk State Agrarian University named after P. A. Stolypin, Omsk.

The work was received by the editors on July 29, 2014.

Bibliographic link

Shumakova O.V., Rabkanova M.A. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TERRITORIES: CONCEPT AND ESSENCE // Fundamental Research. - 2014. - No. 8-7. - S. 1643-1646;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=35269 (date of access: 04/23/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

On the draft FTP "Sustainable development of rural areas for the years and for the period until 2020" for the years and for the period until 2020" Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Department of Rural Development and Social Policy Moscow - 2013

Structure of the FTP project MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2 Passport 1. Characteristics of the problem 2. Main goals and objectives 3. Measures 4. Substantiation of resource provision 5. Implementation mechanism 6. Evaluation of socio-economic efficiency Annexes 1. FTP measures (resource provision and target indicators by years of implementation of the Program) 2. Funds allocated for the implementation of the FTP (by areas, types of expenses and sources of financing) 3. Main target indicators of the FTP 4. Performance indicators for the implementation of the FTP Rules for the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for: 5. Improving the living conditions of citizens living in rural areas, including young families and young professionals 6. Comprehensive arrangement of social and engineering infrastructure facilities for settlements located in rural areas initiatives of citizens living in rural areas 8. Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the FTP

The main provisions of the FTP passport Basis for the development of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 30, 2010 (Concept for the sustainable development of rural areas of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020) and November 8, 2012 (Concept of the FTP) State customer - coordinator - Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation State customers - Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation Amount of resource support of the Program - total - 299.2 billion rubles, incl. at the expense of: the federal budget - 90.4 billion rubles. (thirty%); consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 150.6 billion rubles. (fifty%); extrabudgetary sources - 58.1 billion rubles. (20%) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 3

Goals and objectives of the FTP GoalsTasks creation of comfortable living conditions in rural areas satisfaction of the needs of the rural population, including young families and young professionals, in comfortable housing activation of the participation of citizens living in rural areas in solving local issues formation of a positive attitude towards rural areas and rural lifestyle increasing the level of integrated development of settlements located in rural areas with social and engineering infrastructure grant support for local initiatives of citizens living in rural areas encouraging and popularizing achievements in the field of rural development MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 4 stimulating investment activity in the agro-industrial complex by creating favorable infrastructure conditions in rural areas

Key Target Indicators and Expected Results of the FTP Expected results Commissioning (acquisition) of housing - total, thousand sq. m 5438.8 Provision of housing for 75.5 thousand families, incl. for young families and young professionals 3032.3 incl. 42.1 thousand young families and young professionals Commissioning of general educational institutions, thousand places 22.3 Decrease in the number of students in general educational institutions that are in dilapidated and emergency condition by 22.3 thousand people Commissioning of medical and obstetric stations and (or) offices of general practitioners, units. 858 Increasing the availability of primary health care for rural residents Commissioning of flat sports facilities, thousand sq.m 519.2 Attracting the rural population, especially young people, to physical culture and sports Commissioning of cultural and leisure-type institutions, thousand places 9 .9 Improving the territorial accessibility of cultural services for rural residents Putting gas distribution networks into operation, thousand km 18.2 Increasing the level of gasification of houses (apartments) with network gas to 60.2% (from 55.9% in 2013) Commissioning of local water pipelines, thousand km compact housing development, units 132 Creation of comfortable living conditions in a compact area to attract specialists to agro-industrial complex Number of implemented projects of local initiatives of citizens living in rural areas that received grant support 775 Increasing civic activity and participation of rural residents in solving local issues MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 5

Definition of "rural area" for the purposes of the FTP FTP "Social development of the countryside until 2013" Draft FTP Rural settlements or rural settlements and inter-settlement territories united by a common territory within the boundaries of a municipal district, as well as rural settlements and workers' settlements that are part of urban districts and urban settlements, on the territory of which the activity related to the production and processing of agricultural products prevails. The list of such rural settlements and workers' settlements on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation is determined by the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation or the executive body of the subjects of the Russian Federation authorized by the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation. Rural settlements or rural settlements and inter-settlement territories united by a common territory within the boundaries of a municipal district, as well as rural settlements and workers' settlements that are part of urban districts (with the exception of the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) and urban settlements, on the territory of which activity prevails, associated with the production and processing of agricultural products. The list of such rural settlements and workers' settlements on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation is determined by the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation or the executive body of the subjects of the Russian Federation authorized by the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation. The number of rural population living in urban districts is 2066.7 thousand people. (5.5% of the total rural population), incl. in urban districts, which include the administrative centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 526.8 thousand people. (25% of the rural population living in urban districts) Subject of the Russian Federation Number of rural population, living. in the city. districts of them living in the city. districts - admin. regional centers thousand people in % of total clean rural. us. thousand people in % of total clean rural. us. Sverdlovsk Region 619.78933.44.8 Krasnodar Territory387.31687.53.6 Primorsky Territory90.82024.85.3 Tyumen Region48.4722.93.1 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 6

FTP measures and mechanisms for their implementation Measure Implementation mechanism Features Improving the living conditions of citizens living in rural areas, including young families and young professionals Providing citizens and young families (young professionals) with social payments for the construction (acquisition) of housing in rural areas Providing subsidies to municipalities for the construction (acquisition) of housing (with the possible involvement of employers) to provide young families (young professionals) under employment contracts with the right to purchase an additional condition for receiving social benefits for citizens - the implementation of labor activities in rural areas Citizens and young people have the priority right to receive social benefits specialists employed in the agro-industrial complex Social payments can be used to build housing or purchase housing in the primary market, as well as from the employer Comprehensive development of settlements located in rural areas facilities, social and engineering infrastructure Provision of subsidies to municipalities in order to co-finance the construction (reconstruction) of social engineering infrastructure facilities (general educational institutions, FAPs and offices of general practitioners, flat sports facilities, cultural and leisure facilities, distribution gas networks, local water pipelines ) Provision of subsidies to municipalities in order to co-finance projects for the integrated development of sites for compact housing development. The placement of social engineering infrastructure facilities is carried out in accordance with territorial planning documents (territorial planning schemes for constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal districts, master plans for settlements) Preferential development of social engineering infrastructure and implementation of integrated development projects in settlements where agro-industrial production is developing, including implementation of investment projects in the agro-industrial complex MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 7

ActionImplementation mechanismFeatures Grant support for local initiatives of citizens living in rural areas Providing grants to local governments or territorial public self-government bodies of rural settlements for the implementation of socially significant projects with the participation of citizens living in rural settlements. Priority areas for the implementation of projects: improvement of rural settlements; environmental rehabilitation of rural areas; preservation and restoration of natural landscapes, historical and cultural monuments, temples; support of national cultural traditions, folk arts and crafts, development of rural tourism; improving the social environment in rural areas; moral and patriotic education of youth, organization of leisure; holding competitions of folk art groups, amateur performances The selection of projects is carried out on a competitive basis by the authorized executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Competitive selection may provide for an extended list of project implementation areas, including, in addition to priority ones, other areas that take into account the specifics of the socio-economic development of rural areas of a subject of the Russian Federation. The maximum grant amount is 2 million rubles, but not more than 60% of the project cost, the rest - at the expense of local budgets, the contribution of rural residents and organizations, including in the form of labor participation. FTP measures and mechanisms for their implementation MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 8

EventImplementation mechanismFeatures Encouragement and popularization of achievements in the field of rural development Organization and holding of all-Russian competitions: labor, preservation of folk traditions, historical and cultural values); - achievements in the field of sustainable development of rural areas (identification and dissemination of best practices in the activities of local governments and organizations in rural areas that contribute to the creation of conditions for the sustainable development of rural areas) The preliminary stage of competitions is held in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Winners of regional competitions take part in the main stage of competitions. Financial support for competitions includes: - cash incentives for winners; - expenses for organizing and holding tenders The operator for holding tenders is invited to determine the Federal State Institution "Press Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia" or to select an organization on a competitive basis. FTP measures and mechanisms for their implementation MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 9

EventImplementation mechanismFeatures Encouragement and popularization of achievements in the development of rural areas Implementation of the project "My Little Motherland": - holding an all-Russian youth competition of creative works; - creation and maintenance of a single information resource about rural settlements in Russia on the Internet; - support for projects aimed at providing the rural population with mobile practical informational assistance; - holding the All-Russian creative festival; Organization and holding of all-Russian sports events: - All-Russian summer and winter rural sports games (Ministry of Sports of Russia); - All-Russian competitions in traditional for Russia (national) sports; - All-Russian review-competition for the best organization of physical culture and sports work in rural areas (Ministry of Sports of Russia) The operator of the My Little Motherland project is determined on a competitive basis. The costs of organizing and holding the All-Russian rural sports games and the review competition are carried out within the current costs of the Ministry of Sports of Russia and are not included in the financial support of the Program. FTP events and mechanisms for their implementation MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 10

ActivityImplementation mechanismFeatures Scientific and methodological support for the implementation of the Program Annual monitoring of the development of rural areas, including statistical and sociological observations. Conducting scientific research on topical issues of rural development, developing forecasts, recommendations for improving the regulatory framework Expanding monitoring areas in comparison with monitoring of the social sphere of the village, carried out within the framework of the FTP "Social Development of the Rural Area until 2013" FTP events and mechanisms for their implementation MINISTRY AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 11

FTP measures and mechanisms for their implementation Amount of financing of measures from the federal budget for 2014 Measure Amount of funds, mln. Improving the living conditions of citizens - total incl. young professionals Comprehensive development of infrastructure facilities - total, including: - schools - FAPs - sports facilities - clubs - gasification - water supply - arrangement of sites for housing development * Grant support for local initiatives100 Encouragement and popularization of achievements - total, incl. .: - contests - project "My Little Motherland" - sports events R&D5 Total9000.0 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12

Schemes for the implementation of the FTP MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 13 FTP "Social development of the countryside until 2013" FTP "Sustainable development of rural areas for years and for the period until 2020" Subjects of the Russian Federation submit budget applications to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia for subsidies The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia distributes subsidies among the regions who submitted budget applications and meet the conditions for granting subsidies (availability of regional programs, co-financing) The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia approves the draft distribution of subsidies and sends it to the Government of the Russian Federation Based on the distribution of subsidies approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia concludes agreements with the regions on the provision of subsidies competitive selection regional targeted programs for the sustainable development of rural areas The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia conducts a competitive selection of regional targeted programs for the sustainable development of rural The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia distributes subsidies among the regions whose regional programs have passed the competitive selection enters into agreements with regions on the provision of subsidies Within a month after the conclusion of the agreement, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit an approved list of social engineering infrastructure facilities under the Program Monthly, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit reports on the implementation of the Program, including information on the development of funds and commissioning of facilities

Criteria for selection of regional target programs for sustainable development of rural areas Activities of regional target programs for the planned year should be presented in the context of municipalities and settlements on the territory of which they are planned to be implemented Plans for the development of a network of social engineering infrastructure provided for in regional programs should be compiled taking into account the following approaches: - integrated development of settlements, focused on the completion of development, taking into account the existing infrastructure potential, the current demographic situation and forecasts for its development; - preferential development of social and engineering infrastructure in the areas of development of the agro-industrial complex; - placement of social engineering infrastructure facilities in accordance with territorial planning documents (territorial planning schemes for subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal districts, master plans for settlements); - availability of approved design and estimate documentation and a positive conclusion of the state expertise for social engineering infrastructure facilities private partnership and envisage the attraction of funds from extra-budgetary sources for the implementation of program activities In municipalities where the implementation of activities of regional programs is planned, municipal targeted programs for the sustainable development of rural areas should be developed, taking into account the above approaches MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION 14


Rural areas on the territory of Russia are faced with a set of problems that do not allow the development of infrastructure, improve the standard of living of the population. Such negative trends provoke an outflow of citizens to the cities, which reduces the degree of economic activity in the countryside.

Difficult situation in the countryside effectively excludes the possibility of participation of private investors in the development of territories, as well as developers capable of building comfortable housing on a massive scale. Residents of small settlements are forced to live in a dilapidated fund, and when building a new building, use obsolete structural materials.

It also influences budgetary policy leaving a small amount of collected taxes at the level of municipalities. Since the provision of funds to the population, and, consequently, the turnover of the money supply in the countryside, is lower, collections in favor of local self-government in rural areas are much lower than in cities. Such a budget structure does not allow local authorities to invest in the renewal of public utilities, the construction of roads and social institutions.

Ministry of Agriculture aimed at sustainable development of rural areas. The action of the set of measures is established. According to the provisions of the program, the medium-term effect of improving the situation in the countryside should be by 2017, and the long-term until 2020.

Main provisions of the program

The legislator postulates following goals, the implementation of which must be carried out within the specified period:

  • Creation of decent living conditions for citizens on the territory of rural settlements.
  • Organization of support for investment activities through the development of the missing infrastructure, road network and supply.
  • Development of employment in the countryside, including through the organization of high-tech jobs.
  • Involvement of people living in rural areas in the implementation of socio-economic and socially significant events.
  • Popularization of the way of life in the villages, through the formation of federal advertising campaigns.

To achieve these goals, there will be following tasks:

  • Providing assistance in obtaining modern housing primarily to young families and professionals moving to the countryside.
  • Construction of infrastructure, primarily asphalt roads, directed to the main objects of life and commercial enterprises of the agricultural industry.
  • Concentration of public financial resources in favor of rural areas.
  • Formation of a system of grants aimed at remuneration and encouragement of specialists in the technological sectors of the agro-complex.
  • Carrying out activities to attract people to the village and popularize the way of life in the village.

Program "Sustainable Development of Rural Territories" provides for a complex system of co-financing of budgets of different levels and attraction of external funds. In particular, most of the money will be transferred from the federal budget - 252 billion rubles, solidarity budgets will be given 139 billion, and other extrabudgetary sources - 38 billion.

The Ministry of Agriculture, which controls the support of agricultural producers in the framework of other measures, is the customer and responsible body for the ongoing activities. The regulation provides for two stages:

  • At the beginning - 2014-2017– the initial preparation of the infrastructure and the allocation of funds to the main producers will be carried out.
  • At the final - 2018-2020 - the funds will be used to attract specialists, finance concepts and projects in the field of deep processing of products.

Sizes of social payments under the program "Sustainable development of rural areas"

The amount of funds that the housing program "Sustainable Development of Rural Areas" allocates to citizens varies depending on the task that must be solved. When receiving a grant for the development of rural infrastructure and environmental projects, the state is guided by the restriction 2 million rubles. In addition, the amount should not exceed 60% from the total cost of the project specified in the business plan. Allowed activities include:

  • Arrangement of places for recreation of the population, including minors (children's and sports grounds).
  • Restoration of cultural monuments and support for environmental protection.
  • Preservation of ethno-cultural identity, customs and traditions.

Young professionals and families planning to improve their living conditions can qualify for funding in the amount of up to 70% from cost:

  1. Acquisition of housing in the secondary or primary market.
  2. Carrying out construction activities.
  3. Materials used in construction.
  4. Refurbishment of existing premises.

Remaining 30% can be repaid from existing own funds or raised in the form of mortgage lending. The largest role in the provision of loans is played by Rosselkhozbank, accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture to participate in the housing program.

If a citizen or organization plans to carry out repairs, as well as the construction of roads, they can be provided with state support from the program funds in the amount of no more than 10 million rubles per 1 kilometer of the roadway.

Who can participate in the program?

Participation in events is based on the priority indicated in paragraph 37 of the Program. According to the list, the following are allowed to receive funds:

  1. Young families working or expressing a desire to start working in rural areas under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. An important condition is employment in a socially significant position.
  2. Young professionals. Citizens who have not reached the age 35 years and those with higher education in the field of agriculture and other public sectors.
  3. Students of the last courses of specialties required in rural areas. These citizens must also conclude an agreement with the municipality on the targeted direction for employment.

All listed persons must be responsible the following criteria:

  • Work or seek to work in the agricultural industry within the municipal area.
  • Permanently registered in the region. They have their own or housing.
  • Directly in rural areas do not have any housing.
  • Recognized as in need of improvement of living conditions or provision of premises.

How to become a member of the program?

The procedure for submitting documents and accepting a person as a participant in the program consists of the following steps:

  • Collect the necessary documents. Students apply to the administration of their university, and employees - to the head of the enterprise or the personnel service. Some of the documents are issued by the local administration.
  • A person applies to the District Housing Committee with an application and a package of papers collected.
  • The specialist checks the submitted documents and issues a receipt for accepting the originals.
  • Application processing may take no more than two months. During this period, the amount of the payment is determined.
  • If in the course of work there were violations, the citizen is obliged to provide corrected information within one month.
  • Based on the results of the audit, a decision is made, recorded in the act. A citizen who improves his living conditions receives a certificate for a state subsidy, which can be spent on construction or buildings.
  • The funds cannot be cashed out (unless it is a grant), the construction is paid directly to the contractor without the participation of the applicant.

List of required documents

To participate in the program, you must provide the following documents:

  1. General passport of the applicant.
  2. Documents evidencing the status and composition of the family (birth certificate, marriage certificate).
  3. Diploma and other documents on education. Senior students provide a course certificate.
  4. Documents on ownership of property (if any): contract, certificate of ownership or extract from the USRR.
  5. Employment book, which records the fact of work at the enterprise of the agro-industrial complex.
  6. A copy of the employment contract concluded between the citizen and the enterprise.
  7. Individual entrepreneur registration certificate, if the person is self-employed in the field of agriculture.
  8. Bank statement on account opening.
  9. Act of the Housing Commission on the recognition of a citizen in need of premises.

Documents can be submitted in the form of originals or copies certified by a notary.

The most popular questions and answers to them on the social program "Sustainable development of rural areas"

Question: Hello, my name is Irina. I live with my husband and children with my parents in the village. We would like to build our own house and farm. Can I participate in the program if I am not actually moving anywhere? Does the presence of children in the family affect the provision of subsidies under the program "Sustainable Development of Rural Areas"?

Answer: Good afternoon, Irina. The state program establishes that there are no restrictions on the current place of residence: the main thing is that you live on the territory of the municipal district where the village is located, that is, directly in it.

It should also be taken into account that according to paragraph 37 subparagraph "e" of the Program, priority is possible if the following factors are present:

  • You already have three or more children.
  • You are on the waiting list for home improvement.

In addition, the implementation of labor activity in the village has an impact. If your family plans to work in the PSF format, then there will be no priority. You need to either find a job or register an individual entrepreneurship.

An example of the social program "Sustainable development of rural areas"

The family moved to the countryside and decided to buy a house. The subsidy was only successful the third time, since the state authorities considering the application also took into account:

  • Housing age. According to the Program, the purchased house cannot be older than 5 years(since commissioning).
  • Room area. Sanitary rules similar to ordinary apartments apply to private houses. For example, a family with a child could not purchase housing under the state program with an area of less than 54 square meters.

Since the citizens did not find a suitable house, it was decided to build their own, especially since the program allows a similar amount of subsidy for construction from scratch.


Federal program "Sustainable development of rural areas" serves the purpose of improving the standard of living of people working in the villages. The state, supporting citizens and enterprises, is based on the following principles:

  • The need to rebuild and upgrade rural infrastructure.
  • Implementation of social obligations primarily in favor of the able-bodied and active population.
  • Support for young families and professionals in the acquisition of their own housing.